I T: i f 3 WILmUGTOH II. C SATURDAY. DECEIIBER 25, 1375. WJIOLS UO. 7.C17 70L. SX1V. HO. 357 Mi iV'ny M H i i MmH : t Ct iailn jlonrnal- OY TCLCCnAPH. IIKnZKGOVlNIA. i lest, Kilned bj MoBtf?rete ' Hp ler Oourtswd 5el:hlor Pro posals Sobmtttnl te Fore l-n Pewers. NEWS IN" GENERAL. Emird iMepts-Flre-The Border-Heir- Clews f Legal Pedsloii Inbenfer Captared. COLD 131-4. lt TBLBOBifH TO TUB iorKSATi.1 CAlIFORNIA. 8a! rAKCpo, DtKJ. 24. Twa mow companies hare been ordered to tbe Sonora line, f a - . " " 1 MASSUHISETTS. ; Boolr,,Dec;, 2.-rHrvard accepts Yale 'a ohalleuge for a eiglit-oated race. IL1IXQI3. Chjaoo, Deo, 24. Eleven important business houses were burned at Bed Oak hut night, Lose $G0,000. Oil 1- ' ' NIWJEKSIT. TBCNTos.Deo. 24. Tha ninety-uiuth annireraaryuTUM battle of Trenton will be celebrated Mpndays ,i - - IIW IOBK. k Ooibva arranged Mith their credi tor aad ua ODUraea a rati awousrtre. la the Henrr S. Bowen. tb. The Brooklyn aglaniaTerdiotf $10. 000 haa been rendered for plaintiff, iimssii. " liiHTEifl, Dea 24. A. Woodward, who abaoonded two years ago with tiftn nno. while actinccaaooantT trnatee, haa been brought back from dan Fran cisoo, and i now in jail. He threaten! to make it warm for others who had a hare iu thejmeiaement. ' r LrouHAPOUfl, Dec 21- Barry Hal loway, anperintendentof the poetoffloe ha been indicted by the grand . jury on the tfrte( orreeefviue: llbr,b? w n" TLfaiori. In conaideration of aeoortifror hint the onlujt for re pairing the maa bage. Halloway hai reaignea ana ucuinu' exanunwion.' ' ' CTBA. TT.riMi. Dpa A careful enaniry at -theoffloejliepoUije nd at the cuatonx bouse, law w oonunu uu mor of 1 toe preeenee of Wm. M. Tweed to HUM eiy. " .It" tv . Deo. 24.- It ia said that the prince of Montenegro baa negotiated million loan which the SolaToniaus be liewe if cuaranteed by Rnerta. TaViVrWaw! borreepondant writes on an :ipiantifo, that .Montemigro ' Biaintama una bihiuub whu mo uu thiftvbw wilt be allowed to interfere in faor of Heiavgoviuia. Ao Mt 9otiniug ? If opoaals from tbrfortnert low6r'to Turkey, is to be aenk to .England France and Italy; with the invitation to join iu , "riEi3. VOk At ttt rM.nra at ScorV. Hill, on . yit.-d.y aiormng, tha Jl'k met. Mrs. M"J u'vatn.1 montbattdtOdaT. ; ' . Tha fanr.lcrmonl will ba froio bw lata MaMen.ia! td-aiottaw ifir-tg. and 'hencs to WW Jtt VKK TH JBJK MUTTS. Jtibt noccivod. T It. ,1 .1 ' Cell aed examine before meaing YfiA?'Selections -MAT fVMWUaaA ''" EVERYTHING n; .f'li 'ill 'Ll ToroltM NO. 27 KOITH r-OMT STrllKT M a W..01d Stand.) titlTltZUW FERTILIZER . WILCOX. GIBBS & CO S. HAfflt'UMTED GUANO. jyhia 0a ! (wv eifred to Farmer and