Hirti .( V. i I ! ; , hi h i ; Si l i ir .. I 1 i ! WILHIITGTOII IT. C. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1875 whole; no. 7x::. VOL. XXIV. HO. 252 .itoite Journal. P,Y TELEGRAPH, CONGRESS. Morton Warins the Bloodj Sblrt-So Third Term. WIIHKBY.IIINGH. New Developments-Bank Forgeries Defalcation VIRGINIA'S 8ENAT0RSHIP. Hassacltusett's Cran.-e -Boston Mayor alir-Dt'structlfe Fire. GOLD 141-2. I lit TELEGRAPH TO TUR JOrR.NAL. WASMNGT0V. WAsniNoroH. De". 15. .'ennt We Vmtr xluced a re!iiTiou d ree'iir the Committee cuContiiit ni Kxpi:s"! t ) report wlmt amount in due McMil lau aud Uav. as contestant. Morton iutrnduoed a joint resolution that the Uliited Slate ooustitute nation, and that the rights of Btates cauuet b enlarged or diminiebed ex opt by Constitution amendment, aud that, secession la imposeible. The OU') movetl that a oommitloe of five he appointed to v sit Miaeissippi, aud inve-tiitate tue eieottoo. Cooper gw notice that he would oh Tuesday next ak the Oouaidei-atiou of the reaolutioue oommeiooratiye ot the life Kervioea of bis late oolltague, Andrew Johnson. Morton submitted the following reso lution : 1 Wheiean, It is alleged that the eleo tion in Mit-sissipni for Members ol Congress, State officers and members of the Legislatur . was characterized bv creat frauds, viohnce aud iutimida tiou, whereby the freedom of the bal lot was in a great measure destroyed ; a reign of terror established ; ballot boxes stuffed : suarions tioketa lm- psedupon voters, so that a popular majority of more than 2o,0(J0 was overcome, and in iU placo was given an apparout. bnt fraudulent majority of m ire than 25.0 )0. and Whereas. The Leirislature thus ehosen will have the election of a Sen a tor to represent that State in this body, aud Whereas. If these allegations are true, a great number of the citizens of the United States have had ttn-ir rights under the Constitution aud laws of the United States wickedly violated.tuere' forn Besolved, That a committee of five Senators be appointed by the Chair to investigate the truth of said allega- tious. and the ciroumstanoea attend ino- said election, with power to viiit an.l Hhit to make their investigations to send for nersona aud papers, and to nHii all necesNary rnooesB in the per formauce of their duties, aud to make a report to the Benate before the end of this session, of their investigates and findings. , At the request of Bayard, of Del, the lesolntiou wa laid over until to morrow. Morton also submitted the following Kesolved, By the Senate, the House nf Representatives concurring, that the people of the. United States oonBti tnte a nation, and are odo people ia the sense of national nnitv. Reolved, That the Government of the United Staten i not a compact between the State in their mumcipa aud corporate characters, but was formed by the people of the United States in their primary cupajity ; that the lights of the States are defined aud guaranteed by the Constitution, and not by any outside theory of itute sovereignty, and that the rights of the States cannot be enlarged or diminish ed except by an amendment to the Constitution. Resolved, That the rights of the States have the same eanotion aud necurity in the Constitution, as the rights aud powers of the Nation d Government, and that local and do mestic governments by the Statvs, within the limits of the Conctitnt.ion, is an essential part of oar free Repub lican system. Resolved, That the doctrine, that a State has the right to secede from the Union, is inconsistent with the dea tl nationality; is in conflict witu the spirit and structure of the Constitu tion, and xhould he regarded as hav ing been forever extinguished by the euppiession of the rebellion, Stevenson, of Ky , submitted the following ! " ' Re olved, That the .Heoretary of the Treasury, be, and m is hereby re quested "to trousmit to the Senate copies of all the letters, telegrams, orders and instructions relating to the organiza tion aud proseoutiou of the alleged in fractious of the Iuternul Revenue laws at St. Louis, Chiojgo nud Milwaukee, if not deemedvJnoompntible with the . publio interest.