4 1 1 . h J ;'! ' I A. K .KM 4 iriYfi 1 M I 1 J M I V 1 it at fftrrrr ' rrn n unmnGTon ti.c Thursday, deceubero. i875. uholi: no. 7,c:: iff Saito $ottnal DY TaLGCnAPH. CONGRESS. 1 Smote r ef Br mortal. Sahmlttf d li Clio Semite The Old ClerM Be- . Ulned. ' NEWB IN GENERAL. Proceedlnn'of Ilie ruin Commission A Stringer In Chattanooga ; ajkeeti Himself Twe lex ' leant Hun; In California- G OL 5T4U4. m raiasiPH to'thb jocb.nal.1 , . , r v . - r wisnnreTOi. r-,- -. ..- - . Washikoton, Deo. 8. BKNATB. J The following memorials war pre Mntd to-day; . -. By Robertson, from the Chamber of Oomraerve of Charleston, Booth Garo line, in bebetf of i tba merchants and bvrtBaee man of that oity for bar and Harbor Impm ementa, Viw Patteraoo, of the South Carolina LasTdaQBM, asking the passage of a law preventing internal revenue li- eewee for retailing Honors ' Uy Johnson, for tba removal of the political tliaabilitiea of Wm. Hharp of Virginia. By Withers, prating for oompensa Moo for property used by tha Federal army after ibvh uuiawara lutroaaoea and laia on tha tabta fur fatnra referenoe by Mor tea regulating tha oonnting of ?otea (or Jfraaiaanl and Vioe-rreeident. Br Clayton, repaahnf aeotion 9.303. rarited atataaa, tnatjng teatriotiona in ths diapoaitioa of pnbho landa in Ala bama, Miaaiaaippi, JLooiaiana, Arkau- aaa and Texaa " ' By Bobertaoa, to aeoura depositors in tha Jfraedman a Sank from ultimate loaa. Alao, to remove tha egal and politi cal dieabilitiea of all oitiiena of tha United bkaUa. By foenoer, granting Oarnell, Jew ett and aaaooitea a charter for ' an ooamn oable between the Faoiflo coast and Aaia. By MoMilIaa, to extend the time for the oouatrootion and completion of tha Bontharn Paojflo 'load... It allows tha compan ten yeara time to oompleta the road, By West, amendatory of and snppli seutal to the aotof Idarob, 30th, 1871, lo inoorport h W raoifla road, and the aet aapplementary thereto, ap prove? Haj, H487J,' and the Atlantic A PaoiAo railroad aot of Jniy 37Ui, lam Bcrtow Ivrimlttel a Joint resolution to elect the Pceaidenk and Vioe-Presi-daat by a diraot vote of the people. . Adjourned. , :r , . r Mr. Adanu baa reappointed tha old alerki temporaiily ao as to avoid con tasiao In the clerical routine of the House. Mi4 SMJt Ool. Fiuunirh is rapidly diaplioins Id ampfoycM, ana Mr. Utnart, the pas km aster, baa bounced, as be calls it twa entire eld crowd- WABStneTov, Pes, 8. The Boton Agent of the Associated Press requests the following amende: ''By noma o eel interpretation of rny dispatob sent Sovember 10th, the Sonthern Press are made vo say tfcat W. R. Lewis A Oo. will pay Aty centa on the dollar. T. R. Lewia A Bro. iatbe name of one of onr leading bonsea in the p'ckle basiaefs, anV tha firm ia perfectly sol vent W. JL Lewie, of tha firm, en doreed fori)ildorosk, as stated in my dispatch; Ink the firm is