ifn- US 5 13 iJ M' v ESTABLISHED, 1851. WILMINGTON, N, C, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1877. T PRICE $6 00. Mm it THE TELEGRAMS, CMESSMAL PROtEEDKIS. The Bill oi the Klfftfiral Count Paelfle fiMCh of Mr. Itlmifl4U. EFKOPKaX filTUlTION rSCIIAXCKB- Uoon Reports. WASHINGTON. WisHiNOtoif, Jan. 20. The Ben ' ate during the momiug hoar discuss ed the message of the President in regard to tbe occupation of Peters burg by rnilitary. on election ley, Messrs. Withers aud Morton partici pating in the discnssion. ' .At the npiration of the morning hour, on mntiou of Mr. Edmnnds the Senate took op the bill reported by the special committee in regard ' to the eon at ol the electoral vote. Both parties in the Senate caucuw ed this morning on , the electoral ' oonnt bill. Neither party meeting was intended to be binding. In the Democratic) canons nothing was said gainst it,, bat in the Reimblicnn caucus more opposition was express ed than was expected. , Senator Mton has a-dispatch from the secretary of the Republican ' oaucus .in the Indiana Legislature which says his course in withholding his name-from the report was nnani- mously approved, r ' WashCiotom, Jan. 20. Ool. E. A. Bark of Mew Orleans, who is accred ited to Washington by Got. Nioholls, of Louisiana, vinited the President this morning, accompanied by the Democratic delegation in Congress from thai State. ! THE TURKO-RUSSlAJi INBKOG- jV,r:?"o.. .... London, Jan. 20. The Porte in forms Serris that the armistice will not be 'renewed.. The Turks will maroh on Belgrade March 1st, unlets Servia treats directly with Turkey. -" A dispatch from Constantinople to Renter's Telegram Co. says the Grand Vizier was summoned to the palace ; ; yesterday. ..' ' , .. :.. ; It is stated that the Ottoman pleni potentiaries will present counter-pro-sals at to-day's sitting of the conference ' with the object of conciliation. Should this be the case it is not easy to fore see what will be the attitude of Euro pean delegates.' Yesterday they were understood to be disposed to declare ' the conference at au end, but if the Turkish propositions - should appear worthy of examination it is not impos , siblethat the conference will be ad journed nntil next week for arriving at a decision. A Renter dispatch from Moscow says to-day's Gazette, discussing the result of the conference, concludes as follows: "Europe has lowered her pres tige by her compliant humor. As the . Porte has refused the proposals Europe must now enforce her original demands instead of the modified scuemo of con- . ference. .' "' ' ', '.. - . . MARINE DISASTERS.' , Fobtbms MoNRea, Vi. Steamer Tata a A Hall t$ Cr ' rVnminiAn T.tna wv rdmm -va v va aviu lutvu uiun ' front New Xork for Richmond, ran aground on Willonghby's spit, two miles below, in a denae fog yester day afternoon at 4 o'clock; the steam er W. P, Banks has gone to her as sistance "A. dense fog has prevailed here for the past week. Night Reports. WASHINGTON. m - in r lb . W ABHIHOBON, Wan. ZU.-t-DKBATB. Six Senatois presented petitions for female suffrage. All referred to oommittee on elections. Mr ConkliDg presented a petition from the citizens of New York, pro testing against the passage of the steamboat bill. 1 i . Oa motion of Mr. Edmunds, the Senate took up tbe bill to provide for, and regulate the counting of tbe electoral votes for President. He evoke two hours artfninr the consti tntionality of toe. bill, And against the power of tbe President of the Senate to oonnt the vote. Having had the artiole in tbe Constitution read. - Mr. ' Edmunds continued. "Cud. r this article of the Cou.tnn- tion some eight or ten millions ot tl, citizens