:. ...... .. n f:Sfl P.M s hutb, rM i t ... .....v., j " t - .d , . .. , id fr'.aava ' 08 r" f v,-. .-,"., , c. C. Hallway, ". ,M J .T.... .AMA 0 - H. kUl ll..rf ejtltMta "lr,. . t.. , .,..! .H-. M tBb " ' ... y l-r Hills, t w Or, "HI s-rpiy b! saa.it f Friday " 'l!1"T. fw A,. tT:te f . ., m. . M rm A. M. to It M, au.1 lrp. M.U.P. M. ' o? Unlet Of KUtc tvpariavut ov" M (tsi Offloe. K'.snn ' saj l Oawetai Delivery Ktt Basee aoeeeslble at (11 hours, dey"'1 oricted front vtrert bosr-r dy tn ' , ' , "TCCAL nitCELLANY. Foa all ssnrwa kw. m well a for aomraercial tad iiarine reporta,onr readers are reforml to thoe heads. ' oo i 1 1 1 I auto M "w Aejvrlaaaia. Mtraaoa A Qokhta Brought Pawn fro $t to It Uraea Hoe's B-Mef td TO WcKl MJfl'Wl.BilnjUMi Ball tag Aatael on. (kmi MTua-Kitraett, Coflfc Tm tmd Omriirui i.yfyH . " SHUT liTim C Chrrmn,AlbuM, Orpbwrvia, tie. M4 VMM4. . KsaoBiM-awM Iron, dt Tvt tb Bonth AUantio tod Eaut trs Gatf Ctalea, tiaing barometer, north weat to touUiwaal wiada, colder tzl cleat veather, twywded ia iha Uilaf riainf tempwatara. 4L Ti-y ' ZtmnuoAS rani ia aooo to U ttartad at tha State oapital, to be Lieut. Oroaslsy, of the U, SL Batenua Ecrtica, who waa for to long a time da iztj tt tSiia ttaUoa, Mm baeo ordered to dsjr ta 17a York harbor. , Tfc taawaa tMMHar narslsr. I ttt itorm f blob paaaad over tb 7T , !dW! T11, WV . T I8 ' f ?!' wk , pssUiyaney to the New England Ciatea. Ta wn4 at this point, from 1 7 to o'olook reached a Talooity of ,l;-c'-',iailea and boor. At New Tc:i U waa thirty three tailes; Peck's PatX S7 J. ihlrt7aix tnilea; Oapa ILJ Uirty milaa. Boow ia reported at r:: Louia and Oinainnatti. 4 Csadactof ' the Wilmington k T7'!;a. Cinroad Informed ns lat TCLlr; tat bo brought down on hia traidi aa far ea Wilson, a white man beaTlj ircsed who waa charged with' the cr' t cf forgery. The oaptain1 did not la ia tla name, wheneehecame cot V la! bo wa boaad, baving a bo$ : aWcit cbaraotera, bat axjTOS 5 1 9 ttl arrived t bi deati caLaa vi ba reached Wilson. v.? "lit-keai Tbery'Lar-aa jet been no itepe takf a t J Iiae Uo ateam tug Jamet Hvtrry, L' ob lank at Mesart, 0. Q. rari!cy & Co. wharf on laat Sunday mornicj'. Hi. Curtis, tha superin tenak ot tha worka at tha month of the river, for which tha firm of Curtia, Fobea k Co, have oontraoted.informed US yesterday evening that the task of raining tt would aooa be nndertaken, however, and if be oonld not make atk!c'.jry arrangemente with parties in tba city to nndertaka the job, be vot1 1 r bet himself with the means be t!;si poasesea, Tla Zv Cxbea Bladb is a new Fr:r J t started at Uorgantoa, pui. liihr 1 '4tery : ; Crowsen, and tl'Jtzl 1 7 war old friend, W. F. Avery, tie Cr;t cssber of whioh made ita tf : . 7mZi isong our exchangee laat lzl . Y7a wclootM tha Blade most oorwl-1'7 U plaoe in the newspaper worU,lcctz: wo know the aaetal of the r: -'rntadcrtt Its oolnmha, and tlep A cfti.e heart thai will di rect J i r "Icy. , The Editor in bia KlL'z 'toiiaiy InUmatoe, that the torctc!-;j l,j iA the Erpotitor, ri;' "' rrtu and Observer, need Col 1 3 1 j Lit isi wiih him, politios U a le " ?f ar cf religion, and that the i - tDrorjswy XJemooratio. .a v.r.1 2nd oat the same by r ' I 3 'Jzd oZm at this place n ' t' 3 Lllowica report of tha J t' -ff meter yesterday af- f ' 3 1 lock at tha various , ; ", c'li..; Cairo. 43, dear; ' f 'l Charfeatoa, C9, I, J,"olondy; Peck'a : Uiro Eenry. 61. fair: , ( V f;r; Galves on, 64, -, to,, clear) jsouoii ; UnonvUIov 43, eloudy; , "j; x:a?bia,Ks4 h I Kew Vo. e'esr ireve r: f 4 .1 t r tut i !i .. u, no t: f' r-i'ti t r : : r. j. i:.'j.': IipHn tvniuty. la, tLe cJ iu tbJ nteruo-.D I'iitjJ U cat to L home n tlie country, about o railea diUut. be LJ tryel!