i " Oil :1V n rOL XXIV. HO. 35G. UmmiGTOII tl. C. FRIDAY. DECEHBER 21. 1875. . unoi: :;c. v 4 J ,1 n j rC. i i! i: 1 ; ! J ; ( j ; ft tbiin liouvnni. CY TELECRAPFi ""eaethquake; TW3 SKSSKSFE .TAT RICHMOND 1 "tight f Terror ta the Capitol -People Boshing to and Fro- NSWS I GENERAL. Border Outrage Troops Ordered to theFroittIerrTh6 ,'Canal-Ap. polntments. COLD 13 1-8. , 1 HT TBLKORAPH TO THB JOl'RSAI.. MAEYIAXD. Baltimore, Deo 23. Wo. Bose is lead. He wss seventy-nine years old, indww on of the proprietors ami editors of the Baltimore Atty&rimn for forty years. '.. ; """WISHJSCTO. . Wasbimotoh, Die. 23. The special Dostoffloe stents reappointed with headqnarters are: II M. Farrell, At lanta, ua.; W. U. Unot. Bt. Ijouis; . D. Btoto, Lousisville; Thos. B. Long, Salisbury, V. O : J. II. Jolly, New Orleans; W. P. EJgertoo, Little Rook; Jno. rrey, Atlanta, la.; Jas. a. All nis, New Market. Xeua.; T. P. Shale- row, wheeling. '- :' Pierrepont says there is no truth in the report tbat the President favors the pardon of Joyoe, IIW TOES. Niw Tom, Dm. 23. The Board of Supervisors of Orange county , which fad over 13,000 tramps last year, hava ereoted temporary workhouses in each town, and have enacted 'a law senteuo- ing from fire to sixty days hard labor erry tramp applying lor relief. Ex-Mayor Wilder of Rochester died in San Francisco yesterday. He was also an ex-Congressman. i The Great Southern mail route tia Baltimore, Washington, Lynch burg, and Knoxville, has established a lighting express r train by which a through Southern mail and New York papers reach Chattanooga, tlanU, Macon, Jacksonville, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Nashville and . Memphis. Thia fast train leave New York every day, exoept Sunday, at 8 MASSACHUSETTS. BosToif, Deo, 23. The bark, Stone wall Jackson, sailed for Norfolk, Va., to-day. Three toousand persons visited ber. There wis a salute and grand ovation as she passed down. A Bos ton lady left in the oabin a costly wreath - lettered with Jackson's- dyim; , words. 1 A gentleman presented an elegaut picture of Jackson by a Boston artist. Bix known persons were killed by yesterday's explosion. Fortunately the drawbridge had been open some time, and three or four hundred people on their way home from work, f r South Boston, were detained on this side. Had the explosion occurred a few minutes later the loss would have been fearful. It is supposed that the pipe burst owiug to the oold weather and the gas had accumulated uuder ground. CAIIFORXIA. 8a Fbamcisoo, Deo. 23. Oen. Bcliofleld ordered a company of the first cavalry to San Diego for border service. Six hundred armed revolu tionists have oroasad the border from Mexico, A dispatch fromtJan Diego confirms the report of anarchy in Sonora, Mex ico. The revolution is in progress and the Yaqui Imlians are in the re volt Gov. Pesqnera has levied a spe ' cial to carry on war. The revolution ary party reported are about to invade Sinalio and business is prostrated. No j further demonstrations nave been made by the banditti at Campo. The fresenoe of Perse from San Diego etps them comparatively quiet, but they threaten to have revenge for the hooting snd hanging their comrades in a reoent raid. Otm Lopez has been in command of the banditti sinoe the death of Chares. The Mexicans living on the border, with a few exceptions, are in league with the