J (J j rtii rw- 'imni TV : !l I; i . I', I. WILIIIIIGTOH tl. C. WEDNESDAY. DS0S:I3:R 15. lfiVfi VHOLE 110 7,837. POL. XXIV. NO. 351 In CONGRESS DemoeraMc Caucus-Harmon of Ac Hon -Minor Offices-'-, THE VIRCIN1A SENATORSHIP. 1 Spirited Contest-The Result Vrrj Doubtful. j V A NDEIUU LT. Another tfun'ficient Donation-More Ab aj (rooked WbMeji. , C 0 L D 14 1-2. I U.Y TELKQB.U'U TO Till! JOrilNAI.. : wAsuixciax. TPAsniNOTON, Dee. 14. Senate A bill wkh pu-taed to extend the duration of the Court of 'Goiniuibtiioiiura of the AIhIihiiih Claim. The Srcrttiry of War has submitted the report of tho engineers npou tho improvements at the Sooth Pass, Mis sissippi. The report was ninde by Mo C. B Comstocli. The Hwretary. of Vr 8lis for further Hppropriationt to continue tho c-xaraiuation. Rcaohitiou caliiug for the report of unsettled acoountw and dnft.ioatio8 waa retened to the Committee ou Finauoe. The r-eolution to allow McMillan to withdraw hi credential, was takeu up, aod the motion to refer it to the Committee on Privilege and Eteotioua waa loat, and peimiaaion to withdraw paaaed by a strict party vote, except Dawes. Liuiaiana aff.iira were reutilated exoept where ihey bore upon Piunh baek, to whoae ouae uo alluiiou was made. During the discussion Hows aaid be did not believe a man in the country or a Senator on the floor did not believe the MoEury government a aham. Bayard aaid ha believed is hia aonl that the MoEury government w tb legal one in Iiiniaiaaa, and that he had been kept from hia plaoe by usurpa tion and Fedentl power, ppluase . House Blaiue introduced hie aohooi and religions bill, baaed on tbe Mes aage. ' Several bills for a resumption of apecie payments ; also, a bill repealing a bill for reoumption in '79, with Mr. Blame's bill, was refdrred to the Judi ciary Committee. Bills offered Blaine, of Me., pro posing au amendment to the Constitu tion, providing that no State shall miike any law respecting the establish ment of religion, or prohibiting the free f-xercise thereof, and that money raised by taxation in any State tot the support of publio sohools, or der ived from any publio fnud thereof, or any publio lauds devoted thereto, shall never blunder the Ooutrol of any reli gions sect, and that no money or lauds so devoted shiill b divided among re ligions seots or denominations. Bv Darrel, of La., to amend the act of March 3, 1871, incorporating the Texss Pacilio Railroad bill, similar to West's, introduced irr tho Senate. By Morey, of La. to remove the pohtieal disabilities of all citizens of the United States, and to prescribe su onth of office. By Davis, of N. 0., to'iepoid the law forbidding the payment of claims, accounts and demai.ds of Southern citizens for Quartermaster's stores, &c ; and appropriating $50'), 000 to puy for the same. FnHt. of Ills., offered the following resolution and 'demanded the previous question on its adoption : Resolved by the House of Repre -en-tatives.T hat in all subordinate appoint mTit under any of the offices of this House, it is the judgment of the Houne thiit wouuded Union so diera who are not disabhd from the peiformauca of duty, should be preferred. A standing vote on seconding the question, shoutd 97 lU'ps. voting in its fsvor, and 101 Democrats against it. The vote was tsktm by tellers with the like gfners.l result. So tbe previous question was not seconded. Cox, of N.'T., IbHi off.ucd the fol lowing amendment to the resolution, and moved the ri frreuce of both reso lutions to the Committee on Aocouuts, and aVmauded the previous question. Resolved, Thut inasmuch as tbe uniou of the States has been restored, all the citizens thereof are entitled to