-J btut iV.f the dituw, lie heird aome i-ue wnlking rp!dly btbinJ him as if to oTrtke him. lie turued and iw thtit wa Bfgro. B.Jieing that Le wa in no dmger, he reaniwl Lin routo Lome- wrd, but heu the u.'gro came np itb Jimi, the negro mruck hitn on the buof the beal with a hJ M ck hori be curried. a blow that Mled Mr Jndgo to the ground and oum. pletely atuunea him The u gro then obbed Lim of eeveuty-four dollar in etah, hia pooket kuife, kaye and ht Mr. Judge, after reco?er- isg hia aensea the uegro no doubt toought be waa dead managid to make hia way to a house which was near by, nd waa' thence taken home. The highway robber ii yet at large. No one ia thevioinity uf Kenanmille knowa him. A atr anger negro, whom no one, CTeu of hia own eolor, knew anything about, bad been loitering around the Tillage during the day. aiid it waa observed that he car ried a heavy atiok which waa noticeable from ita peculiar formation. Thi etick waa picb-d up at the plaoe where Mr. Judge waa felled to the earth, amt 1 doubtleaa the weapon with whio' the blow waa atruck. It waa aftjr- warda Uken back to the village and identified as the atiok which had been eon in the stranger nrgKa hand. This ia the only clue that ia powus-ed for hia detection aud apprehension, which probably may prove anfflcleot, a there were a number of nrgrooa in Keuanaville who w,.uld be able to identify the atranger again if they tbonld aee iiirn.,. Borne of the bent eitiseaa of the village offered a reward to the colored people for the appre hension of the mucderous villain. , The CMUrr Hm4 Tha agitation of this question haa already boon aooompanied with good results, thanks to the ladies who be gan it. The gentlemen who compose the Directory of Oakdale Cemetery, never having forgotten the promise mhin. h i,liTiJnil oitiisuna made . .hTilion for makinir MiUar atreeta bard road, when the oil, anthoriUea bad opened and graded o h Cemetery gate, have work in dead wrn08l, u w, - . mlttmA. tmimtul .lOU, learn, and have already raised lUut aeventy.flve dollars. We underctand that Mr. Donald MoIUe haa the sub scription list, aud offers to all who winb to give to this laudable purpoie, an opportunity of doiag sol Meantime what are oar ministers and school teachers willing to do iu this matter 1 It would be easy for them to appoint a committee in their respective oougro gations and schools, to solioit and re ceive contributions and thus afford every white man, woman and child in tba oitf of Wilmiugton a ohanoe of aiding in a work in whioh all should take pride. Twenty-five oents or a dollar raised bore and there would soon swell the amount already, cou- tributed to a sum whioh would be sufficient to oomplete the job in a sub stantial and oreditable mauuer. Five huudred dollars, it is estimated, is all that will be required. It would seem to be an easy matter to raise this sum in the manner indicated. It is a lasting shame npon na that we have such a miserable approach to the moat beautiful, aud indeed the only really beautiful spot near the oity of Wilmington a spot that ia aored to the memory of and dedi cated to our dead and the remedy should be applied aa speedily as possible. Th rw j . In on report of the oaaea tried in the Mayor's Court whioh was held on Saturday last, the testimony in the case of the oity vs. BillJames waa sub stantially given. The testimony as there given went to show that the stolen cows were puiohaaed by Mr, J. F. Oarrell for the aum ot twenty dol lars, whilst the cows were intrinsically worth more, ona witness, the owner, testifying that they wore worth one hundred dollars. , ... This reoital of the testimony left room for suspicion to rest on Mr. Oar rell to the extent that he knew the property to be stolen when he pur chased it. Not wishing that oar report of the ease should do anyone an injustice, we have inveat!gated the facts of the caw, so far aa Mr. Oarrell is concerned, and we are aatianed that any suspicions that might by implication bava attach ed to him in this transaction, are en tirely without foundation. His own statement to ns, made last evening, corroborate what we had previously beard daring the day, and oor firmed as in oar opinion tbst Mr. Oarrall's connection with the mat ter waa nothing more nor leas than a piece of fair dealing. When , tha negro ams to. the pen in aearch of tha stolen cows, Mr. Oar rall waa absent, d pi his return, waa told by" bis foreman of the boy's visit, t a foreman at tha aama time remark i"T that be suspected that the cows whioh bsd been purchased that morn i- -. : .4 .... . v ""uj-epuMiMuiw, wwwwe4ioBi I t - a V ,. J f'.i' ii,il kt t..d J U fc:.