Tbk D.ui.t Jul kn tL i pu i!ish.d-every Dioniiiii; eXi-iOli.iiii.ir l Six Iiouaks a year ; TniiEK iMu. ii: fir si ni"tiihs; Firrx CK"T hthI';:'.!'. for .--hoi-lcr period. Serve 1 by carriers in the eH.v at Fiktt Cents per mouth. Thb Weerlt Joi knai. (Friday) ONI Dollar am) k nxi.r. - Advertising Hales (per square of ten olid lines of advertising type.) One Square, raie insert iou, One Dol.l.Alt ; twr Insertions, OSk Doi.lah and a lui.r: three Insertions, Two Doi.laks: four in sertions, Twq Ikiu-Aits . AnVi.r; )! Insertions, Thk EE Doi.lak:! insertions, TllR JEJV)iXAiiAili a uxu'; ouuiuuuLU, Eu.HT Ull.LAKS; tjlj JIU'Ut b, IHI,VK Dollars; three months, Stateen 1 y I LAN fjc Jpailu Journal. - CICERO W. HARRIS." WlLMIXllTOX, X. i: ' TIESHIT MOBXIXC, JAX.'U, ISII. H IJMINtnON A5I)THirt1Tlir!i HAJLItOAD MHTKM. . .'... Has .North Carolina a railrtwcl Bystoui ? In 1 the 'dnys before tlie war wd, hail' 'Wlminpton van then able ' to assert horjolf alid ontrol m the interest of her own trade lyiit of the material prosper-1 itv of the whoto'tiite ft larw - !,aare of 8tock,anU by wnHeiiuenee a large share in the uiiuiagumunt of the jilifforcnt roads. The war came,and tho diaisturB i after the war, and all was swept away, Wil mington lias done more for the building of -railroadrt ' is '.North Carolina' than' any other', thru; places in the State.- Today sho derives less profit froiri' them than any other'place. Nay,' more-Klie receive down right, deep rooted injury from the very children she has nurtured at her breast The railroad system of the State wuh founded by her. She contribiitexl to its growth and .prosperity. Now Bheia.trippd;for the benefit of others, and her - nakedness is the scorn of successful rivals. ' ' The jnjustiee we complain of is partly due to lo sjothfulncss of our own people ifbin Mas appa rent wUcjv thoy .let ,the "maiiage ment of all our railroads slip from their hands. - Brit it was not all the fault oi Wilmington business men and capitalists. There was a feeling rn other', portions of the State of mingjed indiffovenw and jealousy. W ilmington, which ought to have been thB recipient of wtch favors ap are now .bestowed upon Norfolk. Baltimore. Bicluuou and Charleston Is treated as if she lid h'd claims'' whatever on North h Carolinians--nb commer cial interests worthy of fostering. no seaport at which tq do business with foreicities, no title to tlie gratitude of the pooplo for all tho . blood :jand treaetni she has ex pended rn' behalf of the honor anil the prosperity ja,tl(f Couunon 1 wealth .'i' '"- -'...(. Loo"t at. the' uolntiori ' of "this. city in the railroad system or wliat passes ior . the railroad uya tamof the, State.,, On the north and northwostiNorf oik, 'Baltimore and New, York by cdntrolliug the Wilmington andWeldon, Nortl Carolina and IWeigh and Gaston Eailroads, take all exports that go by rail. True Wilmington would not ge? jro(liB ta ajong'tb line olicIr&'c:, r: i.;uut the combination whk;li controls that road will soon stop our con nections with tho West, and draw off onr life-supply in t! iat direc- , Look, . then, at the Bouth.--CliarlestOn'is stretching' out her arms, nois paly rjocuringr some of the cottoii ahd Jarpentihe , alon. the line of the, 'gtoat ruilroail which Wilmingtottlibujftlitj-'and agaci- ijr uiuweiA in jcummng, diu Dranch ing off makes a jlonk moveintnt Y way of ettevaio ainLShoe Heel - " k r .We .havo' a 'great lino to the mountains. Already 'efforts are ibaking' to render this Worthless it us. Soon, if wo are jiot iiiore alert and meet with a friendlier . spirit in-,., the ? Legwhiturw ami I among the people, we are going to be cut off in hut . dirocUon by rival citiA in other' States. .. The Jouunai, coihc with no pu ling comphiint: It nrnsents