1 1S ' 1 i i -A i i ! . I . ; i I.J 1 i i ! I 1 : ) V VOL XXIV. IIO. 350 WILIIIIIGTOIJ "II. C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1370. V7.10LE IIO' 7r" r Of.flnihj sfcurnnl. BY TELEGRAPH. CONGRESS. Looking After the "Lame Dnflti" A Skirmish In the Senate THIRD TERM. Bishops Simpson and Baven and the lUh Ministers on the Third Term-Simpson Explains. rr w Jb: K JL . Boston Mayoralty-The Message In England -The Va. 6enatorshlp. C O L D 141-4. ltl TELEGRAPH TO THIS JOCBNAL. . SUNDAY'S DISPATCHES. VASUHGTOX. Washinqton, Deo. 12.-j-Th Fresi dmit has wcoguized John DeBrnyn as Vioe-Gonsul of ttie Netherlauda at Savannah. UTAH. Saw Lam City, Dso. 12. At a moeting of Muthodist ministirs in tbia oity, resolutions were adopted protest ing against the action of Bishop Haven and the ministers of Boston, nomina ting Grant for a third term. WISCONSIN MitwAtnim, Deo, 12,A terdiot of iailty his been found against Burbok Reynold, rectifiers. IvDIA.XA. Bisittu StfK, Deo. 12. A young lawfer named Jetty, fatally shot Dr. J. 0. Wateon, an old and respectable sititen of this plaoo, who forbid Jetty's attentions to hia daughter. " MISSOUKI. St. Loots, Deo. 11 Ja. O. Broad head has aooepted Henderson's plsoe as leading lawyer in the whiskey ring prosecutions,; y v$ . i ': t i WW TORI. Niw Ion, Dee. 12. Av London special says - the Message ban been chiefly considered in determining the purposes of the Government concern ing the complication ia Cuba. It has outwardly removed the existing sus picion that trouble was impending. Xi umm mimj .w.iw.cm . . .. . kinAa that I rum m preanurw mm uvmi iuu,. hum. was felt by those who are engaged in their manipulation. It m ty be added however, that these securities are still feverishly held, because of the sugges tions of the President concerning .the school qnestionf and the opening , of the new political issues. On the whole the Message has been well re oeived, ai d especially that portion wuiou treats of the finances of the Government, and the possibility, that at a not distant day, the currency of the country will be returned to a basis that will compare w th that of other specie paying nat'ons. WAS2IMTQX. Wasbthotow, Dec 13. Senate Davis, of W. Vs., submitted a reeoln inn ritinir th lit reanirinff report to be made to Cocgretts annually of fiereons Indelitea to, me uuienm'-us ist of defaulters, amount of d Men tion, Jfcc, and calliugupon the Secre tary of the Treasury to inforn the Sen ate why such reports have Lever been made. The Republicans fought hard against immediate action. Sherman moving it reference to the CommitU'e on Finauoe. The Democrats returned suveral suoh 'resolution, which wire tluallv postponed until to-morrow. ()u motiou of Conover, the views of tb Si oretary was asked on the impor tance, practicability arid probabln eost of improving the ohanuel at the mouth of Cumberland botiod, Fin. Merriniou, of N. 0.. introduoinl a bill to repeal section 4,716 of the Re vised Statutes, whioli forbids the psv uient of certain pensions. Referred to the Committee on Ten-aiona. To repeal so much of section 8,4ft0 of the Revised Statutes, as forbid ttie iinvnient of nutHiuuto. claims and de mands therein named, and all laws and clauses of laws forbiddinir the pay ment thereof. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. The bill refers to claims or demands irainkt thrt United HtatP. whiah ' enrred or existed prior to the 13th day 8 and 7 NORTH FRONT ST- Ar OBermf rrrik U.Hl In FAMILY SUPPLIES .minim r r n, , ' . son who promoted, encouraged or iu any manner sustained tne itie renfi liou. It farther authorises the settle ment of suoh claims ami appropria ting iHiJiywu lor insi purpose. Went, of lift. . Tresn ted a memorial of 1,000 citizeus of Louisiana, sgainat the operations of the Little taritt Du in regard to wine. Referred to Finance Committee. House No session. Rroailhead'a commission as succes sor to Henderson, has been forwarded to St. Louis. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston. Deo. 13. The Convention to nominate what is known as the citi zens' ticket for the nunioipal contest to-morrow, nominated B. C. Cobb, for mayor, with eight Republican and four Uemocratio aiuermen. SKWTORK. Nn Tmc. Den. 13." Motion was made hv the Diatriot-Attornev to for- fit thi vnAnoniaannea of William M. Tweed in the various indictments louna against mm for conspiracy and forgery Mr. DtidlrtT Field reureaented Mr. tfharlaa Devlin, una of the bailamen. and when the. latter was oalled on to produce Tweed, his counsel handed in an affidavit snowing- oauxe wny reoog nicanno linn Id not ha forfeited aat ting forth that plaintiffs themselves made it impossible for the bondsmen to produoe defendant, and after, the reoogn'zanocs were entered, plaintiffs tank ilufendant nntof th hindamna hands, and on civil suits turned him over to the sheriff, The District-Attorney argued that it was the duty of the Court to order a forfeit re, and also mat tne oonds were mereiv sus pended by the imprisonment of Twoed on civil snits. " The Conrt reserved its decision until Monday next. jrv sr jn rm ri ,wr. HOLIDAY T BADE In lrg t St'vlt f ni (itmtM Va letT, an4 LOWER PRICES Ttian kmiirn nine tlie Wur. We l.ao nirkf1 fl.iimi to mit H-ill Timti I Mn t Buy antll Ton h enqui'i il our ric- 4utl eimiu'l the nu'lt'ol ihkK C. D. MYERS & CO.,- O A 7 NORTH FRONT ST. NOTICE THIS I I For the Best Table Butter Sold In this Cltv. wechnrtio only 40o. For Choloo Table Butter 40c. " Cood ' - - 38c. Cooklrtf Butter .... 2Bo. h - Tubs aid Firkiis - st - Lsff?r - Figarts. C. D. MYERS & CO., S a 7 NORTH. FRONT 9Ii - Har f li and Half Barrai 'FAV(I1UTEM and Our MONOGRAM WHITE ROSE Ft O U R . Beat StDili oBeiwl, pad asads of tliS Fist I We Wit C. D. MYERS ti CO., . B 7 NORTH FRONT 8T. s. 1 . ... ruattook of WINES, 13 It AND I KN, CHAMPAGNEH, COHDIALS, LIQUORS, JCrer broog hi to oar City. Selected eipretvly THE HOLIDAYS MONDAY'S DISPATCHES. a-. MISSOURI. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1ST O T I c :ic. TO ALU WHOM IT MAT OONCSRN-AII perniita are barely (orermil from trad ing lit either or ronr noteaot sivoeach. tugnM by the uni1rlgaeit, and m4e nybl to H. BrunUlU & Bru , aairt note- will not be paid by u, as Talus bat aot been re-oired. rf. a. r "ivmhapi. . dd-n W.K. FREEMAN. , Br, JUro, .Deo. 13. Mr. Qlover, in conversation with a friend, said he was unwilling to succeed Henderson under the restraints imposed by Pierre pont'e telegrams removing Gen. Hen-d-rsoa ; that heoousidered acoeptsnce equivalent to indursement of Grant's right to remove any one eugageu iu the proseoution for the slighest nriti oism upon the conduct of the Presi dent or bis Cabinet. In short, that he regarded an acceptance