by no means affected by it , Their, credit in the 0oth is being injured by the dis patch aspi f toot Washington, and it is but fair that they should be set right" The report of the Secretary of the Treasury, under the caption of claims for proceeds of cotton, eiys that all claims have been rejected, which did net appear from satisfactory evidence to come within the plain letter of the statute, ind abows the number of !aia filed to be 1,336; allowed, 89; rejeoted, J, 181; dismissed for want of jurisdiction, 95; under examination, 3Sl Tba ' amount (paid on claims al lowed is $180,808, and the following ia a atmmary: Trooeeds of captured and abandoned property carried into , the trcarjiry,". $2,U91,0)2(6i4; awsrded to olalmanas by the Court of Claims, tinder the act of March 12tb, 1863, $11,88,247 73; paid to claimants by the Hccretary of the Treasury, under the aot of kjUy. 1672, $180,358.43; paid on jndrments against treasury sgeuta, nndcY the act of July 27, 1868, $39, 188. 17 paid under -various relief acts of Ooogrees, ...$228,250.81; disbnraed for pnnBornuder joint resolution of March 13118G8,- $75,000; total, $li, 871,03,6,14, wbioh dwluoied from the tul amouut r o ired as above leaves balanea of $9,OJ9,63l.8Q,iv.O U J.; PESSSILTA5U. "A PimABiii'fillDio.' fi.-.Tha W Dr. Coelestoa, of this city, has writ Urn eJcUerrte' tha Episcopal diooesan aathof itiee 8cllng the Bishoprio of Iowa. ..y.-.,. . TENNESSEE. ,T , art tsf-t?! ' CBUTfANooaaDec S.AprflpoGses ling, elderly genflernau' registered bimaeli at l Kejid Home some days ainee as L CvTufi, New Jersey, ,' fle baa passed tb tott f Ms time ainoa in reading VitUoui vajing a word to anyone." Thiamonjing he, lcftthe htet-tJ6TT3Sn prooeided. to a b,iok Mrwt an4 N Hpine !f in. the left breat, He auaviy d o&rJwo hours. latteV yJ-ttlf. j; He leavea a fine vai anDu, Diit uw pnpera or anyiino? gtviUiJ aoj lOf uief 0ne w wnore ne 19 cuiToim. Saw Fba50ikx. Dm. 8. Two Ml can i ngaged in the recent murder and robbery el Campo were taken from oattody and hung, . SIW I on. Nw Tori, Dee. 8. Ths trial of ClaflUn t Oo. oo a criminal braacn caeebaa been Bet . for lb Tanaary termor Uourt - a. .-- , ..jsaaaaaawsawaMjaaaana U' Carolina MeitiM- Th tlrtaM which r la M ana kaaluy tha Mwaotar ( Ui gwutur tax, ao uoltr.iT, Ul u( (ha r ebltul t t, with a thi r c at a ill ut ilBW.I.'laiiMtalidlilil(l. Hut ah, wiiitn i bat ioin nrcia thaatroitof death aaslalieawiUi (t.arlul tutna 'UaMWte Ijrtug ! bad iirrod Uia MDnli.lin ua t tuaao litur .1 ma t ut mma't tarthlr i.tlirita- ag to ba( a Uttia whlla, aal y, mu ar t tpiMt all Uiunfht ol U UiUi(, that lajd uiaraatiag aluwiaaaa iM tba dallji oaaiar- twa ajM wwa wua uvo, iiwieawa m aw j aai and vord. iiutuaa 04 aruu at taat lha ckanha th oruaa lor tha cow a arai naar at uaud. voir wrcd to wear f'rn(r aud Mill troiifat Um boadfor an aau alaeton. which