nftT --'-n n nTTTTTTTflTnil. ri ft. TUESDAY, DECEtlBER 23. 1875, V7a013 EO-7.C13, V If 1L -TV a M. W m VI VWV ' - " I "T . 0 : ;htl ficiirnal. cold.3... KT ttlittlRAt'H TO TOT lOCBBAti. "LIJLi1!5! CEElES iFFLES. EQTTEH. MONDAY and TUKSDAY CHiOAoo.-Deo. S3. The Tiuie has information that District-Attorns j Banga has rwiTrd instructions from Washington to W ietits under indictment hereof At IefrandiDfr the Gore foment ( to. plwerl ; guilty. Ul1 wtive their Imnloiutj ft6m the peni Wahjsgto!. Dc- M -The Bigual BerT.oe offloer at Handy Hook reports that the berk ' reported whore this joroing ie the Ootoa, -Cap-alu. Ht .i ... nu i mi t An it. for New Vnrh Sh iii ou a ttoue itlv He aleo report lb Uu achoouer Kte Ronfmell reported Behwe on the !Ch, 1b on era ia ow i mo v-":-o steamer Sacaniane. - No meeting f the cabinet to dy, tod unleas something eptolal occurs, there will I eon this wees. . . The, retiroiaeot of tiMO legal tender na been drilerdtnaooountof the National Bank circulation iaeued during the month. The outntauding legal tender now ready are $372,000, 000. .'tiUj- 'l.'S'!;;'' Theodore M. Vale will anoceed Col. Bang a Superintendent of the Rail way Mail Berrio Bangs' resignation take effect ta February. OPERA HOUSE. , 1UIUT8 FAYOEITE AETISTS I lh Peerleee ComeJtenne end Vocall Hiss ICatio Putnam and bii' mum mm corai. Al.fcX. OA I Hoi N, Ht;r.'l.i.liAi. lr.otnr. MONDAY EVENING JIN, 3d. Vocmuu uf Wum. Dickwn' Uie.t cr tiuu. lha "Old Curiosity Shop 1" .aSSSja: KiTlE fUMUM. ov. I - i - uui .!. lUi wiU..ui;. TObSDAY EVENliiQ JAU. 4th Ilia BotulUul lrDil.u ry ; U Hun t Hilton MUH He, n Krrla Arp'" ATnkaa. K BntUr. , m W Bum arffurd' Brl rfrlu u Hairs Oftnll 8f Fo. ' 1 Mi l'ml y. 1..... ftnA InU lrA'k1k f 1 : , i ' OHu Boit rn. Mala bl WIIXIAMN CCHION. SULT, POUSSES.. BHm till KJ)toV Umol Bait. 1HM BbBitlM TUK. -at Roll Ilrit. , '' i BirM H at t MotoM. n lUiaiibudi 1 R M 0ka Moil im Biuaa v. H. ml Knotcd Haoon. UWIIg. UUI' Ut and RB lolr Tarat. WILLI1US A UUICHISSI. 107C KXW APTKTISIlim. FALL AUD WlfJTER SEASON. Deak Aaaorted StooVliuithe City now Qpi l , ; ; 3. !IwZ1b CnLcs FOR FA IE WEEK I a N STKHT Ul'MKM M ' 36 MARKET STREET, BLACK SIL.KS, n JTbe Celebrated Quinet'a Oroe Oraiua. COLORED SI LijCS, All the Latcat Cloth Shadee.1 ' r ' REAL SILK POPLINS. MERINOS. CASSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, ' Fanchon, the Cricket I fAtU,UBMM' Ue. MISS KATIE PUTWUNI. RiiPAKicumisfKoaAMMss. smoici Bacon Is Im n ms, HI .r ai inMt ackata to barw on h Hart.BU,taUontnllU4at ihtM h( prMt ef iki. tk. ara railTd. thM flTin simc a- .naiilllKltfil rt llrlllUtbHIMlt - I tg tfc. J waaia nar 11 pnni. Aud all the Latent Novvltiei in GD C3nxr)cQ CALL AJJD INVESTIGATE- BROWN'-& RODDICK, 'W, J-T MARKET STREET. Are U4w iu the fWd tido oftboir ' ' ' HOLIDAY TRADE. -o - I1EVER ! NEVER.! 