I f f i .' ! i . 'A ! t, 1 . I i ' t i J 1 ' II " I J ; f ? . 1 9 ft i J ' 7 ' : ;i:lj: mil ,- : . .i: . -J MUi2 . . , , .!! Hi 1 . I- (-1 ll I ESTABLISHED, 1851. r WILMINGTON, N. C, .SUNDAY-MORNING, FEBRUARY 74 1877. i . PRICE $6. 00. Is I I THE TELEG1E1S. MS OF THE WORLD. DMiIiElEMor Iri ' WiscoiLsis- ; Wells Conyicted by his letters of Falsifying the Loulsl ina Ke-turns-" There s Millions in It'' COUNSEL FILE EVIDENCE IN THE FLORIDA. CASE BEFORE THE ELEC TORAL COMMIS- PBISIBEJrrSL, MESSAGE 09 SUMPTION. BE. tSIi Hundred Bands DUiharsed by the Public Printer. TJoon Reports. I1S80WL 6 Loots, Feb. 5L The ice burst before noon to-dsy. Navigation af t. lft-ix davs suspension. No .damage. ; Not. Tbs above retched Wash logton tt 120 this morning HEW TOM. NeV Yokk. Feb. 2 John F Chamberlain, the eporting man Lm gone, voluntarily into bankruptcy. LiftbiliUes nearly W00O. wiGnnrc!rnir. Wabhwotox, Feb. 3. The transfer of troops, bence to Fortress Monroe, h been countermanded. , ' Ttfore the committee on power and privilege. Daniel W. Downed, eleotor for Wisoonsin, did not think . ...minn tha Surgeon of the Ul CJWU'B w Pension offloe which disqualified him. He held that position when he was eleoted and when he toted lor tiayer The offloial fee is $2 in eaoh case .r.dd nrodueed ft letter ad aietsed to Hon. J. B. West, sealed, anil Bin addressed to himself. They were in envelopes addressed to Maddox by Judge A. Walker, and he had been in thestody of Col. Jack Wharton. Adiutant General oi uonisi . under Kellow. The committee w sent for seoator West, who will open his letkf i in presence of the committee. Nct Obliaks, Nov. 20. 1876 To J. B. Maddox -.Dear Sir : tt AaruU,Aititt the oohtioal oondition fof msttera here, from the aeajwia ' tion with both politioal parties and a 'friend of the Presided and a govern Itnent cffloer. would it not be con I .i.A . nrt nf Vonr to ffO atTJBCB BlUCivv. -to Washington with as little delay as IttMaible. and pltce before the rresi jeijt the oondition and the pending - vera of the sit nation. BUonid ',on.xnolad l upon prompt sction in -he prtvmisee, anow me w ouuiiucu you to tfenAtor" West who" is" my friend md with wnom you win irwij w jauoioata. s Tours, very truly, J. Madison Wkixs. New Obliahs, Nov 20, 1876. mt Diab Skhatob : I regret h not'aeelng jou when here, t ntd to sav muoh to jou, which nnld be. at least, imprudent to put So paper. I trust, however, to meet U in Wanhinttton aa soon as the Sanvais is ovr. wbioh is now upon Our duties as returning offloers . mrmented the magnitude of J ha destiny of, the two great parties, I not sav the nation, lfullr wmprefiend the situation, as well as ay duty to the greatest living, un V. H. Grant. Not with my oon ' ent phall this oppressed people be ;overnd by his paroled prisoners, j ided by their white-'hered cowards t the north. I Let m?. tnv esteemed sir, wai n you tue danger. Million have been sect ,cre and will be used id the interest i ."Men. and unless there is some mnter-movemenl, it willbeimpos i'Je for me or any other individual to arrest its productive results. The gentleman presenting this letter is f ally aware of the moves, and if you allow, will oommunicita ffeely. Se your friendo, and act promptly or the results will be desperate. A hint to the wiee. Strictly private and confidential. Tours, very truly, J. Madiox Wells. To J. R West, Wasbinotom, D. 0. The ekctoral commission coUut al lowed the oouusel to- file the evi dence. The question ;ol ita rvoepioB to be decided hereafter. Two hours are allowed for discus sion, whetberhe commission sball confine itself to tli matter laid be fore 't by the President of the Senate, In a preliminary struggle the He- publicaus argue to cou&ne the Dem ocrats to enlarge the scope of inves tigation. Night Reports WASHINCI0X. j Washinoton, Feb 8d. It is al leged that Jacob Don tlerderr ii Re- pnblican'elector from Michigan, fbo is not a citizen of the United States, hits been summoned by committee on powers and privileges. Nothing of interest has been done; most of the day has been consumed in committee of the whole on Legis lative, Judicial and Ext entire appro priation Intl. whiob was passed. The Prenidonte financial messnge was referred to the committee on ways and moans. Senate The post.-ffioe bill report ed appropriating a quarter million dollars, to enable the Postmaster General to obtain proper facilities from Great Truuk Railroads for postal raiiway-se'rvicea. No business of acy important trsnsaoted. A recess taken until 10 o'olock Monday, ' 'v-.