- - 1 . . .. ! ... .nrTirvT. .vv Jrrn-.vr iL'LZZL . . 1. WTW TURK. . congress! WrangUns Over Geo. K. Spencer's Election-Committee Iniestlsailon -Bloodj-Stalrt Morton Work. MARITIME DISASTERS Heatj Gales Off the Banks or Xew founrtland Many lives Lost. THE CODE. . ' 4 - 3SJ-E W.S I N" GENERAL. Concessional Election -Coutentlon- Appolnlment -lonvieiea, &i. GOLDI4 3-8. lit TELEOBAl'H to TUB t'ovWs AL. WASHINGTON. WAsmsoTOH, D o. 16. 8-nte-T-On motion of Hpeneer, of Ala , the '' Committf on Piivilegrs and Elt-ctidas was 'ttthorizod to inquire if fraud or corruption was usod to necure his elec tion to the seat lie uow held in the Senate. , ... Conklirg presented, a mt'monai from practical steambnut mon. aud pt-rsoua engaged in navigation, dtwignatmR certain portions iu tb e'eamboat laws which should be clmugid. Iu proaiutiug the mcmoiial, Conk ling said be took great pleasnro in lny ing this paper In fore tlie rv-nate, l it i,.Ainatu,i nartinnlarlr what ohangea should be made, and it also ehowed tbtrt tue men engngeu m moani boatiug hud Rome regard for the saf.-tj Ul LUUOl. iiit.. bpeneer said, at tne iusi bbwiuu ui the Alabama L'gil iture, a committee was appointed to inquire whether cor rupt practices had beeu used to secure his election to the Henate. As the Legislature which appointed this com mittee was not one by which he was elected to the Senate, he had not ap peared before U to answer uie onargea. s oi i r turn ana corruption, and said tue Im gmiutnro TWi. 10. -Late New FonndUud p.pers aUte that the .loop Hop well, wilh tight persrns on board . which left St John's on Not. 29tb, for Harbor Maine, ha' been wrecami. early part of the day waa flue, but to ward nightfall a heavy storm aruae. Tbe Hopewell proueeucu vicinity of Capo Francis, whei a be ran upon Bifcal Rook, about 8 o clock iu the evening. All hands, with one ex ception were lost. The survivor got on the rock aud there remtined util the next day. Towar.i ir-e ai;r u .u i ...wl ffjr mnnh troub'e.DV ne wan rmun'-u. -- - - the steamer Hroulea, which discovered the poor fellow waving a imiianercmei He had beeu on the rock about tweutr hours at the nurey of every sea, and waa almot exhausted. The same day the scuoouer Water Witch left 8t. Johu's for Consist y Buy, i t i.. iiun, a near Ciuie St, Frail- RUU "Til. ' - . . ji, Th b hore hue i- almost perpendicular to the height of nearly 800 feet As the vessel was driven aasinnt the cliff, those on board got on ,l,artiT nlUDCr all U'KllI, those whose footing was 'be least aeoura buiug aept ou ny um mi.:.i.,n f tii tutv-fi nr per ho s on bosrd, wt rt. saved, each one being made fast to about one hund'ed fathoms of 1 no and hnu'ed rjp the faoe of the C'itf by iwiiW ti..igliborlioodUo diMCoverea tue snip w;e"l!e-l crew ly tneir criea. R. .rftl other tnariii disaster in volvins (he loss of elrtVi-n more lives, are reported. - , i...... rTixraint miT it ia ocr iX WIWI liwu . ' -. that Captain General Valmaaedu has sent his engnatiou to opiiu, r will mifWMii him. TheOovernor has iniormea onerin Conner that uo further respite wm oo grantti Nolan, tue muracrer oi mi. Ellen Hallsw.y, beaufiful young woman, residing with her mother in r).,..,i, i., ...mmiltfil nninide bv shoot- iug herself through the temple. Grief ;.,.i vv 'lit. hIiuhi oo of her father, wbo went to Europe on account ol financial trouniea. i . . - F.llia Thorn Dson and Weston are to be hanged to morrow with John Uolan. falHsrffii. 