banditti. A cavalry company will leave here to morrow for San Diego. T1KCIMA. Rwhmoho, Deo. 23. There was a tea second's . earthquake immediately followed by a terrific one, at forty min te past eleven o'olock last nigtit, which oausdd much alarm. The os cillations were south to north. Shooks were felt St several points in the State. The shock felt here Jail night were veritable earthquake shocks and no mistake. No comparisons can be made with any similar antecedent event, ia asmuoh as it was the first ever expe rienced here. The statements of per sons residing In different seotions of the city ooinoide in the main as to the vibrations aud duration of the force of the shooks. A short time after the ; cessation of the shooks, the streets were alive with frghteoed and excited people. Many nude their way to the newspaper and telegraph offices to learn the extent of the phenomena, while the others, of a more nervous - temperament, remained in the streets for hours, not daring to return to tbeir bonnes for foae of a repetition of the Shocks, but the remaiuder of the night rassed oil without farther disturbance. To-dsy this remarkable epoch in Rich mond's history was the general topio of conversation, it being discussed in aU its phases, each one having their own experience to relate. Telegram! frutn various points iu Virginia report shocks similar to tLoee felt here. In some places a greater number of shocks are reported than in others. None of the reports agiee as to the direction of tue oscillation. As far as heard from,' the shocks were not felt south of Pe tersburg, west of Lynchburg, north of Alexandria nor east of City Point or the James river. J Aloug the Chesapeake aud Ohio Railroad, the shocks wore felt as far as Btauutou, 180 miles north of Rich mond. They were also felt along the linn of the Richmond and Dauville Railroad to (he sontheru border of the S ate. The probability is tbat tLe shocks in Rich notid were as severe as at any other poiut, as no damage worth mentioning is reported from any di rection. NonroLg.,Dt'0.2:l. The stockholders of the Atlautio, Minaiiippi aud Ohio Railroad met here to-day aud re ehrted Qen. Wd, Mahony President for five years and the old Board of Directors. Alexandria, Deo. 23. John A. Fisher was appointed Receiver of the it: oh m ud and Alianta . Air Line road, vioe Bufrd, by consent. FOBEIGN. spaiy. Madrid, Deo. 23. Elcrot'isti, the Ministerial organ, states th it the Uov-vruuii-iit has doid nl to send a heavy reinforcement t Cuim. GERMAN'!. " Bkblin, Deo. 23. It is stated that the priuoipal feature in the great powers proposition relative to reform in Tur key, is that the ambassadors of neu tral powers at Constantinople shall ex ercise a permauent control in the exe cution of reform in tbe Provinoes. EGYPT. Cairo. Deo. 23. It is rumored that the Khedive is negotiating for the sale of Egypt's founders shares in the Suezoiual. The Government of Groat Britain and M. DeLesseps are repre senting a combination of French cap ital as one of the bidders. The latter has offered $9,000,000 for the shares. EHLAXD. London, Deo. 23.