. . , I I. umnnGTOH n. c. otdiiesday. deceliberpj 1375 unoiiro. 7.c:r. 70L HIV, HO. S3 3 f IV J iA i s i i CY TELEGRAPH, Tins DunDEii. CSRTINVS RAIDERS AT WORK. Whole Ranchu Despolled-Cltlzens Orsaaliing for Protfetlon-Tw-rl-sle Massacre. SOUTH CAROLINA'S JUDGES Corernor Chamberlain Refuses to Sign the Commission of W. J. Whip i iii an J f. 1. WniAt. J. IsTEWS INT OBNrtAXu MollJ Magnlrcs Fxcomraiiulrated-A Btae Treasarer In Trouble, e. GOLD 133-4. I ITISLBORAPH TO THI JOUaHAL. C0X1TICTICIIT. Collets Bto Club have withdrawn from the Rkwiog Asaooiation of Amer ioauOoliegk iMiETUSD. Akkapolu Dec 22 The Court o- Appeal htfjwned a mandamus com pelling toe joveruor to inane a oom mission to 4)Wn as Attorney-Gene ral It also defilus that the Governor haa no authorityio examine into the alleged election irai ISCOXSCT. Milwatjxk Deo. 21 In the U. 8. eaterday, Bnrbaik, oon- Oirouit Oonr vioted of ool ipinng to defraud uie Revenue, wi . sentenced io eigut nroent, end a floe of months impi $2,000, and h tbeooets of toe trial. Bentenoe baa n suspended in tue ease of Beyno! hie partner. twiosr- Waw York, o. 21 A special die- Satoh from Text esys that 8. Lappin, tats Treatarerrf Kansas, haa .been forced to resign W the order of GoV. Onborfl. Lapp) is Jmplrodted io forgories whereitb) Btate loses over 130,000. The fapublioanf elected Lppi lf eleobo. .', -vt Tbe libel euitt Henry O. Bowen vs. The Brooklyn Etle, came np for trial tbis morning. Plaintiff's counsel stated that delenint had charged him (Bowen) with ogiuating the Kidd Salvage Oompanfand its fraudulent transactions, wiieae ne bad Doiomg to do wittt it. - ILL0I3. 0Ht0AOO,Dee. 2i-Baboookleft hore last night for hahingtoo. J nrfge Knewlee, of St. puis, his counsel, held a. oonsu'.Utiowitb Baboock yes terday etening, at went with him to Washington. TWrial will begin in Bt Louis on the th of January in the U. B. Oironit art, before Judges Treat, of Bt Lot, and Dillon, of Iowa.- The Direotors the Commercial Loan Company he decided to wind up their affaire. U cause is nnder stood to lw ft perual disagreement, and not financial ejmrrassraeDt. The Directors state, th the indebtpdnsss, . iucluding capital pcb, is $550,000, with, assets about t same. The ens pension causes no pitement. riNNsmiA. VswuxurmA, E. 21. At a meet ing of the Fresbtrian Ministerial Association, reeoluns were adopted, , instructing pastorof Presbyterian - churches to preparee kistory of their churches, so as to y out the desire of the General Ajcably, which ap pointed ft oommittcto consider the propriety of the Gbbh taking part in ttttf nontAhnlal anrirsArr. The As- .amW kiu desiffual the first BnndaT in July, 1876, as a y of praise and tnanasgiTiuR. i Th President 4 the Centenuial . .. nf ' FinanflA lhlilii card w- " r that no part of the ese of the recent - excursion ana enierpmem ran upon th Dentennial Boanf Finance. Rev. Daniel O'Oior. paator of (he Catholic ChnrobMaboneT Plaue. (a da reoeiTed atetter from the Arebbishop of Phifelphia, formally excommunicating