rVCS ESTABLISHED, 1851. ( WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY-MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1877. I PRICE $6 00. TljEJELEGRAMS. SOUTH CAROLINA AND LOUISIANA! THE PBESIDEST'S ORDEP.S Ml ,iaS HODSE CCSUITEE'S PHOBAELE ACTIOH, LOUISIANA RETURNING BOARD Irl CONTEMPT rnrW Doflse to Draw Out Ross a TIKI 0 18 DISFlTCnES FJnnn Pnnnrtc iriomvnvAV. Washington, Jan. 27. The tieni dent's ordeii regardiLg county parishes in Louisiana are an follows Where persons uoid credentials irom hath nartina nluiminir to fnvtinor they mat take poshes ion; where theie are conflicting claims, old luuctiou- anes may hold over. - In the Senate, Uuriiig the morning boar, the military academy aud lor unoation appropriatinu bills were 4ya I &A mi wit.li imnnilnriDnta mnoi tiA by committee op appropriation, and were agreed to aud tne bill passed WltDOUt dlBCllRSlOD. A message was received iu (he Senate at 11:20, from the House of Representatives, announcing the passage of the bill in relation to counting the electoral vote by that body. , . At 19:25 a aeoond message was re ceived from the House of Represen tatives announcing that the bpeaktr of that body had signed aud enrolled the bill in tegard to counting the eleotoral vote for President and Vice President. It was then immediately signed ty the President pro tern, of the Senate aud giveu to the commit tee on enrolled bills, to be delivered to the President of the United States. The committee of privileges and powers, together with the full Lou isiana committee, meet in joint ses sion this afternoon to examine a wit ness whose name is withheld. Cassanave and Eonner were taken ou arrival to a. committee room of the House, where they lire under com fortable restraint. The entire board were at the bar of the House, but Ami r e 4s wi oKouliia nf PamiUliAuita in canons, , were temporarily with drawn. T im f nf ari rvr i Mint rim i'udiciary commit too ou South Oro ina will decide that neither Legisla ture is regular, that neither Governor was inaugurated undet oonstitutiSuul form, and that Chamberlain ho Ills -over uudertho old tenure until the TiPffiaUtnre nriamzerl . nnilor the rulings of the court convenes and canvasses the vote for Sta'e officers. ' The bill ou the electoral count, signed by the presiding officers of both Houses, is on its way to 'the jrresiaenc The Republican caucus of the House have stleoted Garfield and Hoar as their representatives on the grand commisHijn, and the Demo cratic cauous will select the three to which they are entitled on Monday sight. The Senate r.epreseutatirea will consist of three Republicans and two Demoorats. The canon vote for second ohoite was Hoar 42, Hale, of Mains, 40 Garfield, the first choice, was selected unanimously, . NEW YORK. Nkw York, Jan. 27. The steam ship Othelo, of the Hull line, which arrived at this port yesterday after an unusually prolonged midwinter passage, reports having met terrific . westerly gales of hurricane violence on the 13th fnst. and her steerage gear gave way, but was repaired. lonsuxi. . yy New Orleans, Jan. 27. Cameron directs Augur to restore the statu quo in Notchiloches but to let Ouchita alone. , EUROPE. Rome, , Jan. 27. A convocation of Cardinals ordered by the Pope to ex amine the clerical abuses bill unani mously declared that it violates the liberty of the clergy. It is stated that the Pope1 will publicly protest Audi ences at the atican were suspended yesterday because of the Pope's indis position. , London, Jan. 27. The Times' Bel grade dispatch confirms the report that Tarkey had made peace propositions to Servia. A correspondent adds that Servia will dare not. refuse unless Rus sia openly promises to support her. This fine stroke of diplomacy to force Russia's hand is obviouB. The Turk ish note if Servia concludes: "Con vinced that your Highness shares my desire to secure peace and terminate a rcgretable and disastrous strife, I frankly invite yon personally to concil iation with the Porte by direct nego tiations, -. -: Night Reports. WASIIIXCIOX. Wamhinoton, Jan. 27. The House passed the Indian appropriation bill. The members of the Louisiana Re turning -lJoard appeared at the bar of the House in custody of the Seigcaut-at-Arnis and requested further time in order to frame a;i answer. 