of the Uuited States, antbo: rized by the laws to seh.ct a Chie Magistrate in the way prescribed id this article, had endeavored to dis charge that duty; they bad expressed their preference, and the contest wa so clear that it became a matter oi serious dispute between five million people on one side and five milliour people on the other, as to which of their candidates had bjen, j lected. Congress was now brought face to face with the question as to whitl means were left for deciding tbis dis pute. A large part of the lebp!e oi either side believed their caudidate to have been honestly eleo ed, and it kept out of office a grea coustitu tional wrong, in their opiniou, would be committed. If there was any duty greater than another devolving upon Cobgrea!1, it .was Hint of providing some means by which,- no .matter what the result toiight be, all nur might any the due course of the law bad been taken. It had appeared to the committee charged with th orn roua ami unpleasant duty ol framirg this bill, that if the Consti tution, authorized thera to lay down alineof procedure which should load to any result through the calm, orderly admiuistrution of law, it would be a beneficial ; ot for tho re public. -Ou the o'her hand, if Cou gresa Should fail to do thin, our pos terity under this or some other form of government, no one could any, would feel that this Congrcti had failed in performing a' great duty He then referred to the labors of the oommittee, and paid opposing pdliti bal opinions, opposing political edu- oHiou. anil partiVan feeling had sub sided Ou both sides, and the measure npon which thoy solemnly nnited in reporting they recommended to the consideration of the Senate. Hethn explained the provisions of the bill at length. The speech attracted earnest attention! - " - - . '- HoubK.--The House- resumed the consideration of resolutions reported from the oommittee on privileg( s,Bnd after a speooh by Mr. Willis of New York, Mr. Soeley, of Masssohusetls, obtained the floor, but yielded to a motion for tlie House to. go into oommittee of the whole on Indian appropriations bill pending, whioh Mr. Payne, of Ohio, gave" no tioe that he would call up for ' con sideration on Tuesday, the bill re ported from the joint oommittee on the elcotoral vote, the debate on said bill tos proceed until Wednesday night, when he would demand the previous question. In committee of the whole speech es were made by Mr. Wiltshire of Arkansas, opposing the power of the Vioe-Prrsident to count the vote ; by Tarbox, of Massachusetts, de olaring j that the judgment of the people revolted at any attempt at compromise on the Presidential question, and by Cliittendon, of New York, declaring, himself strongly in savor of the bill of the joint commit tee On the electoral vote. Adjourned. ' NEW YORK. . New York, Jan. 20. -Mr. Tildeu was questioned last night, but de clined to state his views or wishes on the eleotoral bill. A - Columbus, Ohio, dispatish says Gov. Hayes also refuses to express any'opinion there on. An Indianapolis dispatch to the World says Qov. Hendricks deolined to-be interviewed, bit H .is! under stood he has expressed to those in his oonQdenoe his entire .satisfaction with ahd warm approval o!, the plan as reported.' ,vUir, a y y'- A World special from Tallahasse, dated yesterday, says: "Yesterday .Gov Drew approved an act of the Legislature requiring the Board of Canvassers to make a canvass of the electoral vote in ac cordance with the- decision of the SupremeXJourt in the case' of Blox- han vs. Secretary of State, deoided in January, 1871, and in the case of Dre,w, decided December 23d, 1876. In obedienoe to this law the