YlI.MIM'iTON. N- C- 0-.:- . r . J f f. pi.!"-t ut u'v t c'.nniu .1 cii: cm.?, hut to show the Nuititi-ru i .pin ti nt tl.-v fe.reJ and d;btrtibtvj c wit!;nut CS"i. Gt Demi John C Oordun is a Geor- trnaj ST.TiiInr. Dec, 10. 1J i g 1 Ltt tlietn rt'Uiua tlifnueivfn bow ik t'Aii r J'" ai, u J.t ' i li. IV- fiir l,r I rnni'i'f t-.k .n Noh rarvliua, i P"H:h.M j , . t ,.r .i.,r.f tltU l.w wLcu tli t i'l to pHf to the aijow dt in. i. .Mi, .i0-J'l Montis, St EiMlIT tfa. alministratbn. WIS by Wfrrc1 tin; i.-a ak j-; rorn i;ouam :i j troHti, fcfuaii.r McCreary itooa vp ... , ii . : .sKVKSTV-ri ct'liui t.ir momii i n" ". 't i!orir jtrio-fc. S-rTd Is Carrle ibe i?) it iKVKSTr-rivs ftuu ji r n.oi- b. or Two Doij.ahs and Tws T riVa, cviil 't quarter. V VVkkm.t Jihbsal, (Friday) a uoLU3Boaomr,n'cnooL coLDSSono, n. c. SALE REAL. UKDUll moi:tgagu Mr. MeOrrarv's a KpiiturLiaii. Ltt tht in U'tlnuk tl.rws' Ives tlist win n asaa!t were mad laxt spring on Virgin: and ou tho ulra auJ iuu ol Virginia, Onera! lUuanm accept-il th pango of lttle and splendidly V, cluimi p;-i. Two Dollars : vindicated on the Bouate floor ami Im- j I year; lt,r.- o-l.-a KlVE DoU.AIts AJ.D a i'4t.r i fo"r wpiKN Sevf.n 1jI.i.ai5; Vi Ci'i'ifS, EltiHT I"! UM JH A HALF mpteh, Fir" vkkn IKlJARs; twenty eo;,!oa TwcsiT-nvi 1h.lak. jrniMMsirnuN In sll f I'S-yaWn ti. a v.:i.v. ! mi (i?K-r i!miil after tho .-. iis'i-ir if M e 'uv p'l for- KtyiTTAMCKs sliwilil h uil6 by oil w M"u y Cr lor t Expia. ,!f this ': .!! msv b v'u J hv for.J-.i fure the prriilu of the United Ht..t a the kooieut turn and just reuowu .( ttii Commonwealth StH.atur IUi.som it a North Oaro-Huiau. Olif il M-l Mi.il. (MS tOI.I.AK; two (''V.r ti;.' 1 f tr IIOM.R A.M A HAI-FJ t- listllii-nii, Ti l'...AK.i; f.'lir li .'i-t"H I o 1'oi.t.AK ANT' A lUi r; flrt ttiwr .!u THi.rr IKiixaks Mi ii'nrtio:i. i i.kk Uoia.Ai n ai a HAi.r: tu ill .1.1 mm, KlVK Dol I AM AMU A II A I t I -i.nt!i. Kimn Doi.i.aiw; two inonsli.; li tkf.h lot.i.AU; thn t' nvnih. T, rt rwo ."i i A'i I uitia l for ifiiifrtrlf'tii anrt IringKi T tliuli" HW.i IjlnMal li-ri. Kc HAKI" SAt'Ntir.ll. TAIK. HMKUI.rnUI.lll.,, If il.e tli.Hbtmtions of th(6 Eaatcru Mod.fiAl Aa.iciatioii, now in ftimrion ia t h ! thin city, ren ilt in notlm g fnf, the 1Vv),f,ti'! -.'. i nl tl e prof s I determiuatiou to apply to tlm Li'RiR' ",,'-;?a 'v niiK f."w.y latre for the eatabliahmoiit of a State M-ii ii'ii i.iufr . - V!v,.nW.. lUt ,r inch "I iw Iv,. i V,mu .f Hltli. ill i'nttt.1 lto mem a.iialii's f a.tmtisii't t'tw isrts tMratatun luaiika nf the pi'iiple nf turn Roctinn f North ('arolitm. And w Iru4 ti nt tho rewilutiwii will lint !' tie luht of ths tuiitler, hut that tlnm.' whom, duty it in, nndor it, will appear l;i tore tho L'HiUtiire at thu pn pi-r timo, hud preM it upon the ck.iuIxth of tlmt holy. W.i liop al i thut thu State Modkial K.Munty will al iU iitt liiitijR, tnku thin Huhj.H't in linn , arid give the weight of iln iiifliiciiw to thn cousiiuiuiittioa of noli a dueirtt ti In n. ul urotiHHary ohject. Eiicti-rn North Carc.liua in tho uiBt ti r (.f Imallh in hut uudrrntond and more mixreprcKeiiUd t.han in imy oth er particular. We hear of the forma tion of iutmiKratiou nooii'ties.and othnr Bolifim a to iiiduoiv men of oiipiUl ond hihitrer to hiiltle in our . iindst ... AVe iuVr to thi'in a flue oliniute, rioh landa and a hopitiihle people, but roporte of liAil health hang like a pail over thu fair name, of our aeotion, and iiuun- grttiita of nil cluR"s hIiuii it. Nor csn wo blunie trungiTii for dreading Extern North Carolina when the people of ucrtniu portion of our Statu (ire led to bulievo thnt the Eih tern countieaare no rnanj grave yards. Many of tho Northern Life InHUiauno Ooropauiea either refun cutiroly to tnke riaka 'ii thin portion of the 8tnt, or do ao at much advanced rates. Not many yearn ago, dating the inouth of September, when we hardly ever knew Wilmington ao healthy, and when our doptora were driyiug their half atarved M. rt rrrit. A.M., Prof. An.