A WILMINGTON, N. C, FRiDAT MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1877. PRICE $6 00 ESTABLISHED, 1851. .!- n ffi ' -". TIIEJELEGRAMS. KEWS OF .THE WORLD, The Joturninpr Board a Conr " . gross! N0 HOPE OF PEACE IN EUROPE. j FAYOKAiiLE DECISHi FKOV Jf HUH WHITE. This rian for (ountin; the lire- Ural Vote. . Noon Reports. (OM.KIXS. Washington. -Jan. lH Anderson ancl-W ells, ol tin' Louisiana 1 urni itjr Hoard, arrived this morning, and were arrested at daylight and imprisoned. Oflicers of the House left last tiight for New Orleans to bring Khmer and Cus siinave, the remaining memliers or the Hoard, to the bar of the House. In Ihe Senate, Mr. Jones of Florida. iircsentcd the petition of Win. "Cull, lobcrt B. Hilton, J. K. Yonge and Robert Bullock, the Democratic Presi deutial electors of Florida, claiming: to f have beeti legally elected and uskiiig that the electoral vote cant by them for President and Vice President be ,- counted instead of that cast by the electors on the other-side. On motion . of Mr. Jones, the petition was laid on the table, and he gave notice that he would call it up nest week for the pur pose of submitting ' some remarks on the'subjecty" , Wells ad Anderson have .1kmmi con fined in thuu" room of the Sergeunt-at-arms all the moniinir. The.y will be presented at the bar of the House af- tcr the expiration of the morning hour. It is undej-stood they will purge. The report of the joint committee" is mo mentarily expected. They arc in ses sion uow perfecting their report Paync.chairmun of the House branch ot the joint committee ou counting the electoral vote has just entered the hull of the House. Ihe reportja signed by thirteen members of the committee, Morton only dissenting. frXOUIDA. New Yokk, Jan. 18. The World's Washington special says Senator Jones, of Florida, has received the fol lowing despatch : "Tam.ahasskk, Jan. 16. Informa tinn of quo" warranto has been decided upon demurrer in favor of Democrats and against Hayes electors." This decision is given by Judge "White, of the Circuit Court, the de murrer being made that the Hayes electors, having met aud acted, no court could consider their inability after the fact. By .denying this de murrer the court decides that it has jurisdiction ami the case will ptoceed to trial upon main issue, as to the-right of the vliayes electors to act at all. In the meanwhile the decision .of de murrer will be appealed to the Supreme Court. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Paris, Jan. 18. The Rome corres pondent of the Universa says it is be lieved the Pope intends to fill up all vacant cardinalates. Ijondon, Jan. 18. A Pera spPcial to 1L. fll.l L . .. 'P.. 1 . IUB icinniim reports mm j urivu and Servia have agreed to exchange prisoners. Gen. Tchernayoff, inter viewed in Paris, said he doubted not that the war would be renewed in the r I n .L. ri , . : spring. ah inu Constantinople corres pondents of London journals and near ly an inose at otner r.uropean centres express the decided opinion that the Turks will , not yield, The thtily Kew' Constantinople dispatch Bays the Ultimatum is a more efficient doc nmnnt than at first snnnoscd. It does not sacrifice the executive powers of the international commission. - -. : .1. ... .. . , 1 -iVl it niceuiig ui ' lue masu-rii nnu ' operatives' committees of the Lanca- . I . : .... 4 ... .1 l. ,1.- 1 ters unconditionally rejected all the operatives' conditions because they would result in a -general advanec-of wages. A meeting of operatives will be held, aud a rupture is expected. Tho Time, in its financial article, says private advices from Russia con tin tie to aflbrd strong evidence of the injury already done - tho mercantile community by' apprehensions of war. One firm of cotton spinners employing 12,000 hands, has lost so heavily since Russia assumed a warlike attitude that tho establishment would havelieeu com pelled to close bud not the firm ob tained assistance, it is said, from" the Government, which was unwilling to suffer such a calamity. to involve so lurge a number of employes. Constantinoi'I.r, Jan. 18. It is un derstood that 1,1100,000 or 2,000,000 Turkish pounds-of puper money will be issued. Bkhmn, Jan.