tbdolly Magnires, - otherwise known asi Ancient Order of Hibernians. Galtsston, Dea i-Advioes from Eagle Pass state tnsuo uamanone warriors aro reporMt the Canon of Ban Rodger s, 40 mi above Bimals. It is thought that t object of the gathering is to makdds into Texas. TtiunatahM from Forlark. state that ft party of Mexioans ss the river 12 below Sou Felipe, (prised Pond's ranohe, killing a mDd capturing . uma horaea. and 60ead of cattle. Companies of citiieire organising to follow thorn. Malronble is anti- a! net - - -i I . - A horrible masnacri reported near Atokie, Indian Natio The bodies of four persons were Sd burned on the prairie, two weranales, burned beyond ' reoognition. pony, with ft lady's side saddle, sjg and ft gun mar fnnnd npar bv. iree men. who . were seen riding nii(iiles from the epot, were suppoeediavedone the abooting. Tbe praiwas fired to gOlia CABOUXi. Chablmtoji. Dec. 21 Oarernnr Chamberlain has refused to issue the 0 mmiioDS of Whipper and ex-Oor. Mos, (he obnoxious JnJges eleet, filing the following statement of his reaxuns : "I decline to sign tbe ooininis ion of W. J. Whipper and F. J. Mo a, Jr., eleofc-d as J udgt-s of the Circuit Court of this State by the General As sembly, on the 16tu inst, for terms to bt giu Ang. 26th, 1376. By the Consti tution uf vh State, the Jodgs t tlie Cirouit Court are to be elected tor turm of four yrars. By a snes of adjndioxtud oasvs in toe highest Cunrt of the State, xtendii)g frota 1821 to 1472, it has in my judgment been de termined that officers e! cted under the provisions of the law, similar to this proviticu) of the rreseut Constitu tion, are euUtlrd to hold their oflioes for the full term prescribed by the Constitution, or laws under which the election is held. It tollows tuat as tbe ttrms of the present incumbents of tbe ofiloes to which the above t-ftuied per sons o'aim to have been ftlcted on the 16th inst. will not expire until after auother general election of members of the General Assembly, tbe present General Assembly baa not tbe right to elect their suooessors, while in some oastts present iug legal qtietttiotis it may not be required of the Governor to de cline to Usue commissions, the oroum at Alice of the present ca n coo-pel ni to this course. D H Chamberlain, Governor, POBBION- mil Naplss, Deo. 21. Mount Vesuvius is in an eruptive condition. The in struments in the Observatory sre in motion, and Pnf. Palmei'-a predicts a long period of eruption. - ma. Madrid, Dee. 21. Gtjo. Qnesada and Campos bare arrived at Baragoss and left for Navarre. Ofclia papers assert thai Count Msr floe has been arraigned, Yalmasoda's resignation as Captain Gtineral of Cuba, greatly embarrasses the Government Gen. Jovellsr will undoubtedly return to Cubs as Captain-General, but his appointment is not yet officially annonnoed. This will leave Gen. Campos at the head of the Army.-. - , . THE ONLY BOUSE IN THE CITY Thatryteaaina. WAMSDTfA SHIRTS, Ii the Plonaer One of tara & CO., Whera thiy can b foand t th law pries tf O for G, Ofinh, CHRISTMAS PRICES ASTONISHLY LOW. Citron Assorted 5uts 30 per pound. 