p. 7 ! i t ;l . ( M ! ' 1 I VOL. XXIV. 110. S5G UILUIIIGIOII , U. i QJ CTL3DXi7 D2CEIIBER 21 1375 IT0- 7X12. hiln journal.' -Bland, Durham, DY TgLECftAPH. 55SGRESS. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES. Mortons' Mississippi BUI Laid Ovf r Mrr'i Credentials BeeelTed. SOUTH CAROLINA'S JUDGE- The Jew and Courier en the Jfonlw tion f tne Sexro Whipper. NEWS IM GENERAL. Cotton Rpport-Babcotk'i Caw-Dan can.Shtraan I Co.Cold Weittsr.: GOLDI33-4, - M TBLKOBAPB TO THK JOtJRNAfc. SUNDAY'S DISPATCHES. lonslVM. HBwOBMAira, Deo. 19, Tbe report Of the overland cotton movement for the qnarter ending Nov. 30th, mad up by the Beoretary of the National Cot. Inn F.TAhunirn. ahnwa tho uetvmove meat by nil oro th Continent direot trail produocr of 235 738 bales 81, 835 have beo shipped direct to the mills, aud 86.912 were in trnit by Tarioaa overland rontea to Eastern delivery porta at the dose of Novem ber. The total anpply from this year's orop daring the quarter, including the . receipt at porta overland io ti e mills, d ootton in transit overland o Kat era dehveiy porta, waa 1,699,673. Tit trial taking i for Northern oonenmp tion during the qnarter 815,975 bale. IIW IOBK. IftwYos, Dec. 19. -Ex-Mayor A. Oskey Ball made hie debut at the Park Theatre in the dramaoalled "Orooible." He waa enthuaiaatioally reoeived by a crowded houae. MISSOURI. Sr. Loots, Deo. 19. Gen. Baboook did not arrive to day a eipeoted. Hia counsel appeared before the Court, and after some discussion notioe waa ordered to bo aerred on B ibcook, to appear and plead to the indictment against biro on Jannary 11th. Nothing additional been ascertained about the express robbery, It ia not yet known how much money waa taken from the safe, as several waybilla were carried off by the robber, but it ia aappoaed to be ahont $12.000. JliMf sod Miuer , Gibou, Lyuou. rrivate Ltnd cjlsims-uuawr,iae-ter, Pursona, Candler, Levy. Pnblio Expei'ditnrea Miiikwn, Hatcher. Terry. Dihr.ll. Hrraldon Railway and Canal Joae. of Kentucky. Stone, SoUleiao er. Hge. Mieeiauppi Levee Kill. Hatouer, M-n-y, Roberta. Young, Morey. R.(orm in Oivil B-rvioe-.VVuitebbuse, Brow u. Throckmo I in, DB lt Xlanofaeturee-btone, Dibell, Wil liam. Morey, Hymen. Militia-Cowan, Hereford, Hcalo. Caudhir, vYalh, Uarrall Committee ou Centecnial Hopktua, nanoiick, O'Brien, Riney, ' Immediately af Wr the announcement of the committee the Hone ad- l'h- report' of th Bother !C!ai or C immnsioa reaoded the Huu a. few miunte adjournment The egiirw at aoiouut allowed fur the peat fife yra, Uover-hree millions, ettling about tlve- tliousaod ' dalma foil Pn?rt tken from legal ci'iMUe by the Fed eral army ounng the war iu the South em State. - - ' - - TUe President h1 rei urned. " Nearly all the ConBTeaemeu have gone hume for the holiday. The Attorney-Oenerai i expeosea k return to .morrow. ' . , iihii ..n.tirm Wait and Judf. Bond rrt kMnrinv the Oheeaiak aud Ohio tUUroad we M Alxaodri"t'-lay. N Hintli -rfl enflimatiousto day. After the Houi-e ft Repreetattve xtionn iniuMdiKWIv ODOO tne au .......niinu.,,' f tii Aummiuee to dV HVUWVVWT H - w there was q Jite a general loterohaag .if ..niniiin amonir the member IU I nard to the eeleetion. Thoae who Lave been well provided for, obmiuendK Nnauir i imiffmanioi aaiu uuiuiuh k.t nrovalimt atTnreanion was one of di8tmfactton. The Bicker find oomut for thia by the fewnes of tne prii-e tad t'.i" preponderating onmoer of the eompeuton lor tiico uo n other Unu tuereUr imuy among the Demooratio members.Who eyerely eritioise hia aeleation for a oonsidera ble unmlwrot the prominwtpoitios a nnanitiihla nr M nnfait to Uuflff faa- (uan of extended aervioe. who have beeu passed over is the distribution of ohairmaashipa aud important oora mittee nlaees. to make room for new man aktiiint lrttrialativ axnerienoo. Tha 7 ohair-ansbiDS exoloaiv of iha eommittiio on rulea. of whioh the Bpeaker is ex-offlHo Chairman, 24 are given to Western member; 10 to oontbero and 13 toth Middle and Eaatern State. Of the latter 13, 6 are of third-rate importance, being a immitteeu on the expenditure" io tha warinna Rromitit iDenartmeuts. ia.. and of the ohairmanahipt in khm WitatAm , member i are of the same description ; 4 or ff of the Honthern u&airmauampa- are atari Hnimnnrta.nL The West therefore hold the first nl.u in tka dtimliatr if (JbaitmanahiD of the first and fecond olaa commit tee, v oat oi tne t jnairmaanips, Ohio aud MiHonri have each 0 : ills.. i : Kj.. i Iud., 2 ; Tno 8 - V., 8; Pa.. 8 ; N. 0 . 2. No other BUte h more than one, not be reohei. tbe reepouaibility for tlia failure will not rit ujkiu m nor upon the C)ui'rtif e citix-na of 8onth Cro!lo wbo have bith rt. with no Wirerii'g flJe;itT and gnero"ity,tH)d iiy m iu tuv w.rk. hrd np u those aixl !1 like tbem who dnlt tlie cuse of Torl g Mverntuentan djdtj a bkm, on ThurilT " i I ,. The Governor wit on"V-'ay lual there w.t g"ve d ubts on Coustitn rimul grtinnd. of tu validity of the jn.liiMtteWrt'UMi 'y foiy .iint of U eighj eiruiK a pp-r Mos i- ing latiMf the -, euui yw. i ao ti'tion of the Iji giaUtnre oonlinnea td he a ewbli f grt p'.pplar eioit. ment all vr tlie ) xxw iDTisiisiuyrs. ,var jortBTitMnn.YM. . mm r075. JUP SAUL AHD WIHTER OCAGON. Aaaorted Slook iajtho City uow Open at i MONDAY'S i DISPATCHES. W1SBI56T0N. WAsSTNOTOir, Deo. 20. Seiutk Bayard presented the credentiai ol Hubert H Marr a Senator from Lon ittiaua. The credential were read and laid on the table, which i the usual oonrse. Hitol'oock introdnoed bill trans ferring the Indian iffaira to the War Dep rtment ' ! Thefollowing resolution was adopted: "That Mr. Thomas W. Ferry, of the fltatA nf Minhiaan. be. the President of Vib Bec until January 7. 