-!niad Moil rtu I t.g.)tfr. K. W. AUAMM.A U , Pr .r. Mathuiattic. Ill llnrj Term nl Una luvllllf lion will b.-irlll uu .tuudtty, (. t. rilll IS fry.vii until' I In tb town of Joll- 1 Ixjfj , it. -.iiire f four Ur.rnt . ftiid IrvBi cilllli) iDrin il ft.lnik'a in ir...ii KH'I gu-ir.l'r.ii i.'.i'igui me m' ru inMiitf .njolrt ur in tho K..lf fi khi.'. if II,.. !tatc. I l..i I. ill.. ii U I e 1 1- . ai.il l.-r r flrn" Bot'l b riitliw hr pnrri.l wrnllnii llreir " u to tlil jia',',I n .1 kliiiileraru "t sriu nm nasi n l.ll tan rutiuul "during the pt ai'liulwtlii t;ar. Nil i-anrnt. ttjeniurp, oau rauntilv fc ill. rn-.l It.im tiriinitina tM s.-m JI bo tlm riorr .1 the nehPaUliliim ul the lurmlnii. I t. iiw r r. W AJn-.. h" b cbrg af tli M"lii-mtli at It. ...itoilfi.t. la an aluainaa at haril.ili n.n tilgi, and l.a oe. ii a ,u.i.,rul tearbarof ymnb r. man; yw'. Tha wmraeof tiintruotlim i puni'.l, thuroUKh bl i-itKUrtfaaiid ftwlu to ilevn.np ard lui.ru? ti. iiwntal povrr uf tb i.uptia hf trainliii; tlipm to thikic. ai.d b tnwhinii tlim th rtgttt jo il i lie id iim ill the raculiiua Willi wbica Uud b u- X lr na tf, arJ Is aoeofdanf wun. tn mirfoiHli cun'nal Id a oar ot mim K.u.li b Iw.uk to. trr ao4 Car"im h.i B'f. Ii w aaaabuaii Hi'. aia.ia tue 3:li J i A. l. W.i and reco did iu tbo HiKllrr an i Hw Haiir Coun. tr.in Ko HI 0. rt r-ti."" ''. d 1 ' I wtll a P"aa lor rale, by .th ai. a tA I'uurt hun d'-ot :n Hie !' of WilmuiiU.n. In tlie aild i.U'.'v ' t"" Ilium n '"H'JT jai t du uf' Iiecuoib'TV A. l . al Ii kl l..r l lu.li.alnj ileoril 4 i t .i trti.t - H: li'f iB.n in H eatMa Una ofHicoin .ueil bnt-e- ii Stark, tai.d K'icS .tree'.T5 l-at I iim lire lb iiil'in lif-a It !fat.l mr. t lnri. tti-it by tha aOit l.aa Ma.ki'l mral, riiiiln ihcnre iitbwxrtlv a Uit Ibe rau'ein I n- of Raeond towt, "1 leet. Iheui T.ltrt e-t nd parHl Wit Slarkrt lr-.', ll.fl.i i,rtliarillT, anil trll.i with nrcoml 11111,07 fee', tban. e waatwardir and paiallelwi'b Mrat itr'. '0 fe t.tathemm rn liua linoKMR nret.lie beflnnln. AIAKSUEN HaTtLAMV. A'tornay ii Ljuuitii; juUJ unuD m n a ii 1 1 li i r !( Mjii v i .1 1. n i yyuuiuL uzvj ycp.:. a::d docto:j lihuc 4 Wilmington, H. C. ' ! . 1 .V JI ICr IO.MOHTII 'AHH.II. It dio feein as if there wr a aye. tenntio effort Ihr injjhou, the i pountry to igoorn 'North Carolina and her jhhv pie and institution. It ia c nflied to no prticulr quarter of thef nion and is limit 1 to no particular peiaonB or aur.jeota. Itlei vmlea all i-eotionR and it erabrnoes alf peraone. and inbjeota. And our ou jieople and especially iiar own press arc not altfg ther blamr loaa in the matter. While we nee our selvea thus ignored, we throw np our hat and cry limtily in behalf of llioso who negleed ua. We have aeeu tho prea of North Curoliua teaming with eomplimeuta cfthepnlilio men of other Stutea, hilis at the very time tho pi pers of those ''tatea had nothing to any even by way, of commonplace com pliment of a diatinguiahed North Oaro. lina Senat ir who had electrified the Senate and the country by one of (he fluent oratloaa wjloh -bad over been heard in a hall conaeorated to the memory of the flneat oratore and horsea about the city, with a disoonao. tatoauien of the Union. late appearance "booking for a job," But pven in the amallestraatlora thia we happened to vinit a neighboring neglect ia apparent. Ileporleraof our oity in the "up country" whose phy. euterpriatiig Metropolitan paper, in Rioiuna live iu flue houses and drive getting atutiatie of even the amalleat flue horaee, and have the appoarauoe importanoa ante aaif they were aotiug ()f d0U,g a "thriving bnaiuoRs." Ar under gimcral order to omit anything rjvjg ttt the depoi w were very pol in rrgnrd to North Carolina, aa not ni Utely accoated by au old aervant, one h dlh'InUaa of th Bi-bool, w'.lla l l tnlid rd ii'r -iital, iiloic tli dutr ol nhedlanne MOturv rulr. ntid rfuiailon. A liU'iNir.lin ii r and diiwiri "'v oumt ii't aia wlml:r liifom iailll wltli arhflUitie tralnlnt anl muntnl