osder the oir oumstsnoe, as a concession of certsin prilege which ot only every attor ney, but every mau feels himself eu titled to iu this oouutry. TiKGIXIl. Biohkond. Dbc. 13. In the oauom . this morning considerable filibuster ing was earned on, during which three ballots were taken. The result in all three failed to indicate anything defi nite, as in esoh ballot different candi dates were voted for the highest vote ranging from fifty-one to fifty-four. Aftar Hip dixiioRition of various reso- lntious looking to the bringing of tLe eonfareuoe down to real business, a resolution was adopted providing that all persons to be voted for should be in nnmlnntinn. And the 0U6 re- iLiainir t)m Inwnat vote on eaoh ballot wvi , ' O - to be dropped, and the person bo dropped to oe re-noniuiaieu omj t; .ml if ni nai-ann hfl withdrawn -j r - - , hulaop nnm'natt'd. tie shOU d DO re nominated only oncj. Under this r,na tlia followincr n unies were presented i Goode, JUetcher, Johnston, Umilh Htmrl Flnurtinv. and Jno. W. - Daniel, of Lynchburg ; Robertson, of Albermarle ; Shtffey, of Smythe , Cog hill, of Amhemt ; Coobrane, of Augus t. . ttarria nf Kockinchftm 1 Tucker. of 'Rockinebam. A recess was then riNNSTLTANIA. PwTT.iMT.wrA Deo. 13. Bishoo 6impf hasdooied the sUtementthat he bad expre'sea an opuion on ti .nKia fif tli third term. He depre cates., any attempt to connect the Church witfi political Dominations or .ii;.,ti ...... - i' HOLIDAY GOODS A 1ara stoek of Children' and Mleaen Toy Chamber and Parlor Fornlture. A'ao WagoBf, iimw, jrriagn and t faaeyOaods. !' FOK, SALE LOW. D. A. SMITH t CO. . Tba RIEVIERA GARDRAT & CO. BRANDS OF ; 1848 r-r-. Bai no kqaal. ,lt i tb Flnrrt , OLD BRAFJD Y Kver brought to North Carolina. Wa hava PALEandBROWN SHW, OLD MADEIRA and .... PORT WINES, 1075. 1875. FALL AND WINTER 5 EASOfJ. Best Aesorttd Stol in the City now Opon at COD. LvD- GLsab3s5 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Ouiuet's Gros Oraiu. COLORED SILK'S ' f HI tho Latest Ch-th Shades. 1 RliVT, SILK POPL1TSTS. MERINOS,' CASSIHERE SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, . Aud all the Latest Novelties in That usual Hpeoiaity we have always sold bd many nd so low,' that among "so many goous is is ouiy a pmau pun oi 'io liMi'tniu'uv. M O U R M l KM G C O O D S ; In every variety. Will open vn the 8 h au,other Iot of those cheap Henrii'ttaV CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. -:o:- MEN" AND BO YS' W E AT I Great Line of Hosier, Embroideries, White Goods. in in. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. broyn&r6ddioe, 15, 17 MARKET STREET, Are now in tho flood tide of t'uoir HOLIDAY TRADE. .. S;H ME3 ! MEVEH ! ! NEVER ! ! ! Never before since their comnumoonicut hsv.i t!y Icon able to present ST ill BMGAIfl S to their OuHtomers. Lsre and E'oJi t tides of SW(B(D(D IS Everything is Cheaper than has been known fo? years. Wo ouly require a call the Pricss and Btylas will do the soiling. JSTo. 8 MARKJST STHI3ET. aaAaaT SeinTadiMtoiheif Stock daily ai G11T3AT DISCODNTSfrm LAST YEAR'S -I'rioea. aud Lower Figjrfs than Ever Offered in Wilmington, . In atitioioattuu of the CIIH1STMAS TRADF v ' ' - , We lmve opened the mljoinlng store, 47 MARKET STREET, with a choioo acmirtmeiit of Heawouablt) Novelties" and a variety of articles suitable for HOLIDAV ODFTS FAXCI GOODS, TOYS, MIISK AL INSTRUMENTS, PLATED MIKE, JEWRLR1 STANDARD BOOKS, PJlTOlUAlr BOOKS, VKlOCII'EDrJS TOlLfiT SETS, VISES, GAMES, CANAM BIRI 8, BKACK WAUII BRACKETS, HVS, UAMMOCIS, MIRRORS, And many olhor artioles tuo numerous to montlon GREAT SENSATION IN JEWELRY ! ! 