1 I1EVER Ml Never boforo lnoc ' their wwmwiwal hava they locu able to present mm umkim o.l...lllaaU ut- ....j ....h.Li,lil. WUwl 'Hiwmi wwa-i Utiutbcia'l'l Book ttiore. - 9'SIW I0BI. Utica, To 2a Mary Davis, upon who evidence Loduoie, Fraditnberg and ht oa wreo6deind to death, td die on the 31st for mtirdering an aged cripple Bh confeeaea that abe wore falxelyat the tria.1. She aud her grandmother, Mrs. Fredenberg, oommittedthe murtler. . . TVu OS Frank Mftlll- Bimit ivu, - ton has instituted auit against Hemy Ward ueeoner ior mmo i The oomplainaot sets forth a malioiona proaeontion. Mrs. Tilton will be a A special to the Uerald from London ays the officials in Madrid having re- - lUBVU ju if n.w, f"--- e patch, it waa txanwnittod to this city fi. .fin-mniiTn' There are . indioatlotis tf tbe tear tdvent ofa se Hintnmtio comDlioation. There is atrange rumor' afloat in trnatwor whinh alleires the near ad MIJ uniw. - , - ' i I' j intarrAntion in Tern w . - Cuba. ,Thenj.tionB which may ooalesoe m i -J. ... iwt named. ! The ior fta w - . , , , TJoited Btatee Oovemmaut u probably nf the fact, as I am augured that lengthy1 i.tpk&? tojMutm i Y . W. X Jl ...Mil l.aVi rw rjaaaiitsr Between aiaunu mu ""o ' ton. ' ' ti'ra ' v4 i ! ' tj TVmat.ta ilMiidM thatthe TOO , . uug imp"-.- - ----- ogniaaucea of Tweed's bail on seven Teoeni lnuioiiueuva iui imu; -- -feitel.---.-, PA4 AX-lsJ, UnporttHl, VINTACB. Uai-d oiaj aour Hull , rruv WiVln Hi a S r ATK. BLUE CRASS KENTUCKY CB.NI t OLD JAMAOA RUM. 1 I. RAMSEY SCOTCH -i WHISKEY. A broken rail Ihiew the train on the t. nni rvntral .Railroad off the track. Two Pullman and one paaeen wr car were thrown down an embank mant. NooekiUed. Several seriom- i I L MinhnantA from OillCin X LIU lBBAAAVa , nati to Memphis struok ft Dnag- forty ' milet Bboro: the lsttei place. She filled n4 tornedoverin fewmlnnteB. No lives loet.1 ' , ' JUwUjX.Creubaw,,of Eiobmond, J.-J .na Fft a i . n.rt lli hnainof a portion rf lpf,TUxlaJi,hai;been destroyed by i '. ... -- .'. , it ,,- - " EXGUID. " s ' . . ' t-. tw 2R The J1meprives prominent to tbe.following: "We are . a Mi M anrMhnrate the eon- - tradiotion ol ,Uo tatement that Spain ! . v,a nWiiratinn. of neU- toality by -anlisUug Italians for the' army in uuoa. ., " A Paris diaper "J l,IMn I,abella ha tb measlee. - . j;iIadiid''dipfttob oonflrms the death of JJCtvoos ftoltllo: m'Pal ys yes a..j.. iwin. th Pone'a namedav.there was hi to v"v 11 ban " The membefs of the Ppal aUff nd' their oommandiooffloers received the Pontincai coneaioMoa f iiaww-'i?fc1S9WC3SHWBsw lr BklMd M.t SI-, HhoiiliUra, BnllM Aad Baoka. Muai lu l wrwa wr vwaii r k' t-t rn to their CuHtotncr-. Lnrgo aud Elegatt lines of 1 la BREAKFAST STRIPES, BLACK ALPAGAS, Km for, w.tor 8iane Htal, Jtaft, I aekaf I, BUIWUi nwruif at. Ibuoar. coffik. Malum of Ukiadt, SYRUP ! AH SQID3; aS.rWWI mjmiwa..5(i And orar l kandiwi (rtlolea X Bm FANCY GROCKP That nsnal Hpeoialty we have always sold so many and so low, that among so I m fan I 1 . la I- a Mall riir rf (ha. UUnrlllllUlt. lTl(Xs, sua Aiower .iku' u"m .. . . ; . anticipation of the CHRISTMAS TRADE ma ii on i n n n. n o n R i a a . ; - - i . 