-l 1 r ?- -,1 IU ill! In r oQ biil a'! ouaa. J.J Ii t . e the hi.Urfh the oif. r to show t!i m wt 1, sl.e te.i g aat tSi'J f the iJeutit. Mr. 0rra!l tliou turneJ the bf over to hr, tilling her t. Lav.' it Uken t tLe uui kft atid sold, aud thereby rrinitinreiici If for tics Uxm hs far aa the urnouut Hlie coulJ get for it aoulJ go. Thii ahe Jul and re ceivi d thirty dolUrs for it, after trying the market thoroughly. Now u to the purchase. This waa inndi about 11 o'clock iu the forenoon. tin- price ngreed upon being Mr. Oarrall hi J hut f2 in his pocket at the titnn, which h paid to BiM J imea, the man who aotd the oowa. auJ told him to come back in the afternoon and get the remainder of the money. This the thit f never did, believing doubt Iocs that distance waa safety. Mr. OirrslI the.) offered a rcwatd of 5, as be promise J the woman to do, iu con scqiu ' ce of which Bill Jmea was ar retted, brougtit to Mr. Garrtll, and by him tnrned over t-J the polioo offloer. The intrinsic vslue of the cows, iu the market for beef, seems not to have been more than the prioe which waa agreed to be paid for them. Taking the fact to be as stated, and we believe that we have got ton bold of the "true story," tin y aevm to exbou" ernte Mr. Oarrall bcyot.d all question. 'lit fioraal I'wncert (lufe. The young gentlemen who compose this cherished bantling of Wilmington, propose (aa haa bieu noticed by the Journal) to give a bal vwtqtw, at the O.ty Hall, ou the evening of the 25th inst. Ou this merry eveuing. both senti meutal and dancing miiMo will bo fur nished ad, lib. forthet tjojment of all their friends who may patronize them on this interesting occasion. The managers, with reusitive propriety, have adopted a system of invitations, for the purpose of preventing the in trusion of those who might mar the sooiul enjoyment. For maskers, tickets are one dollar and for spectators, fifty cents. It is to be hoped that the friends of the Club, will Consider it not culy a pleas arable duty.but a kindly consideration, to patronise the laudable efforts of the "young blow-hards." As our good citizens have manifested muob int reat in this charming bind, we may expect that jolly maiks and genial faces will teat the oapaoity of the Oiy Hall, where they will reoeive a quid pro juo. for the aid and comfort they delicately extend to the 0. 0. Club, Thkets, aa heretofore anuouncad, for sale at Heinsberger'a, ttlnara;! Mitchell. This ever popular actress, supported by Mr. Win. Harris and a first-class oompany, makes her appearance at the Opera House next week, for two nights 0nly, the 21st and 22ud. On the first eveuing she will present her own great specialty, of whioh she owns the piay right Fanchon lte Cricket. On the seooud, she will present the fearl of Savoy. The sale of scats will com mence at Heinsberger'a next Thursday moruing. Such an artiste as Maggie Mitchcl d cs not fear ctitioism, but rather courts it, and wa perhapa can do her no greater favor than to give the fol lowing notion of her appearanoe in Fanohon sat Ford's 'irand Opera House, in Baltimore, taken from the Baltimore Sun: There ia so muoh poetry in Maggie Mitchell's deliueatiou of "Fauohou" that her audienoos forget the plain prose of the text, aud natnre'a own speech, the artiste's power, give polish and rythm to tb author's words. In dialogue our Maggie leads the heart along iu paths of ber own making out, iu pantomime she charms still more; in other words, speaking she is "irre siBtible," without speech she is elo quent. Who but she oonld give a wild, weird, untutored almost s.ipernatual air to the shadow danoe, and clothe in personality a child's ideal of sprites and strange beings coming from Elf land to sport awhile in the moonbeams of earth? The sto