Board met to day. Attorney General Raney, having been of oounsel for the Demo cratio eleotors, deolined to act, and Mr. Oorley, Commissioner of Lund and Immigration, was designated in his plaoe. The canvass was then gone into, and all the returns found to be regular were counted and footed up 24,434 for the Tilden electors, and 24,340 for tho Hayes electors." Col. Wborton Green" and Messrr, Montgomery and Wilson," of War ren, county, have beon appointed oommittee to confer with tho Lrgis lature on county government. . , Sunday Services. First. l'lTiyterhm, inrner ThirdAnd OranuT streets, ltevi' Jos. IL 'Wilson, I . 1 .. iiustt.r. lie;rulir sm'kvs at 1 1 Stvonil I'n.sliyteriuu, corner 01 Fourth iind I'mnpbeit streets. lJev. C .M. .I'ayiK' pastor. S'rvM-esi at 11a. m. ud iii". m. batiliathS'limilandI!ilile ( 'his tit 3 r. x. ouiij; Men's Praver Meeting Monday at 1 p. s. Weekly r rarer Meeting eilneMhiv at P. v. Seats' frets First l'niiti.-t, corner of Market and Fifth streeis. Rev. Jamea 15. Tavlor paKter."' Sefv&PK at 1 1 a:' X. ami 7 r. m. Sunday fhoo! at 11 o'i lM-k A. x. I'rayi-r inet-ting Thursday night at T m. St, ItinlV Kvang. Lutheran, corner of M.th ami Market streets, Kev. t. 1. lU-riihvim pastor. Preparatory service (Knglisli) ut,l"J M-i Knglifh ser vice and (-Qiiiinuniuii at 11 a.m.; Wcrmuu service att p. v. nuiuuiy rcnooi at 3 i'. . WJijservlea on Wednes day ut Ti : m. t'atechetic instruction tn Friday tot :mi. ' - - f ront iet-R. (iutfil, corner of Front ami Walnut streets. Rev. J. KMann pustor. Service -.every Sal iat1i at 1 i .. M and Ik '. v. Halibut h School at 3 P. II, . Kt. Jiiincs , ' (Hirner of Market and I'liiid rtitets, ltc.y. Dr. A. A. Watson rector. Morning- r ra ver at 1 1 o clwk. Kveulny Prayer ut 5. o'clock. Sunday School at 4 p. V. ' I ' ' ' . t. Joliu'a, etirner of Third and ltcd ('los.-f street, Rev. tleorgu Patterson rector. Moniing'Prayer'at 11 o'clock ; Kvcuiui; Prtvirr,. 5 o'clock.. Sunday School ftt4. ,1'ii-Ht t'oiintx'gfctional. Sen' ices eve ry Miini-.iy in .KaiU'iny tiau, Kjrner oi Seventh iiii'i.l' Nun stm'ts.'at 11 a. and H p. .. Siindav. ScuwJ at "d !. . ,St. Paul's (Ispi.-copal), corner o! littflji mid Oi-aifge stret'ts.. Services at 11 a. m. ami P. m. biimlnv School at .. 3A p.' a..,- Rev. T. , .NL AinUler recto'ri Seaja fivo. . ;"n,u '- ' ' tt' SeanieiiVJietliel, on Diuli ln'tweon Front and Water streets., Itev. J, L. I- , r Li . ; ..it . .. iceu,iciiapiaiu. ,-iervices m ii a.m. LKCiLAItJUKOF NORTH CAH- OI.ISA. ?uJ4jjc( from Mi (Xiemf. ' - . SKNATK. ; '' . -,:.-.,.t'.'.,,.1,'.;v-FiuiA.T, Jau.- 3,9. Ht.imford pe;enti d a petition Irom oit'Zus of New Hanover and Prfndei counties a king for uou lei.tiatn.p as will protect lU-ir siock from U depredutions of Uii-ve R ferrd. Staufoiil: Bui lo r cul"t' thesali of live stock iirthe'oity of Wmiug ton. Herein d. ..v' Troy: B;ll to establish a depart ment of agriculture in the State. lv -furred . . .' ' ' - - Hubiufon asked for a committee of enquiry to vuiuicate mm-oii irom Jo itirui re olmrges, but the jheuute cb.i)s;derii g it niineees'-ury refused o Kf :Ult-it. , Ui;ls were i trodiio- d bv Stanford ui:d ii.gtrand Dt rtou fl'er-;d a sub stifnt.' fuf iiu iil . teportfcd by -Fin ger from IlittC' ni 'nil tee I n banks add currency. A lengthy iin-cUMOi i. iaed." . Finally the foln-wing bill pasM-d iti thiid reading, by a vote of yen- lis, uiijs : . ; Bill to repeal v.h ipter (84) t hihtn- four. public, lawn of 1874 aid I87f , and to reynlale th: ra c vf interent. WuKitBus, The Supreme Court of North Carolina, t u t he nuthv,rvtf 'f dceisiuti of the fcnur uie C"iitt of tn Uui'td State; I as deeded that te loifeiititts mpct-ed ly the pres ent umhj Ikwh ciii(if he cjifnrea iiga.n.