- The vote in the House to inoreat-e the Presidents salary to fifty thous and dollars was yeuB 7, tajs 126. The salaries of Senators and Rep resentatives, remain nncbanged. - - President's message' To the Ben ate and House of Representatives B) the aot of Congress, approved January 11, 1875, to provide for the resumption of specie payments the first of January, 1879is flted as the date when suoh resumption is to begin, it may not be detirabie to fix an earlier date when it shall actually become obligatory up-,n the govern ment to redeem its outstanding legal tender notes in ooin ou prtseutation, but it is certainly most desirable, and most beneficial to' every pecuniary interest of the oountry to hasteu the day when the paper circulation of the country and the gold oo a shall have equal value. At a later day if onrreucy and ooin should retain equal value, it might become ad visable to authorize or direot resump tion.' " : "' yu-,!. ; ,;' I believe that the , time has come when by a simple act of the Legisla tive branoh of the government, this most desirable result can be attained I am strengthend iu this view by the Course trade has taken iu the last two yean, and by the strength of the oredit of the United States at home and abroad for the flao.d year, end iug June 30, 1876. The exports of the United States exceeded the im ports by $120,213,102, but our ex ports include $40,669,621 of specie, and bullion in - excess of impor ts of the sumeoommodity, Eor the s'X months of the present fisioaUyear, from July 1, 1876, to January 1, 1877, the excess of exports over im ports amounts to $107,541,869, o d the imports, of specie and bullion exceeded the exports of the ptcoions metals by $6,192,117 in the same time. The aotual excess of exports over imports for the x months, ex oluaive of specie and bullion, amounted to $113,737,040, showing for the sams time beiug, the socum ulation of specie and bullion iu the country amounting to more than six millions of dollars. In addition to the national . produoU of these metals, for the tame period, a total increase of gold and silver for the six 'months was not f short of sixty millions oi dollars. It is very evident that nnless thereat increase of the precious metals am bo utilized at home . in such a wvy as to make it in some manner remunerative to the holders, it must seek a foreign market, as surely as any other product of the soil or the manufactory. Any legislation which will keep coin and bullion at home, will, in my judgment, soon bring about practical resumption and will add the coin of the country to the circulating medium, thus securing a healthy iufla'.ion of a Sound currency to the great advantage of every legiti mate business, interest , The act to provide for the resumption' of specie payments, aathorixed the Secretary at the Treasury to ksue bends of ', either of the descriptions named in the act of Congress, approved July 4, 1870, en titled an act to authorize the refund ing of the national debtM for not less than par in gold, with, the present value of the four aad a half per cent, bonvls in the markets of the -, world, and they could be exchanged at par for gold,' thus strengthening tne trewury'i to meet final resumption, and to keep the excess of coin over the demand. Find ing its permanent se as a circulating medium at home, all that would further be required, would be to reduce the volume of legal tender notes in circu lation. To accomplish this, I would suggest, si jut,; authorijmg.thi Sece? tary of the Treasury to issue fur per c'nt. bonds with fortv years to ,run be- tore, maturity, to be exchanged for legal tendsr notes, wbcneyjf presentea in stims of fifty dollars 6 any multiploi thereof, the whole amount . of such. bonds, however, not to exceed $150,i 000,000. To increase Ibe home de mand for such bonds, I would reconi- meud that they be available for deposit in the United States Treasury" for banking purposes, under -the 'various provisions of law, relating to national banks. I would suggest further, that national banks be required to retain & certain per cent, of the coin interest re ceived by them from the bnds jdepos- itcd with the-treftsury. To sesurk their circulation, I would farther recommend a repeal of the 3d section of the joint resolution for the issue of silver. coin, approved July 22, 1876, liniitiug the subsidy coin and