th ill 13 v . I ' ! I - I .;. im ii 1 : , PRICE $6 00. ESTABLISHED, 1851. r V I LM i N GT O N , JN . C, THURSDAY MQRMi.G, FEBRUARY 1, 1877. ii ii il l) r r 11 . 1 1 11 THE TELEGRAMS, BradleySelcctfdasFmii Judge In Electoral'. Commission, PEACE EPPECTED 15 IIBOPE. A IC1TESS COMMITS SUICIDE. CORRECT RETURNS FROM FLORIDA RECEIVED BY, THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. ' Maddoj M Cornered" by Congress man Field. Noon Reports. . WASHINGTON. Washington, Jan. 3(1. A sub-oom-mi t tee of the ootnmittee on. Louisi ana affairs examined Marshal Pitkin in his parlors at Willard's last night. , The Marshal is not tery well. Maddox, a treasury agent, wad was in constant communication with Wells, deolines to answer or explain bis letters. In the Senate the concurrent reso lution was adopted, providing that .no persons shall be admitted to the Betiato wing of the Capitol during the count" of the votes for President and Yioe President exoept npon tick ets issued by the President pro tern of the Senate and Speaker of the House; auoh tickets to be distrib uted equally to such tionatora and Representatives by the Sergeeht-a( . Arms of the Rouse 9 of Representa tives. Gov. Wells is sick. This morning the returning board were in quite1 oltwe confinement Visitors were admitted by card and conversation held within hearing of the offloera of the House. Judge BradI y has been selected as JndUe for the Fifth District; -. Three letters from Qov. Wells, one to He wilt, one to Cameron and one to Senator West, will be produced to-daj. A heavy cloud hangs over the returning board. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Jan. 31. Hon. J.; Wiley Edmunds, one of the most successful and prominently known business men in New England, died to-day. ' HIW TORE. ' Nbw York, Jan. 31. Cyrus QA Clark was arrested for attempting to negotiate $21,000 worth of forged Cen tral Pacific bonds. - MISSOURI. St. Louis, Jan. 31 Prof. Edward L. Seymour, who arrived here from ,Chattanoojra or Atlanta, two months since, was found sitting in a chair this ."morning with his throat cuLN Pecuni ary troubles. .'' ' ;"v .EUROPE. - V London, Jan. 81. A cironlar from Constantinople aays it is believed that peaoe will be concluded with ' Servia, and it is rumored that Monte negro received Turkey's overtures favorably. Countess Hsvre threw herself t from a window of her mother's resi dence, Beakly square, and died of her injuries. Grief at her husband's death unsettled her mind. ' Dispatch from Constantinople says Count Chandordy, the Fienoh Plena- ' potentiary to the late conference, and Count Corti,, the Italian Am )easador, left there yesterday, Night Reports. WASHIXfiT0: Wasiiixgtox, Feb. l.-The Florida majority report will show from certified copies ot every return made to the Board of Canvassers 91 tinajority fur Tilden." ,JP The President of the Seriate has re ceived from Governor Drew the official proceedings of Tilden's electors (and the recauvass ot votes under; the new Returning Board showing 9C; majority for Tilden. A The official papers are, first, a certi fied copy of the act of the Legislature authorizing the new Returning Itoard to - recauvass the votes for President and Vice President. Second, a copy of the returns as cnuvasst'd by the new Board certified by them. Third, the Governor's certificate of the appoint ment and due 'authorisation ' of the Tilden electors. Fourth, the declara tion by the electors themselves duly certified that they met and cast their votes for Tilden. , Houso passed bill reguhitintr ad missions to galleries dating count, and adopted tlie report of the Judi ciary Committee adm .ting B !frd, from Colerado,' who was Heated. , Barnes, of Kew Oi !i aun, tLe tJc craph mauBgir, was dihcharced from custody. The Honse is in session 'To-night. The Fhida Commiftee wil'. proba bly report. . , SitKATE Hereford, pt West-Virginia heated, Sinkit g fund for Piieific Railroad reeumi-d without aotioii. The Senate then adjourue.d. , The Republican Congrewioua! Committee employ Wm. Evarts, V. W. Stoughton, Stanly Matthews jind S. 8. bhellabargor to prepare their cae before the committee. : Justice Clifford will be prexent at the Eleotoral Committee. Iliecom mittoe met at 11 o'clock to day. The Clerk of the