; ... . n Mun Tf n" '' I J? T I A . J hi'ii AY rft vol mv. no. WILIUHGTOIT 17. C. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11 1875. V7K0LS HO- 7X31. BAI3COCK.' Xljhtff n of the Jorj la FaTor of In dieting - Plerrrpont's Opinion -An Order for Arrest on the Way. w .l. . -.4 WASHINGTON NOTES. laval Movement Appointments-A Slow pay In the House -The fabl net on Gen. BaTmock's rase- NEWS IN OENER AL. Murder bMollj Magalrei-Injundlon Continued-California Inaugurate! Its Governor. 4c. G 0 L D 14 1-4. III TSIiEGItAPH TO THR J0CB5AL. WASHI1NJTOV ' ' Congressional. . . . , . Washmoxoit, Deo. 10. Gen. Gibson moved an addition to ' the regular oommitt.ee of the Honse, committee of eleveu, to be known as the Mississippi Levee Commission. Adopted. Gen; Gibson wilt be Chairman wben the Commission is appointed An ineffectual attempt was mnde to pass- the bill reducing third elans mail matter to one cent per two onnoes. The House then adjourned to Jaes- aay. SINATB. No session. Baboock'a indictments at St Louia has been officially communicated to Fierrepont. . , The iron-olads lying it the Phila delphia breakwater sailed for Norfolk this morning.f -m t . , Speaker Kerr baa appointed Repre sentatives Harris, , of Virginia, .and Wheeler ojj tQ J trtaUes of, the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Mr. Adams, Clerk of the House, has appointed N. 8. Brown, of Tennessee, Reading OiflrtrtSd J. Soudder, of In diana, Clerk at the Speaker's desk. . The following ia from the Attorney General to D. P. Dyer, U. 8. Attorney General at St. Louia J " -" "The sworn report of Mr. Hender on's speech, forwarded by Mr. Eaton, and referred to by both you and Mr. Henderson in yonr dispatohea of yes terday a eorreot report, waa read to a fall Cabinet to-dayand was regarded by every member as an outrage upon professional "propriety thai to reflect, "witaonfa shadow of reason,' upon the htresident, -by whom his emptoy ment by the Department was sanction ed, and in order that no impediment might be placed in the way of bring ing to speedy punishment every de f render of the revenue at St. .Louia. Ton will advise Gen. Henderson of his discharge-fitom further servioe, and aeoure in his place the most able and efficient conns you can find, without regard to. bis praotioe. f (Signed) "Edw'd PraBiiTOirrV , t t Attorney-General. Tni1)Usinefls of the Cabinet was con fined to the whiskey frauds at St. LopVl,'i5llive ordered 'a change of ooonsel at that point. Naw Towt. Dec 10. Judge Dona hue to-day rendered a deoiaion con tinuing the injunction obtained against the Panama B. B. Co. by the stock holders, restraining it. from running a line of ocean steamers. A special, irom St Louis esys that the indictment against Baboook was found by a vote of eighteen to one in favor of a true bill. The charge in the Indictment is conspiracy to defraud to Treasury of the TJaitod States, The Grand Jury, before adjourning, sent