4 Or'' : fijj', hrr$ ,-i ) v i lur rnili M i m -V- 5C V V ?ol xxiv. no. soo unimiGTOiT, n. c. Thursday, deceuber 3o. 1875. 7hol2 i;o. 7.CID 5IW iDTERTISESnTS. D Y cTQ. L ECH A P H V . NEWS IN" QpNERAL, Rev. Hcnrr Bothtm-folic i States and Cuba -Fire near louford lore Trouble 1b Mississippi-, ' - lore 4 Lies lsre Federal Interference -8prnUi Troubles- 0 0 LP 131-8. lit TEIiKQBAf B TO IHliOt'BSAL. JlifATOX. ,Tiijworos, .Dec SU-TIm 061 nf internal ReTouue Sliaui-u t Junknon. Miaa.. teleffrapha to nf li.trnal Kevenno tlihiiepulyKW B. Redmond, had f ... VI.. ..It..... unit hjiniLi tod from 0"mutj to county in hit. di vision, wli.te diohrii)g his official duty, by armd bodies, who publicly defy the authority or tuo Uintciatau ..f ll,..tn' tf nwt-it. If lli-dmoli otnnot discharge hia duties without Unitary intOTierenoe, iu mo mo n iheDremia. In. ply, the Ooniniis influr tlf.oraihed: "Is Your tviu tee notiitite of - lWdmond a rurtuit tv mrmcA twviilMI 1 HW UttUUUUS SN tbey and bow largo fore do you re quire T To this, ' Colleotor Shaug h BasflJ replied by telegraph: "Tha eri itunnii ia rvnaitiva. Redmond la DOtl fled by the Mayor of Summit, l ike oounty, to leae at onoe aa be aud the - . - -.11 Aiilil nnfc irntt him Thrarmed bodlea, numbering from 50 ot 75, assert tuat no oanDoi remain in the division. A commissioned offioer . nd 25 aoldiera, if atatioued t Liberty, . Amite county, and instructed to sup- . . . . . a Alt ai. porHuqUor mry oy offn4in partiea are arretted, would Do ' SUlllOlOlli; cay mi An nrt oald aooomoftuT him on i inn through the" . bad ooUntiea and Iia4 good efftjot. I . i i ti.a n.in in th oam weretranaoii! tad to neindenOranl, who directed je military oinoor commiuuiug tun no partment of the Bouth, to furniHh a aufjloient foroe of cavalry to enable the proper offioer to collect the rev v enue. - . " WI0BI. NkwTobic, Deo. 29. Ee. Henry Bothem, better known aa Father Both, am, Uia oldeat sraaoher of the Methoa dial eburou in thla odaotry and proba bly the oldest clergyman in the world, di'xl y wterday t the house of his irranddangbter, near Riobmond, Htat en Ialatd. On the 8th of last June, the one hundredth anniversary of his .birth" wtf elebrated at Jeraey (My by tha'Newark Conference, when Father Bothem submitted an outline of his own life1 and laboiain the Methodist ohuroh, nd addresses were made by otnef lew-' Th8 excitement of the oooasion prostraied him and though he rallied, ho was again seized with . 411neaon the 12th of thia raouth while attempting V preach- in the village ohurou at Richmond, Staten Island. Ha waa born in Lanoaater oounty, Pa. - He joined: Ibe Methodist church in 1797 "He 'aerVtid' ia the' ministry in reanajlTania, Delaware and Maryland and was the , travelling companion of Biflhop Aabury. For more than thirty Sears Father Bothem has been in the few Jeraey Conference and as early aa 1842, waa n the liatof aupernumerary ' preachera. He waa buried on Friday. A Bpecial from Vienna to the Herald saya