-The Telegraph' aispaicn irom raris says the drowned by tbe sinking of the Louisiane. in clude only one passenger. The rest were or the orew. Gordon, who was elected to Parlia ment yesterday, whs Sir Alexander Gordon, Conservative for East Aber deenshire, not Lord Advocate Gordon of the Glasgow aud Aberdeen Uni versity. MAREIKD. BAt DWiNvrTcn vi r in ,ki. Mifw mm the istb Inn , at th Flrnt BttM Ohnreh.by thfl i Kt 1. B. Taylor, lr. Albrt M. B.ldwtn to Miw HettW 8 dughtror B. F. Mitchell, 04- no UATQI. .rvw jnrBmTiHKMMJirra, SOMETHING NICE. 150 BUNCHES CELERY. fust In by Railroad to day . CURTIS A BOATWRIGHT. 1so?4 Mayor's Couit. PBHMONK Wrt LNOTBH JLI-OWKDTO (I rha Ft e A rm dnrlnc th boi,lT,. The P 'I'co - lit arronttll panles C mil t t o'.tlng the 'idluHuos isuiicuruiiig Ihni ootirir of Gum or Ptatols. 1 No iMWOrks will b llowra In hs Olty, eioant from l2o'o!ock Frld jr nlglitt II o'cl. ck Mstirdny nltjht, Ko will 1it ro ernttnt tliemselra (with nnedav) l lirin'mnidajr. W. P. OAMDaT, deosl-H . Myor CHRISTMAS PRICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW. Citron 80 per pound. Assorted Nuts, 20 " Hnscatel Ealslns . 20 " Mixed Candy . 25 " Figs . . 20 French Candy 40 " Best Quality Frsnota AND From the New York AErnted On. Unmet h Ing new and nlre All are Invjttd to call and uvliis mr stock, and be ti-mred that they can g ths bent goods at bottom prices JAS. C STEVENS OM. Mecond, bet. Princess and Market, FOR FAIR WEEK ANf SVBBT OTHBB WKKK IS HK year at lowret prices to baveni 01 spot, and 'l onleri filled at lie m Ing prio of the y ihrj are roceled, thn glring o iU a er foiling ordra direct to u the (tins ady 1. ttge thty wuuld bays It' present. SiM Bacon Id HMs. and 'Bom, Dry Salted Meat 8lde, Shoulders, Boliits and Bscki. iiam. tn Tierces or Basil Packages :breakpast stripes, Mess Pork, Wat-r Ornnd Mea', FHh, I acker el, Mallets, Herring., &o. SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT Molasses of 11 kinds, SYRUP ALL KINDS, Floor o all gimlltles. , And over fire ho drcd articles f fine PANCY GROOIiili, Callorord.r from na, sornar of Dock and Proul Streets. WUiaingt B, M. O. -noTlll AOKIAM A VoLLEKS. ireworks. 5IW ADYIRTISainTS. CHRIGTMAO Coses Sat Once AYE A R . So p't e com. and tea the Large aii Vaii Of Cbrwlnia. an I New Year's Goods, coaalfU taj if Ij latest uoyelllesla FANCY ARTICLES. -T Win. PYFiffN. EXCHANGE CORNER. deoll BICE. CHEESE " APPLES. BUTTER. b Bsrro a H Itoa Mills Rice, 1110 Boss. Faotory Cheees. Sfl Hurh) App'ee, T"b0. 1 Butter. SO Boiee ornfard's Breed Preparation. 60 Boses fleota Sea Kom. tU Btaes Fresh Pes sSes, Tomitoet, Ae. 1-0 Hmei ('aady. I.- mnn Sugar, . Hugu and ijystev Uraokers, (linger Snaps, - ' Bsstvbeat. ft Sale by ... n .W1U.I M A MI'BcniSUN. SALT. MOLASSESTbAGSM TILS. 4001 Ssclis Liverpool Salt. 1904 Bkadlea TUa. 100 Hell Hagglng. ,; W Barrel. . H and 0 iba Molaaws. W Hngihesds S H and Oaba Motaaea. IM Boise P. . and Maoked Baeoa. Utile Hirer, Lake Oeorge and Lebanos "A" Sheeting. Little Hirer and Randolph Turns. For sale by deoWlLUAMS k MUICHISON. THE ONLY EODSE IN THE (M That Sells UesBlae WAHIDTT A HITS, Is the Pioneer One of IOTS01T & CO., Wbers they can be found at the law price of G for O, CtxHh, dec2i 1 HAS AMD ' GOOD THINGS. We rwpeotrnlly aannvaea to the pablle and nr p.trons Uiat tbw are ts dare vbea (he lnnr maa reqat-ee t"e good thiage of lire, to nake him enjey th. Hoi, dart. We bare re B tied our Store so as ta make it ths HOST ATTRACTIVE PLACE IN TIIIQ IT. And ws bars ocd ord.red espeeially for the CHRISHAS TIDE. Wr Dlsplsyssaongoar lags stook M Ueeeeet 0U) WINES Whlwkless, ISrandleaj, Cock t ui )ss, p uisr 0HE8, Which