lramreotaiHgrla fcr vBthe ' m .1 i llkaMl irmt tra -Sit Vt i Norember, with option of naylng In o-ntoa at" it Sen fo d Kir 3 at PlaoUr'l eare-tMa Ion, $70 00. - , i .cedlt to tot f Norember, payaole In Am i no. without option, w wi ,'loorde. early nd get if Sneno ; u.l. yea are hauling eotton t marker, to ve "riarttlftnk'aaMyiei, eertlSoatea, ate.. Wilmington, M. 0. -.., W'loo, Gtbb. Oo. ..wavHi n- M'! -y' - -.,,-. eaippina- AJ& 00MMIS3I0N pv prom nt and faithful atUntlaa to burtueK t ui to a.. te eoaadenwnf u puuiio, Cotwlgaeatata rernlly anllciud. . XISCXILISEOI'S. FOR FAIR WEEK' AH' SVKKT OTHKH WRKK IS HE yaar at luwMt pf km. to havers OS rt. end al order. otld at th ru lugprie of th. day thry are raoelTed, thn. fivln c e ,r, K-nlmg o'.l r I ro' t U. fcl, . tf. tbt y wukl T U prawal. Ud Bican In lis. .aii 'Eoits, Dry Salted M.t aidaa, Hhwller., B.il.. and Back. MaatiaTlrrjveorSuali i-aragei BREAKFAST STRIPES. M eee Perk, WeVer Itmnnd Meet, Flrh, 1 acker I, Miillxw, Herrtngt, Ae. 8UQAR. COFFEE. SALT- Mola of II k'nd., SYRUP ALL KINTJ3. Flour ail yu.uei. And ov.r Be lis idled article. fine fancy (iiiocim r'allnrnnle, from . o-wmw of loch tad Froa-KltMii, Wilruiutfi n. H.C. nOTltt Al'KiA n 1 TUUitWi ii -ur- Atkitison & Mann ins. 8)70,000,000 A1. HrprrMnid., . n. Uo. at ham. Aa.rtot .... KhilUchia. Phenil lnarnel'oiopiui....N. York. Oontinonul ImaraiM. t.'o Kw York M. Hritlu . MTDttl Inn.UO..lna n. Hartlard rira In.. l.pn...riatford. Ntiont Ptraln.. HamnanT...lrtt'onl. HprlBifleld f. A 1" o...HohaKH marine. . M. e.ntlla Hatiui lot. cu N. Vara ' In. (Kof Noth AranHoa Phllad i irr. )onntloat Mututl Ui. '. Oa. rtar lab 37t JAME4 O WO' 'PRo. Flan wit, againw Th. WIlmlnntoB Maiiuotur -; Uobii y aua rooms" it. it iodiok bu am wu iLnhKi :f,uintt ki under atoie. h wirtnu. nH in ntimuAttflAof adocrae oftb. Hnparlor Uourt ol n.noter iuii.t, -t in th tan, aniltlrd aotlun. th. anri.r.tfa.4 Refer. i apnolnled Tor llxtpurpuM. Mil. .xikmi. tnr nla.at nnhlle aiifltlon. fiireh, in th. if Mondry In Knhruary th. ltU) n.iit. at 12 "oloct, M , at th. Voatt Hon a rtuor la tha city of llilnfita, taat valuahl.iaal aad pofaooal SrjO"rly aitaatn in I uo out, n nuirj noan trret. th. uronertt of tb. Wilmlniton Maoutantarin( Oomp-ny,' and wall known a. tht "Clur.ndon iron wor,"ronii"nf 01 mi, all Mid vraoilkaa and laiproT.mm' tbarenn, tngetMrarlth th. tnoll, aiu.blnery, Ae., belong. Iko to tha tum utullr m' fi.rth and dswrlhrd in a certain n 01 mnridgi "j "Wl'mlniton Manufacturing Oompany" to Ja. A. whh . uth.lHflS. and recutarad In fn. rwordt of haw Manotar Oounty. In Book W. W., Mil HI. E. B. MAttiin, PscMBher UOth, I8T8. B.ferea. ao2l-S0t ". i ": , . -"v