'I'hey wen' allowed half an hour. At the end of that time they returned and submitted a lengthy -"answer in writing, basing their refusal to produce certain papers before th committee on Louisiana af fairs oti the law of Louisiana and on the fact of the papers being iu charge of the .Secretary of-State. - Lyn.de offered a resolution adjud); ing the members of the Returning Hoard in contempt of the authority of the House, which was adopted yeas 145, nays 86. "Also a resolution orderiug the witnesses to uppear before the special committee of -which Wni. R. Morrison is chairman, and reinund- lnpr them to tne custody oi ttie M'r- geant-at-A.rms. Adopted. , . , llolniuh 01 Indiana,. Irom the appro priations - committee, leported a bill authorizing the secretary ot the I reas ury to pay-James" li. Lades $50(1,001) for jettees at-the mouth of the Missis sippi river. Kuckuer offered an amend j ent p)o riding for the' payment to be made in U. S. bonds. Without action on the bill the House adjourned. Senate. Dorsay and Clayton pre sented a joint resolution asking legis lation to prevent the removal of set tles from the Hot Springs reservation. Wright called up the bill to extend the Southern claims commission two years, tossed. liill ratifying the bioux treaty lor the Black Hills passed. Adjourned. The case of ex-Secretary Belknap, for taking bribes will bo called iu the criminal court Monday. - McDonald; convicted ol whiskey frauds, will be pardoned shortly. . No prospect for Joyce. Urush, the lallaliasse telegrapher, desires it stated that he refused to un swerwith regard to divulging the con tents of messages because the commit tee would not allow him to explain. He had only delivered messages ad dressed to one member of the same po litical committee and had spoken of the couteuts,af messages to other oner ators equany douiiu wnu nimseu to se crecy. Kenner, of the Louisiana Returning Board, (testified before the" privileges and elections committee that three precincts of Vernon parish hud been rejected after the Board had passed it. He had been no party to the discussion over the rejection and could not explain how it .occurred. Some questions asked in connection with Stale officers of the, parish were objected to by Law rence.' Air. Field said he wanted to Sroye that ttie candidates for District udge and .District Attorney were neighbors aud friends of Gov. Wells and that he altered the returns to have them elected, but iu order to cover the conspiracy it became also necessary to change the votes iu three precincts in the parish of Vernon, which in this case was the motivo for alteriug the electoral count. Judge Campbell of La.; Trumbull of 111., an4 probably MaE-tWpcHter of Wis., will be retained to prepare the Louisiana case for the grand commis sion. , NEW 10KK. New York, Jan. 2". George W. Chadwick, for complicity in tike forge ry of a check for $04,225 on the Union Trust Co. of New York, is held for trial iu the sum of $50.0.0 bail. Julius kieltcr, also implicated; was sent to the house Tbf deteution as aO witness iu default of $11,000 bail. . Wm. H. Lyon, of -Brooklyn, has been appointed one of the Indian commis sioners. ' j The announcement made here yester day that the Metropolitan Insurauco Co. ws in a receiver's hands- referred to the Metropolitan Fire Insurance Co. and uot the Mutual Life, between which there is no connection. The two should notjie confused to the detriment of the last named institution. Papers hexo publish a statement that numbers of officers of the late war, some of whom served on one side and some on the other, havo determined to offer lglesias their services. At a conference held in Washington yester day afternoon one of their number was dispatched to wait upon lglesias and formally tender him their services. This gentleman, who graduated at West Point and was in the regular army when the war broke out and later one of the priucipal cavalry officers of the Confederacy, will leoave here im mediately for St. Louis, where he hopes to meet the ex-President and his cab inet and lay the scheme before them. They say they can easily raise 10,000 or 15,000 men in Louisiana and Texas. 'h .MASSACIII'SEITS. Boston, Jan. .27. The loss by the explosion of the oil works of slenney & Co., of South Uoston, is $40,000. he body ot one ot the employes was taken from the ruins. KENTUCKY. Ixn isvii.i.E, Jan. 27.