- ' ' After long argument, and much ob jection from the Republican side, Mr. Stevenson withdrew it House Ha eral financial and postal bills were in roduoed and referred. Randall iutroduoed a bill removing all the disabilities impos d by the 3rd ntion of the 14th article of amend ments to the Constitution. Set for Tuesday uxt, after reidiDg of the Journal, Rainey. of ,S. C, introduced a bill to abolish the Committee of Freod tnan's Affairs of the House. Holman, of Iud., offered tbe follow " ing resolution : ' " '" Revolted, That in the. Judgment oi this House, iu the present condition of the finanoial affairs of the Govern, tnent, no subsidies in money, bonds, public land, enJors.mnts, Or by the pleuge oi we puouo oeuii, biiouiu u granted by Congress to association or corporations mgagl, or proposins: to engage in pnblio or private enterprises, snd that alt sppropriation (mm the publio Treasury ought to be nmitfd ei this time to suoli amounts ouly eishall be imperatively demanded by tut pub lio service. , Adapted. Bprtnger, of r.linois, offered a reso- Intiou dic!ariug that iu the opinion vl the Housp, the preoedeut DHtiitiiianca by Wahiniifon aud other Pmiileota of the United States, iu retiring from the Presidential ofhc? Hfter tueir eno- oud terra has beoouii' by universal dim- curreuce, apart of our lipnblcao system of Government and that any departure from that time-lionord cm- lnui would be unwise, unpatriotic mm fraught with evil t our free msum- tioii. Adopt d. leas 232. rnys in. Among tho uavs were. Haralson, oi Aluba'ua; II of S'tth Carolina; Hymitu, c.f Noith Carolina; Nash, of L uiiiaua: HoialU., of South Carolina; Wall, of Florida; Wells, of Missib- Kipin. aud Whit. i jenrTickv. On motion of B'aine, Hainev a reso lution abolishing the House OommiMee ou Freedmen'e Affairs, was agreed to. The House pane d a cmionrreutreso lu ion to adjonru over from next Mon sy till Tuesday". 4th of January. Ad- Vuirnirl tl Priclac IEW TORE. S'erw York. IMs. '5. lVdiy's Time- has the following dispatoh from a speeial 0 'rrecp-ideiit, detached ti investicate the whiskey frauds iu Chi oigo : To day, for the first time, it has been known with poHitiveuess, Uat there was t gigantic whiskey ring with its.beadqnartersin Chicago, similar in all respects to the whiskey rings of St. Louis, Milwsnkee, Evansvil e, and pr ilmbly Sew Oi leans. It has ben impossible heretofore to make that statement wi h auy degree of otirtainty, owing to offloial complications calcu lated to suppress developments, and there has been nothing but surface in dications siucv the first seisare. The Grand Jury have found Indictment against only a few of the distillers aud rectifiers, "it went no deeper, and there wus nothing but the disposition of every oou rounity to suspect all per sons, that justified the assertion of higher official personages complicity with the revenue frauds. There has also been a persistent effort on the part of interested persons to spread the impression that the revenue frauds in this city wer merely the resuH of individual and independent efforts, that is, that there was no combination outside of