the Sfcretary of State of the United, Statea has transmitted to every European Qovernment,a circnlar dated fal Washington; asking an expression of vit we of each foreign executive ia ""regard to the question of Amei ioan in tervention in Cuba. The object of the , A.8tt4osfl oabjoet mloistf-r ia (he ob Uiniug of data to be used in the prep A aratiou of Freeident Grant's aupple mentarv measaga to Congress. All the ' foreign governments have replied sat isfactorily. England is reaUy to en dorse the intervention movt-ment at ..t mnmnnt. The other nations express their willingness to support iniative. Auditor Thayer, of New York, has i been suspended. Jjodioia Fredenburg and her son . have bees respited. Nathaniel Carr, a Boston mercbnnt, took put box oontaiuiQg $50,000 ' worth of bonds and papers from the sfe deposit vaulta at the Blackstone National Bank, and whilo examining its contents, his attention was called off by atrangera and the box waa stolon. ( $7,000 were ngotioable papers. The . lestoan be replaced. The new bark Stonewall Jackson ar " rived at Norfolk from Boston. A large erowd turned ont, and the Light Ar tillery Blues saluted her. She was vwited by many prominent oitisens. A 'haeteamjhfp Ameriqne, disabled. Sa$ bon Wwad into Havre for repairs. Is i t i d hi i' i ' a : - J4rnn), ippo.- W. A special says , '" s t Count Punonraslro. is new in 0-i.J tEgae4 in the offloial duty of - arring (or the return of ex-Queen I&beiia to Spain. King Alfonzo op rase tie will of the mitiatry in this ri."r. He defies the cabinet, de Jl r n Caatthe mibisturs may resign, but that" his mother mndt have an ay- liiJ ia fpain. . Her residence is to be iti Valladollid, for xeason that Madrid ' ia not considered a safe place for her. Jt is now believed that teis serious is- i l r a forced on Aitonzo by is- - r. i .1 1 . ill 1. -. J I i. fcLit ine TfWUlia wm ur mini uia- t4trous. The Spanish army will be CiviiJd M once if the ex-Queen tnkos any port in the direction as counsel of tU ;;-..tel aCT-ira Isaballn'a return wi'.l even oanse the loss of Bonor 8a gau.a to tLe Royalist. HEW HiMrSBIKE. Ookoobd, Deo. 29. A Terkin's bn in PitthfielJ, with 8 oien, 8 oown, 3 horses, s nn tuber of bogs aud 125 tout of hy, was burned. gUMuGSawMMBaaaam - i:w j n rtm Tin cm a.rriv. O AUD. I TAKE THIS MXI HUDTO Mc'TlFY MT iu Sall.uoi nU lumuf to ftUuluit w. U. to ooB lurl a tpnorl ioi bi'miiod buiii.f. 1 tblok I wlU b ahl 10 comn-Dc. on or ao . tli. until of Jm n.r 1 hnklo' pi t Urura, nop w Klt in lew ur pinu. J. M. U..A8l lJf. dtcl) The 1 53d Session Of tli it Will begin on tli. Srrt lbnrl. In .liww; anil rn 1 tb tlr.t Tburx-iaji In June. l74. i'lix (;o.l(K .tlrti ! v.hi d own STMillfler enl oour ot t1?. TU in'ra.rr .Mil git "IWum lo tha nwI'M) tMlnniT of I'lntbing an t tirhMg) wii i , iri)nj f ;io u$:S". 