letters to ex-Marshal Newcomb and Attorney-General Patrick, aaying that, although charges bad been' made against. fkm of conspiracy to defraud the Government, a fall ana exhaustive investigation had failed to oonviuoa the jury of their gnilt. .im. . PSNN8TLT1NIA. Pottsviilb, Deo. 10. A party of masked men entered a honse in the vicinity of Oilbertsville, took Charles O'DomiPlt and a man' named MoADIs ter from the house and killed them. It is stated that McAllister's sister wan also murdered, t-'XUfi ootrage ie at tributed to the Molly Mugnires. . CAlirORm.cf .8a Jfc jAHOi80o, Dec. 10. Governor Irwin was Juan .trn rated to-day .i '' He urges, legifilstipu to procure a modifi cation of (he treaty with CLina, with the new restrictions of Chinese immi- S.tAmS, Dap. 10. TbeGrani Jury presented thirteen nev indictoents lu daj, . including one against Bubflock, for whom Offlcorsliave gone to Chioago. gtrwulsiauiuieplTUigtoPiwre pont' .aebuke says that b stands iTis ppGeoli and has bo apologies to iake.v., . .-'.: fi x'V"l" " "' " ' ' ,!' .ma .11 . f .I.. m;j aHNi. t n v i f ,,0fft0Ao,, .Deo. 10.-i-Th 1 Baboock Csrtot Jiuqan' rj meet aJ aljijurn from day to day, withont business, until instructed from Washington what course to pursue. FOREIQ Xr, ENGLAND. ' Londok. Deo. 10. A Madrid dis patch to the Standard says that Tlmr.---day moruiug's pupora "theri express the opinion that the part-of Pr'i'!' iit Grant's message on Cuban sffiim U no more alarming than his former rtter aliens on the mbje-t. " The" Conserva tive jcoruals ooUKulfr his liuiMjT" aeriona. The general opinion is til ths message is favorablp. Further reinforoemeuts are prepnr ing for Cuba. jvi jorKSTian.nK.yTx. . PROSPECTUS. ON xATlTRr)AT,T'! FI'ST 1 A ' J itr(ir. IS7U, tlie nni1,-rti:i til rtm mtince Iho pnbllet'iin or tli vMiUn ' i tin. I h Kfho wl'l b i ths mgmof IJi" Ku It. a ; f Pjthln. in tblK Htkto, tb UiM'i MM l th- Wortil ' sc ' Whtl. th. I'UliUn Eche wl'l l !.:' I'-'il t t tntcremof thu Knltcln of fy'lil-c, it tufr bf In tu ud Hi thre (Ir.t Iiti ' Pt ni'li'1." which mills n -Frliitrtvlrt,Clir tv nd Hen.Tulm.cf. Kem(!inhirlnirthl 'li e-imiiof th Ki-Vi will it be tii rt n . vo'.nt Morli'lp.. Th I O O r.HIR M ami the Fa A M will ! hT . fp lir nrtfh wh'Ph tht'v will li ii'iml, Th. ..hjo, t tit. f .-bi will b toglTn li In'fvt lufoiai tl'ti ohmlnoi at th. li. n o' sotnr to nrfw. on : toiKH or HilH ot ctime'-'rtl will th. OnVr at h m' and Unud It wl'l lm td li.pomi" t'l.oo ant fompirn n .-f -Tor bp'h In thu Unl; It l 1 it .olm. ihro itrh inriinl irctl fi frnm lb. bet wrltem, f beocni" hi. tl.ltor wottliT rlf rl mil i'ihi m I ,ln th. t.ililK of th. rntlrn I rutlir-lio it t t .it' !'lns! It. but lnn!ttioi no mi nH Bln ihn b-l ln'Tt., In i It. d.ptrtmvtitx, t miHii to til. (r-npr.l cl of the t'Mrr It. Itlifh l ambition will b. to bi-come wot&j, 'limunh In wri'ingt.or tn" gnoi will and pitrontfanr a I OlhTC. The PjthUn Kchowlll be I'libllnbed every Sati'd at SI fr annum. i A(lTCrttenrpn1)tcifei s.fl Inwrtti at ton ratN. GKHITRN MA'iTTMrR, s d-plllf dit riuml rroi-r inr- FRESH CEUnY TO-DAY. MALAGA CRAPES. 