- 18. Princess Marie, sister of the Empress and wife oU'ritioe Charles of Russia, is dead.' Night Reports. Washington, JJn. lf. In their rv" port submitted with the bill, the coin' uiittee say they have applied the ut most practicable study and deliU-ra tlon to the subject, and Ulieve tint the bill reported is the best attainable disposition of the difficult problems and disputed theories arising out of the lattt elettion. They sM-ak of the ililli culty of reaching a conclusion, and they dealt with abstract questions ss fuiUs they are necessarily involved in the" legislation proposed. . The re-wrt- implies that'jj gitioa' may lie had on the subjecffii accordance with, the Constitution; but the committee think that the law is ineoi.si.tciit with few principal theor'ivs nMin the stl je t. The bill i tiiily directed to as certaining for the purpose and in aid of the eountiiisr what aiv'the t'onstitu tioual votes of the njsprctive .Sta(4 S and whatevej- jnl-isilietioii eists lor Kiieh .purjMise the' bill only regulates the meilnHl of exercising it. For th's the t'onsliliition-givcs warnilit, and thi-refore the law proposed is not in-consi.-tent with that 'instrument. -The coimnittee regard it of far givater mo ment that the will of the people slKinTd Ik- legally carried out than the-jpies-tion of "who shall be Prvsidentfo.ru preenbed term. Tin y then Ion- en deavored to frame a lair and impartial measure. The Icgiylaturc undjiidic'i ary are represeitfed in the tribunal in equal projMirtions. The eompiitioii ,of the jiidieial jir.t of the eummitiee looks to a seleclioii IVoni diU'eivul parts ol the republic; while it -is .thought to be free from uny pivpoiuh cenee or sup posalde bias, anil the udditioii of the necessary constituent part of the wlnilo in order to olitain an Vineveii number of the coiuinission is left to im agency the furthest removed tVdin prejudice ol any existingittluiiiable one. It would be dilliiult, if not impossible, the com uiittee think," to establish a tribunal that could be less, the subject ol party criticisms than such a one. Thi' ! .committee felt bound by the highest' duty to let no ties of party feelings stuud ill the way of a just, equal and peaceful measure lor e.ti catiiig the question faom the embar rassments that are at present surround ing it. The committee conclude us follows : ' In conclusion,, we resjiectfully big leave to impress upon Congress the ne cessity of a speedy determination upon this subject. It is impossible to estimate the material injury the country daily sustains from the. existing state" of un certainty. It directly and powerfully tends to unsettle uud paralyse business, to weaken public .and private credit, and to create ajipreheiision in the luiiuls of the people .that disturb the Ienceful tenor ol .iheir ways uml uiar their happiness. ' It does far nrorc. It tends to bring republican institutions into discredit, and to Create doubts f the success of our lorm of government and of the prosuerity of the republic. All cpusideratious of interest, of pat riotism and of justice, unite in demand ing of the law making power, a nieus- rc that will bring peace and prosperity to the country, and show that our.re- publican institutions are equal to any emergency, and in this connection we cannot refrain from the expression of our satisfaction that your committee, composed of equal members of both parties have fortu nately been able..., to do what has been attempted in vain heretofore almost unanimously agree upon a plan considered by them all to be just, -wise and eflicicnt. We accordingly reeom mend the proposed net to the patriotic and just judgment of Congress. I Signed by Geo. F. Edmuuds, Fred. T. FrelinghuAsen, Roscoe Conkliug, A. (. Thurman, T. F. Bayard, Matt. W. Ransom, of Senate committee; H. B. Payne, Kpha Ilunton, Win. M.Hpring er, Geo; W. McCrary. GejjrgeF. Hoar, George Wrillurd,.of House committee, A BIU. TO PROVIDE FOR AND KKIIUl.ATK TUB COl'NTIMJ OF VOTKS FOK PHKSI-, DKNT AND VIl'K I'KKSIDKNT AND THE DKCISION OF QUESTIONS ARISINII THKKK- ox. foimhrteiimooimkncin'o MAIICII 4th, a. p., 187". Be it cnartetl, frc.. That the Senate and House of Representatives, shall meet in the hall of the