f , vi..--rv J Ky ( X , ' ' i , I p 1 ' v 70L IZIV.-nO. 167. UILinilGTOir. IT. C. SATURDAY. AUGUST 5. IG70. DY TELEGRAPH TO THE DAILY .TOUItNAL COMCRESSIONAL NOTES. XX GARFIELD'S REPLY TO MR IK MAaVS EECKNT SPEKCH. Commute Erporl Krptalliig the Re lumptlon Art. KEW COXFimCX COMMITTEE FOB TBI BITER ASD IIAKBOB BILL- News from the Frontler-The Indians , Breaking Into Small Squads. XI-ATTOSm GENERAL WILLUMS 01 TBI WITNESS STAND. Turkey and Senrla-Rimla Threaten! Intervention. HOLD AT NEW TORK 112 to 112 1-8 Ac. Ac. e. WASHINflTON. Washihotom, Aug. 4 Noon. In tbeBenate the concurrent resolution to adjourn on Monday was referred to the oomraitteo on appropriations. In the Honae the river and harbor bit! as it passed the Uenate yesterday wsa reported. A motion to oor.enr failed and a resolution to refer to a oouferenos oommittoe prevailed. The Honae ia now voting to lay the bill ou the table, whioh will not prevail and the bill will go to a committee of con ference. The conference committee on the legislative appropriation bill met last night and will meet again to-day with a prospeot of agreement. ' The new oonferenoe committee on the diplomatic appropriation bill had no meeting yet The committee on banking and cur rency ihia morning by a vote of 6 to 4 instructed the chairman to report a bill to the Ilonse repealing the resnmri tion act ,1 . f . v -. - Washington, August 4. Nigbt. Sbnati Tne committee on military affairs reported with amendment, the Honae joint resolution providing for the Iroteetion of the Texas frontier on the ower Bio Grande. Plaoed on the cal endar. The committee reported also the Benate bill authorizing the em ployment of Indian soouta. Passed. West introduced a bill for the relief of persona having claims against the United States under provisions of the captured and abandoned property aot. Referred to oommittee on claims. Jonea submitted a resolution re questing the Secretary of War to no , tify the Sonata whether the hostile In -diana Bent to St. Angostine, Fla., to bo impp ' permitted ., go at lar -Hone autlK..y these at J to go at large in thH a. over until to-mor row. " . Davis of West Virginia, by uianl moua consent, called up the report of the oommittee on finance, made some weeks siooe upon the resolution sub mitted by him in regard to Treasury discrepancies, and spoke at length on that subject, Sherman of Ohio aaid the remarka of the Senator from West Virginia ought aot to go to the Treasury with out some brief reply. Bontwell fol lowed Sherman. During the debate Thnrman asked if the booka.not having been changed were erroneous to this day. Bontwell. replied that they were in some aspects. . j Thurman asked what would be aaid . of the aooounts f the Bank of Eng land ahould show a discrepancy of two hundred million dollars. It would Dot stand on confidence in England one hoar, and what confidence oould the people of this country huve in the ftoooanta of the Treasury if they were .not kept so as to show the true condi tion of all aooounts. The Senator from West Virginia (air, iJavis) was entitled to the gratitude of the country for calling the attention of the country to this matter. If this was the mode of keeping the books in the Treasury it deserves the most careful consider ation .of a special oommittee to see if they oould not be kept satisfactorily. Pending discussion Hamlin demand ed the -regular order and the Senate resumed the consideration of the House bill establishing post roads throughout the oouuty, but ad journal fithont action, . Housa. Hereford, Reagan and Con ger were appointed on the oommittee of conferenoa on th river and harbor bill. ' . I'ha committee on military affairs submitted a report in the matter of the contract for aoldiors' bead stones. It declares the contract was irregular and it reflects somewhat severely on Secretary Belknap but recommends no action. Ordered to be printed.' . Garfield made a gi eat speech on the political