1878, and uutila Jresu appointment shall be made." , On motion to insert Thurman in the place of Ferrj, the vote waa 21 tt 24. M"orton' resolution to inveetiijate the Mississippi election went over to the executive session. Adjourned. Housi Several executive eemmn nicatioug were recdved when the com mittees were annoanoed. Tbe followiugre the Chairman and Southern member of the more im portant ones; . , Elofltions-Harru, of Virginia. BUekburn. House DeBolt, Wells. Wsys end Means Morrison, Hao ooek, Thomas, Hill, Tucker Appropriations Randall, AJkina, Blount, Hiugleton. Banking and Currenoy Cox, Ooode, Gibson.: .. . . ? . '- Pacific Enilrosd Lamar, Atkins, Walker, fhorne, Morton, Thomas, Phillips. Jodioiarv Knott, Hunter, Ashe. Public Lands Baylor, McFarland, ' GausO, Morey. .Foreign Affairs 8 wano, Faalkner, Forney. Military Affairs Banning, Qlovir, . Terry, O wk, Thorotierg. Oommeroe Hereford , Regan,Fulton posiofflees and Post Roucb C ark, W5doll. Clemons, Htoweli, Wallace. Claims Bright, Brown, Robbius War Claims Edwnc.Miiiken, Cabell, , JSllia, Caldwell. - . , Naval Affiirs- Whitthorne, 'Lewis, Mills, Hays, ' Revision of Landt Darham, Doug la. . jidocation and Labor Walker, La mar, Faulkner, White, Nash. I) strict of Columbia Baokner, . Hsrtridge. ' .'',', Pnblio Buildings and Ground Hol man, Wells, of Misaonri, Cook Walsh, ' Young. patents Vance, Donglnss, Clarke, Smith, Hoge. Invalid Pensions .Tanks, Wilton, Howitt, Yat.ni, Purmsa, Rainey. Bevo'ntmn rv rensione unncer, Bland, Clarke, D.vis Iuuiau Affir Scalea,Bdohe, Hook er, Morgan. ... Coinug , Weights and M Hnre " Bt'pheuH, O'Brien, Psrsous, Levy. : "' Territories Southard, Cildwell, Frauklin, Culberson. I Agrioultnre Caldwell, Havns, of Georgia, Davis, Rea, bmalla. 1 . 51 Tf I08K.: - mw- m a a m wm BLACK SllxLs, ' ' meCWeteatoaOlnet'e OroeOtaiBa.! COLORED ; SjLKS, . , - . jai,4h Ut4jt Cloth BhadVtl.:U-t . - BEAIi SIX.K- POFLTSra . miHflS, C1SSIIERES, SERGES, AMD MOHAIR GLACE, - . , j . ......... , auid all the Latest NovelUee in ' C0orcC3O G3iiDcrirj J ..II i ,i . - , .i l i' I' . . " 1 -i Krm Tnnc T)m.v 20 l)nucn. Shar- maniCo r aJjuJinatedinvoluutary, biLk'iipts oa snunrriey, ou a pei'wuu v.. Hartur A KaUid. attorners. anil aiffna.1 ttT oTfrtwii build ed orertl- tori irfcot ea ms aggregnie 9ijx. aw.- ' ' ' 1 1 ' - I AwarA n. the trailuedian. Is dead ' ' ' n.rtnir RriYC Ik ' fYr:' the - Ktifflish brokers, were emoiiu Dmioan Nbermau ttm lattor flcm sdlu lcM invoinn- ' ----- - . try baukrurpts. The effect of thl nrixwdiDj? Ki t ft to euvin tne uninwr- b UiS4bnv4 been bronchi J Biet the bsnkruot'flrm in the Htatei AtlnVWH this moruiuflt tue tuer- moraeter stood 31 degrees below srro IQleii FJH: "f ' t (" ' , . : , ERODE JSUJiD. TsovrDBXoa, Di o. 20 Drexel Mor- (run Ik Cii.. New Yoik : Bihim Bros, x i n,un,in atui Jmiioa t. nmiin. n. H Taft and Qenrv L. Kt.ndjill. of th 8t. have been invited to meet the offloer of the Provid' noe Too! UO. lo niomieju fur tbpurpo-pf makixg an exajunatioi oi me anays oi ia v-oiu-panjr, nj tnake fnoh rQ -inmeadation 10 n rea i lore an iuer- may ihiuk Wiaahla The famous trotting stallion, Rhode Talan.l inrmArl nt the Horaffue farm. bot purchased Friday by Lieutenant- OOvertibl Bissoa, ana isnft " Corel, aied vesierany oi ii)iiauiia.n;u of the bow) It is reported that the priie paid by Mr. Sisson was le.lWU. Pmr.iniT.mkj 1 WL '21 Jamna u- bright, a private watobman, wu found trow, fu avatu tins morning. streaks of good oro have beenpasaed (a t.ha Hafhi I tmnnl illtrin ttl tMSt fftW ShMh: toeabe 0.. only r.ir. aeill iZZS ....