-srJ. W. Stock ton died this morning. ' pile Marion &tar says the negro duel whs all a hoax, though Nevelf, the Democrat, with bis s ootid, ap peared on the field o Hud Moody, the Republican, not there.' ' LOCAL NEWS. ' tOUXTY AND MUNIC IPAL COV- ' - KKN.MliNT. Yesterday we printed Gen. Roberts bill on County government. The fourth section is not sufficiently explicit. The manner of ascertaining the populationwhether by a uew niu nieipal census or by the general census 4if 1S70 is important," Some oC w cities and towus have increased largely since 1870. I We believe xf the constitutional right of th'elLegisla'ture to elect, for the people officers in the municipal and county governments, though we shall not discuss the point here It is clear to our mind that a popular election cannot cure the ills we endure, but may intensify them and render them permanent. As to the Supreme Court's probable action there is no tolling what that may be, even if an election is held and is carried by tho Democrats. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. We declare for aa honest, a squaro-ant, a 11 it-footed government, to be constituted by the Legislature, for the county of New Hanover aud for other oouuties now underjiegro rule. And, a the greater includes the less, we likewise ptououuoe in favor of a municipal government to be constituted by the same power after direful consultation with rep resontative gentlemen of the city of Wilmington. ; Went Point. We clipped the following from one of our exohasges on yesterday and reproduce it for the purpose of cor recting au error into which the writ-, or has fallen. Joe." B. Batcbelor, Jr., of Raleigh stainls C.st in his class at West Poipt. Mi. Batcbelor is the oniy North Carolinian who has ever at tained this distinction. Mr. William Henry Wright, a na tive of this city and nephew of our distinguished fellow-oitizan, William .A. Wright, Eiq , graduated with the Irghest distinction at. West Point and was a licnte ant in the' Engineer corps of the TJuited States Army up to the time of his death, which oo cured many years before the war. Lt. Wright and General Beauregard were members of the same class, aud the impression has been general ly received that their grade as students was so nearly the name that the Professors could not make any dislineiiou bet veeu them, but had a competitive exiiffliuatiou between th" two, wiuo'i resultedlu the high est hoiiors being couferrod-upoo the former. ' This wax not so, however, General Beauregard, while upon a visit to Raleigh during the war (aud in conversation with Mr. William A Wright, whoni he met there) npon being asked as to the circ imstances, said : ''It in a mistake. In my na tive language, or that of my parents, French, I was ahead of him, but that iu very other study beas- head aud shoulders above me." Lienteo ant Wright was charged with the immediate supervision of the con struction of Fort Warren iu Bostou harbor, one of the principal ports in the United Slates. Lt. Totten be ing at the time Chief of Engineers, residing at Washington Crty. While lu cbt rge of this work he published a book ou "Mortars ' the origtujil manuscript of which is now iu tuis city in the possession of a relative,) which General Beauregard declared to be the vade ineciim of the Engi neer corps of .the United States army, and which had been translated iu the Frenou language, Throughout the whole of the, course at West Point, Lt Wright stood first in bis class and graduated with the highest honors, lie died comparatively a young man, being about thirty years old. Another Cottoii'Thlef Caught. Yesterday morning Mr. John L. .Holmes. Jr., discovered a negro by the name of lleury Whited picking cotton from u bale on the Cotton Compress wharf and putting it into a bag. Mr. Holmes went up to the negro and or dered hint to follow. The rogue seeing ho was fairly caught obeyed and was curried to the s ation house. This is the fifth tliief captured thrs week. , The Rev. Charles J, Curtis of St. Matthew's Church, Hillshoro,. will officiate at St. John's to-day. Secoud Ward Democratic Club. At met tii g of the Scoud Ward Club, held lat night.tiiechaii oiau was, roqntsted appoint a committee of five Ut oonft r with similar committees appointed bv the other Wards in reference to the city bill Third Ward Democratic Club. The chairman of the above ward club announces the followiug names to constitie the committee authorized under a resolution passed at the meet- in:: held on Friday night to confer with other committees in reference to the city bill: A. A. Bagg, R. F. Lang- don, W. J. Yopp. J. F. Post, Joseph McLaurin. , Committee's, Attention-! W- are req netted to state that the committees apoIut?d by the difler- ent Democratic Ward Club to take action in reference to the city bill, will meetat the hall over Munds, drug jstofe on Third street, to .mor row (Monday) night at 7 o'clock. llitteu by a Dog. Hatty Piatt, a little daughter of Mr. John T. Piatt, was bitten Friday afternoon by a bun dog. Bne wa passing along Fourth street, aud When near Boney Bridge the dog at tacked her biting her iu two places. Sympathy. , ' The newspapers of the State gene rally, have expressed deep feeling in in the. loss of Col. Robt. Strange. Numerous and tonobing tributes have appeared. Our distinguished fellow-oitizen was widely esteemed. 