I r'rriw, mi b who la liMtind to iNipror-i lila t m ur U an Injury to hla fellows, will be rr'Klned in tba Mi-.hnol. Mmal an I rllimnlnrtrDctton'e'elT adne l.oof at'antlimand conrtilrtral on ; fur tin Inn lb hrt and coii-clmina be iiinructiul and aniitsht 'ml, rom aei uiar learning will a'l l.u inti.i I-. tba formation oi a correct ami u.ri-u character. Tli font rvll.ini bodies bell's wsll rej.r aaitituxt in Hit" niiw a, err bmr.ler la nMnwid to attaint that hurih Hnmta wlilnli bl rent uiav OniK'i'. Ihi wlidi anil ure leranco of tlif iMn will be atrlctlyoliaaiteil,'Anotl' ln or a ix.tari.m chtrauler is rouiitotiMice.l in lie Hi bfll. U -vs aro .re.ro lor advan I clases In olb''i or lor tli a. tlT nm.inei.. ot iit. lb biil.duii blihexto knua.i .as tli"Te- aial C .ll.-ir " lm l..'n a Hiurni by tue I'rlnot- ,i, ami will berraruir be iimi aa acnooi lor oya iiradl weaiKins. imos'eatlnn drink", nro'an- Ity and iivorv se.'li.a.'jt gimullng aretlrlctly liroblbltml. TeriLB, per Session of 20 Weeks liALr IN AJVN(JIC-lJA.AN0IC ON Kli'SroKHOl'DIIKK, Tuition for rriiuar it eartinont.. ..."' 00 ' HinL. r KlimlnUI , ' .ilaii ..il rlu'ses. with Alue bra.ato I ';. . .. .. 1 Wl 4 Jfaiioit elssees wllh Latin Hou ami wllh l a'lti ami ttrees. on (Urnian. F-rani b.amVbnuk-ka tmiil. enrn Mt .... . , o no Voi.l Vt..ffirr flirt anit IliihU.'.". . ..; Iili-t.tri'"! rsi'i-iiari 2 1 Knob tml'.nt will f.irnlsb, ror bin ?wn ore, t ir of bi oiw. 'i. . ilr ut rliect , a i.alr rt . 1 irw paees nd his towels Nii.tr.lui tliin Irom l uitlmi and llnard In casn ul ilKinlwinii nr withdrawn!, ml oulf In ca nf .iotra.'li d slrknese. Km inr.li.'r pai tlcu ara. address M. FETTER, Principal, .;ly4- lr QOhHSHoK'), N.l'.. TruNC ulo. v nr adaMl nf t'nsteiSrota by John t a i..i..r a.d wile, on the IVili day ef Ai rll. In the yaar lt, nd duty inlstn.t .n ,.i II, U.-uiir i.f beidsul Hew Hnn- . r C'.'Ui:tT, I" inoa w " . it"". ai.uai v, 1 :, at I! o'dor, M., at the Market iliniee in the city of Wl niir-ua, w.mmeni i -t en rt liom th northeaat e m.iror ronrm u..k..t ilrent. and rinnin mue ruaiwa.i ir iSHfett.thei.ca nortbwarir y seO fi. welwrdi I.) lent, tbence sonthwardiy 'm trwt ID tbe beginning. H. W. CUlr Ilea 1 -eiHlU rue Best iioEliQlfiJil mioe World C. WEST A SONS' ALMOIN SECU RITY Oil WnrraitleilnO Ooarreoarirel'T Kioriedby U14 tr Inturltnci OmiaKim. f lief a the following cartlgoiit(i, aolooted nom many others. lioWARO Fia tR. (3o: or BALTtanat, ) Hei eraber .3, ISJI. J ui,t ff irl Stmt: O'rntlenisn Havln nwi t tho TriouullsioUt Hi bis oily lor illiiml' n .11 ni. i.uriuiMis I lake nleasiiri in rnconi niem tK yc nr " Alsildln Heciirlly" as the safest aud best syer used In our lioawlioiil. vour "mine.!) ' 4SDBBW KKK8K, Pres't. 07- IT WILL NOT EXPLODE Aik yr Shmhetpirfor it, Wholesale Dupot, Cl WE&T & SON IIS. 115 W. Umbaril Htront, IUI tlmore eri V.d flm suffljieiit omoirn to All apaoo ia tbeir otherwise very liberal aud very voluminous columns. And our papers pnbl ah the information aud dmjouii bate it among its reader aith int a word of protest or eveu of correct on, , thus openly euayrHiug tbe treatment which ia by common oonaont bestowed upon North Crroliua.' - We have been lead to those remark by aeeing republished in North Caro lina paper an article from the Nw York tribune upon the new Oongreaa, which profosse to give interesting statistios in regard to the politics, numbers, ages, profoasiona, natoinality and education of t'i luerabers, and if we may jndge of tho value of the in formation by the accuracy with which the last subject of the article ia given, it is worthier. It professes to give tbe nnniiier of college graduutea, and the UHOies of the iu titutions at which they grndriitted. Hix are attributed to Yale, ai;d three taoh to the Uui- verMtwaof Virgiuia aud New Jeraty, thou carun flv other iuatitutious with two gihduiitos tach, then eouits the namce of a half hn.'i.ilred other collego and schools in almo , t every Ktate of tho Uniou, save and except