Supreme Oouvt admin istered tho oath to Clifford, who qualified the other Commissioners. A committee was appointed to frame rUleS. ... . . Before the Committee on Privi leges and Powers, John O. Pickett produced the following letter writ ten by J. Madisou Wells, of New Orleans, dated November 20th, 1876: Mu Dear Sir : You fully under stand the situation, can't you advise with me. relative thereto. , ... . : ,.: ,, - v (Signed) . J. Madisos Wklis.' Picket testified that a gentleman to whom he well new called on him No vember 23d just from New Orleans, He told witness the exact situationlnH Jtfew Orleans. , Objection was made and the room cleared. When the doors were opened J." II. Madddi, gpicial agent of internal revenue department, was on the stand, lie had known Wells and Anderson 25 yoara, Tho letter mentioned above, handed Mad dox, was written by-Wells in the pres ence of witness. When Wells handed witness the letter he said he trusted witness, to . protect him in regard to a previous conversation they had had together. Witness declined to say what the conversation was about, and asked until to-morrow to answer. The examination went on by instruction. He declined to answer whether these conversations referred to tho returning board. Did they relate to Wells' ac tion as a member of the : returning board. . i Mr. Field Now, Mr. Maddox is it not the fact that you mode a bargain with J. Madison Wells to give the Tilden electors the State of Louisiana . for one m llion dollars.,; '', ''. Answer I deoliue to auswer. Wit ness said ttiat'Oalvort was an actual resident of New OrleanH. He was a kind of a body guard of Wells, biit it waa thy understanding that all messages that came for Calvert were understood to b for Wells. He ;def clined to explain any of the telegrams except so say that he was "llauonck," Wells was "Calvert," and Tuoir.a was "Pickett." Witness said that he did not vote in the last Presiduu-. tial election, but would havi voted for Hayes if he had voted ' at all. Msddox was informed thai be would be compelled to answer the question put to bim. Tiie ';comrailtee then took a recess for one hour in onlor to. give the witnet a time for oouniJor- atjou. , , , - -; v'(v ? .-.-'.i The witness You are only wast ing time, as I will still' deoliue to answer ettha expiration of that hour. , Mr. Field That is your view, , j i At the appointed time Mad-lex was- sick and was exousfd till to morrow. ... ; , ' LEGISLVTLRE OF NORTH JCARuLLXA. m SENATE ' TveDAT, Jsn- 30, 1877. . MESSAGE FSOM, XHS HOUSE, sri transmitting Rouse bills, resolutions and ameudments, and askiug coacur-i reuce. These were appropriately re ferred. ' " '" ' ' IXTRODI CTION OT ltll.LS . AND BKSOLC TIOXS,; !'i'f By Mr, Williams : A bill to more effectually, prevent discrimination in freight taring by. railroads doing busi ness in this State. ' Committee oh In ternal Improvements.' . By Troy : A bill to provide a special commission for New Hanover county. Placed on calendar. ' tealeBKv44hat majutaga, bo sent to the House ' proposing" 1hfft the two llo'uses, in joint session, go into an election of sixteen trustees for the University .of the State, next Friday at 12 m. The motion was adopted and the message was accordingly trans mitted. , ' ' ! The unfinished business, the bill In relation to the .construction bonds of the North Carolina Railroad,' was taken up on its second reading and passed, and then passed iasQ ijta-third reading.. 1 v1 '.!; ' ; The spveial, order, the bill to, pro's ride tor the speedy completion of the Western North Carolina: Railroad, tamo up on its fmal reading, after the J . . all of the morning hour, as tnfe special onWof the duy. . : - ' ' ' Upon motion of Scalos, the bill was taken up and wusidered by sectious. Irov provided a new section as ss tion 3, projHwing that the directors on the part of the State shall provide for the apportiov nient of the private stock to the bona fide stockholders, "who Khali be entitled to 'same under the pro visions of tho act ratified March 13, 1875, and that no private stockholder shall he entitled to vote in any meeting of said company until such, apportion ment is made, und neither shall any directors on the part of tho individual (stockholders participate in the meet ings of said directors until they shall be legally appointed after the distribution of stock as aBove provided. 