8WEET ORANGES CHOICE BANANAS, FIGS In Bags, Boxes, Drurris, (a l-a Cents perlb.fer PRUNES. S. F. Whitman sJod's Colfoclicry. Plckloi, Pepper, ard . ucumbfribr the 10). Extra Plii. TEA 'o $t per pound The Beat 80. Clar in the City. CURTIS A BOATWRIPHT. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Kew, ciiofce nd Kl 'ittnt, 1b4 pnaijled In v arieiy. THEUVECOOKliSTORE." Ha Bultabl. Present, for Old and Young PIANOS ORCANS, Ww.nd Bd.otifui CHROMOS ana MOTTOES, s au flndleM Varteryiif rj B O O.K 'S 1 OfETrt-T lecrlptlon. ' " Com.ou. aud all, and nato jaar raluetkon, at . 4 HEINSBERQEB'8 - declt ... .... j u K.39 MarHet Sttnet for lease:5 " a. nan neiMe. mid w biot var., oa r ..mnable texnu. Addraai throrsh tbe l'ot Ofloe, - v 71 fV 18 Tubs O. E. Batter. (M) Boxei Factory and State Cheece. .100 Barrel sad B JJ-; r-aJi kind. 1D0 Rarrell K. R. PoUtoei. ' T"" Barrel BoakwbeaL ' ttAOdtnaj ! : t L' ,' ' ?. ' : it ; . ; CANDLES,.,:;.- . S v ' :- '1 UAJiUY, .M.-. COFFEE, ' V'i't UAY. LYE, .... vn ,j ,f 'XT.i'? Kfj-.V-J I MOLASSES " ' , - -v 0TTKR9," : J J r' 1 JP0TA8H, SALT, j I j ! s:; . ' i YAKNS, SHEET1NU The above Good, will he ollored rery low to prompt paying co.tomeri, by WILLIAMS k MURCHISOH. noTjt IOO Boxes Fire Cracken. Tor aale by "i ,"2J.KERCttfRlOAUl8RlJao. COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, 200 Bg Coft'ec. , i 1. ' -v Forialeby -',.' "T."" '., KEIi CliNKB dt OALDRK BROS.' MOLASSES, MOLASSES. MGLASSES. 350 Hbdf .'aud Bbi 9 H Mo'ftstcs". "" " k Olft l and II lluhu VI,,1,.l.. - j 1 I ,v BO ," i4mnrlrn Mo:ims(. For Sale Iry ' ! ( --K.EIlUHNKIt()At.I)Eaill(OS. CGl;M TO, HAY AKD' 'MEAL. i 1 ;Hl nil . BOO BiiFheii Corn, -tt , 1,000 Bortais ata, 1 4 llli,' ) SOO B.'e. Prime Kantern Hav, .., BOO BuiUeU Water Oruvnd Heal 1 Foi Hal by KKBCHMR A CALPE4 BKOb , - deeS - - - - :.-..'! LKrAT. ; I oar PLENDID OVERCOATS, our ferjsiNEss-snirs11 $10.00. ' -a ii:.r iiii( t OUR DRESS 8UIT3 AT $23.00 BOWS ... . runnrrt 'v',,1,t ' i . i n i aijuuiwwaiaaK , . - a jt ... Tnen Bar of MUNSON & CO., 9 Ij Clotblsri and Merchant Tailort, 1 TTTYTT VDrIlUUJCiXJlX40 .r.'W .IftfKKTIOK.nK.YTIt. ' S Tcather Dusters. nAlvVU? OM HMrtRil SOAP, ; f K' l.-iy 0( !l kMllts, . L.lli:s'A:Nt O'lrlM "ATCflSI., ?. i v Iiikji t'. r ravh. k . t.t. ir. s s-iih Kr inl HI 1 (I FOOTLES! A t.-.i-f n u'k Ju 1 ); iid mid F O A 7 SAL U L O W, i. X. fit .t oo. TH". IITTIE CAR.INQ. 4 i'.L.'i'T mwitio mc'iiin. rou t.lltllT WOKK. JUST THE THING! at '1. ' Irf. t)i re nt pi "t I ti J I) d'eM . V V III tfd !. h i I HlVfrrll. . Ilr,-. 4TH.. ASE1 I'M Vvrio. .Ki-eidif W.tltci'Sr Plaited Spoons and Forks, pi ttod Cutlery, Fine Table Knlvs,Hajro Furnishing Qoode &e.,Ao.,Jor sele low at n. 28 South Front Street, bw V., CtO. A. PECK d in I - oiikai1 xjovw hoime I 'o. imiw & co. !) ,V, Km' 'trnet, na-Hmor" HFATERS ' i CCOKtriQ STOVES. r ' III UM1MAT0 FiiafacEt. mm Arsa GRATES jV QT I C E . 