-Xi.r-nM - - - I - - the Prieeo and Btylee will do tbe eelliu. ' -t rt .... . ' i i i .. I ' ! Tbftt ttmiil BpAoitHy wu hm wkj$ m wi many ind o low, that among io ' aaaaa. .al. ifr Im nnlw aa SMaII ib fthat IB aW Al f ITtan I . ? . . . Uimi J WUI 19 Hal UUI BMBmvWt f mmrmv t n o u r n i no goods; :: . .. i 'i ! . . i ,. i i every rariety, WIU opinion tbthh ittotlwir Lot of those cheap .enrietU'a ! CLO ASS 'AITD SHAWLS. ''AiTIJdYS' "WE'A.Ii. ' ''ami tiwof ; 1 " vrav jurm-Ti9K.nK.xTii CALL AND IN VESTI GA T E. BROWN" RODDICK, 45, 47 MARKET STEEET. . - . - . Ar now in the flood tide of tbeir HOLIDAY TRADE. NEVER ! NEVER I ! I2EVER lit Never before sin oe their eommtncenitmt have they been ab'e to ptfioat sues & to their Cuitemere. Lntg and E'egatt llaoa of . if Being added to their fitok dally at GUAT DISCOUNTS from LAST YEAR'S t - Prioo. and Loaer Fig in than Ever Offirsd in Wilmington. Ia ' - aiitioi ration of the CHEISTMAS TRADE We have' opened ! tbe adioir.lng store, 47 MARKET STREET, with ohoi'o hssottmi ut of Seasonable Novelties and a Tsrtoty of article suitable for , L110)A' .'.'GIFT rJja 600P8. T0TI. MISICAL nSTBriENTS, niTED WABI, JKWIlBlJ SI1XIIARI) B00IH. rKTUKUb liUUSB, Ttwn irauaa iuiii oio, T1S3. CAHJS. CAN ART BIRI'8, BKACK WALSH BBACUTS, J .( BIOS, UAMM0CB8, MIBBOBS. tie 4bmm Gloves. , Embroideries, White'Goods. ST APLB ANLt FANCY (lOODS, : i ' ' - ., .mi .tl ; GREAT 8ENSATI0N IN JEWELRY 11 mm m stole theo fiOCIH CABOIJSA. rSnira.ffi TW 20. The New ntut rhiirni nf tliia morninir nrinta an tutet view with Gov. Chamberlain on tha anhfant nf the elentiaU Of ex-Gor ernor Mosee and Whipper, colored, as Judges of the most important circuits in tbe State. The Governor, after do sflribinathe trickerv bv which the am,an in tha T.ouilatnra took ad Van tago of bis temporary absence from IJOIUiQUIB VO urrvipiM uo juuiuiiu 1ant.inn whinh resnlted in th ' choice of WhiDoer and Moses, saidr "I look nnr.n ihaip aliiAtinn aa a horrihl diaas UirW . " U . . vvv"-.Ba . J.v... annull aa ormnk tn tha State, to the Rep lblican party, and greatest oi an, w noe commuuwii l,ih ill, all ha AnnmtA to ImI th fall effects of the preseuoe of Mosee and Whipper upon the bench I did 4 year ago speak publicly of Whipper, who ws a osndidate for tbe vary position i i ,. U 1 ....,... hi wnicu ob uaa uow. , iwu". Then I denounced him a incapable and utterly unfit for the offloe of Judge. r t M..aa nn hnnaat man nan have dif ferent opinion. Neither Whipper nor Moses have any qualitiea which ap proach to e qualitioation for judicial position. The reputation