1 This amendment, ;aftr . some debate, was adopted. ' J'-iJ. i s i :, Section 7 came up and York offered an amenumeui siruung oui vao appro- fliation of .0,000 and propostug 50,000 instead, bnt Senate refused. Johnston moved to amehd by mak ing the act to read : " This act shall bo in forte from and after its ratifica tion." ' Too question then repaired, upon the parage of the bill as a whole npon its third reading, and Mr. Moore, of Mecklenburg, took the floor in advooaoy of the measure. He spoke warmly and eloquently in behalf of the bill. ' '; . . ; Moore, 'colored, of "New Hanover, als'J tupported tho bill. ,,, Mr. Thome spoke also in behalf of tuo puss 'i of the bill. ' : 1 . At the oonolnsion of bis remarks, the vot;t was taken und resulted as follows '' ' ' ' ,".V,"',';'; 'Affirmative 28. '. " ',1 " :' Negative rr-jJenHrs. Coke, Cuuning ham, Litbam, Meroer, Bobius, Ito bert, York 7. ' -.u. .-. '.. "Th bill was anttonow-d as having p.iisid its' thud aid final reading, aud h ohUtlhI to bo englOssodaud sent t', HuUe. .;.!,',,; . ,;,v ' ..( . The chair aunouncrdas the Senate liruteli of the special committer ou the t pteial oivil jurisdiction of Jus tioi s ot the 'Pouco : "Messrs. Scales, LMlmtn mid Grf eii. : ' - ' - i ,t ti.- ; ') ..ft ''.. HOUSE OF REPKESENTATIVES - By Hill,, oolored t A; bill to inooi. po ra t th M eoh uniea' Protective A soeiation, Wilmiiigttm. Committee on Obrporatipns. !-"'' : The resolution fo' inquixe into (he diFpo'itioi) of . funds arising from stock iu tho North Carolina liailroad owned by the State, was taken up, Mr. Wilson, of Burke, explained the provisions - of tho resolution, and thought that its adoption would re sult iu eaving to the Htate the sum of $9,Q00 annually, The resolution pasted its several leadings, j,, ,- Tbe resolution instructing the oommuie on County Government to report at the earliest practicable momvut, Was taken'np and adopted, Muring . would heartily tupport the Dill. . .'.'.V ,.'; Mi,, '; i Graves did not npprove the. pro visionn ot the bill; the appropriation was too lavish, &o. s ' : - !"-'' . llose supported tho bill. Already $75,000 hud been 'invt sted in this QLrkt and it would not be , good policy U) loso iU The asylum was ueedtd; over 700 u&uue peopU were wpiung fur its completion, io. , . Mr. Bagley felt sorry to be- com pe'.Ied to oppose the patnnge of the hill. . !' Mepsrs.f Leech, Pitinix and Parish spoke in advocacy of the bill, ; aud nrged it as a matter of justice, right, charily and humanity. , ; ; . Graves was not lacking in sym pathy for this unfortunate. 'ofws of our people', but thi'Ught that we ph mid be just as well ss geuerom. The Ktate should do what she waa able and no rooro, Ac r Bxgley again spoke in oppositicn to the bill. He opposed it on the ground that the Stote was in no con dition to go on year after year lavish ing large sums of money for the mere ertctiou of amgufioent build i lg. He thought the State had bet ter lose the $75,000 .heady invested, Pinnlt again urged the passage of the biH. '1 !" :-! Todd, of Asbe, was opposed to the pannage of the bill. Pending action on tho Western la- -atie A.-yJuo bill the boor for the ppecui order rrivl ad , Uie bill uurer diMiu.sion vent over, ou mo tion of. Cobb, .until Friday, February 9th at 12 m. The vpeoial order, HB bill to amend the charter of the oily of Newbero, wa taken np, : The bill proposes to reduce the uumber-'ol wards honi? to 5, one council man from eachfard. . Claike, of Craven, opposed the passage of the bill. . Mori ii g advocated its passage. Ou the demand of Clarke, of Craven, a call of the House was lad aud 90 members answered to their Mr. Sbotwell presented the peti tion of the Mayor aud nine aldermen f Newbern praying the passage of the bill. Ha explained that the bill dinfrnchiiied "no one deprived Bo man of bin rights but simply res tored the city to its former tub-divisions by consolidating wards 6 and 7 with 4 and 5, Theso outside ward k(6 and 7) were settled, during aud after the war. chiefly by, squatters. who pay few, or no taxes, y et undei I . . . - n i. i . M tup itssout rriuj(jrmeu. Aw)UUU- cab gerrymander) have a large share