'ITT'il.l.bm'M Kt p ilille .ale at Lanrlnburg, Vy .CIlll I hiirndav, December 18,1878, at i o'o'i). , M., (utile, toonrr ill.riiied of r p.'lr:i nl"), a hiamr, irltli all gr.iunO, at. raolilit, kl i la aw ouoapi.d by Mr, Vopii. 'l lmt. i miIio i noiLli of lh Uailroad trai'k t:i l:e koU) irntrlv, Tlirre valuable unliuprvi'.l toil on viuiu mrtiot, and tour Talu aol" a intiirnvftl lot on Kmrly.trwl, frontlnc onKilliojd. For nuriidil iri. applr to tt, CRuKLY & MORRIS, CELERY AND , ; GAiJLIF LOWERS j U i i IW vify Hiw lot Iti tale St , i fii O. H. W. KUNQK'fl. LEA a ?RRIK8' oELLUHATEU, ! i, ICXTRAOT f 1 al.RTTKRfrotoa ! UK 1 HAM at Madiaa, f C' i. i , i. Mil yiOHCMT,, , , 10 U TH JJ?. V m AT, I8AI. 4,0nlv Qoortill'i'tiiilNS tbat o firvt;,! ttielrwiuce lhlgb. SanCiJ, . L.rS,yeM',mee.linlD- . ull'tW, ndim tn mj Ad ppllcbletoii;M,i!li;il54,,r.it,oii1 the moat ? , u oroiner ai Wwct ershi re' gatice; iol I W i )i in! . m f0r ExportatiOD byte Pri-prtetoi-., LEA g PBKHIS8, WrOMbJr, R'.glnnd; an-i Ketiill by Dpalerfla Bane gn. erally'thror eiii-.ifit the world. " ' ; " ' i' . . i Ask for Lea & rerrins' 8anc. At U HIIIjAKt Artl' I AIILK It lm. jiarti the mixt oiniaiglte reH.h mid met to Hot or Co'.d Mtut, Fowl, Fifh, Biolitd b.iJnBy,o. , At ih i A IS IE, In Swap, with rinb, Hat JyiiiLs, il&iiij, uj lu all Uratlaa, It givelt)llghtttil flaror a At ."ti I I Vl lirOI .1ND 81 PI'KII tARLCSi It li deemed ludlapeneabie by i f tboxA t'.xmi'.ar vim .U eatlmibl qaaiitlo. . 11 frim Aw Turk Time, 'i'l.cre iiiin r.llan la Clio world wbieb Uo uolvnrMlly lined a. L. A PerrW famoci Wiircpor.:r;li'ro Sance. ! Tlieosoiill-niw ..f thl Saui-e bavlnjcu aed titimernua IniltUI-nif. Tlie vew label bere beats al'ac tliD-le or tli4 proprietor' signature. t?ptd ... Veil ft jl.rM up hi ea li bottl't; JflHM OUNCAK'S SONS NEW YORK, Administrator's Sale. IW1L.I. KX''VK Fm SA'K AT THE Oinirt llmi ii it.irrii the ulty of Wllmlng toii oi Monday, IS'.hi:h-t aoib,' at lau'clnnk, M..thu Jul on. txeiiwot laud bolongln to .bu t-aiai-1 oi i ni -iiiiii'i Sun, decenat'il, altiiiit in r an . .11 v or liuiuiftWii, dranribed a iol. -,w: I .'iui,tta( o. u on MeKao .truot, I .t i rot 1 1. iqi R M'li 'i h H it .nil ni lining Hik icb Kill) h t ) t "dc'U'i -.tr-iit miii III 4 rt, tlMuM ea t iKntlfi K'tli ltnnkin eirrct 15V le.it to .loriei.' Alloy, t -vnc. with ai. allay nortl 6t f.-ar, tlnnci wi'i t 1H fi't't. t ) the beginning. 1 he ainij Iciiia t'.m a-i.a.crn hnlf ot Lot N... 4 B'oi k '.HI. iifii'illiK' to thfl pi.ri of th. rnitl Oltr '.f wtlialtiKton. ' mi, one-third J.h, an t ln'inice In nix .nil tw.lTe montiia, Inn reBerveJ. w. H DAKBY, lnw4w A'tnt'nt.trtoi, ' CMtKETS, ' FURNITURE. Wjs s.lt fprli'kttpntle't to'i nt .fork of tlie ii ivJ, g iilt, , Wo si. iii'ir pieparad to fnr n!h fa-lorn, plulng ltonm. and Obambrl with fippiV, Fnrnltiimanri Drapery to match,' In latq.tflr. uiti , ....... . AT LOW PHICKS ; A. any Hnna l In tlio auuiitry, ' D. A- SMITH & CO. ' novM 1875. 