0 and 7 NORTH FRONT 8T- Ar OfTrrlnf Tnth UoOdi ta FAMILY SUPPLIES - j lnlt.Mfor HOLIDAY TRADE, In Larg r St-k na Orenwr Va-Itv, aid LOWER PRICES Than known lnn the War. W hM atrktl fl urt to pull tint H ,rI Time iwn i mij anUI jot hT anqal'fd ' rlo. od inJ the qmlllTOl g.w-lt. . C. D. MYERS ti CO,, 5i7 north fhont sr., 1 075. 1875 NOTICE THIS I I Fnrlh Beat Table ButterSold . In thle City, we charge only oo. For cnoice Table sutler uc. " Good ' ' 880, Cooklnr Butter ..'- 380. li ID! : uJ - Firkiai . it t Liwtr ; Figures. C. D. MYERS '6 CO,, 07 NORTH rnuai SI. FALL AMD WINTER SEASON. Itest Assorted Stock injthe City now Oih-ii at '" " ' 36 MAKK.ET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Ottinefs OrosGraius. COLORED SILKS. All the Litest Cloth Shade. 1 RKiVL SILK POPLTXS. KEIHOS, CASSIMEHES", SERGES. iW MOHAIR GLACE, ud all the Latest NoTolties in CALL AND INVESTIGATE. d5, d-7 M AmClST STREET. Are now in the flKd tido of their HOLIDAY TRADE. UEVER ! NEVER ! ! HEVER ! S 1 Never beforo since their oommeueomeut have they been able to prsen SUCH BAKGAINS to thuir Customers. L irge and Elegant lUos of ear el aa4 Hair Barrals ' FAVORITE And Oof 1 v . .. 44l V ). WHITE ROSE flour: i -.a. M-.-A- .aarf mmAm tf tk BLACK ALPACAS, ; Tha usual Bpeoialtj we. haw always told so many and so low, that among so UHaU gOOUS 11 IS ouiy a uani MO U R N I N O COO DS . n e srlety. Will opea on iho 8tb another Lot of those cheap Haurtetta's .- ; . . 1-'. ..-. .- . 1 .' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. 1 i . it ; -;ot- S ILLINOIS. rirTnin TW Ifi. The National Transportation Convention is in ses sion here, witn sixteen CStaiea re.rc ar,tmA Tlio aiilnrirnmnnt of the Wei- land aud St. Lawrence canals so as to seonre an outlet for the largest Teasels is urged, t t . .,, rt C. D. MYERS fi CO., B 47 NORTH FRONT NT, ME2ST AND ,BOx a' w Hcaer"', Qrea Liuo of Gloves Embroideries, !e denied the chare vawnnliAn Aflfl KAiA MM. .nnninled this COmmittue Was electd by fraud, the same br the one iAM,pd in Misnissippi. The Alabama election by which this Legis lature waa put in, like that iu Miswa sippi, was part of a conspiracy to over throw tbe lawful government in tbe South. He recoguized tbe Senate as the only body hving authority to iu quire into his election and his right to a seat in this Chamber. He theielore offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Privileges and Elections to inquire whether George E. Spencer, a Senator in Congress from the State of Alabama, aid ne, or cause w uo used, corrupt practices to secure his election to a seat in the Senate, and authorizing ssid Committee to send for persons and papers, and sit during the holiday recss. Davis suggested that the resolution lie on the tt.ble and be printed. Conkling caid, the Senator from Ala bama hi d been assailed, aud he asked an investigation by a Senate Commit tee. He hoped the Senator from West Virginia would not ask a postpone ment. Thurmun said he knew nothing what ever of the case, but it seemed to him ihnl tlio roAntntinn U8 ir IWU. simply directed an inquiry as to whether the Heuator mmseu nna usea corrupt iu Tim broader miestion. MS to