1 . I "... .. . , 1 . inniiTlfflWOTTlfiCT with nlinloft t i I : ! i ? i r. f ' - : . i . ur. ! nnenml t ie BOjuiuing aiore, i ""-." ,:'7. . 1 t J ' mr.ii .n An u.A nth anntlmr Trfit nf those ohivao Meurieiift si r r. u Li.. w...Hi. .ml a varlotv or articles uuroio ior ' n wvwry Tarw;. ' wvu v - i AHHUrilui'Ul ui oouui.ui - .. . ru.. ir . "j t.;. W.Vn I Cltotardrf fjjat.wa. CLO ASS A1TD SHAWLS. T.I il I CINOI R ALE. LACER BIKR- NEW CIDER 50 MB ASSORTED CR1CKERS1 Jennv Lund. Hio naw- Boston's Snap' , lemoni Hand Made Butter. - Beuts. With a full Adortm'Bt of Imported CKACKEUSi t xtreiD4r w ptie a 0E0RC3E11YEUS, 11 t 13 SOUTH FRONT TRIBT, Just Received. Gall kd auealct aIOra maaiDg , f . Yotju?, Selections Gloves Toa will And , To inlt at RO.y NORTH MOMT STREET 4. rxUTa'aOWSWad.) dtc MEN" AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Line of Embroideries, White Goods. H.LIA;V on f im GOODS, T0T8. miNICAt' 1SSTUIIM15ST8. PLATED WARE, JK JEtttt Mill WVirat ..., urini'Hirnro TllfTfT BfTS. STANDARD BOOKS, ''i-1 "V. i . .riT,,,,, Li'l nn irrV-ra " RIGS, HAMMOCKS, MIRRORS, . . ; ' Aui many other arliolos too numerous to moutlon GEE AT SENSATION III JEWELRY,!!! STAPLE Al FANCY HOODS, NOTION, TO Everything is Cheaper than has been.known for years. We only requiro bosh 1 II. tai J ui-U. ;il ,1a i, A an imrv . VJHO SMS VJE STOLE TtlEl ? We invite special attention to our line of iVb doz: gold iEEPS'f 1KSI PAETLT HIDE WAmuT r AiSfflivrs, -'rt'etluo4,onlf i' n - nil! for GG.OO. Q lr? AX ,.n m.. For Nw Years PrsssiUi LIVE BOOK STORE J bet JOU will nuu ma naicKi ikumi ISeautiiVl Ac Cheap. VISITING CARDS 11 KTiri na imn DDiurrn to nwDER u bMUiiit;l. At HEINSBERQKR'S UVI BOOK ABO MUSIC Bl'ORB. 40018' Bo. 39 Market StiMt. llA8QtIER4DE SUITS FroHU Candy, 1 5;; FRUITS. FOREIGN . AUD .DOMESTIC PEACH, APPM WWCfi BITTER GrtT A V A lELLYf PRESERVES. ' - CAN COOD8 AND PICKELS. CURTIS & BOATWRIGHT. Classical and ttataetical ScW. OXFORD. N. C. k 1 r(- J. H. HOMER Bd T. J. J ORSIR, rtrndpaii. ' ' , . hi. knn. at fJl- fb"; "c Tliad I will te. MBaal there the lan Mona.f in uanu-.j T i, Uer U1 be -cl.t1 with bin iT,T.;Se.mV.OT . ..tia, good i Itloa, aieiae'" . IAH.M .- rue QllWU. W. V.. '', " - j tthTC DOWELL'S WRITING INK. COPTlBl rmiut' oiDHIHB INK. ' MUCILAGE. Jut received Mtet fiem tbe Faotoiy. Worth FM.t 8trwU; .:,:dl. . 