20 " 20 " 25 " 20 " 40 Moscatel Ealslns Mixed Candy Figs French Candy Bet Qualltf rrauh CRACKERS CAKl.S Finn th" New Tnk ARrated Co. Somnthlnf new and dir All arc mta to oaii na examine mi atock, and ba amorail tbat titer can gt ths bet (oodi at BOTTOM PBIOE8, JAS. C. STEVENSON, Hfoond, between Market and PrlneaM. deelMw Tj O ST AUt Olf KTR-OLABSSH, With Oaw. nit broken naard loop. Tba ndnr will receive a eolteb.a reward b ltn, iheat at tbli offlee. (lertMU Ked and Whlti A'h. belltartd prumpt'y, toreenaa ana rree rrom ant, oj . (J. rARSLKTACo, New Location S. Water Bt, foot ofuranca. deoIJ t George & St AndrmAtlilctic Clili. a 8PIOIAI MEETlNOofthe Clab wilt I held at tba College of Pbylctana,'orer J. 0. Hand's Drm Store, on Tboraiay, Dee. 50 5, at Sr.M. decsnr GEO. W.BAII.T, Seiretarjr. NOTICE. Tnr.nr. wu.lbr a bumns-b meut Ing nf th m 'rebcreor ""a-e Pear Uluh" ou Wviiuewlar, Doo IM, IHTA. All re earneiu. ly reqaeerel to attend Br order of tbe Oor aining Committee. J. O. WALREH. dooll-tt nonrotary. WILMINGTON LODGE NO. 319. THRHK WTLt BK A RBOOLiR MBIT Inf of Wllalnrnn Lndirn fa. J'9 at .lobn'a toll.thte roedaTevenlnia T o'e'oek A full atteml.ne la reiuee(t. Kleollon of Oflioere, and work In tba eeoond decree FBEHTON UUMMi' Ot, deot1.1t Heerearf. SELECT BOARDING AND DAI LCfiOUL, HlLLSCORO', N.C. rnHB THIRTT-roaRTM ftRSHIOMnf the X. Mimrm Nwb m Kul oo. eHobool wlllepes FRIDAY, FEB. 4 I870. Board and Taltlo seed to t lOO. I3XIOllXi:i3 ALE AND PORTER. BLOOD, WOOL eV CO S mo Csjt l Don. Enoli at SI 1.50 PER CASE. VICK MEBANC, M-tf New Or'eaui -(aerauleet nre Cab a. Deiaarr, Kngu Hwaaa. F X.. OTJB.; 1yiO Harrela-all fa ler. aaar, ialla, Ouffee. pliea. Hroe. Oandv, Bnair. reck ere. And efarr'h'Bf Is tbe a oeer? Haa, wbtoS we (atrantaa, l loweet mrkt ptx ea. no.m BINFORO. CROW AGO CHRIOTMAO t Cwata bat Oaaa A YEA B. Nr. planet a end eae the Large ail Mi M Or Uhriataai aad Haw Teat's Oooda, asaaiaU tB( af taa iatett aavalUaa la T ANCY ARTICLES. AT Wm. . FYlliS'D. EXCHANGE CORNER, deelt - r ARTHUR'S rLD8TBATSI HUM 9 M AOAZINR. Tbe Huoaxbotd Megaii.ie of Am rice. Two e.lal HiorlMia 1ST". "SleallB, bv Mr. 0. K. Dorr ; ni -Mlrlaa." by r. Artbar. Hnuertck a Neweet PatterM In tmj nnaaber. Terau, I ft it yew ; I eoptae la aio. ftple. did Book olTira and Premium'. Speeimea nambw lOeeota. X. ft. AUTUrk BOM., Pblladalphla, Pa. , AN OUTFIT FREE. We want some ena id avert oauatf to take U'dere and deliver goida ior tba old and orlfin 1 U. O. L. Home. I rje Oaeh wagee. HpTen. did obanoa In erery ael ihlier bead for the nibt p-reoaaf eiUr mi, young or old. SanipWi new Ue'e. clrouUrt. term, eta., a eomuleta outat eent frra end ptm ld Send for It at onoe and make noiier at Tour bornea. Artdr.ee H. J. H AI L at N. Howard Strei t, Balti more, Md.: . ! AMERICAN CYCLOPZDlA Htw Revlaael Edition. Katlrelv rewritten by tbe ablest wrltart ea every eubjeot. Printed Itnm new tyjte, and Ulniitratel