North Carolina, inolndiEgCleimauy aud Soot land, with one graduate each. Now when the University cf North Carolina has certainly Ave graduittvs (probably more) among the members of Congress, and some of tlium Certain ly among the ablest and best known of their respective Houses, it does seem a little singular that iu all there particu lar researches that the institution which had the second largest number should be omitted. Senators Ransom, and Representatives Waddell, Ashe, Davis and Seales, of this State are graduate of tha University of North Caroliua, nd yet after naming almost every high school in the country, these gen- tkmau and their Alma Mater are em braeed among those who graduated at "a few other colleges." This may be and is a small matter, bnt it is the repetition of these smal mutter's that wears out our patience, If these statistios were of sufficient in terest to be pnbliehed they should be at least correot certainly such glaring injustice houlil not be done our mem hers and our institutions. pIVumL Wnlo. V Irln nr a died Of tttlSl exeOUt.U by .b.lin Tarlor and wife, on thelh day ol lrla . In the veir and duly riialurd in Honk V. V . imue W, of the reforu oi air.ue iu tbe Kralstur'a uUoe ol New naunTer rouiiif , win. mi Hxinr.la. the stu day oi oannery, .,, at lie llaikel HouMI tilth City Of Wtluilngti at IS o'clnck, M., oiler lorsa'.eat iuli.lcaactii.il lor eb, a lot In the cliy of W lloilualou, com raaiiulnu SO ,eet Irom tbe auutheaat enruer r mi. lb and Princes atreeW. nd ronnlnr theLce mnili I W leel to a stone wall, John A. T ay lot 's line, tb. nce eastwM-nly n tent to a 1 'o-t a'ley, thi-nre northwardly ISO feel te Prlueees etie l, inenc to me neanniiiaa. Dee! 1,-e.Hjy. witLTf it L. 8TEHLK. Administrator's Sale- T Wll.l. FXPliSK F')K SA'-K AT TUB J. C'uin t Hon e ilix.r. In the ulty or wtlm.i.K , ,n on Mom at. Ilei-eniber TOrn, ai izo-cuina ., tbe ful owiag pieces of '.suit belonglnn to 1biateof Km.nnrl Nttn, dreeasid, situate in t.iei;lty of Wilmington, r-.riD:u a .ot law.: Helnii.nirat a st i on laouil airimt reel liom Kaiikin street and runningtnr ica ihid MKestret south s fe-t, ine ma eut i.aMl with Hena'nTiireel law reel m Jonni.' Al ey, tneiwe Willi ei.l auor norii eo feel, tbnce w,.t rs rer-. ii ine i.eginninx. 1 bes-me belnr fiu eastern half of l)t Nn. i rvo, L. ':9. anoidtiK to tile Dian in tnri li .f Wllidlniitim. ' rrm. ens thiroT cm andbaianre In sli and twelre months, tune ruwrteJ 1w4w . R D4KUT . Admlnhtratoi, 7 1 Fast Fro eht Route to all Po North or Gouth. AliLE WOHKMKN Have been secured fur this I vp.irt,mit, ai.d tl.e Job Office etiilirnees a coru plfte onl tit "f ALL STYLES OF TYPE, WiaienowrrHarltorecelye J "TOJritIiC. q -p Tj IH: 3 H 6 w Yorfi and Wilmington Eteaiiisliip Lias ! 8EMI-YEEKLY, tot .1 Q-;i:- WTJTQ TADU TTrr,TX'' FflT.1 V fAT.TPT.AV .iflD If UBIUU lAUUi iBJUVT JL VAlJtA( TI aUaVai A-iUMfi A Oil' i uaAVttiAi mm t A a iUa IU.U from WILMING1 ON, WEDNESDAY rd BAlUfilf Wl IqJi will recelv prompt a tebtli n and be done at ...... ..... i REASONABLE RATES. We have an uulimited supply of material and necessiiry fixtures,' msklng this Department one of tha BOSTON AND FALL RIVER. New York and H'ilciingtoii Steamship Company, OOKSlCffTINO WITH TBM i OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK 8eml-Wek:- betveen W YORK and WILMINGTON. . wTctlskeaa. - ax 1 ilnrd y Irom each Fwrt, III COMPLETE IN THIS SKCrr-OKT" of our "contribution to liberty,'1 who was evidently glad to see na, and seemed somewhat anrprised a our healthy appearanoe. After raauy kiud ly inquiries shout the family, heaskeil; "well Mass .loo is theritr raying niuou now iu Wilmington." We asHur- cd'him that he could Tiait the oity with perfect impunity, and And very many healthy oolored people down there, es pecially about election time. We rolato this anecdote mf rely to illustrate the common impression and oommon informition people roceivein regsrd to the eastern Heetiou of the 8late: Now if we