Situation. He explained hia regret that he had not been able to see Mr. Lamar's speech in the Beoord.but atill it had been so clearly stated and ao logically connected that he oould acaroely.err in commenting on it. The speeoa was an earnest attempt to make progress in the direction of return to good I feeling, and in. so far it met hia (Garfield's) earnest oonour renoeThe gontleman bad complained of two great evila and obstacles to re form, 1st, the generally corrupt state of the Dublio administration, and 2nd, the sofkia ily corrupt state f the civil ervioe. He bad contended that that .corrupt atte of aJTairs was buttressed mod oonsolidfltml by an enormous army of 100.000 oIT.de holdors and IJf.C.J expectants of oIHoo. The dedacUons at the ercoci "ffr-a l'.r.t t-s rr-slli-era prtjwaa iacrr&ia of c-.-jj the great reform needed and that therefore the democratic party cught to be brought into power in the oora ing election. This had been the main logic of the speech. Mr. Garfield admitted that aome of the premises of the speech were correct; with most of them be oould not concur. But ad mitting that all the premises were cor rect, he denied that the conclusion was logical. He (Garfield) should attempt to sbow that the good which he (Lamar) sought was not to be secured by the ascendency of the democratic party at this time. lie had notioed one striking omission in the logic of the speech and that was that it made no attempt to prove the fitness of the democracy to accomplish the ooeded reform, aud without that proof of fltnesg the argument of oourso must be an absolute fnilnr-. He spoke over two hoars, and at the close of his efforts prominent among the mem bers who offered him their congratu lations was Mr. Lamar himsdlf. Lord of New York, from thejudi oiary oommittee, reported back with an amendment what ia known as the Blaine sobool amendment to the con stitution. As reported it is as follows: "Artiole 10 No State shall make any law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exer cise thoreof, and no money raised by taxation in any State for the support of publio schools, or derived from any ublio fnud therefor, nor any public nds devoted thereto, shall ever be under the control of any religious aoot. or denomination, nor shall any monies an raised or lands so devoted be divided between religious aeots or denominations. This artiole shall not vest, enlarge or diminish legislative power in tbe Congress." The last seutenoe is tbe one added by tLa judiciary commutes. MoGrary of Iowa, member of the judiciary oommittee, favored the orig inal proiiosition but opposed the sub stitute as a nullifying o'aus. It amend ed the constitution and donied to Congress all power to legislate on it afterwards. Lord advocated it.and said that Mr. Blaine had stated to him over and over again that the amendment aa drawn by him conferred no legislative Siwer whatever on Congress The ousa proceeded to vote on the reso -lution and it waa adopted yeas ICS, nays 5. The members voting in the negative were Blakburn, Bradford, Caldwell of Alabama, Clarke of Ken tucky, and Forney, Adjourned. The payment of the awards of the Alabama claims commission made siuce January 1st will oommonoe on the 10th. Two million of bouds fur this purpose will bo put on the mar ket on the 11th. The House post-route bill is amend ed by the Senate postal oommittee to provido for the renewal of fast mails. Ex-Attornny General Williams waa bofora tbe whiskey frauds oommittee fewday. He denies that hia wife wrote anonymous lettera and states that several Cabinet ladiea reoeived bribea to influence their husbands. , Nomination. Almon M. Clapp for public printer. The vote in the banking and onrj renoy oommittee for a bill repealing the resumption aot and assooiating with it the resolution known as Gib son's for a commission to report at next sesssion stood: Ayes Cox, Payne, Gibson, Hammond aud Burohard: Nays Wike, Townsend, Kasson, Earnes; Absent