: i i I rAv 1 Llll ! I hi 1 M ,M M U A! v n - i ' i M ill i I. I I : 1 1 sir POL. XXIV. KO. 354. UainilQTOlI IT. C SATURDAY. DECEMBER 181876 V70LE 110- 7.C1C. 1ior.ri.nl. SY-TELEGRAPH. .CONGRESS. Morion's Resolution Laid Over -The President of tlie Senate pro tern. -The Mississippi Election Bill. TTIK GALLOWS. Triple Execution In lew York - Tent ble isonj of one of the Murderers. in l-jt.t lor, uuupu'i"" nutted to Aj to hi follow prisoner i ... ... ....,. rritlfd between uinw p :i niniuv. - him ami tl unf jrtunt young uay. CALIIOR!UA. Qm PiiiwmiKYl TVrt 17 Th Oltl- zem of ban Dmgo have organised TOlllUtwr row to prewrrn rurr uu Harm, who ha '!WJ II . bs-po protr.iwnt in maintaining omw mil! puMNbuig onguut iw tn nlw.t thrnnch the leiul. Viffi Unco Committee are erohin f.r th murderers. A great Doa j i nt-si-,.na h.va oiithcrm) in camp on the Trent VUoy, either to raid oro8 thi border, or revoiauon in imwvi California w intended. FOBEIO NEWS I CSX GMBNJER AL Mexican Raider - Dolan Bcspltcd- Boller Explosion-Mutineers, it GO LD 14 1-4. 8 and 7 NORTH FRONT 81. Ar Offering FrMk (loodt la FAMILY SUPPLIES EXGL13D. HOLIDAY TRADE, In Lerg Kto- k d tireater TrletT, 4 LOWER PRICES Tbn known lnoth Wr. W have marked H .urn to mill ton Hra Tim, wn i auj Londom.Dm. 17. English deteotWe rjolioe are bont to n!i t for France to brinar ck the I A ft I VCDC ti PR tu w of the nriiAh lup Lnnio, who j , , 1 W U Mil I.S.ll.k r,f flntiiber Ut I 1 ' HEW ADTERTISEMEMS. .ri jfi!riK.iifi.vr 1875 ear north front st. CANADA. I M TELEGRAPH TO THB JOCRNAIi. wisniscTov. tuate WARnisaToH. Dec 17". The S The House ba agreed to the bill paned by the Heuatu, to adjonrn from Monday next to January 5th. The Centennial excurMon to Phila delphia left here thi afternoon. The purt.v number about 4'0, including the Preidut, Beverul member of the CaWinet, member of Cougre, and newspaper men. Arrangement have been perfected 'o give them a grand eutortainuiei t in Pniladelphia. Bi nate To day Thurman uggetrd that Morton' resolution, for iuvetstiga ting the MiHiHippi eleotiou, be laid over until Monday, a it would be im p iHKible to dmpoae of it without an all night' Bt'gnion Morton couaented, saying he hoped it ould be disposed of Monday. ' EJmnud submitted a resolution to elect a Preaidetit pro tera. ou the 7th of Jaunary. He did this because of the great idiport inoe of the subject. After a br ef diioussiou ti e resolu tion was referred to the Judiciary Committee. . Very little doubt exists cf the re- AluMinn lA IVrTV.I A large oumber of private bill were introauoea in me aouae. Hemous, of Ark., introduced bill for the improvement of Talma titer, Ark. ''... Also, to repeal the tax on leaf to Also, to repeal the law making re striction in the disposition of puMio land in the State of -Alabama, Mm itminrri. Liouisiana. Arkansas and Florida. . . . . , P.ge, of California, offeied the fol Whereas, The Constitution of the TJuited States, as Irarai a oy tue jauier nt thtt Rennhlin. imooMes uo limit of eligibility of any citixwn to theoffloe of President, lartuer man iui uo ujuj be native born, nd of a certain age and time of residenoe, therefore,--v Resolved, That in the -judgment of thia House the right of selecting can didate for