' f f ! ' ' r a A ill M 4 Vv- fol. mnv. no. ssa ummiGion it. C, thuesday. decehber 23, 1075. 5.' ft r 51 n 1 1 n jiDiimai. CY TELEGRAPH. nionsTEiii. iDqBpst Orer the Hard? red Gtrl-Brr - CobiH Knbenxtela Held ror ,. Murder WASHIWGTON NOTES. Seeoid Cflmptroller'i InTestlgatloa- rosttare Jfotice-Ioe riilon . rielfle. NEWS IN" GENERAL EleetlOR Consideration G. 1,,-Tox Imane-The Commercial Loan Company-RaUrond Tnubles. GOLD 133-4. j HI SSLIuBaTH TO T3E JOl'BVAL. CALIFORNIA. Sah Francisco, Deo. 22. San Diego advice report all quiet aloug the lino. yiW JERSEY. . . ' Pattbr8oh, Deo. 22. -The Cetholio Obnroh at Psssaio whs destroyed by an inoendiary Are tbia nioruiug. Loss $18,000. MINNESOTA. B. Pavi, Deo. 22. Ber. John Ire land baa oven consecrated oo-adjutor Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church lor the Diooese of BU Paul. . MA1YIAND. Balttmobx, Deo. 22. Elizabeth Eit man, a little child, aud John Henry Lanterbaob, aged 79, died this worm iog from eaticg pound cske bought at a confectionery shop in this city. CONNECTICUT. ' New Haven, Deo 22. Isle Cc liege has ohallengM Harvard to row so eight oared, four rnile straight away race, with coxswaina. Time and place to be mutually agreed npon. ; nicrors. CsaoAoo, Dea 22. Hon. Alonzo Abernelhy has been elected President of the University of Chicago. Judge Diokey, candidate for Judge of the Superior Court of this State, re ceived 4,000 majority in this city. Tba statement of the directors of tha Commercial Loan Company is in accurate. The assets, which will be available Sooner or later, are about $106,000. There ia $100,000 due the company which esnnot be collected. They will probably pay 85 cents on the dollar, as they did a large deposit business. The suuperiaion will fall heavily ou the poor. v;,,,nwwH. ' Saw Yobk, Deo. 22. The Sheriffs Jury at Boston hsve pronounced Geo, L. Fox, the pautomtraist, a lunatic, and he has been oommitted to an asy lum. Mr . Fox leavea a wife and young daughter almost destitute. The suit of the People of the State tb. W. 0. Kinsley, A. C. Keeney, W. A, Fowler, E. J. Lowber and A. M. Bliss, has oommeuoed, for the recovery of 1156,125,' alleged to have been fraudulently obtained from the City of Brooklyn, in the Hempstead reservoir job. , , ' Tha trial of C. L. Lawrenoe.indioted for complicity in the silk smuggling frauds, baa been postponed till tha next term. i : ' . , . , ' J The reduced rates of freight West went into effect to day. . Tha inquest ove;f the body of Sarah Alexander, tha murdered Jewess, has been concluded. The prisoner, Ru benatein, waa present with his counsel. The jury, after half an hour'a delib eration, found that the murdered girl came to her death by violence at the bands, of Pesoh N. Rubenstein, and that the dea'h of a child waa c6nse quent upon that of ita mother. WASHDtGIOX. Washwoton, Deo. 21 The oommifk ion to investigate the gaooud Comp troller's of?loe regarding the Fort Sugg Tennessee affair, have oonoluded the . testimony and are making a report. Tha commission ia entirelj reticent. The report will probably reach the Secretary early next week. Great in teres ai taobea to the report, , , The Postmaster-General bas ordered tbiriatla oa the new Hue of Ward A Co., between New York aud the porta of t. lago itnd Cienf uogos, commencing- December 80th and monthly there- The European mails will leave New ..Mil ' A. A I York on me zom inu., on ni cjijant The Emperor of Brazil will probv blyletve f oi the United States in April He will visit tha Centennial ' j t.n.ol otnifllv nvnr the conn- trv.