Wil' mington in!its 'appeal for simplo justice. - Let our own" j)ople be more wa'tekul and workfui Notli- ing will tw done in our Itfhalf ivny where unless we present otu cause.' tn 41n ..f l, n ....... .1. ' -il. 11 ' '! "v " YL , :ypi wmi uie i frank 1 il.ln";s of (liose old days j jut a in .in at the head of af wlun l ask was to olitain. J f iirs now, anil tlie jx-oplo havn de Wilmington has a goinl and in ' c' led at the polls to have lu'nx. creasing comnicrre. She has n They are sirk of figure heads and s;iie ami consmntiy lmprovinL'i harbor. She is a North Carolina city, devoted to the weal of North Carolina. She asks that North Carolinians nhould not treat her as if she the mother of -many -of our State's ln-roes and Statesmen she the liberal Mistainer of every noble-public work were a foreign enemy. - " A HVti V. J OK E. The reform' element is stronger and more sincere in the Republi can than in the Democratic jwrty. says that delectable sheet, "Harp ers Weekly," which arrogantly as sumes to be a -"Journal of Civili zation." "Here's richness,'1 as Dickens would say, oily and mix tions, equal, to that which tradi tion informs us ran down from "Aaron's beard unto his feet there to" and beat anything in the way of a joke ever perpetrated even by Dun Ricc.-buuael that prince of Clowns. Tho reform element "stronger in' the IJepublican than in the Democratic, party is it! Can any thing le more false and absurd, its falsity only equaled by Its absurdity. Tho idea of the Hadieid party reforming itself, is one of the huge jokes of the seu soii, and eclipses anything that Joe Miller has left to admiring posterity.- ' Never sinco the formation of the government has there been as corrupt an , organization as the Radical party of the present day, that party- which has controlled the " destines of tho country for-j fifteen years. It 1ms dclwuched the morals 'of boeiety, it has shocked decency ty itsunblnshing exhibitions of shameless depravi ty, it has outraged tho public sen tiincnt of pi'opriety, and almost mado shipwreck of tho national honor.. ' Its corrupting in'Huence has tainted tho very atmosphere, and we tnay look in vain for any "good." thing to ' como but ' of Nazareth" so long as they hold the reins of government , Suppose wo admits for the sake of argument and , bo it under stood for Unit alone, that Hayes will be inaugurated Presidenrloes any one for ft momenta suppose that ho will be able to effect any reformation of tho abuses which have been for so many years suc- cossfully pracitfed by his pwty, Would ho have the desire to do so, and if so disposed, would he have tho mo'i al ' courage to ' act with that firmness and' decision' which the condition of the country de mands; WSuhl he. dare, to place himself in opposition J,o . tlie de mands of the leauersof Uie party to whom, ho is indebted for. his elevation from comparative obsciir rily to tho possibility of the high est position in the" land?' There is nothing in his charac ter or his antecedents to warrant such a supposition. He fsa man of negative character altogether, said to bo amiable, indolent, and good-natured, and just such a one who , would, readily yield to the controlling inlluence of others. If ho U a man of any' marked or pos- itivo chanu'terifitics, ho has so far lamentably failed to OJthibit them: he would bo a mere" cypher in his own administration,- a puppet to jump in any direction m which tho ites might be pointed by Morton or JJlaine. . There is nothinir of the Andrew Jackson in liis compo sition, and the sturdy honesty and unbending will of that "noble old Roman" is what the country now requires in the chief executive Officer. ; . .. ' , And these virtues are found most fully doveloped in Samnol J. Tildcn, for hr ' ns given imhsput 1 ftblo evidenc that ho has the nerye to to right without rega;d to consequences. In his official' conduct as Governor of New York le has illustrated , in the highest legree that sentiment of a grejit htatesnian'of a former 'epoch, that ho would rather be right than be 'resident. , He has shown that ho of Besses, in an eminent degree tho Roman firmness of "old Higko-, ry,".that ho - not only thinks for ' '"'l1 nmseir, out gewerully follows the a-omptuigs of his own judgment, iVird will not by anyj manner of Uieans bo sniiply a lump of clay in. .. . . ... - 4 uic nancs oi the potter. We want non-enuues. The idea of the Radical party i King sincere in their desire for ! reform is. ludicrous inleed Is there a member of their own par ty even who lelieves it ?. If there is, we advise Barnnm to hunt him down , without delay and place him on exhibition in his menag frio. ; He would draw-greater crowds than tlie Wotilly Horse or Uie Feejee Mermaid ' Gen. M. W. Ransom is worthy of the high honors he wears and of the many sincere and exalted compliments he receives from all quarters.. A . late number of the Panola (MiKH.)"Star"says that "la has shown himself to be the peer of the ablest, and has won credit to liimself and reflected hopor on tho noble old North State, one of the original thirteen,' heretofore represented as she has been in that august body by such men as a Macou,a Mangu'm, a Badger and a Graham, with whose honored names his will Ih? hereafter com mingled Pfl worthy of all honor and of deathless remembrance and veneration." Tho "Star" congrat ulates "the South, the North,, the East and the West. We congrat ulate the State of a Davie, a Ma con, and a Gaston, that she has tihowij herself still worthy of her ancient renown, which, for a brief period, was beclouded by the ruth lees hands of corruption ists and adventurers. " Her sons in Missis ppi still love and venerate her,and are proud of her nyble Ransom. All hail tho glorious old North State!" Tim s rA'ii; dijit. TucHropoHi t ion ofi the cit d itorij in a litantifuTTme for thy en d;ti rs. It is not possible for the-piMr.lo of North Carolina to lnuip the S'Hte bouds good, bad aud. indiftVrcit and provide for the payment cif on lis f of the sum they call for at uny time under fifty years, and it is imt possible for the people of North Car oliiia to pay a high or even medium rate'1 of interest annnidly on thete bonds. What the creditors ought to do and this they should have done long ago is to meetthcreprfarn otiven of th' State in a fair spirit of mntmil sacritiite, demand nothing uureatW able or impoasible and save them aelvts a vant deal of troablo and per hnpa aome money by oflFeiir.g a eom- promiHe anoh as our people are able to make. Ibis these hoi d-liold rs havo not done. The pnyment of tiulf the whole debt cannot be made iu u hnndred yonrs.the Interest tneiur time piling up year by. year. The bond-holdern ought to be hatisfiod with five or aix millions dollar paya ble in thirty years with three, four and six pr cei.t interest atarting with three ou the first batch of boud and ending with aix on the lt It is all very nice to say we owe ranch of this debt honefltly and hatl it most in honor be paid. Cuj the people pay? Tltat is the. question. We do not bolitivo in repudiation, There must bo no repudiation. Bt the iTebt' ought, to b pealed. t It wouW bo infinitely better for' the rroditirH tin mselveH, for if they con- l'rino ' to hold the Stnto to the rigid loiter of the contract t iey will drive the people to repudiation, partial or complete The people of North Oar eliua are the houohtest ou the earth. There is no stain ou their honor, aiid they will in thia mutter do what in right Let the .creditors do like. wise. To