Hubboll. - General Sherman has tbe following: Bed Cloud's son and others have reached the Bad Cloud agency. They had been in the Rosebud fight All information indicates a break up of the foroes in front of Terry and Crook. Chief Rain-in-the-Faoe reached the Standing Rock agency yesterday. Manv small bands are in the neigfw borhood of tbe Missonri river agen cies, waiting to oome in. They will only be reoeived aa prisoners. ILLINOIS. -Chicago, August 4 Night As offioial report from Gen. Terry statea that on the 28th of July he would commence a movement up the Rose bud with a view to forming a junotion with Crook. The dispatch further states that the news received from every quarter indicates that the In dians are breaking np into small war Earties with a view to depredating order settlements. Others who are probably tired of war are seeking their agenoies. NEW TORK. Buftai0, August 4 Noon John Klingham, aged 42, out his wife's and hia own throat. Family trouble waa the cause. He leaves thirteen child ren. New York, August 4 Noon The Herald has the following cable special: "Ortdon, August 8 A special cor respondent of the Herald at Vienna telegraph', under date of August 3d, that foreign ambassadors have at last interfered and entered a protest against the present oonduot of the campaign in Servia. The dispatch states that several ambassadors have given warn ing to the Sublime Porte that unless the present system of enlisting volun teers as crusaders against the Glirist ians is stopped European military intervention is inevitable. As aeon sequence of this warning tbe Sublime Porte has ordered that no more vol unteers be enlisted against1 the Ser vians." The Tribuno liaa the following, dated Camp on the Yellowstone, Montana Territory. July 27, via He lona, Montana Territory, August 3:'- "The report that prisoners were taken during Custer's fight on the Lit tle Big Horn and afterwards muraered is nntrae. The men with Ouster all fell fighting gallantly to the last. The command moves to-day towards the Rosobud valley whioh is praotioablo for wagons. We will give np this stream. Communication baa been opened with Gon. Crook. Trails are reported leading from the Little Big Horq toward the Rosebud." , Vandorbilt, who suflTred a relnpse zLitiaj afternoon and aisofl tl.cn has to be still alive at 9 o'clock this morn ing. Niw York, Angust 4 Night . Commodore Vandorbilt had a relapse. At an early hour this morning he was reported by his physicians to be sink ing fast. Weaknea seemed gainiug rapidly upon h;m, iud his condition is regarded as extremely critical. The injunction restraining the Brooklyn Bridge Company from com pleting the bridge ever Est.river was n fused. MASSACHISETTS. Boston. Aug. 4 Noon A file in the granite block, 283 and 287 Devonshire street, this morning damaged the building and stock of George Frost & Co. to the amount of 8130,000. Fully injured. MUHIUIN. Dbtkoit, Aug.- 4 Noon The re publican convention nomiuated O. N. Croswell for Governor aud Alouia Ses sions for Lieutenant Governor. - PENNSYLVANIA. WrtKCBARnc, August 4 Noon Thomas Conyngham, a business man of one of the first families, forged a chock for 1200,000 and fled. FOHKIGN. Paris, August 4. Noon La Presse publishes, under reserve as not yet confirmed, a statement that France has been ordered by Russia to take part with the other powers in the efforts at mediation, and replied that it would bo better, first, that the (lowers under stood what are to be the poiuts of intervention. Russia evidently wishes for immediate intervention in Turkey, London, August 4 Noon A heavy gale prevailed on the oooets of Scot land and Northern England yesterday. Several casualties are reported with some loss of life. Messrs. Charlton k Co., of the Sti anton iron worka, Hartlejiool, have suspended, with liabilities reported at $900,000. Their iwU aubjeot to re alization are said to be muoh greater. Vhnna, August 4 Noon The Presse