AY r Mi. VOL. X5IV.H no. 347 wninnoTon tr. c. Friday, deceubsuio. is75. HOLE HO 7XC2. ir ?h!lt, lonnial. Cr TELEGRAPH. CONGRESS. Kevi from WashlnftonProtf efllnj la the 6cnate--Qfflcers dominated . " NEWS IM GENERAL. Investlssdon Into Dorsrj'i Ilec tlon ADrunkea Man Fatally Strike Eli Wife Jury rortte $0,000, , . Tweed Irll--.Tte Blch mond WhljSold. CO LD 14 1-4. ill TELSOEAPH TO TBI JOTRKAL, TTisnuGiojr. , Congressional. ; Wakhimoton, Deo. 9. '.' . 6K.-AT. Senator Cooper prwsoutsd memo rial from b-vik aen's of lite: Methodist EDWOornlCnurcaiWth, akingoni pensation for Ion? at Richmond aud Lonisvule during the war. West presented leftor from W. L. lfoMillar of that State, asking purrais- "7 aion, to jrithdraw hid . erodoatiahr-"! Henator fleot from the tjtstaor Jjon iaiana by the MeEnry 'Legislature. West tent to tli Cork's dek and httd read a letter rocntly published by MoMillar, giving his reasons for with drawing bis owdentiula. Ha submit ted a"u order thnt the request for tbe withdrawal of tho pupore b grnuted, but objection 'was made by several Senators on the Democr'tio side and it was laid orer. Bogy introduced a bill authorising tlw payment- ot duties on imports in legal tendere and natiooal bank notes. It provides that from and After c July 4tb, 187S, doties1 on imports may be paid in legal tenders and Nat oua! bauk notea or coin at the option of the importer. After the Executive session Senate adjourned to Monday. Nominations Chandler, Secretary of the Interior; Pierrepont, Attorney General; Mfarrier, Ministerto Belgium; New, Treasurer; Bnrham, Assistant Secretary of tbe Treasury; Major Rob ert McFoeJy,.' tJomminaary (leoaral, with rank of Brigadier; Ool. William MoKeeDuun, Jn lgeAdvooate Gan eral, with rank of Brigadier. All' rev enue offioera and postmasters . who hare been appointed dnriDg recess. No new nominations. - - . , Ooaiiralationa Chandler, Pierre pont, New, John 0, Bmith, Commis sioner of Indian AflXirs,' ' The Attorny-General to-day sent a telegram to United States Attorney Dyer at St. Louis, saying that advices had reached him to the effect that spa , cial counsel Henderson had, in the course of the Avery trial, made an at tack upon the President, and assuring me UU1KU omiwji anvuiucjr un ,uo department will not eontinue to pay - special eounaal for this kind of aervioo. Gen. George B. Williams, formerly Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue, is at the Arlington, en route for Europe in the capacity of Commis sioner of the Imperial Government of Japan to Europe. He is accompanied by two Japanese offlcsrs of rank, Mr. Tomito and Mr., Miami. . We under stand the mission is to have ref ereuoe to financial aud commercial matters. Gen. William is accompanied by his . wife,,.,:.).. ! i Y'.'