we have hid stored away for NINE YEaARS. Anticipating tbe panle and l.j oonewi nances, w. uktv mwjn hich rvoq9 rur ine orpeni Of our p-troni who enjo; nloe thlngi, and wefiare b.oavht (hem oat now to so Ipae all other Uiuorr. i amine oar Stock, and TRY OUR GOODS, ELEGANT FAMILY SUPPLIES. Oar Celebrated Brand of G. M. MONOGRAM FLOUR. Beware of sll mltallens. The S wee tent and Whitest Bread and Biscuit at the Fair - were made from ear Flear. Plum Pudding1, Atmore'as Mlnoo Mea t, ! N o-w ljt-vr33t Cider. TOE BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD. Beet Cooking Brtndy and Wine In the State, vanaiei ana sou ler unristmas Trees. GEORGE MYERS, deolB HOLIDAY GOODS. at ths LIVE BOOK STORE Are the flnert Obt.fnable In : The City. These 1 Too can And Huttab.a Prra. ems for AU. SAINT A. CLAUN Has srrlf ed and left hs snilre stock, which hi now being given away At HEINSBEROF.R'S UVK BOOK AND MD1.C STORK, declt lo. it Market Street CHRISTHAS GOODS, R0DOSR8' IVOBT HANDLB JTABLE Knlree. li-ort Km. Roflurni1 beet Silver Pl.tsd Folka, Spoons. But. tr KnlvML Ac. Rnrlgnre' Irorf ilandte C.rvinr Knives snd Folks 'se Kaaon and Bclmora. Pockrt Knives of all klnde. (June. Pie bile end Amunltiou tn greet variety. Boys' TX Ohee s, Ac, can be found at the lowont rxxwible caah prices st the old established Usrdware 4'rnBI DAWflOff, deft-19 Nos. IS, SO, and 21 Market 8Ut. KIW ADVERT1SEXIXTS. 107G. 1070 FALL AND WINTER SEASON. I Best Assorted Stock in'jthe City uow Oivu at 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Celebrated Quiuot's Oros flraiua. COLORED SILKS 401 the Latest Cloth Shades. REAL SILK POPIJSTS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SEEGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, uid all ths Latest Novelties in BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Rpeoialtr ws have always sold so many ami so low, that among so niany goods it is ouly a small part of the assortment. 171 O U R N I N C GOODS . n every variety. Will open on the 8th another Lot of those ohoap Henriutta's CLOASS AND SHAWLS. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Qreat Hosier, Gloves, Embroideries, 8TAPLE AI PANCY Everything is Cheaper than has beenjknown for years. We only require a call the Prioes and Styles will do the selling. No. 8(3 MARKET STREET. CUR ISTMAS GOOD8H " The only complete assortment of -CIVC H Rl OTM At5 PREOEWTS- In tbe City. Have also taken part of store corner Princess and Front, where can be found an ASSORTMENT OF FANC GOODS. CALL AND EXAMINE. D A. SMITH & C0 43 Front Street. deelS A. .-r HAS THK NEW York DAILIES Oc. S. JBWETT, Has a iot of Pretty Things for C H Rl 8 T T.l A3. Call and s:e them as they are NOW HEKEi To be toand only at his Book Store, NO. 27 NORTH FRONT STREET (J. D. I-ore's Old BUnd.) dsctt New Orleans -guaranteed pure. Cuba, Demarara, 8ugsr House. PLOUR. 100 Barrela all gralsr. Ragar, flails, Ooflee, Bpioei, Brooms, Oandy, . Snaff', " Orackers, And every' htng In the g-ooery line, which we ganrante . t lowest market prioes, ao'iff BINFORD. CROW e CO CUEAP 8FOVB UOUsE j. x m oh a co. 94 W Pratt Htreet, Ba.t more' fARLOR HEATERS. CC3KISSQ STOVES. ILLUMINATIQM ruACEs, uhui AK9 6XATES SJV Mimes repaired, dt wtra .xkw jnfitMT isK.wa.vr. Line of White Goods. IjOOH, NOTION, II) HEAR! HEAR! 1 O It H A I4 liJ 1 A ( niME FOB A GOOD INVESTMENT. We will roll for CASH. SO