the office of Pre-ideu' cau only bo lawfully exercii-ed by the pcoole, under the existing Constitu tional restrictions, and ha never been delegated by the people to the Hous of Representatives, or to any of the member of the same, and that any at tempt by the House of Representative to limit or forestall the publio will on a qtiention of ench importance, is an invasion of the power reservnd to the people at large, to be freely exorcised by them, without any , mterfrrenoe from any legislative body whatever. The reading of the resolution was greeted with' laughter on both sides of the Houae, and the House refused to second the previous question. The following was introduced : Haunl-pod That thh Committee on - . - Foreign Affair inquire luto.and report upon the expediency aud justice of giving to the German Empire the uotioe rpquired by the 6th Article of the treaty with the North German Empire, signed 22d February, 1868, for the termination of said treaty, or bo much thereof, and of the protocol of June 12, 1871, afi relate to citizens of the United cHates.their remnneratiou of naturalization, and their political oondition in Get many under said treuty and protocol. GEOBGIt. Augusta, T)eo. 17. The boilrrof a passenger engiue on tho Georgia R. R., nhiffh loft Afli la for Ausuata last night, exploded at 7 o'clock this morn ing near Birnill, killiug fireman Down ing, aud serioiihly injuring etgiueer lU auy. The train arrived here at 11 o'ohok. neA 17.-Owinff to the J II I 1 1 tr n U, 1 refuHl of the U uited StHTe auuioriuwi In allow Canadian vessel to navigate American causla on the mrt footing a- Amerean ve-el. tne uominiou n.ica. iimui.t haii nreDsred a ease aud forwarded it to Secretary Fib. Cm h lat Tahla Butter Sold inHiaMtv. wuitflharaa snlV' 480. For Cholo Tb Buttr - 40o. " Good joo. Cooklne Buttor 1 23o. 075. FALL AND WINTER SEASON. Best Assorted Stock inlthe City uow Op-'u at 36 MARItET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Gainst' Oro Grain.l COLORED SILKS, 1 Ml the Litest Cloth Shade. 1 RIUAL SILK POPLINS. MERINOS, CASSIMERE5, SERGES AND MOHAIR GLACE, . . Aud all the Latest Novelties in . ji'ri."iir.wK.vr CALL AND INVESTIGATE BKO SVN & EODDIGK, -io, 4,7 MARKET STREET. Ar. now in tliq iliod tidj cf thoir HOLIDAY TRADE. NEW A0TEBT18EIK..T8. Li O H T fli Tubt ,ut . Firkltf il'lmr lignw. CD. MYERS ti CO., . am r NUKin rnuni Ow Tiis NOR' H floF or PHIS' mmn Htre', bftweon Ihlrt Mid ivinih .. . a u i .ll,r TMrd. Fourth. I ,i n,,, i .v.. - . .... I fliKih. r Hot-nth or tilm'tent Tr, tai ntn wm.'i ..tl'tliolom. iiiii" '"' "no drcl8.lt - HEAR ! : HEAR! A cniXCI FOR A 00D INVESTMENT. W will m i tot O A. SH. CO Shares of the Wllmlncton Cot ton Mills stock- Th Mil1. r now In operation, and tho In. rHKimO' l Will 1J "OH. rw .uuoi iuiwiwm non apiy to D. A. SMITH k CO.. defld ho.ONoith Froo tmt T11I.C11UISTIA.N INDEX Har ill and Half Brrl B AOK ALPACAS, That usual Specialty we have alway ioll uo many nd so low, that among so 'FAVoiUTE- MOURNING GOODS. AB4 0M MONOGRAM WH ITE ROS JE FLOUR. BmI Brand offiid, d Mad of Ik Finest OU WHite WHeal ft n nvrno r. nn 5 A 7 NORTH FRONT ST. A l,r EUbt-psri Weekly. Orgin of tbe B.ptt.t LMnomlnttlon. Should be In every RitpU.t rally to tbe