wara a uoiamoa uidum o tua uooi- lata ut rlt of har uuaraotar. OeoayTiai alaaj, a prominent auaiuva ta loclatjr, tha )t lound UDI6 ana inn oiiimmiuob lot wou 01 eaafiif, aud her ar wai niter taraod away Iroat tha orrowiof . our hM haud alo ad 10 tha aaatlr. anJ nj( uuly wu tba nor aaortanttal sMo bad at har hauda, oatiha Klndlf word a4 Kentt arov atb wat aavar wauUuf or'kliaiai ara Uieaa iatier Uia Biura hieaaad ol tn two, an ardent chnrchwumaa, wua nater fal 1 darotioB lo all tba work and Inlaraat of har own cbarch, har ahar t; wa fuWuirnt to eaa bra all and aha wm content i aaataua har oa-a faith Ithoat oaaataaulns tha oolDioua or othora. , - . ; - '1 o auoh at ihe,daata Is hat a paailng ahadow, a briar tranaiUuu, a blhwxul aiouaaga frn tha painful gropiai la taa aawk, to tha auunai nooBtlda. It i thoae left bahlnd who ara la tha gloom and ahadow, bill tar tueaa taara fill mraiTa. tua roikBib(auo of a rhawtar Ilka tha rratra .ee of a kwtet Soa-er which, Jolightlng (ran lha Maar bT wlJl ttabaaalr ala-a v neaa, TolOlla taa miaaloB, U It tor a injiaani turna ha baaii at auma waary mottal to tha Ood who haaao a!ora. thlawar 4 tut Mlaoraa tur'a pleaaara. But, aol ha that trait amblaai or mau 'a mortality, tha iharaotai Ot auohaona laaulmperiahablemouaaiant to tna troth and com fort and lota and ieao which la to ba (a ad In the dlllgaut nraotloa t tha precept of tha Uhrlatian rallgloa Traly may era ex claim, "Let ma 41 the death el the rtgawea and let my. laat and be Ilka Ida." , , "It, r Ml rlohaat, Undaraet glW " - Heta 'reaud th AatumaeUaa But there aiht faila, nehaait may kaew Taekllaikaaalaa'B.9d. I Ookf. jruw jtprBMTitMMMJrrm. 2Ie7 Hanover County. upimoii eoyRTi t luaaivr 1U1, LIS. -Tha fa lewis g aamad dU kaaaa, readlag la thaaoper,or Coaitof Ihia Uoubit, Vara kaaa prepared for trial and ara kit for tha MapeeHve data and ant oi Una aud neat weak a follow. to-wlb J BUaaataaodtStal., If -' i n. A J Cmaonon. JaaM B at oPharena, Adm'r, Hair at UWirf'aW.fcUl rW,' T a f lataon AUHor v- " A ; tA' ' T,: ... : lohB LCkatweUV ;. . I foaaBLIppltt . , ., ti. Oaalel A Bmlth, :.!.-.'; ' " W V B emitn. fjaae H Brevs. t. . John J Moore, Sam d1 1 Uaud. . .- .A lax Oldham . t. fraaela W Karahaar.' arukef Monk) ' ' ' a. A D rraiton. J W Uwaak A 0., ' - . vs. . .. H Marao. HOW Mnllw Mary Karl. .DABatiaftCo.. T. laaaa fl Qralnaer. Om B aeotl vs. . , Baba Jon. , . ... , The evaan Qaane Co., :1 I I l ! ..., , t :. . .i . : D Gel man ft 0a. ' ' All th aboy nt fur Ulal a rrlday, the loth inn. , m. i i , BKXtWI IK. f .. -? .. titty of Wllmlngto " Margaret DahBMt. ' lohB McHutchln , ., , . . . . . Jr n i ' " ,' Baaeklah Reed, roladsxter Rhamwell, at al., T. J B Wootoerlaad. Blllha Porter ' Uanry U MoKf Ithat. ! Alfred Moore, by her O'd'n., tielbreth Uiokaon, 8 H Batchwell. Harthorp St Oummlng . W H Lyon. . - . , i : U W Joyecr 1 - '; ea. '' ;-- ' ' '' - ' . ' h Chapman.,. . kAaigar ailra AhtOBla a'Kra. ; -.' A - O T ? CSt Britk, eial., , , , 4-, ra 1 i.i iv-i tO Burnett, et al. Chan W ktcCUmmy, Jr., Adm'r, WUlis Wbb. , - . All th boot aet 11 for trial n Monday, the ,a uinat. , , John O Hejir Nad Keattv. A J UeKoaMt, lf t al., M ; -'- VTilUaui cwttr. , , Wm J Button ' Jobs J l! freight. 