r . " AJO' i A' i;::iv. no. c:o WIIiairOTOIT, tl, a. FEIMY. DECSIIBER 31, 1S75 "J ath IJoimd v xrsonvpfi. ie "du'cks ! nzticrford Eetlm-Other ; Crsccrully Tender Their f StlQRV I t-f the Iavest&stins Committee V .';ir.' Senator-Bribery tr.i Correptloa EampanU i . : I V73 INT GENERAL. its Storm-loss of Life and Irijerfj-E:aeMatch,e. GOLUI3I-8?; ! . W Y . IT TELSGBATH TO fat JOCRJUi. my "1 t EiSSiCSrSETT. ' ros, 1 xa 2&--Chas. B. Allogar 3, a ucbf well known in the '( I ere, baa bwn srreatwl for llinf about fifty pjjl by bogna a doage. He pocketod Tnsxssn..y ;;, 'a ;hth r s, Dj. 80. A terriflo tor ) r , , uulv milt eastof Hiok 3, 'y. Sunday evening, aweepiug i Wa fo ' I Jn ,Jta jmthway. . 3 of the will J was ao great on on oow walk over trunk i ere befoTe was dense woods. 3 d : Lsaaee. and barnea b own down, sorae shattered into r-n'.J, U L.,i.t8e bafely escap i t'.j-tr lives. Woim feuoes tt' atottom rail were all lifted : . : f"At,AIyfleld two s I t) dath nider . And avgto killed ; t ' r fjiMl marv tamed h la !!., Bearoy were killed, r 1 h 1'y crippled. A honae - T 'a wi blown down, the c ilu,?. Some were ! 1 t y flying timbers, i i -Uv..on left their traco j :,;ire track of the tornado, .'.j ft noiao thai was beard :w "i.SWThe 8pen- "at j vIii4ee reported ' , J i Hi aiming up tie Oommit ? : La, t penoer, during the eleo I i "-.l"s oMhe Legislature, s to ? 1 1 uiM4t- tbeir i 1 1 .alia army," the poet 1 i ia' r -no department Lmuident; 1 ronght the etjls t v .a the pule; oaused them t:.tiir -I ":3;'aii4 tbataih from : r- 3i.fei fOfSd to the Lr"raioini and .bribery to Hi eW!on;, be' corrupted U. s f r Jioui be bad pro.ured ' clloes, and forced-bis ap i, cador threats of removal, to -7, aur' iol thfim to om; to 'oLiain his election; be -1 be appointed to sinecara a ' h infant and underatand t Lipy rhould employ their (soaring yot and influeuoe to ; him; he pttid and oaused to be r j to members of the L gia ) defeat a quorum at the Dpi , thereby pretent the elfdion rtor by that body, and bis ji' ,""mt flind caused a ! to. i body tQjbe drugged ii Li beK.,T-yrtent; be denlt h " ""v a& ia'jawehandise to .ny and gain Totea; bi i.vi'h Lis eouourreuoH, enured t, IJt a UiOLey1 cotirfid. r t reak his pledge of honor to an tor, baVihg pre-arranged e it wtefci wat; he pi-iV j , iJirg'tofflcet; to oonnive i, abd to rule' in violation ... :iaenUry laws, so as to un 1 - tor elected by the people, rtwaa received and ordered Lited with titer' evidence, and i a memorial to the U. 8. j LlXUmk'.iiM jr.. V66, W.-i-Tbe ' oom iUD. lXrratt. Com- ! l.viiual fievenne ( D. W. .irst Auditor; J. H. Robin - 1 "flitoj cl the Treasury, i '. rortci, 5 Acting Chief 1 t Trepsury Derartajept, 1 their report to the Secretary anry yesterday, in the mat i V.'Uoweki jSnd Hugg Fort " ' . ' i u . : a.