each individual distiller with bis ganger, and no central aud systum atio oigai izatiou for plunder extend ing to the higher revenue offloials, -ind implying au official guarantee of pro tection agaiust exposure and punish ment. This theory bas been generally accepted heretofore, and received ooo flimttion in the character of indict meuts returned. It is now reasonably certain that the theory is entirely false, aud that the revenue frauds have been worked out by the name means and through the same maohiuery, and with the same systematic division of spoils as in St. Louis. The facts seem to justify the assertion, that bad it not been for the recent ohangein the office of the Uuited States Distriot-Attorney in this citv, this phase Of the Chicago whiskey frauds would never have been puhliolv developed. ;. - The SG.000,000 Tweed suit is set for the first Mouday in January. Grant bas accepted an invitation from the New Knglnnd Society to be present on Forefather's Day. (Deo. m.y t ' vii "dim. - Richmond, Dec. 15. The moraing session was cautiously spent in dis cussing numerous proposit ons looking to the adoption of some new rule regu latum the manner of voting. A reso lution was finally adopted rescinding the rale previously governing nomina tions, and providing for the nomina tion of all the candidates bt loro the next ballot, and dropping the person receiving the lowest vole on each suc ceeding ballot.nutil the choice is made, and al'owicg no new renomi nations The exoitmg contest was bronght to a close this afternoon, by the nomin ation of Hon. J. W. 'ohnston, the present incumbent. Under the new rule adopted at the morning session of the canons, eleven candidates were plaoed in Domination, and the balloting was resumed. Four ballots resulted iu the dropping of Christian, Harris, Stuart, and ex Gov. Smith, successively ic the order named, leaving the field to Senator Jobnstou and Hon. John Goodo, Jr., . Representative in the Second Congressional Distriot, and State Senator John W. Daniel. The roll was called for the next ballot, (4 Hh) amid the most profound silence. This ballot resulted Johnston, 55; Daniel, 45 ; Goode, 89. Upon the an nouueement of this vote, and that the name of M. Goode would be dropped, excitement heoamo so , reat that some miuutes elapsed before the roll for '45th ballot oould be called. Quiet being Anally restored, the roll was oallcd with t"e following result John ston,, 75 ; Daniel, 64. Jobnstou re ceiving only three votes more than the number required to make the nomination, the Chairman aunonnoad the result of the ballot amid great ap plause. The second ballot was taken to-day in both Houses for U. rl, Beiia- tor: resulting the same as yesterday, but to morrow the ballot will result in the re-eleotion of Senator Johnston. CONNECTICIT. BniDaEPORT. Deo. 15 The build ing of the Wheeler & Wiliou Hewing Maohine,Cimpny occupying a whole block, oovering two aorea, took fits this morning. The flanKS spread with creat rapidity, and at 8 o'olook the whole establishment was sheet of fldmes. About 9 o'olook the walla fell, knocking down a docen spectators, half of whom were tukeu from the ruins dead or seriously injured..' Over two hundred skilled mechanics are out of employment. The new building of the Company, erected seven years ago, is uninjured. 