'r Market Kf port. The following ' number of animals were slaughtered for this .market dur ing the past week: Beeves, 46; sheep, 0; calves, 7; hogs, 122; deer,' 1. . 1 1 1 Thermometries!. The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob seryed at the signal office in this city at 4:30 p. m.: Augusta, 54; Charleston, 54: Galves ton, 54: Jacksonville, 59: Mobile, 56;' New Orleans, 55; Norfolk, 51; Savan nah, 68; Wilmington, 51. What is Said or the Journal. N . The Winston, Sentinel says: " "The Joubnal always was a good paper and under, the oon'rol of Mr, Harris it has not lost auy of its old vim and vigor." ! ' . The Weldon Newi says : . . , "It is attractive and gotten up in a manner wnicn is creditable, i Mr. Harris has our cordial good wishes for the prosperity of his paper." The Salisbury 'Examiner Buys: "Mr. O. W. Harris has bought the Jocrnaii, merged the Cape Fear with the Journal, ai d is now issuing it in a handsome style. Under the skil ful management of Mr. Hams the Journal will "be itself asraiu." Tho Durham Tooaceo Plant says:" "The Journal was for a Ion? while one of the leading dailies in the State and it will doubilcss regain its former high standard under the skilful man agement of Bro. Harris. Success to the enterprise. ' The Ilillsboro Recorder says: "The familiar face of this old paper thrust itself iuto our office the other day and had a most hearty welcome. It is now under the charge of Mr. Cicero W. Harris who has bought the mate rial, good will, &c, of the Journal Many years of prosperity to the Jora nai., which was always, and we hue always will be, a favorite of ours." Good wishes and complimentary allusions are. likewise made by the Raleigh and Charlotte paperirrnda number of others ' .: Index to New Advertisements. Hall & Pearsall Bulk sides pork, beef, etc. 0. W. Yates Complete stock of blank, memorandum and grocer's books end Foboof books. - Ch is. D. Myers & Co. Fresh and dried apples, fresh poaches, fresh pears, boneless spined pig feet, etc. P. IIeyi8berger Pianos, organs, melodebns, itc Giles & Murchison New hardware store. Plows very cheap. Bishop Atkinson will deliver, a sc ooud lecture on the Greed at St, Paul's Episcopal Churou Sunday e veiling, itie notice of the intro ductory lecture woe overlooked on Monday in this officii, and we avail ourselves of this opportunity to say it was one of the ablest efforts we have ever heard that minent aud beloved diviili tnake. We have never listened to a mperior leoture from the lip't of any man. The Rev. Dr. Wilson coutinnes bis series of sermon on tbe lire and character of Moses. Tbti nlza of tho congregations that assemble attest the eioetlee.ee nud interest uot,ouly members of bis own congregation, but of other churches taken in them. They are models of a strong, vigor ous and pre-eminently pictorial style. .Sunday Service. Worship in the various churches of the city to-day as follows : 'Second Baptist, oil 6th between Church aud Castle streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 r. x. - ' Fifth Street Melodist E. (South), situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. J. M. Rhodes pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and ' r. x. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. St. Thomas' Catholic, Dock street, between Second and Third street. Morning Services at 7 and 10 a. x. Vespers at 7J r. m. Sunda'y' School at 9 A. X. First Presbyterian, corner Third and Orange streets, Rev. Jos. R. Wilsou, D. D., pastor. Regular services at 11 a. x. and 7i p. x. - Dr. Wilson will continue his discourses on the Old Testament characters at the evening service. Second Presbyterian, comer ot Fourth and Campbell streets, Rev. C. M. Payne pastor. Services at 11 a. x. and 7$ p. m. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 3 r. x. First Baptist, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Rev. James B. Taylor "pastor. Services .at 11 a. x. and 7J p. x. Sunday School at 91 o'clock a. x. -St Paul's Evang. Lutheran, cornerof Sixth and Market Btreeta, Rev. G. D. Bernheim pastor. German' service at Ha.