1HRI,KM I'HUI.IP'. lh.limn. EVERYDAY latbeVur 18 70 W x).t to raosif- -n 'Id to our ilwaT.lall Bacoa In lib. and Boils. Or? 8ltwl Met lldrt. ShouUl.r., Bolki. and BREAKFAST STEIPS, Mm Pork, vter (Iround M'l, KUU, a acker BUQAR, COFFEE, . SALT- Mfllam.. or II kind., SYRUP ALL KINDS, riouro an vnniiuea And ever At hundred krtiolw at Boa FANCY GKOOEItlES, ('allor onlrr from of, oinier or Dock and rnint NtreeU, Wllrulnui' n, N. 0. norm aukian a ViLLKK1. SALT SALT SALT 60G 8aokialt. for mI by KEKOHNErl A OAl.OIH BB08. B 60 Boxoi D. 8. rilde. and Bboaldera. 40 Koxm Smoked Stile. OO Barrel. Pork. ' -20 Tl.roe Klce. Foi Sale by KKKCHNER A OAI.DKA BEOS. 280 HwreUeugu Houw MolaMaaa, (JO Hbd Sugr Bouse MoIumi". 1 20 Hbdf and Bbli Cuba Molarwea. 00 Punchsom and Bhli Damorara Mol'n 28 HblaNewOrleaniMolauc. For Bala by KRROHNER AW.BER1IBOJ. dee d- 175 Doz. SOLD BY MU1OT& CO., Or ti e Celebrated KEEPS PATENT PARTLY MADE VAMSUTSA SIIIHTS, Price reduced, nnly SIX for S6,OQ. Cheaper lian the material cau bought at tba 8tre. Send order, (hi 21 NORTH FRONT St- RICE, CHEESE APPLES. BUTTER. t Barren H, Hon Mllln hVoe. 1U0 Boxm FaetOTj Oh.AM. DO llarrel. Applet, M Tub. O.K. ButUr. SO Roxea tioraford'. Bread Preparation. 50 Boxen Oanti Sea Foam. IS) Box. Freeh Peaobet, Toraatoee, Aa. IN Boxea Oandy. , , Lemon Sugar, Sugar and Oyfttmr Cracker, " Ginger Snap., Baekwbeab For Sale by WILLIAMS AMUBCHI80N. SALT. MOLASSES. BAGGINQ. TIES. 4000 Sack. LWerpcol Salt. . t300 Bundle. Tin. A Bolla Bagging. v ,i ' KO Barrel 8. H. and 0 iba Motame. M Uogahead.8. U. and Uuba Molwaea. ISO Boe. P. H. and Hmokcd Baoon. I.lttle KtTer, Lake Oeorg. and Labauoa "A" Hheet'ng. " Uttla Blrer and Randolph Tarn.. Fot aaiaby . , i WlllliMX A MUBCH1S0N. decl9 . , ...... Red and Whit A'hi Dellmed proaaptly, acreenea ana rree irom am, or . TAKSliBY t). New Location 8. Water Ht., foot oforanae. B O AED.' PO GENTLKMKN DAN OHTilN T pleamnt roome, wltk tmaid. dettrably liKiird la lb. eantrei part of the eit ri oi i tie eiry. Apply atlbiaOa. at,. ICON, PORK U Ml OPERA HOUSE Two lOvonlnurai. MO DAY and TUESDAY imiu's rivoxiTK ietists i t h. Ferr a Oi bimIiohd. aud TocalUt Miss Katie Putnam : ' t ' aad bar OiRlVALED CGMEDT COM! Al.KX' oAt X, Hi.gr. J.J.Sl'l.i.lNAS. D.rectof. MONDAY EVENING JAN. 3d tiw Vernon of Uui. l).vk' Iim It Old Curiosity Shop T UTTi.KNELU wi'hioiigi. J laaatAil ill tcu witaauug, aaa at Id wbl b character, abu u ckneHliKll wlih- uul atlial oo lul imHmnit, TUESDAY EVOINQJAN.4tli 'lb. ItemtifJi lraalio Play, . Fanchon, the Cricket ! fAN lb. Men-y 'riek, v MISS KATIE PUTNUM. FILL PARTlllLAKS IN fUUbKAVXES. Soalaof Prloa...l,arnuttt aud Una uia'it, I ia rniuiiii. looau.. : ui wit. A oeni;. deaoeaa -acurad wtfhoat .ttra abait at ainiicircr puok oiorv. BASS' ALE (laportad) tlO.OO oar Oaeke.8 Dox, each. IIvnuy XIranily, VINTAGE 1848 Hand mat. Sour Maah hiaky, TUB D GST in the STATE BLUE CRASS. KENTUCKY QEM OLD JAMAOA RUM, Z. RAMSEY SCOTCH WHISKEY. The Best Ever Offcrcfl in fliis Market. OINOCRALC. LAGER BIER. NEW OIDER 50 BOIES ASSORTED ; CRACKERS Jenny Lundav 'Nlo Nacs. , Boston's VTO;: Milk. Snap lemon. Hand Made Butter. Beuta. With a full