desired, thmugh onr col umns to givo strangers and iuNnrauce eomponiea, snd our colored friend, reliable information npon the subject of the health of our seclion and to connterRot the fnlse and injiiriou i im presRions whioh prevail, we have neith er ofllcial or unoflioial htatcHtiod upon which weeould rely. The bar atate lie ut of individuals or even of the medieal fatuity will not do. The im pression is of too long standing and too wido spread to be eradicated by such means. We muet have the vital statistics of these onsteru counties, un der a Board tjuthoriied by tho State. We believe the labors of snoh a Board would bu of the greatest service in do ing aw ay with the very injurious im pressions prevaleut about Eastern Nortl. Carolina. Aud this view of the labors of this Board is only one of tho benefit to be derived by its establishment. The ad vantages in the treatmeut of diaetse aud other purely medical points are obvious. We hope this matter will be pressed. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN AT Win. lYlHT-N. EXCHANGE CORNER. FRENCH PLAIT MOSAIC JEWELRY from I'arls, Tlis Ltst Things out In tin' line. A large lot or CELLULOID CORAL SETS. - , AND NECKLACES Another Handsome Aar-rt r.ont of TUCKING COMIIH. I atest Style of Linen Collars and Cuffs. 0iH.1l , THE CELEBRATED FERTILIZER WILCOX. GIBBS t CO S. MANIPULATED GUANO This fuaiio now offered to Farmers s" Planters or imMI grsin for tba season cn lhe follnwlns liberal terms: v OnerailKte 1st of November, wish epoef paying In oitlon at IT cents for oilddllng, de flyer a at Plauler's nearest sta Ion, f 70.00. on oredlt to 1st of Norember, payaole In ctereno, wlfout option, e0 00 , , .. , ., ,, 0eh, SbB.OO. - " ! 'i. Rend In ordeis early and get nr Onano while you are battling colton to market, to Bare sxprnas. " ... Ulrmilars gltlng snslysls, eertlfloatss, eto , may be hail on application ro JA8. T. PITTEWAT, Wilmington. K. O. A gent tbi Messrs WUosx, OlbtM 6 Va. not M ti- r J MM I ', ( UKAl STOVW HOU8K J. 0. DUNLOP & CO. 9. Wi Piatt! Sireet, Ba.tlmore-a PARLOR HEATERS' COOKINQ'STOVES. JLLUrV.II.ATO FUBN1CES. RIMES NOTICE. Wl 1,1. be sold at pub N 0.. on fliursil at t oVIm'k, P. M , (tinli 11,1. he solil at public sale at Laurlnbtirg, rsnay, uecemner in, inio, leas sooner disposed ot atprlraio sale), a house, with Rll gr mnd U iachd, In sd fli;e. now rueuiiloil. by Mi That port on nurtn oi in he Ilailroal loinHEH" nv.n. The Norfolk Virginian calls atten tion to some of the Southern publio men now in Washington. Such men give character to a people and to a nation: Let our people observe what a uisor niflceat service Mr. L. Q. O. Lamar has performed for tbe Coneervative Pemoorsho party and for the South Mr. Lamar is a Misainsippian. Let them remember how, last jmt, when the Foroe Bill threatened ns all and all our liberties Senator John B, VOlili. track to be sold s ptratelv. Three valuable unimproved lots on Main street, and four valu able ii' imp-oved lot on Kalrlev strwt, fronting on Railroad. Fn' prHcul irs apply to CRQNLY k MORRIS, dec 1,8 18 CARPETS, DUAPEltY. .JB'UItNITUIlE. We ask nol-vJ attenllen (o i ur slosk of tbe abovi'.l ga d.'. Wa are now prepared to far- nlsli Parlors, Dining Kooros and Uhamberi with Carpels. Furniture and Urapory to match, In late styles, and at AST LOW PItlCES As any House In the country. D. A. SMITH & CO. BOOKS, ; , PAMPHLETS, ,s ... i POSTERS. BUSINESS CARDS YUITINQ CARDS I " Aid iu fact aU kinds of . JOB'WOHK. j i 1 Tic .: j (' : ; i: : Will be done al the MOSTj BEASOMBLE RATES, j itniliid Jfiii jit;' si t ; Ami In the best possible STYIE OF THE AM- i Thankful far, the,, past patronage e sondii-l ih u, it wilj.be our aim to merit a enuiiiiiisnee of the muc. . , , . . t iBHijoiisE Shipper, .ay rely voa the promi4 ad rrgolsr sailing of ttrse Ftitnerr, sad quick dis patch Riven I all afalBieiiis by Ibis route NO DELAYS. t'obotUg at sMlavlagaMi wtth the WILIimOTOS.OOLrBlBIA A AVOCKTA BAILHOAP. WlldalHOTUN WKI.OOfi