0,, aa. , '. L . . i i , -i i , . tief Orleani-irajited pore. , Onbai DeBir.r, if i SALE OF at t i CELLULOID mm At Triocs ranging from is SETTLE I T ARB DIITIIB0TI51 L L L Z- i in ii j i- x M. CRONLT7uetloneor. OHPflSTMAS GOODb . NMawM : I . j- V if i --'-4 tm . t. ' ... z I . a- : A- .1- : 1- bt . ' T " ?""td V Th only amplote MMKirtiiioufr ol rrr; 1 CHFH.1&SIS: "good CHRISTMAG PRESEHTO III r.i tnen eii boaM laef treat."; i i - - r i iii Mii tritaanM nrn for the DarfMee ML! IM MW..B weM elite ef Tblrd betwden N esd Ubarob of Mt r Latent a dtotrtbitloa of Jama, ato:eiT tftta f Jama, ato:elT That boaM ri lot lilt, aBawwJd aaoa the nr.i. . .. . . . i .Li. .mmma mUMM .DOB WrcntTMie eouno, onmn w , The well am M-tt al.tii'k.n Mth of ana ujoininw. iiii-ifi-i r i . i a In the City. Dave also taken part of store cornor rrincess aud Front, whero oan be found an A8SORTM E NT OIT FAN OY GOODS. CALL AND EXAMINE. , Remember . a mile and a bf d Mnwl.iai B aoree I Wunv vpvaai wttt! jfiu I). W. OLDHAM, heavily timbered wlta wbr I hb at te m. i Kieentor, 1 deolB I "D A. SniTHACO j u 3 Front t Street, His llic Little Foils. LT.Ijm will do well to mnka their soleotions ami avoid tha rnsh. . . EIl'RESS AND TELEGRAPH ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTESTIOS. BHoi?TTT & UODBICK. 45,47 Harket Street. ABJD GOOD THIGW. We reppeotfnllr annwinee to the pnbllo and nor natron, ir.i inf. "-.t . the Inner men reonline tie good tlilnge ... . k..Vl m.Iu Ih.n.l.. I me, ma.. "' wn . dan. We bar. re-fitted oar lj, etc re io aa te e n 14 Sfri. .i irti ' owl iju. CllRISTllASPRESEIITS far s l'"" " .1.1. wrlnaa. I!-nlr wiontniy evu.ue? a .'Oiora. BT order of the fr.irtdent. ...uu n iriuu Uaa Bm'v. Sa(ar Malta. jeffeej pluea, " , . , . preoml Hi Oandf, - i Siialf ' raiktri. An1 Arrv'BIt In " !!" f hl' i" A,urne. .f KrwM merbt prtrea.- ' J novT Bisru1'iv''v" MOST ATTRACHYE PLACE ,1I!1N 'TIIIC ClXf e A ad we have cwodeereerad eeoeelally ret the r CHRISIIA8 TIDE.. We Pleily oa large foot 80 Ceaeeo. OLD WINES Vhiklesit ' BrtUidiea). Cocktails, EL7NOHE S. I - WMtt we have bed etored away far NINE YE1AKS. Abtlclpetlnl the lB' d J 11 J"!' e IbaVe kept theee oode ft Ike beweSt of , one ttroo who enjoy aloe thlnte, and we eav brooeht them oot now o ' m Ipm all other lAnaere. a amme eat Stoca, art - ; TRY OUR GOODS. 1 ' fix Malaliealail flnHMt f ' ' gju.i:o:.s:a!1 Fiona. Bewera of all mllatle-e. Taa auu Dw . ... . ti i . . . ih. Vat. W Bit"" ljran. .""" were r.ade freat ear rieat. f plum PiMldlnir, 1 T,-.a- N ow gvree Cider. ml EST EUTTER 0 THE WOELD. BratUooklM Br.r,d ud Wle I" gauillt , nd I" nriwmiw adeaA WIVES. FRIENDS, PARENTS, ; , , , CHILDREN. . .! , . r ,i 1 ! SWEETHEART) CHElSTOAS 'GOODS Hew.'RicH, Eleiant and UscM Now Open for Inepeotloa at CeVvYATES' BOOK 8T0AE iteoft I Market Htreet CUE4P 6X0VR HOUSE J. 1 TJ10P & CO. U W fratt Bttaet, Ba.t more1 PARLOR HEATERS. o ; CS3XIK3 ST0VES ; - - " ULUMINATIOH FUHE&CES. R ANDES AND ORATES T NtoTee r.pelred-d r a HEAR ! HEAR! i ,; IT d It H'A ,,; 1 CHASCE FOR A GOOD IXVESTMEXT. We will roll lor O ASH. BO Shares of the Wllmlnton Cot ton Mills Stock. mk. 1 M . ... In .. ... r 1. 