-x.; English service at 71 p. x. Sunday School at 3 p x.; Christian Association at 4 p. x. Front Street M. E. (South), corner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. J E-. Mann pastor. Service- every Sab- bath at 11 A. x and 71 p. x. Sabbath School at, 3 p. x. St James', corner of Market and Third streets, Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson rector. ' Septuagesima, Jan. 28, 1877: Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock a. x.; Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock a. x.j Sunday School at 3 p. x. , St. John's, corner of Third and Red Cross ' street, Rev C. J. Curtis offi ciating. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer, 7 o'clock.. Sunday School at 4 ' First Congregational. Services eve ry Sunday in Academy Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets.-atll a. x. and 8 p. Mt Sunday School "at 3 p. x. St. Paul's (Episcopal), corner" of Fourth and Orange streets. Services at 11 A. M.and 7$ p. x. Sunday School at 3i p. x., Rev. -T. M. Ambler rector. Scats free. :' Seamen's Bethel, on Dock 'between Front and Water streets. Rev. J L. Keen, chaplain. Services at 11 a. x. RRENCV. The number of carta which arrived in market during the week was 172. $ here were five interments in Oak dale Cemetery during the past week. No criminal cases before the Supe rior Court yesterday; only a few civil cases were disposed of. The Registrar off)eeds issued last week marriages . to nino couples-four white and five colored. Unusually quiet lat (for Saturday) night No news in police circles, not even au arrest. - 7 Two negro men indulged in a gen eral knock down on Walnut, staeet last evening; cause, too much "red- : . - v There were five intentacnts in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during tho week just closed: on? child and four adults. A full attendance of the members ot Wilmington Lodge No. 64, 1, O of G, T., is desired on next Weduet dy evening. The Wilmington Light Infantry drills will be hereafter every other Thursday night instead of every Thursday night. T ' We regret that yesterday's editioi of the Journal ran vhort a number of copies. Additions are made con stantly to our books, both from the eity and oonntry, aud they often come in at to 3 late an hour for preparations to be made. We liill avoid a eimiUr accident in the future. A large .crayon portrait of Bishop Atkinson, the work bf Mr II. G. Lat imer,' Jr., of this city, was placed in the window of Mr. Yates' book store yesterday afternoon. It is as fine a likeness of the venerable gentleman as we have ever seen, in crayon or oil. The features and expression of the countenance are good, the drapery and back ground well shaded, but we thought the hands were unlike the Bishop's. However, it is iu no critical mood that we speak of the work of art, for tbe amateur who puts Bishop At kinson's face ou canvas essays a task that very few living artists could ac complish acceptably; .:: . The Senate Committee ou County : Si CITYCt) ... Government have reported bill which will. come up for consideration on next Thursday Its provishjua are similar to the one priuted ou this page yester day. Senator Graham likewise intro duced a bill on this important subject It provides for the election by the peo ple of two aud the appointment by the Governor ot not more than three jus tices to each township. Slate Jiews. An ice gorge swept the bridges oik ine ivy Kjver. Magnolia has been visited by pro- ressionai roooers. Rosa Higgs, a Raleigh colored girl, was terribly, bnrued ou Friday. a unariotie negro woman gve another bread containing pounded glass. Fiv thonssnd dollars of the David son College endowment fund have been raised. Mr. J.ihn Rand's house, in Wake county, was burned on Thursday L-BS, $3,000. Hinton Rowan Helper, author of the "Inpending Crisis" has ilarted for fcootb America. Weldou Ao suys the.canal basin froze nvet at that plaoe on Wedner day night The business m n of Durham are oonsideriug the establishment of a bank in that place The Mount Airy mail carrier was compelled to abandon his hack on aooount of imp tssable roads. At Toianot a few days ago a little child of -Mr. Ben. Br a well was badly nnrut a wane playing in tl e ore. . Mr. J. G. Marie r,' Senator in the Legislature from the Thirtv-third DistriotKi dead, Ht had consider able legisluti e experience and was a useful member. Th Salisbury Examit er. says : A negro woman in Unity Town ship gives birth