rl v. I 1 j I wo ESTABLISHED, 1851. 1; WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1877. -I PRICE $6' 00. 0 iif i . THE TELEGRAMS, NEWS OF THE WORLD .WAKLKIE PREPARATIONS IN EUROPE. PASSAGE OF THE ELECTORAL BILL' . BEN HILL fUECTED UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM GEORGIA. - TOM SETTLE NOMINATED. FOB DIS TRICT JIDGEOF FLORIDA. v Moon Reports. WASHINGTON. Washington, Jau. 25. Ex-Governor Kellogg and Marshal Pitkin, f Louisiana, hare had, an interview with the President. 0. H. Butih. of Florida, a tele grapher, testifies that Stearns tele graphed Secretary Chandler, that Bcnnock should be at or near Tall hassee immediately. ' ; A Chandler replied' that he had seeu the President and Secretary of Wtr, and that troops would be Bent. He 'declined to answer whether he had communicated with them before. Senator Morton has a letter from ex-Go?. Dix, endorsing his action, and saying that hereafter the Repub lican party wonld know where to look for leaders who do not quail in the the time of trial. , Id the Honsp, to-day, Lamar spoke in fanr of the electoral bill, and Miles, of Texas, spoke in opposition. The foreshadowing of the Louis- Inn a Ortn af a fimmifTAA'a VAnnrf a a that the majority will claim intimida tion enough to justify the action of the Returning Board regarding tho eleotoral Tote but the boards aotion illegal regarding ine state omoers and Legislature, and that the report trill hold that the Legislature should hare been organized by members shown elected by the faoe of the re turns. The roport may also snggest that Kellogg hold over until the Legislature organized on this basis or recommend provisional govern ment. The minority's report will show that what intimidation did exist is mojethan an offset in the fraud and the irregularity of the Returning Board. It is intimated . that two Republican members regard Packard,s government unfavorably, and will so report specially. ' ; 01110. : ' " Columbus, Jan. 25. Referring to the passage of the electoral bill.Gov. Hays said to a friend several days ago, but who makes it public this morning: "I want it distinctly under stood that I do not desire to inilu enoe the aotion of Congress one way or the other in the matter of ; the eleotoral bill or any other matter re lating to the Presidential election. The whole thing then, is in the hands of Congress and I shall be oontent with its action. CALIFORNIA. Sah Fbanoiboo, Jan. 25. The Ig lesas leaves in a few days for a friend ly port in Mexioo via New Orleans, El'ROFE. Berlin, Jan. 25. It is reported that Russia has given orders to pre pare for calling out the third divi vision of reserves which includes all able bodied men. Turkey is "rein forcing the Servian frontier. ' ' Rohh, Jan. 25. Jhe most impor tant clause in the clerioal abuses bill makes it penal to publish writings proceeding from any clerical author it censuring laws, of State. The Pope's speeches are evidently aimed t in this provision Cluneal jo;ur- nals, are furious. Itis understood that after Igna tieff hai presented bin report Rnsaia ' will yd Ires a communication to the powers explaining her positio And appealing to their seuso of i honor to resent the affront offered to all Eu rope bj the Porte, either bycolleot ive action or by empowering Eiifcf ia to act for them. If this effort fail. RuMi fff! n-X'J appeal to aUieii'tiu pires. SI ouhl they not make a atis (uctory response then it is offirraul that Bhe will act iiloue. Night Reports. WAMIOGTOT . Washington. Jan. 26 LToiw Mr. Junes called up the petitiou i f tb Democratic PrenideutiiU elector of Fhrida, receully presented by him, asking that their vore be coujjftjxf as the true return from that State, s rid addressed the Senuto at length iu regard to the rf cent eh c tion iu that State for seven hours, and from the operiug till the nd journmf-nt of the session the gal leri s were crowded aud many visi tors were Hdmitfed to the "flour; Speeches against the till were made by Knott, Blackburn