with Seraial Tboaeand Sngra rlnge aad Mapa. . TRR work orlgiueUr iablt(hel amler tbe tl tMOfTrtB Nt AMr nlcAN CTOI fjt IX A wuooiaiiletMt In 14, einoe whwb tlma the wtdi olrrnlatina whlb it baentuined la all putaot th i Onitod Htatee, and the tlgnal de velopment wblcb beta taken plaoa la every branch of eotano", literature, end art, hare In duced the wtunre and pnbll'heteto.obmlt it to u etaet aad t boron rrlton, nrt t Imoe a new edition entitle 181 A MICHIGAN CT- ouPAira. Wltblu ie ImI ten yeatathe proeee of die oorerr hi rv depertmeutof knowledge haa aiale a aew work of reference an I nipt retire want. 1 he movement of political affura bae kept nece with th dloeoTerlve uf enleaoe, and their fruitful application to the luduetrial end aea ful arte and tbe convenience and refinement of octal lire. Greet ware aud omeeqnent rerolo tlonf bare eeenmd , lr. ToWIng nntlunnl Chen gee of peculiar moment. The elrll war of oar own con itry, which wee at lta height when tba tact volaoie of the old wirk appeared, haa happily betn enrted, and a new eoaree of commercial and lndnerrtel nrtirtty bae baea eommenaed. liufeareeiilniieUoargeogTayhloel knowW ledge baea beea merle by the tBdVfetliableea nlorareof AfHi-a. The ireet poliUcal revniatlone of tba last de (tade, wltJi the netnrej reenltaf tbe l.u ot tlm-, bneebmngbt Into public tlew a maltl tnde of new men, who nmt are la erery nne'e wrath, and of whnee liree erery one la enrkine to know the paruoelara. '.net bnttlea here been fought and Important eleges main Ulned , of which the deui le am a yet preserved on ly in tbe nwapaereor In tbe transient pub linatl'Hisof tbed.y, bnt which eught now to take their plaoa la permanent and aatbaatla aistory, a p repining ine present wiiwn mt ium preen, It aas ewwdlngly bean tbe aim of the editors to bringdown the Informal! totha latest poeelbls dutes. and to fnrni-h aaaora rateamnntofthemoet reoent 4 leouverlee ba enleore, ot every fresh production la lltaratara. ana ortnaaewest inrenuonsm me prm-iiou arts, at well ae to five a enoetnt ana erlglnn reeord of the progreee of polltloal and biauarl- eaievente. rhe work hat eeen erran aner lone ana earefBl preliminary labor, nnd w th the moet ample remareea lor carrying It on to a eeeees fDitanaivetlea. Moneoftha original stereotype pistes nave been ased, bnt erery page hae beea printed on new vpa, forming In feet a new Uyolopetdln, with the aaaia nUn aad compass as lta prcda oeieor, bal with a far grceter peeanlary expen diture, and with each Improvement In Its com position ea hvre bern soggeeted by longer ei perlenoe and enlargedk nnwledga 1 he lllnetratwos which are Introdnned for the Srst time in the Dreaent edition hare been, ad ded not far the Mkeaf pictorial affeot, bnt to ?tve areatar lootrflty and roroa to tlm eipla ia lons In tba test They embrace ail brncbt jfeelenoe aad of nataral history, and depict the aost f emons and remarkable features orecene y, arohlteelore, aud art, aa wall as the various rooeseesm mecnanios bu maauiaoin... a, hough