10 IS I SHE THEM ? We invito special attention to our Una of i TPiiRTiTR mm At Trloe s ranging from JTKW JO fKM TIB KM K.XTH. nOTll Long or 8ed Vp. Kept drr under alieUt, aud dollrered to good burning condition. ', O, PARSlRY "0, Ne Location 8. W.Ur bt., foot otVraiwe. dec 3 H Feather Dusters. AKNE3H Oil., H AKNK1H SOAP, Mad'llerjr or all kindm . DiEH' AND Gt.NTl 8Al'CHL, Tory chap for caeti. ' tJAhFKSTEB A MAM,AKI. hit. ft B 'nth Front Bt to' j4th,W5. OF VERY OLDVIN LI lilUlil The Best Family and Tibb Wines Impoitod. CUNSand PISTOLS RYAN & PINCH ESS' OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY, la tho only Real Scotch Wblxaey that will maks HOT PUNC II Wha It ought toba. COOKING WISES WD BRANDIES In all Grade Full FlTor, and at LOWKST PRICES, G. D. MYERS & CO., B&7 NORTH FRONT ST. HelliogatEitrtmslr p aw PRICES, - ' -- . I . GILES A MURCHISON dadl New Hardware Btore. FRESH CELERY tiDAY. MALAGA CRAPES. 8WcTET OHANCES. CHOICE BANANA3. FIGS In Bas, Boxes, Drums. 12 1-2 Cents per lb. for PRUNES. 5, F, WMtman & Sou's CouTuctioucry. Piciten, Peppers and (Jnciimbeiahy tlielOO. Extra Fins TEA Wo. to $1 par pound. The Beat Do, Ciar In the City. CUaTI8JBJATWRICHT. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Monthly Meeting. RKGUI.AR MONTHLY MEETINH or tr.e . I a. lie' HonB.nUiit 4nHltV Will b I kcUt mi j-aeaiav, 4;k Inat., st 5f o'clock, P. St.. at tiM)K 02 IjViner nun, on i.uk pir'jiV' tu-i aito'iiianoe Isreouwtad. a apecial blidneM of luipoit noe Kill bedl.icaed. decli-St NAILS AM) AXES.0,,a.'T.:,':- Iiw n Altec, tfarkcr Milla Nail, tnm.m Ajc. Votil OuMeia, Oolllu' Aie, UaU'hutu, ....... i n.Ml. Hn.1. r 'Ihe oiocH of tlia'abote gooil In tlie i-uj etn be i ... . . J ac. .1.1 1 .. -A r. U, .., HtUhO ftb m v U Wiui run nniuwoiv uw fo deoll No. I,2n,and2l Ma kit Street. SAMTA CLAUS TAKE NOTICE! 4,PAIHi FESTIVAL" and PROMENADE CONCERT ni.cn t tha ( hi dien'of ft. John's ParUb on T&nrsdar tnl friday Niglts, Dee. 16 1& 17. bEEDLESS AND LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS CROWN, DEH,8a and LONDON L, A. Y I t H . 500 Boaev. Wholes, llalrra anl Quarter. L0WE3T FIGURES, Ou theea. CITRON, rSESCII PRl'NES, NEW CIKRAXTS, MALAGA GRAPES, Him ill OVEIIY KIND O A N I I "K H In Everr Tarlatv for the .lobbing Trn(la,and for Family an 1 hrtrtmaa Dm. LOW. DOWN CASH TRICES. CILMIIIBUIE . devil 5 7 NORTH FRONT 8T Baccii, Basiiiiir, iw Coffci), k, ii 1(0 lloxe.i l. H. and ntiifcml SUinn. .. I 'll Kolla Hn.-K'n?. I 0 lUrrrli: Sutiar all Giadca. IN Riga (Jollrr, V0 Hum)', (TJour. ml Maria American and I Wvrpool Hull BAOOINtl, liAUON, UANDI.F.8, OA N I IV. COfrF.K. COKN, FLOUR, : 1UV, UATH LYB, M 'LA .r-', OYJ1FH. PUTAUT, SALT, 1AKNS, For a'o br ' WILLIAMS i MUffCHISO'J. OilDAT New, Ouoloe and Elnt. and UuequalleS In varieij. THE LIVE BOOK STORE Hh HulUhle Prent fjc UM aud Young PIANOS, ORGANS, htw and Bw.tliul CHROMOS MOTTOES, an r.ndlcM Variety of BOOKS fUVwarv I ttRf.rh)tti)fl. Come one ni all, n l mko yonreleotion( t HEINSEERGFR'S , L1VK BOOK ANI MTJS.O STORK. dccll No, 39 Market StroSt. celery' AND CAULIFLOWER FirfiCrataFiTfi Crate Hi to $500 Rpiripmhpr lb littlfi Fnlk I IU III V III UUI III V a-lSW waaaw. OLD WINES Asn 100 BcsKlreCiackcis. For ta'.s by , ... K K Hf : H N K. U A TALDF-R B ildS. . drcl A or due lot lor aa's at O. H. W. KUNOF.'H. FLOUR. ?00 Sarrol.' Bo'i Whltfl r.our. 300 irrel Bello MIHx Flour. 