House of Rep resentatives at tluV hour of 1 o'clock p. m. on the first Thursday in Febru ary, A..D. 187, and the President' of the Senate shall be their presiding olli cer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Henato. and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall b' handed, as thfy are opened by the President of the Senate, all the certifi cates or paK;rs purporting to be certifi cates of the electoral votes, winch cer tificates and papers shall be ojM nedr presented and acted upon in the alpha betical order of the States, beginning with the letter A, and said letters having then read the saint! in, the presence and hearing of the two houses, sliall make a list of the votes us they shall appear from the said certificates, and the voles' haying been ascertained and counted, as in t hs act provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who sliall thereupon announce, tho state of the vote and the names of the persons: if any elected, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the H'rsoim elected I'resii'e it and Vice President of the United Slates, and together with a list of the votes be entered on' the journals of the two houses. Upon such reading' of any such certificate or spaper when there sliall be only one return from a . State the President of the Senate shulj call for objections, if any. Every objection shall be made in writing and shall state clearly nd concisely and without argument the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least ow Senator and cue inetnlier of the lloas- of Represen tatives In-fore the si.im- shall Ik? re ceived. When all objections so made to any vote or pajier from a State shall have Iwen received mid read the Sen ate sliall thereupon withdraw and such objections shall lie submitted to the Senate for its d;t ision, and the Speak er of the I bjiisc shall in like manner submit Wi ll obj' eljon to the House of Representatives for its decision and no eleetoral or votes from any State from which but one return hasUcu rvceiii-d shall bo rejected except by tint affirma tive or the vole of i in- two houses. When the tvo houses have voted they shall immediately again meet and the presiding oflieer slmll then amiouiiee the decisio.n of the question $1111110(1111. ! See. 1. -That if more than one return or pas-r pnrporting to lie a return tiom a State shall be reccved by the 'President of the Senate, jmrportiug to ! ihe cei tiliciites of the electoral vote 4given ut .the last j.rec d.ng election for I'l-i'sideiit and tee 1 ivsulctit in such State, unless they shall be dupli cates of the same return, all such-returns and papers shall lie opened by him in the presence of the two Houses when met lis aforesaid, and read by the tellers, and all such returns uud papers skill' thereupon-' lie. submitted to the judgment uud decision us to-which is the true and lawful electoral vote of such Stale of a cou;ui'ssion constituted lis fcillowv: During the session ufcuch I Ions.', on the Tuesday next 'Jpiveed ing the. -first Thursday t in February ! s;77; eai-h I ! nuo shiill, by vim voice ' v'utiCiippoint live of its uiembers wtiOi with the Jive Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (to be ascertained us hereinafter provith-d) sh;ill ci'institute a cmnniis sioll for the ilec.Kinii uf all ipicsiions upon or in respect to such double re turns named in this section. On the TuesVuy next preceding the 'first Tnursdiiy in Feliruary tiiino douiini 1877, or'as soon thfn-Hl'ter as limy be, the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States now assign-, cd to the first, third, eighth aud ninth circuits', shall select in such manner as a majority of Jlicin shall deem fit. an other of the As.