Aawrtment of i Imported. CKACICKIlS, at eitremy law prloe. at GEORGE BiYEES, II All SOUTH fBONTTK KIT, For M Ml MM go to tba LIVE BOOK STORE There you will and an ndleM rarletf, lJcautmil Ac Cheap, VISITING CARDS all rtyle. and tint. PRINTEOTO ORDER In beaatlf al ttyla. At HEINSBERQKR'S LITE BOOS AMI MUSIC Sl'OKB. decl ( Vo. SO Market Btraat. MASQUERADE SUITS MS; FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC P EACH, APPLE A QUINCE BUTTER. GUAVA JELLY, PRESERVES, CAN GOODS. AND PICKELS. CURTIS & BOATWRIQHT. Classical and MaMctical Sctioal, OXFORD. N. C. J. B. HORNER aid T. J. HOK.NEB, Prlnclial.. . Mr. Horner haaretarned to hi. bom. a' Ox ford. H. 0 , and will re-open bl. Sohooi tb.re the (art liootlaf In January next. Rer. T.J. Homer will b anocltted with him ..Joint Prlnolfal, and the Scfiool will be con dactedontbe iiiim pilnnlpln that wore for merly ao aaceer.f ulljr employed in making good boy. and aoboiar-. Th. Ice or board and tu Itlon, aiola.lT. or llgUand waeblnf, It IM per Henton of twenty weak. Each Student la to luralah hi. blanket., beet., pillow elip. ana towei.. Oxford, N. C-, lee. t' m4. J U8U DOWELL'S INKS AND 9DU WRITING INK. COPYING FLUID. CARMINE INK, ' MUCILACE. J art reeelved r Ireet fiom the Factorr. For aal. by S. JEWETT. 87 North Front Street. (l.J (J, It. Ut' Old Stand). M.OJLiANFali:5!4B " Mew Orleana guaranteed pore. Cuba, Demarara, Sngir Horue. IF1 L O XJ PL IjtOO Barrala allgraoa. Sugar i alU. CoftVe, room., Candy, 1 . tapksr, And every'hlng In the t oeery Una, wblcb we guaranbac, at lowxt market prtCM. aeyilT BINFORD, CROW AGO MW ADTKKTlSIJ'SNrs. 107C. FALL AND WINTER SEASON. 1W Asaorted Stock Jiithe City now Opou at 38 MAEKET STREET, BLACK SILKS, (The Celebrated Guiuet tiros Gr.iut. COLORED SILKS, . - (iUthaLaJoal Cloth Bbad..l , SILK POPLUSTS. . MERINOS, CASSIMERE5, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE,. And all ths Latest Novoltioa in BJLACK ALPACAS, Tbat naual Bpeoialty we have always many gooua ic ouiy a smau part or ins aasortoumt. M O U R N I N C CO ODS . a every variety. Will open on the 8lh CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Great Hosier, Gloves. Embroideries. Everything is Cheaper than has been.known for yoara. We only require a call we moea ana styles No. 3b MARKET STREET. CHRISTMAS GOODS The only oomplote assortmont of GOOD CHRISTMAS PRESENTS In the City. Have also taken part of oan da ASSOIITBIENX OF FANCY CALL AND EXAMINE. 1 deem dM - M - a - MHa - - - aH - MBBtBaxe CHEAP STOVK UOUsE J. ). 3 Ji J3 & GO. it W Pratt Street, Baltimore' PARLOr HEATERS. COOKINQ STOVES ILLUMINATION FUIM1CES, RAXaCS AND ORATES BT Sroe repaired, t Aalra CHRIGTMAG Come, but Onea AYE A R. Ho pleaae come and aee the Law mi Mi Siact Of Chrlatmai and New Tear' Oooda, coudnt. log ef tna latert noteltle. In FANCY ARTICLES. iT Wiii. FYFE'S. ? ' EXCHANGE CORNER. -. dacil i . f : - FOR FAIR WEEK ANI tVKKT OTHER WEEK IS 7I1K year at lowrat tirloe. to barer, on Jie liot, and all ardar. AIM at the ruling print or Hie day tttry are rwielred. the. glrlng onato a rn .ending oritrra dlreet to a. the aataa adv I Mg. thy would bare If preaent. PVriI01A-H!Yor OII,i'IIHin. tftU. How ellher hi may raaclnate and guln the love and affection- of any peraon they iihooae li.atantly. Thla-lmplc, m-nlal acquire ment all ran rnMwa,t're., b mall fur fl oenU, tigetnr wirfe a marrlu. fukl.