Land. It la tbe Ppr Oar Cklldrea Onght to Bf4. It li tbe Paper for all who would Know the Troth ae It I In Je-oe. baherlbe For It St Once Indoe tour Frlendt And Neighbor. To Do Ukewlee. If T'B HhvphH Th Money, Unboerlbe lor The Paper Anyhow Tour Putor Will MltP Arrangement For Yoa. fiend for Specimen Copies. Tbe Tlce of theINDFXI$l Tor. A.lilrm ell nrdere to j, p HARRISON A CO. deolSdh Bo K4 atlAnt., 0. H. JEWElvr3 NO. 47 NORTH FRONT STREET, (J. D.I.0T'lOid8tBd ) Hm Very Large nd Choice Selection of TOY BOOKS. Call on blm and muke yoor eelectlen. HIS PRICES AUE LOW. ilecmf riaaelMtook af ' WINES, - ' niIA.MPAONE9. CORXIAXJ9, LIQUORS, Irer breagbt to ear nity. laotM ipraieij THE HOLIDAYS tlEVER! MEVER ! ! NEVER!!! Nover before alnoe their oommiuicetnent huvo they boon ab'e to presecl SUCH BARGAINS "" to their Customer, Lrg and Elegant line of - Being added to their fitoclt dally t ORAT DISC0UNT8 from LAST YEAB'S 1'rlOeS, AUd AiOwer Jg lien innu iiii-r i anticipation of the . j CHRISTMAS TEADE .... ia mm A flTrn OrTinWffH KJl m. nt - - . rr at TTT- tia nnnnml tllA ill O Tit tiff dtOW. if OAlIi.l wum vuuiui n erery variety. Will open on the 8lh another Lot of those ohoap ?l. nr.etU 1 ;ud a variety of artiol. suitable for . CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. Q y; Q J p-g FANCY C00D8, TOYS, MCBICAt INSTUUMENTS, PLATED WARE, JEWELS) v ... ni.t AnlHMMMO (T Aft I UlrTl STANDARD BOOKS, I'llTOKML BOUaS, TEunu awaa iwikh o VASES, uAMES, lASABI BIB'o, BEAta ni.im tvw, EltiS, HAMMOCKS, SIlKUOBS. And many other arliolei Ijo numerous to mention . GREAT SENSATION IN JEWELRY ! ! WHO SAYS VE STOLE THEM? We invite special attention to our line of C2LLUL0ID, LEUSDIG, CAMEO.aildPLAIN GOLDSETS At Trier ranging from MEN" AND BOYS' WEAK. Great Line of Hosier. Gloves Embroideries, ii'nvi u' mill umiiii: - iiiiiiiiv ii: i i Qlil'IJlJ -aav VMWJl uuuii i.vumi uvi White Goods. BverythlnA' it Cheaper than has been known tot year. We only require a oall nl J Qtt... mill An il.A BullillCT (112. ft. . :iATZ, No. 3t5 jvOlRKKT stjj;mjt. The RIEVIERA GARDRAT ft CO. BRANDS OF BM n Kquil. ft i. lb. Flnett OLD BRANDY Irer brnoght to North Carolina. We hT. PALEand BROWN SHEHR1ES, OLD MADEIRA aaa PORT WINES, OHR'I S T M A S G O O D S i The only oomplete assortment of GOOD CHRISTMAQ PRESENTS In the City. Have alio taken part of store corner Priuoosa and Front, when A8SOKTJ1ENT OP FANCY GOOD-t. CALL AND EXAMINE. Tl A RMTTFT t CO.. V aTMa p ew mm-m -m "- w w wj 4U Front Htrret. Si 10 S50 del Remember the Little Folks. ' 1'Btron will do well to make th -it inloo'iina and avoid tha rush. EXFRKB9 AND TLLEti It Al'II OUDKRS WILL IlEi'EIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHRIST I MAS GOODS. CHEAP' TOY8. FINE CANDY. CHRISTMAS GOODS. NEW TORK, Nbw Yobjc, Deo. 17. -William Ellis, VHion. and Win. Thompson, ti... tl,..ia neorrwa who followed the peddler Abram Woissburg intoLydig Wooda, in Cheater county, aud beat u:- u.in. nnt with Htonea in order to rh him of 814. were hnng at 9:35 a. B. One of them olnng to the. rope with both hands and screamed in ter- A writ of error aud a stay of pro- ceertings, in tue oaae oi .iouu i-iu, .!. ... .Ian tn have been huiiK to- j . ,rAtTBci lt ivemnff nv Judge