of Moses is oo vend deep with charges which r6 believed by all who are familiar with tbe foot of tbe corruption, bribery and tbe otter prostitution of all his official powers to the worst possible possible pnrposea, . Thia calamity ia influite y greater in my judgment than m hinh ha vet fallen on this Bute, or I might add, , to any. part of the South. Moses as Governor is endure- M anmnarad With MoeSS JudffH." Question "What in your judgment win be' tne enecu oi tue cieouuu i tl.a.a man V t "The graveet. oonatquencea of all kinds will toilow. une immediate ei fM iir nhvlnnlv t the re-ortfania tion of the Demooratie party within be State as the only means left iu the judgment of its members for opposing 4 solid and reliable front tolhis terri ble orivasse of miegoveflinitffct and nnhlia debauoherv. l Could have wished a a Repnblioan, to b,va. kept off suoh an issuo, but 1 navm pro found belief in the logic of events and a Providen too that sbapea vents and I do not allow myself to tulukthat (ha trrtnA and honest nicO of Month flornlina Will find it ilBtV)SSiblp. ha- cans they are organized aaDemocrata thnir hnln tn whnmsoewer hall be able to undo the terrible wrongs of . . W .. A ' . ll m last xuuraaay. i am iree to aay msi mi h chest smhitiou as Governor, has been to make, the aoeudenoy ol the Rapnblioen party in South Carolina AnmnatihU with the attainment and .nsiutenauoe of as high and pure a love in tlie administration of pnblio affiir, aa nan tut Axhihited with the Droodest Democratic State oi the South, and it was also my fondest hope by peaceful aoanniAM Iihi-m in South Carolina, alone of the Souther Statee to Lave worked nnt thrnnuh the Rennbhcan Mrtv.the solution 4i the uoat diffloult and one of the most intorerting political aud eooials i toblem wbiob ihw. oeutury has presented. If these re aits shall . tannal Is t ow more rapid. L'Jia KASlACHtaiTH.j ioe urammar eouooi, wnuu nwemui- ina la thaw a tiioe with a hot Doker. set fire to the building, which was entirelyomisnmed. ' Loss 125,000 Reports from all parts of New Eog- fanJ ihnar iuliniu Haiti, with ilia thur- mometer ranging from 1 to 81 degrees a , . DWOW sro, rj.!rjil. :5CAT2i No. '3U JVIA.RK1ST STBKET. FORBIQN' . au-.!1 l L.-S.-i aiJimm L-JJ-JL-UL'XU 1 -jj.-Liam.ii t :: qHXRIBITjA A S G O O B 8 2? if (ll I f!ifji ;ooa it UK. Aiminiu ru. Oft. Tha A If, in. soist General Morion will begin the j ' oampaign uj a djotsuiuui lor toe renei ?t fKi, nlana Tlr.iani afl..v wKJaI, he is expeoted to advance on tbe Car- net position at toi oso. . ' i In the City. Have also taken part of store corner Prtnoes and Front, where AT AUCTION A880nT5IENT.OF FANOYJGpOD . . GALL AND JuIA MINE. ' " ' . ",2 : D a:shith &co. ; rig j J ' i I -t - v A-jL'ar juramTiiKMmJrr, THIS I'AT TUKS UY), 10 t. ,10 Kff Ruttor. 10 Harrnla Apptrs. 