- The Emperor'a daughter, D, 1st ... . . a. j : L. : I. abel, will aoi as ivegeui during u u- tenos. (:,, .. .. it i. Mli&t.t aUtd that the Seore tary of the Treasury has not ev read the opinion or tn pupremo vut i- i.i tViTTninn l'amflfl Railroad. I M I M VJ wr vu.r.v - ' The report that he baa ordered the urn adjudged doe, paid to wai com- ia nramfttnrn The president baa gone to New York to a".-:;.l the Kaw England Sooiety rxxxsnvixii. rorrawiXK, Dc 21 The special police- of tha Beading Railroad are guarding the tracks and trains in tba vioioity of lit. Camel to-day, being called there snJdeuly to protect the Company's propettv, in oonseqnetiee of a gang of desperadoes who boarded a passenger train last night, fired on the eonduotor and brakesman hitting the latter in tha leg, and then ouniweaoed beating the ooudnetor, when several passengers oame to the rescue and suo oeeded in driving them from the ear. No arrests have been made. The Bank of Brandy wine of West Cheater, closed its doors to-day. The Directors aro in session. No particu lars. , To-day noon, at-Milford, tha ther mometer indicated 68 degrees in the shade ; exposed to the sou, 83 degrees. Suoh a day at this season of the year is beyond the recollection of the oldest inhabit int. Jobn L. Hoffman, Conrad Hoffman, and Wu, Bowers, oomprising the firm of Hoffman & Co , dif tillers, at Butler. Butlr county, were arrested aud bionght to Pittsburg to-day, clieigod with illicit dixtilliug. Alexander Harvey aud David King are also under arrest, the former obarged with fraud in connection with his distillery the latter with fraudu lently issuing warehousing bond. FOREI GUSJY PORTl'GAL. 1 Lisb n, Deo. 21 - A Portugese gun boat bas been ordered to Ht. Thomas. in the Qulf of Guiuao, on account of a noro insurrection. ; srnx. j Madbid, Deo. 21, Oen. Cabillero de Kotlas, former y Captain-General of Cuba, is dead. Gen. Eohiigue has been appointed to the oommaud of the Army of the Left. CIBA. . Havana, Deo. i'l.k number of the highest military officials in Cuba have requested Captain-General Valmaseda to sign so order allowing them to leave the Inland and return to Spain with him. Ho has refused. IXGLAXD. London, Deo. 22. The Standard publishes a telegram from Paris, an nouncing that Priuce Pierre Bona parte has issued a circular as a candi date for theChambcr of DeDntieafrom Corsica. ;,The training-sbip Goliath waa burned at Gravusend this morninar. No lives jvuw jnrKBTiBitMKJrTm, GREAT BARGAINS la Tbs kslanea of our Htook of ENGLISH GUNS yt wilt offtv at IMPORTATION PRICE8. Likewise oar fttoet of REVOLVERS. A full assorting nt on haad of Powder Flasks. Shot Holts, &.V. mm POCKET CUTLERY TABLE CUTLERY, at ;, NATHANIEL JAC0BT8 HARDWARE DEPOT, UO. I MARKET ST. deon CHRIOTMAO Comes bntOno ' "" A Y E A R. Ho plots com' ami ses the , . , . ...... i,,:, .. W-l il Slit Or UkrUtma and Mew Tear's Ooods, oomleU tog of taa latest novelties In FANCY ARTICLES. AT EXCHANGE CORNER. ,-g CERISTHAS PRICES AbTONISHINCLY LOW. Citron . 80 per pound. Assorted Hots, 9 Muscatel Kalsins . 80 ' M Mixed Candy 85 " . Figs ... ' ,80 ., ' M French Candy 40 " : ;. Ueot Quality French .'"'