nnd Jones, t f Kentucky Mills, of 'f exaH, and Sirgletou and Lyroh o.f Missi's-sipi; whileBrnwi), of Kentucky, ond 'ill, of Georgia runJe faruet patriotic and eloqueut appeal for its passRg-. The two latter speeches were vnthu-f-iantioi'l'y applauded and it was A notable circumstance that just as Hill conclude 1 his peroration a tele gram was put into his hands au-. nonncing his elfction as Senator. Mr. Speaker Randall exercised Jus constitutional privileges of voting as a representative from Peunsylvaoia and gave bis vote in favor oi the bill. Theote on its parage was; yeas 191. ays 86. All but 18 of the negatives were given by Republicans. Among the 18 were the following ? Blackburn, Durham, Jones, Knott and Miliisen. of Eentueky, Brad-, ford, Caldwell, Forney and Williams of Alabama, Mills, of Texs, Single ton, of Mississippi, and . Smith, of Georgia. Bill now goes to the Presi- fdent. "Adjourned. Senate The debate to-day on the compromise electoral bill la ted from 10 in the morning till 5 o'clock in the evening. It did not abate" in in terest during the whok. ... ... Mr. Sherman called up bill to pro vide sinking fund for Pacific Rail roads. Adjourned to 11 o'clock to-, morrow. .Electoral bill passed House 191 to 86 " Indian affairscommitfee strike from the Sioux treaty the clause , re moving Sioux to the Indian territory. The reported interview between the President and Senator Ferry, regarding the pending bill published this morning, is bogus. Thoa. Settle, of North Carolina, has been nominated District Judge of Florida. NEW JERSEY. Nbwton, Jan. 26. Ex-Governor Daniel Shaines is dead.' SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia, Jan. 26. The Ilupreme Court rendered a decision in the quo warreLto proceedings against the Hayes electors, dismisbing the. case on the ground that the proceed ings, were illegally prosecutsd n the part of the State instead of the United States. This disposes of the eleotoral case in this State. KENTUCKY . Louisville, January 26 B. W. Stockton, chief clerk at the Willard Hotel, of this city was shot and probably fatally injured this morn ing by ff. 0. D. Whipps, his em ployer. NEW YORK. New loaf, Jan. 254 Baldwin A; Kimball, bankers, have suspp.inloil. Malonmicks block, at Medira, con taining the telegraph office, hue Wen burned. Loss $50,000. Dr. May, father to the deulist, was before the grand jury but could give no information. GEORGIA. - Atlanta, Jmu. 26. Hill has been elected Senator from Georgia. . Mrs. Mary Marshall, of Suvaunai, a worthy and well known lady, died this morning; aged. 94 years. WEST VIRGINIA- Wheeling. Jan. 26 -H. G-nnvia has been elected for long, and Fojfl for short term, to Congre h. HASSACUISEITS. Boston, Jan. 26. The thermome ter, on tho 20th instant, stood thirty two degrees below zero throughout New Hampshire and Maine. LEGISLATURE OF-MTfl CAROLINA. SENATE. Wedsesdat, Jan. 24, 1877. ; Short presented a petitibu fr6m the citrus of Bennswiek county, (North Wi'bi Township), asking that certain ci.angts bf made in their township hfes. Caltndar. introduction of bills. : Crawibrd : & bill to incorporate tho Angola Canal Company. Refer :ed to the commits ou corpora tions. . Shwtr A bill to" change the dirid ive tibe line between the countiea of Cg'.nmbns and Brunswick. Referred to he cotauiittee ou propositions and grievances. . The bill to provide for the speedy completion of the w. N. 0. Railroad, wui, tukeu up. The motion was Upon ll:e amendmeut' cffrtd by Stewart to Vfriko out section 6, of the original bill. Adopted. . R'ibiuson opposed the subxtitule for the amend meat prtposed by the committee for section 6, providing iu the mam that the Governor shall, up u proper representation, draw his warrants upon the treasurer for such Hnni" an may be needed to prosecute the road. ' York was opposed o the amend -me'i.t. He was opposed to any nd diiional tax-upon thepeople in be half of this interest. ' R ibbius also opposed, tho amend ment. ' ' . Stanford favored the bil.'