- : raittee' find both claims - f-?T?dulent, and that they i through the ofQoes of the ' r and Lacond Comptroller , , -sminatipa as the law T" !l Auditor and Meesrs. .4 ' and' Geo. Doolittle, . :a oiSoe, and "the Beoond ?, bin1 tlej'tity Mr? Curtis, C. : ViTaon, ft clerk in his ' ..led to give eaoh claims ; exminatiodand are there . J.i ith culpable" segli- iry submitted the report ' Ant tide morning, and on ) the Department showed rroadhead, Butberford , ho promptly agreed to roKignationa." Tba report 1 1 ) Ce three clerk wbc r t! ii connection - with r ' 2hed baa been in 1 jia. Third Audiior was appointed three ..iluro Hi.'" ' ! tl Kentncky, writes ILia citf. that bis i Li name to the 'o Convention, as a :-rrc4idotit, ,' . A . FOUEiaN. Lohdos, Deo. 23. The National Bine Asauciation of Great IWiUin has accepted the challenge of the New York Association for a match to take placd in the United States during the Centennial Mir lleury Hartford has been appointed optaui oi tbe joguan Team. - , EEECTBICI3MS - The boy found at 8U Albans, was not (JuarUe lioaa. Eight Cnioago whiskey establish m tints "were striiud yesterday, mostly rfcuners. The oonvutioS of Delta Pai at N Haven closed with a banquet. It meets in 1'hiUdclphia next June. Mrs. Rarht'l Qordnq aud three of her obiklren, aged 12, 10 and 8, were burned with ibeir dwelling, ten miles above iuaiug ouu, I ml Qua. Jovellar baa left for Cadix, wacnoe be etrbarkx for Cuba. At Northampton, Masa., K. O. South wioK & w., dry goods store waa bumed, Luhs $50,0 0. The press bill has passed the Frenoh Assembly. The clnu to raisj the state Of siVgrt In piiria failed by a vote ofratoast. - Chargoa tutve been made against lVter It. Caill, U. 8. Marshal for the D.Btnot of (M rjury aiuTeuiljezzietnont. One hundred ami fifty tharoa of the Bank of California waa offered at auc tion Wednesday and twenty-five sharea sold at 15 cents and aevemy-flve at 12 oenU per share. The Madrid Imperial asserts that Bpain will shortly address a oommuui tion if importauce tothevariooa European oabiueta on the subject of Cuba. . Oommndore Yanderbilt has been elected Preaident of the Canada South ern Bailroad. Dr. E. P. Weldon, implicated in the recent examination in Chicago has been arrested. Gov. Tilden and staff are in Thila- dolpbia looking np grounds for the Iuternational Iiifie ooufesu . . Jadffe Van Gotta sueoeeds Prior as Mrs. Moulton's ooauiel. Jadae Donahue has deoided that Tweed's sureties are responsible, and nas issued writ of certiorari Nex Peroa Indians in the Walla Walla Talley, Gal., are threatening the settlers thereabouts. Gen. Howard has gone to their assistance. Geo. W. Sohuyler has been ar poin ted Auditor of tte'BTew York panel. Department. Jon. Eouke. Cifcv Treasurer. Buffalo. N. Y.; has decamped with S'250,000. riKi. . . . j. HOLM EH. -At WartrM. Tdbm. oa tha twh .ok., Urn. B. J. Uimi, wiraof Bar. liUltn Holmea, formorly or tate plaoa. . MASQUERADE BAfL. The Bl. Maqa will take pUceto alb at Uis CITY HALL At 88. Ladlee'Llrtat HEINHDEKOER'S. Uotlea0Tt1a Mrt At JT. W. LIP PITT'S. Wliwe Mqa- and Fpectttor ticket can