1 IMsb Bronmt. Oottar) ett In Msible. k Mtatm A Marfla S'. , I Qmii t$cuptirooiig Wins. UKOtiLY AMOKK1S, (ts'lt-lt ' ! " A'irt'otiesr. wiLiiraii imi e 319. ;.;NOTJOE. THKBRwn f.ua l(;INB9 MIS f hirthi nl'iBb'riio'" lana Kanllul" on WVmsnlBf, !) tf, 'S7S. All rsrtti. If r.fliiii to RiiiHi VT otur oi ,no uut- ning uoatmitcoo. J..WMttR. "oett-t'' - ".- ;-i ' " Mi)ftaryJ 1 8lar.1y lait. on Priiuw, front, Vnnrtb or' Mark-tstresra, alrg, h y 00.l yi'll I . I. .n njir null n t in ill. bwl Voturn to this Offloe and rtnuW ttrt THBHR WILL BK A SBOTJLAR MBIT Infof VHim wcrewLwif .. at . Mb't nall.tbl raeda.Ttiiin iM n'a eek . ...II I A . - wmnttmmtmA . lu.l I. . n .if nftlRNrfl. and antrk In tha .aooiirl rluriif AecV .11 eratarf. And many other irtiole too nnmeront to mention we loviie speoiai iwruuuu ' At Prices ranging from TTmnm CLLULU1U LEDSDIG nnrnn r,n i tit nnTn tlT! UALlliU.tlirLMil UULU OH 10 .1 I- I t j s! . , lie Little Folks. Ta"! woHnrr, rjaiflvagBiBt (B Ta Wilmln1Wi Mananwtun.f imi' J ad t jemH. l"Wln Mnlkwfasli H. Soliljla, fcafmlii. Hals ad(t om. , fji..iia ,A tiiiian.i.Aadf adanra. of tbs Maiiati a tai Ooart St aw Haf Ooa.,t, m dt f ll(lBrd aetln Bid' 111 fur oanh. Btba first eialitlrd setl Uarars. appolnlSd tor lVOO.OO OO! ! ! 4 rjM Ann lliln,tlai. AM ftf Miwrwr qiHt, In Urgaor sin til loUU J. A. 8PRINCER. - esntV Tard-Cor fcont Miilnirrj iiilmmwMW HILLSBORO', N. C. rp'! luctftuiloD, rerrti'lv lo.oira i "Hor. rs urr" ficnoot, win mwiiwi u oro- d icttt.1 t H. H. Ure, at sol Prlnelpal, .Mt,u beretorjre, hy th Sceomi'lUhed jn- ,ractt, H". Mou, Jr u 1 Malor 0, H. ' I i J i 1 jrt H -1 v a v rinmlltoa. Spang senlon opui.lmirj 171ft ojrejrcaJi9'f MJtlH HBtoa an- til tha Sib ol Jnur,nd alter that tlma to thPlBlp'. '',!'' deftlwlni1iwlai nailaralirna't t h tt i.urnoa. 1 ll X r ... ..'.a .t iinhlla aalnti. fortiituh. B tba first u . ,n akmm.w fth. fthl nafft. at IS ''clock, v., at tba ;on Hon Auar tn th olt n wuUdinn thai w.ln.hla aAil tiftrional protiartr ltut la said eltT, on Sarry and Uaean atreeta, (b property of th WiiiBintoB 4n i 1a 4 ... an w.lb Inn.h a. ilia "inateiaJt. lrnTVsi'onlaiiof tbr aH ld t temiaM and haprt.nn therein, . . . i.i. .i.. Muhliuw. A. Kalnna. ... .i.. ..... a. (nil al firth an 1 daamilitd ,,rT,--..-,-:-------- In a certain ohwi u, id"iv.. vj .". "it, mini,1'. - " ' - - A. Webb, IHe. ulh,lM, anil rltrcd la tM ... ia ar Haw Diifiw wan.,, wwwa a. . MARTrw n 1 1 -a iru iff ,Vf7j mi GOOD THINGS. I f" " v : 5 I rv ; J? t. f t aft 1f HtmctftMj (tnrtth6Wht'fi1tk d . ii. . ... . . ... .k . rf... whan .. I oar Buion. u'.i. ui.aa .1, 'i . . " Ins innr lniri(nirB, vm gn-u .iini. . ! lit, w ohm mia Bii.iT i- rim ' dsii. ' ' Ws tii rs mi nur .. ! ,.? Ja.JKfcttfte MOST ATTRAC flVE PLACE IN Tllti OlTA r inew di !! Upar all, for tbe CHRISIIAS TIDE. Wr t)llar amom our la-p oc roLDOTES w., ragl ?tB' 1 n nrT - ,iaia.VV1l AlAhfinn. ' - llrnndlCB. i, U JN .U.Jtl.lii H. Walsh ws bavs hs4 strs4 away for Patrons will do welt to make theit aeledlms end avoid th rush. E1PBE8S AXD TKIIUBAFB 0BDEBS WIU EEitlYK PBOXM ATTOTI05. : BROWH &R0BDICK. 