-1 NutioLa!''l)auki , Oierefore . General A memblu Hf Nbrth Carotinado a act, Sjctiob 1," That Copter (84) eiphty.fj.nr, public laws of 1874 and 1875, be and th rhoqp is hereby repealed, Bud the following Substituted in lis stead , Sao. 2. That the l.-gal rate of in tereat suail be six per cent, per an num for such time 'as interest n.sy accrue aud no more : Provided, however, That upon special contract iu writing, tigntd by the party to be ohaiged ilit r'ewitij, or by his agent, so great a r ti as eigbt per cent. mov be allowed ' ; '3.'0. '3. , That t' e taking, receiving, restrvingor cliargiijg' a rate of in terest greater than i a o ved hv the preced ng scoltou, when knowingly dime, shall be dafcnvd a forfeiture of fie" entire interest which the not or Ihor evidi OCQ of drbt carries with it, or which Las b- en agreed to W p .idllwreyn Iu ci-e ,, greater ri. ol interest has been paid, the person hv whom it lua boon punt, or his le gal' repreMHitiihve,rny r cover hack, in an RCtnm in the i a'uro of au ao Hon for debt, twio' the omonutof ii.te st utiil: Provided such action is c m niccid within oi e year from tho tiuin the usurious transaction on Ctirrrd ' - ' . S o. 4 Thru so' 'hilltike effecte fr in a'l. r i' ran'tl-'ation. 1 1 0 tSK OF ilKV EF.SKX'!'ATJ VKS C 'trk. of Ii dn: A bill to b- en ti li d mi set to prohibit tho rale of tVfitoli liquor within three miles of B.url-jj, Union Church, in BUdeu oontity. ; -r. t ' ; ' , WUmii, of Now Uanbvt r: Altill to He entitled an act to protect owueis f storehouses, wttrt:liOiise,.anJ fao tomia. Jndiciary. ' ltriiitntion to r mov lloldeu's di nbiluries defeated by i7 to 23. II. H 62., inquiring into the right of D. L RnsHcll, Co h sea' upon this flair, ai Iterpeseicativo from" the b innty oflirnnswirk, whs Uken up, ami, on mntinn of4Jr. Wilson, of New Harover,, was laid npou the table ' ,i ''',-.;' . . - ;- - LOCAL HEWS. Library Association. , This institution founded a few yars before the war and kept in an almost - uninterrupted successful operation since that time is one well worthy the patronage of all of our oil iseus. Its membership in the past eighteen months has very largely in crritaed owing 4o the- reduction of the initiation fee to the tow sum of oue dollar and the dues to the addi tional small sum of four dollars per anuam, until it now numbers between two and three hundred members. Cpon its sholvea are' to be'fonud nearly three thousand volumes, em bracing the works of most of the standard authors, with others of lees repute. Upon its tables are to be found ths leading American periodi cals with one or more of the English. The files contain the daily N.'X Herald, and semi-weekly Tribute. whioh latter in valuable for its soien- tide aud literary articles, be daily city papers, and others' f ru" differ ent portions of the Stat Their room is large 'jux l ooniMMk us, cool in summer, pleasantly heated io winter. The hours during whioh the library is "kept opened are suited to the convenience of all; they are from 9 A. M. to 1.1 A: M., from 12 M. , to 1 P. M., from 3 P. M. to .6 F. M., and from 7j P. M. tl P. M.