.i -; y .; Coitjiibch, Deo. 9 T he-Anti-Tramp State Convention passed ' resolutions urging stringent legislation for tbiir arrest and employment or.baniahraent. ; - W8S01EI. St. Lons, Deo. 9 Robert 0. Watt; a well known citizen, presents ohargea against Internal Revenue Supervisor Meyer. He charges him with guilty knowledge of frauds praotioed by the Gaa Company on the revenue. AKKiXSAS. T "" I :Tjrrii,HRoot,' Dao 9. The Joint oommittee of iuvestigation iuto Sena tor Dorsey'a election, repotted that they, had examiuod a large number, of witness without Bnding "direct pr6of of bribarTor orrptioaj , tr1 SBff TOM. Sibaocsb, Deo. 9. Thorn Rogers, while drunk, atnick his wife fatally with ham mor. , and - badly beat his daughter. By agreementvthe 'counsel, Jndgo Peabodv and 1 Samnel D.' Baboook, in stead of tha "county clerk, shall draw forty, from'whom twelve jurors will beseleoted for the six million Tweed trial. . - , TIKGINIA. i ? , i -i , . Richmond, Deo. 9. The Richmond Whig has been purchased by Messrs, WyattM. Elliott &0o., and to-day tdade its appearanoe nnaer new man acrement. Gen. Elliott was for twenty years previous to and during the late wit one of the proprietors of tha Whig ani m enter Dusiness manager.1 Na thaniel B. Meade, formerly editor of th Whig, and tha present- Chairman of the State Conservative Committee, will restmo editorial oontral of the pa per, with Messrs, A. P. Bennett, for merly of the Enauirer. and C. Mau- ' rice Smith, (one connected , with tbe Wblg.'ua tMistaots. i Thd nrw" pro prietors promise to use every proper effort to advanot tb great interestH of i the State and make tbo paper worthy ;of Its cast reputation by a firm adhor- mmo to principle and well settled ILLINOIS. Ckicauo, Dec 9. Gels. Sheridan, Hancock and Terry, comprising the Court of Inquiry appointed at the re quest of Geu. Baboook, to cousider the queationlraiBfcd in the proaecution of wluiikey oases at St. Louis as affecting his repuUtion, met at no n to day aud decided that Ue Court should bold au op.-ri session.- Mnjor Gardner, Re corder, htatcd that ou acoouut of lack of witmee nothing eould b doue to day, aud the Court adjourned to noou to-morrow. . ' GEOtttilV Atlanta, Dec 9. The failure of West, Edwiirds ' Co. is still the excit ing topia A. J. West aud B. W. BnHW, two of tha flroi, were commit ted to-jsiil thin afternoon for contempt ot oogrt in rehiring to deliver buka, papors und evidence of lndobtuduOHa to the Reouiver appoiuted yesterday by Judgu Ilupkius. E lwards esoaptd from failure to serve the or J,t. viou him. J ' FOBEIG 3M- EMtiLlXD. London, Deo. 9 The .Timet com lUHQtutg ou the Mesaue, aaye: ' If Spain ottunot suppress the Cuban re belliou, if the ulaud must be hail rn mod while she hulds it; if she will u it put nu end to that iuHtitutiou which in the Oiaiu source of diHturbanoe, it would be hard to expect the United States to let the wotk of devautation proceed unchecked merely out of re nnd to the nominal sovereignty of Spain. Spain is ou trial. Tha ; JimiU of her pijwer fo restore onipr wiU be tha limits of her rigbtifa GESMIXT. " ' ' Berlin, DtiO. 9. The National Lib erals in It. i :ht.ig consent to the politi cal clauses in the bill amoading the penal code. TUIS EV4.MINQ AT TUB fICKIIS 01 ADMISSION, . . $1.00 RefrAahments furnished by W. M. Colllna, at City Prices. U. Q. PLANNER, B. I, HAKltlHS, rr""-r r W. H. rW. H, (1H8UKIN 4.oamittee. EM ALL HAT MAKE Works wall In har titm;tni