-ociate J ustiies of said Court, which five persons shall 1 members .of said coiiiinission,"und the person longest "tn- commission of said nve Justices sliall be the President of said commission. The members of said coniinisj-jon hull respectively take and subscribe the following oath: 'I, , do-solemnly swear, or affirm, as the case may be, that 1 will impartially examine and consider all questions submitted to the commission of which 1 am a member, and a true judgment given thereoir ngrcejiblv to the Constitution and the laws, so holp mo Cud." Which oath shall bu filed with the Secretary of tile Senate. . . When the commission -shall' have been thus organized it shall not be in the power of" either Hoiise. to dissolve the same or to withdraw any of its members. But if any such Senator or member shall ilie or-become physically unable to pcrfoun the ,dutie required by this act the fact of suth death or physical inability shall, be by said com mission, before it shall proceed further, communicated to the Senate or-House of Repre'senliitives'ivs.the case may be, which "body " shall immediately, and without debate, proceed by viva voce. vote, to fill the place I so vacated, and the. person siKappointCd shall take and sub.-ci'ilie the oath' jiereinbefore -prescribed uud become u member of said coiuinission; and. in like maimer,. if any said Justice of the Supreme Court shall die of become physically incapable of performing the duties required by this act the other said Justices, members of the commission, shall immediately ap poiut another Justice of said Court, a member of suid commission, and' in such appointments regard shall be had to the impartiality and freedom from bks sought by the original appoint- -nients of said commission, who sliall thereupon, immediately take and sub scribe the oath hereinbefore prcscrilied and become a member of said cominis sion to 'fill the vacancy so occa sioned. AH the certificates and pa pers purporting .to be certificates of the' electoral votes of- each State shall be opened in the alphabetical order of the States as provided in section one of this act, and when there shall be more than one such certificate or paper as the certificates and papers from such State, shall to be opened excepting the duplicates of the same return they shall bu read by tho tellers, and there upon the President of ilk Senate shall call for objections, if any. Evry ol ject ion sliall he made in writing and shall stifte clearly .and coliciselv. and without argument." tho grottml thereof, awl shall be signed by ut least one Senator and one Representative before the same shall be received. When all suclr objections so jtmde to any ' cer tificate; vote or 'paper from a - State shall have I weu received and rud, all, sih lr certificates, votes, and papers so objected to, "ami all the papers ae.com p.tiiying the salmi together with such objections, shall be forthwith submit ted to said' commission, which shall proceed to consider the same with the same powers, if any, now possessed for that purpose by the two houses acting separately or together, and by a major ity of votes decide whether any and whit votes from such Stale are the votes' provided for by the Constitution of the United Minted, "and. how many and wh it persons were duly appointed electors 111 Htich State and may therein take ami iiiterview such petitions.depo silious and other papers, if any, as shall by the Constitution ami now existing liiw, be competent- and tiertincnt in such considerat ion, which decision shall be niado iu writing, stating brleliy the grounds thereof, and signed by the nieuiliers of said commission agreeing therein. Whereupon the two Houses shall again meet and such dvcisiou shall lie read aud entered- in the jour, nal of each House, and the counting of the votes shall pnceed in conformity therewith, unh-ss upon object ions made thereto in writing, by at least five Sen ators and Eve nieuiliers of the House of Representatives the two Houses shall sciaralely concur iu ordering other; wise, in "which case suclr concurrent order shall govern. No vote or papers from any other State shall l? acted upon until the objections previously made to the voles or patters from any Suite shall have lieeu finally disposed of. Sec.'S. That white the two Houses are iu iiiiN'ting as provided in this act. no debate shall lie allowed and no question shall be put by the presiding officer except to cither House on llio tioii towithd aw. and he sliall have uo power to preserve order. Sec. 4. That when the two Houses prepare to decide ujion objections that may have been, made to the counting of any electoral vote or votes from any State, or upon objection to