consideration in the appoiutmeut of offices under the Govi rtiment. . Hale, of Me., it quired whether Cox's i"so!ution was offered as a substitute to For-'s resolution. ' ' The Sneaker jreplied that be under- tnod it 6 be offered as au amend- starkweather, of Conn., made the that as the State of New York DM Kireiuy oeeu wi'tu, the geutlemno (Cox) could not put in maoltition now. The Speaker ruled that it was too lata to make the obi otion. ' Frost said;tuat he hud tried to make the objection as soon as tne resolution was onerea. Hale, of We.,-inquired whether the nunne bad acted on the amendment. The Speaker It bus not. That ,.nid baiiotlna; ou the iubjeot. m-itter nf the resolution Dow, whioh is not the vi.ipnnse of the eai.tleman from New v..rir TTin nnroose is to refer both Holutions to a committee. Cox Tito wigiu'U resolution was an ad csptamlum aair. My resolution is j n. u imtnifl of an smueatv. naocrnu. of Texas, made a point of older, thut neither the original reso In linn nor the amendment was in - nrAar and lie ither of them proposed anything which the House was author- il liT law to do. i 'i'i,a t.kr hcnr ru'ed the point of otdv-r, sUting that il it w tenable, : oatne to Ute. The vte wns tusen by veas i nnr. and resulted 168 veS to 102 I' nays; Tli -i M...u.Ln which til President i will siurt.vseud to Cougri-MouSonU- ' eru kIUiik will relate in a groan r pan , to the Ute troubles in Missineippi, and j t! e mode of ooudueting elections in l:it Mat.'. information Luting bwn j ; pn.tllfUHl UV por-OUi UWIlgUawU lur j that, pnrpoec. j Co!. Laimr preaided at the Damo i oratio cancus vesterdsv. ! Banuira of Ohio. Hiid Robbioa, of j North Carolina, nwrftiurinf. Mr Wadde!!. of N. 0.. offered a resolution fjr the appointment by tha C'inirmanof a DtimjerUio EitO ti Committee, to o msist of thrt a w.-nti-i ti.r, six it; preservatives aud three cit.!!s of the District of Columbia. Cox, of New loik. offort-d a resolu tion providing for the appointment bv the ch ruiau of a committee of eleven members, to sug-ext to the oanous at a future day saeir lino of poiiny or ac tion on publio mea-uriV as would best serve the interests of the oouutry. Ail tliene resolutions, after debate, were severally agreed to There was harmony of views with retrsrd to th dutr of the majority of the K"uP. : -t- 'Ut-. sure'd that Ali sred that they fhould, as, far as nosSib.e. ff -et a relnetioft of ta tiiii. aud that the Government should be lionentlv and ooriomioally adoiiuis tered. Much . respoiiMbiliiy devolved unon the majority uf the House, al tliimgh the Senate was not iu accord with them. , t No busiuess, apart from thit above rueutioued, was oousidered, and tha caucus, after remaining in sesiion an hour and a half adjourned. TIKCI.XIA. Richmond, Deo. 14. The Conrva tive caucus to nominate a U. H. Sena tor, met at 10 a. h., and proceeded to ballot. Seven ballots, thirty-three in alt, were taken with uo result, Flonr noy being finally dropp d. Tucker, Smith and Stuart dropped twioe each, and Qoode aud Lttoher once eaol ( On the hist ballot, Qoode having been dropped on the previous one, resulted as follows : Daniel, GO ; Smith, 62, the Goode men merely voting for Smith or not at all. Previous to adjourning the caucus adopted a resolution, that in voting for Senator in joint Assembly, the Conservatives will so scatter their votes as to pi event an election till tha nomination in tho canons. At noon tbe vote was taken in both Houses for Senator, with no result,' as members so ittered their votes so that the high est number for one person didn't ex ceed 15. Immediately after adjourn ment, the Legislative canons again met and resumed ballotiag. The thirty-fourth ballot result) d: Daniel, C9 ; Letcher, 59 j Letohor finally drop ped. Goode re-nominated. Thirty fifth bailot: Daniel, 61; Goode, 63; Daniel dropped ; Jchnson renomin ated. Thirty-sixth ballot : Goode, 63; Johustou, 80. Goode dropped. Caucus assembled : Christian with drawn ; Coohraun reuominattd ; 87th ballot: 'olumtouGJ, Cochrane 66. John son dropped 2d time. 87th No other nomination rnude ; Cochrane reo?ived 65 votes. 