y of Fanohou" is not a strained one, though tne origin aud destiny of the heroine do seem a little improbable, but the plot is so slight from her fust interview with Landry Barband to the final fall of the curtain, as to be nomysteryorsurpme at all, and it is this very barrenness that gives doable force to the applause whioh crowns the play. It Is only Sonius that can construct superior wait rom inferior articles, and Maggie Mitchell alene makes "Fanchon" su perlative as to merit, enjoyable in the most perfect sense of the word, and bettering and ennobling in its offset. The oompany ia an excellent one, and worthy commendation. matter's Ceam. There waa no session of this Court yesterday, tha Mayor having gone to the Western part of the State on busi uess oonneotod with the Western N. 0. Railroad. VtiH VNIVEHNITY I.CTTKU. Prpratlona lor the Coming Com nienceniont. Cbapxl Hile, Feb. 12th, 1876. Dear Journal : -In my last letter I said I hoped I would be able when I wrote again to give tha names of the students elected MARSHAL, A WD BALL MANAGERS. Mr. F. M. Fremont, of Wilmington, was eleoted from the Philanthropic Sooiityaa Chief Marshal. The Chief Marshal appointed two assistants from r.... xxr n Tti.iii!... ni , ... , V . iucwii a. ... a, iuu uh. ui uimnui - lim, ana it. u. i'ayne, w uavidsoa t J. :.-. r r . : :. :. '1 1. '.'. -i if I'. I . ,' T: si t-1 a f -j.:. Mr. 11. i; i; L-ii J, of V"iiuH.:t.)Q, fr.'ia 1..1 C ii-f IUW Mug-r. A-iti;.t i U':a r.iiUijthicpic. M-sfM. J. M. r,;.ktr, of Cig''C a.lM emu1 v auJ F. D. Win ston, of Ikrtiu couat. A Sri ft lit from Dialect, a : M -m. Geo. lie Corkle, of Ca awla aunty, saJ I). C. H'ahlack, of Bichmond o uuty. The MarxLais were apxiutJ f.uni the h.xvuiJ year btu J-uU and above, that in, those' iu the ''soph." aud juui .r cliunea. Neither tt MariihaU or tin) Ball Managers will use regal They have been J.n.eueJ with aud the simple roaette has been submitted. IIISTOKICAL CLIH. The exor?iHes of this c'.nb coiittint in writing efsajs ou Liatoricil subject. They moet ouce a week wbeu their es naja are read atd corrected. BKADINU CLI B. This Club is o imposed of some thirty stu ieuts. The obj-ct of the Olnb is to read the best periodical to be hud, and in that way to keep them selves well ported on the current news. The faculty bare each presented to the Club at leant one magazine or daily paper. Borne of the leading State prpors have added their pablioationa to the files of the Club. The Club-rooms are opeueu every evening Tor the use of the students. The officers of this Hub are: Arthur Arrington, President, W. B. Thill ps, Secretary, & L. Payne, Treasurer. THE ADDKESHKH, AC. The addreas before the Agricultural Department of tho College will bo de lve red by one of Baleigh'a favorite citizfim. Uev. T. II. Pritobard. 1). D., of IUleigh, has beeu invited, aud, as I hear, has accepted the invitation to deliver a sermon before thr students during commencement, week. the Dialectic Society have elected one of our Congressmen to deliver the addreH i before the two societies. It is not yet kuown whether ho haa accepted) but it is to be hoped that he will. ritEl'AIlATI0N8 FOR COMMBNCIEBKT. Although it is some time to the com- meuoemeut, yet the Marshals have gone earnestly to woik, in order, that the first oelebration of the University after its restoration, may be a grand suoocss. The closing feature of tha commencement will be a grand ball, given in honor of the restoration of the University. Yours, N. C. HUhop (iilbboaa. Bishop Oibbons is now visiting (he Eastern part of the State. v February 9th he preached and con firmed iu Halifax. February 10th he preaohen and con firmed at the Forks, Tho sumo night he preached in En field. , February 11th ho preached in Oolds boro. February 13th ho will visit Newborn. February 15th he will vieit Washing ton. February lGth he will visit Oreen Tills. February 18th he will visit Tarboro. February 20th he will visit Wilming ton, where be will remain for soae days. B'Shop Alkluaou's Appointment lor ilia