oppress a brav people who are struggling maufully in their overly ia tho aot of eowards. . Let the creditors of Noi th Curoliuabe ningnanimous. Their migoatnmity will uot be thrown away. The newly , elected Senators are Uov. Oailund, from AikaiisiiB;, Tamos 0. Blaine, frsm Maine; George P. Hoar, from Massachusetts; Gov. Alviu Saunders; from, Nebraska; Ferry, from Michigan, and Windom, from Minnesota, ie-eleoted. Amuskments. Theatie goers und all such as keep lute hours aro very liable to 'contract a severe cough or cold. A safe und reliable euro k Dr. Bull's (,'oHgli Syrup. The price is only 2.') t en to. ' '.,':-.- naawawHaBVHKanaaaaBaaaHMaaa Meal! Meal! Meal! QQ BAGS FKESH MEAL LN KEW . . ; C01TON SACKS. MOLASSES! riUBA, DLMEItABA AND 8UUAK house. 5()0 BAKKKLSFJ.OUlt All grailei novlStX ' . HINFORD, CHOW & CO. WSlELUXi.OlS. EXTRAORDINARY. JNDIXKMEXXTS AKE " SOW OF FEUKI IX CLOTHING! At the afon tsfar advaneed I am de tennir.ed to clomr out all my TO C OF 0 YF.R CO A TS At a Very Small Margin on the t ost My Mock of Clothing embraces all the LATEST STYLES and I am determined to make It tn in terest of all to buy of me. Futvliaiicrs w 111 find greatliarjrainfin both I LOTHIXG AM) FOIMSIIING CflOE Our ALL MADE 81I1KTS that I sell at 9 ceuU art still all the go. , These shirts arc really worth $i CO. Prtreliasers will do weJI to examine before purchasing else where. A. SIIRIF.R, janUO -tf ', , 30 Market stm-t, Bacon, Flour, &c. K BOXES D. S. SlfiES, tJVj bliLS: FLOUR (all grades), lot) Hhds. and Bbls. CUBA -VOLASSES, 100 Bbls. S. II. SYKUT,- . ' 50 Bap COFFEE, 50 Bbl. SUGAR, 100 Bbls. GLUE, 500- Bdls. 1 1 OOP IRON, 500 Hales HAY. BAGGING, TOBACCO, 8XUFF, SOAP, L Y K, t'AM)i, TIES, CUEEot, Sl'IUlT BARRELS, LAUD, NAILS, Ac., &e. oc -5 tf- WORTH A WORTH. t r ff t a s s n 1, To tlie working class: We are now prepared to fiinii.-li all clauses with con stant eiiiiioyment at home, the whole of tmr time, or tor their spare momtmt. . Bu sfiies new, ii-jbt aud pn.fltuhlv. Persons (if either i-ex eafcily earn from 50 rents to. 5 per evening, and a proportional sum by levoUng their whole time to the business. Boys and e.irls earn nearly as much as 'men. That all who see this uoflcc may scud their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled oiler: To such as are not satisfied we w ill send one dollar to pav for the 'trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and rireside, one of the largest ami best Illustrated .Publications, all scut free by mail. Reader, It you want permanent, profitable work, address, Geoiiob Sttn- sox s Co., Portland, Maine. jan'-'Otf Can't be niadje by every agciit every month In the business we furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right In their own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and hon orable.' Women, and lioys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a a complete Outfit free. The husiness-a;. s better than anvthlng else. We will bear expense of starting you. Particulars freC. Write and see.' Farmers and mechanics. their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at. once. Now the time. Diui't delav. Address TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. Jan. 20 tf ' MURRAY & 1 .0;, WHOLESALE GROCERS I. , ' AND . Commission Merchants. Ji.ORTH WATER HTREETV WILMOGTOS. If. C. ' janSOlw W. L. SMITH CO., Ins- Agency, Wimingtonj W. 0. FIR K HOMPAMES: German-American, assets - i - 13,100,000 Scottisji Commercial, capital - 6,000,tX)0 Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., assets 1 ,400,000 Atlas, assets - - - . - t - 44:i,(KKI Lynchburg, assets ----- 500,000 American , assets - - - - 1,200,000 . .' '"' 1.1 t i:: Manhattan Life, asseU - . 10,(MX,000 N. C. State Life, capital .... 