2 Hart UaiKy vs. Join A N'laijer, . J..kn ttUkala - Hi l i ' ' City of vrilming'oh. ' I bel BiaT A Bru., 1 t tn , . . Jo'inU blocker. . , , A A Moailey v. L h Howard, t al., WfaLarkias., ft ;.' ' . v. f. .( i 8 Ik Cani:ou, at al. -. The Bank of New Hanrr ,- .,. .. ...i t r t W R Kaua. i n.''t ." All Ik abort tat for trial on T-iridar. the Itlh ilnl.i Wl mlngton m Weidou B. K. Oo, I Tk Oater rta, .I t Bamael 8 hiy Oa.terrtB. .,J; uff, rrAt-i ,-. (Mfi "J JaaS William.'' ' rH MclCoy C tome cial I Baak, ... DBCwaja:. BiV.Ht.i V, h . 1 v. ' B. Ho. Oa Uf Inraran Oo. Wm A Oantm ag DM Bale, at. T O vreodrmff The Wl!. Manaf. Ue at pear, Thoaaa H Bobbin, , AdeitaB aWbhia. Caalel O'Oosaer riavlal W ratr. Fraaela B Bkxaeai va. BolomoB 8 aimpaoa Ta. Kaba Jeaaa. Jaawr root . O. 0 BaUyej C. ; J oka B Btetfoa ThaaMVrtght. All of the abore rt lor trial a Wtdaaaday, tbtia laat. Nonkorp Caaailag ea. ataet Tib Amrtag. J W Boardeaas ra. Samal Uanaaa. Margaret A llarper f . - - i Wm (Harper. Danlat U KataaU va J W Schoeck, Jr., t at. Geo Harris va. J H 'printer,! L JWBaaaMlBf r T. Banhea Joaa. IdwardH BrUk ve. s - ... A B Black. . . .. . - Bryeaia rarker ' T. ' ": Dawaaa 1 lrnaav, . i Th Btak T Bw Hanover va Wm r rope, i Biohard tl Uraat, Bam ra. Same, Bam . ...... .'. ".. ' VI wm r rt. . , Lem tUBovaea. -Bam va. r rop. Blchaid H umat. Iaa B. Grainger va, . - --. j . David a uowan, Ki'r ef Bob art B Oewaa. . Th Baak of f.w Banavet . , ,f, David a Cowan, iT of kobart H. Ctwaa. Joha H U ' Joka HMaihbara,' ! t Btapkea H Manning, OkaailMaantng., , - . .Ik Ttek at at bane V. ' ,:i BIT altstaaa. .. . AUth abore Mt for Ulal n TkaWaiky, tk. lata lan, ,.- , William T baaleU " -'- 1 v. Howard aUllaf fir Compear Ra. 1.' JameeWltooB , dward Kkldor. . Sdward EJdder Mildred Stokaiy. Th WU. Baring Bank - T. Joha L Holm, Ks'r. t Kerekaer . . ; BAkuirall. " ' ' ' Bamael B Wttry , Marphf, Hjr O. Joha Hardy, Adm'r of A Hardy O. O. Bailwa llaaii.. AirSfit2a'"?lt'"W" rwey,tte I rueekyta0aaru da tl '1 : PeitierJ Ct2ten.t I (f -m -a -j. HA1MBBB OIL, BAKtlBBS lOA. Saddlarr of all kind. LADIKB AttO OBtiTI lATOHBLB, very eheap for euh. ' OABPKBTBB MALLARD. . ..... . e- aeaU froat Bt L' ARIOSO CLUB. , THB BKOOLAB MONTHt-t BOP f Ik L' ARIOSO OLU a win take alaa at l.lm- ett'i BaU, te-nlrtt, Meiinnay i BaU being ta wfflolent repair to held It thr. at. w. abdihws, , :.,. ' A. R CAMPBELL, ' eaimltta. dee I It t 100 ana fire Cracker. Poraalaby- - rf KBBOHBBB ACfLDBB BBOB, COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE. 200 aUfiOoftW J VrXalby , XBBCHNEBACALPCBBBOS. Wm, MiASSES.' MliSSES. 