tntemted lor instrnctlon rather thai mhrLiabment. no peine here been spared U asnit their artistic eicalienee; tbe enet Ot heir eseciiUoo Is enormous, aud it la belleref wtllSnita welcome rreentlon ae an a J iralile reatn a of the lyolopmdla, and worthy jf n s blah character. Thlswo kle sild to Satscribrrs onl- y- hl.on dellven ofeaeb volume It will aa oom pletedln slsteen large octavo .olnmre, each oontaleingabo it Sflu pagee.fnlly lllusUsted with several thoaand Wood Engrarlngs. and with numerous colored l.ltbograpble Mapa Prloaand 8tl of Blndlna. In.Ttia Cloth, nerrol M on In Library Lealber, per vol S OS In Hair Turkey Moroeoe, per vol 1 0 In Half rlnssl,etr gilt, per vol 8 00 In rml Moroeoo. antique, cut adgea, per vol......... 1900 la Full Hustle, par ol 10 OS Volumes now ready. Succeeding rolnmfs. antll completion, wlu ba Imoed once in two monus. a.aSnectmen bares af tba AMERICAN tYUIiOPAOIA, showing type, lilnstratlona, eta., will ba eat rt. on application. FiBST-Ousa OANVASflma Aeixva Wantbd. Address the Pahllshera, D. ArrLEfON k CO., M9 and 651 Broadway, N. T. tuna II , laflU SEW iTEniSSEMS. ro7or FALL AND VViriTER SEASON. Bt AsorteiJ SttnA injthe City now Ojwn nt, 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Ouiuet's Uros O'raius. COLORED SILKS AU tbe Latest Cloth Shade. 1 REAL SILK POPLINS. ' MERINOS, CASSiMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACEt mud all the Latest Novelties iu - ' BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Ppeoialty we have always sold ao many snd so low, that among so many goods it is ouly a small part of the assortment, HOUR ri IN C G O O DS. n every variety. Will open on the 8th another Lot of those cheap .'Ti nriotta's CLOAHS AND SHAWLS. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Qreat Line of Hosier, Gloves, , ; m Embroideries, STAPLB MD FANCY HOODS, NOTION, Ifi'O. Srerythlsg is (Jhesper than has bernjltnown for years. We only Mijnire a call i Vh Prioes and Styles will dothe aelliug. , t &b S ialAKEET STR1CET. !!!! . JU.:jJli-..-.L-J!"ia... -ij-a. - ". The only complete assortment of GOOD CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Iu the City. Have also taken pnrt of store corner Priu'wsa aud Front, whore eu be found an . , AH80KT3I ISNT OF. FANCY CiOC)l)-4. CALL AW EXAMINE. D A. SMITH & C0 4;i FrcutHirt'et, deolS THE NORTH C&R0UN& M6. OUR'LIVINGAKD 0Uni3tAD 1870. IB7. 10,000 MW SUBSCEIBKBS VtA.UJiD. tlr w b e t'stn lei it trs a Final iaan Vy handeenulv buBiiU, in Ubrsry style, two voinnitw. (kail ralrl. with current r from July , IH75, in J una. 1878, 1 iioluslve, for SI i or the Bret year bound la two rolamis, cloth or yeat ior aa. I he liberality of tills after will Siipgar from the following: Two vols., biorary styir...,. Magaaina current year....,., ...,$ 00 .... i 00 t SO ......... V 80 i e i IT so' fnrnliheu together for ST. Two Vols., oioth Usgaame csrreat year . . Fnrnlabrd icgether for ftd. Those who desire to secure the Magailne from beainnlna have an opportunity now of doing H on feviwaole terms, and at toe same ttme.tney win uinsaiu in Duiiaing up a nun. Unroll .a Magailne, and give encouragement to aatWe talraU I am a'lthorlxi'd to rate that tibriKian need, Mr,. 