0310. Cincinnati, Deo. 15. Forgeriee of the names of firm and individuals do ing business at the United Stock Tarda, has just ben discovered. Several bank have tieen v otimii'd. The imi tstiouB of the signatures ari so close that referent to bonks are required to detect them- , How msuy of these check are out. or to what extent the banks and brokers bavn be u v.ctim iied, is unknown. ' MAssicnrssir. SrarNiiFiiLD. Dec. 15 The State Graugo in eii in here auop'ed a reso lution in fjvor of taxing Cliuroh prop erly and -living B U.k ilepoai S. Boston. I'm. 15 Mayor Cobb, (Dew ) l:s been re elected by 2,500 plurality. Tho total vote yesterday was 117,200, with one txeof Ion, the largest eVel osst. The "Republicans -elect 8 alder men and 49 counmlmeu ; the Demo crats 4 aldertoea and t!3 ooitnoilmen. A derloiency of $30,000 has been dis ooveied iu th accounts of Blandsell, the deceased Treasurer of Dartmouth College, His family have plaoed t' eir property at the divposalof the College. sona ciBOLm. CttrMBU, Deo. 15. TheTax-payers . .. . ... .i an Ciouveuciou met it iiikiup ini iim delegxtioo from twenty counties. A resolution was adopted to-diy reoount- log the xtravaguao and corrupt ad- mimstratiou oi tho Mate and county governments Binoe iBtio. ltHcognismg some amelioration under Gov. Cham berlain and recommending the cm tinnanotf of Tax Unions throughout the State, also oalling attention to the disregard of the provisions of the Constitution as to registration and rec ommending the . registration of all qualified voters tbroagh Tax Unions to protect the parity of the elections. The Convention adjourned this even ing to meet at the call of the Presi dent end Exeoutive Committee. NB WKTRK-On Not mb-r Jth, aear Bl"k Hirer Ckspsl, anpna untT, Me. Henry fl?wo A MAwklrk, 'mm Pl.iln, Tut., la tb Blot m of LU g. irebyterlan oopr. NEW A0TERTI8EO-.TI. HOLIDAY GOODS, ELEGANT AND USEFUL, EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, AT: HEiNSBKRQER'S. BRIDAL PRESENTS GREATVAUIETY At ; miNSBEROKR'S UVS BOOK AMP M 0.11O BXOKK, Vo. 3 Market Street. leelfl mE(TBOARttANDl!lH, HlLLSDORO. N.C Tan THirrv-socHrtt aKiKiywnnhe ,M imm l-h Kol Mk'.Sebeol wilt Ofiea FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 1870. Board and TnUlon re4and le f tQB. Olri-n lars forsudod on apulinatloo . 3jcl-law6 HARR1SS' DRUG STORE Opened on , Pit I1VC ESS HTItEKT, ' Opiioutt JOURNAL OFFICE. , dee-i To k Citizens of f ilminnton. THE Firth W l Inlnj mien. Bnrket Com Tnt h j leave to ette thtt tt wi sot their Intention t - dieitml, but onlr to uii.d perti,)n. at a mtt'eg bld Ut night It w.l ri M Ted tooir.li.eie i-ur or-nltion, tnil are now ready lo' sn? Kvni let1 it Filth Wr.l Inj. BnnkeOo. ELEQAST CASSIMERE SDlTS. Made to Order In onru-p'""d style and St for $40.00 HANDSOME DRESS SUITS. OVERCOATS. OA UBS and UMBRELLAS laitabte for Hotl. day PrraenU at MUNSON dc 00., deals Clothleil and Heret ant Tailor.. Bacon, to'i,', Cofffio, ic, 100 Boie 1). 8. and Smoked Hldet, KiO Holla Bagging. , are Berrnla Har-all Qradet. 1011 Bags Uofl'ee. - liro Barrel. Fluor. SOOO Sick. American and Liverpool Salt. bAGQING,' BAOOW, OANDIiRS, r , ,! OANUT. . . corrsi, OOKS, f IjOitk, BAT, OATS MATCHK. - UTSl'EKH, POTASH, ' . SALT, 1AHKB, , BHEsrmu 01 "wiLLIAMJ A MUICNISSSI FRESH CELERY TO-DAY MALAGA CRAPES. SWafET ORANGES- CHOICE BANANAS I I VlO lnBae, Boxee.Drume ia UaOenf per lb. for PRUNES S. F. ; wmtman & mi wmm Ficaks, Prpi.er. and ( iieiimben b) the 10). Extra Fine TEA ''e tl pw peund. .The Beet So. Clnr In the) City CURTIS A BOATWRIGHT. KIW iDUEnStMEXTS. 1075; FALL AND .WINTER- Beat Assorted Stock in 36 iVtA-RIET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Guinot 's Oros Grains. COLORED SI! ' ll the Latest Cloth Sim loO EEAL SILK POPLIN-S. . MERINOS, GASSLMERE3, SERGES. AND MOHAIR GLACE, aud all the Latest LSD BLACK ALPAC AS, That usual Specialty we have always sold" an many mid so low, that emong so many goods it is only a small part of the assort muut. r.i OUR N I U C C O O D s . In every variety. Will open on the 8lh snother Lot of those cheap Henrietta's :-.