- In these poverty stricken timea it supplies a de eideratum in furnishing knowledge to the student aud pleasant matter to the cursory reader. Its catalogue con tains many more audi rarer works, than cau be found in, any private library, making it desirable for .the man of means to avail himself of the opportu nities afforded. ' Such institutions we re gard as public benefactions and desire to see them in a prosperous condition. The Wilmington Library Association, like similar." institutions : which are not endowed, has of course to appeal to the liberal sentiment of its patrons io order that its sphere of usefulness may be enlarged, by the purchase of new books, the replacing of old and worn out ones and enabling the Association to subscribe to a greater number of literary and scientific periodicals ., Habeas Corpus Case i u Ah interesting investigation was had in the Superior Court on yesterday, be ing that of a writ of habeas corpus, returnable before his Honor Judge McKoy in the case of a 1 ittle child about three years of ago. . - From the facts it appears that the little child was left here in a destitute! condition by its mother, who is now in the House of the Good Shepherd.Phil adelphia, and that a gentleman by the name of Newberry was given posession of the child. At his house it has since had a very good home. At the expira tion of about ten months application is made for the possession of tho child, which was refused. This resulted in lie issuing of the writ and the exami- of witnesses. Farther hearing of the case was postponed until Saturday next, when it is expected a judgment will be rendered. - J -.) -' Meeting of Taxpayers. By reference to the advertisement it will be seen that a committee ap pointed by toe Uounty Commission. era, haye requested the tax payers of the couuiy to meet at the Court House on Monday, the 22d inst., at 8 o'clock p. mM for purposes therein stated. As this is a matter that con- corns all property . holders, and as the oommittee, two of whom are Messrs. Worth and Grainger, the re cently elected Demcratio members, nave evmoea a desire lo lay a lull statement of the oounty's ffnanoial ooudition fore those interested, , . . ... , . and to hear .their ' suggestions in the premises, we take it that there will be a full meeting. ' ' ' Lectures on tlie Creed. We learn that the Bight Bev. Bishop Atkinson . will begin this evening at St. Paul's' Episcopal Church, corner of. Fourth and Orange streets,' a course of expository leo k n mda An ill a k rwtar f as ffvAvrl Index to New Advertisements. P. Heinsberger Nafw books, new dramas, stories, poetry, music, Ac. Giles & Murclmon New hardware store. Plows very cheap. . Jno. J. Hedrick -Dry goods, soil ing cheap. Grand Gonoert-Tueiday night next. " " ! , ' - Wm. Fyfe Grand clearing sale. J. H. Durham, D. D. S. Card. B. G. Worth' and others Meet ing of tax-psyers of New Hanover. " ' " Duel.' ' Two colored men in Soutli Caroli na, being unable to settle whatever difference of opinion may have ex isted between them in an amicable manner, had dually to retort to the novel practice to their race, of tho code-duello. The antagonism iu this instance, however, was af a political natare, and as each of them espoua ed the doctrines of oue ol the two opposing parties their aeutimenta wera as the antipodes, "What par tio- lar affront was the immediate eanse of the hostile meeting did not transpire. The memUr of the Demooratio party alleges that the other negro hadj been "hounding" after hi V on account of lis politroel opinions for some time, ' aud . had presumed to send two previous challenges, both of whioh were declined. The third. however, whioh , was passed oo Thursday 'was duly aooepted and arrangements were made for the meeting. The parties took the train on Friday, 'ooiairg down as far as Mollius, S. C, which is fifteen miles beyond Pair Bluff; N. a, ; the latter place being near the State line, a Tew miles from which they fought. The weapons used were the improved Smith & Wesson pibtols, five shoot ers. The conditions were to stand fUteen paces, "apart and shoot till either was satisfied. The damage was to tbe Republican, one shot in right shoulder, one shot in left shoulder; one shot in right arm ; V tbe Democrat; ope shot in right arm just below the elbow, , The Bepob- lioan having reo ird a majority o! the shots felt it his privilege , to cry "hold, enough,'' . , . 