saya Monkhtar Pasha is ex- f eo tod to take refuge in Austria with da army, aa he ia so hemmed in a". Trebinje that it ia impossible to force a passage north. The Neno Frio Presse publishes in telligence front Constantinople saying the enforcement of Midhat Pasha's proposed constitution has again been postponed. ' " Bblohade, Aug. 4 Noon Offisial dispatches state, on Wednesday the Turks attacked the Little Bewardik and were repulsed. On Thursday they attacked the Sorvian positions north of Granada. The result of this attack is as yet unknown. A battle began Thursday before Gargusovetz but no bulletin of the result has" been re oeived. London, August 4 Night A dis patch to the Router Telegraph Com pany from Seralin sitys: "Impoitsnt battles were fought during the laet two days at Tresibaba between a atrong advance guard of Abdul Kerim's army under Flafiz Pacha and the Servians under Gen. Horvatovioh. Tresibaba is situated at thejuuotion of the roads leading from Panderolo and Gramada to Gargusovata. The Serviau Gen. Tohermayeff . is on the river Timok southwest of Gurgusovata. LrvRKPoob, August 4 Noon The circular of the Cotton . Broker's Asso oia ion says: "Cotton has been aotive throughout the week and business on Saturday and Monday waa unusually extensive. Qnotatians generally have been about Jd higher. Amerioaa hita been very active with prices mostly d higher, tbe better grades being 1-16 higher. For Sea Island the demand has been moderate at full rates. In futures theie has been a fair business and prioes have been about higher. Jb4C LXlSTJEiX EEPOBT, By Telegraph to the Journal, M 'i -' ' : riBMMciavi.. , , i New York, August 4-Noon Stoeks active and irregular. Money 3 par cent. Gold 111. Sterling Excliange long $4 88; short $4 W. Government bonds steady and but little doing. State bouds, quiet and nominal. New YoxK, August 4 Night Money easr at 2 iter cent. Sterling exchange quiet at $4 8.SJ. . Gold strong at 1121 12 J. Government bonds (lull aim steady new lives 117 J. State bonds quiet and nomi ual. ' , :.,.-. Commercial. . - Nr.w York, August 4 Noon Cotton qnlet sales of 1,430 bales ; uplands 12 cents; Orl0ausi2 $-Ub4wnt Ktourlrm Wheat quiet and firm. Corn firm. I'mk lirm mess .$11) 40u$l9 45. Lard fhm new steam fllall 60. Spirits turpentine steady at 30 cent : RpsiaquH at $1 00a $1 72 for'slralned. Freights heavy. Futures opened with sales as follows : August 12 M0al2J; September 11 27-:tea October 11 fall 2 1-12; November II (t-lflall 10-32; December 11 lft-32all; January 111 l-Kialli. Nkw York, August 4 Xight-t-Cottoti firm sales of 1,472 bales at 12al2 3-10 cents ; receipts for the week net UA bales; gross 4,200;eicports to Great Britain 3,100; to France'. 4,7ft!; to the C(jtluentj 2W; sales 0.8.V); stock 08,4(51. FlourV Is armer with a good demand for export and home trade use -superfine, western and state $a 00a$4 :J5; sotitliern flour firm and In fair demand : common to fair extra $1 70a. HO; good to choice do V Wa 60. Jije flour steady at $4 70a5 1U. CCrn msal unchanged. Wheat firmer with a fair in qnlry new white TeuneKsee $1 35. Corn firm but less actiue, dosing heavy at 00 cents for white southern In store. Oats firmer for good anil 'choice) Oilier" kinds unchanged. Colfoe Ulo steady with a fulr Inquiry. Sugar qnlet and steady at i0 cents for fair to good refining; re fined: lOJall cents for standard A. Mo lasses firm with a fair demand.' Rice quiet and steady. Tallow firm at 8 1.16aJ cents, ltosia qulotat $1 6al 71 i- Spirits tur pentine steady. Pork firm new mess $19 W)alO 75. Lard firmer primo steam $11 2ra$U 60. WliUcy quiet at $1 15 aked. Freights sternly. Cottou iHit r- ,i37 bait a; gross 100 balai; tulurci C;-A i'sqvZi irlUi brIcs of 27,000 bales as follows; August 12, 12 S-lOhlil 7r.-.'; September 11 13-Na llSl-'i tKioler 11, 11 Jail 2.V32; No vember II 2l-:li'all 11-lti; UH-eml)er 11, 11 11-IUaII 20 32; January II 27-32aIli; Kebniary 11 81-3212; March 12 all WW; April 12 -32al2 &-10; May 12, 12 71ua 12 15-32; June 12 l!