a report of said commission, or other question arising under this net, each Senator ami Representative may )ieuk to such objection -or question not oftcner thuu once. But uftcr such debate sliall have lasted two flours it 'shall be the duty of each Iioum; to put the main question without further debate. '-' Sec. 5. That at such joint meeting of the two houses seats shall lie pi o vided as follows: For the President of the Senate,-the Speaker's chair; for the Speaker 'immediately upon his left; the Senators in thu body of the' hall rrpwj the right of the presiding officer; for ylio Representatives, in the body of thehull not provided lor tho Sen'utors: fuf the tellers, Secretary of the Senate 1'lerk of the House, at the Clerk's (h sk; for the other oflicers of the two houses, in front of the Clerk's desk and upon tuch side of the Speaker's plat form. Such joint meeting, shall not be dissolved uutiUhc count of the electo ral votes shaH Jo completed and the result declarj, tti no recess shall be taken unless ,-destion shall have arisen in regard to countiug any such votes or otherwise under this act, in which case it shall boTOtWlrtit for either house, acting separately iu the manner hereinbefore provided, to direet a recess of such house not beyond the next day, Sunday excepted, at the hour of 10 o'clock iu thu forenoon, "and while any question is being considered by said coinniissioners.cither House may proceed with its legislative or' other business. Sec. 6. That nothing in thisacUdmll be held to impair, or affect uny right new existing under . the Constitution anuMaws, to question by proceeding in thejudicalourts of the United States, the rights or title of the person, who shall be declared elected or who shall claim to bo President and Vice-President of the United States, if any such right exists. vr . ' See. 7. That' said odmrnissioh shajl tonka its own rules, keep a re cord of its proceeding and shall have power to employ such persons as may be necessary for tho traussotion of its business aud' the execution of its powers. Mr. Ellis H. Spear, of Maine, nominated 0'mmisbioner of Ptu ioim a d Elias Oriswald Judge of the Northern District of Florida. House, The ooncurreut report of the comniittett ou oountii;g the elec toral votes was made, read aud re ommitted. Payne,, of Ohio, the qliairmnn, stating that the report was signed y the seven members of the House committee and by six of, the .eveu members of the Senate'cora mil tee, and als i statiug that be would soon Move to have the bilp made a special order so that it might become a law in gocd time .8tiio day for the proposed meejg of the ji.i . eoiiv-ntun i two weeks from to day, being tw. weefc esrlier, than tie day fix. d by law, "Die resolu tions reported by Hie select commit tee on Privileges of the House, ol which Knott, of Kentucky, is chair man, and whiob assert that the Presi dent of the Semite- has not the right 1 1 cunt 'be electoral votes wm de bated but no actiou taken on it. f enath. Mr. Edwards, of Ver mont, thOjOhairmau of tlmt'commit tee sa'dfl am directed Mr. Presi dent, by 9rj el'0t committee raised under thu resolution of the- Senate ou.the Biibj-ct of the oounliog of the oleotorsl voto to nubmit ,a report iu wrbi rg with an ncoompanyiug bill the repoit in signed, I am huppy to ay, by all th members of both oom niitees, it b fg a report in form, j lint uud several to tbo two bouses, ivilli one i xoeplion, and all that I wmb to say m this ( ccision after statiug lha wp s)i:l dejiro to take up at the earliest pos-iib'e day a time is lunning very fast, possibly, uud I hope iuceed oa Saturday the .dav af tr to- morrow, by certainly ou Mon day to press to a d'-terminatiou in iudm -form teady Jrom thst tim- or oil Ionlywiuli to aT u addi tion th.it the committim are of opio i n that the measure we recommend is not what is oiled a compromise in ui y fense of-the term', bat h a rotas me of Jii'tMH in a d of tue exroise . f cousti utional government, aud ha- mi uo Bimso of the term will any tiody have a just rigbt'to nay that uiybodva opinious or views hae nfoi mrr uidercd in any ibstanti d re peot. It ia not a mem re of p-ilicy or o oitrivane", but mexsure of on '.National jnst