whether the election was secured by fraud, was not covered by the resolu- Spencer said he would modify it to meet the views of the Sanalor from Ohio. , t The resolution was then modified to read as follows : Resolved, That the Committee on Privileges aud Emotions are hereby instructed to investigate into, and in quire whether iu the election of Geo. E. Spenoer, as a Senator from the State of Alabama, there were us d, or caused to be used and employed cor rupt means or corrupt praot,oes to secure bis eleotiou to the seat he now holds, and that the said Committee be empowered to administer oatns ; to send for persons and papers j to take testimony ; to employ stenographers, and suob clerical assistance as they may deem necessary, and to sit during the recess of Congress if considered advisable, aud to report thu result of their investigation as soon as practica ble. ' V The resolution as modified, was aijreed to. , The resolution which passed the House to sdjourn on Mondsy next to January 4Ui, was amended by inserting January 5th, and passed. Morton's resolution appointing a ommittee to investigale the Missis sippi election, Tfas discussed with con siderable bitterness, but without any OVi-iva-M Tha ronnrt nf tliA TreaMUrv aeent on the subject of the sugar drawback, has been completed, and is now in the bands of Assist mt Secretary of the Treasury Bcrnham, who is giving it olose attention with a view of framing the conclusion of the Department. The Depariment as soon as practicable Issue regulations ior iu guiuuo iu Collectors of Customs and all others interested. The regular monthly cotton report of the Agricultural Department will not be ready until the later part of the month. TENNESSEE. i NAsnviLMJ, Deo. 16. Returns from forty Congressional Districts render the election of Riddle (Dem.) certain. -. LOUISIANA. New Obusans, Deo. 16 Gov. Mo Enry has appointed R. H. Marr U. 8. Senator vice mcftiinan rea gnea. F inert a took af White Goods. r r: i. - 8TAPLB .AND PANCY MS, .MinOMUL KM i PENNSTlTiSlA.1 Nobmstowh, Deo. 16 The jury In the Curley murder case, came into AAti r ft thi mnrninor and . rendered a verdict of murder in the first degree. SEW HAMPSHIRE. PoRTSMocTH.Deo. 16. Two hundred mnn have been discharged from the Construction Uepartmeni oi tno navy 1 1 uru unio. MASSACHUSETTS. jyvo a vi" a x v , T R Palmer Co.. wholenale deal rs aud manufacturers of clothing, have accepted t) cents. Tiia MoHmui ivimmiaHinn arjnointea v. Mm riifv ("inn nni I to investiace the UJ -"'v V. "J v . ' ' sanitary condition of the city, report ... .... . . i i. thai i tun TtnrnH oi uie duihub- tion of Boston are foreigners and of this proportion two-tuiras are lrisn. VIRGINIA. Tlon Ifi The third bal ItlVlllUV-ll, vv a v - lot ill tbe General Assembly for U. 8. Senator w taken at noon to-day, and resulted In the re-election of Senator Johnson by a strict party vote. The Kepubuonns cast a him voie tn s m the House und 6 iu the Senate for Gen. W. C. Wickham, late Vice-President of the Chesapeake & Umo Kaiiroaa. GEOBGI 1. ArjatTRTA, Dec. 16. 0. G. Tilley and George E Ratoliffe fought a duel st 3 o'clock this afternoon, at Sand Bar Ferry, 8. 