in: oontrollisg the city. Ho had been informed that, a few years ago, oitue l.zUO co.ored-vo place hardly 12 weretai-piiyei was not rigUMO pluoe thS w ia'elliffenoj of ao fair a ra'tv bern under the domination sponsible sqnatters and &on i On the demaud of Henderson, the previous question was called. The question recurred upon the pass age of tie bill ob its third reading. . r The yeas and nays were - called and the bill passed by a vote of yeas 62 ; havs30. . The bill to provide for the collection of taxes by the State, fcc, kuown as' the "Machinery Bill," was taken up as the special order of the House. : ; On motion of Pinnix, the House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole, r j t j- On the motion' of Ransom, the bill Was considered by sections. . ; . , Pinnix. the .. chairman, reported .progress and begged leave to sit again. The .report was adopted, and leave givenjjto tne Committee of the Whole to sit again at 12:30 r. m. to-morrow. Stateews.. : Shejby is exoited over a large bald eagle killed near that town. Nearly every State exchange has a mention of the late lamented Col. Strange..-'; ' r; iU ::':: Rev. R. E. Michaux, o'Qrsnville county, who has been very ill, is im proving. ;:. -': i-, A "ghost" hannt the premises of Miss. Peuina Wallaoe, of Huli ax eounty, moving , benches, chairs, tables, eto. , The Columbia papers state that" two companies of , United States troops left . Saturday .. morning for North Carolina on a crooked whiskey hunt. They will doubtless Se- sent to the western portion of the btate, ' ";.";;;:-.1 , A person whose name is unknown proposes to get np a bill of fare free for the Yurborongh boose, Raleigh, by putting advertisements on the back. Dr. Blackuall, the proprietor, consented ; the fellow visited a large number of merchants, got $3 eaoh for an advertisement and deoamped with -the funds.-'t ji.otx.f irifort 'Express; Gideon Hayes, who lived .in Cross Roads township, sold out last fall and moved to Bay River. He sold to Mr.' JeK;I5 (iuoas, a neighbor, the pen . as u 'Jd for l 60, - A few days; ago InJrLnoas proceeded to remove . the shucks, when about the oentro of the pile be found a bundle of Greenbacks mounting to $86. As yet no om i to the treasure has been found; : PE'EBA1 NEWS SUMMARY. Bret Harte is genial and impro vident. ' ;; :!: C implaint is made of the late hours of Washington looiety, Ho sentence of death has been ex eonted in Belgium ainoe 1863.: . i, ' A " Newark' knilkman'1 the' other night went tn a bail in pumps. The cream of the joke was to sec bim skim." ' ; , Within the ' last' seven weeks the English language has been enriched by a new word. It is Hayesism. ilt means counting in a President by stolea electoral votes. . J The Spiritualists and The Detec tives by the king of detectives, Allan Pinkerton, of Chicago, wboseot her re cent publications, including The Ex' pretsmm and Detectives, and The Model Town and Detectives, have reached a circulation of over ,40,000 copies, will be published in a few days by G.;W. Carleton & Co, Wade Hampton's . government seems to be getting along very well. Thirty-five thousand do'Iars had been paid in to the State Treasurer by nine counties up to the 23d in stank ill parses are obeying the Hampton oflje rs ; his admitLtra tion in iu full accord with the courts! the penal and benevolent institutions look bt, him for support. He ap points to office regardless of oolof. The orchestra at a theatre in China is composed as. follows: Gongs, fiddles, glass trumpets, bamboo flutes, castinets and tambourines. When all these get started the music begins. : On the stage, men invariably play all the parts, including those of women, the absence of breeches and board enabling Mrtlm the Btdtn and As New-J lof irre-l tiiCv-. them to do so with entire impunity 5 - LOIMIEWS. ; for a fete days the Journal wtU be printed n paper too ( narrow rather fo'tthe purpose."' The miU vmi ouf of the right, tizs, and it was too late forrus to get an order filled else Kkere.r'ri'" : - i' Attempted Bape. Hector Davis, colored, waa before B. Van Amricge,- Justice Peace, on yesterday, charged with an attempt at rape upon, to person trf Lueilla Clarke, colored. The preliminary examination wa bad, apd tba testi mony of Lueilla