. Y rk offered an amendment pro viding that the amonut annually paid out Khali loi xoeed $50,000. Troy moved to amend the amend -nun. t by inserting 870,000 instead of 550,000. ' Upon this, York called for the yeas and uuya. Tiie o ill was sustained, and jtha aiueudmeut offered by Troy was adapted; yeas 19, nays 19. The' Lieuteuaut-Goveroor voting n the afUrmat ve. The question re curred upon the substitute offered by Mr. Robinsoa, for the amend ment offered by the committee for section 6, and upon a calL f or the yeas and nays, asked for by Mr. Robins, the substitute was adopted and engrafted in the original bill. The substitute proposed by the committee. for section 10 was adopted, and the bill as a whole was then an nounced as being open to amend ment. Several amendments were offered. The bill passed its second reading by the following vote : .Yeas Messrs. Askew, Bennett,, Bingham, Caho, Crawford, Dortch, Ferguson, Fiugor, Folk, Graham, Hughes, John, ton, Liles, Mebane, of Bertio, Moore, of Mecklenburg, Moore, of New HanOver, Robinson, San'difer, Stanford, Stickney, Stew srd, Short, Thome, Troy and Wil liam". 25. Nays Messrs. Albright, Boddie, Coke, Cuuiugham, Green, Justice, Latham, Nicholson, Robins, Roberts, Scales, Waddeli. Wilson, Wynne and Yoik-15. On motion of Robinson, the bill was ordered to be engrossed and printed, aud made the special order for .' uesday morning at 11 o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By Davis, of Lenoir: The peti tiou of citizens of Lenoir county asking the repeal of the usury law. Referred. The following bills and resolutions we re introduced, read and passed the first time, and were appropriately re ferred or placed ou the calendar: Clark, of ' BJaden: A rt solution iu favor of the Sheriff of Bladen county. Finance. Rowland: A bill to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquois within two miles of Lebanon Freebyteriau church. Propositions aud grievan ces. . S. B. 32, H. B. 299, to incorporate Hook and Ladder Company No. 2 of Wilmington, was, uuder a suspension of the rules, tukeu up on its third read og and passed, v t 11. B. 232, a bill to be entitled an act 1 1 complete the - East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad from Warm Springs to Paint Rock, iu the county of Madison, was taken up, sud under a suspension of the rnles, passed its several readings. A bill to regulate the fees of county offjoers was tukeu from the calendar aud referred to the committee on the judiciary. , Uuder suspension of tbo rnles Senate resolution to repeal the reso lution of the General Assembly of fdiing a rewnrd of $5,.0(K) for Milton S. Littlefield was taken up and adopted. A bill to prevent the felling of trees iu Northeast river was taken up and ou its Bf ootid reading, aud. on motion of Mr. Davis was indefi nitely postponed. T. B. Peterion & Brothers, Phila delhhia liajre in press a new book by Mrs Emma D. E, N; Southwortu, enti'Jed 7Vw Fatal Secret, which is bt-iug nntited from the - author's mmiuwHpt. It was written express ly for this volume, and has never bt foic been printed iu sny form. It will be published on Saturday, the third of FebnraryJn. uniform style and price with her IJunale and Self lldincd, which have proved to be so imminnely . popukr. Booksellers mid alt others will do well to send in their orders at once. Field Marshal Urbuu of the Aus trian army blew his brains out lately iu Vienna while riding; in a haokey coach. An Individual Tribute that Speaks the General St utlmeut. ' To the Jimnuil. The press aud bar have spoken of the death of Col. Robert Strange in language which cannot often be used upon the death of a man, and wilt yon allow one from the humbler walks of life to pay tribute to one who by his nobleness of character, honesty and in tegrity bus won his love and admira tion? Years ago, for the first time, I saw Col. Strange at the Court House in Fayetteville, ere the autumn frosts had tinged his head. He was