300 Hd.andBb 8H Moiaax. I : . 200: fV" nl ' Cobi BoUaee. ' 80 ' -hod avmarr Molasae. Pot Bala by , . KUROHNKH ft UALDBB BBUS. - COM. OATS, HAY AUD MEAL 000 Ba' Cora, 1,000 B.;.ltmv r. ; ' ' m ft 20O Bate Prim Kaittrn, Hay, Jit 000 Bnhl Water drbsid Meal Pt Bale by Jf J tt-ij$. i J ' '' I KKROHNER A CkLOBA BROS deot GOSHEN BUTTER. - I small lot of sweet G0SH2N BUT TKB Just recelvld. wltek w offer at low flcBres, , DeKOSSET A 10. pcSU ' ... , . , -j PRIME VlalGIfjiA HAMS. .Ibont 800 pounds oldTlrglBlalami in itoro and for tale kj , r . : . i k i 4 . ri Li I H ?! i OCS38BIT at CO. i eosit jWHitMMrjiiJt6fisfl COltPEtitlOlTEES. r hat on haa and to rrlr, lot pi all feaawBj ' B..--."-t ..i " " COLL BABIESA SPECIALTY. CJIr all rrrfta. , We ban. tii b4M( i i wwi., mi'w r-fvt ai re pr a ok. 4 ivr wm v aa ia real aaa 1 peand. rri batter a-l , jU(), 1075. 1875. FALL AUD 'WINTER SEASON. Best Assorted Stock in the City now Open at 36 MARKET STREET, - BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Guioet'a Gros flralns. COLORED SILKS, ' - ' ill the Latest Cloth Shades. 1 RE AX SILK POPLINS. miSOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, ud all the Latest Novelties in BLACK ALPACAS, That' usual Specialty wa have always sold so many rnd so low, that among so many goods it is only a smll part of the asaortmuut. MO U R N INC GOO DS. In every variety, Will open on the 8th another Lot of those cheap .'Tenriotta's CLOASS AND SHAWLS. :o MEN. AND BOYS' WE AH. Great Hcsier. Gloves, , Embroideries, STAPIB AND FANCY Everything ia Cheaper than haa been known for years. We only reqnire a call the Frioee and Styles will do the selling.; , No. 3(3 MARKET STETiiET. BIBLES, PRAYIR DOOK8. . . HYMNALS, HYMN BOOKS. The laret. Bnet, aad bfit sjurtnant sf er rrajer neoaa, njmnan, ana tsioie, wlthand.lt outoaae, erbrooghl to tkle ol ty, ar to b lonnd at Th Ur Book Mtor, alao PIANOS, ORGANS, : ClOIOS, ETC., And a soatpUt stoek ef Mojioal atarchaBdlaa, HEINSBEBGER'S , lira book and music wont dcl ... bo. 38 Market BU cit L.K.AT j ear . bPLEMDID OVERCOATS, FOB ONLY Din.OO X I (OR BUSINESS StJirS AT $10.00. dUR DRESS SUITS AT $28.00. BOWS - , ' IMBBELUS, I GLOVES 3 Tuen Bar of MUNSON A CC, - OUr Clothier and Mrrohaat Tailor. i and 1TKK1 CUTTEIIH, For Ml at bottom eaali price, by ' CILEIA MURCHIICN dros Mew Hardware 8tor. GROCERIES CSTab O.K. Butter. If Boiee Pad 017 and State Cheer. 