38th Judge W. R. Staples renominated; Cochrane 59, Staples 40, Staples finally dropped. A spiri'ed but unsuccessful effort was here made to reconsider the rule under whioh the Canon had boeu acting since yester day. After some discussion looking to the adoption of a new rule placing all Candidates not finally dropped in nom ination, and dropping thu lowest on each succeeding ballot, until a ohoioe is made. Canous then adjourned until 10 o'ciook, A.M., to-morr-iw. The new rule being withdrawn. Eleven elegible cindidiiles still remain, to wit: Goode, Daniel, Johnston, Tuoker, Smith, Stuiirt, Roberts, Cochrane, Christian, Coghill aod Sheffty. The Bevtm first nxmcd are only entitled to one nom u it. on. Friends of Goode, Daniel and Johustou, who are conceded to be the strongest candidates, are b-tckward in putting their man up for fear of oon linu itioii, which defeating either one will throw him out entirely; hence the adoption of a new rnlo, similar to the one abova mentioned, in probable. TENNESSEE. Nashville, Deo. 14.- Commodore Vmiderbilt has made auother dona tion of $100,000 to Vsnderlult Univer sitymaking iu all $700,000. mssoiiu. . .. - k tT. LitJis, Deo. 14 A dispatch from Attorney-General Pierrepont to District-Attorney Dyer says : "The commission of Col. Broadhead bAS been for warded, ou a retainer of $1,000. Another dispatoh snys the President desires that ex-Gov. Reynolds be en gaged to assist Col. Broadhead, Mr, Reynolds has been proffered the ap. pointmeut, and has declined. MASSACUVSETT8. , Fkovinobton, Deo. 14 Whilo the Univt rKalist Church Conference was iu session here, 800 assembled in the chnich building an attempt wan made to burn the church. The Dames were soou extinguished, but not nntil quite a panic had ensued. PENNSYLVANIA. Philamlphia, Deo. 14. The fol lowmg is the result of the eleotion for officers of the Union League held here j esterday : John P. Verree, President, J. Dillingham, Vice-President; ). L, Clagliorn, Director.' With tbe exoep tiou of one or two of the Direotors.th? "Itegnhr" ticket was sucoeasfnl by a small n.ajority. , The "Verree ticket" nnn sented the clement whioh sup ported the Committee of '62 in itasetion relative to tne nominations ou me tie pulvieau ticket last fall, and the "Knight ticket'' represented the party whiish opposed the Committee of '62, and endeavored to have its action de clared void and unwarranted. , J Band 7 NORTH FROMT ST. Are Offering Fre.h Ujod. In FAMILY SUPPLIES In targ r ta k unit (Irsatrr T ltr,.and LOWER PRICES Than knows nin--tliH Wr. Wo hum marked d.nrra to fill III Il ii Tliuci H.in't bnjr Bolll von h t- rnqul-rd ua-1 r 1.-- iinil Mmin4 tli qoll' a' guoils, C D. MYERS & CO., 5 A 7 NORTH FRONT ST. NOTICE THIS II For th Bat Table Butter Sold In this City, we charge only 4So. Tor Choice Teble Butter - - 40c. " Good - . 