to a ohild with two heads, four arms aud two bodies. One pair of hips aud legs, all perfect ly formed. The ohild was born dead, and is now in the possession of Dr. Clement preserved in alcohol. Comments on tne Passage ot the Elec tor Bill. From thi Wathingtott Union.' (Dem.) n It is none the less a surrender on the part of the Democrats, and an easy way out of it for the Radioals. From ttte Kew York Herald. If Mr. HayeV has been legally eltoted the tribunal will so declare; if Mr. Tilden hits been legally elect ed tho tribunal will declare that From Iht Richmond Ewiuinr. Let the bloody shirt be divided, and the preoea donated to Morton, Logan," Sherman, Boutwell, ct id omne geriut, to remind them of de parted glorv, From hi Noroik Landmark. This announcement will be bailed by the whole country with satisfac tion, and we ace more hopeful of Democratic success to-day than we have been since the election Wilmington 'District, nokth cakolina conpehencb flkbt kound op appointments fob ql ab tkslt Meetings as made ut tub Pre siding Elder, Kiev. W. 8. Black, fob tub Pkesknt Confebbncb Yeab : Elizabeth, at Elizabeth - - . Wilmington, Front Street - Sinilbville, at Ion Jan. 27, 38 Feb. 8, 4 " 10,11 "17,18 " 24,25 Mar. 3, 4 'Clinton, at Clinton topsail, at Union ...... Cokreibury and Coliarle Miss., at Hall's Keimnsville, at Kmwnavllle. 10,11 District Steward ' meeting, at the Lec ture Room of the Front Street Church, wumingion, at li o ciock, a. m., eb. 5. Postal Hours. The mails close at the Glty Poet-Office as follows : v Northern through mails - - 5:15 P. M. Northern through and way malls, dally - ..... 7.-0OA. M Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied there from, at - x 6:15 P.M. Southern mails for all points South dally 7:00 P. M. Western mails C. C. R'y, daily 6:00 A. M. Fayettcville and offices on ,. Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays - . . 1:00 P.M. Fayetteville by C. C- R'y, daily (except Sundays) - (JOO A. M. OuaIoC. II. and lntermedl .ate oittfces, every Friday - 6:00 A. M. Smlthville, daUy . ....... . 20 P. M. AHKIVE. Northern through mails .. - . . 12:15 P. M. Northern through it way mails 8:00 P. M. Alalia for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Sup- ami Hhallotte, every Friday at o A. M. tails delivered from 8 A. M. to 7i00 P. M., and on Sundays from 830 to 930 A. M. - 8tamp Offline open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:30 P. M. Register and Money order Department open sama aa SUmp Offlee. : Stamps for sale at general delivery when Stamp OlHce is closed. Key Roxea. accessible at all hours, day and uight. . NEW CROP Muscovado Molasses'! 252""M- : 101 MA Ex Brig "JOHN PIERCE," DIRECT FROM MANTASZAS. The quality of this Molastes is yerygu perlor. Onlers solicited. Jan 25-trJ WORTH & WORTH. SEW ADYEETISEMSKTS. a I en OFFIR LOW Bulk Sides It Shoulders, PORK Mess and jrimt, Mesi Beef, Leaf Lard, Sugar, Coffee. FLOUR Jan 28-tf. - VARIETIES v.. U- MM DrM Ajd'bs, FRESH PEACHE?. Tiesh Pears, FRESH ASPARAGUS, - FRESH CORN, FresU Pineapple. . FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH BE INS, V FRESH SALMON, FRESH CHAMPIGNONS, Frewh Lobsters. , Fresh Damsons. in cans of 1, 2 and 8 lbs. each. A NOVELTY IS THE TONELESS SriCED PIGS FEET,- Put in Tins. It is a delicious prepa ration for Lunch and is ' inexpensive. The Great Delicacy of iteScascD . :. FLORIDA ORANGE MimiAl. .... In Stone Jars and Pails,' which we will have in store on Tnea- .... .. .. . .. r day next, and to whioh we (, . .. 'f. . . .. "yKBk attention. CHAS. a MYERS d CO. ' Jan28tf 5 and 1 North Front at ALWAYS ON HAND A T YATES' BOOK STORE, A COM J plete Stock of BLANK, MEMORANDA. TIME AN 1) GROCERS' BOOKS. Also SehtKil Books and a General School Supply. TRY ME. jan 28 tf . , Y DENTISTRY! 1RE8PECTFTJLLY CALL attention to my OperativeAj., t and Mechanical Dentistry aHttlXF being equal to the bent, and all work war ranted. Call at my Office, No. 32 SouUi side Market Street, Wiluiinton. - . JAS. E. KEA, - Jan 27 Im ,. Surgeon Di-ntint. -r-TIIE-i- (f AND OCR Henry County" Tobacco Only require a trial to coutlnuo the wm of them. Jan 25-tf. By Di PIGOTT. WE. OFFER FOR SALE , AT TOE , " - r.OVK!T MABKKT 800 BBIS FL0UR (ai,Kriic8) 25 " 8UGAV QQ BAGS COFFEE 2 ()008ACK8LIVERIOOLSALT, 1 K( BBL3' NEW ORLEANS 1UU and Cuba Molawe, ' J BBL8- MULLETS, . . ) aa UJ.U. Mmkerel, ' 50 B0XE. TOBACCO. Tutw, ImckMs, trooh, empty ke, lye, -potanh, Hla, candle, tanh,papi-rba(ri, ' JM-plK-r and siilee. Vte. Juu 244f blNFURL), CROW A CO.