be pnx-nrra only, nncntorf iinkoM at the JAS. M. BROWN. NOTICE. STtT"nAT, jANtTiUT int., 187J wlllba he rr-d m s hohdtT br Ibe wfrl Rinkl w reprewnt: . it. WAIi'.SrF,, Cat-kler Bank of Ne Htnorer. , . , j r A. K. WA1.KKH. s ' 'a1er Urn Pn Bait. ' Oabir laMn Ptnk. ATTENTION FIFTHJrVARD I B. CO. YOXS a KB HKRBY NOTIPltD TO wet at tha I rank Hoim.on tbe eren ln of the Cut lnt , an bntluem of Importunoa will be drought before joa. By order of Foreman. ,, J J. Drt'KSBT. ..'I' HOG JOWLS! FOR HEW YEAR'S Dime, For Sal at 0. H. W. SURGES' N. E, Corner Second nd Muket Stf. NOTICE PKOIAL MlTKTTNd of Calantha ItAgt Kn. 1 KnlfhUior Pjrthlaa will takepltca Cattle Halt al I o'rl rk rrMar xlptit. al tbe Oat H U. (Ml' LiBOBEN. CO. N" O TI CE. OtJR BK8PE0TIVK STORES WILL BK eloeedan ' - - - -; SATURDAY, JAM. I, AT 10 A.M. And remain eloeed all day. Oot eutemara and frlende will pleate rend In their rder to day (Friday.) CSAB D MtEHS, " J O8TEVKN80N, . WI8TAOO, QSO HTBK8. Classical ; anil Matticmctical SdiQDl; OXFORD N. C. i , ,. i i. Jf. Q. D0BXEB and T. J. H0BXEB, i Principal.. afr. Horner ban returned to M borne i- 6i foro, . O., and will re on hta Sokool theia tbe lat Monday In January next.- . RT. T.J. Horner l amioctted with him aa Joint Prlnol al, and the Mot ool will be oon. ducted on th luna prhu'liiln tltkt wr fnr nerly ao inorewfullyenuiloyrd in making good bova aud actioiara, Tbe i tea 01 board and tu ition, aicluaiT.) of tig taand waablug, latIB) par HftMlon ol twenty woeka. ' Earh Htndent ta to lurslah lita blanket, hrct. nlllowaUna and toweia. Oxford , . v.f iee. zvui una. .. , . wa KW iBTX2T:sxmrs. OPERA HOUSE. Two ETnluars. MOwDAY and TUiSOAY i MM kill lmilTS FAVORITI AkTISTS! .V ka Parla Om1iate 4 Vacaltat r.1!s3 Katie Putnam and bar UNRIVALED - CCXEBT. CCSPAHT. ALEX VAi H- VH,Hht,f. J. J.SULLiaAS. Director. MONDAY EYENIN3 JAN. 3d. Smw VcrtiOtt ol Cat PwJxeui Gr.t i.rm "Old Curiosity Shop i" U1TMCNKLL, WILD HMIga. 1'heMAK HI NSHS wtia Mf aau ttao- ore. . . i ? MB purra la wbli h character, aha la acknbwladgad with oat a n.ai oa Ula Oontii ent. TUESDAY EVENING JAN. 4th Tha Boauttfal Ursaaatto Flay, Fanchon, the Cricket ! FANO-UN, tbeMr7 I rtekat, - MISS KATIE PUTNUM. 1'ILL rAKTIllllkS IX 1'KO.BIXIES. Scale Of Prices l artjntU and Oram i. n ,V; tunmX, 19 can j ; Uallary, M cu(. ta '. aseured without extra abai g at Hrln.beig-ra book Star. BASS' A. LiE (Importnd) IS.OO orCaaks,8 Dot. aach. IItnuaai?y Urnndy, ' w VINTAGE 1848 Hand male Sour Maah Whlakay, THE BEST in life 8 TATE. BLUKCRASt. ( KENTUCKY GIM. ' OLD JAMAOA RUM. U RAMSEY SCOTCH . WHISKEY. The Best jCrcr pW DlisMarlxt CINCIR ALE I LACER BIER. NEW OIDER 50 BOIES ASSORTED CRICKED. Jenny Lunda. r Boaiton's x -t , Milk. Snaps . , Lemon. t i Hand Made Butter, , Beuta. WIU a full Aawrtmant or Imported. CMACUER8. at extremity law prioee at ' GEORGE !1YER8, 11 4 U EO 1ITH f BOST TBIET, For; to. Bar's teisls go to tha ' :. LIVE BOOK STORE Thar jot will And aa .ndleat variety , ' IJoauilAil 4t Clieapr" VISITING CAR08 ' " II atrlea and tints PRINTEOTO ORDER In baautlfBlftyla. At HEINSBEQE&'S UTK BOOK AMD MUSIC STORE, deel Ho. 38 Market Straat. IIASQUEEADE SUITS : ITrciil Candy, , : FRUITS : FOREIGK AKD DOMESTIC. PEACII, APPLE k Ql'INCE BITTER. ''if. ' ... ' GUAVA JELL PRESERVES. , , CAN OOODS. AND PICK ELS. OUfiTIS & EOATWBIQET. Executor's Uotice 1 , .. , ,, HATrMO qaallSad aa the Bianutor of tha lata will and teetamant of tha tat Mra iMrollne A. MacKae, otloa i hnahy gi.aa to all permaa having olalmiaealnat tha aald deca dent, to preaeut tha Mme to tha underaliinnt on or before tha loth day of December, 187. or they will be debarred of a raoovary. All par. rone Indebted totha Jaeadant ara aotittad to pay their lndabtadneai at owes. ' JOSEPH PRICK, ', Deo 19th, 1SJ5. - Kxaculor. d el law6 BALE OF1 Real JEstata 3 at ;An;ti3ii- ' , . FQK SETTLE VII AS3BISTSUTISa M.CWOMLY. Austlowecr. 1 ' ' ' , BY ', CEQHLY & ZIORRIfi On Satarday, Jansary 15 Wt, at II a' & will won niwiiv wui r . . of aettlamantanildiatrlbatma am.mg tha VI Will StV.ifl J HrV"BW. .Tba.tiowiaardk)trtxll1ttate.iugott weat.lde of Third betwoom Hau and OuarJt That deatratila aummar reMenoe npoa tt i ' ub. nn. uii, www mm 1 1 inr " Qardnar aaJ Larkina. Tha well known "Molt" ptanU'Uin nnttl of and adjolnlnlng Wrtghtrllia. having aaea Iront ancle and a half and containing l.tiSaoraa heavily timbered wllh wait oak and j)lua. Term, at the Mia. '. W. Ol DHAkf, deoUtAU ' Bxaeator. OE,LERY GAULIF L0V7ER ' A very Bne lot for aula at a. b. w.eunoe'b. SXW 1DVESIISXXESTS. 107G. FALL AND AVIHTER GEAGOtJ. Boat Assorted Btockajthe City cow Oieu at 36 MARKET STPIEET, BLACK SILKS, r The Celebrated Gaiuet's Oros Qraias. COLORED SILKS, All the Latest Cloth Shades. 1 REAL SILK POPLINS. MERINOS, SiSSIMERES, SERGES, AND MOHAIR GLACE, aud all the Latest Noveltioa in BLACK ALPACAS, That usual Spooialty we have always sold ao many nd so low, that among ao many goods it is only a small part ot the assortment. M OUR FJ I r J C G O O DC. o evary variety. Will open on the 8th another Lot of those oheap Henrietta's CLOAKS A1TD SHAWLS. MEN- AND.' BOYS' "WEAR. , Qreat Hcsier Gloves. " ' Embroideries, sl i STAPLE AND FANCY Everything is Cheaper than has been'.known for years. We only require aoall the Prices and Styles will do the selling. 1 fUtl.' tvtl. 3CA u 2 : No. 3G MARKET STREET. OUR IS -T, MA: S GO O D S!; 4 I i only oomplete assortment of COODl ijHRIGT tVlAOl PREOEnTGi In the City. Have also taken part of store corner rrinoess and Frcrut, where " oan be found an ' ' , , ASSORTMENT OF FANCY OOOJ3H. CALL AND EXAMINE. ; ' ':m i) a18 (HEAP TOVK HOUSE J. 3. 0111 OP 6 CO. r t d W, Pratt Street, Ba.t atora- FARLCST HEATERS. V C00KIN0 STOVES, i IlLUMIXATICN rUACIS. RAM3ES AND ORATES tT Stovea repaired. i Awtm SgTALTpLT 6QO Ss Salt. ralt , , j ; . . ' ' UttOHHItt A OALDKB BHOS. BlCOiPOIiBICE. 60 Boxes D 8. Hides and BUoulder.. 