(m'la Or ola. Dream, Iftule to LaiUra. Wfiillne-Niitht Hhlrt, Ao. A queer book. Acid rem T. W1L LI A MS Oo., rabllahera, FhUadelpbla, Pa. a kjinrnji.a.vn. 1875 sold so many and ao low, that among ao another Lot of those oheap Honriotta's Lino of White Goods. MT.n it wui ao tne soiitng. atore cornor rrincess and Front, where touna an GOODS. B A. SMITH & C0 i'l Front Htrert. - a - LOST APAtR Of rvr.OT.ABVEH, with Uane, urn broken guard lonp. Toe Snd.r will recelre a eultabie reward by leaving them at tblaufflee - deewtf Worth Carolina Home Insurance Co. THIS Oompany oontlntaaitA wrlti Pollol.a fair ratea, o all elamak at Injuable pro arty All loeae. promptly paid. Rnponrace Home In.lltunorv. B. at. Itattia.PreeldeiitiSeaU. dajer ,Beor Miry. aTKINBOM a MAMMIMO, Amenta ane .. , . :u V Flour and Meal jNU MliKD FEED. Oar-b a l . i-J on ebort notice, Oram bought ails uarkot irlc. Adilrea, jdAHun i ui ri u ii i., !I' U l il.t'l, . fnntr ,-, Hi t). i CELERY AND CAULIFLOWER A Tery tin. lot for .ale at O. H. W. EUNOE'H. dec) SELECT BOARDIMD DAY SCHOOL, HILLSDOROV N.C THR THIRTT-rOOHTH SESSION of tha Mitee. Nah St Kollook'a School will open FRIDAY, FEB, 4 1876. . Hoard f. Tultlo aoed ti 50. AGENTS WANTED I Medal, and Diploma awarded ,u'Hr;"8PiCToaiALDinLE8 1300 llluitl-allnn.. adilrew for new eirruiar., CALL AND INVESTIGATE. BEOWN & EODDIOK, 45, 47 MARKET STREET. Are mw in the flood tide of their HOLIDAY TRADE. riEVER ! NEVER I! NEVER 1 1 1 Never before aiuoo their oorumeocetucot have they been able to preaent STJCH to their Customers, mw Doing added to their Stock dally at GREAT DIHC0UNT8 from LAST YEAR'S i riooa, au j Lowor iigurcs man uver Uiicred ia V ilmiogton, Ia : autioiiiatloo of tlie CHRISTMAS TRADE We have oimnml the adjoining store, 47 MARKET STREET, with a ohoioo aasorttnt'Ut oi Huaaonauie Aoveiues HI L D 0) A FANCY COODS, TOYS, Ml'SICAL IXSTKUHKNTS, fLATED WAUE, JEVTRLEt BTA.MIAUD D00K8, I'll TO III A L BOOKS, VKLOIIPEHES TOILET BETS. VASES, GAMES, CAS ART BIRDS, BKACK WALUT BRACKETS. BUS, HAMMOCKS, MIltROKS, . ' Aud mauy other artiolos toonumoroni tomentiou . r , GREAT SENSATION IN JEWELRY H! mm WE 1 Wo invite snooial attontlou to our line of : . CELLULOID, LEUSOIG, CAMEO, andPLAJN GOLD SETS At I'riooa W--. m . - mr .. jBk , tasaaBHaaw - "X f lememher the Tatrons will do woll to make their selections and avoid tba rash. EXPRESS AM) TELEGRAPH ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. BROWH & RODDICK. 