-32al2; July 12Ja 12 5-32. Hai.timhuk, Aiisjust 4 Neon Flour steady and unchanged. Whot fairly ac tive and lower Maryland red. Rood to prime. $1 I Sal -j:'.; amWr $t 2:at 2S; white $1 15a I 20. NMitlnm corn steady western active, aUrong and higher, southern while 58 cents; yellow M 57 cents. FOREIGN "MARKETS. riMnneiai. London, August 4 -Noon The weatlier is unsettled. I'AIUS August 4 Noon Uentes HHM 2"c. ('oiuinervlfel. LtVKRrooi., August 4 Nixni Cotnm firmer but not quotably hllmr niUlillmn uplands 0 1-KUI; middling Orleans tl 3-KM; sales or 15,(100 bales. f which 3,(MK) bales were for tpeculation and exiiort; recelplt 1.3(H) hales, of which 1,21)0 bales were American. Kutures steady. - Sides of middling tiplandg, nothing be low low middling, deliverable Scjitciutier and October, 0 MOd. .Sol for Uie week of iy,IHH) bales, or which 7,(MH) til( Ji wuif for sieculation,aiid H.tHtOfor HrU; slockou band 017,000 bides, of which 6 14,000 ure AuierlCHii; re cvipis (15,000 twles, of which 3)),(XI() bales are American: actual eiport8,(KH) bahi; ailoot 315,000 bales, of which 40,000 bale were American; sal;of American 00,(100 bales. Sales of middling uplands nothing Mow low middling, deliverable October and November, 0 3.32d. Sales of nililt'llng uplands nothing below low middling (new crop), xliiil Oc lolkr and NovoiuIht, (per sail) ('! Sides of jnldd' ni uplands nothing lxdow low mlddllug, deliverable August aud Sei)U'uiler 5 3-2d. IATKK.Sales to-day of 0,5O bules American. Spirits turpentine dull at 2 Is. Mixud ooni firmer. UKIsBBAIiUUTIon niKHKrs. (By TVIefrnph.) Galvestoh, ' August 4 steady mid dling 114 cents; tUn-k 2,70U; weekly sales 301; net receipt 200; gross receipts UOH; ex ports coastwise 131. Norfolk, August 4 Quiet and flrni mlddling 10 cents; stock 1,012; weekly net rsoiipts003; exports nwstwIiMi 077. . lUi.TtMoKE, August 4 Qnlet and firm middling 11 J cents; stock 1,372; weekly net recel its none; gross 2:10; sales 1,121; exjKKU to Great Hi iUln 213; exports coast wise 102; sales to spiuuers 4 10. IIostor, Auiut 4 Steady middling 11! cents; Block 11,055; weekly net re ceipts 152; gross 107; sales 2,535) exports to ureal iiriimn 1,1100. 1 . I'uir.AUKi.i'iUA, August 4 Firm tnld- dltug Vi centa; weekly net receipts 142; gross 411; exports to Ureal Urltalu 50". Savannah, Aurust 4 Klrm middling 11 cents; stock 1,331; weekly net receipts 1,011; gross 1,120; sales 127; exports coast, wise 007. . 1 " Nkw Om.RANH, August 4 strong mid dling HI cents; low middling lOf cents; good ordinary Uv cents; stock 44 05(1; weekly net receipts 1,!W7; gross 1.H48; Bules 8,050; exMrts aiastwise 2,87tt; ex ports France 3,750; ,0 eodtineut 1,240. MomtiK, August 4 Finn middling 11 Cents; stock 4,43S; weekly uet receipts 21(4 tales 425; exports coatwioe 358 bales. 'Memphis, August 4 Firm middling 111 cents; stock 10,117; weekly net receipts 520; shipments 4,l4U; sales G,MX. - Augusta, August 4 Demand good middling 11) cents; stock 1,523; weekly net receipts 541; , shipments 150; sales 430; spinners 45. Cham.ksTon, August 4 steady mid dling 1 1 J ceut; stock 2,4rt; weekly net re ceipts 381; sales 405; export out wise 543. Keep III" Liver Active. Tha' almwtx a soaiid health maxim. In ordrr Uiatlh fnanttuLS at dlKcMkm, cvsrOKtloa add nTKUan shall Ihi dlscharuod with that dnnw o( nwihiiity and v1i;or wblcti Is (Hwvnlial U) tli II ttrinKM both biKly and mind, tlw llvnr, V wIiihu aotlvlty tlivy ant dewiid)iit fur thlr dfl nrfurmance, muni bu kupt in imod working or der. Oalomol and bine pills, Itcaldr hulng liurl mlucril ilruu, ouly psrtiallit and temporarily notify diKirdvni or sluKginlintHM ot tint great hillary gland. HoaUitter's HU)uih Hlttora, cm Uio ooiitrary, aqnipliili Uiormifrhly what the ahirve iiwdli liiaa (a(l in doio, aud an berkira a sat aa well aa potent remedy fur disorders of Uie stoaianhj Iwwduj and onjrum of nrtnatlnn. as well a an anot nailed pmeral tnvlKorant 'TUey are, moroovor, a alerlioK antidote to malaria. . DIED. Wlt.UAMH-AtNichols.it. V., rm t 4th Inat-, Mrs. l'EKHT J. WiLI.lAStS, wife 9 Perry J. Wllfama. 