RE-OPnrJinc AT 29 MARKET ST HatrngwH out mj nt'ra Hook ffold goodi AT AUCTION t I um R..3iened at air Old Btand. A freah and w.U-atileotMl a took of DRY GOODS CLOTHING. BOOTS HATS Blioei.nd Ctpn, whirh ( tll will at th. lewert CASH FKIOKS. B.lowf rlra too a few Items with price ana.xad : Best oallooei from To. to 8o, per yard. 1 Brown Cotton Irora 60. to 10. par yd. Good Jaana frtm I u. and apwwila. - rianu.lf and Uotton Flano.li, ry Cbaap. Thanking you all fir jow kind and liberal ptrinK n.retoiore eiao. i rwpioi fully aollcU f oontinuaao nf tha .ama in my n.w buirin.w. Hpectfnlly Toura, GEORGE LEIDER, ' 28 MARKET 8TRBET, OOttA Wllu luj-Um. ko..ti ce. CJTATBj of north iariI;ina., bamp- aON .OOUHTY. 0 W.B.LLRD.. L.r4MT",fc T ( nnearliii! to ths Mtisraclloii nf t I. Court J. a (kiii Uia aftUitTilor . Jixpr. that the attendant hth t. tun rrt birheif ftvra the ouutjrof Jaraiiwir. ami state or Nortn uro. Una, ai d an aniit himll " from th. lame, that Hie snlinary nroi-.eiw of law cannat erred. It l.therefcrni-nlerart tht publl.Vlon b. mad. for fMir wee in tna wilmihotow .innaiiAt.notilTing bi i tli.t u 'low lie repiBTie. tb. property I.Timrupon, bf gl.lng ball bond, and plaed. ar demur, at th. next Term nf th Huiwrlar tloart, to be he'd for the County of Burn peon, on th. tliteenth Monday af'or lb. Vnnil j In Ansaat. 1X15 Indement by def.U't will be .ut.nd aglnt him, and tko proiertr lelf d ou will Dw conaemneu w muhj tbaaaoa. IN tctllroonr wh.reof. I her nnto eat my hand, and affix tb. r al o iitld Court, at ftice In Olloton.tbletb. Hrxtday or Norember, U.1I75. ' . l t,uvuiai'Biini Snprlftr Court of Sumpwn County, IJ. 0 KBBK4KBKK, . Attorney, tor riainoa. 1NOTIOE, 1HK UNnRSlHNHD O't-FB! ' Sfof m na an gaa H viiaji . i iuv vwv gp aa aw ivw w SSSShHS Sale, one or th. otn uuaineaa Nine Hundred n ajinex or laud, ou wi.icb ar. urpeutm boxe. Pruy worked, with ie enanor oi nmun, oi muK young boie or Bound Timber, wltae good Oietlllery ad neoeM.y luiare.. all in runnli.g order. A 8toreMoUSO I'"?'" ling Honee, and all n.o.aoary out houW, lor d Mercantile " 'cTCiuia.iuA third tlnm In Six MoBth,andetiethiw jn nine Moaua KHIII4I " " " " " - . Prmeasion glren January ir. imo. JOHN A. BYRNE & CO. Sural ton H (FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE) MO.eeo.eeo aaaau iteprwaeat Orri0-Cemarlallobang. BaUi ig. nrta Water ftteet' Executor's Notice. iArW-"zr'rrr.zr".,iii7. a ViaiA aMall avt . AKaa VaaMilAf Af IT1H jj-.. " ' r ;. bSe -7 . riTy" Al tbty ii ,rr'S. "Tr ' ,1(I..F roil, icueorru w vm wac-u... mrw " ..,bai. inriyhtannaaaatnnnn. ,. ' ' JoaKPH fBICB, K1W ABVEXTlSXinTS. CHRIOTMAG L'af bat OaM A. Y IU A R 8s pt. cone an4 