.'..,''.! A NO - - - :- !. v t y? h From (hi New Trk AE'sUtd "o. aointhln new and nice All are inritrd M cull and oiainliie mi atwk, and be a'.nired tbtt 1 , t they can gt th bert twdiat '(t(' l BOTTOM PltlOOE W C STEVEN SCn. ' Bocood, bsk Pruoast and af.rket. nw AdTISTISXXSTTS. BAGD. MM. 300 Ro'l aafgis. 300 aU For sal j . KEK0UMKKrAl.OBR 1104. Fif8tels,Fii3GfLCii IOO BVins Fir Oaehots. roral by KEKCd VEK 4 OA: DB BROS. GOFFEF AliD SUGAR, 900 aaeki CoffM. SO asd Kat Supra, For Bale hj KKROUMBR A OALDBR pRU8. BACON. BACON. BACON. 70 Bun D.H.Mde. 28 Bxe Smoked SWtfc " 38 "esse 0. a thosidera. go ll&.rl Park. i Foi Male by '. KKUUHSER UAUfSa BROS deot FOR XMAS. I bar bad a lot of MINCEMEATS, Proposed epcllly FOR HTCITY CU5T0IIER8, j ? WhlcbfwlBbO t il ' FOUND SUPERIOR TO ANY Ivor oflsred in tbl Maitet. For isle at my SECOND TKKJKT. - k f .. I , ft t i , Wbors will be fonnd s ruefully .elected fuck V. .'.;.. . ,.. , . v Gloico Family, hi PRICES MODEHATaT. , , lU&CN.eARR.f deoSStr ' i i ' , . , I auk NT. HAS THK NEW YORK DAILIES Bo. m. JEWETT, Be. a iflt rrotty Tblsi 0 C HRICTMAGi Call and tes them m they srs NO HEEE, To bo fssnd only at hi. Book Store, NO. 87 NORTH FRONT STRUT- '(J. D, Lots'. Old 8Und) , LOST A para or BTK-QLasaca, ita dsae, and broken taard Ion p. The Sndor will reootvo s onlub reward by learlnt ikem at thlaofllo. ilooWtt CIIHISTI.1AS POESEIITS Is WIVES, FRIENDS, PARENTS, ..". ;V CHILDREN, - SWEETHEART CnRISTHAS GOODS New, Elcli, Elcact ai UgcM Mow Open for Inipootlon st G. 7. YATE&' EOOX STOrtE doelt - l nfarkot aroot CELERY ABO CAULIFLOUEll A vocy Bon lot for anio at dec O. H. W. RTJBOK'H. MOLASSES, ' Vow Orleans -psraUed pars. . Cuba, Penarara, Bog Hooas. FLOUR . ' J00 Barrels all gra 101. Sogar, : tfalls, " Coffee. Bploee, Broom. Oaadv, ..... ... Baair, vraekers, And erery blngln the r'Oeery line, wbloh we guarantor, at low' market price. nontf BINFORD. CROW ACQ THE ONLY BOUSE IN IE CITY WAUSUTf A MUTS, s litboPionserOnaof . MUHSOU & CO., Where Ihoy eaa bo toaad at the Is prlo of Ofor 0 CuhIi, df2l ' ' ' Bed and Wblt'Ah. ' DetlTd prompt'y. o.o. ranusTari), ' New Lsoatlan I. vTato ..UxA ofyrango. 1 107(3, 1075 FALL AND WINTER OEAOON. " Bwst Assorted Stock.iithe City now Oio al (r"" 4 T" - S1, ajanawpsnni f mmm qp. ajglnwj UjVUE'U WUB fUAtW.Cai - J ' 1 38 STREET, Tha Celebrated Gainet's Gros Grains. COLORED SILKS, ? ' - ; All tba Latast Cloth Bbades.l BEAL 8IJL.K POPLIISTS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, '- . aud all the Latast Novvltios ia BLACK ALPACAS, Thai usual Spaaialty wa have always 1 A. ' 1 uiNtuj gouuai it IB umj m am iu pari oi iuq aaAonmouc, M O U R M I NG GO ODS . it every variety. ' Will open on the 81 h auothor L(4 of thoao cheap Ht nrietta'a CLOAKS AUD SHAWLS. MEIST AND BOYS' W05AI?. i OrAut Hosiery, . , Gloves, AlAUMiUUCitCOl I 'I 4 V . .1 STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, .NOHON, ETC. Ererythlog is Cheaper than has boenlcnown for years. Wa'onty require a call ; tha Prices and Btylas will do tha sollirg. ISTo. 8U :MABKET STEEET. ncrt i. OHBjieiTf AS GOODS 1 f I I 1 1 I V TbaonJy pompleta aaaortmehtof '-' '-Hi GOOD CHRICTMAG PREQEUTQ ! ' V'..' .i;f Ia the City. Have also taken part of store corner Princess and Front, where j . can be found an j A880HTMENT OP FANCY OOODS. CALL AND EXAMINE. D do1S HOLIDAY GOODS. St