0. W. Harris, T. W. Klngitbary, Kh, Gas Oliagman, Onv. Vanaa, sud ntber distln. lisltra wniere win nnniiaui io our cvmiuu. arlag tie entrant yoar One et mora setlaU will begin with tti Janu ary eamber. Till Janatfy we make tba following oltVr : To any one sending 1 we will furnish the Melasma Ocimplete from Jaauary, 1H7S, to Du ember, 187fl, includtn "A Hummer Uyl," by Christian Head, and "Margaret Kaseelyn." by Mrs. t). . Harris, and the magaaine rur me yer, 1S7S. Irom January and iieonmber twu ynars wl'h tint eomp'ete serKls, tor SS. NOW IS TBJE TIKE TO SUBSCRIBE I ! SaVSend la tonr orders. Ann res. S). D, FO'JL, Ealelgh, N, O. aeotembftr. August. IK H7C'JOURNAL OF EDUCAUUN. A pegs Mootniv, II. SO per yeer. Th.Mcnnd ter of tbis Journal began In Swtpmhfr It is fnrnl.hed t teanbeis and ministers of Uietlnepel at l per yrr. Tbe ttrst yiar, September 1875, to Aagiut, i7t, ineiu- atra. can ba hae com pine n i. aaureis, " A , M.U.FOO ,Kallgh,K 0 HOLIDAY GOODS. 'J .. ; -! attha 1 "., LIVE BOOK 8 TORE A a the Inert Obtainable In TheCHty. The Yoa can And BulUU.e Pre. ' ' , ! entsforAII WANT A. CLAUS Has arrlred and left his anUra stock, which U now being gtrra away At HEINSBEEOF.R'S LITE BOOK A NO MUHCBTOltft. deell Ho. N Market Street. .vasr jnt'KHTinni:.YTn " 1075 White Goods. ' AND GOUD THINGS. We respect full annonnoe to the iuhlio and our paiious tret iiiere are uio uiiy u . the inwr nun requli t'ie graid things ol lite, to make hiin enjnr Ik- llul, da. Wi bare re H'lijit our Store aaa to make It the MOST ATTRACTIVE PLACE IN Till J CIT. And wshare Qordsotileied i,e. alljfor tlm CHRISHAS TIDE. VI- lltsilayamnngour U'g" stock SO Oneeao OLD WINES AVkiftklnff, . . 1 rirundicst, Coolctailx, p ens' cpis. Which wo have hud stored away for " NINE YE.AIIS. Aiiticipating the panic an t tJ conwinionri"', wa Dare ai'pt tnese kkis lorine mnw 01 our patrons who enjoy nice tblugx, ami we nave b ought Utem out no to eo l"e all u'ner Ij .n rf. i ammo out Hioi, a' d TRY OUR GOODS, ELE(lKr famiTy supplies. Out Celebrated Brand of G. LI. MONOGRAM FLOUR. B.rware of all Imltatlcs. The 8weetHf and Whitest Broad and Ulsr.uli st the F.ili were made from eur Kleur Plum luclllnar Atmore'H 3Ilnoe Meal, Notv (Sweet Cider. T3tBESI EUITER IN THE WORLD. Best Cooking Br -ndy and Wine In Ihe State, Uandies ai d K uw lur umiMmas uns. OE0UOE MVGRS Arell XliS .V ' t '& CALL AND INVESTIGATE. BttO WN & RODDICK, 15, 4X MARKET STREET, Are now iu the HOLIDAY Uimi NEVER!! UEVERII! Novor bt fore siuoo their commencement have they been abl to present SUCH-BIRGAOS to ttieir Ciistoinors, Large and E'sjsi.t Hues of MlM(B(DdM ning sddrxl to tbetr Block daily st Gil EAT DISCOUNTS from LAST TEAR'S 1'iioos, sud Lower Figures than Kvtr OftVred in Wilmington, la ftutiolpfttlon of the CHRISTMAS TRADE We Imvo