1. " i-. :;,,- ) . lUverly's Biew Orlesns MluntreU. There are those who hold in oon-t tempt suoh porforniaBcos as are given by what is bommoaly denominated a "Negro Minstrel troape,7. even tbe alntoat universally beliked cirque, or any seemingly frivolous exhibitions being fn their estimation in the same oategoVy (aesthetically).' Tastes may and do differ and nobody quarrels, yet mere affectation deoeives - and misleads. Let's Bee what bearing the cultivated taste and keen per ception of the man of erudition hath on the-subjeot. Hear . the great Thkokeray Yn I heard a humorous balhvlist not long since, a minstrel witU wool oa his head, and an ultra Ethiopian complexion, who per forated a negro ballad, that I con fess moistened these speotaoles" in the most unexpected manner. They save gazed at doz ins of tragedy -queens dying on the stage, and ex piring in appropriate, blank verse, and I never' wanted to wipe them. Tuey have looked up, with deep re gret be it said, at mmy soores of clergymen in pulpits, and without being dimmed; and. behold a vaga bond with a corked faoe and a bbjo sings a little song, strikes a aild note whioh sets the whole heart thrilling with happy p ty. Humor! humor is tbe mistress; of tears." We were lead into this preface by the well kuown character of tbepeiformanoes given by the above troupe. Chaste and refined in every particular. They baveeppearod upon our boards sev eral times, always giving the utmost satisfaction. We are -enabled to speak of -this troupe from a personal knowledge of their merits and ob serve that without an exception so far as we have seeajhe views of the newspapers wherever they have been, coincide. Being Southern men themselves they have a better con ception of the oharaoter they at- fcamiifc ft1 A mil n aaa khm nantn " They appear for one , night ' only, Monday 22nd inst., in the , Opera House. , Ilurglarles. inere was an. attempt made on yesterday morning about 4 o'clock to affeot an entrance into the residence of L. A. Hart, Esq. .Thoookwho has a room in the yard heard thsm and called to her husband with view of frightening them,-" William herfH the gun," whereupon they "stood not upon the order of their going, but went at once. A resond andsuoceriful atterx p . was made upon a room ou Front street occupied by John L. Davis, (ool.,) and clothing to- the amount of ten dollara abstracted. In tbis latter instanoe the thief is known, and he has been notified to return the clothes on Monday or a warrant will, be taken out for hit ar rest. ' .;'""u.s-.Vrfa, '- One commission house of this city has received ten Cargoes of salt prin cipally from foreign ports since Oo tober. i 4 Taesday's Coaeert. We call special notice to the adver tisement o the concert which will be given Tuesday evening. It will be a eompleto success, we feel quite, sure. In aid of the oaphans let every per son who has a few dimes to spare go to the Opera Ilouse on Tuesday evening. I First aa4 FUta Wards. Wi ar requested to stats that there, will ha. isaatiaya. of tha First and Fifth Ward Democratie Clubs oa Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The former at Brooklyn Hall, tbe latter at SJiarp'a storr, on Qaeen, be tween 4th and 5th streets. Business of ftVeat importance will be attended to, 'and it is desirable that there ahonld be a full turn out ! Superior Court. State vs. W. EL Howe, assault and battery; motion for a new trial; case con tinned. . State