8 tie learee a hmhtnd and sav ral hildrna to moarn ter Irreparable loss. : KIW ADYEBTISIMEKTS Desirable Dwelling at N WEDMI8DAT mnt, 9Ut tastant, at 13 o'eloek H.i nnlea stoner dlnpoied or at prltate Mia, wawul sail at RsohanRn OornM that d ilrabls UmiUiift ob souta tlda ot Market (treat, fonrth daor Kl corner Eighth Kreet. 1Ot IronUHttfaaton Mankat, tMi back IfiO teat to Maaitsw street, la uleaiantly ktcataa ana healthy. Dwalllpg is naw, contahii all rooaia. gaa, la ubatWlAUy built t flnaly Bolthad thronisoui; has ttx-ral rare, ancnta ana an namMHry oal hontaa. Parties dnxlrlot to surchaM art invttSd to Stnaitra the premises. -Torai-4na-third eaab; btlanae one and two years wiU eight par eeut iuieraat. OKONLY A MOttHIS, aa 5-tt I and I Auetloiicors. i. - i 1 ' 0 j . - I'EAOIIES, . i.( GUAPE3,. - !.,!, v.... i . .. , . - APPLES And WATERMELONS To-Day. The OH A PER are'of 'tiie :albratd IVK8 specie. Com early aud maka your taction. ICE CREAM KurBlthetl In gnautltkas to BulL , CTURTI8 1 A BOATWRianT, Woren Wire Mattrcssosi. AW v L A at O K HOtll ,. For Sals Uw " BT ; i t, aogS ir D. At RMITU C? SIW ADVIKTISIMESTS. HIDDEH PERILS, JJT MAET CECIL HAT. Tb't aa.4 la para womanly," nita fraa froai MNuti.in. from aUain, and from trlea ol every kind; ltdrale wth tit, ahm and eventa, whlok ma; fairly b eukMl to ba within the riiutiita,t and piiwik'nca) of a lady aoTciUt. It I lnteroailn and well it to ifHlherin ituod Kngllnh. fh. lot h nrtlhft imprariabl nor tncMittnii. nd l owea nolo. Inn In aouretxt from whl. h ll hu hrcbiue lue) rommon a priotloe to borrow BiateiltU, F4K DALE At- HEINSBEUOEIld jolySO-tf ' Ura Book aad Maaic 8 tora. A. CAnPEIXTEH'J Hew Saddlery Store. FRONT STREET, Two Doom 801th vt 'Eiohania Corner Ari'tX LINK Or SAIIOLEKT UOUUM. Kepalrinf dona promptly at low ratal. Trunks Kapairad and Uuratud. itiy-iy The Tlace to Buy School II O O l M . "lUUNl'Kr rRACHRKS will Dh J har that SOHuOl, BOOKS are being sold at ooe-fburu lexa thaa regular prlre, Ify a. Jawr.i 1, Bookwllnr an t Mtulnnor, julyl-ouac North r rout 8 treat. JKIMELLAMKOIS. Q-eneral JLsenoy (F THE Amcricno Cottou Tie Company. Limited 12 HKONDF.LKT STBKKT NKW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA. TO MKIU'U ANTS AND OTUEIM WIIOU IT MAY COMt'RUJi: 1 Pleaaa take notioa, that wliermi there are Ira ing oOered for aala in your looaiity y paruoa aot lioanaail by aa, Iron Cotton 1'lua with huok laa having ai open aiot through ana bar or the baokla leading lato a uoniaa. Wa aaulUiu yoa not to maka w of nor sell aay aneb Tim ait har wltb new Uucklol and llanda, or eo railed eeoond-band Haoklealn eoniblnallun with naw or piaotd Hauda, nnlami boaghl from or through oar duly autnoriao SKiit. Our Arrow and other Upeu Mat Bnukle for aTral ynara past hava bn sold and itaniptHl: 'I,IhhmiI to uaa ouna onlv." tlur allorneya are luatructed tn bring aalt agalnat all parmiii violating our paiaiu ngnia FnK tbk American Ootton. Tie Com. I'Ant, Limited f. OUOK, neneral tegnl Agent. ' Maw Orleans, Ia, , Unr A genu la North Carolina are . , UeHUllKT A fO. an S-dotwDtnac-wSni WHatingtori, (1 rand Family Uxcuraion OF THE : WHITING RIFLEG To Smithvillo AND THE BLACKFI8H CROUNOt On the Kloxsutaiid Commoilloiit Htaamer .1. Si. irNnURIIILL, TUESDAY, ' AUGUST 8, 1 876. Ur.KIBHMKftTH VI7HNI8HEO AT CITY . PHIOtH. ntlMMtTTER: Oae. Jo. W.Uobmh, J. O. Mctt, J. II. Dasiil,, J. O. Caktwsu,, W. A, Bona, Wn. Wsat. : Round trip 9; Oiiljdrtn half prtra. Tickets eaa ba had at the Book Blorra. (augJ B.T THE RALEIGH NEWS -FOR THE Oairip aign' , The Cheapest Paper NCXTH CAROLINA THE WEEKLY NEW8 30 cts. THE WEEKLY NEWS 80 ota. THE WEEKLY NEWS 80ots. THE DAILY NEWS 1.60 THE DAILY NEWS 1.60 XnDAIW NEWS 1.M will ba mailed free of potttfa to any addram, until hoy. 10, 1K!6, i. tor tha abora namrd Tlidan and Vaooa Clutie, or any ens ltitret- Sd In tha aoocaja of the Domooratlo party, can umcua. apaoial rates by writing lor Tbsmmto I'Lona, " KfgoUp Hupaerlptloni. 