1 1 1 1 TI .fill 111. 1 Tt . Ill- mum a., iiv- .i wi. Teitmentwllla.vwell. Jf'W urlhor Inform. tion apply to . 1 ' D. A. SMITn A vU., decl8 Ne.4IHeitb rrvnt Htre t CHRICTHAO ' Oomee bat Onoe ' ' ' A Y E A. R . Bo pleiee eoat" aaa eeo in. Of OhrUtmu ant Mew Year's Qoodi, ooaeltt. In of taa lateet noreltlee in FAIICY ARTICLES. j A t-JI A A. A, - - 4Jfc laAi JA A O wisi.;-TPYeV?jEir. EICniANQE CORNER. ' IMI'OIITKD ' J ALE: AND PORTER. BLOOD. WOOLF A CO '8 illtfllATlD 1IMND, OOO Kell. (Untlnui 300 H 1 UMIIa'US. ror rale by . RRKOHNRIt A CAT.DKB BB08. et Fire Grackers.Fire Crackers $11.50 PER CASE. V1CK A MEBANC, den-tf Flour and Meal NO MIX.RU FKRIK Oar-b Ail . on ehort notice. Oram bought i l ' Market price. Addre., wlAwuvav v.. i (II- tl lnlti, (nnetf A tu a .RE-OPENING' AT 29 MABKETST lUflt'g ion oot my entire- touk of old guxl AT AUCTION I ? ; . I hn.e KeP-ned at my Old tnd A frwh 1 n" .,1,1 woll-ecluoted Stock of , DRY GOODS CLOTHING. BOOTS HATS ftaewt .ail (Jl-. ' ? ?:,I!t.h0. f 1 IMinirl WIH I'MWi. mm- . Bflt ijillfi) from To. to So, Pr yM.' ru'wn )"" trom flHfl' f" 10e- y1- flltnUBW WOlton r iiiiivi, . - CELERY AND CAULIFLOWER ted A .r fine lot for eale at , 0. H. W. KTJRflB'H. SELECT B0M1ASD DAY SCHOOL MiLLSDORO. W.C T HR THIBTT-fOaKTH BKSSlONof Hie Miewe liaeh Kol oo.'tBobool will open FRIDAY, FEB. 4 1876. Board fjn Taltlo nnM tl PP.. deeH . a M.J-U amiI ninlUMM AwVBlrtlMf "HVtr 'PICTORIAL BIBLES lA.J.HQLIf AN at CO. 7 ,, r. .,..,(i. I. "I 100 Boxm fire Oraokere, ' .f.u.;.-- . ' 1 ' - --;.! '. Si ' Cut .r l .: Fur Bale by KKKJHNKIt OALDKB BB08., GOFFEF AND SUGAR. 200 8o"(''ull'l"' (JO Haw ami Hfllueil Bugur,. I Bikl'y ; . KKllOUNKIt A OAUUEtllUltOS. BACON. BACON. BACON. 701fc l). B. S Idee. , 25 Biixe.Hiuoked Siilo". 25 Boies 1). 8 SheuUlere. 50 Barrels Patk. Th.iikln. yon all f.r ynur kind and liberal I r Sale by .....y hei-etolor. extoBiled. I renwe. .. T ii. - it. . nanm! nf tbe same tuny n..-" .,-. iu iuy iiv- ' BictiuUy Yours, .... Willi Inirioti. ovivi donS KKROHNER .1 OALOEA IIRCB North Carolina Home Insurance Co . .. ..K,.h. k ib. ailAll rail ra,tt.,oi) ulloUof IniimrftbU pro F.TecutOi's Notice,! 'T'.ll"llfi?JSimMra . arty 'A" promput 110. R, H. BtuJtrrHnBiri;'s,s,iii-iBwt H l.te wlll .nd tetamntof the . Mra aXBUKBUB 11 "J" .... . ..TI. h,.h. rl.n to all perenn. ' w n nnderelgned .lent, u PT" - .f rw.k. 181. rVwIl be Starred or areootery. A H per. II,1T wiii o." . ,UMllin ... notllial to Hn. iimeni." - - pa, their inaenieauw. .--- -HI(,Ei imh .una. -, ; l'" d Pl8 l.wBw ' -i I MANNING) ...... : iir LOST ..ui v ii iimto villi Cane, A .r ? Th. finder will .y:;.Vi-ia bj UMIU tbem at I' I. 'i Ti I Red and WhU. W. l..Ure.l pri ". ' n;rf eod ana ire. irora , New Locbtlsa S. It. guflfl w. ,