200,000 Every desirable form of policy Issued at regular rates, ) ' , W. Ii. '.SMITH t CO, jan 10 lw S, JEWETT, NEWS DEALER, BOOK SELLER . and Stationer. Also agent for Dorman's Improved , HUBBKR ST A Mrs. . Ja 1!) lm WlLMlNtn'ON, X. JA8. T. l'KTTEWAV. . C. II. 8CUU1.KEN. Petteway & Schulken, BROKERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS In Merchandise, Cotton, Naval Stores and other1 produce. Orders for Molasses, Meats, I.ard. Salt, Hsh, Cotl'ee, JSugar, Cheese: Flour, Bag- Ing, Ties, &e., and consignments of all c t acrlptlons ol produce solicited. InJO-ilm Jas, B. Huggins, DEALER IN ' Groceries. 57 MARKET ST., (under Masonic Hall). Goods gold very low for cash In hand. Jan IM 3t wjt .NOTICE (IF AH'LfflO! AL OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will he made to the General Assembly ..to ..Incorporate, the, Laborers' Union, the First Ward Bucket Company1 anil Hciok and ljuldvr Company No. 2 of tun city of Wilmington. dec Waw-U w Ai.DAVi A Co., W. A. DavIs Edltvrs And l'ropt's. Business MamiffeK THE OXFOIU) TOUCH-LUJUT Clrcultttton ovlw 2,IHM) triple. ... -Two Dollars l'cr Annum, In Advance Tlie Democratic Oi van of Granville. ' uov 2-tf - (lVeenbor(, N. O, $999 ) MlMF.LL.mOlS. JilTC. STEM!! 1 ENDEAVORS AT AM. TIMES TO Aj keep t!te - BEST STANDARD fiROCIElES on'i-n'J to tlie trade. '"J ' iuiutu I liiu lj 1 iUUl """TTta-iJiveii the leadins Flour in the fnited Stale for nearly Half a Century. FERRIS TRADE MARK MEATS are ackhowledgxd to W far superior to any-other meat put up in tlieCounlry. . ' . '',.- , Evwy piece ts guaranteed that contains the "SEAL." lifRVETTS Oil) AND liEI.IAtil.li Flavoring Extfacl, MARTIN'S 'CUT EDGE" BUTTER I don't substitute any other. -. . (iKSUiNE ( U MOLASSE.S," Sui,Tir House Syrus of dilferent ijualities, FRESH CABBAGES,. ' IHIMI POTATOES. ' ONIONS, CAB ROTS, and full line of Canned Goods at lowest prices. - X. C. H MS This Year's Cvxe. J AM.KS: C. STEVENSON, j in 19 If ' BOXING AXES, 1 PITCH F0RK3, SHOVELS, pddes, Rakes, CfllNDSTONES. 4c , At Jacobus. Builders Hardware, SASH DOORS AND BLINDS, I'alntM, OIIm find 01uih, VARNISH, ia, . At JACOUl'S. RIMS, IllllS AND SPOKES,- . AXLE'3 SPBINGS, CARRIAGE TRIMMIN&S, ' &o., PRICES REDUCED At N. JACOliUS Hardware Depot, jan 1! tf No. 10 South Front St. 1' 0 N Y. jf you w ANT SOMETHING VERY elegant for the holidays try the Pony Whiskey! We arc the exclusive apents for fids Whiskey. It Is the very article that every body wants for Christmas. Christmas Goods IN QUANTITIES : Ml) AT LOW m EXTRA LAYER RAISINS AT t'i 50 PER BOX, HALVES A QUA KTERS, CITRON, CURRANTS, FIGS IN BASKETS, DRUMS AND CARTOONS. FRENCH MIXED CANDIES And Fresh Broken Candy. M.VLAGA GRAPES, ORANGEsTN aud everything choice for table utw, at. GEO. MYERS', dec SO-tri, H and 13 Siiuthi-'iout St. NOTICK. "TOTICE IS IIEKEUY GIVEN THAT application will be nmde in tho General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, now in session, for an Amendment of the -Charter of the City of Wilmington. Wilmington N. C, Nov. 30, 1S7II T THE I J JACOBI '-)tIStELLAOlS. T TEA MIHKEBS ! A FEW-- WORDS TO YOUR - AD VANTAGE (AND Ol IIS). We be? to present for your consideration' SIX GOOD KKAS0XS WUT THE HMO CHOP TEA SHOULD. RE USED IN PREFER ENCE TO a.lij others; I. It Is a mixture of many flavors. Ex perience having proven such to he the TEA Ihat Gives Universal Satisfaction. II. The Flavor is the Natural One, and that it is unadulterated is the strongest argument In favor of its perfect heallhful ness, . III. It Is an Uneolored Tea, such as Chinamen themselves drink. IV. The leaf not beinsr. Colored or Polished Improves the drinking greatly and lessens the cost. V. Being packed in original packages JAPANESE TEA PAPER thc.full strength and flavor