Donahue. The writ and stay calls for an argument before the General Term 01 tneOlipreuio vuu " Clia. O'Connor is considered out of danger. He ate heartily yeeterday, and bis tttoniHch ha recovered its toue aud funotions. Bin phyRician state that he he conquered dieeaae, and if no relsppe takes plaoa, their patient will soon be well again. The. Brooklyn defeo'ivea have suc ceeded in weaving a Strong chain of evidence around I'. N. Rabenatein, so eu.Bdpf murdering the yoaug Jewess OF ALL IIN18. At d.olT CURTIS & BOATWRIGHT. Th Bret Family and Tabl Wine Import!, Prima Quality. Contracts On Runrllea. rotBaleLowby Mew Uotlon B. Water St., root ofureDKe. necii HOWES' SCALES 1 1 w Kaife the igent. tor tbeeo .well known . Fartlee "111 do woll to ex.mlne m efore baying other nakea. 01LRH&M0KUMltn. , , , Henlwar .(one.. Bacon, Baling, lim, Coff83, Jc. ICO 3oes 1. M. ard hmoked Hldee. 0 Ho!l. liSi-glng. it 0 Biirrvl Mir all Grade. IV Bug coffee . 10 Burrele Flcnr. aowi) Htrki American and Mvttpool Halt. UAOGINO, ' ; BAOON, ' CANDLES, CASDT. COFFKE, COKN, FLOCtt, HAY, ' OATS MATCHKS, M0LA8E, . OYirKRt, ' POTASH, HALT, YARNS, - smtRTlttll For eele bt W1LLI&MS k MURCHISOH. "$1,500,000" Iethe .ititko monthlr pruflt e.tlmied to be pain to hnioer. of e'ock rtvl iie hy Trlue f. -... tft,n.t -rim h.iiiHe uC Megere. Alexn ler Froihlughm & Co., U WH fiiett, kSewYor.who hi..im a .orld-wlil. reputa tion to' ineir eirioi iirnij. r- -- Brtult nly forou. ortlieic Fluitiiulal Wa. T It no"- " hoolt M.l.loln bow e.me ir 'm tii dollnri lx)ilionnfe my be lneted. lh 4WholM.6.t lltti. b. tbe m. adn. t.ail'..ope'eWMe Bend lor their Wttkiy. H(wt,. Ho-t, N 12. al'irv ALi:X. rHeTHIIAH CO., H.nkere and Brok.re, I Wall r. M. Y. dtcBeotUlBk RYAN ft PINCHE8S' OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY, li tbe only Real Rcoteh Wblik.j that will make HOT PUNCH What UoiibtU U. COOKING -WINES AID BRAIDIES Flour and Meal, la at) Qredet-r all Flavor, and at LOWEST PRICES, C. D. MYERS & CO., 5 A 7 NORTH FRONT ST. a HO MIXKO.rlCl. uar-noi id on ibort notice. Urain bnugbt ll tt - narket prlc. Addrf-;. ' HEEDLESS AND LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS, CROWN, and LONDON JL, A. Y EHS. W) Boxen- Whoiei, HaWe and Quarter. LOWEST FIGURES, Ontbaea. CITROIT, FRE5CR PRUKES, WEW CURRANTS. MALAGA GRAPES, MS0F1V1YR11. CAN X X 1CJ In Bterr Varlet, for th Jobbirg Trad, and for Family and t hrltttnu Oa. LOW DOWN CASH PRICES. IUS. DJIlWi.i, B T NORTH FRONT T. tun tr K. O. HOLIDAY GOODS. ELEGANT AND USEFUL, EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, BROWN & RODDICK, 45, 47 Market Street. AT HEINSBERCER'S. BRIDAL PRESENTS is GREAT VARIETY At HEINSBERGF.R'S UVB BOOK A MU.GrV"OnB. dfcl fo, SO M.raat Street. TH6 Carolina Hoiisciiolfl ttaaanc; will TTan'H Ai'r.i, m 11 nui . . iuw,u" A I......... ain holM iHl from th louoe- r. U.-...I..B Orro. oummenclng w th January, Tb.Smt nn br wm roaoi for m'llng ny neoenoer iovh. am. iu Ii-al will be unnltenea eeoo nuinOTu.u .. " " uinra.unn No ail.an- tage will b. neglected -..ch either tlanl of capital (arao"-' - - -- airerab e ana marnrauo r - SSoloer.ain.by popular writer,. Mtb home andab'iad. The Carolina Honiehold Uaaslne will be a lare 28-ige, ighty-oui oolumn montuly.bandtomelypimt.! on tiDuM i bw thoroughly euntl ern ontetpneo ard He hucwm lealrVady fuliy aeeure.1. Tho ,-obll-her me.ue trodusod In tbe family etrele. l em ti be ,r i watnnea ior mm wmu . '"'.''