young, eloquent and attractive, and drew forth my admiration-; but not such as I now have, for then it was but the outward attraction; now it is from an iusight to his heart, his character, his life. I cannot call myself a personal friend in the strict sense of the term, yet I loved him as few men I can love loved hitn for his genuine worth. Oft times we read of great men and when we sec and hear them we are disappointed. Not so with Col.' Struuge. In him antici pation, was more than realized. The man rose higlier and higher in the scale of greatness the more one saw of him. Thrown with him recently in business ittaters I couldT.but mark the decisive expression of opinion, governed solely sceuiiiigly by justice and riht and that too without hesitation. Who is there that is not sad when he reflects that Robert Strange is dead? His voice is forever hushed, yet the words of his wisdom linger upon the earth and the memory or him will only die when death shall wipe all remembrances from our tablets, Fkiknd. COUKTTf COVpHNMESiTS. Bill Introduced by Mr. KofMds, of Gates, in the Hou$e of Representa tives on Monday, January 22.1877. Whebea , The people of North Carolina, in Convention assembled, did, on the 9th day of October, 1875, ordain that the General Assembly shall have full poer to . modify, change or abrogate any and all pro visions of article 7 of the Constitu tion, and substitute others in their place, except sections 7, 9 and 13, which grant of power was duly rati fied by the people on the 7th day of November, 18 (6. Now, therefore, in exeroise of said power, the Genera! Assembly of North Carolina do en act: Seotion I. That sections 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 10 and II of article 7 of the Constitution are hereby abrogated and annulled. Sec. 2. In each county there shall be elected biennially, by the quali fied voters thereof, as prescribed for by law, a register of deeds, treasurer and surveyor. " Sec. 3. The General Assembly, at its present session, shall elect in each township three justices of the peace, who shall be commissioned by the Governor. Their terms bf office shall begin from the first Thursday iu August, 1877, and shall continue for two, four and six years, and it shall be designated in said commission when the terms of eaoh class shall expire. Their successors shall be appointed by the General Assembly, end shall hold their offices for six years. Sec. 4. Id townships in whioh there are incorporated towns and cities, there shall be appointed an addition al justice of the peace as provided above, and in addition tneroto an additional justice for every 1,000 in habitants. r Sec. 5.' The said justices of wie peace Bball meet at their respective oounty towns on the first Monday in September, 1878, and each year thereafter, and t lecl five county com missioners, who shall succeed to all the rights, privileges, powers and duties as are now fixed for the board of oounty commissioners, or' which may hereafter be prescribed ! them. Sec. 6. The township boundaries shall remain as they are until other wise changed by law. State Board of Health. From the Raleigh Obterver of Yeitcrday. This subjnot now attracts public attention, Acoording to previous notice, a joint com mt tee, consisting of Dr. N. J. Pittman, of Ta'borp, and Dr. Eugene Grissom, of Raleigh, of the American Medioal Association, and of Dr. S. S. Batch well, of Pen, der county, Dr. P. E. Hines, of Raleigh, and Dr. George A. Foote, of Warenton, of the State Medical Society, for tho purpose of memori alizing the Geueral A'sembly in be half of the establishment of a State Board of Health, asnembled at the Yarbrongh Houe in this city yester day. Dr. Pittman was eleo'ed chair man and Dr. Foote Secretary. The result of of their deliberations will be submitted for considf ration to the General Assemb y. .w.." It proposed we learn, to make the Statn Medical Society the State Board of Health, and to require re ports to be made to every regular