o-i for the preaerrt ion ul the peace and ordtr if the government. Ordered printed, read second t me aud placed on calendar. AdjonrneiL --. LOCAL NEWS. ecMely Husplckms. About ten o'clcck last night a negro entered the saloon of Mr. (.J. F. Colin, ou South Water street, a id proffered to sell a watch fur the sum of fifteen dollars with some whiskey uud tobacco thrown, in. Mr. C's suspicion lieing aroused as to the proper possi-ssiou of the watch by lK t negro, he requested him to wait until he could step out and get that amount of money, telling him he did not have it in the house, Mr. C. holding on to the wuKh.. In lieu of currency, however.Jie returned with a couple of policemen. In the meantime the negro lmd "smelt a mouse" and took the precaution to secrete himself on the wharf in' front etthe saloon, and seeing, the tlirvf. approach conclud ed it was not safe for him to reinuiu to complete the bargain, whereupon he made a hasty flight to, parts unknown. The watch is described " as a lurge double cased gold omi. ' Iu this connection, we learn that a robbery was committed at the quarry situated a few miles up the river' near what is known as the "Magr.olia Tree'.' on Wednesday, and that a watch was one of the articles taReni - This may give a clu to the recovery. v Personal. I We copy the following from the Marion Star: ''' "Col. Pennington, who has been sta tioned at this place with a command of twenty-five soldiers for three months past, received orders last Saturday to return to Fort Johnson, isinithville, X. C. The command left lust Monday morning for that pbifit.' ,. "Col. Pennington has shown himself a gentleman as well us a soldier, since he has been in our midst, and he and family have made many friends among our best.itizeus. The command have deported themselves well during their stay, and no anxiety was felt on their account, except by the colored people, who did not find iu' them the friend and brother they expected." Col. Penningtou was recently elected to membership iu the Historical and Scientific Society "of tbis city. He is chairman of the Department of Numis matics. Such gentlemen as Col. P. are always welcomed as visitors and friends in Wilmington. Clothes. Stolen lu Wash. , Wednesday afternoon between the hours of five aud six o'clock, a colored woman by the name of Lena Shaw, who lives iu Sampson's 'alley, which runs from Fourth td Fifth streets, be tween Walnut and Mulberry, had been washing some clothes. Expecting her husband, who works at the- railroad shops,' to come home soon, she left a tub of clothet on the piazza and went to Mr. Schulken'g store on the corner of Walnut and Fourth streets, to get some tea. There was no one left at thehouse but her mother, "an old, in firm, bed-ridden woman. When she came' back all the clothes had been stolen. This is a heavy blow on the poor people, as the tub contained all their garments except those they worei Fayettevllle Secures Telegraphic ,....' Communication, We are indebted to Mr. L. A. Angel, Manager of tho W. Uv Telegraph Company, aud contractor for the build ing ol the telegraph line from Lumber ton to Fayetteville, ' for tho following telegram announcing the completion of lhe work: ,-7 Special to tli Journal. Fayktteviu.e, N. C. Jam. 17, 1877. The telegraph line from Lomberton to Fayetteville. was completed to-day. This gives Fayetteville telegraphic communication, with all points. , v - Anoei,. Wo rejoice wtth the people of Fay etteville at this event. It is a great advantage. to have the telegraph. , We do not see how they have gotten along without it so far. Burglars vs. Dogs. A bod or rather good dog checked the advance of a buglar at ,the resi dence of a neighbor of" ours. There was a scuffle between -the .bull(y) dog and the burglar, bat the fellow got off before the gentleman arrived to aid his dog. A few drops of blood on the front piazza is evidence that this thief at least received a warm welcome. Turned Over to Brunswick Court. Paris Brown, colored, who was in dicted for stealing a cow, the property of Col. John A. Taylor, and who has been in the New Hanover jail for some time, was yesterday turned over to Sheriff Taylor of Hrtiswick counfy.C ' Completed. The