0. Tilley was shot In tbe right groin at the first Are. The ball was extracted from the left side. The but not nfoesssrilv fatal. Tilley demanded a seoond fire, lint ln'a aannnri mtntu OB BCOOUnt of his wound. Tilley challenged Katoliffe for words reflecting on hiB character. SOUTH CAROLINA. CoicMBiA. Deo. 16. The oanens of tli a Ttuflcnl mumViflra nf the State T.ftmulatni-a van holil laat nilrllt. and tne nrst nusincss to-aay was to auopi i ... .... . . I I resolutions witn a joint session oi ihjvu Housevand to proceed st once to eleot an Associate Judge to the Snpreme Court and eight Circuit Judges for the State. The result was as follows : Associate Justice Wright, negro. , Cirooit Judges Wbipper, negro 5 Wiggin, carpet-bagger : F. J. Moses, Jr., ex-Gov.; Townsend ; Mackey ; Gamester : Northrop : Cook, all Re publicans. " LIQUORS ver branght to oar flltj. Beleoted ipreulf VI THE HOLDAYS Everything is Ohoaper than has been known for years. We only require aeal) Iho Prioea and Btjlea will do the aelling. , . ' No. 3(3 ivIA-RKKT STR1GET- , ,tnvT- 'i r. tr-'t ' ' I m nn r sn m TT ft I JJV ! ! ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i v iilj)'Ainviyviyii; Btiing added to their Slock dally at GREAT W8C0UN from LAST YEAR'S l iiocs, ami ijower s ig jre vi.4.. 9 . aulioipatlou of the ... , CHRISTMAS TEADE We have opsnnd the adjoining store, 47 MABKET BTREET, with boioa attJioitmi'tit i ocasyuaoiu tfiovmmt H-6.'li.fb,AY'Gi.FT:S. rANCT GOODS: TOYS, "MtSirAl IXSTIllJMKSIJ. tiVl, 8TAN1IAK11 D00K9. rilTOKIAL UUUa.3, itwui btn.a juiuc. Vases, games, can aut bikpb, bkack walnut bbaceets, ! el g8, hammocks, mibuobs, And many other artiolos t o numoroai to mention GREAT SENSATION IN JEWELRY!! IB SMS 1 STOLE 11,11 We invito special attention to our line of CBLLOLOID, LEUSDIG,CAMEO,aBllPLAIH GOLDSBTS Tbs RIEVIERA GARDRAT & CO. BRANDS OF ' i 1848 Rm do Kqiul. It ia tba flneit ' OLD BRANDY Bth brought to North Carolina. W bar riLEmiNon mm GOOD CHRI3TMAU KKtatw I i In the City. Ht also tskon part of store corner Triuoess aud Front, where ' " ...'. oan be foiiud an ASslOIlTUUN'r OF VANOV ,-GOOPH. CALL AND EXAMINE. 1 t ' OLD MADEIRA ana OF VERY OLD VINTAGE: XM0!;,?1!?!:.' tlfllS '.f . D A. SMITH & COs 13 Ftout Ktrent. 5IW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tbs Brit FanitlT and Tabls WlnM Importad RYAN & PIMCHESS' Prima Quality. Contracta On Bunaiea. For Halo Low by O. O. TABLET Co, "IfawUcstlsnl. Water H.,Joot siVrnne. A AMI I . a i! IV H r If? V ... s list st' OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY, GliniST f.l A S I G 00 D S. Ii tbs only Real 8coton Whlakejr that will maks HOT PIT NO II What It ought tots. C00RIH5 WINES AND BRANDIES In all Qradai-PuU FlSTor, and at LOWKSTPBIOEB, CHEAP TOYS. FINE CANDY. ICHRISTHASGOODS. At Frioes ranging from ' 1 , , I w. - i m mm 1 l 1 U 10 vy) OF ALL ItlNUH, 0 A 7 NORTH FRONT 8T 4 n CURTIS A BOATWRI&HT. HEW ADYEBTISEMETS. J IS W JET! " V. NO. 47 NORTH FRONT STREET, (I. D. l.ove'f Old Sttnfl - f ; t ?m6 Hai a Very Large and Choice Selection or TOY BOOKS. Oall on bin ad make yoar Hleclloa. . . in inn kEEDLESS AND LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS, CROWN, ur- WkTSSaWSni aad LONDON Jj A Y E B S . j -i - - 200 B 'Xi- Wbolo HaWra ana guarUra. LOWEST FIGURES, - Oatbaf. : " CITRON, r ; .fEEMA MWEV- t -MEW f IRRASTS, . i , ; ' . , . MALAGA GEAFIS iiTfTio tm mi i m ill Bacon, itcaU' W "IW &c- 100 Boiee D. 8. and Smoked 8 Af. t0 Kolli Ragging. ; 2i4BamlitlaaU OradM. , . 