aprlna VUltatlen Kinaton March 22 Holy Innocents, Lenoir Co., " 24 Newborn . , . Beaufort.. " St. Paul'sSwiftOreek Bridge, " Trinity Churcl.,Betufna-tCo., April Blount's Creek ' 8t. Joliu's, Durham's Creek, " South Creek, Beaufort Co., " Greenville St. John's, Pitt Co.. Snow Hill ii Marlborough, Pitt c unty, Oood Friday " Wilmington, Easter Sunday, " Amelioration and Core. Amelioration uf tba symptoms of a ditaaaa la, ofoourae, nuedexliable objeot of medication and Ibora are, no doubt, palliatives alilcb poa mm eoiuidarable remedial efflcoy. The tem porary disappearance of the indicia of a diaeata In t nuo) Inetanoea. however, deloile the lea into a bail t that they are cured. Mtny of ttioaa who have borne grateful testimony to tha iiermanent remedial affeota of Hosteiters Htommili BUtera, in came of liver dliorder, chronic conetlpatlon, Inb rmlttant and remit tantfeTert, urinary and rheumatic alimenta, have aim reoor ed the taot that the caporary relief oncaiionaily afforded by the med elnn whioh they tried before utl' g the great rento' atlre lplred hope which were epedily dim) paled by a return of the malady. Tha Hittera not only relieve, but if perUt.ntly anjrejnlar 1t Uken.ouaa the maladiea tu which thoy are ad-pted. Jw t. mmmmmm mmm OOMMEBOIAL, WILMINGTON MARKETS. THKOFFI0IAIt QUOTATIONS OF THI PRO DTJOB EXOHAHQB ABB POSTED DAILY AT 1 P. H., AND BKFKIt TO PBIOBS AT THAT HOUR. UAll.k JOURNAI. (IFriOK, Febraary 18th, IMT6-f3 P. HI. SPIRITS TURPENTLNEOffloiai quotations firm at 31 oents bid. Sales of (50 casks at 31 oents. ROSIN OfBoial quotations firm at $1 45 for Oood Strained. Sales of aOO bbls Good Strained at SI 45. TAR Official quotations quiet at $1 45. Sales of 278 bbls at $1 45. CRUDE TURPENTINE Offloial quotations nominal No sales reported to-day. CORN Sales of one cargo of 2,440 bushels whit at 66 oents bushel, and 270 mixed at 65 oents. COTTON Official quotations quiet. But all sales at the following official quotations : , . i Ordinary i 9 cents. illooil Urdiuary..., ...... .10 ' ""''"'"B. t M 1.11 v..ui,...,. ........ ..,,.., woou juiaaung...!... I ! i . i . , f i ! c. o .1 L,iv! t lo- (Vi.Hi.. Hii.-.uTari-.t.::.., l;.ia T.r Crnile Tnrpet;t:ne ,;.jv : ,' . I i. f"2 Cif. 1,: ) Lb la. 27S -511 " 23. fart Aintaaavc-Thta navy. Hun rias C: IS A. M. Sun neta 5: 41 P. M. Hitt water 2: H P. M. Day's length 10: M ARRIVED. Hteamer A. P. Hurt, Worth, Fa etteville. Worth A Worth. Ht-amr JuTiiper, Bkinner, Fayette- ville, ick x Jletiaue. Hteamer Wave, lvobeeon, rayette- ville. Williams A Murchion. Ste mer North E(, Patldiaon, Point Caswell, A. n. Van Bokkelen. Steamer iixie, Jaoobs, smitbville. 0. O. Parsley A Co. Bteamer Caswell, Ilenry, Banaer- man's Bridge, A. n. Van Bokkelen. Br brirf C C Van Horn, 370 tons, Hooker, Bt Thomas, W I, Alex Bprunt A Hon, Nor bark Hengereid, tons, Mes sell. Uoofleur, Franoe, It E Heide. Bwed bark Matilda. Bredeoberg. Ht Thomas, W I (in belowX B E Heide. CLEARED. Bteamer A. P. Hurt, Worth, Fav- etteville, Worth A Worth. Bteamer Juniper, bkinner, rayette- ville, Vick A Mebane. Bteamer Wave, Iwbeson, Irayette- ville, Williams A Murohison. Bteamer North East, Faddison.Point Caswoll, A. U. VanBokkelen. Btenmer Caswell, Henry. Banner- man's Bridge, A II Tan Bokkelen. Bteamer Dixie, Jacobs, BmitnvUle, 0. 0. Parsley A Co. Swedish bark Matilda, Bredenberg (below), Baltimore, to load with grain for Cork for order i. MEMORANDA. Boamship Pioneer, Wakely, arrived at New York from this port, Feb 9th. Steamship Raleigh, Oliver, arrived at Baltimore from tnis port, Feb 12th, HAIIINK INTKI.MUENCE. By Telegraph. . Qitbenstown, Feb. 15. The bark Jennie Armstrong, for Philadelphia, went aground at Knaughs Point. The tide was ebbing with a westerly squall. Livebpool, Feb, 15 The ship Van guard, from New Orleans, brinsrs the mate ana tnree seamen, survivors of the orew of seven of the Elizabeth Prosper, from Pensaonla. whioh cat. sized. Tney bad been in open boat a week, without food or water, and suuereii wnn intense cold. Cadiz, Feb. 15. The brig 8 EKen