-f- l. J A.. MEN' AND BOYS') WEAR. Great Hosiers Gloves Embroideries, ; Ererythiog is Chesper than has been - . a w J. i . . l tue rnoes and otyies JSTo. 36 ; ivIARKT STREET. niiwl .. .: ': ; i . c ": : ........... II - i- L JL.L-Jl.liL. CHRIST MA)S GO O JD S" The only complete assortment of ... i ' iD CHRiSTfelAO PRESENTS i r n the City. Hve also taken part of can ue AI80RT3IUNT OIT CALL AND de1S Walters. Plaited Spoons and Forki, Plated Cutlery. Fine Table Knives, Houre Furnluhlng Goods Ac, Ac, for sale low at . as South Front Streot, bv CEO. A. PECK. deoT . ... HOWES' SOUESU lar.tbe agent, for the kuawn rartlee will do WjII to examine efere siring ouier nakca. r -OILKH&MUKCUId' f. Ban! war .tuiutf. vv FOR RENT. It a r e Oliaiioc, One half of one of tio mw'itenlrnbi-" stand. on rroni Btre-1, to a pleaeant partjr i aa agreeable bn.iiu'ee. roviuriDtr iuiuri'.'u-, ri'.j w- ... hong or Sated Vp. EeptJrv "rider sheds, ana delivered In good burnlrg coo-'iiion. ! o. O. ARHMCYAfo, Kew lioeatiea 8. Water st , foot oforane. ee,I JOHLBcst uonseiioli Oil m me World C. WEST SONS' ALMOIN SECUf Wavrmntedttia.OeirrBce'.FlrelSTest Sniorudby Ike Are Inturanct Companiei. T Read the rothwmj aeitigoaU seleoted from many ethera. 1 ' . j Howabd ftas ls. Oo; w BAMWirt, I DecmbtrW, 1874. Jfenrt. P (fell Sm- Qentlemen-Havlng emrt tbe tarlou. oils .old In hi. city lor lllu-nl-natlnc parpoees I take pl(itir in recom. mendlnt your "Ala ldln Heonrlt." aelhe siile.t ud eat ever need In onr honhold. t onrs "aTgned) aNDEEW hMWt, Pna'W OTIT WIUU NOT EXPLODE , ilk yoar Stmkteperw it. , WaelMale Depot Ct WIST A SONS- III, US W. Lombard street, Bal ilrnore. MP leod m WOOD jyir e r k.h k.yt. 1875. O EASOH. the City now Open at KS. Novelties In AND, SHAWLS.- Mi Liue of 1 a Good3. ... - j-E.-'i"--,)j lj s Si 4 known for yews. Wo only require a oall : I J . 11. ..11... win uv um tmmn, t .. , ,, store corner Prtnoose and i rout, where louaa au FANCY GOOD?. .til' . ' 1.XAMISE. --i'-TjiismTHcov, 4ii front Street, mm. ( Belling at Etr.mel , . , jvo v i'iucn. r": QILESAM'JRCHISO Hardware 8'ore, f'ro 0 n n .r in ii j 100 Biiki Klre Oraekers.' fr ea'.e by - KKiit'HNiea acauikk noa. FLOUR. 300 Barrels 110 White Fionr. 30v H relB HpllO Mill 800 U rola rrlnotss Ilujal riour, for Sale br ..'.' ,im. KKtlCHNKR '1A1 DB BK09. RAISINS. CANDY. CANDLES. BO l1"" sni Half Botes Ba . n.. IOO ,'"B, Candy. 200 Ho.es and Ha'f Hoxee Camllos. . For bi by ' ' " v :,. " ' ! ; KBROHSE't OALUStt B'tOI. $AL'i SALT. SALT. -. . .... . - , - t- ? 10,000 4uka Hit- Poi Hale by . . KEKOflSftt. OALbKA BROS rte ; v TniHt Nulo. - , BY tirliie ot arteei o' fu'tftefntfrt hy .Tobn TA Tuvl'i' '! w le, nn the i'h day of April. In lb- vr 0, nl du'v lenl-t-red In IlieorHreot th It -gl-'Hr of Iip dnl New Han oi- r Ceiiuty, in Hm,k w. w , p.s33, ana 10 - .lannarv.lS.S. at IS oVIoeic, M.,errfr for alp i.. win i win. nn r. ir."iieiT. inn n-n iy w nl i.nbeo aueiion, r-r ran. at tbe Marse' Hin In tho i ll. of Wl mirKVm, oomntenoiiu an imi tiniii lh iiortliean f rner ol Konrtli "! M rlii -Irei't, ana rnnni'ie h'nii eniardly iSi t'o'l. tVtkh loriitejiTr m leit. .lieoo' wM.twanlu l0 lev. th.iBco Bn ilhwa it y WO rt n tho beginning. ,i ,- 8. W. OUtfi llof.. 7.ndt ' ;' 1ST O T I O K TOaUWH'iM IT May O'iKOITR1 All mi are hrri-by lorewrn'-d from trad luu rr either of fuir rotes vl finoeaoh. s anrd . I,, nn iprwmmSI. ud Ml ntvehle to H. Brunhlll & Bio , a tald nut- 1U not pa (iald h ii. . .alue has not iou re' cum " ' J. H. F R,M AN. deola-Jt W, H. FREEMAN. .Vtr JUfKKTimlt.nK.YT9i CALL AXD INVESTIGATE. BROWN fc RODDICK, 45, 47 MARKET STREET. Aro uow in Uio ll HOLIDAY ! E' J EVER Never before siuee Ihoir oommoucouicut have they been able to present SUCH BAEGABS to their Customers. Lirge and E'egat Hues of "Hi ; - Being udded to their Btook daily at GREAT DISCOUNTS from LAST TEAKS I'rioes, and lower i ig Jrrs man uvur viierou in iruumigMju, au '.'