HAII.hO-O, - TUK I'AHeLlNA I'FNTHAt. AAILWAT, ANI' API! rFAK MTII XAVAMMl Throogh Bills ef Lading giver to and from all Folnte In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Also to NEW TORK. BOSTON, PROTIDLNCE, FALL BITEB ad " Eastern Citie. SV Bates guaranteed as low as by any other tost and time s quick. Lease, ever ekarge, promptly pAld. Mark all Goods Tla Cljde's Hilmliiplon Line. SET For rnrthsr Inform atlon apply to either ol the undersigned i genu of the Lias. ' D. D. 0. MINK. Wit. P. OLTDE St UoV, General A teak,. Usneral Kastera Agent, New lork J Ine, t Bowling 6re. S T. 2t Devonshire Street, Boston. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. JUT Via WlliMlNGTON, IV. CJ. 1 FAST FHEIO-HT ROUTE To !al' Pointo North or Oouth AND ORATES I Mtoves repaired. .11 Aw4m Administrator's Sale i . .( 1 i ..j a' s. AT A. CJ CT:XpW: ON Wadnarday, theSth Inst, at ft i o'c.ock, I all! sell the entire stock of Urooxrlesln tbe st. re iwner of Fonrth and Swan streets, be The togetlnM with a good wagon awl harness be smgitig ton u. a. Abrsui, .icceasea. store and dwetllus will aliu ha fo- rent. Q.O. W. MULI.KB, deoS-3t Administrator, .ih' OHN W. HIMSO, (l,mc ul' N print dt ninsiin.i jW'Imingtort.R. U" j AifSH It. OUMBTIRtt. Lto Oaahier Hank uf mevi nanover.i Tarboro, n. u. BALT1TI0RE. Baltimore ami Wilinsjon Uie, ; saai-wsLT. . . -AILI0 FROM BALTIMOKB Wednesday A Saturday. BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. . BsJ tuner aod WUmington Line, 5it!mor, Boston and f rovldenoe Uns, t 3 . Uf via Canal Daily ts Philadlhls snd Clyde's Fhlladolphiaand Provldrsce Lin. '.. 'J isma-Wsekly from each Port ' ' W00I) Mt or Haaed I'p. Kept dry under sheds, snd delivered In good burning eon lUliin. . U. PARSI.KY&Co, New TiOcation 8. Water 8t , foot or range, dec 3 CUTLERY. OOKK'Jl PCK F.T TA Bl.lt t I'TI.F.h V WtBTBM HOLM'S KAIVKM AN1 KaZ')K, Nedhra' and Mllner's Pocket kilrn l ite above ar all riHHr-CI.ARH O'lOlM For sale l .w bv , ;i:o. a, I'M'. Nov. Jlth, ISIS. "Sl.500.000" Is the average ssunthly profit estimated In he paid to holder, of stock tinvl.eges by vnrious banker. In Walt Street. The bouse of Messrs. Alexander Kroiblugham & Co., 11 Wall Mtirrt, new lors.wno poeseee a woria-wnie repuia tion for their at riot Integrity, nfler to nd fratnitoisiy ror on yeartneir rtnanelai Week v Kenurl, and a hook eiplalnlni bow su m Irons ten duller, to I honrand, may be la tried. Ihnwe who Invest little have the tarn adn tsge aa large operator,. Bend lortbelr Weekly .R.Mtnrt Pes'. Nov 13. Address ale. rriorm'vwtiAM . rs,. Ilsnkersand hiveere, 11 Wall at. . T aeoseooiai novJS THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGAZIHE. Tll(UI) AND FOURTH VOLUM ' J.lkr- ' ' - i : JULY. ' ' JUNE. ODR LIVING AND O UR DEAD 1876. ': IB70: 10,000 MW SIBSCKIBISS WAMED. WE WH,LTCKMHTMr: U3T"i RAH bauilsumslv bound,, la Library Style, two volumes, (balf alt), With current ynar Irom July. 1870, to June. 1876, luoiuslve, for 7; or the first year bour.il In two volames. oletU, and ourrent year len . ... a - w The liberality ot this offer will sppeir from the rollowltn: ' .j. ... ,j - , ., Two VoK, I.tbcary stylo. Magasine current year j FOKTHEJkLBiOP Cotton, Rice. Lumber, Tobacoo, Naval Stores, and southern ! !o"; friuow;tiriorallif, NCp 108 (OHEjaTUT. ST-. n o nnV-jnasl. VbllaMoieiklst. ra BBVBRSWCIS: PH1UDEIPHIA. Baltimore anil Wilraoi ' Lhib. imi-w.t air Will A BALxinuKis AND WlLMIHdTOB. Balttmors snd Philadelphia SteamboatO. Dally via Canal between , ALTIatoBB AKDPHlLADBLPHrA. 