100 Barrel and Bni.J ickr all kind. 100 Brrl B. B. Potaloei. it Barrel! Boekwhrat. HAGOtRO. '; BAON, ' CAMDI.EB, CANUV, COrPRE, OOBM. FliOCB, BAT, " OATt ITf, , . MATCH KS, MOLkBHR, J f J 1 J VTf kRS, I ,, . t . , ,. rOTASK, - 1. " -- - SALT, v" ' M ' u , ... :: tAKB,"'r,:: 7 ' ' ' McfBRTlMli Tba aberB floedi am be vltkreo) vary loir ta . ... r-'- ' - " Line of White Goods. GOODS, MI0, ETC, RE-OPENING AT 29 MARKET ST Having oid out my eot'r Hook of old good AT AUCTION ! f I hr BApBMi it my Old Ntand. A freili aad eil-eeleo"d Stock of M GOODS CLOTMG, BOOTS HATS hoot nnd Ottw, which I will Mil at the lewart UA8U pkiukci. Heiow I uiro jou a fw Item with priaoa iBxd ij Beet oallcoe from Tn. to In, lf yard, ttrown Uotton rrom tjo. to 1V& r yd. (od .lean trom He. and npwardi. riaiiueli aud UotUin Flauml, riy Cliaap. Thanking you all frr your kind and liberal patronage hnretolor aitondeit, t reaped fully w.lrtlt oontlnuiiDOi of th aeut 1 In my new bullion. . Beaptetrully Tour, OEOnOI LEIIIER, 2SMAKKIT STEEBT, ootM - - Wlla lngton. FOR FAIR WEEK AN BVHIIT OTBEB wur.K ih nn rear at loweet twice to barer on ii iMit, and al order Hllsd at th rn ing prlot of thr'ay Hiey -e rerelrM, thii kItIiiii 0 iatc eraannllng ori'm4lrot. to aktlie no ad. t tkgo they w mid bar If preaent. hM Bacon Hi iM, and Boxts, Dr St'M Mont "Hn-, linil'lers, Hnl..ra and Bank Hani li 'M r i jr Huill rrHir! 5 BREAKFAST STRIPES. Mi a PorK, Wnt-r (Ir nnd M 1, Fli-h, k acker , Mu'li'l, furring, Ao. . SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT Volmsei. of II k'nda, SYRUP AIL KINDS, . Plonro'aU Q'laUMe. And onr Cv liu .Uiul artlulo 4 Due FANCY GROUHiUI '1 Cllorordr frora n, cirnnr of Iock nd Front Htreeli, Wllmln((fn, N, 0 norlli AUKUN A VDIXEKS. JOHN A. IIVHNi; & CO. Gensral limm (FIRE, MARINE AND LI MS) B40.eoO.oao Aa.l Uepreeetai- OrrtCIB Oemoierclal Eiohange Used 1 g. Jnr'h w-urrtrev. A f YATES' BOOK STOrlE You'caa find SCHOOL BOOKS, , STATIONERY, HEHOBAKDPMS, BLANK BOOKS V rOCKET BOOKS, PENCILS, GOLD TEXS,;, v '(Hi ,T . -;l ALBVK3, GAMES, vCr .vjrBr JBrMMTitx.9M.rrii ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE1 4:5 MARKET STREET. Oat Buyer has just returned from the Northern Market Purchases have been ipudd way below oust of inanufaoturing. Ilave br-en entioed to boy more gixnls than we wanted. Tliey are narked and pat ou tbe counters it prior that will surprise the most skeptioaL t Hare hired the Store nejt door, 47 MARKET STREET, And will make tbe Largest Display of FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSf RUMBNTS, TOYS, BTC.i Erer offored la the City of Wilmitigton, na no spaoe to ecuBtirate, and oatiriot ercu glre a faint Idea of the variety. PRESENTS FOR GHRISTIIiS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Watches-Canary Dlrda-Cagea-Locomotlvea-Tenplna -Drumt-Opon Dugglet-Tool Chests Parlor Croquet-One and Two Seat Veloolpedes-Crumb Pans-Children's Own Dooks and Carts, AND IN FAIT EVERYTHING COMPRISIMJ THB TOI TRADE. CANAR DIRS S3 EAGM--ALL WARRANTED TO 8IIIQ. BRYV7II & RODDICK, non THE GREAT RETAIL QTOCK OF TUB STATE, FOB BALIS AT AUCTION, AT, U MABKET ST. 34 Having perfected arrangftnentB by whioh tha oharaoter of mr bnilnesa will ba charged, I have determined to sell at