vs. George Fox, larceny; verdict gn-lty; judgment ft years in the penitentiary. Ordered that the shot be restored to Binford, Crow k Co. . . . Two civil oases wera called and disposed of, ket Report. t Tho fopwiug number of animals were, slaughtered for this market dur ing the pas week: Beeves, 41; sheep, 5; T J n 1. in J . . vttiTs, l; nogs, uecr, i. . The number of carts which arrived in market daring tbe week was 15C. CITY CURRENCY. See pew advertisementa on Fonrth page The storm signal was up onjaa terday. ; Higher barometer, colder, occa sional rains, and clearing weather. 'Shtd are beftinniriff to come in. Frioea stiff as yet roe. $2, buck, .Thtre were two interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the post week one adult and one child. The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses, last week, two for colored and one for white oouples. ' There was only one interment in Oakdale cemetery during the past week,1 a female who died of dropsy. Work at ths bar improvements is going on. Tbe.tug Koyal Arch Is constantly towing down largo flats loadec with rook. : . ". ' . . A negro by the name of Hogb MoDonald, waa arrested last evening by policeman Edgar Miller, for abut ing and cursing another oolorad Judge MoKey left for his home in Clinton, by last night's train but will return on Monday. No train arriv ing until 12 m., there will be no morning session of the court, - Pilots complain of the want of at tention to river buoys and pilot marks; during the recent heavy foga this wint of attention has beau a se rious evil, rendering cavigation dan gerous.. ;i;j;;;,.v;;( We received a long congratulatory letter from Major Engelhard, yester day. He is rejoiced to know that the Jovrnal lives again. , He. promises to send us from Raltigh a letter contain ing valuable information, at an early day. . ' - ; ' " ! Slate Newy. ' The Irish potatoes around Salem were spoiled by the recent freeze. Di. Howerton, late Secretary of f-. i . 1 I . . I rtr . . 1 . ' oiaie, uas easea we warreu opnngr The Rockingham Pee )e Courier is changed to tbe Jree lJee Isee. , Mr.' Richard Kearney, of Warren cjuntv, has killed fivd thousand pounds of pork this winter. He raited his hogsoa peas, ' ', ' Hickory' Press: Mr. James R. Whitener, who lives nar Hickory, waa hauling : wo a on Wednesday and his horses beom frightened. ran away and bo was thrown off the wagon and received severe in j uric. MEW 1DVIKTI3IXXXTS. CARD, A VINO GITEN MY ATTENTION delusively to Operative' Dentistry, 1 am now prepared with all tbe nuxleru tut pro'viKl dental appliances, together with the latest method of filling teeth U re lieve such operations of a great deal of need lew pain, ami aluo- U give general satlKtuetlon.- Terms pomtlwiy cskb. .I.il). DUUHAM, lr: I). 8. JanaiSw , , : PLOWS 1 PjOWS I ALL ORDINARY 31 7.E8 CA8T plows at prices to eompt-te with man- ufaeturera North or South, at i (SILKS &-MllAoni8(.N'8: . Jan IU tf New Hardware Store. DIED. 8ATCHWELL At Raekv Point, rea der county, N. C, -Jsnaary 13th, 1877, Mrs. Annie V. SaU-hwell, ad So tcui. Sbe iu the daughter of CapUnt Alfred L. Moore deceased, and tbe wife Dr. 8. B. SatthwvU. , Iatheprluie of hrr womanhood,' la the mUlst of her asefulne, she tell a vktia to pulmonary diseaae, leaving a derated bUHband aad orphan children and sister to moarn her unumely end. 8 be la gnae, but tbe memory of hrr awnv wnoanl; aad ebTfeUaa virtue will mot tv -irt, ra. . ' ahrbaed aa tt is in tha hearta ol i nu-. -ji tiTea and friend. Their large aUtrothutce at her obaequlea bore teatiaioay to that re spect and regard in whieh she was aoiver aally held. Anions; them she was bora, lived and died. Though