Clark,, be afflaiit. waa taketr, bat at tbe vi4ooe-i tba very nature of such cases is generally in keeping (in ita loathomenew) with the- diabolical crime Itself, we withhold it from those polite ears whose business does not bring 'them in contact with the judicial investi gation of them. There .was some little commotion ereated for a while, from the fact, that Davis refused to obey at first tha warrant ibieli tad v:: ":;.ts ton Howard, who had been specially deputized by Jnstico VanAmringe to erve it ubeu'liim. Offloer J. K. Davis tKereppon aummoped josee with ' the - view of -taking bin. vi kt armis. Offloer Davis informed ns however, that up found the prisoner, Hector Davis, in the street, ud that he consented tn-snbmit to the arrest, but requested that th crowd tie had broogbt with him should be dismis sed ; which 9m done, and be was taken iu custody. Luoilla Clarke says she is about seventeen years old; she showed a very badly bruised and swollen eye' which she alleged! was caused by blows from the prisoner. She swore positively to his identity. The prisoner is a married man and has beeu engaged , as a fireman on the steam-tug Wm! Nyoe. Pending A fuller examination whioh nill take plaee to day at i o'olook, theoourt ordered that the prisoner give a jus tified bond of 500 for his appear ance. ' ' "" Importaut to Merehaats. We call the attention of business men in other cities and towns to the subject-matter of a resolution offered by Mr.,Fishblate at tbe tax-payers' meeting held in this city on Tuesday night, and which was adopted uuani mousry." The resolution is reprinted for the purpose vt directinir special at- ijantion to the matter: Resolved, That it' la 'the sense of this meeting that it is very injurious to the interests of Wilmington, and the other cities of. this State, that per chants should be virtually, charged double tax, by first paying taxes under Schedule B for all their purchases,and then paying property tax oil the same goods on April 1st; and that the Leg islature is respectfully v requested to abolte either one tai or the other, ti Under Schedule B tax the merchant is taxed for the same property on which he pays tax, as general property. This double tax works injustioe because it is onerous and oppressive. The Signal Set vice Telegraph Line. . We, learn that Lieut, Booth, of the Signal Servio, and a party of ten men are now engaged repairing the Signal Service Telegraph Line be tween this city and Cape Hatteras. It will be remembered that the severe cyclone "of Us t "September washed away large portions of this wire and prostrated others! It is now intended to rebuild the line iu less exposed positions where the storm wave ac companying cyclones cannot . reach the poles. , In few , months wpur Signal Office will again be in com munication with , all , northern , sea ooast stations. 1 '" .i.i -.;?.. ; fbai Coon Hunt Down tne River. Oar friends had a splendid' time on their hunting party, and the' good steamer Dixie brought them back safe ly and in good humor with themselves as well as the rest of mankind. We asj raitniui recorders or events, 1 announce the capturing and killing of one ooon after a bully fight ' As there were not ten quarters to divide some of the party took no game home. , We are not ad vised as to whY gives the coon supper. ' V i, f r , , .Clothes Stolen. A colored girl by the name of Mary Dickinson, who lives In the 'city. bnt whose parents reside a few miles out in the country, had several dresses stolen Tuesday night.' She was in .the habit of sending her clothes out to her moth er to be washed. , ;A colored boy with a cart, usually carried them. Tuesday night about 7 o'clock he started out with them in the cart, bnt stopped out iu tho suburbs at a shop, and when he came out the clothes weft gone. " " Karta Carolina at W e Point. 