1875. FALL AND WINTER E EAGG. Best Assorted Stock in the Citj now Opi ii nt BLACK SILKS, Tho Celebrated Ouinet'a Oroa (! ruins. COLORED SILKS, All tbo Latest Oloth Sliail.1 RIUA.L SILK POI'LINS. ., ; MERINOS, CASSIMEREi SEEGES AND'MOffAIR GLACE, id all tbo Lutt'nC Nuvoltii'g in GD BLACK ALPACAS,"- Thfct iwuftl Bpeoialty wo hire alwuja soM so many unit no low, tlmt among bo man rrrtrwla it in milv a flmull tu l nf tin. uiiai p I mitiif MOU R ti I TJ C GO OD S . In every variety. Will open on tbo 8!h another I.ot of tlioHo clump .Houriotta's CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. ME2ST AND BOYS' WEAR. Oreat Hosier. Embroideries, ,f . j i i, , j v ii 'i . ' White Goods. STAPLK AND FANCY i . rji: j , 4.: & i ,. - -. Everything is Cheaper than has Toeu known for years. Wo only require a call the Prices and Styles will do the soiling.; No. 36; MARKET STREET. DOVt i i '- . ( r I I A OLD WINES AND -BR DIEN. Ti. I.argeat 8 look and rh"lcfirt Brand In tlie Stat.. Bxaaala our Uquora b.lor , purohaalug. Jamais Ron, ; ' 1 - ' ; Hand Mad Hour Mvh WM.kr. Fur Holland Olu, Blue Or.., , lUataoky 0, . ? i t "' ' Botrsa.' '' ati'l lloiitbon num. HARMONY SHERRY; - ' The Oholc.it over ollored In till. Hints. 28 Chnt Oolong an t lmp.rl.1 T.aa, from lanportert Hale at half prloa. H.na for . Smp... JO Tabs Batter. "Beetlnthe Worlil." i ENGLISlFciIEESE. We are agent, for tlie "UNIVERSAL BITTERS." A poaltire core fi.r u-roni (tnhlilcjr, Dpeolal iaaacem.ru 10 uaxs nayec. A Large and Oereral Awoftment f UUoeej w . - and Gooils for .tie MM ArrlTlni Dally. ' '''- :Z MALAGA CRAPES,; -In Oltt'ter, t peunU fur SIliO, . ' . GE0I10E MYERS, , doel 11 anu It 8outli Frout Btnsot New Orieana-gnnrvitftfil pure. Cuba, Pemarara, 8ngt Hwae. ( . a 1,(00 Barrel all gra ter. Bufar, s .. . V tfallt, Coffee, h .: iptoe, " ; " ; ; , , Broom, . Candy, flnalr, . - ' s ,; , , i urarksn. Anil ererythlng In tli. ocery line, wliloli Rii.rantar, l"rit murtirt iri.'na. i noffl BINFORD, CROW at OO Trust Walo. BT Tlrtae of a deed of truat exreut d by John &. Taylor and wile, on th oib dv ot Mav, In the Tin 1M", and only rnlaterrd In Book V. V , p.ge 4!r2, of tbe reeor.i of od In the Kglter'.oruoor N.w Haa.T.r eoun'y, i will, on Hitnrl.r, th. 8th dr of Janu.rr, lHjr at the Market Uouae In Uia ottyof l'rainton. at I J o'clock, M., offer for.a'.at i ubltr aooi!i tor ovh, a l.tln the iy tf WIlBilnglon, com menclog W .est Irom the auutheiwt oon,ur ot Poivtk and Prlqcnatraet.. ud runt lug thencnl fOutU vso reet io a none wait, .Innn A. 1 nylnr'i. llun, thence ea.tw.rnlr do test to I' to t alley, thenoe northwardly 130 feet to Prlnceae atr.ct, tbenoe to tbe beginning. pV,1i-eodt. WALTKU h. 8TEELB. Lino of JiOODS, Mil, ETC. FOR FAIR WEEK AN RVKHY OTHKIl WKKK IS BR y..r