7E3TERH CITIES. BALT1MOHH AWB WILMfflaTOS LI5B , Koi thsra Oentral BaUroad - AS9 TAB Baltimore aadOhleBallrwad. Bhtpiwr nay relvapontb prompt and renlarsailla ot thevs Bteamers, sad iek Batch lvn to all thlpmenu by this ronte. NO DELAYS. - Thrnn.h Rills i.f l.adlne eiven to and from all Points la l.Tt.Orn!ner. President Bstikof New Hsn- vnTlTTT anrl fiflTTTH r.ARDT.TNA HEOllGIA Itnd ALABAMA ft '""dint First yauonti Bank, Also to BALTIMOBE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, FROTIDENOE, d wnitgn.Nf. . other Eastern Cities, ... v .. - Jam t tssin, rrwieiii uawson nnns, gar Rates garsBteed as low as t)y any other Bout and Umc a qalok. Lwa er eversHarges 'a'tt pWeaV'Baaa-f K..B PteaapNy Js. n .. oyer, Oeilakoro. NO. r.V -11 A- w,t- ll14fw-. .' Vlln.lm.lin T IrnaA J A lak, remaon iiaavoi """""i lUarM tell MIJVUS f ltt jUUilliUUltJ UX1U. f f JUU1UKIVU JULalCss Wadosbo-o. N O. "!.' . I ' .lesae H Lindsay, rrttds V oi ureeua. Vnrnlibe. together for S7. Two Vols., olath Magaatne current year . . A Pee Dee Courier. HK THE MERCHANT OF WILMINb. ton aware that the Courier .ls the only Dan cratlc paper publlshedJln nooklb. ant, and that It clroulatei extensively In Rlohaaoad, Montgomery and Anson counties i Kates ol advertising liberal, and no extia obarges madefor changiug)Vuv. .Isemant weekly. DUCRRT1 ABHVIN, - ' "dltor,. BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS, ASVII.S, Screw Plates, Hammers, Bmllh'l lrl Is, Vl.e, of tbe best quality, Tonga, wde Iron Cast tteel. o. A large at wk oi tbaalmve gnoilsor the very belt duality, and at snob prices that will surely give satisfaction, oubohaiat thf old Established Hardware ituuse oi JOHN TIAWSON, not 18 Nos. 1. K. and JI Marker Street. FOR RENT. It tire 0iii.iicOb One bal' of one of tho mv desirable stands nn rruni siren, to a p easant party with aa agreeable bnslnrs. For further Inlormatloa app'y at this em. C3iL JURY AND CAULIFLOWERS dec A T'rr flue ot lortai at Q. H. W.KUNGf,'i. $5 HO o ; ts so $ 8 ) S 0J 17 St Furnished together fmr Sfl. Tlioae who desire lo aeonre tbe Msnaxine from beginning have an opportunity nuw of uuiua su ouiavurmoie lerms, aau aaine sins time, they will tho, aid la bulldtna o a North Carothia Magaslu, and gly enoouragrment to native talent. I am aatborlxed to state that Christian Read, M.'. t). W. Harris, T. W. lilngjbury, Ksq., Uen. Cllngman, (Jov. Vance, and other dlstln- galahtd writers will contribute to our columu. ary number. iurlna tbe eurrent vear un er mora teriais win begin witn to iian. till January we snake the following offer t To any one sending H we will t Ornish th Masaslne eomnlete Irom January. 1X75. to De- oember, 1MB, lnclndln"' A Hummer Ilyl"by Christian Hiad, and "Margaret Koa. lyn." by Mrs. I). W. Harrla, aa the Msgasina fi th year, 187S, from Jananr and ireaembertw years wllh. tunr oompieW serials, tcrJ. i : t NOW IS TUK TIMt TO SlBSfRIBK 1 1 a7"8end In your nrders Address 0. A). POOL, Raleigh, N. 0.' ' hnrrt irIlSlOrO. N t w Hon Uo H.iwra, rrtm. -i u. M We.tdell, RS0..1 Tutc: 0, .1 0. Hon. W i Johusuu, Jaa-non Court House, ji)y fell ItH-detwr'f For fnrtter Information apply to either of th ndrslgned Agents of tbsIJa. EDWIN FITZGERALD. Agent. fialtlmore Line, Se Moaih a treat. Baitimor. march lS-tf A. D. CAZAUX, Atrent. baitlmore and bw lexk Liaa WlLI8TO. X.Q. Septembers 1875. August. -1876. THE N. C. J0UH3UL OF EDUCAiM. A S page Mo twhlv. ll.BO per yesT.' The second year T this Journal began I Sortember. It Is famished it Uachs s and minister, or the Oo sreelat 1 pet year. The Srnt year, September, l.srs, to Aognst, 1879, inclu sly, oaabhsd. ipVrhsfnrei. Address, ' li. li. POOL, Kalelgb, N.O r To H woo ire lafferlng from the errors and I odlscretionsorjoath. tier. tou weab less, erlj t.ecj, loss of manhood, t sc., I will send a rfrcpt mat win care, fkge ur tniKtiK. This rroat remedy was dHrorered hi a missions rj In South America. Send a telt-add ressed enrrlone to the Rrv. Joseph T. Inmaa, Station D., Bible iivwRfif Mm ion ui. ' . deotitma esa The Hovel of the Season I .CHRISTIAN Rl-IDS' ' ' "A OUBSTION OF HONOE." fin .it Ion of Honor, bv Christian Reld, le praised try the prose as a work highly credits tle of Ametutaa literature. Tbe subjoiaca ex tract, lareirom very iivorauie oruicissus; , from Ou Philadelphia Prtti. "A new work of Action by Christian KeWl Is always acceptable . . : 'A Oieatlon or Honor, is a story of Southern society, with well con structed