opened the ft.Vjolning store, 47 MAHKET STREET, with a ohoiot SHmirtmi'iit of HcwMinable Noveltiea and a variety of axtiolea suitable for H-O'M'.DAV FANCY GOODS, TOTS, UISIC4L IXSTRrMENT8, PLATED WABK, JEVTILS1 STANDAKD BOOKS, 1'ICTOttIAL BOOKS, YEL0(IFUK8 TOILET HIS, VASES, GAMKS, CAUBT BIRPS, BEACE WALNUT BRiCEEIS. RIGS, UAMMOCES, MIBROBS. Aud many other artlolfis too numerous to mention GREAT SEN3ATI0N IH JEWELRY U ; SAYS WE f ' Wo invito epi'cittl sttontiou to our line of CBLLULOID, LliUSDIC, CAIIEO.anflPLAIN GOLD SETS At Trions ruuging from Remember the Palrnni -will do well to make fhoir solec'ljns and aYold the rtisb. EXPRESS AND TELEGRAPH ORDERS WILL REiEIVE PROSPT ATTENTION. BUG WH & 20DBICK, 45, 47 Harket Bttcst. 1 OO Barrols Nee- Orleans MeUe. For sale by IT K H 0 H N V, It O AJ.T K R B KOS. 60SB ui 60 Barrel Appl' a. 100 He Flte l!f acker.- BO Boxes 'J been. lr Sal by KKUUHNKtt . OAtPKlt BKOH. BACOti & PORK. 70 B'Xa D a "ides. 25 lli-iies Hmokod Sid 20 Hoses L. a .-houlUou. OO l"'te'- fotk. P..r 8lu t-y ttKBUHNBt A OAI.OEtt;BUOH. o II 2 n rr A powp w 300 Vpv 'port'tij Powder, 300 K'K W'sa'ln f'o V. 00 V ' K"gs Duckirj I'oailer, F-USK AM) OAPH. Fot Hal by K ERO'If Krt A (iAlEX BH'8 dft . , INFELIOE! , Mr APUUSl'A .1 "VANHi Aathor of " lb,C H. Kimo," 'rht, Ptlee.'..-... w i 0J AN ISLAND PEARL ! Be It. L KAlJfN. Autlmr e "At tine of ih' lUet riairon,'' - BV AtrFKBUTllMBOH.. A Now K ildoii, p' C .....t i. "Ci Cor m1o at NO. 27 NORTH F.'iO;4T CT;:-T AlssliCr M T I liST K.YT It flood tide of their TRADE. o - STOLE TM1 ? Little Folks. RICE. CHEiiSE APPLES. EDTTER. at Barrei H Itoo Mills Rice. 100 Bnxe Factory Ohf esa. M (tarrela Apples. , SO Tubs 0. K Butter. 50 Boioi orsford's Bread Praparatloa. M0 Boxes riant Sea Vo im. tM Buxe rresh reaches, Tomatoes, As. lie Boies Handy. L mon Sugar, Biigu and Oyiitsr Oraokers, Ginger Snaps, Buokwheat. Fi t Bale by WILLIAMS os HuKUalSUM. SALT, MOLASSES. BAG61S. TIES. 40O1 Backs L'reriKol Salt. 10D0 Bundles Tlo. 00 Koll Hagnlng. 801 Barrels 8. H. and 0 iba Molamee, 90 Hogsheads 8 H and Cuba Molatae. tW Boe r. 8. a 1 Smoked Bacon. UI tU Rtrer, Lake Qeorga and Lebanon "A." Sheeting. Mtt'.e KWer and Bm-lolpk Tarns, for sate by WILLIAMS & MURCHISCN. ds 18 - SHOT POUCHEG POWDHK FLASKS, OAHTMOOK Bt LT., QAVS BAGS, Aa l alt requisite for Srertsmea at ; gilesa murcmi::?) di-e'S New Hardnrara Srora. HOUSE FURBISHING GOOES. JIFFKIlIKs' PATBsr . BiuMisiii Baker, bake lour at once r'r nch ol I'ftss, Sausage Cuttpr ant Btullora, suncmg KuWee, Scrubbing Brnshc, Hair Broom, Fentli er Duster, for aule low by ceo. a.pzc::. rle-11 . CIIRIST1I1G GUCJ. ROnOPRt' JVOTIY HANDLE fTAPI.B KiiIvps. l t eit Kulr-s Bo.lg r . kiivnr PI tivl Folk. Spoons, n"i la- Knlrs. io. Ivorr Ilnri'tirt Carving Suiv.-a end F,-e ' u.. ...... ... I... U,,lv,.,l il klinw ('..I, ;eirn nod tola end munliionln aw-it nri-tf. y 1 " ea.a n.W St th old rs-aou-bl kvut ul " .ID" Hoa.l9,2.ati r r t " (UO-ll destroy tne uau.

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