the' LIVE BOOK STORE Aro the Snort Obtainable In i . XbeOlty. There f j i , foe and - . ; ' Bsltab-s Prrs. v ' M A t . i sntofbr Alt. OANTA CLAUS - Sm arrlrod and IrlthiS Sfltlrs Kook, which Is ' sow btng given away ' " At HEINSBEEQER'S tilVB BOOK AND MU3.C Sl'ORB. doclS Wo. B Market Btroet. I n impohtep in ALE AND PORTER. j BLOOD, WOOLF CO '8 ISO Caaeal XozlSaoU 1 4 t .4 J thiaa'v ' i ifH'u- : S1 1.50 PER CASE. VICK MEBANE, t dsoZl-tf : FOR FAIR WEEK A' N BVKKT OTBEH erlf IS HK yen atlowMt pi ion. to tmyori on hn Kpot. and ail order, tillecl at the ro log prlc. ot ibt ty ttiy are rouelvod. tbue glrlug cohU, o oremnlliiitoril n.llroot to Uie Mine di I tge UK-y would havo if proeont. MeJ Bacon In 14s. aui -Boils, Urv Salted Mont BH"i HUouM"r, BK.e and Baoka, Haw. lu Tiefo-eot Braau I'acKaei , '.it -i i ' t i i ; ECKEAfeyAST ST3rPE3. ( Voat Pork, Water Oronnd Mea', Fish, S aoker el, MullvUi, Uerrlugt, &o. SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT; y ij I if Molssses of llklnds Jjtp'l! SYRUP Mt l Flour o all guailtlea. And over Svo hundred articles yf fins - J Cailorordw from w, owner of Dock and rrant Htroetay WUmlim'on, M. C. norm ADHXAM VULLEB3. ,VJt .ItH'KMTI nK.nK.XT. C yi TP"Ti"sC(J sold so maoy sud so low. that among so 11 a At . k i T.inA nf White Goods. A. SIIITH &,C0 . ; . a3Front8 Street, SB HAS ABJU GOOD THINGS. We rerpeotrullv annnnnoo t) the nnbllo and our patron. U'.t Ihexe are the cUyi whon the Innrr man rronl'c. the good thing. of lire, to make him enjav Ik. Holt ; day. We have to Sttud oar ,1 , atorsto as to make it tie 1 i MOST ATTRACflVE PLACE in the err- And WS hav Uonds ordered especially: for tha CHRISMAS TIDE. W DUplsvamorigoar largs stook M Cjmio. OLD WINES IJrandlow, . Coc tulli, P (INCHES, Which we have had stored sway for NINE YE: A 11 So Atirli'lpnt'iiij' tbo paiilo iand cotieioonc I, we hare kept t gooii for tlio hrueflt of our p.trouf wi'O tiijoy til no tuing, and . we Iitu hiojfcM llicm nut mw to sc.lis all o'acr !t.,ujtr. t x , amino our 8!ock, ai'd TRY OUIVGOODS. ELEGANT FMItLY SUFPLIES. . OurCulebratfdBrsiidof ( ' g.'ei. monogram flouh; Bwar of all Imitation.. The Swi-otffKt, ami Wliltnt TlrpHt niid II if cult at tliu Fair , were mads troai snr rionr. Iluiik PudtUnt;. V J Atmoro Mluco Blear, , 4 1 NcwweetCfdofi T3JE EESLT EUTTEH IN THE WORLD, Bit (tanking Kridyad Win In the btote. Candle, and uU Ur tiUri.tma. irma. , ni UE0UUE MYEltS, declS CALL AND INVESTIGATE. BRO WN EGDDIOE, j 45, 47 MARKET STREET. Are npw la the flood tide of their HOLIDAY TRADE. UEVER I CEVER S I CHVcR ! ! ! Never before alnoa their oommsucamcnt have they beea able to present SUCS BAEGAHS to thoir Customers, Large and Etagait litiea of . TX TTSTVTT V U Beiug a1dcd to their Btook daily at GREAT DISCOUNTS from LAST YEAR'S rrtooa, and ixtwer e ignrea man Ever uucrea in WiimiDgton, u , autioipatlon of tho , CHRISTMAS TEADE ..... . ... ... Wa havo oixmod the' adjoining store, axtoriuicut or seasonable noveiues , i. .... M.LL0).A FANCY GOODS,' TOTS, Ml'SICAl IXSTUUVIXTS, PLATED WARK, JIVTILB1 ' 8TAMJAR0 DOOKS, rilTOUUL BOOKI, YELOUPEDES TOILCT SITS, YASES, GAMES, CANARY BIRPS, BKACK WALXl'T BR1CIETS. R16S, HiMOCKS, MIRRORS, And many other artiolea tH nnmoroas to mention GREAT SENSATIOll III JEWELRY ! 