Shares of the Wilmlnatton Cot ton Mills Stock- - ; . Th Willi are now In operation, and (he in. eminent will psy well, Vot urlher 1 11 fui illa tion apply to D.A.SMITH ft CO., declS Mo.4S North Front Mreet. Flour and Heal JVD MIXED, TKED. Oar-lial fcd on short notice, dram bought si li Market price. Artilrn, wAKLUTCSi tllTl Hilt., (; hi ,it(, Innetf r 1. O. CELERY AMD CAULIFLOWER A very fine lot tor sale at decj G. H. W. RUNCIBVI. LOST A PATH 01' ETK.OI,A98E, with Oass, end broken guard loop. The finder will receive a suitab.e reward by learln. them tt Ul.nffloe. OeitMtf SELECT BOARDING AUD DAT &CH03L, HlLLSDOnO', M.C THIt THrRTT-SOfTRTH SEiJtTbN of IhS Misne Naeh A Kol eit School will 0n FRIDAY, FEB, 4 1876, ; Board and Tattle. aoedtoflOO.4 , .VJt' JI CALL AND INVESTIGATE. 45, -17 MARKET STREET. Are now iu the HOLIDAY TRADE. NEVER ! NEVER ! I NEVER ! 1 1 Never before since their commoDcouicnt have they been able to present SUCH BAEG1HS to tlioir Customers. Lug and Elegant lines of 4 ' TV Doiug added to their Brook daily at QBT2AT DISCOUNTS from LAST TJlllVS I'riotw, and Lower Figures than Ever OlTered in Wilmington, In . j, aulioipatlon ol the CIIRlSTiUAS TEADE We have opened the adjoining store, 47 MARKET STREET, with a ohoioa Bssortini nt of Buasonablo Novelties aud a vsrioty of articles suitable for HL1D.AY.:T1FT8 FANCY GOODS, TOTS, Ml SU A L INSTKl'MENTS, PLATED WAKE, JIWELBt STANDARD llOOkS, 1'ICTOUIAL D00KS, VELOCIPEDES TOILET BITS, VASES, CiAMF.8, CANARY BIKDB, BE .UK WALNUT BRACKETS, RIG'S, UAMM0CK8, MIKKOBS, Aud mojiy otLor artiolas too uumorous to mention ', GREAT SENSATION IN JEWELRY ! ! WHO SAYS WE STOLE TIIEH ? We invite speoial a At Trfoes SI l S lememher the Patrons will do woll to make ftioir soloolions and avoid the rush. KIPRKS8 AND TELKGUAPII ORDERS WILL RECEIVE rROXFT AinTnil. BROWN & RODDICK. 45, 47 Uarket Streets . IMPOUTKD 1 ALE AND PORTER. BLOOD, WOOLF CO 'S CEWMD BMl, ir( Ciihon, O lox. Kuch. at .. . .. . $11.50 PER CASE. daMf VICK A MCBANC, FOR MAS. I have had a lot of MINCEME AT H J Prepared eupcclsily FOR MYCITY CUt3T(J11ERS, Which will bs FOUND SUPERIOR TO ANY Ever oflered In this Marknt. For tsls st my Stare on SECOND STREET, Where will be fauid s rarofulW selected s'.ock of PRICES MODERATE. ISAAC N. CARR, de?3tr AOKNT. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS for WIVES, . FRIENDS, PARENTS, CHILDREN. SWEETHEART CHRIST MA3 GOODS NewRicli, Elegant ana Usofiil Now Oi'n Cor Itupootlon C. W. YATES' BOOKSTORE Ar.lf Jt.Tf flood tide of their attention to oar line of . ""1 la ranging from Little Folks. ll.J. 200 Rolls Bsfglng. 300 H Molls HMg'Sf. or rals bf RGltOHNEU tt OAtDCB BBOB. ' Firiitete(FiCrLEto3 100 Bosss fits Uraekers. For Hsle by KErWHNEtt AOALDBB BROS. COFFER AflD SUGAR. 200 Sucks OofTee. 80 Haw and Kenned 8nara For Sals ly KEROHHER 8c OALDER BROS. . BACON, BACON. BACON. 70 Boxes D.8. Bides. 1 28 Boxes Smoked 81da 2 5 Boxes 1. 8 Shsuldsrs. . BO Barrels Polt, Kot Hslsby ; KEROHNEIta CALDBABHOS dv3 North Carolina Homo w Insurance Co. 'jilllH.'i-mu.iinj con till tn wrJeJ roiloles A tlr rote., o aUelaeof lu.arable pre) .it, Aii Uwnm prMrpUy pntd. . fc-'KMuragti Hocie muitnuof .f Bau,l'reaia.nt;SU , Jie,Be?r. rv. : .lNHON 4 MAHrflN', Bed and Whi! l a, luilr .1 piun;, :f, soteeued aud fiee from d'it, kr . P4b fVf. few Iiooauoa B. Wsmc kw . ' dst-l h i ? -k deoli fit Market Btmt.