. W'v-antioipatlou of the - ; -.i... ' .... 'y-' '. CHRISTMAS TRADE We bavo opened the adjoining store, 47 MARKET STREET, with choloe I assort mi nt of rteasoDaiilo iNovemes HOLIDAY DFT if. :'.'" FANCT COODS, TOTS. Ml'SICAl IXSTRUMESTS, P14TJ5 WABE, JIWILIT STAXUAB0 COOKS, riCTUBUL BOOKS. VEL0CIPE0ES TOILET NETS, VISES, (.AUKS, CiXABI BUI'S, BIACK WALNUT BRACUT8, BltiS, UAMM0CKS, JHIBBOBS, , And many other srtloloi iao numeroai to mention GREAT, SENSATION IH JEWELRY ! I WE f 111 ' ' s ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' We invite special attention to out line of eVf' VUJUUV At Prloes Remember tiie tin ratro'i will do well to make th"ir suleclloni and svold the rush. EIPBEB8 AND TElEttBAPB 0BDEB8 WIIL, BEi'EIYB PBOMPT AITESTIOX. RROWIT & RODDICK, 45, 47 Market Street. 0.1 ;1) AID on .vriii4s- 'llie !.arst8'Oi:k sud h i-nl Ura'i-'s In Ul Mtam. K iwl-irt or !.l i'Kjih b.-loie pui'cbaatij. . , Jaiiiaifa Bum. , , Hand Marts Soar Mati WMslisv, a'uietlulUnd Qte. Bine Qr. atntaoKj nam llirten. and Bonrtwn HISJISS. HARMONY SHERRY, The Choicest erer offl-rel In this Ktte. 2B ''''t, Ooliiiijt snl lmprlal Tea". frm laipottnrs bale at hall prioj. Utiud lor i". . JO Tub Butter. "Host In tbe VforliT." ESULlSlVcUEESE. Wears agents forth "UNIVERSAL BITTERS," A positive Ciire l"r iier.ou deUliuy, speoiai luduc-A'ineeLn tn O v-h b i;, i-ir. A Larce and fleteral Anoitnrnt f t.'hors Arrltlrg Da ly. MALAGA CRAPES, In Cinterj, 3 pouii'le ffr 100, GEOUGE 31YKUS, .led II ami i oulb Front Mjvt r The Celebrated DtoiMo Ekuiia MPHNOEHIAN. ir. . nMBlanreor. thO' erl o roar wi'B in t.iieni tn il-i Cards, eontalnltn one each, lanii'mxers, IH be seut i)y mill on rooitp 'fv 'HON, ViLA KK MAN, TAYLOR TO. . eepMSn. WINES PAM1II WIIIIS, , and M for i lifs, iod tide of their TRADE. ! ! NEVER I I , auu a variety oi arrioies suuaoie lor , ' " STOLE Mil ? ranging from Little Folks. CHRISIMftS PREStUTS . ... far WIVES, FRIENDS, j PARENTS, CHILDREN, SWEETHEARTS CHRISTMAS G00D3 , New, Ricli, Elciant aul LTscnil, NoarOpea for Inspection at . , G. V. YATES' BOOK STOrlE deoll Bl Market Btret New Orleans -gnaranteed pnr. Cuba, Demarar.,Mu(tr Hoom. F L O U HR. - 1.C00 Barrels 11 gra ler. Sugar, oall, yonee, Mplors, . Uroonj., Candy, . ttooir, irackcra, An1 eferv'bingtn tbe fovrt llae, which we giiarantei. l m rrt prlrra. iiOTT BINFORD, CROW ft CO FOR NALE. A SM 'LL iuy MAHK-Workswell la ha ne. nd Is a vory pieaani wwaie nag. aafly. OHO.N.MARin, At HarrlM' Drag SM d-ielO-lw Administrator's Sale. IWIM. FXPtlSE Ft.H A' B) 4T TI1B Court Boue door, in the Utj t WHmliijr ton. on Monde, le emh-r .0 h. at ro'oloiik, vi . ,the fol iiwliig piere. of Ant land uehmiitng t theea'atrof f ni'imtt ai, li'eiwd, situate In tae iltty of wl m ngtna, dsenribxl aa iol. .w: Hfllnmng a, a ke on Mollvt etr.'ft, I -i feet tiotn Rvikln street and running "h :ce I haalil MotlaeatT'-et eoulU AS f.(. tht.ie ea-t aiaHel with ftaniiin eret 16 m( " 'one.' Alley, theuo i will) said Allev null SS fe-t, thenee west fee t the beiinl. he a mi being the wewarn half of lx N 4 B ovk m. w-co-dlng to the p.i or fe la Ottf nf Hm'ngton. ,-rin, one tM d e.n aud balanoe n six aad wii eetai, lie "'"' rH f)RT. ' " lawiw . AdnunleuelDi.