nedy, from New York to Limerick, ex pererienced heavy weather. Three of erew were washed overboard aud drowned. Met el Vessel In I ha Port ol WiU uilngton, N. v., Feb. IS IS70. BARKS. Brilliant Star, Br, 200 tons, Nicholas. dm Viek & Mebane Clio, Qer, 375 tons, Bohnpp, in below, (wtg) E reaoliau & Westermanu Cito, Nor 848 tons, Wathno, (wtg) R. E. Heide. Edmund Richardson, 291 tons, Br barkeutine, Brodie (dis). ftck A Mebane. Emilie, Oer, 414 tons, Lungu, (wtg) E Pesobau dt Wostermann. Emelie, 275 tons, Swd barkeutine, Chifltensen (dis), RE Heide, Uope, Br,251 tons, Fries, (loading.) Alex Sprunt A 8on Heinrioh liodbertuHkOor,34StonsKroe- ger, (wtg) E Peach au A Westermann, JUeletie, Uer, 339 tons, Fack. (wtg) E Peschau A Westermann Julius, Qer, 293 tons. Frenok. (wtg) E Peaebau A Westermann Hengereid, Nor, tons, Messel, dis - RE Heide Lydia Pesohan, Qer, 400 tons, Feohter (wtg) E Peaohau & Westermann, Medusa, (barqueutine) Qer. 866 tonu. (wtg) E Pesohan A Westermann Nancy Holt, barkentine Br. 307 tons, Swan, (hlg) Viok A Mebane. Ruth Topping. 818 tone, Erickson. Dis Vick t Mebane. William, Qer, 240 tons, Sohaner. dis E Peschau A Westermann BRIGS. Black Swann,189tons, WinvBlode. ldg Northrop A Camming uiara, uer, aiMJ tons, Uiiiwitz. ( wt) E Peschau A Westermann 0 C Van Horn, Br, 376 tons, Hooker, dis A Sprunt A Son JJie reene, Uer, 'MX) tons, Fenlhaber, (wtg) E Peaohau ft Westermann F W Fisher, Qer, 213 tons, Maatz (wtg) E Pesohan A Westermann Fanohon, Qer, 250 tons. Voss. (wtg) E Peschau A Westermann. Frende, Qer, 271 tons, Braun, (wtg) E lVsohau A Westermann. John Pieroe, 211 tons, Townsend, dis Worth A Worth Mechanic, 197 tons, Qould, (rpg) Williams Se Murohison. Vera, Nor. 118 tons, Moller, dis R Heide SCHOONERS. Abbie Pitman, 287, chase, Dia Q Q Barker A Co. Altoona, 176 tons, Fitzgerald, (die) master Charles, Ireland (die), JELippitt DeMoray Gray, 275 tons, Aldridge, Harriss A Howell Ella Strickland, Striokland, (die) B F Mitchell A Son Emily A Bartle, 214 tons, Smith, (ldg.) Harriss A Howell, Emma O. Babcock, 228 tons, Baboock, (wtg.) J A Springer. EateColUns, 285 tons, Mathews,(wtg.) Harriss A Howell. Libbie Wortbley, Oompton, (wtg) DeRosset A Co Lottie, "215 tons, Somen, dis Harriss A Howell Mary A Hood, 879 tons, Steelman, (wtg) Master. R L Myers, Lewis (die) 3 E Lippitt Vesta 96 tons, , (laid np.) - QG Barker A Co. Willie Luce, 133 tons, Spear, Di ' Master. Vulture, Nor, Eilertsen, 359 tons (dis) Master Yreka, 120 tons, Moore, . (dis) Navassa Guano Co l.iat of Veneli fat th Part ! Wll ntlaatai, iNwrtla Carollnaw BARKS. Fear NotGer,Kuliia, Liverpool, sld ian 2. Frank, Nor, Petersen, Ornnton. sld lor Smitbville Jan 21. Israel. Swd. Tallin. ITaIvaaL M 1 jan25. i i:, I- G,T. 2iJ i,:Li. Il.xli'J. Brtol. I).-c 7. Lulli T.'n icg, Dr. lar.pet.tiDe li Ulb. Liukina. Liverpool, eld Dec r.aJol, Er, Williams, Antigaa, Dee 24. Zephyr, Nor, Jensen, SlioroLaia, sld jan 0. BEIQ3. . nelene, Nor, Oandersen, Olangow. slJ for SmitLville I), c 31. Rana, Nor. Irfien. Antwerp, jaa 13. SCHOONERS. Ann Whiting, Hatch, rrovidenoe and Orient, L I, Feb 5. Aurora, Swd, EltveJt, Peczince, jan 8. David, Br, Shelford.Deal, aid jan 25. Q W Anderson, Anderson, New York, feb a Jaa Bliss, Hatch, Ialesboro, eld nlifax Jai 30. John L Traoey, Merservey, Belfast, sld feb 8. Lucy Holmes, Teel, Boston, sailed feb 10. lAl ol VetMla Irons U ilnalngtoa a,C, lor Forelgai Porta. ' BARKS. iEolna, Nor, Krogh, Hamburg, eld feb li. Anna, Swd, Aspling, London, sld Jan 3. Anna, Ger, Siewerts, Liverpool, old jan. 2), Arnevig, Nor. Arntaen, Liondon, old jan 31. Apollo, 1ST, Millikin, Liverpool, Bid an .11. Aufrusts Teitge, Ger. Drews. Ham- bnrg, eld jan. is. Ueres, Uer, Doelmer, Glasgow, old ian 18. Uuatnam, is or, Sohirod, ltoteerdam, eld tan 11. Dragen, Hot, Thomasen, London. sld Deo 24. Florence Margaret, Br, barkantiue Corner, London, old feb 7. Framat, Swd, Ahlstead, London, sld Jan 3. Freidig, Nor, Andersen, Hamburg, Old Feb 9. Friedriob Scalla,Ger, Waaok, Olas- gow, s d Deo 27. Lmilie Jlanl, Uer, barquentine