a.td wcll-su.talned plot, and with a ttnUili whlou will be unanticipated by most 'Wsi taiw FaviKeir ' "' !' "An 'aamirably told story, tull t Incident aad plot, Umt are l'e reapeot ovsrstralned, and carrying laiense tnteress as too threads at the narrative ar caught ap and Joined te-,ther"- .. ' ' Fe Ikt LtminMU Omner-Journal. "The story Is a caarmtng one, and 1, tally worthy of the autbtir's reputation: Indeed, It has secured w as the beet and nobles, .ol all that sua has yet-wrkten.'M . , . rrom uu vorwn uin, "Fxqnisltelv clear W styl and elevated I tone. autl is wortu morewau uu. muni .log. f-it-f ' SVom a, Btiea Ilerala. "Th aatac, ba, wrong hi with oar, and with a good ethical and artistic purpose, and Kaese aisthaaswndal Soads nj the hutlding Vmt tkt lotion Coirlu. , "'A, a ooatribuUoa to Amerioiut lotkn,'A Question of Honor,' will more than maintain . We AbToIo Pewri . ' The author of "Vamrle vjimer' Is one ot the most sasoeesfal of those who bar tried to oob struot novels Dnt of th crude material ol Ass srloan life." V if I IIS . ' 1 -r j (1 voi.lttao. ulot. Pio. t. MivUed to Bay ad lrss f will: th United Btah . pest-pain, on roipt er price-. D. APPLKTON A OU., Publisher sogH'-t 3STOTIOJB. Carolina Central Railway, (IE SURAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, Wilminotox, Maroh 81at, 1875. ) THE ATTENTION OF TUB PtHILlO IB RESPBOT FULLY IN7ITKD rro;THE fact that its Carolina Osn.iai Hallway being completed and fully equipped far bnslnesa oners witn its eonaeonons at tn mini ton, ootn via airct ouiamer Limes ana via vroiaoa an Portsmouth, to B d tlmore, Phl adolphia, New Tork, Boston and Prurldeuoe unaaualad la lty for handling shipments Iron .''.'.., - WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN (CITIES TO! CHAR LOTTE. STATES VI LLE, GREENVILLE, SPARTAN- ''"'- BURG and all stations oaAtlantlo, Tns -swedt Ohio. Atlantic snd Richmond Air Un and North Carolina Railroads as well as al p.iliits in OKOKOIA and ALA HAM A. lnsaranee from astern oittes i t ai anieeii as low as via anyoiuer line, no terminal or araar A sol Buosdwat, N. T. it.. o CRONLY i IjOHHIS AUCTIONEERS tTOCH ; AID REAL EITATEeOKERl .1 WILMINOTON, N. a IAN BE SEEN AT TflEIK SALES R(.U)M V7 apian or th city, on au enlarged stAli. Blank llm A with the boondatte, of every tatUecttyd. stlnetlydeBned. ., '. Asaawaedv. vine, pant and present, of sv ia the oily- , , An, Uiorg istlon doatrsd raratsh. p fsr ehar.es. and llsate stlwr.y M na low ska tb lowest. Kates to an poinia lacnisneo spun appiteauoa to uo nnueraigiica . llauover Building. aprllS-SV-ly Offlo la Bank f VW P. W. OX.A.IUE-, , Oeneral Freight Agent. WK OFFER FOR THE PAI.LTRAUK OUK USl AL LARGE AND INCREASED 8TOO Hew r&uerns ana uesigns OP Parlor, Cianb-t- .tnd DIiiIiik- Itoom ITurialture. AT RS.TB KM LT LOW PRICES. CARPETS AKD OIL CLOTH AND MATTING la this line onr .stock smaraoessl. ol' ths Newand leading Pattern, of Brussels, Tkra-ply Buoars. Cotton asd Hsmp 11 irt"ts Allgrulea Oil Hloth and Matting. Also Mat and Kags, of BauUlnl Doslgns, lied dine;. &o.. &o Ikir. Mia ShuoV. Eioelsior tod tia MATCHSiSKS, FEATHRHS.lMk'tlUK t DS FEATHER PILLOWS AND BQMTB OOMFuUTABlii"1. & LI. OF THE BEST MATERIAL. ., . , .luil out wnMannfaetnrs. . .1 . Hotels, Steamer, and Private Risleuo.,l' rushed in the Latest Style and atUw Frl Plaas iv as a tan dT imm our Btook before pnrehaslng. , D A SUITH & C0 - .18 Front Street : A Piour Nl MIXED FEED, ML I Car-li 1 1 i . ed aa short aetle. Uraia bought s. t, nark! prle. address, ' J4ARLOTT OIT1 It II I., Of inW.i, -Jons tf . 0. not i oe: APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO " I'be Bsnk of Now Hanover" for the I, sue of dnplioate errtlfleate fbr IK tkare, of th capital stock of sakl bars, In plaoe of th original certlucatea, Nob. lig andfO, for said hares heretofore lseurd to the late W. R. Am ple dated th day of spdrniwlea. A. CMflR, i novie lurtw Adml W, ft. KUfLK,

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