3So. Cooklni Butter - . - -tBo. Il Tubs andf Fitiias it Lmr Fignw. CD. MYERS 0. CO,, B 7 NORTH FRONT 8T. tx i-li and Half Barra'.s PAVOH1TE r ' J J . And Oar . ;' MONOGRAM WHITE ROSE FLOUR. Bnt Brand offoied, and siada of tha Finest Oli Wlii msit C D. MYERS Ci CO., DAT NORTH FRONT ST. a . g Fiuaat stacker ,''-' n.W,-,,..,.l,;1(,' BRANDIES, -CHAMPAGNE), CORDIALS, LIQUORS, m braaght to oar City. for Srloted txprsMilj THE HOLIDAYS Tha RIEVIERA GARDRAT & CO. BRAND9 OF 1848 Has no Kqual. It it the Finest OLD BRAND Y K?er brought to North Carolina. We bar PAU and BROWN mm, OLD MADFIRA - - ' ' and PORT WINES, UUVEUYOlDVITA(iE. The Brit Famltf and Tibia Wlnen Imported. RYAN & PINCHESS' OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY, It the cnlj Keal Srotoh Wblike j that will make HOT PUNCH " "" Wha It ought to be. COOKING USES m BRANDIES In all QradewFull riaror, aud at LOWK8T PlilOES. C. D. MYERS & CO., B 7 NORTH FRONT ST. bEEDLESS AND LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS, CROWN, DEHESIA, and LONDON JLi A. Y loo n.- Whoio, IlnlTi-r ant (jnartcr. LOWEST FIGURES, On U ext aTBox, fREXCn PRUNES, HEW Cl'RRANTS, MALAGA GBAPES jitho im mm G A. N I 13 8 la Iwt VarltT for the Jnbbiac Trade, and rur ramiiv am unrutmae ue.. LuW -DOWN-CASH TEICES. (JIIA8. B. MYEUS & (JO. 5 A 7 NORTH FRONT 8T dei-12 Si-.'.t bt- f-r ii n i i n lit rn inr H U LI U AT I HAUL XKW ADVEttTlSEMKMS. 1875. FALL AND WINTER S EAGCH. Beat Aesortid Stock iu 73 m RjUm EKLsaTr; BLACK SILIvS, Tbo Celebrated Guinet's Gros Orama. UULURC.U OILf II the Latest Cloth Shades. R.E At SILK POPTjIISTS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, ni,d all the Latest Novelties in BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Specialty we have always sold so muny and so low, that among so many goods it is only a small part of tho assortment. n O U R r J I N G COOD s . In every variely. Will open on tho 8'h auothor Lot of thoso cheap Henrietta's CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MEN' AND BOYS' WEAR. Qreat Hosiers Gloves, Itmbrcideries, il FANCY Everything is Cheaper than has been the Prioss and Utylea ISTo. 3(3 MARKET STJ'UET. OHR I S T M AS GOODS . The only oompleto aasortment of COOD CHRJSTiVlAG PRESENTS In the City. Have also taken part of stnM comer I'l iuoess ami Frout, whore can be found su " - AnsoitTMnrvr or fancy (;ooi)fi. CALL AND EXAMINE. "D A. SMITH & C0 l.i Front Hret. deeH NEW AOVKUTISKMK1T8. ELEGANT CASSIMERE EMS. Made to Order In uiimii pamud ilfle ai.l fit 1 $40100 " HANDSOME DRESS SUITS. OVERCOATS GANieft and VMBRELLA1 lultable for Hull day frwnU at MUN60N & CO., deo'5 Ole h'e a aud Merotaat Tailor. Wiliingtoa IW&i Aacciatimi, RIGDLAH Mentlna WllinlnKton Bnlldlrc ) i,iili Hall. l)urci-liltorac I ma.M 1, Alii I 1 W declMt tteftHtatjanit Ireanurar. To tlie Citizens of Wilminjrton. Wt KEQRKT KX 'S.Bf)IN(II.T H at Ike treotment whick two of onr nu'mhert kate ie- ceired at ibe hands or tue any umiti i", wblch raata upon n as a inipy a Mifore ard atmerrlted reRr.t o, rtmnld eoiniel in a Jnrtl" to onta-lvre to i')ini onr oryenlaatiuu and wltidtair ear trltf. Brem a from lb. Fhe Ucpart.ntent of the HIT. very ntcrjuu'ij, rif.h Ward Ii.d. Bntltt o. Berltweoay. etrlB t Bacon, Bain, LUEar, Coffes, &c. 1C0 Boiee I. 8. and Smoked Side.. tO Kolle Baiflng. 2i0 Barr.le Baaar all Oradei. lOUBagaCofl'ne. lire Barrel. Ploar. DM Msk Amarldan and Uycrpool Bait. bAOOINU, BAUON, CANDLK9, ' OAl)T, COKFKI, COBS, ! FLOTJB, HAT, OATS LTB, MATCHES, MOLASSE", , OYSTERS, POTASH, SALT, 1AUN8, HUERTlHli Tor aate by WILLIAMS UURCRISON. ,VA H J IH -l U II s .if t:.YT. 1875. the City now Opeu at 7 MARKET STREET, d3 2ZD CcO Line of White Goods. GOODS known fo? years. We only requiro a call will do the selling. Tr&Tj' IT? Ki ll,i)gt I".if" mi l. JL, W P Ii I C 1 e uy GILES & Mu'RC,il23N drcW Ni w H.irilwaic Sore. FRESH CELERY TO-DAY. MALAGA CRAPES. SWEET ORANCrS CHOICE B ANANAS. FSCS. n Bae, Boxes, Drums. 