40 Bona Sojoked lldea. i BO Barrel. Porh. 20 tlereea Bice. F Bales, ( f .j ; ; " ! KRBCHltKt a OAXPB A BEOS. or 150 Barret, sug.r Bonaa Mola. ' BO Hhd Sugar Uonaa Molaawa. 120 Hbd and Bbl. 4luba Holaawa. . BO Paneheon. and tibl. Daotorart Kol', ' 25 Bbl. NewOrlean.Molaiwea. For Bala hf ' KIROHMRR OALDBB.baoS. 4e9M. . , , ,,V ; f. :.-... i,.-. : '; . ' .v JO,JH'riajr.jt.vT, 1075 CSdaDdDxG Line of White Goods. GOODS. NOTION, ETC. a. srnTH & co . , . 43 Front Street. L O ST APAI'iOl' EVK-OI-AHSES, With Uaae, and broken guard loop. Tha flndnr will renalva a .ultab.a reward by Itavinx Diem at thiaoffioe decwll THE PEE DEE HERAlu. Published every Wednesday at WADESBOltO, ANSON OOUNTT UOHN. T. PATRICK., llan a larte and rapidly Inrreamng on.uir tion in I ho pea Uoeooantry to North aud Soatta Oarollua. Advertiaera will tnd II the beat medlom ta altliar of tha atatat Htetaa lor raaobtng to farmer., planter, and merchant.. The attentive local advertising pat' ronaje exhibited in it column it (he beet evidence of its large ana influen tial circulation. T Spaolinen eopte., with rata, tor adver. tlatng, aent tree, poiUgepald, on applloaUoil to the anderalnad, at wadwiboro. JNO, I. PATKIuK, i ' ., Rdltor and Proprietor. OA R D, ITAKKTHIS MBTHODTOSOT1PT JIT Frlead. that I axpeot to oh aa toy baalnoM in Baltimore and lemoie to Wilmington, M. O. to oondnet a ganarat on mlaatoa bualneaa. I think J will he able to eommanee on or bato'a tha middle of January Thank, for partfaron, hoaa to merit a ahra or vour patronage. lirvvviuiir, decWdit) BO ABD. WO OENTI-KMP.N (JAN OBTAIH rfl rleaaant room., with board, dealrably X ad w ui central part ai ina city. . .11 te tin. Offl.l : ) " . PNVCtiotn aucy or Main, ;n riti INM. How allhermi may taanlnata ami gain the kir and afteotlona of any panon thay ehoomln.tantly. Tbiaaimple, mrutal aoioira SHiiit all can poMM,fre, by maM. fnt W eenta, tugittber with a mania je trntde, Bgyptlan Or; oln, Ureama, Hlnta to Ladiaa, Wj,ll.iit-Nuht Shirt, Ao. Aqnoar book. Aildrew T. WIL LIAMS Do., fubllahara, Phlladelpbla, Fa. JTK ' JBfKtlK.HK,rTi CALL AND IN -o- BROWN & EODDIOII, 45, -ki MARKET STREET. Are npw in the flood tide of their HOLIDAY TRADER ..EVER I CEVERI I tllVEH ! 1 1 Never before since their commoncemeut have they been able to present SUCH BARGAINS to their Cufltomors, LArg3 unj Elognut liuei of . ... mm Being added to tlinir Stock daily at QUEAT DISCOUNTS from LAST YEAR'S ltloos, anj ixver iares man i.ver uuurea in Wilmington, In 1 anticipation of the j ' -A CHRISTMAS TRADE - ' ; .... t We have opened the adjoining store, assortment of Reasonable novelties C3LIE)AY IFG FAJTCT C00D8, I0IS, BISICAI. IXSIRl'MESTS, PUTKB WASH, JKtrXUl ' 1 STAXDAKD BOOKS, riCTOUAL BOOKS. VEL0CIPEDC3 TOILET BITS, ' ' ' 1 T4SES, GAMES, CANART BIROS, BKACK WAISUT BRACKETS, "" -,i, , Rl'HS, UAXMOCKS, VIRSOSS,1 ? ' .".' . , .' . . ' , n ' " ' st in'ici). And many other articles tod nnmorona to mention i " 1 -.h GREAT SENSATION HI; JEWELRY IS! v " : S WHO WE .' Wq invite special attention to onr line of ' ; " . i .,..