tf tha Of CarlMaa anl K.w fat' UHlt eoiirt ll i r Ua )( oIM. I , FANCY ARTICLES. T EXCHANOE CORNER. darlt RICE. CHEESE APPLES. ROTTER t , Rarra.a Hilton Mill. Rloa. M ) Boa. Factory lifc.aaa, M "airelr a;plra KTiibtQ. R Butter. " M Hoi. ' arafard'. Braad Praparatloa. M Bote. Oanlt ea Kom. a Boiat FreM PaoskM, Toaiataaa, A. 10 HoieaCamly. lientoa fagu, Bngu and Jyvtar Vrackera, Qlngtr Snara, ftyelwliukt. rr BaJ by ' WIIXIiMi A MITRVHla'lN.X SALT, MOLASSES, BAGGIE TILS. MOQSaokl Ut.rpi jl Bait, leoe Bandla. TUm. , toe Roll Bagging. ' KM Barr.lt . R. and 0 iba XolaaMa, StHogabaadtl B tad Cake MoiataN, If) Boiaa r. B. aad Haioki 1 Baoan. Llttla Rlrar, Lak 0 xf aad Labaaoa "A" Bkaailng. Llttla Rlrar aad Rudolph T.rna. for aal. by WILLIAMS UUtCKISSX the OEf mm in THE CITY )'; ' Tkat Belli O.aalna ff AHIDM A Sill HIS, If th Pioneer On of MU1TS01T & CO., Where they n he foaiid at the lew price of e for d.031 . AID i GOOD TIIIIG. W. rataaetfnlly annonno to tha puMIs and ear patrona uat nieta ara u J aar wnen tbe lnnr man reqnlrc tna gnod thing, or lite, to make him enjoy th Hoi. day. W hare n fltted oar tore a. a. to make it tha HOST ATTRACTIVE PLACE IN TIIK CITTt. lad we bat Goodi ordered e.peelally for tha CHRISHAS TIDE. W Dtiplar among ear lag. ttoek 80 Cm. o OLD WINES Whiskies, Drandlee), Cooktdllai Which we hare had atored away for i w- -n -tr -r-m a ry Q X XI -X2J J- OiiaXl. XV KJ, Antlclpaiinc tbe paaki and M oanMu.nere, we nav. Kept inoMgooa. lorire d.b.bioi our pi Iran, who enjoy ntoe thing, euv we nave b eaiht them oat now to aelp. all other Ltunor. I s amine oar 8 look, aad TRY OUR GOODS. ELEGANT FAMILY SUPPLIES. , Our Celebrated Brand of G. f1. M0IS0GRAS1 FLOUR. Beware of all imttatlene. The 8weet.it and Wbltcat Bread and Bloratl at the rair were mad. from ear Floar. Plum JPuddlnff, Atmoro's Mlnco Meat, New gwect Cider. i butter in m world. Brat Cooking Bnndy and Wine la the Stat. Candle, and Nat. for chrlatmaa Treee. GEORGE MYERS, d.elt HOLIDAY GOODS. ' at tha LIVE BOOK STORE Are tfce inert 1 ' - -Ubt.laableia TheOlty.Theat , on can Sad f . HnUah . ayea, '' enti for Alt. SAINT A CLAUS Haa arrUed and left hi. entire etook, which la now being firm away At HEINSBEEGF.R'S UVK DWI ANIl MUS.CBTOKS. dec19 Ko.se Market Street CHRISTIIA8 GDODS, . I AnnmnJI linVV -EI 1 Hill BT TB Kl K r t-t. Knia. , ie.-ett ki Bodgei I 1111 MFiliH' 1 7n B iinwwiM " R ; r pi ti Folk.. ione. Bui Knrna. A. Bortgnr.' Irorr H.mll. M. aud rounJtlon ln great T- Hot.'' T'o. I , k-. . a . ran be found at the fowoat poaelbl. -r' L w .aiahllahed Hardware I rah prices It m W eauDiiMMa uarawar B.oue.ut '." '.raiw. naarnrtN XIAS SEW ADYIETISEimiS. 