Is aver; pleanot aaddlc nag. Term eaajr. . , OIO.N. HASHJSn, decl0-lw,v ? Uartlsa'ytrigStors. FOR LEASE, i T!IK ararereaos 'of two comfortable dwal llnc huuwu. for fle or more twi. on r onble term. Addreaa thropgb tbe Poat UeolO-lt ' " Ma. K. REAU ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION. THE Megular Monthly Inatallmant of On liollar tier shara ld a, and rHvabla Vr da, attaaoffleeot th auaretarr and 'imwlnc deelO-U' - irav A Treasurer. -A.X AUCTION I ! ClOaNKR of PrlnooMaad Maonud atratt, an j To-morrow. Haturdat. 11 Ut inr 10 o'clock, a. at,kl. , . tleol0-t ' l , Auotloiieer ' AUCTION SALE dcio.n , LEA & PERRIR8' , f j "":-OCLktlKATCDj FKCSOCNCKD kia KXTKAOT I A J IVA IMU1 H n a IjETT KKi'roin a I J MEDK'AIj (iiCN. -I I MAN at MaUru, I I to hl brother t fA WtJrtCBHTKK, May, 18T.I. f y ' Tell LEA A 0ONNOI8HHUB6 to a raa 'Onlv Ooodri-yftPKHKINM that Sauce,' ID. lertiatal luelraauo isblgb. It aatraraeed in ls JU, aud 1, In rj "I'j'UVWIiW ,v(, upiIlUfU VWO AAA tl I fciS;' ilalaoi;awill 1VKKY TARIK-I v..? Itha mwt wbole- .it or pian Vswte.'; , wme Bat'ro mat ui Worcestorshira fiauce. S14 .Wnhtil sal tor Etporianon by la Proprietor. LBA PKBBINS, WuioaeUr, Bngland; and Ketall by Dtalereln Sanaa gn rally throsgaoat th world. Ask for Lea & Ferrint'Sance. At tb BHEAKFABT TAHIiV Uni- ' ' 'il put ttte moat exitutlu ttib and aoat to Hot , . .. i -j A .? v ;. - or Void Meat, Fowl, Fluh, Broiled Kidney, Ao. At th DINNER 1 ABl.Ii, 1 opwltb Pleh, Hot Joint. Game, and In all UraTlea, tt gWeadellgbtlulflTor. ' " ' ' At ta LUNCHEON AND SUFFER IABXESJ It la deemed r'lndlioubl by tboNrsmtllarwiuiitaMtlroabis quaittle ' , i t t Aoa Now Tk Ttmil-.n . 1 Tbere I no rellnh In tbe world wbicb 1m hulrareally liked a Ua it Perrlo' famoi WoreeataraUIr Sauc. Tbe eicallanca at tbi Baaca having Cl ted onmeroti ImltitloiK. liia 'w label her bear a fae tlmll of til proprktor'f 1gni ura. w hlcta I placed npon eacb bottl. . ,j.. M ' JOHN DUNCAN't IONS ' NKW YOBK.I HORSES OULtS Feather Dnstors. HAKNESi OU., HAKNK8S SOAP, SfcldUrj of all kindi, 1,ADIK1 AND GENT'S SATCHELS, Ttj ebtap for rah, UAfcFENrtH A MA 1.1.4 IK N. $ South Pmat 9t JUST OW, WHITMANN SONS, CONFECTIONERS. w haTca hand aad to arrlra, tnja at all Mad DCIL BABIES A SPECIALTY , 01tr ar ll f 'a4e. Wo a the baat I Mn , ilr la town; al.o c(ait1 "O pat . - t Extra 8nt a 1A rvnti and 1 p . pound, frail butter anil ido aieato Celerv always Fresh- CURTIS BOMWRIGHT. OLD WLNES 1 HKA.ND1EN. 1h I.rgi' Siook and I h 'l"-t Brandt In tha .SUi. iiulna on I.liuort lot . ' f artiaa)eg laaiRia Ham. - ' ' - ilaiMl Mads 0r MB WHntr, - ' k fnf Hetland Ola, ruedVaat.T'-?-.5' Kentucky Oetn Bowen. and Bourbon HARMONY SHERRY, I'lie Choicest trer oRered In this SUtta. 23 OHrsti Odloag and Imperial Tew, fr ira laipottrr Sale at ban prio. Sena (or 20 Tab Butter. "Bert In tha WorM." "UNIVERSAL BITTERS," A poalttre ear for err to in df-blllly. Special ludiiccmanU to Uub biter. A Larue and Qereral Aaxoitment f Oboes Goods I 'll Hollfs, Arrltlng Pally. M ALAC A CRAPES, ' In Clutter, pound for at no, - GEOKUE MYEItS, deet ' . 11 anu II South Pront Stmt - ....