...T;. .. . t. i . . i in, vii 111 an ittr.etlve teatur. 1 be Jn l.ry u.inbet will oontaio a ni.-nae pivur u. EI-GOV. Z. B. VANCE. and blographleal ekrtoh, to be followed In iiuu.vi k nuotnifrenbe 01 other promlnotetteen,ililBee,o ' ONLY tWO VOhVA J 8 A tK A K and' inl enhtcrilmr ean I ike a cbolo TBBIS B0TlVIJt.tAHOB rUB l0- la.of.aehlliMlncbee,.Ui "Tt Finding Jf the M. ?o in the temple." "11 " V. ' i u. njr.in th Mtorm." tor. Lii.t of the ei.bura lutton yrloe. Ju.au Mtraenberrlution n ee. Hln e oople New Orlen-gnrnteed pure. Uutin, Oeinrr, lng.r Unas, ip m, cJxj . 100 Uarro'l-iill gra Sugar, OutTea, tiptoe. Urooto., Vndf, . rnftliere. Aa1 erert Mngln tb g ncr line, wlilub w orvi BINFOWD, CROW A CO OLD WINES AND li It A. IS I I EH. The lwi sw mul I hf't Mr.M In the ... ...4 v... 1 l.k.L.rH h." flftl otaiu. r.--iui't" pui Cunning. Jaoiab-aHnm. " Bund iw.aa now " f""" nt. I me Muilauil Ol'i, HlueOr', KenttlCMj utm. Ilmon. und Poutbon num. HARMONY SHERRY, The CUoUe-t erut oirrel in thU tu!a. 20 Obeet, Ool.mg ! Imperial Tew, frum w ...... . k.K ..rinj. Hfllld lor 2 O rub Bumr, Btlu Uie World." E.NOLISII CHEESE, We a'e aent. for tho "HMtvePSAL BITTERS." Aiiositifeti'ir- t't ieroin fl"b.iuy. ipeolal A bars an.lOer.ral A-fltm)"t f OhOC SELECT BGARDIKG AND DAY LCHOU, HlLLSBORO', N.C rTIHI' . 1HIKTY-' Ointl'H sKS-t N"f lb. X Mie. Nh KOI oo.inoi i ioiwu FRIDAY, FEB. 4, 186. Board and T.i I 'Ion reluod to $iOS. ' lr,u lare inr.rded on pnt!orbn d nin-la.. S&7thTO.;..T. worth' doubt, lb orl. e kl for the Magailna. , ir Aan.nrtlIelul. of will re- 7 . . ....... t.u U I n . a Annl.. Mai. an riraeiiD-riii"" " - iT-.nt..rr.bTmll. H' raonthe eubior.p- Uon.wl'nonttho F-ngraln. 1. W (,aiare,S O. ELEGANT CAS3IMERE SMS, Made U.0 'or In un a pw-d etjl ad lit for $40.00 HANDSOME DRESS SUITS. OVERCOATS. CaNit ard I1MBBELXA1 auitable lor Hot!. dy Preitenuai MUNSON & CO., ; i deol Olothlei aud U.roliBt Tallori. 100 Boxes FlraUrtekera. Fur lal by KF.KCHNRR A CALDBR B108. FLOUR 300 rr.U Ho i Whi-o F.our. k .( 30 1 H"1" Belli MI'U Flour. 200 U""! 1'rlncree Hojal floor. For n ale by KEUOUNP.lt OAtBER BROS. a RAISINS. CANDY. CANDLES. BO """ 1 Half Boxei KaUIn. 1 00 Boee Candy. 200 ' at H'r Voxtt Caadlea For bale hy . KEROHNKR OALDEft BROS. SALT. SAlTr. SALT. 10,000 Scl14 "ait Fi sk. bv KKROHSER OAtOI BROS ii.' i; and i Arriving Pally. . MALAGA CRAPES, In flunere, pound 't UEOIWE MVEU, d,-, ll in i IS Biii rium j CHRISTMAS PRESENTS: tor . WIVES, FRIENDS, PARENTS, CHILDREN, SWEETHEARTS , CHRISTMAS GOODS Kew, Rich, Elszait aulUsafUl, : L how Open fur Irpollonat ' V. YATES' BOOK STOJE GUHSandPISTOLS 8ellngtF.itri mli jj O W PRICES By deelH GILES A MJRCHIXQN Sw Hardwar Store, C. M Market Stmt. Trusttsalo. Bv lrue ol adeed r,rtmrt.eouii by Job" 1 I T " T.r a wir. o th i b oa, ..f .. vi ri. ii" j ,,jjor nw Uan rrVT 5.:..WW.j: . aadto, ' i.Miii.K I will. f B"'y. r'" ' , rt,18; It it 0,c.ocH,M.,0l;;r for .1- ioi"-tt....M tha no'l !' ir.erotr'H'"J r 3 . ' t .v.. nonhw.r.1 y t.'. . bJ tort to the begtulB. ooi.., 4 i Deo. 1,-eodU