paving of Front street between Chestnut and Mulberry streets, hus been finished, connecting as it does with the Belgian blocks That street is now paved from Orange toWalnut.five blocks. . ...,''" - , ' - THE COURTS. . Saperior Court. State vs. James McCumber and Joila Stafford, F. k A. ; case continued to next team of Court. State vs. W. II. Howe, assault and lottery; judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. " ' State" vs. Albert Wilson, larceny; verdict, guilty; judgment, 3 years iu the penitentiary. , t State vs James Collier", forgery j verdict, guilty judgment, 3 years in the penitentiary. State vs. 15eckey Jackson,,, larceny j verdict, not guilty. , Six parties for retailing liquor with out a license, were dismissed on pay ment of costs. State vs, Annie Speight, called and failed.. State vs. Seuly Osborn, disorderly Conduct ; jury out. ' .State vs. Richard Moore, larceuy; verdict, guilty ; judgment, 3 years in the" penitentiary. State vs. Alex. Patterson, larceny: verdict. 'guilty ; judgment.- 1 years iu the penitentiary. U. H. ifuninistiouer's Court. Margaret Dalimer was arraigned be fore U. S. Commissioner Cassidey, for retailing liquor without a license. She was bWttlTd over to the U. S. District Court ou a bond of 200. -.-, Mayor's Court. Jno. Fisher, disorderly conduct; fined 20 and costs or thirty dayspej the street. . i("- : Jno. Fisher, drunkenness; dismissed oil the payuieut of costs. Sandy Alexander Patterson, larceny of some sausages, the- property of W. M. Monroe. Hotel Arrivals. Pi'bcki.l IIousk Thursday John B. Palmer, Columbia; W. H. Tylc W. 0. Short, W. F. Young, Walter S. Moore, Baltimore; John French, Rocky Point j A. P. Powell and lady, Whiteyille; N. Ottaway, Brunswick county; Mr. and Mrs. J. Augustus, Rogers O. Friuk, J. B. Hunter, A. K. Neff and lady, J. A. Charlotte, New York ; Mrs. 8. Hoocr, Miss Hooper, Miss Folson, maid, Boston ; A. 8. Yready, Rondont; D. M. Cooledge, J. W..I)erring,Portlund; Robt. Korncgay, Mt. Olive ; A. J. C. Minghan, Tildon j D. M. Carnichael, Marion, 8, C Manning IIousk Thursday. 0. H Ilanewarker, Ebenezer; J. A. Wootcn, White Hall ; Moses Uobly, Syracuse, New York. - ' ' Tapering OU; We leum of but two attempts at burglarly on Wednesday night, and hope" tharthose whoare oil stealing bent" will give the commttnity a ,'rest." - - - Temple of Israel. Djivinc services will be held this evening at 5 o'clock, and Saturday morning at; 10:30 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Mendelsohn officiating. The public are invited. Index to New Advertisements. George L. Schutt Flowers, Flonr, Oat-meal, N. C, Hams, Ac., Ac. Chas. II. Pellcy Gun anT'Lock Binith. Work warranted. ' .'- ' A. Weill Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, and Shoes. At his old stand. . James C. Stevenson, offers the best standard groceries. II. Munson Attention gentlemen ! Cheap and handsome suits. Foreclosure Sale D. ' G. Worth,' mortgagee. ' J. B. Huggins Dealer in general groceries. Wm. L. Smith t Co. Fire and Life Insurance Companies. .- Green A Flanner Wholesale and re tail dealers in drugs, Ao. ' ; P. Heinsbergcr New books, new dramas, stories, poetry, music, Ac. J. WTLippitt Fruits, candies, toys; cigars. . Giles A Murchison New hardware store. PIowh very cheap. T. C. DeRosset Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Companies. 8. Jewett News dealer, Bookseller, and Statiouer. Ziinmerman A White Upholstering of all kinds dons with dispatch. , Haverly Miustrels Opera House. JohnsonA Kl well Paper haneing, wall paper and mattresses. R. M Mclutyre Dry goodsi cur pets, blankets, Ac. ( Our music-loving citizens are antici pating a relief from the winter's mo notony. The Haverly Minstrels Moil day nighl. and perhaps Prof. Van Iter's amateur concert for the benefit of tho orphans, the next evening. - - - Gen. R. E. Ue's birthday was Jan uary l'Jth, 1H08 sixty nine years ago to-day. . . Carreary. The jaifat Pittsboro, was burned oa the ICth inst., we learn. CoL Kenneth Murch sju, of New : York, is in the city. . We regret to learn of the indisptM tion of Judge French. New advertisements will be found e the Second and Fourth page. The Cotton Mills of or city are steadily at