10U Btgi Do flee. ' V" iw aarwlt Flmw--S000 Baoks American and Liverpool Bait. bAOOIMO, , A0O, ; : t ? CANDLES, ' ' - OAIJDT..,.,, ' oorpRB, ' ! . OOKN, HOLIDAY (10008. ELECANT AND USEFUL, EXTREMELY LOW PRiCES, AT 5 ' HEINSBtRCER'S. BRIDAL PKESEHTS an i-i atva iVn:;iY At HEINSBEEGER'S . . . .. , L1VCBUUV.AVM Mm.OSWllK. dr-ctS ' fo. ?9 Mrkl Street. f J -V ? f q ? V, T . f , ., New One'vue-gunraiiuied nurt. P L:rO,;TJ:R!. 1,' Wi Jiacre'e-ull gra i. Sugar, . , f lIr.-om, Cand, , 8000. An1 eTerr'hlng In the j'ooer line, whl-b we ov7 BINFORO, CROW A CO Remember tie Lillle Folks. Tatrons will do well to wake their Suleollms and avoid tbs rush. EIPRESS AND TELEliRAl'U ORDERS WILL RKiIIVB PROMPT ATTESTIOX. BROWN & RODDICK. 45, 47 Market Street. OLD WINES FLOUB, ' " HAT, , OAT8 nnini declltf LOW klVll 111111 ; ,O A N T X ') In Krer Varlirt for theobbirg Tr.le.and fat ramllt ani brtotmae Dee. , LOW DOWN CASH PBICES. 1 51 7 NORTrilONT ST. a . . . CiUl. 'HAlCtKHl i t ttolAMl!', -'' OTifEBH. POTASH. . :, . SALT, ' TAHNt). 1 foreaisbt i I if. I I ".' ' - ! VfUlUWlAMUlCKlSDN. W H)lSCUESIt ; E are tbe agentt for these well known a' 1 ,i rrUM it . do ircll to mai no wm- emre bnymg ouur : " 01LE8 AHKROMtwn , . JBardwata JnS. SELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, HlLLSBORO. N.C mHK THIKTT-fOUKrH R"SluN nf the X Mieeee natn n.H ob-bouooi uiutii , , FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 1876. ' ' Hoard and Tultlun rxluo.d to f 09. Ircn- lr lorwurded nn appllraH.tu d-iffHaaSw . ELE5BI Ml tilde to O-"er In nnn pi(t tyl and at for .OO HAHDSOUE DRESS. SUITS. OVERCOATS.; OAUKHand I1MBHBLLA8 wltaWe for Hbll Ur Freeentee J - i . -ai munson co.t dseit' ;J ftiWetiaJi Hrkaat TaUora. AM j I,, aMrHt Ht't.rM i. I h lwt Hl h.i'1 In the ''UD'!llw,nia'l6Hr Ma Wl .Ijker, , l ute KolUii'l Ulo. IlliieOra". KdUtURKV UOUI, ' nl Kotirboli DISllIS. HARMONY 6H6RRy. fbe tholcect err ollurod Iu this MUfe, 2B"'i Osm 'J.H'1, TeJTr 1,iU tiia . . , JO Ta Bo"'-' "B'' tn 'M- ENOHSll UKESE, . . ' . . . . . ' . Wo are etfent for the ) iiiuiuirDll BITTERS." A iionitite cjra lor n;rroti dnbllUr. rtreclal I un ii'Hiriiirui ui uisvaa f A l.arie and Oereral Ansoitmeut f Obooe FAMILY GROCERIES, A Gis .for 1 lite, 100 BnM rirellreokeri. For tale by KEKi HNKlt OALEB BBOS. JJ" L OUR. 300 Unrrale Uoh Whllo f.our. ' . 300 Murrele Bcllo Mill ""tonr, 2 00 Brrol Princes Hoyal Kloar. ' For" ale by ' : . KKHOttSER OALDBR BB09. RAISINS. OANDY. CANDLES. 50 Huxe aud Ualf Boms BaWns, IOO Boioa Candy. aoo ni11 Ma!f BoxM nale For Bale by . KKKOttNKR UALUEB BU3. SALT. SALT. ' ' 1 . B Arrivlnl'l. : MALAGA CRAPES. : in ciu?tm, s pmin-i r aino, : rdllOUUK MYERS 10,000 ftolw H' Foi Halo by KEROHSEB CAME BKOS decs ' CHRISTMAS PRESENTS for -1 WIVES, FRIENDS, PARENTS, CHILDREN, , SWEETHEARTS CHRISTMAS GOODS Hew.EicUWuHaGscM, Now tien for Impaction at C. Vi. YATES' BOOK STQitE doc SI Marketbtrett- . beUlngatKulrinaelT . ' ( 1,0 W 1 HICE i RtlftA M'JRCMlSSS ' ... r .4sti OT lrtne ot adeed nftm'rtwnf'fJ'yJ0"" AiTrl. In lb'- V' Ift'J, "! dn reLtweJ in A II I . ui v i - ,wa,nl Hum Hun- lew UK ' I 1 , wnuJi r '.rnim t """?: :...;.M:.,m.ncneii. Hue in W " " Vr Fourth and ae lecv limn m ". - ,M,.,.MiwardiT feci to tbe beglaulug- , " w Deo. t.odt . . , ....i. ; i