auction every dollar, worth of . goods oootaiued io my retail stock. Thia comprises the LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS IN VILf'INGTOH, And amonntlng to over $25,000 Worth of Boaeonable and Elegant Goods, "consisting of Bilks, Telveta, DRESS GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. English, French and American Oassimnrea, Black Cloths, Doeskins, Bearers, Melton, Waterproof and Uatinotts, together with , LADIES', GENTS' and CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR Hosiery, Gloves, Hhirts, Collars, Onff, Ribbons, Laoo. Edgings, llandker obicfx, Bhawla in vndless variety, every quality and prioe, Blankets, MaraeilU'S Qnilts, Hproads, bUeeting, Tiokiug, Comforts, Table-clutlis, Towels, Napkins, Diapers, and other LINEN AND COTTON GOODS Iu grout variety. Trnnks, Hjtolieln, Umbrellits, Ltats, Shoes, Fancy Notion, Lwdis' Fiim, with tliouxaiiilM uf otlinr artiolts, firmiUrT altogfttlier the moat elugaiit, iltniotivo nnd desirable stock ever sold at auction i North Carolina. The Laditw, tha Mnrohnut, the Farmer ami Mechanic are all invited to attend this mammoth sale by auotion. TERMS : C A. 8H. All Ooods must be paid for on delivery. No goods exchanged, or condition of snlo altered alter they are bid off. IsT O H3 "-B I DD 1 3NT Gr Ample and oumfortableaco immodHtioiiR will be furnished Ladies attending the sulo. Every article put up will be sold. Parties will be accommodated us to (jiiHUtities, as fr ns jiossible. Goods must be called and tken as mon after the bh!o as it is possible to deliver . J them; 'Thin sitta will bo continued at the f-- Btore, No. 81 Market street from duy to day, oommonjing w , DE01MBEE 6th, Until the entire stock is sdIJ. Sale to oimmencs daily at 10 o'olock, A. M.; 8 and 7 o'o'ook, k SI. Goods eold to parties residing in the city will be DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE Country Meroha ts whoso bill are ovir $30 1 will be allowed thirty days timj ou first-class Oit acceptance. L A. WEILL., Agent N OTI CE!!! Our regular business will be continued as heretofore at mo. 32 Front Street, corner Princess. ,'iS If Wilmington 4 IB Al.lVK TUHKK IKTKtlBlT'' la Eaat Carolina, bv banlnea mi wUlalr.wllaala THE VASKiilGTOH ECHO, a large au4 wall aetkOlikkad awja twr. ftlri-ul itlng kte lalrel) It. .4 t'luntlaa Hrfl. Hnial li, f imle . r t, Bdgtroub and trma a'toiiirnf. Low. . , WAI.T F 'Vn..k, H. OkikS Lax of frhurfv of rVaaulngtoo. BUiwiail Proprl"". etn Btr 00:7.3 rr 45, 47 Harliet Otrcct. tJEDLL. The Celebrated Double Elastic i HPllNCKUIAN QTtCL PEfJS tbam, Mmitla 0rd, oooUliln r on aawth of iAnnmhi( will beto ia ll oa r wl pt f fviwuJ,BLAiA;k,TATl Ot '-p.. 1 ' MUk aa'' ' Vauiri. sit03i Cilery alviraYa 'Vk ' C-JXTi: A ISATYTZISXT. prVBBpt pBnS OuaavaaviB, v BO Til MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. from. BOTIM