1 I01SI We invite special lememher the Tatrons will do welt to make (heir EXFRE8S AND TELEGRAPH ORDERS 0211010111,11118110, CAUEO, ana PLAIN-GOLD SETS . At Prioea ranging from BR0W1T & R0DDICII.;45t 47 Harlict Ctic:t. dorl N O T T O E. APPUOATIOM WILIi BE MADI TO "Tb. Hank of New Uanover" lor the to moot dupliwo orrtlfloeo (Or ISO rtare. of Ui. capital mmi oi pxia Dn, origin! oerllllnta, No. 1'JS and sio, for .aid hare, heretofore lurd to the late W. R. JCm. pi dated tb davsf . Ei"",T.lo,t' A' KMr IB, novis-lawsw AdmV a. KMP1B. Triiot Halo. BT virtu of a deed of truel siesut'd bj John A. Taylor and wire, on the sib day i Mar, In the year 18W, and duly regl.terN! In Hot V.V , pairv W, t th renwd oi deed. In the Begl.ter'.oBlof New Hanover county, I will, on tantuptar. the 8th day of JaiiUKry, W, at the Market How InShs e'ty o w imlugton, at IS o'clock, M.,otl'er lor. ale at public auction, v. - i... it,, .li. i.r wtlmlniftnn. oum- wenclng 8tl i'aat from tb ouutheiuit miranr of rourtk ana rrinomwire"i. '"' "j" HibUi 180 loot to a .tone wall, .lohn A. '''" . . . i - ...tM.rt.l. n tmt tn 10 fOflt iliey, ihonc northwardly HWUsl Pfluoon Hei, wieii u """rl " :", -Tvi.it lo. i,.eoni. ... HEAR! HEAR! A CHANCE FOR A GOOD INYKSTME5T, . We will roll for cash; BO Shares of the Wllmlncton Cot , ton Mills 8took- Th Mill. r now In operation, and the in. TOKiiuoi.t. will iy well, -Tor urthor Informa tion apply to ' ' ' D. A. SMITH 4, CO., dec18 ' tia.4 North front street. Flour and Meal ; a SU MlHti).rEEi, 0Hial oh ehott laiUct, Utain bougUlai It " , , itsrkrt Vl? Aodrsa, M . J- i Jiinrtf, : ' M. ..: Horth Carolina Homo . . Insuranco Co. , . TKia tolapany ouotintai t wtHs i"H'l , fair rain, oo all cla-srBof In.arah'.e pro arty All ! )roni!y paid. 1 i ; J f t,njorre Uom tiimitinl)iV( It. li. Battle,? rodtleutiSoaU.. J4i(,8or ry. , jyj, MAkkiS(J; ' . , , , t ,Ji . Al"' ' 7 MARKET STREET, with a choice ana a variety or artioias auunia lor . : IFf t - attention to oof line of I Little Fol ks. selections and atold tha rash. 11U REcEIVI PHOXH ATKTTwJ. m, CHEESE. AFP1B. ETnU St Barrsls Hlltoa MU1S Bio, too Box. Factory Oh. SO Rariwls Apple. . SOTohsO.B. Buttw. oa Bozo nortford's Bread Preparation, i i . SO Boss Ganta Sea roara. S00 Boxes Fresh Pseohss, Torsatoss, tto, 100 Boies Candy. I iton Sogar, ' 8 agar and Uyitar Crackan, Ginger Snaps, Buckwheat, rot Sal by ' WILLIAMS A MCRCHISON. SALT. MOLASSES. BAM. TEL : 4003 Sack. Liverpool Bait. ' J - ' A 1000 Bandies Ties. . " . : . too Bolls Bagging-- ' ' M 100 Barrels 8. H. and O aba Ifolanei. SO Hogshead. 8. H. and Onba Holaraes. 180 Boxes P. B. and Hawked Bsoon. Utile Blrer, Lake Qeorge and Labaooa "A" Sheeting. LitUs Blvsr and Bandolpa. Tarns. Pot sals by ' ' williams k muxcki::3. deolD . ., -j SHOT POUCIIEC POWORB FLASKS, CARTRIDGE BELT?, .... . . OAMRBAGS, ! And all requisites for Srortsmea at GILES & MUXCKIJC 4Mlfl Tiew Harflwar. Stor. house mmnn gugei JKFKERIK3' PAT EST BUCKWHEAT Bakers, hake lour at on as Fr nch fol Pans, Baoaaga Cutters and Staucre, Ulnclng; Kiilroa, Scrubbing BruBbes, Hair Brooma, FcaUi er Duster, for sale low by cuo. a. rcn ... dec!9 ... CEEICTIIil3 Yjohowus' rvonv X Kiilw, D.a-eit b7T hilvur Pl.tttl F tw KnlvM, ftc- P" ' Carving Knives "1 Si'lM)r, I' i -t K niveau n w -, v,. s.,,, : . U' V,..IV. T.vni IuU IIan M. 'II'. 1' l.iln huiI An'MM "i In . llMlff, 5 . ., t iui rj.i in : et ue to.. I i i. " the otd wlawioVd STOLE THE0 1 csamer, - -