-.... - New Or lean -giaranteod para. ' Cuba, Demarara, Sugir Hjuis. FIjOUB: IrOOS Barrel all grala. Sugar, .. .Kail, Ooffee, ' , 8ploe, . . , , , Brooin", , " ;.'.' Oandy,' HnnfT, Urarkara, And ererythlng In the t ocery line, which mi gnaranter, t biwM nviM prlca. norm BINFOWD, CROW A CO' GROCERIES r Tub O, E. Batter, iro Uoxe Factory and State Oheeae. 100 Barrel and Uoxs'lraokari all kind. 100 BarraltK. B.PaUtoe. 2B Barrel Buokwheat, " a BAQOINQ.I BAOON, ' OANPLES, CANDY, " COITPKX, CORN, ' ' :" ' FLOTJK, t , HAY, ' OATS MATCHES, MOLASSKS, ' (, . OYBTKRR, , . r.r, . poTASK, - w I' SALT, . , . . YABKS, . :. , SBBBTINO Tbs abors Good will be oB'ered very low to prompt paying cugtomen, by , WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. novJl GORHSHELLERS ;-.'.' and ', rfaEo CUTTERS" Fof aals at bottom easbtprloea, by . , . , GILES aUMURCHISON' . OroS ' Nw Hardware Btora. 400 Cottage Bedsteads In Store and for Sale Low. D. A. H 31 IX 1 1 Ac CO. dec COMFOHTACLES ! A large Stock art Rcealvtd and FO R SAL E LOW, By r. A. SMITH A CO. dec4 THE LITTLE BASIIXQ. ; a raaraor wtno havbiri VOB tlOHT woax. JUST THE THINCl' Sent lYM ii. ay addra on re caipt of Tlirea Pollani.iPAIK- HiLOAOj l: UleaMter St., Naw Turk, Addraai, Bj T8o. ABtT!l. WANTED. oatis-sodiy1 MIS1IES xl 1075. 1875. FALL AND WINTER SEASON.' , Boat Assorted Btook iu the City now Ojwvu at 36 MAEKET STBEET, ) BLACK SILKS, The Clebrateil Ouinofa (Iros (IrtttiiH. COLORED SILKS, ... All tho Latest Cloth Shndra, REAL SILK POPLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMERE3, JEEflS, AND MOHAIR GLACE, . uil all the Latot t Novi Itios iu BLACK ALPACAS, That usual BpeoiaUy we havalwuya auld so many l iuI so low, tlmt among so many gwds-it in ouly a tuutll ji.trt of tluvaHortnicut. MO URN I W C G OODS . In evory variety." Will opou ou thy tj.h annthi-r Lot til thoM) olifap unruiltu's CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. ,.". ) u.iij i ; -y-'- ' MEN" AND BOYS' WEAI7. Great Hosier v Gloves, Embroideries. .7r.nV':i".r 'tC STAPLE AND JIM, ilirill,!, Everything la Choaper than has been known for yuars. Wo only reqnira a call - the Prises oud Styles will do tbs aolliug.. , No. 36 rMAEKET STEEET. noTl BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS. t HYMMAL8, HYMN BOOKS. Tb larg"rt,' (Inert, and belt a.wlment ft or rrayer uona, ltymnaia, ana uiine, with and wit out cam, a mt brougbt to t hla cl ty , are to be ftmnd at Tbe UWe Hook Htore, also PIANOS, ORGANS, . CHROMOS, ETC, And a ovmi'late (lock of Mualoal Merchamllne, A' HEINSBERQEB'S LIVK BOOK ANI) MUBIC81011K, decS fi'o. SB Market Street 0'K"A7 our SPLENDID OVERCOATS, FOR ONLY 0 1 fJ.OO r ? OUR BUSINESS JTOfS AT $10.00. OUR DRESS SUITS AT $28.00. BOWS IMBRELLAS, : . GLOVES Tnen But of - , i M'JNSOfl 3l CO., City Clothier and Murchaat Tallora. Waiters. Plaited Spoons and Forks, Platsd Cutlery. Fine Tabla Knlves.HoureFurnlshins Goods Ac, Ac, for sale low at No. 29 South Front Street, bv CEO. A. PECK. do i ., . n I A A U VI Ui . '..! ( ,l (; M - w if it;T , I ' 100 Boze fire Cracker. Forialebr KEKCHNKR C ALDER BaOS. COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE. 200 Cetfev! ' fo sal by KKB CHSER CALDEB BBOS. MOLASSES, , MOLASSES.' MOLASSES. - 300 Hhd. and Bbn 8 H Mo1mc. 200 f A"4 f t)no Malaaje.' 