at Inwrat ptlnp. to bn vera on the .uL, ami al onlnr. H'l-iit at Uin ru lug prm, of t&n 'lay tli-y aie rt'lvi'il, tli ia glrliiti miptt, B em aiin lln or. I r iI-hm. ti m Uiu .iid i. . l4gJhi'ijuuMUay II prtnini. Hcd Bacon IuHlifls,.ailBoibrs, lir Halt.it Mont HIiIhk, h mMnrii, Ui'lilen and (llai.li. Ham. In Tleroiw or Hrm.ll Fackagei j BREAKFAST STRIPES, Mf JPork, YM',r Ori'iiml Mi-al, Fib, k aoknr i ct, Mulll, H.rrmg., An. SUGAR, COFFEE, BALT- j . M lii.'0. of II kiinK SYRUP ALL KINDS, j Flour o all QnallMe. ' I Ani otur five bti'.drtd arl!i-le( Of line PANUY GRODiltli, Call or nrd-r from na, cirn of I)ock tid from Nlre.ta, WIImiiiK1"", N. C novlll ADKUN A VUlAjKHI, JOHN A. IJYIt.NE & C0. (FIP.E, MAitlNE AND LlFlfi) l,dOO,neo A. acta lloprestini IFKIUE-tluuiuier.il.! K;cti':so Umlrl g. ' ' nrt Wii.tww.r.. A f YATES' BOOK STOrlE ' ': Ton oan find SCHOOL BOOKS, n f TI JS S1AT10XERT," z un i.i i i MHunnivmrMfi. B(l - POCKET BOOKS, PE.(ILS, GOLD PENS, Ainciis, GAMES, JLc. MUSICAVLIN3TRUMENTS. IllilW SILVER AND PLATED WAPE FOli HOMPAV PRE-1ENT A lurge atiM-k of Mitoon. K"lf.t. Fork, oaati.r., "Iol "t ft. Cupa, Napa In himia, Ulilldruii' Sola in oaao. I f't. nmrer inn, viein tlHfrt aana. Svrun OiH', J'iokre-StHinl, dowel I'vKi't. Srl.Ool Htt Hniiar Bowl, Krn't Sti:d. len Pitch ru. (I'diltila. I.dlea in rafa and Ou'liir' fjnni or. dollar op, all whirh we oftur .it Jury pri. , Watolna, t::ons, .1. Plrrffi K.nct d. Call and examine betore purohaalug ol3- where. - -t , i ' Air work warrauled to give aatljl'actlon, or no ouarg. , .1,U. AlilXN,Agnt, . dec ttf Corner Front and trinoaf tit. '. " HIWEir H!$.t I .' tli E are the agent for th.w well known ' . fartle will do woll to examine am- ' '" efcfe buying olhrmke. ' 1 " uiLKHdtMUKUUlhtin. Hardware Jonas. .Vlf W jnrKHTIHK.nti.YTUi ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE1 o JLJ JLU) 45 MARKET STREET. Ouv Buyor lutu ju-1 rctnrnod from tbo Nortliuru Market I'lirohnces have been idiuVj way tn low mmt of manufacturing., llavo boon eutioi d to buy mm ti n Kiln tUmi wo wanted. TLey are markod and pit ou ii.f Ciiiii: ti i s nt u iiic. tint will miniriAo the ruobt skeptical, Have hired tbobtoro next ddiir, tl 7 M A. R Iv E T S T REET, And will mako the Largest DiBpTnjr of FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INS fRDNINTI, TOYS, ETC. Ever -offered (n the City of Wilmington. Have no spsne to enumerate, and ouiiuot oven give a taint idea of the variety. PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE . HOLIDAYS. Watches -Canary Dlrds-Cngcs-Locomotlvos-Tenplns -Drums-Open Dugglea-Tool Chests-Parlor Cro-quet-Ono and Two 8oat Voloclpodos -Crumb Pans-Chlldron's Own Dooks and Carts, m IN FACT EVERYTHING CUMPRISI NG THE TOY TRADE. CANAR BIR8 $3 EACHALL VYAARANTED TO SING. BRYWN & RODDICK. 