'The Raleigh Observer says ; Olb of tbe good, results of an erroueon statement is to bring forward facts that have escaped from the publie mind. r The Wilmington JovavAL coriect- ly atates that Lieut. : Wm. Henry Wright, of Wilmington, graduated at tbe Lead of his elaas at West PoioL. So also did CoL William M( Bee, of Wilmington, one of the most distinguiuhed officers of tbe army of his lime. ' : '- -. MAnd also Colonel Alexander Swift, nephew of P, K. DiokinBon'a first wife, wboia like manner, obtained "an enviable diatiooMos in his proiea- sion. , - . - f,Both Coi: iloRee and Cd. Swift were sent to Europe by ihe govern ment as special commissioners to ex amine European systems, with a view to ; promote ' the efficiency of our army. '- .' , ,. , v ;. "How many more are there? Who will add to the list r - Tbe Ward Clans, AlLTn TliTTl 1 T.. IVatol PlnKa nt the w to-night . their usual places of meeting, at the hour of ? o'clock. - ' In addition to the matter of the city (jharter they will take into considera tion the' selection of persons to be ap pointed Justices of the Peace for the city. . t. . i ' i ' . ' :' Poltened by Drinking Concentrated lye. , . A small colored child whose parents reside ou the comer of. 7th ' and Har nett streets, 'accidentally po'isoned it self by drinking concentrated lye on last Monday. The mother was cleauing up the house and used the lyewhich the child insome manner got hold of. It died Tuesday. THE COURTS. Mayor's Court. . David Brown, larceny of cotton, dis missed.' , , Henry Whited, larceny turned over to the Superior Court on a bond ot $200 , Sott "Berry, cursing police officer Gordon, fined $50 and cost or 30 days on the streets. 1 Same fordoing business as a junk dealer' without a license, was fined $25 and cost or 30 days on the streets. ' Same for larceny of cotton.dismissed. '..- .Superior Court., ;a:i State vs. Winslow Gause, larceny; verdict, guilty; Judgment 5 years in the penitentiary.. State vs. John Watson, assault and battery. Jndgment suspended on pay ment of costs. ,, State vs. Winslow Gauss, larceny, defendant discharged as an, insolvent State; vs.Saranel Manning, larceny, defendant dismissed as an insolvent - cTty currkwcy. The Guano deposited at the depot is a nuisance,, ? it ' j ' i n To-day is the' anniversary of the treaty of peace with Mexico. .i CoL W.- Foster -Freneh of lumber ton, was in the city on yesterday. Indications point to southerly and easterly winds and clear or partly cloudy weather, -j. ; . The market . was well supplied with oysters on yesterday.' Fine New River, as low as .60 cents per gallon. ' Mr. Spencer Le grand is our travel ing agent, and is authorized to receipt bills for subscriptions or advertising. The : hop at City Halt last night was largely attended. Everybody had a good time. The returning suppleness to the stiffened joints of many ah old bachelor would have put an acrobat to the blush. . .. : - .; . . Index to New Advertisements. George L. Schutt Herrings, sal mop; hams; apples Ac, Ac. ' Preston Cumming Co Forage, hay. Geo H. BellamyHtnda wanted to cut oross ties, ' . i'P. Heiusbcrger4Mdsic 1 Musiol. Giles A Murchison Watt plows, full assortment . HEW ADYERTISEMEXfS. forage; hay, &c; CA BALES PEANUT VINES, A t)J plendld Forage. QrA Bales Eastern Hay, the best cargo OU U hero for yean.V -:. t'KKSTON CUMMING ft CO. fob 1 It , iWAHTEO. M JIFTY HANDS TO CUT CKOSS-TIE3. lliLuHt cash price paid. Stead (in'ploy miiut for the year. Apply at once to " ' ' " ' OEO. II.. BELLAMY, . . . ' Town Creek, UruuwUjk Co., NvC- feblDUWlu SEW AOTERTISEUISTS. JUST RECEIVED S x 20 Duth HXRBING3. ' 5 Boxes Dried SALMON. 500 Fins N.C. HAMS. 5.000 LbsDrted APPLES. " Also a new supply of Best Strained Honoy I CITRON, , ' ' CURRENTS, , PRUNES, V . v ; PICKLES, CANNED GOOrS . ' of all kinds. ? ' T$ largest assortment of fine . . ..( SEGARfl, TOBACCO, ; 8NUFF. -.. ' and PIPES .... AT ' " GEORGE L. SGHUTT'S 4 -,, Live Flower Store. - - E. cor. Visukataad Sacon! Hta. febltf ' ' l.' HISCELLUrEOUS. MUSIC! .! .j " ONLY A PREAM OF HOME; SONG, DUET AND CHORUS MUST WE THEN MEET AS STRANGERS. SONG. '. m . . Heavenward Harclv - ; . ' .' Sacred. k BELL BRANDON. Ml and Cte , WORLD OF SOAGr i -V- i Containing 100 Popular Songs. ; BALLADS AND DUETS, wrra , Piano inwinii VOICE BUILDIIIG... . .'- ,"':..... s '';:s-' . A NEW AND CORRECT 1 . ' i - . .' .:; ' Theory for the Mechanical Formation" of the 1 HUMAN VOICE. - . ; Also MUSIC of all descriptions, for Rale at it P, HEINSBERGER'S Live Boo anfl Music Store. Jan St tf WATT PLOWH ' i WE PROPOSE KEEPING A FULL ltnu of tliese Pluwi aud can npiW tliem at LOWEST MARKET RATES, GILES A MURCinSUN'3 Jan SOt J Nw Hard wars Store. V 4 , i