Is retained. VI. Because It b t ie very BEST TEA we can find to oiler our friends and cus tomers. TRY IT! TEST IT DRINK IT! Sold only by . fHAS. D. ros id jan 20 tf "d ' North Front at. jno roSenmayer 51 N. PACA STREET, Baltimore, Md., OELIi! OIL PAINTS, CANVAS FRAMES, BRISTOL BOARD, Drawing Paper, MATERIAL FOR EVERY KIND OF PAINTING, VARNISHES, JAPAN NED TIN PAINT BOXES CON TAINING 'A COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR ARTISTS, EASELS, PAINTERS' STICKS, BLKNDKBS, &(!., SL'l, &v.. ,'brders for frames tilled with dispatch. Portrait Frames selected with great care. Materials for WAX WORK always on Tiand. I Catalogue containlnit much useful In formation scut on application and receipt of stamp. Terms Cheap lor Cash. Jan 11 tf ;.' 7" EUGENE L. HARRIS, - ARTIST IN ' " Crayon Portraits, SA SSA FR A A FOR A", N. o. BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR attention to his Portraits iu Crayon. Persons wisliinir (rood pictures of them selves or deceased friends, can have them nicely executed by sending hifn a photo, graph to work from. A jrond photograph is necesrary to Insure a ood likeness. The. prices below Include postage by mail, on roller. A neat frame of walnut and jrllt will be liirnislied to l.liohe who desire it at I 50(!ia 00. 'RICES i Size ltxl7 inches f S 00 10 00 Life Si.c (bust) TESTIMONIALS: : "Mr. Harris oossesscs the .raiH gift .of licing able to delineate, accurately, from a j ; ihoUgraph or other picture the exaetfA QUARTO WEBKLY PArER-GOOD likeness of anv one. Wo guarantee satis faction." Oxtord Loader. " e have seen his work and consider It excellent Try theui:M"lCciitral J'ro- testant.) "We liave seen acspttal pn fiave seen aciiittal liortrtutof Hon. A. W. Venable, by Mr. K. L. Harris, that retlccts a'.ldillonal lusln1 on his genius in that department." - Torchlight. J . ' ocl 10 U . V ' i MISlELLmoiS. THE msi GAZETTE, " A J)KM(K1t.TIC WKEKLT FAMILY XKWSl'ArFIi. Rati:? or Si .( kii'tion : Tiik Gazette is puldishcl every Fri.lav on the follovius terms : One Co(y, one year 2 00 ,'' six iiiontiis - - J (jo CIa,b Rates: . i Five Copies, to one address -Eisrht ' " ? 3 00 1'! 00 Terms Isvauiablt is A ovakci. lM?t. II I.1 I l I t . ... AGENTS WANTED! We desire to secure the services of t;uer. Sf't'c h"!ies, 111 ri, Ikivs f;iil.s to can vass lor the 1'ke Dtr IlEiui.o, a larsw tWCtll .i'lVhl I'ltlnmn .....Y.- ... - . ,M 1 ,(v F,tr, JIU)- lished every Wednesday, at Wadeslioro', N. IV W e will pay cash lor services. The subscription price is so low that it is no trouble to jjet upclulis. Sufseriptiou only (.ue Dollar. Semi fur .circulars and speci men copic if vou wihh to le an a'cut. Addi;ess JXt). T. lMTltltk' W4ebro X. C.,.: lsT. scnst'itlitK Koit TIIK Tll.SsrHIFT AM) . JIESSDiCEIl, iTiii.isnnO at (;0I.SiHltO. X. C. , En rybixly Takes 'This Paper. Terms: One Year" (free of postage) $"J 00; .six months $1 00:011 trial three months for cents; payable in advance. An extra copy to any 0110 sending us a club of live subscribers with' the cash. J. A. ROXITZ, Kiiitor, GoMshoro. N. C. The Masonic Journal, ( Kl.l.XSItOltO, N. V. The ouly ".Masonic Wtcklv but one, published in tlie United States eight' paires, thirty-two columns. : .... Treats of all topics of interest to the craft. Literature pui i.r, and is a household Companion of which every Mason iu tho country may justly feel proud. Tekms: One year '.'; six months $1.25. Remit by jnist ollice order or rstercd letter. Send stamp' for specinmn copy and get up a club. E. A. WILSON, GrwuslK.ro, N. C 1877 bawimore'md. 1877 THE SUN, from the geographical posi tion occupied by Baltimore and its proxim ity to the National Capital present unusu al advantages to all classes of readers, uot only in the city of Ha . publication, but in the surrounding States, It is national iu seoK', Independent iu politics, and con servative in opinion. It is emphatically a newspaper, and Its repntatiuu has been built up by the . acknowledged excellence unrl vnri'.lv nf 11m news. Itotll local mwl general. From its fairness and llnrtiai ity in discussing j)iil)lle questions,!! circu lation cxtcn.ls aiming liien of all political parties, and has becoim, from the thor oughuess of its information on all current subjects' engaging popular attention, the favorite piiinr of tho petiple. ICverythttig worthy of special note or recofd In the Statu of Maryland, the District ot Colum bia and the States adjacent, will be found from day to dsy Ina compact and readable form In Its Columns. During the session of Congress it gives sjiecial attention to the subjects under discussion, the intro duction of imjHirtant bills, aud the pith of debates. Its special correspondence em braces not only daily letter and telegrams from Washington, but covers all the most prominent, points in the. Union, from San .Francisco to New York", and the Eastern cities beyond.. Ita foreign news is the very latest received from day to day by cable. In its .Commercial and Financial Depart ments the utmost pains are taken to se cure perleet accuracy in the quotations, the fluctuations in all Classes of public se curities being carefully noted. STCcial at tention Is given to the Breadstuff and. Pro vision markets, and particularly to tho current, prices each day, not only In the city of Baltimore but iu other cities of the Union and abroad. For all tho principal matters that enter Into the business of the country ft may tie consult ed with safety, bothf by producers and dealers. But aside IVoiii its' political, tlimiieial and commercial features, THE Sl'N Iiks an established -reputation as a Family Paper. As such the information . it impart, in the way of general news, la of Interest to all cdnsscs of readers, noth- Ii'ii li..!,!,.- iitlmn.tj.il into 11ji nuircH that mflV not bu read by any member ol the house hold,' In polities its 'aim is to promote "the greatest good to tho greatest num ber," w ithout regard to party lines, and to encourage at all times and among all men respect for the constitution and the laws.. In religion its position is non-sectarian, with "charity towards all;" and in local as tn Federal affair It regards fta honest and economical administration, dealing justly by the people and respecting their rights,to be paramount to all other consid erations. To those w ho-desire all rst-class newspaper, up to tho times, and sparing no cxpeiiNc to keep it so, THE SUN recom- ink .... ...fa, ....... . 0 rf m'enils itself; whilst to advertisers It ofl'erB' the advantages of n large and widely ex tended circulation among all classes of readers. . ;, - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION BY MAIL CASH IN ADVANCE. ; ONE .YEAH, postage included e.K) SIX MONTHS, " . ". .3.00 THREE MONTHS," (i -- 1.5 TWO MONTHS, - i-i " -i l. ONE MONTH, ." j " , ' 5t BALTIMORE WEEKLY" SUN, publish ed tvury Saturday, for one dollar and fifty cents a year, with greal Inducement to, clubs. Address , . A. 8. ABELL & CO., Publishers, ; . 1 Si s Ikon BriLDixo, Baltimore, Mil. v. :. Airrrs, 1'AMliIONABLia 11ARUER SHOP. C1ALL Ttr SEE rflM, UNDER THE j Pureell House.. Excellent barbers al ways ready to wait nncnslmiifin. dcUitf ASllEYILliE CIfUEN, ,U- , ADVERTISING MEDIUM) f IMIE CITIZEN IS A FAST FRIEND OP JL Wilmington, and has devoted mueb. time and space to cncuraglii the growtlr of business relations between the Capo Fear and mountain regions. Send for rates. Address, STONE & FURMAN, no4tf Ashevillc, N. (J '''' -i:.

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