50 n1 l" Demarara Molassc. For Uala by ' ' KfJUOHNKB fJAIKR B KOK. CORN.' - OATS, 'HAY AND , MEAL' ; BOO Binmels f)3rn , ' i , 1,000 Buabal 0ta, . .. ;',-. . ;, f s '; 200 Bala Prists Cani Hay,. : u ', 000 Baabal Water Utaaad ei i; t Ff'aaly , . iy ,j , 1 .r iii : ttROHillCrta jUALl)KABKO , aeo ,,, , ... Liue of I WMtO Goods. FOR FAIR WEEK Ay i t.xmr oTHKit wkh'k ih rin yr at Uwt mini in liuvurit on iha Hjiot. and a'l orient Hilo l at ill in futf prin of tlirt 'iy Miry ar rwlroil, tli'i glflnj eiiiU) tt iriiiiri nn onb'ra 'llrict ti u. the earns iWl Ug tlwy wjttlU'linv II 'rv.Hi)nt. " " ; UM Uu In tltls. auS 'Eons, Dry Suited Meat M!ik, MiuuMcrH, llnlili il Hlicl liiiokn. IlitniK In TlL'ro or Sni ill Packajrni BREAKFAST STRIPES, Mr to Tort, Vntir Or unci Meal, trl-li, a acker iu)l(l, i urrnih"', Ao. "COFFEE. SALT- Mol.iri'o.i nl' 11 k'niU, SYRUP AIL KINDS, Flonro all Qua'lt oi. And over llvtt tin ilit-.l rllrli ir fin FANCY CBOOIBIR, Callornrd'r from w, c rujr of Dock anil Front N trout, WiimitiM'1 n. v. novlll AOHIAM i VUJ.LF.U. JOHN A. imiNK & CO. Goml lusnraiico m (BIRR, MAP.INElirDLlJE) K(i,00O,0U0 : Atteta Uctttaatinf- 'OFiSWf -Uoriimon-.ihUtiiHaau ia'nrt. Morth Wtrrtrnn' A f YATES' BOOK STOr.E Vou can llnd SiUOCL BOOKS, sTATio.vniir, )li:3I0KADrS, ULA.HK books I'OCKET BOOKS, I'EMILS, GOLD PEN'S, ALIOS, GAMES, It., MUS1CA-LINSTRUMENTS. SILVER AND PLATED WARE TJtOR HOI.lltAV PHEIKNT. A largo li nlork of Hwiuii. K .ln. forks, Ciifr, 1'.,l "t httK. ( Ul, kln KlriKf, Children' Hut In iw, 'I'fa Ket, Uut'er IHliea,Oraamh, ....... u UI.LI. Hl.n.1. I.ikaI tlllll l.Wli". n,riiiuii( n id ... ....n, w rikta, Scliool 8et, rtuuar Boli, Krnlt Stindf, Ice A'i(ciicr,liOL'ici, uanien in rnr anil Oa-tnr-I'joiii one dulUr tin, nil wbliii wc offer ut V ory prhi-a, WatcUac, y.otk Jh wlry ni FV-ncv O Call and examine bclur iiiiroliaiig c'1' wlier. All wurk warranted to give fatltl'iotlon, or nocliaiko .?,1T. HI,' r.S, Acent, de'tf Onrner Feout and Prliio:iw St. vv E arft tbo mtciita for tliara wnll knn.wn , ParU 'l rill do well toitie fii ' tfctq bnylrg ntliff niakiw. 9 3s ft -te ' . (lll.KHi M UltCUIOt. n. Hardware Juute. v r jo vbb ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE! LQ DET-GOODS 4 5 1IARKET STREET. Our Uuvtr lias iu' t r luniml from tlio Nortborn Murkut rurohusAs have been njr.tl.) way In low oust i f loiuiutnnturiiifr. Have boon intiorj to buy nitno ynuU tlmn wo wnritt J. They ir mnrktl ami fnt ou tlineoitutoraut prfVa lht will u: irio tluituc t tkoptioal. lluvo l.ircd tho tttore nt it door, d 7 M A R K E T ST EEET, ' Aod will mako tlio Largot Display, y( FANCY GOODS,' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, TOYS, ETC. Kor oflVrotl in Ilia fritj of WiluiitiRton, lluvo no spneo to cuumorato, and cnnuot mm give) a faint Uea of tho variety. Wutchos- Cnnary Bhds -Cages-Locomotlvca-Tenplns -Drums - Open Biigglos-Tool Chosto Parlor Cro-quct-Ono nnd Two Seat