poaaeaaed oi wealth and eharma of peraoa in beryouth, . a good, solid mind caused her to esteem them at their fleeting value. Turakhed ' . with a ' liberal education, her character biitrtiUy developed tUelf, . diaplaytatr ; great charms of candor, lucerity of miud ': and kind, renerous impulses of the heart. Though' of retiring maaDers, hers was a warm friendship. Unpretentious, hoc pi ety was not the lees solid. Ia her death ' her husband has lost a devoted wife, her k children a self-sacriOcing mother, tbe poor a kind beuefactreas, the neighbor- hood a useful and honorable member. . The effort of her own distinguished husband, united to the kQl of several oth-.' er physicians -change of v climate aud , scene Hut attention of . relative and friends were all in vain to arrest tbe pro- ; ST of her disease to turn aside the shaft of death. ' Within six months the star of her earth- ., ly hopes had set, but it was in the aurora, In the dawnlng-light of a happy eternity. Far some time before her sicknes, her relipious reading bad been more extended, and after having examined the claims or ' the Catholic faith, she returned to the old . path!, to the ancient Catholic Church. Af- '' ter receiving the last sacraments, mors in--teusewas her desire "to be diasolved and to lie with Christ." Death wan to the eyes ' of her ardent faith transformed Into an angel of light -aooiingtocauductherfrora earttj to heaven. CalliugberbusbaDd and children around her, her dying words were counsels to live for God and a . reunion ia hettren , Her end was full of peace aud of a b1'ed Immortality. - .- ..' - , MaV ahe ret In neaeel i . s Ilff ADTIBTI HOTS; Dry Goods rpUE READEJtS OF THS JOURNAL are advised of the fact that Jno. J. lied-' rick is now selling goods at the old stand ' ' of Hedrick ft Ryau, . t . 29 Hark t Street, 29 Where he offers the beststockfexclusively) dry goods In the city, offering now at a re duction, .',,.-; v-.U:. ' BLACK AHD COLORED CASHMERES v- 1 buck ALPiCtas, . HENRIETTA CLOTH, HLNKETS, Cloths and casslmeres for meu'i wear. . The beat stock of Boys flooda In the city. ; Hosiery for Laoies ana uentiemen. a v few doeen very superior Bsibrlggan Hose. ' . , i WHITE O00D& t The best stock of ITawharg Trimmlnra m ' 1 - I thflbltv. '.? . !; . -i DOMESTICS-BLEACHED J ' AND BROWN: 1 J' . ' I V i ' l'i !' ! f ' SO Bales Brown Domestics cheap. Table Diaper, Linens, Toweling, etc , The public Is Invited to give me a call. Lowest prices, and ONE PRICE the rule of ths hour. HEDRICK. jao 21 tf UHAS. H- POIXEYe rXN AND LOCK 8MITH, CHEST Vjnut street, between Front and Water, Wilmington. ,N. C. Guns and pistols re stocked, and repaired. Keys fitted and locks repaired in any part of the city. AU t work warranted. ' Jan 19 , " ' ' HISCXU1NK0VS. ALEX. SPUUiNT & SON, COMHI88IOM MERCHANTS. I '.f WILMINGTON, N. C.; oct li-tf - -; ' " ' i - 40,0001 40.000! SWEET ORANGES I The only large lot on the Market, ex Scar. CARLTON. - i ' , . : 7 ' NOW LANDING. ; E0rFo sans by . ; ' BINFORD, CROW A CO ; J5TBUY BEFORE . ,' TTIET ARK ' :. ;'i ' " : ' - ALL BOLD. ' . deeSO-tf ' ' ...a SCHULKSM IAS. T. VITTEWAT, O. H. Pettoway & Schulkcn, BKOKER8 AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS in Merchaadtse, Cotton, Naval stores ana outer produce. f Orilers fctr Molasses, Meat, I er1, Bait, llsh, C'olTee, Sugar, Chew; Flour, Hir tug, Ties, Ju-., and eonnignmenta of ail ciscriptlens of produce solicited. nSft-Sin nov 8-tf - Greensboro, N. C, W- A. Davis A Co., W. A. Davis Editors and Propt'e. Business Managni . THE OXPORI TORCH-LIGHT. Circulation over 8,000 Copies. Two Dollars Per Annum, Iu Advance Tbe Democratic Organ of GrauvUle. .xh Hit