45, 47 Market Street. THE GREAT RETAIL STOCK OP THE STATE, FOR SALE AT AUCTION, AT a i ir i TtTrTim am o .i. 6 MM11VM 01. d ! f if y i- Having perfeotwl arranfromonts by which the olmraotr of mr businens will bi i cbnrgnd, I have dotcrrniuod to still u anotion every dollar's worth of ' goodn oontiiincd iu my retail oiook, This oouiprlsos the LARGEST STOCK1 OF GOODS IM WILMINGTON, And aniouutlng to over & o r 4)-f i tWortb of SoanoDAblo and Elegant nRFSR nnnilS IN WllaaW WWW aaia a aiiaiaa a KngliHh, French and American OHnsiuiffos, Blnok Cloths, Doeoliins, Beavers, , i Moltou, Waterproof and Hatinetto, together with , LADIES' GENTS' and OHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR 1 Hodiory, Oluven, Hhirtt, Otd'ara, Cuff, llibbonn, Lnw. Edffinir, Handker- - . ohi'fn, BlinwU in eudlew variety, wery quality and prion, Ulaukets, i t Marwill.'s Qniltt, Hpreads, bUnotmir, Ticking, Comforts, , , i ( ; 'J'oblc-cl'ithn, Towels,- Napkins, Diapers, and other , . LINEN AND ; COTTON GOODS In grent var'mly Ti iuiki, H.itohulH, UmbrolliiB. Unto, Shoos, Funny Notions,' ' Ladii H Fiich, with thouiAiida of other articles, firmiug Bltog.'thcr tlie ! mot elegiuit, uttraotive aud doflirtibla stook ever sold nt ; thu Faruifir and ilnohiuiio are all invited to i attend this uiuuimothsulo by auotion. T.E EMS: C A: S II. AU Ooodrf mnat be paid for on delivery. , ol siileuiierea auer moy are ma oh. -j bsr O B T-B I TD D I N Gr- Ample and oomtortiiWotuwommodationH will bo furuisliod Ladies attending i .t siile. Evry afiieln put upwill be sold. 1'nrtios will be accommodated . ; an to uauUti("i. aa far as poBaible. Goods must be oftlld and ; ' tiien as poni after thasaloaa it is possiblu to doliver f tlitm. . This sain will be continued nt tuo utoi'i, No. 84 Market street from , . dny to day, commencing OS M B TJu'il the entire stock is sold. Sle to oommonoo daily at 10 o'clock, A. M.; 3 and 7 o'ciock, l". SI. Qoods sold to parties residing in the city will be . , DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE! Country Merebirts whose bills are oter 30) wiil be a'lowed thirty d.ijs time on firat-class Citv acccptsnoe, -A. WI2ILX., Agent NOTICE!!! Our regular business will be continued as heretofore at No. 32 Front Street, corner Princess. ... I a auiVk tp uih larurlsn t si (Jarullna, hr tiiifliiiwa men wlllJverUoio THE'WASHIKQTOH ECHO, a lam n4 w.ll atMtilihrl wkl neirapa per, oiriMil.tlng aiUniKlfly lu a. ciuuile.0 Uyie, Ho.ntiirt, Pamllm, Pl't, Kilr-O"""''. aniltr.oa.IJnln!r. Kale Low. WatT P. Wn.i um'ok. K. 0a, LaU Of Tarlioro. orWaAlngton. EUltora and Pruprletuii. ot 31 Br oo iij. 1 ' GOODS o o n Udoaa, consisting of Bilks, velvets, FVFOY VARIFTY.: o goods exchanged, or condition E S 6 ti. , , "77j Celebrated Double FMstio 1 , HPKINCISUIAJN . ; STKEL PEUI?; l.f il In all uoalor. in nt,iiiuit. for .nTiilencoi Hio wpo ruay wl-k tt( t.liniii, samnl Oar.la, oonlalnlii ono . I fiimhm., will ba Mat by mallouronnlil IV ON. BLAKBMAN, TAYLOR ' 0., ' 1W A 10 a" ', "or. wpUSa,

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