45, 47 Harket Street. I RICE, - CREESE' TOES. Mill, h Barrels Hilto Mills Kiat. 1W Roxm Factor y Cbswa, ,. . tt Marinl Apples. . an Tuh a. At Butter. ' sa Boies or.ford Dread Prsrarattoa. us Boies Oants Sea yoia. 5 W Unid Freeh Peaches, Tomateee, A. VO Mnjiee randy. , ' no "ngar, MugMT and Oyttar OraotST', r ( Olnger snaps, '" Bnokwhst. tm lal by . " WIIXIAMH S SUKVUISVS. 1 ALT. HOLASSES. BW.,mS. 4MlSseV L'erpr.ol Salt. . Bundle Tms. i -1 t Koite eagD. t) Harreli . H. and U ica Bioiaeaea. 50 tt.ig1eadt 8 H and Ooba HoIase. iu Rn.aa v n. an 1 Nmoksd Bajon. Uttla Blver, Late Osorp aud Labaaoa "A" tbsetini. Little HIts? and Eiaiolpa Turns. fortrly WILLIAMS & HUICKIXSa. BO Barrole N Orliaut .. ' for ea!a by ,.... , ' , K8R!'MMSHCAl.BBliaOa. 9 . ...... ' , j .J c ",HOBrrisDVl?S.f 100 Boies Firs t'raekers. ( 00 jueew. . . ' - . - i ...... rur ls by , KtEOHSIta A 0 V1 IB I'.KOS. iis CHEAP i - TOYS. iPiMs CAMDY. N I N E Y E:A R S I : a-av k mm. buM tkaAa AM all at tfr thai hrnfJa.. Ill CHRKTnA GOODS. ti IMPOUTKD J' ALE" AM PORTER. v BLOOD, WOOLFACO'S ATE0--BBANDa Camam, (I Do, Kaoli 'v , i' -ri ll' sii;50PEn CA5E;T " ' VICK t MEBANI, J..T i . , , . . , . r fiUlTIS A BOATWRIGHT. iiD sutnatEs, Prima OunlI'V. Oontraota on Rundlea. ror rate u-.w 7, , u ,lHll, a rv. .1901 myi.na. ' .1 1CSO Flou,r and, Heal a no mixkd;perp. 0w-bai v J a sbeis Mtle. praia -! . H Hi tatket iirle. iddrew. 1 ... 1 ..... 1. f . it 4 MU lie. aarew, . wJiAltLo I ri 0111 -.i ' ,! .eai.i sii 11 11 1.4 vr i.'ia'i. It. 0.-- w bate kept these txids tnr lb. ben.tt oi sar patron, who hhjoj dic iuiub-, eolii'e all muef I .Mors. . ,. 4 . . ata ia M BUM k. j. l.t ill . ., .. ,;;s TRY OUR GOODS. Oar Oelsbrat-d Bfd of - Gi M. MONOGRAM fLOUV n..Jra af alt lmltat'rk. Th. Beti and WbUSitBreaii aaa niremi ai 11 a Plnm Puddlntr. A tmore' Mlooe M - c " ;Neif hwoet Cider. ' VU OoXf UraMy wd Win -afh. But. l-aaaiaaaMa jibh v" -r 0E0UUE UiLl BACON & PORK. 'yOB-'ieiD B. " Ids. ' ' 90 B tesSmokad Sld'S. ' ' ' 2B aosss U. ksnwsri. v rr Bai by .". t 'i: mu EtR )N1 Oi.LDBIt B i'J 300 K 11. ad -oort'iij Puw.i.r. SOOH' B's liv fo'i's-.. 0Q Iioi'.'tn 1 0 mer. JTUHK AINJD CAPS. r-i o.-r . . . ,ir. KKHC n 'I- " d- ' SHOT POUCHEO 1-0WD ' li TLaEKS, - OAUTUIl'OE Bl ... - OAF! BAGS, ad all rsqnlsltes for Frertemsn at - t GILES & MURCKIS31 if' ' New Harawara aaa-a. r HOUSE FORMSHIKa - -1 t '.I .1 n.i habea j r f ooc-l , t acL ol INE T-lIOiLi I , . j Ptll. JlBMlg, cnttera and. Stoffara, Mincing . a AUOUSTl-l VANS. Author f Ho.lsb," : Ftme' VseU!,' .rr,rf-.v (Calve. Scrubbing Brqehes, Hair Broome, ieUi ar Dm taw, tJt aUe kw by si 0 ta 1 CIO. A. PUCK. an 18LAN0 pearl i CHai3TIlA3 G, ODi. ' fL FAlJre. : I nouo'Rf TVORt nvvpte TT"", nT;reM,.IBi...." VO-i." : I U sl'T PI fe-dn Folk. Pn; : '' ' : I -r Knlvaa. Ac. RUr.te' Ivorv Dsndl .-.V 1 tit fliirf, Fock t KnlTaa ..f all kiu.ta ''-',' ... . V ?": I ! BlttHIo in greu vent 1 KOslV lioHTH FflONT 8TRliT , -.W,." ft... ... . ., - . , j,. . , , .. : .