200 Barrola Prinoim Koyal Flour, Fur !lo by '.KKIiCHNKH (MU)KHBKoa. rironi will 1o wi.ll to make their tleoli n ami nt tha rush. EiritnSS AM) TF.I.F.GUAni OltniES WILL REt'EIVE rUOMI'T ITTCMIOX. liUOWN & KODDICK. 45, 47 Market Street. CHRIST M AS P RES Ei IT S far WIVES, FRIENDS, PARENTS, CHILDREN, SWEETH2ARTS CHRISTMAS GOODS Now Open fur Intpjcilon at C.W. YATES' BOOKSTORE tot2 ni MaikctSlreei Tlii Lara-en' Sw It umI i h Ic at Bia-i'a In tho Kt.ua. F.ia'' 'l"r l",,r8 Jamaica uum, . ,, u. .. 1'iiiw Holland Ola, Blu(rf", . K.'litiicy uem, lll)4!U. and I'oiirbon RAISINS. CANDY. CANDLES. SO H"" ""'1 ";'!f Boxoa Italiloa, 100 Mo.' Candy. 200 onand ll!r Boxes Candles. F.ir Hn,n l v KKH'JH!F.I '1 ALDER URO'4. SALT. SALT SLT. 10,000 iac'i.' flait. Foi Nair bj KKUCHNKH A CAl.DE.t UKOS fHE RALEIGH NEWS OAILY AND WEEKLY' ruaiuaiD bt CUE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. DtCVOTKH TO THE W" iniTRMt" nf the State of North 0rolliia-t4 fls ,uceaortlitVonratlTe party, the 4tsi imnentoftUa bidden welt of tli tlUI. tlie inTltlnf emlsratlim Into our mldflt, and ad- Tancemem 01 ine w,n irou,i. ... eferythlng tbat aerfea to maks a State proper nit and Independent, ltf ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of (treat advantage, at both tha Dally and Weekly olrealata tartly In every portion of the Stata. Bataa mderata, B0P8ORIPTIO5 BATES t Dally, One Tear....... M 00 e Month.. 3 '1 Weeklr-One Yi'ar 1 JOHM 1). CAilfnrN, Kdltor; ' joiAN btOnk. assoaiat Editor V.0 W001SONw LjooI BJlto 0U1G9ITS Dress and Uuincss Suits. IJOYH' CLOTHING. UNDERWEAR, All Sel.lng Very Lea by MUNSON dsGO., .loo (Ho li'ere au I c c bant Tailors. ilentinji: of i Imrcli I'ews, nr. ii it p.. .. . .,f ai r ,ni' Lutheran CtiU'nf'. I -in . .,,,,(! nn 'I ni'iiUv. Itecainlier 14. o'clo r. a. The reining will take plao iu tae onuroa. W HISSISS. hahmony snennY, l tie Ch.ilct otcr ofl'MreJ !n tills Hut. u.., haii' i.r.rtA. HmiA (Of 2o'Kb! nut'cr. "Il" ft In Iho Wor.l. ENULISIL CHEESE. are agt nta for the "UNIVERSAL BITTERS." A rortltiTtic in it i.rrvom dcblny. Hi'eclal I iriiicmp"!,'" to Onh tfi. A l ame and.dersr.l Aa-ortm nt t Clioce family -mm. lis ikm, Arrlrlng Dally. MALACA CRAPES, In (;iutcr, 3 pounda lit 1D0, OEOHUE MYEU dad 11 snu 18 South Front Street The Celebrated Double Elatio STEEL PENS, For nnienceo. inu , "J . tlim. Mamiile lrl, containing one each IS nnm i.e. a, 111 bo eut by inll on reoel p ?V iOM, HLAKf M AN, TA YLOR ;0. 1 iisauo air" Vo mp In. OPERA HOUSE, ONK NIGHT ONLY ! VEOHESDAY, DEC. 15Trl. MISS KATE FISHER, And her oelebnitrd tor,a Wonder In, MAZEPPA, u )iorie.l by a F.rrtO'wa Comiiany. rer ' lormtnoetocouoiud, with agloriousi U C .13 . io bw nt HHnberer'a Book and Jjta New Orleans-gnar uitcad purs. . Cuba, DtmaraM.S ig r Hju-e. FLO UR. 1,000 Barrel; i' I graler. Ingtr Mill, 'OoSea fcWcts. Broom, Candy, Snuff, ,rai-VeT, nrt eiery'.hing In tha g'Owry Use, whloo guar-tnte t l'wm' mttkBt prii ea. noT BINFORP, CROW A CO "iox. ?sVaUii:. A SMALL BAY MAKEWorks well's. ha' new, and la a very pleaaaul aaddle naj. Cars.. -J. pFO.K.HARKIS, daolO-lw At HarrlaVinug dtort. r I ;