session of the Legislature through the Governor, ot the intersts of the health and life among the poople ; of the cauces oP disease, means of its removal, A t f p demies, sa titary precautious, so troes of mortality, etc "The sentence of ;the Court Is," said Judge Porter, a popular Irich magistrate, to a notorious drunkard, that you be oontlued in juil for the longest period the law will allow : and I h'P' yon will soend the time in cursing whity," "BejibeisI will, and. Portei , too," was the answer, Strauss' latest operette has the gay title, "MeU uselah." LOCAL HEWS, Col. Robert Strange. A.I m meeting of the veTlry of 8t. James' Parish January 25th,' 1877, it waa unanimously resolved that ths fallowing minute be entered upon the records of the Psrisb, aud that a couy be sent to the family of the deceased : Itjhaviug pleaded God to remove from among us onr uieuU -and brother and companion iu labor, Robert Strange, we, bis fellow vm trvinen. desire to express and record our appreciation of his worth and tf our own loss. -An intimate association ijth him for many years iu secular business, in social life and in religious labor, in circumstances widely varied, ofttu such as to severely try liuniau nature, has not only euablml us to form an intelligent- valuation of bin character but has result- d in a col tinually increased estimate of his worth. We mean no exaggtiration!ien we say that the severer the trial the higher the point to whioh he has risen in our respect and love. Of all the Christian gentlemen it Las falleu to our lot in life to know he was among the very best in our esteem To mental capacities, of a high order be added great culture aud uuusnal stores of aoeurute knowl edge. As a lawyer lie oooupied au enviable position an, org bis profes sional brethren, yet was he not envied; h.s own heart frte from .selfishness or jeulousy he escaped tliose evils in the bearts of others. To the honor f bis brethren at the bar, as well as to his owu, it can be said that, notwithstanding his pre eminence, all respected and loved him; none envied him or desired to diminish hfrs well earned reputation A natural gentlemau uniting a true aud innate dignity to a warm and loving heart commanding ou every sine respect, while eutering with the readiest and most cordial sympathy into all human interests around him; courteous and oareful of the feelings of all, whether Ligh or low, with whom he came in con tact; kindly, frank, yet never" offen sive, gentle as a woman, yet of a noble manliness, firm without ob stinacy, strong, yet exceptionally modest, without the least self-assertion or pbtrusiveness, largely yet silently generous, of integrity unim peachable, liigh-tonod and abhorrent of all meanness and wrong, bis word as good as his oath ; men felt that tbey oonld rely upon him implioitly for both justice and sympathy, and eould, without reserve or apprehen- sion, entrust him with their Beoiets, their interests and their property, assured that .rather than wrong an other, he would have wr.mged him self. A Christian gentleman, one who to the graces of this life added those of the greater life to oone, whose excellencies here were the rudiments of au eternal nobility, whose life had root in deep religious faith, and in whom faith and. love, with puiity and reverence were rarely "blended. A man true to hh fellow men, true to his friend, true to his family and kinsfolk, true to bis church, true as mortal men are true, to his Supreme and Eternal Father, a true and humble follower of his Savior, he was one whose memory will be ever dear to us, and to whose example we look as one! of God's instrumentali ties to lead m to a better life. J as. Andkbson, ..Third Ward , " M At a meeting of the Third Ward Democratic Club held last night, the chairman was requested to appoint a committee of five to confer with similar committees from the other wards, in referenoe to the aotion of the Central Club as regards the city bill. Attempt at Burglary. Thursday