Vcloclpodos-Crumb Pahs-Chlldron's Own Books and Carts, -AM) IN FAt.T EVERYTHING CUMPRISING THE TOY TRADE. GANAB DIRS S3 EACH-ALL WARRANTED TO 8INQ. BIIYWK & RODDICK, 45, 47 Market' Street. THE GREAT RETAIL STOCK OF THE HTATE, FOR SALE AT" AUGTION AT ;U MAlilvlvl ST. U Having porfeotcd arrangnmrata by which the character of mv business will ba ohatgnd, I have detnrraiueil to soil at auction every dollar's worth of goods oontaiuod in my retail stook. -This ooraprisee the i LARilFST STOCK OF GOODS IN WILMINGTON. And amounting to ovor $2 5,00 0 : Wortb of Bottsonablo and Elogant Goods, oonsisting of Bilks, Velvols, tftaESS GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY, English, Froucli and American Cunhiuwros, Elaok Cloths, Donskins, Roarers, Moltou, Waterproof and Butinolts, together wi'.U , - LADIES', GENTS' and CHILDRENSV UNDERWEAR Hosiery, Oloven, Bhirt, O-dlara, Cuff, Ribbons, Luces, Edging, Handker ohiofh, aiiawlH-iu indlcsti variwty, every quality and price, Rlankots, Marefillea Quilt, Bpreada, bheetmg, Ticking, Comforts, Talile-clothM, Towels, Napkins,' Diapers, and olher LINEN AND COTTON GOODS la grttut varitv. Trunks, BAtohnla, UrabrellnH, Huts, Shoos, Funoy Notions, IjadifB' ruin, with tliouwtuds of other artiolca, forming altogotbt tbo most, olt'gaut, Hl.fracl.ivn and doairable stuck ever sold at nnctionin North Carolina. The Ladien, tho Moichnut, the Farmer and Meehnuio aro all invited to ' aMeud thimumaiothriuiobyauotion. TJ5BMS: C A S H . i ii -i i it... M r.. .1.,litirv Kit ivAn,1,i MTtlmiiO'nil- fr nnniTif.lnn i,f .;!o altered after tlioy aru bid off, N 0 B IT-B I DD I IsT Gr Ample and comfortable acmmimodatious will be furnished Ladies attending t ; ...,t., i,ia ,.nt mi will tin sold. Parties will be accommodated as to qiiuntilii'H, as far nn poswible. Goods miiHt bo euUud and , , tsken ot soon lifter the sute as it is possible to deliver , ' , them. Tliin sale will be continued at the 5 ... fctt.ro,. Ko. 34' Market street from ' ' d.;y 1 1 iluy, commecciug . ( V - i .";-.,.- f fit;! TiaQ Urtil (1e entire stoek i sold. 8la to oommenoe daily at 10 o'clock. A. M.; 8 aud 7 f'olook, C. M, Goods sold to partioa residing in the city will be ... DliLIEHED REE OF CHARGE. Country Merolia; ta whoso billa are over 6503 will be allowed thirty days time ou first-class City acceptance. . : A.. WEILL, Agent NOTICE!!! Our regular business will bo continued as heretofore at Mo. 32 Front Street, corner Princess. . s3&-If Wilmington I S AMVK TOHKK INThlWfi-''!' " l Uarollna, bur bntilntiiw men will ailertll THE VVASHIHGTON ECHO, a lane an-1 wll amaiilfli'! wsakljf nowaps m r. clival tinn tiuii'ly t" Mi;ounttoiiq Hviltf, el"i. eaBillcii, Pitl, BJgaoomc. ii, tt.n Uluiii. K'Hr '.Vai-T P. wwn, K. Unmt, IjiU Of r lbr. - WalUllgt. Kdlior! anil Pniprlatoaa. otl) Htarcp. . ..-,.;. rr a jt.n b.vtb, :KSE)II 1 AND THE HOLIDAYS. T? 13 The CelebralH DaufU Etastie . STEEL PEHO v Ii c uy Ait uottUf im ,,Uki.i.,iic tliom, Ntm ila Oard, rumtatiiln , one IK numliara, IU be nut or mail w ntjutpt of 45 cent. , , i IV'HON, BLAKltMAll,TATt.On 'vO;. , 14 141) ' " Vork. SepMlra,