- ,-.i .,(4,..!r,.11-..'i',i CELLULOID, LEDSDfC, CALIEO, anfl PLAIN GOLD SETS ''M!i ,f, (.'I', : Atr-rloaa . vj ; o Tatrons will do woll to make their EXPRESS AND lELECRAl'H ORDERS BROWN & RODDICK. .j rt?t,14 1. ; EVEHYDAYl : ' ' " inU.'e Year ' Vf axpsot to racety. anil add to our alway. full UU Bacon In Ids.' and 'Baits, Dry Halted Meat SUIa., Shoulder., Unllle. and Baoka. Ham. In Tl.ro. or tlmall Package. ' BREAKFAST STRIPS, Maw Fork, Water Oronnd Meat, Flab, acker t pif alull.U, MarrlDga, aVo. f , . . SUGAR, '"" COFFEE, 1 " SALTJ MolaaMiof UkVnd., ) 1 .' ' SYRUP ALL KINDS, '. j ' ; ! Flours all Qualttlea. ; ; j 1 Aai vr flvs handled artlclW af flu , , innn ID,' Callorarder from , eornor of Dock and Front Street. Wllmlnxti n, N, a . norlll ADRIAN ft VOLtBUI. 17812 DOWELL'S MS AND' IHJCILAGE. WRITING INK.' ' '- COPYING FLUID, CARMINE INK, MUCILACI. Just reoelvsd 'direct from the Factory.' Foraal by :' '' "" '' :' ' S. JEWETT, 91 Xorth Front Street (J. 1, ISva' Old Stand) Sad and White Aah. Oellvarad promptly, wreened and froe ftom dirt, by O.O. FAU tKTACo, New LocaUwn 8. Water h t , loot oiVia. ,' deoiU .V .... 'I. ... 1 VESTIGATi:. - ., --4 -- v--".T-? ..--- 47 MARKET STREET, with a ohoioe ,. .', - ul and a variety or articles suitable for , . STALE IE ? ranging from ,, ,;r! ;, rth 't Sjj r J N. - jr X X-" s ' '! I i if I ... .i' illtlefoliS selections and void tha rush, t ' ) . WILL EEtEIVB PROXfT ATTIXTIOJ.' 45, 47 Harket Ctrcot. i .m'l.J' . . 1 75 Doz. GOLD . '."Sft.t.'ii ij-,.f .'V'i n 4f Of thWabrateaV,;rl!)'ji i ',.- a. i ; KEFS fABK FAEWIitE VP A M S U T f A SHIRTS, " : " 5 '1 " . 1 , , ' ! ..I , 1 , Pries radioed, only 4. ,,,;,.. , QIX for CG.OO; - : Cheapor thao the material oau bought at the, , , Store.. g.nd order. ta ' a'aii 21 NOfiTH TRONT St-"J". RICE, (CHMF AFFLES.". BUTTER.; ":V";! t Barrel Hilton Mills Rloe. , luo Boxe. Factory 0hee. " M Marrst. Apple. -' y I"-'" Tpb.O. . Butter. j ,u t I.'.. svBmos Uaraford' Brssd rrsmwatlosv ...'j,. .jj. B0 Box. Oant Sea Foam. ' , , ' ,i UMBuie. Freeh Feashe., Tomato.., As.' ' '"2 -v'lMBomaeaoyY.;t 'Ml . , " ; i,-.i-i .( UswaBsgar, j-;-; .htwi'gi i Jm Sugar and yy.tor Cracker., . , j ,- Miuaoi dii.i, , v ... ' BuC'ui ,y , Fi8ale by : '. . : v ! l .' , 1 s-.-vt S'U j , , WII.LUM8 MOBCRf 40N, ; .' ).' sat mub' MiKK.ms. r,;; ; ,,.-.oo Sacks fciwrboolJalW f-uii ..! . :jt 1000 Bundloa Tin.. K... .-.j r . t t S00 Boll Baling,1 , . '.' ','', . i, vsas Barrah B. tt. and 0 iba MoWieea, J a ! ' 50 HognhMUki 8 II. awl Cnba Molaeo. : v-ii !. 160 Boxe. F, B. and Smoked Baooa. - i ;b . ' tittle Hirer, La Qcorg anil Lebanon "A" Sheeting.! " Iitttle Biver and iih1o1ii Xvt " JToraaieby I . ".,..! , : - "i f. . . v;iLLiJir;i t r.:;:::. ; acoiv X Iv wa. . - - ... . ' i ' 1 i . ' - aUonrttortnoiim. t s riarket prlf. .' I

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