night an attempt was made to enter the residence of Mr. John Nutt, near tho. corner of Red Cro w and Front streets. Mrs. Nutt heard Some one priziBg up one of the back windows and gave the alarm. . Tbermometrlcal. ' JThe Btate of the themipnietcr at the virions stations named below was 6) served at the signal office in this city at 4:30 p. in.? ' AuirusU, 54; Charleston, 54: Galves ton, 54; Jacksonville, 59; Mobile, 66; New Orleans, 55; Norfblkr 51; bavan nah, B8; Wilmington, 51. Magistrate's Court. Mary Ann Hadley, .was arraigned before Justice Uardner for assault and battery ; fined $10 and co ts. The sameon a peaoe warrant was bound over to the Superior Court on a bond of $100. Subscribers who fail to geftWir papers will, confer a favor by noli' fying us of the fact. Mr. Wm Keen, city agent for the -Journal, will promptly tectify all errors andomis- oas. The daily ' additions to the list Deooaaarily . produoa soma oon fusion, though we bare heard com paratively few complaints. CITY CURRENCY. . Two little girls iu Paddy's Hollow undertook t ) settto a juvenile dim- oulfcy by fighting it out. Alternate blows and aoreams finally brought their respective maternal, parents to the scene of conflict, when, failing to part the two young combatants, the mothers "fell to" sud for a brief space hair, finger nails and blood, and uncomplimentary epithets were below par. We withhold names bes cause --na dicru tie women were Canoisions. The moon once more looks dowu on earth unclouded aud bright as if .her lover Endymion lingered beneath her rays. The scattered clouds are tipped with silver and the stars shine where lately waa the uu varying blaokness of the tempest. Ihe coutrast is so marked, onr feel ings almost get thebtter of us. Bnt alas, as we write "Mr. judica tions" steps in and predicts for to day "lower barometer, southerly to westerly winds 'auI: warmer, partly cloudy weather." We hope be may prove to be young for a. phropbst, although he is the son of "Old Probs," who was a- tolerably g od one. Index to Mew Advertisements. Jas. C. Stevenson Apples, tur nips, molasses, Flour. Jas. E. Kei Surgeon-Dentist. JBO. O. James, President Meet ing of 2d Ward Democratic Club. A. K. talker, Cashier Report of the First Notional B ink. P. Heinsberger Pianos, organs, melodeons, &c. Giles & Murchison New hardware store. Plows very cheap. Slate News. Navigation on the Roanoke lias been impeded by ice. The Roanoke fishermen are pre paring for the fishing season. In Currituck oounty, on the 17th. the residence of Mrs. Vanelyck waa burned. The Perquimans oounty jail was set on fire by prisoners Monday and ournea down. . Judge Ears is vrv popular in Edgecombe county, where he has been holding oourt. The dwelling of.Garjt James P. Speight of Greta was eutered and robbed of $51 and valuable articles'. Mr. Thomas Webb, jof Hillsboro. ex-President of theN. O. R R, is still speechless and paralysed in his limbs. ' XVihnn Advance: J. T' Rntta waa arrested at Rookv Monnt. nharce.d with ro'jbiug ths store of Mr. Stern at Toisnot. Col. R, W. Singletary, the Repre sentative from Wilson, has recovered from . bis .indisposition and gone back to Jtialeign. A child of Thomas Wynn, Esq., of Harrellsvill, died from a dose of morphine, administered by mistake for quinine. Eli Carter, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Mnrfreea boro, died on Saturday last. Ho was buried with Masonio honors. Jos. B. Batobelnr, Jr., of Raleigh stands fir-t in his class at West PointMr.RatoheIor is the only North Carolinian who has ever at tained this distinction. The body of a negro man who bad disappeared on Friday night before Christmas w is found near Mt. No bo in Yadkin oounty last week, after the snow had melted off. "A' negro tramp died at Dudley Tuesday night. Austin Smith is supposed to bt his name, and it is thought he hails from near Seltna, in Jobustou connty, . TheN. C. M. E. Conference has 163 travellinr preachers, 235 local preachers, 68,171 combers, 28,632 Sabbath School scholars, 78 parson ages, 735 church buildings, valued at $554,330. A letter in the Norfolk Landmark savs: I have just learned of a most inhuman father who murdered bis daughter, in Tyrrell connty, some three weeks since. He stabbed her twoorthiee times with a knifiand the- cut her skull to piece". He is nowconfiued in the jail, at Colum bia awaiting his trial. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DENTISTRY! 1 RESPECTFULLY" CALL f attention to mv Opcratlven-t. T and Mechanical Dentistry mgXUJj teiiifr equal to the best, and all work war ranted. Call at my Ottlce, No. South side Markca Street, Wll mlngton. . . JAS. E. KEA, Jau 27 lm Surgeon Dentist. ATIC CLUB. rpiIERE WILL BE A MEETING OF I Ihe Second Wart DcnuieraUe Club in the Hall over MuikIk' Drug Store (oi)iM- citc City Hall) this (Saturday) evening at 7i o'clock. The uuxlncr tiefore the meetinir will Im the roiiHlderatlon of muni cipal affairs. Every Democratic citizen Of the .Ward, la earnestly -.requested ton present. By . direction of Uie Executive Committee. J NO. O. JAMES, Jan 27 It " President. HEW JLBYISTISmXTS. FRESH mm XSutabajfn TurnlpH, Purple-top Turnips, Silvei Sldn Onionn, Just arrived per steamer from New ybV .NsiOteffls; GENUINE FESRI8 Trade Mark MEATS I (' VERY CnOICE. MQ Don't be I Dl""knowstb gulled j everyhody that the PATAPSGO FLOUR Is the VERY BEST that can possibly be offered, and you can buy it at the price you would pay for an inferior article. Call where they keep the best of everything. JAMES C, STEVENSON. Jan 27-tf REPORT OF THE CONDITION , The First National Bank of Wil mington, N. ft, at Wilmington, in the .State of North Carolina, at the close of Business, Jan, 20th, 1877. RESOURCES. . Loans and discounts, f 897,457 70 Overdrafts, 4,955 49 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion, 80,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages, 36,369 63 Due from approved reserve v agents, . 112,353 09 Due from other National Bank, 36,783 38 Du from State Banks and bankers, , 3,663 30 Real estate, furniture, and fix tures, 81,785 15 Current expenses aud taxes. paid, ' " 638 30 Premiums paid, 11,675 00 Bills of other Banks, 18,036 (fi Fractional currency (indud- Ing nickels), 2,407 51 Specie (Including gold Treas ury certificates), , 163 08 Legal-tender notes, - 15,000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 of circula tion), . 3,600 00 Total, r 1754,915 63 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, $ 250,000 00 Surplus fund, , , 12,909 84 Undivided profits, 86,595 29 National Bank notes outstand- ing, 71,990 00 Dividends unpaid, ' 2,317 00 Individual deposits subject to check, 259,516 81 Demand certificates of deposit, 103,273 18 Due to other National Banks, 12,366 17 Notes and bills re-discounted, 6,147 33 Total, V $751,915 63 State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover, ss: I, A. K. WALKER, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J? A. K. WALKER, jCashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of January, 1877. H. M. BOWDEN. Notary Public. Cokhect Attest : JAMES 8PRUNT, D. O. WORTH, Directors: E. E. BURRU8S. Jan 27 It THE nix HU M T I D U M T I " CIGAR. -A5D oca 'Henry County" Tobacco -Only require1 a trial to continue the uss of them. r . Jan25-tf. By D. PIQOTT. WE OFFER FOR SALE ' ATiTHK LOWESTM A It ET QAH BBLS FLOUR (allgrades), 25 100 2.000 " SUUAR, BAGS COFFEE SACKS UVERPOOL SALT, 100 ! BBLS".' NEW ORLEANS and Cuba Molasses, . . rrr BBLS. mullets. "7 OU bM. Mackerel. 50 B0XES tobacco' Tubs, buckets, brooms, empty kegs, lye, potaisn, sous, ranaiea, trcn, paper bags, jennerand solce. As.. &c. ailB-tr, Bl.NKUKU. CKOWACO. REMEMBER C. W. YATES KEEPS- THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF PLMN AND FANCY STATIONERY - BLANK, SCHOOL AND MISCELLA- ' , NEOUSBOOK8, FANCYOOODS, . PICTURES AND FRAMES, . GOLD EENS ANDPE CIlS.&c., &o. In fuet every article usually kept in a first CISKS ' ' - BOOK St STATIONERY STORE.