45, 47 narlret Street. dw 4 i i mmmspREsnns for WIVES, .FRIENDS, PARENT8, CHILD" EN, SWEETHEART CHRISMS GOODS " NcwRicli, Eie-xtiiit nua Useral Now Open far InrpeuMon at C. W. YATES' BOOK STOrtE decll HI MHiki-tHtr.it HILLSBORO' MILITARY ACADEMY HILLSBORO', N. C. . rjlHIS Imtltutlon, rerently known m "Hor. ,-r 4 Orate."' 8cliool, Ul heraaltor tie nm duotd b B. H. Oraroii, a. e;e Principal aliieil.a. borelol'ore, ly tliO aocomiilt.-tud In Htrantotri, Uugh MaHn,Ji.. ami Mnlor l. II. Huruillmi. Spring Sonelon oj.,ii Jitiiiiarj llth Kor clrcu . reapply (o MJ. 1. H Hmiililon un til tli. 5th or January, anil aiter that time to tha Principal. dtcttwltnA 9nwlm JOHN A. BVltMi & CO. General lisrace (FIRE, MARINE AND LlfK) if,(IOO,(HO Aaaeta Wepraaeoi ' PFIOI Oamatartrlal Kxcbanft Bnil.l ig. worth Water -treel. The Piedmont Press. . rHoKORY N. On la the" only papet" pnblWied In Catawha county, ami huthneittcniiTOriTcuUtlon among Mercliantn, rfiror,auil all olawftof IjUI neM men la the Bute i h Paaw la a live, wideawake Oemoiiralle piwr, and u. -lm ble medium Mr ed,erttlni rn w orth Carolina Ubfral termii alliiw- oirjyid .ertiMraenta. fnl.K-'irf'tm t'l arm-on. , . . "Witoraaat PWDttowri - nareh " : -o- Lurgw aod Elegaut lines of mm ana a variety or artloln srutable for Y D FTTO STOLE THEW ? ranging from Little Folks. ... SALE OF1 m m sl Ma ron SETTLE ENT AM DISTRIBUTION M. CKQMLY. Auetlonecr. BY CRONLY & HORRIS'. i'n "alu'day, January IB, 17, atlla' iloO v I wi I Mill Ht H.-channe ournnr tor the parir oi niti lenient ami diatrlhuilOQ amiinntnaui'-' ul darue. to ilv ileoiml. That lioi a d lot Htti 1.0. .ltaetftdnpin - BB,t n.teoi lliitdbeiwu Nun and OUicJ ...ceta. l'lial donlrahl .ummer renld.noa upon Wr ul t He sound, brtween tboie ot Mean., '(lar.im'r an I l.a km.. . Tin' wi-li known Molt" plantation noitb of and Bitjo nlnln g Wng' ull e. hvrrtiif anea Iron, ul a m In 4,iil : Ii lf and eontaining l.lia acre, bra, lv iiinb.'fid wall whi'e oak and pine. Term at Hie .lie. O. W. Oi.OHAM, deo tl 8 10 Kxeoutor. Til!. CIlltLSTUN INDEX A liargo Eight-pzn Weekly. Orgn or the Baptlut Denomination. ' Bhould la in erery Daptlit family In the 1-J.nd. " It U Iba Papr Our Ublldren Ought ti Koad. . .. it I. ba Paer lor all who would ' Know (lie Truth a. It la - -j- i ' Ia Ieu. 1 .. . ' ', buli',ribe For It it OnoeIndooe Yoor Friend. And Neighbor. To , Do tlkewlae. ., Yu Hnvon't The Money, Snbucrlba for Th6 Papi-r Aiivhow--Yonr Faator ' , .,. Wi Make Arrangement ' ' For You. ' 1 ' ! (tni lot HiH'elmen. Copies. ,, , ... Tba lri e of the INDEX ll 13 a Toar. Addreiw all .dpr. lo J. P HARR SON CO-, dai lftlh Bei Hi Atlanta, Ca. Exccutor'o Ilctic?,. HAVINOinnI tl'daa the Fintnr aflria lute lil nod telam-iir ot the e Jim, i ..(.ili.o MiukK". nvni. in h-i n'"-! to a i 1 i ec-uiw lmMiu cla rim. ui t Uia m .l il.-o-1I..1.. . t.i nrci-i iit tli kiiio 'io tne mw."' " t taoi la.it. i'lld y of jmwnil r, I ... limy wi 1 lie a.'lnritj nr a rriorj. p miiik Ind-hUd to.the dro'dmt are notuud ta py Ihelr U idebteduewat "'"' ..-. Dro. 1" h, 1 -.J. . i lit i '

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