107G. FALL AH D WINTER SEASOFJ. lBt Assorted Stock iujthe City now Open at 36 IvjLA.R.ILE'T STREET, BLACK SILKS, The Colobratod Ouinefa Groa OrainB. COLORED SILKS, All the Latest Cloth Shades. 1 ' REAL SILK POPLIJSTS. MERINOS, CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, ud all the latest BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Rpeoialty we hare always sold many goods it is oniy a smau pari oi mo asuorirnxui, M OUR NINC GOODS. ii twrj Ttuietj, Will open on the 8th CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MEN' AND BOYS' WEAR. Greet Hosiers G10VeUroideries, Eveiything is Cheaper than has beenjknown for years. We only require a call tre rnoes ana cttyies No.-Qtt MARKET STREET. CHRIST MAS GOODS!! J L. The only oomplete GOOD CHRI8Tr.1A& PRESENTS In the City. Have also taken part of oiui be loana an ASSORTMENT Ol? FANCY GOODM. CALL AND EXAMINE. d a. surra & co.. 4H FroDt Street. deelS lluij Cm warrwft sr a jm si taw jt at l ItyiaVaaUUKi A-VSI4B SOMlSTtllNO NICE. 150 DUNCHE8 CELERY. Jtut In by Railroad to-day. CURTIS A BOATWRIGHT. ' Kew Otleane. guaranteed pare. Cuba, Demarara, Bug r Houae. FLOU IH. 1,000 Barrel all gral.r. Sugar, ' ' ' nana, tArffee, SpllMI, ' Broom, -, Uandr, ' flnnff. cracker., And .T.ry'hlngln the ooery line, which we guarance., ar wimi buin pneaa. norfr. BINFORD, CROWACO cheap 8 rove uoujsE j. a. dump & co, t, W Pratt Street, Baltimore Ji' C03XIM0 tTOVEI. ILLUMINATION ruBNicct, mm y m. turn a - SF BKyea rayairaO. . , : , AerW ......... n;Ll;;HEAR! HEAR! I -II UVVUIIIUi .V .llKBTI.WVT. a r .i'Uo nr . . -A. Novelties in n so many iml so low, that among so another Lot of thono oueap Henrietta Line of - White Goods. m urn i.VIV win ao me Boning. assortment of r store corner Fri noons and Front, where 1 CHANCE FOB A GOOD INVESTMENT. We will tell for . CASH. ) SO Shares of the Wilmington Cot ton Mill Stock.- , , Th Mill, are now In operation, and the in reatment will pty well, Tor urther Informs. tiou apply ft D. A. SMITH Jb CO., d.cl8 No. 48 North front Htreet. Flour and Ileal A NI MIXKO FEED. Oar-bad il on short notion. Oram bought . U itarket price. Addrow, jiAKuorrr mti inn., or M iiiil i, Inn.tf H. 0. OELlilEY AND CAULIFLOWER A T.ry fine lot for Mle at , , 0. H. W. BUNfiE'H. dec! LO ST A PAIR Of ETR.nLA8E", with Oan and brok.n caard loop. X'he finder wll rec.elTfl a .ult.b.e reward by learln. them at tbUotnoe. on SELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL HlLLSnORO', N. C T HR TIHRTT-rOUUTH E!lsl(J of Ih. Bf laiee Na.h m Korec.'.aonool wuiopon FRIDAY, FEB, 4 1876, Boaid aadTalUo aoed to $ i08. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. -0- BKOWN & RODDIOK, -45, -WT MARK3ST STREET. Are U'iw iu the fluod tide of their HOLIDAY TRADE. NEVER NEVER Never before sinco their oommonc-emrnt hare they been able to preaenl SUCH to tLoir CuslomorB. Large and Elegaut lines of nnfIHlh.flh Boiug added to their fitook daily at QUE AT DISC0TJNT8 from LAST YEAH'3 . IT - t:. ii,... P... In Tt7i1mIn(Tf,n Tn . . antioipatlon n HIUSTMAS TRADE We haye opened the adjoinlnjf store, atiHortmi-nt or rjoosonauie novelties HOL I DAY:- DF u FANCY GOODS, T0I8, MlbHAL INSTltl BTANDAUD UOOkS, I'lCTOUIAl BOOKS, VELOCIPEDES TOILET BETS VASES, (AMES, CANARY BIRDS, BKACK WALMT BKACKETS. EruS, HAMMOCKS, MIRRORS, . And many other articles too numerous to mention : GREAT SENSATION III JEWELRY U WHO SAYS AVE Wo invite speoial attontion to our line of CELLULOID, LEIISDIC, CAMEO, PLAIN GOLD SBT3 At rrioos 61 13 Remember the Patron will do well to make fheir selootions and atold the rush. EirUF.88 AND TELECIt VVII ORDERS Will REvIIVE PROMPT UTIIfTISJ. BROWN & RODDICK. 45, 47 Market Street. di-M iMiMit;riu -ALE AND PORTER. BLOOD, rVOOLf A CO '8 lfSO Ciinoh,0 Do',Kaeh at "' " S 1 1.50 PER CASE. VICK A MEBANK, d.nai-tf : FOR XMAS. I hare had a-lot of MINCEM EATS, Prepared efpoclally FOR MY CITY CUSTOMERS, Wlilch will be : . FOUND SUPERIOR TO ANY Ever onr.l In thie jM.ajkut. For Mle at my DV'reou HECOND HTUKET. Where will be found a carefully MlecUd lck PRICES MODERATE. . ISAAC N.CARR, dei,43tf AuKNT. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WIVES, . FRIEND8, PARENTS. CHILDREN, SWEETHEART CHRISTMAS - GOODS NCRicyiCptaniM;;; Mow Open for Intpeetlon at ( C.Wr YATES" DOOKGTOaE deol. ' ' .61 Mtlit8treU ! 1 NEVER I I I B1KGAIIS of the r I . 47 MARKET STREET, with a ohoioe ana a variety oi anioiea suivaoie 101 o MKTS, FLATKD VTA EI, JKWXLKI STOLE THEfl? ranging from Little folks. mm. mm. 300 toll. Bagging. 300 H Koll. Hanging. ' 'or tale by ) '' ' KEUORMEH A CALDE& BEOS. in 7t a, saw via 100 Boea Fire Oraekere. ' For8aleby KEHCflNKR AOAI.DEBBBOS. COFFEE AIID SUGAR. 200 Sack. Coffee. BOHawandKeflned tngars. For Bale by K EKCHN ER ft 0 ALDEBJBBOS. -' BACON. BACON. C"C 01 70 Boxe. U.S. Sides. - 28 Boxe. Smoked Bides. ,,,, 20 Boxe.1). B SUealdere. BO Barrels Pork. , , For Sale by .... t , ., , KEROHNER A OALnBA B'lOS , , der3 North Carolina Dcrio Insuranco Co. ! THIS Company eon tin to wriaa roiioiaa fair rate., oo all elan of Innuablepre arty All lowae promptly paid. . Knooarag. Home in.ututi.nf, B. H. Battle, PreeldentiSaaU- raja,8oTa- lUt" ' fHIBSOM A IASIS:3, ir"i Be1 nd Whli. Aih. Iirl pn . tcrwnr l d Tree from d-rt. " , . M. P - ' ' .; r-" TflCStioa t, Water Ht,t(v 1 1 i . wjiawj. Wilmington N. C- ' ,! i .1 ii