Frenoh, London, Deo 27, Germauia, Uer, Villmar, for Rot terdam. st Masslius, Nov. 4. Ierbuen, Nor, Svendsen, Hamburg, Jan 6. Juno, Ger, Lindt, Liverpool, old ian 11. Leif, Nor, Maioussen, Glasgow, old jan 31. Lyn,Nor,Wold,Nor,Hull,sld Deo 24. ar Dover feb 5 Otilia, Nor, Thoisen, Hamburg, sld jiin 31. Boi nabend, Ger, Post, Stettin, sld jan. 2N. Reidulf, Nor, Knudsen, Hamburg, Nor, Kuuusen, Hamburg; old feb 12, Speed, Nor, Olsen, Cork for orders, sld Feb. 8. Sulitjolma, Nor, Ullenaes, Liver pool, old ian, 22. BtHubn. Nor, Gundersjn, Granton, sld Dee m Titania, Noi, Hansen, Liverpool.oid jan 61. Viok A Mebane, Br, Whiteside, Liverpool, old ian. 2X Victor, Nor, Jaoobsen, Rotterdam aid jan. 29. Wega, Ger, Gerths, Hamburg, old ian. li. BRIGS. Alice Ada, Br, Wilmott, Trieste, old ian. 19. Anna, Nor, Jbrgenson, London old Feb 4. Azha, Nor, Houger, Liverpool, an 7. Brisk Trefry, Br, Granton, Dec. 29, ar Dover feb 5 Castor, Ger, Barghoon, Liverpool, jan JJ. - Eoonomy, Br, Graham, Bristol, old jan. 19. Emma, Ger, Gerber, Liverpool, ran. o. Fido, Nor, Thorsen, Liverpool, eld ian 5l. Framat, Swd, Eckman, 'iVieste, old jan. 24. Fredriksteen, Nor, Larsen, Belfast, sld ian. 31. Flamingo, Nor, Soronsen, arvd at Uelyoet Deo 21. Q C Miohels, Ger, Dillwiltz, Ham burg, (old) ian 31. G A Coon an, Br, Adair, Iondon old ian 11. Hilding, Nor Ellingsen, Hull, old ian. 19, Jarlen, Rammelhoff, Nassau, sld jau 61. Johanne, Dan, Andersen, Liverpool old ian. li. Mira, Nor, Btoer, Liverpool, old jan. Nornen, Nor, Severtaen, Hamburg, old eD if. N Stowers, Stowers, Grenada, old feb 12. Orion, Ger, Lubken, London, arvd at Deal, ian. 21. R Von Bennigsen, Qer, Eoster, Rot- erdam, eld leb 12. Soskammeren, Nor, Wohl, London bid jan. 31. Ternen, Nor, Hartyigsen, Cronstadt, eld reb o. Triton, Nor, Jaoobsen, Hamburg, sld jan. 28. Zavia, Nor, Ommundsen, London, old ian. 14. SCHOONERS. Charley Bucki, BlanoharVj, Santiago ae uuos, oia reb 4. Julia Elizabeth, Ingtaham, Harbor island, w. i., old jan. 22. L F Warren, Johnson, Port au 4. nnoe, old jan. 21. Speedwell, Drisks, Barbadoes, old Jan. 17. Arrived avt Destinaulou from Port ol Wilmington, Br. C. BARQUES. ' Amanda, Qer, Sohultz, arvd at Amsterdam jan TJ4, Andriette, Swd, Oedman Glasgow, arvd jan 19. Angu8t,Ger,Ohlpff, arvd. at Glasgow jan 24. Behrend, Qer, Berdiog, Liverpool. Dec 30. Carl Gerhard, Ger, Hillrichs, ar at Hamburg jan 28. Donna Anna, Whaley, ar Cardenas, feb 7. ' Forsete.Ger, Mikkelsen, arvd at Liv erpool jan 2L Frank, Nor, Petersen,Granton. arvd jan. 1. Gladstone, Br, Keneally, ar Liver pool, Jan 30. Hermann Helmrioh, Ger, Oester reioh Granton, jan 6.- Kobe, Nor, Taraldsen, Antwerp, Deo 23. KainAn Knr n.lwor.nn niuina Deo 3; in port Deo 25, , " ; ' i C ' C an 1 tt .: '; ; ,3 Vol. .1. r i: j J.C iUr, ULl t r ..!, ar?J j i ;j . 1 j. j. ..cii, Lif i.rp, arrl Lrot-ers, Lr. tz.::U, 1l ian 25. Do!F Lin, Er, Eart, T:iztJ, jia 6. E'gm, Er, Paitcr, CraLUjo, prior to iao. 8. . llodta, ftor, Dail, LocJja, arvd an ".j. Fram, Nor, Torstensea, LiverpooL an 20. Jiue Crosby, Lord, Port aa Prisma. ar jan 25. Lillesand. Nor. DaLL ar London. Jan 30. . Livingstone. Fischer, arvd at Hal in 21. Ludwijr.Ger. Seiner, arvd at Liver pool Jan 23 Neponaet. Ger. Strnnt fllaae-ow- Dec 20; dis. January 5. Olion. Ger. Lubkin.'aF T-nntniv Jn21. Vv exford, Br, Foster, London, at eo u. . . SCHOONERS. Jobn H. Corverse. l'lnmmor.- Part an Prince, arjan. 18. Leua It Btorer. Seaw. ar Havana F..b7. Low Prices, Frcmjt ioiira - FIRST-CLASS WOUli. mTIOriERt PRINTERS AND BI2.SEXS LITN88IARKESS net IS 8m CHOICE VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS, From Drlgga A Brother, -KoobtMur, M. T."" " for sale by o.hw. rux:e oo N- E UornM eonl and Market St. janss, .. . ...... ...... r-r HOUSE FURfflKG GlM ! JKFERIKS' PATENT BI7CKW8KA ' link era, bakes four at ouoe Knach Ml Paua, Saoaaee Cottera a id Staffera, Miocbiff , Kulvea, Scrubblug Brut , Utii Urooaw, re er Ouetera, or suit) low by CEO. A.PCCr " Plow Stool. SWEre;iRON (ISO baraS, and S bihea . now In atook), oaat Plowa, Casting, Flow