12 1-2 Cents porlb. for PRUNES. S. F. " Wlutman &i's Confjctioucry. Pickle.. Kepi em i d Lucumbi.K I1; t o 10). Kxlra Fnm TEA I'1, l"""d The Boat fic. Cl;ar In the City. CURTIS & BOATWRIGHT. holiday wmn. Kew, Choloi and El'wit und Uncqna'li d In Variely. THE LIVE B33K STORE Has Mil'nh e proiiriit for Old and Yo n g PIANOS, O JCAN3, n. Ue.nMiui CHRO.VIOS a'i MOTTOES, and mi h.iidlfl-a Variety of BOOKS in Kvcry Uiwrliit'Oii. Come one anil all, an.l iimhh vonr .election, at HEINSBEROF.R'8 U V E HOU KAMI MU.C 8TOIIK rtfdl ho, !'0 Markot Street SANTA CLAUS TAKE jlOTICE! ITAIH, FK8T1VAL and PROMENADE CONCERT ' iibv'bei hi di not tt. John's Pari turn Timrsikv tail PriJav Mirlils. Dec. 16 Jul 17. """ j i- u dCOlit 4t , 1 ,t l ,tlH t:HTtSIMK.XTi CALL AND INVESTIGATE. BROWN & EODDIGK, 45, 17 MARKET STREET. Are uow iu the ll HOLIDAY KEVcii ! tiEVER Xever before siuen their oonimenooment have tl!ey boon able to present SMI t ) their Customers. Lrg.' and E'ej u I hues of Doing added to their Ftook daily at GREAT DISCOUNTS from LAST TEAR'S Prints, and Lowct Fi ares than Ever Offered in Wilmington, la anticipation oi me CHRISTMAS TRADE We lmvo oprwrt the adjoining store, 47 MARKRT STREET, with a choloe aHHortment of HenHoiiuble Novelties aud variety of artiolee suitable for HOLIDAY '''CI FTS FANCY C00US, TOTS, MISlOAL IN8TKUMEST8, PLATED WABK, JEWILB1 bTAN'UAUi) HOOKS, l'HTOMAL U00I8, VKIOI Il'EDES T0ILT SETS, VASES, (JAMES, CANARY H1KI 8, BKACK WALNUT BBACkETS, KltiH, UAMMOIKS, illUBOUS, ' Aud many other art idea t )o nnmeroni to mention GREAT SENSATION IN JEWELRY I ! IS I We invito special ULiUI. At I'rici s lo lememher th e Put'cn i '.vi'l do we'd to make their suloci-in i and ? ld tha tasb. EXCESS AND TLLl.tUAril 0BDCBS WILL BEi'ElVE PROMPT ATTENTIO. msnn & RODDICK. 45, 47 Market Street. .'. 4 . , OLD WINES The l,arr.t. H-o-lc ami 1 li I' ' ' I'ra i Is In the Htnio. K .mi i- (HH U'l'iorii lh-lori) l)UfC!;ainit Jamat-aKnm, ' . , , , lliiiid .Vlailij xonr Mn'ti tVhl.liey, I'ura nuiUnil Oil. nine O fa, K- nt iick y m. H.,,'iin. and ftombon HAttrVJONY S!IRRY, Tho CIioleet erer oilerad la thit KUt. 28 (V p.h .;!, i unil Imp'rinl Tea, frm iipo t r sa a' h.ill 1'iKv. Moiiil lor 20Tub Buittr '-Itrttln tho world." NGLIS11 CHEESE. We are agent lor tbe "UNIVERSAL BITTERS," A iios'tn" c.r ! tor u-.-rvni rt hi Uy. Nif.clal I .duMmiw't. to ila-'h b't. a I.ar,e an.l (imora Aitm-nt ' Olioca FAMILY WIIES, and il Arr'.?ln Pally. MALACA CRAPES, Cistern, 3 jiounda It r flOO, OE01KJE MYER II anu IP foiith Frunt Street, In ileijl The Celebrated Double Elattio Hl'KNCliltlAN Hi'tt ni-nii:iie. U"H" . mu- wi li t t'.m. im us liil', emUhlii -n-i ':u-U isirim e, lll bo win', by mlon rvittu ?V'Ho'n. MLAKtMAN.TAYI.OIt O.. tepW3ik WHISKIES iod tide of their TRADE. ! 1 UEVER ! I BMGAMS iX v X'Ni STOLE TH ' attention to our line of rnngiug from Little Fol ks. GiJRiSTMAS PRESENTS for WIVES, FRIENDS, PARENTS, CHILDREN, 8WEkTHEARTS CHRISTMAS GO0D3 Ncw.TiicIi, EiGz&Bt and Useftil, Now Open fur Inrpeollon at C.W. YATES' BOOK 8T0AE Uioia SI Market Direct. OPERA HOUSE, orsia ivicsiit only: WEDNESDAYTdEC. TBTH. MISS KATiS FISHER, ' And hor celebrat-d hone Wonder In M A.ZEPPA, umon4 by a V rt 0 aw Company. Far foimoicetooanolndi wllh a glorleoa. 1? A It C E hot SUee at Mclruberger'l Bok and Wnrie sturo. Prioce al unual. deolMt ' Now Orleana-gnaranttO'l pnw. Cuba, Demarara, S'r Ujaae. IP Hi 0TT 3R. - 1,000 BwreWaU gTtiv Bn.ar alla, ' Ooffee. 8ilcfS, , Vroome, . . . ; Uandv. : Baaff, urackera, n e?fiTy'hlnj In tlie K'Oeerv liaa, wnlo w gunriiiitet , t lw4' mirket prices. 1.0'IIT BINFORP, CROW ACQ ASM LL B AY M ARB-Work, well In hat ' "r.udle a very plea..tKldla feline ay. qkO- N. HSRHISB, doolO-1 AtUrrl'l.u4i. $50 ae , . ... ... .