work, aud we Dote frequent sbipmeuts of their priat cloth. Our commercial editor desires us to return his thanks to the gentlemen of the foreigu Consulates for numerous favors. .. ,'1- "''" !' The river is still very high, but the steamers have Stopped going up as far. as Averysboro as the water is now fall ing and it is feared they may be caught We met on the streets yestjrday, Mr. Isaac Wells, formerly an old citi zeu of this place. Mr. Wells is w located in Wayne couuty. We saw yesterday tho new machine ry, Ac, for the new distillery Messrs.. Alderman & liro., intend to build in place of the one destroyed by fixe bit Point Peter. - , Wc are pleased to hear that Captain Green, of the steamer North State, who was injured in the collision ' of that steamer with the Ucr. brig' Ellida, ia this port, is improving. CapL Green is an excellent officer and clever ' gen tlemadt , ' ; Since changing his name " Old Probs " hog made several mistakes. Iook to your laurels ' Mr. Indica tions " or we shall believe with the an cient seen, that it takes grey beards and long experience to handle oracular ' prophecies acceptably. Crayon portraits of. Bishop Atkiu son and DrvW. G. Thomas were receiv ed at Ueinsbergcr'i book store :a few days Bince. They are fo a gentleman in this city, and were, executed with considerable artistic skill' Both gen tlemen arc fine subject for a master's easel. Mr. Eugene Harris, the artist, has caught Dr. Thomas' expression very correctly." The Bishop's features . .are not precisely correct, but tbeyoting artist deserves eucouragemeut and com mendation. Slate Myth. Oxford isiuttly celebrated for good schools. Three opened ' there" this week. ' ' . :. , h Mr. Jas. P. Leak, a very prominent citizen of Rockingham, Richmond comity, is dead. . 1 - ,-! The colored people in Wake connty are anxious to make contracts for the ensning year at moderate rates. Gov. Vance has had quite a severe attack of neuralgic rheumatism.7 He is. better we learn from the Nm The recent excessive cold weather threatens , to damage the small grain crop in some of the western counties. An exchange tell the following and vaoches for the troth of it: ! A'sole tary turkey gobbler, being the, ouly fowl of his Kind in a western village, put the ball in motion to improte his social surroundings. Animated, with this feeling, he made a raid into the mountains and in a few days returned with fourteen young wild turkies, which he guarded with all the zealous care of a mother and raised them all. ; MASSACHUSETTS.' Boston, Jan. 18 The third joint ballot for U. 8. Senator resulted as follows : Whole number 274, necessary . for a choice, 138 Hoar, JOO; Bout well, 885 Abbott, 62 ; Ricei 17 ,,BuI lock, 4 ; Seelye, 4. No choice.; e CONDENSED TELEGRAM. Dr.4 rhcliw, Bennett's second, was discharged. - ' ' - There were two inefleciual ballots in the t&nfttorial contest in-, Massachu setts. The tenth ballot for Senator in Illinois was fntile. " 1 x r. - m ' - .... Postal Hour. 7 : .j The mails cloae at the City Post-Office as follows j $5.. --! 1, Northern through mails - - - - 5:15 P. M. Northern through aud Way' 'i malls, dally. - - - - - .TOO A. M Mans for the N. C. RaOroad and routes supplied there- from, at -. - - - . i ' 615 P. M. Southern malls for all points . South, dally - . . .'- i 70 P. It Western malls C. C. B'y, dally, (J.W A. M. Fayetteville and offices on ' Cape Kear River, Tuesday a ,..,'-' and Fridays - - - - - 1.00 P.M. FayettevlUa by C. C. B'y,;.!., dally (except Sundays) -' tSAk.V.. Onslow 0. 11. aud liiterraedl- ato oHkea, every Friday - 6.00 A.M. SuilthvUle, daily . 2iK P. M. AHklVK. Nortlioro thnniKh mall. - --13:1S P. U. Northern thruugh & way mails S:00 P. M. Mails for Rsy 1IUI, Town Creek, Sup ply ami Shallotte, every Friday at 0 A. M. Malls lU llvensd from 8 A. M. to TK) P. M., aiittou Sundays from 830 to 9X0 A. M. " . ;(,-.-. v -'. Stamp OlUce open from 8 A. M. to 19 M., and from 't to 50 P. M. ' Register and Mouey order LK-jiartiiHtuu ojwu miu as Stamp Oltlce. '-',' Stamps for Vale at general delivery whiw Stamp Office is closed, , Key Hoxes accesnible at' all' hours, day aud uight, , , ; v , v '1 V

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