KolU. Hamen, ttellara, Back Band Flow Llnei, teel Weeding Hoes, lUub Aim, Grab , Mora, Ao. The largest stock of the above goodi in the cl y and at the lowest Mk prieea ' i IM ran ae ronna at Uta old eeUbllekeaV Uatda Hoimeof JOHW hAWHON. feb IS, 10 tl Market Straet, ALTAFFEB & IIIXJLt WILL FURNISH Sasli, Blinds, Doors, MOuIiUdis, Bracket, aoroll and ornamental work of avatr , rieaeitptlon at the loweat prfcea. Sub. end B'lmli repaired eheap. Tornroa dona at abaci ' notice. i . . ; ractory foot ol Walnut Street, adjoining OoW ville Co.'a Mil.. lebll lw . ' Wood, Wood. , yyK ABB 8BLLINQ AT THI . ! ' lowest Prieei for Ch, , , ;Z Delirered promptly anywber i la tha airy, tang 1 or cat up. Will Mil lota of tire ta tan wda at . oarely cost and drayage. , v c w feb 13 . O. 0. PAR8LKY CO. Swedes Iron, Swedes IronI rjTIHK third In voice of genaina Swede Irga now on the way, of all alma, Ineludlag Vtaon, wblch will be old at low flguret by , ; j i OILKS MTJBOUISOjr, " feb At New Hardware Storw. The Hovel ofthe Season I i chrisItan reids : ' "A 0UB8TI0N .'OF H0N01." "A Questlouof Honor, by Christian Fa Id, ,t 1 prmse,i j the preen aa a work high. eiadltable id j the preea aa a work htgu.y eiadltabl e or American UMratura. Tha aubjotocd ai' tracts larerrom very ravorahie orltlcKatf! Fnm Ik nubufefoata Prtu. "A new work of fiction by Christian Raid Is , alwarn acceptable . . : 'A Question of Honoe, ; Is a story of Southern society, with a welloa atructed and well-sutalned plot, and with a ; finish which will ba unanticipated by meet , roaderr" ' , ,t Pnm Utt New ffaera Repirttf I i "in aiimtrably told atory, full of Ineldaat ' and plot, that are In no respect overstrained. 1 and carrying latenaa Interest aa tha threads ot ' the narrative are caught ap and joined . ta . 1 j gather-" From Ms Louinille CttritfJoUTMi. ' ' ' ' 'Theetoryi'a charming ana. and Is rally ! worthy of the author 'a reputation; Indeed, It . haSMured to at the best and nobles; of all that she has vet written." Prom Ou BoiUm Olch. ., V "Exqnisltely clear In atyla andelavatad la tone, and Is worth more than one careful read- '-' Ing. i - i From U Utxca HtnUd, j "The author has wrought with care, and ' with a good ethical and artletie purpose, and "'' these aietbeeasentlal needs in the building ap of an American literature." . , From tkt BotUm OatttU. ' !" " ' 'Asa contribution to American SteUow, A i auestlonof Honor,' will mora than aaalatalm ',, e already enrlable reontatlonol Ita author.' From 0 Bvftlt Ctwriir, The author of "Vaerle ay I mer' fa eaa'ot 7 the most successful of tboea who have tried ta) construct aovela :it of tha crude material of ". American Ufa." i i i .--. .,...., MMWB ' . . ' ' i , - i ' ,lTol.,lsmo. Ctoth. Pice, Sl.TS.t , Mai lea to any aditress witma tho Uaitad . - States, post-paid, on receipt of prioe. il I). APPLBTON (M)., Publisher, augnodAwit ABfiiBaoADWAT.N.T. THE PEE DEE IIERIlU t Published everv Wednesday at ' n,l, WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY JOHN. T. PATRICK. Haa a large and rapidly Increasing oiauitr. Uon In the Pee Dee country ln North and South varonna. , , , .. ,i ,,j Adrerttsers wll! find It tha beat median la either of the alstei State lor reaoblag tba '-, tarmers, planters and aiercbanta. - ' '. The extensive local advertiting paS ' ' ronage exhibited in iti oolwnnt it tht -' ' best evidence oitt large and influm- tial circulation. 9T Specimen ooplea, with rata tor adaaW tlalng, sent tree, postagepald, on appllcaUa ,,t to tha undersigned, at warteeboro. . JNO. T. PATBIOC, ( " ' Editor and ProprWiem , i , mi.1 ti2ji...a n...'-'' w iiiu ricuiuuuv aticj. MICKORYi Mt O. la the oniv paper asoiianaa la ttetaaraa t county, an.1 basanextenalva clrculattoa laost Merebants, f aimers, and all class of basl H neaa men in the Htate. Tha Faaaa la a vy .1 Ut .in....... twwi.uo papvr, .iu a noestra i bla medium tor advertising lo Was em Nona . UaroUaa. taberal terms allow oa vearl k Vrtlsemata.8ubanrlrtlo r 8 In limn, .,J jvourasa jauiiuj a . . Ml V-oaai4