4 ' . -a ,i n '.. i . i , ,. Palty.onsyaar....,, 0.(10 Weakly, one yar..... ..1.00 " ' Addrana . : ,, , i . . TIIK NEWS, sag 4-tr Balatgb, W O. : The'Uohcsonian; T3UBLIIIHEI) evory Wndneday Morning in JT Lnmbarton, B. 0 , by W. Vallaoa Mc Dlarra U, baa the largaat alrculalUin of any oonntrjr ptpar In tha Htate. It cirenla'ra ex tensively la Caeaoaiitieeof Kobaeonlchmond, linden, Columbua, Cumberland, Brunxwkk and In tha adjoining oouutlci ot Marlon, Marl boro' aad Uarllncton, In Wouth Carolina. Aa a IooaI iieWaper It baa no anparlor. It (a onvof the few country papeiawhoaa editor aad pub llihnrgivae hia whola time and attention to Its eolumna. ... In politlce tha Bohoaonlau will atrlrs to pre mnte the prlncliilen of tha Democratic Cnuaar vatlve party, and la uncompromisingly In favor of white miprnmacy. ita local colainue will alwaya team with tha letert and beat newt, written in a brief. InWlllgtut and biiHlnaaa Ilka fflannar. ita adl'orlalawin beirhortand lnold and npon snb jtr.U which directly cono rn oar peiple, Aa an lver' Wnj? medintn It la much nought altar and haa a patronage eo end to ao other counlrr M par. .t bll-Ued In IH70, tt has ever einee bean ucroieiBg ra tnSnrnca and popularity untn It hai reached and occupied tha vary front rank of North Carolina iournaltHUi. hUtra Uaab lu advance One year SU SO; aix niouieetl IS: three montha 7fl cunU. Bend a three eant atastp foe ro clmm copy. Advar thing ratea fumiabed on application Aito cain- paiKii ratea wnica are vary reaaouauia.. aunt4-tf . , , ., , . ... 1 For Bent TJIEoomroriable and aoavaalent HOUSE, oorner if front aud Ana atroeu, froaa Oo tober let next. Cltota water in tha yard. ' ' ' ' ' , Apply W !" ' ' J .'; i ! F. J. LORD. 1 nngt-at or W. O. 1.01(1). ( , , W.niNOTo,Angaatl, U7S, Scinl-Araiscal DlylCir.d. TB E Board af DironfAra af tha peak of Kow Hanomr have dcolweed a dlvkinndof Imtr pur ount (rree 01 im out oi it erinn.. i bank for the all muiiitm filling tiieau.i, J , , ptyable an and aftor t: 0 1 1I1 ..' . 8. l. WALL' "2 1 Ou' r-3 W L As it is my intention after this season to discontinue kefpirj CCCI ; I now oiTer tha balanoa of mj stock cl WHITE GGODI3. OOMSIBTINQ OF . Victoria Lavno, P,ainf Ctripcd & Fb!:! rJaincooko, Organdies. , UlNhop LawnSj X-inonfi zc,t At rrioos not only to suit tha tjmoa, but uiass uootis wnicne iavo aspt 10 toe vt oiw uoooi ljine. I wu o ooiaisarably reduco tha prioa of By 1 ' '" Real Cashmere ITeta and Lac::. my2sir ' EXOHANCrU 0OtXlTZ2Ti. 1 7 7 G OF CHEAT ATLANTIC COAST' HI. . -.'u 1 1 POH ' T IIili3ii,jj y;i m-v-. ,'i ' . Accomodationof Visitoro from all FeintdCcath 1 Tha Hallways and Btramtnlfi Uompanlea batwrtia Aagnsta, Qa, aud railAdolphla, awsipris ing Uia Atlantic Coaat Mna.iM'uB'P'Ni'VtM i . , j, . . , ! Centennial Exhibition of the United Ctatet nioeant for Ilia patronaga or tha oltlaena or ttis Bauth, routaa or t'antirtaUo and forms at tlckata a poo whioh to reaoh r hlladalihla, thai will luimoaaarably eioel all other Unas la potato! Direct Dally Movement, Com fort ablfj Aer ommodatloa, 1 " . VrUBlllty of Transit, Icoaomy cf IlfendUaiti Ta enable thla to be dana, t he eotnblned reeourom f tha Hallway tinea Booth af Koetoik Ugether with thoM of tha Haiti Company will ba employed and or Hi - etvln or military organisation eatlrf tlinlr d.lrM Prim lieu, Tiawa Oajda and all walfl laCotmatloa will ba la tha kaads of anr AgaaU b AP'it w'l'u ba tha mtaraat of avary Indlvldsal and aleh organ UaUoa propoalii ja maka this Kl ' ts i)inmunlot with the mulnralgnert.. , . Jtfi i .,'( 1 t,? I i A Centennial F.hltttln(lul.lo Book An inthoriaad by tha OonimUaloa wlfl glVasi Vt Uw lurehaorla,tCaa,Uualal'A'lksk.i s i i J J" a 50 Caoco ; CO S T L O TJ I 1 1 ! . . . if EAGER BEER PACKED rltotY TQ i.pUft ! , ORDER IN CASES OF t H Two Dozen Each, ' FOR FAMILY USE. : .... ... t, , ,in: i.;.) . . .!! i ' : - - I ' IT COMBINES ALL THE GOOD FEATURES OF LAQER, AND IS RECOMMENDED FOR USB ! OFlApliaaDdlNtALIDB, Cias.D.OvefslCo; 80LE AGE1IT8, ... 5 and 7 North Front St. Review copT. . t JulalO-dAw GEKM AvN; muK tjudkhsiomro wttti art a . : .U,,.;. ., :,. il l,'- Course of Instruction In ...i v . ; i -t t " ' . ,, Tbb Oibmam Iuasnaasr r .. - JHisrH?EiTisr:s. New and Practical Method , ..... i ' .(-. i .--' . MESSIUM eommsnoes ths 10th day of Angust aad clear tbs With day of Dooomber. Tha Oouraa la antlralt raw and baa bran vary carefully prepared. , A apaaijy and thor- oug) marery or ma language m g iaraniwi. An aniline of the adrantageaof tha ayatara and ita principlm will be given to all who apply., HOURS OF IN8Ti0OTION' 1 to t t'clockF. at. ' ' " ' A"" R. Von PIROn, July S0-1m Cor. Front and Orange Bta. J. H. MALlJtBU. U. M. BUWUEM, MALLARD & CO,, ...... ... ... .i ..'' ii (Hucofe,V to Carpenter ft Mallard, . , ,.: , i , , , V , ... . .. (.1 Vo t South Front street. HAVK J08T ,RK0BIVKI A. U? Of , , -ft pUPERIOn HARtJCSS . All radMAJioatoUf. .i. SOLE LK. IT 11 Kit. i TUIXKS, Bom d and Hiveteil Kdgea. n ror Male uneap, Mannfaotorlng an1 Kapairlng all kinds ,of . Jtaraara ana rrnnn ny experianci ami killed wornuenl'rioealjowi , ' July Stv-lm -' . , Notice' .. . A f OH1 OKMIH'.Atn thla day a immlFiry J J nole,datxl Wilmington. M. C.,iu""-t lot. atalitydnraditt'), py',,s,othe onl-r of A. T. A J. j.ondt a for Sfty d.l ara and aigaad by ne. , . i I war a ewrtbndy not lo niwllita f"f ti kauie, an H la no ue to anybnly n l 1 -i be id. . . , i 4. J -.i.. n. . I' .'I. far below tha real value ef tli t?'.;A 3 1 C 7 G ! 1 4. 1 tt i.l !,f!1J"l.l H 1 XII 13. a . . I (.. . i ia,ihaaataibinaaraaorrMartbs Railway .mea Boots ar noeraB laltlmors Btam rachet Company and tha Old Itomlmoa SUawNiiy I and the hvllfldual raorlat, the aoolal party af tan, twaaty or mora. nlaaUua of lo w m, can each ba oared for In a manaw Ual wiJ ! JAt. T. PCTTEVVAY t, . a-; ui m i . ,-. ;V 11 m I no-ton, IV. C 1 j . f - I t It t nut TjlUIX I.INN 84MrLE,4IXI)I.HnRIP. JP tlnnaof Maiobaudtna Vahlhltxd Jatly Wlrei iiaed friy anleii aeiioirwt tur aiaa, l.ard, Klnur, Hugar. Coft. Molaums, Bait, Boap, Candida, l.ya, lloda, Tobacco, aVe., e. Ulue.aplrltcaaka, & , a. HaaxUs Naval Store., Cotton aad produef geuetally. . Sugl-lm .MI'l .. i t i Our Clbthtn IIUBT BE SOLD,' USD IN . TO Dd 60 WE WILL j Halroacrii:::.'- Yoaref o ra Bargato baa ba Had. dug I Ololhiareandj af prohant Tallovi JS .! -jM h al itidi i it ill k th Tha OTFIOB aowaceapmdty Kassts. A. A. Mlta)a;TM,,M0..i. .4. ,i (viti , , J j, fwiawMarswrJytp'ty.iii-i, . ialf JS-if ' ' '"'V P'.AZ."Si; J pi. ii ..I. ... ' iiM.iiii,aii. Yl" " ,.1 e. www. t mmm pwwvmvl (P . i j " 1 'Coy? &elld, ' A r uii BTocit or iiftAM anVr jakii. Fraaarvlng KattVaa, Caw hw (aUSuaw,, - ' thruid Hllabls in fc&til l .it, ' I for tal t low hi ' z aly iW ! .veu,'. rcr. ' ' Ta "Ecaiiolio irdr:V ih j (. foi' ' " ' ' . .. iit h vtl t ' . Tin? Ccatcnnihlrcir i am v'iiiorfrtitW.',''tMi-w';.iSJ ' Da rated to PoUtM tltaraUrwi AarktaJt i i, ' .a.jStSWaO .. . , OIrTtatiotL large and daily note" VOW f THB"TIM xo r r"--. . , It blreillataa In Tblrty-two 0 as of Jt . i aiawtt MMdloi(ti4C'uM.a..i ' 1 "A ' , Bout Bids VlrS-M,t. , . AbVfRTiSERB ?riuEi:r-rrTE: yabMbtloi prlM, fa hilr'an.'AS J j ,.J.' ' a Bead for I'la ounr to .:mi-.,, T MifiMAd B.OS., ft... mvts-nt ' JNWVAWff V Tf T.T fl ' tUf.lt. 1.1 i ll i .1 I'' i:. ')!.' Hwtohlnce CelebraUd Wins 1 r t f"i at graaUy radnotd price. A1-j a t meni O' Appia w vwvir, wm a. , a-q. Call Sod am'na tbetergoet ttoca of t tu a . ' t good in tha oity at the iUiawtabUdaaiiar.'a i ' . nly tr Hsa.l,sai.ni, 1 " a" WVJL supply at Boaad asi Oral Dm Coert,T1 rind W tinging tkrt Ulr aadfeatb,arppRtera,vcn ( ,! iw 1 FqrsalHowh, July 10-tf ... I .Km ' m T T tTU,dow;l.ljf , , , - to sr--i r i ,.1 I