fractional cur rency to $50,000,000. I am satisfied that if Congress will exact some such law as will accomplish the end sug gested, they will give relief to the country, instant in its effects, and for which they will receive the gratitude of the whole people. . . , U. S. Grant. -r- Exkoutivk Maksiok, Feb. 3, 1877. The Privileges and Elections com mittee have examined T.J. Leicester, President Hinds, ' and the County Board of. Registers. Leicester had furnished duplicate keys to ballot boxes to fifteen persons. They do not know that they were nsfd. The sup posed idea was to take out Republican and put in Democrat ballots. . Powers aud Privileges ScnatOf West on opening the letter said he had never seen it before. He recognized it as Wells' handwriting, and said he recognized Wells all through the let ter. Maddox continued and told Gov. Veils he had not delivered the letter to West Wells jumped np aud said he was delighted to see that the letter had been troubling him ever since he had wrote it; ' ., The Homes Louisiana committee have continued Littlefield's cross-examination. Nothing was elicited beyond elaborations)!!'- ii- .. vt"',7n In the electoral commission to-day, Merrick, Evarts, O'Connor and Matli ews, each spoke on the admission of evidence, when fh 'commissioil' 'ad journed to 10 o'clock Monday, when the decision on this point will be' reached. '' ' ' ; TheVpuhljc prir MrClappg has dlscliirged six hundred hands and sus pended the Congressional printing ex cept the tecord. ;.. ..His: llunds ari ex-4 hausted aud Jt is a' misdemeanor . to contract debts. , :) . .r.-Vi'V Gov. Wells will tell nis story ifon- .day.''!-;-i ''' $. ;..;'.. , u-y h - - - ,;i, LEGISLATURE OF , KORTH CAROLINA CmdeiiMtl from tlus Observer, ,,,,t;a,. BEJfATE. ... - . " ";: " Fbidat, Feb. 2. ' By , Dortob ; A bill to create a twnship in the county of Wayne, to be known as Htoney Creek township, committ e on Oorporations. ' ' ' By Johnstdn; A. bill to be entitled an act to iroorporate the Orphans Home of Western North Carolina. Oommi U on P.oi odtiort,, , ,i: ' By Stewart: A bi-l asking for the iooorpotation of . the Black River Navigation Company... Committee on Corporations. ' ' Bi I for improvement and reolaint tion ( f certain swamps lands in Ons low and other oonntios was made special order for Friday next at 12 O nt'-ck,' ' , i it ' '. ; . ' Upou motion of Holt, the senate woat into ttnraination of twenty truv f es of theUniveraitv. Holt moved that a . message W snt to the Housa unming Messrs. John W, Graham, of Orange, O, N. Folk, of Caldwell, J. L. Robbins. of t ia uii me vacancies created by lue deaths of Hon! W. A) Orahan, Ool. E. W Jonf"i JIfe Hjmani Esq., and Col. 8. IL Walknp. The Seiiate voted upon the filling of these T ean Cief, and the fonx gentlemen, ti,rst nam ed wereobMa&.by UieBsaato, Sfid;! message was sent to the bouse an nouncing it vo'e. - - ''The Senate- then, upon, motion of Bobinscuv: ,wnt 1nto"epmri'ttt of tbe whula oatthe election, pf. toe ie msiuing sixteen trustees, and Robin-i-oo put in nomination the following named gentlemeb, who are trustees of the University t this time but v base terms wil expire in Novesber of the present year: Messrs.-J 8. Amis', ol Granville, D. M, Carter of Wake. F rney Qeorge. of Columbus,' W. &i bat, jot Entff3tmKt Q HisiJ-ilfof&tartin? Means, r fJabarrav w LtJ osuaaerei oi Wake, J. H. Tborp, of Nash, and W, K Johnston, .of EdKeoombr. The committee of the whole voted favor ably upon the; agreeing to recom mend them back to the Senate,., A ballot was then taken upon v nous other nominations, and the fob lowing named gentlemen were fonnd t have received a nijoriry ; 6f bal lots! Messrs. David a Reid, J. 8. Garr, D. A. Long, Thos. Sparrow, WmAohnstoiv Sxiw,rW, S. Hill. HOU8 EOF REPRESENTA XXVES. "fTTueTblirto'fiieBd sections 3 and 5, chapter 6, Battle's Reyisal, in re lation to the government of the Iu SitutiQn.tor the Deaf,, Dnmb . and Iflini passed, j p i j I , Ou motion orRioharason, the bill t) amend chapter 62, section 22, was Wkcu np'aiid passed its several read ings. , ' , ! (Sheriffs of the 15tn senatorial die trict to meet atLennon's Cro s Roads t! compare votes.) ' ' ' . On motion ol Rowland, the jeo-. lotion in relation to establishing an Agricultural Bureau, Was taken np aid adopted. - j The following special committees Were announced : : Committee to Yioit Obapel Hill. Meosrs. MoQebeea Riohardspn, Hen derson, Harris and PurnelL t Committee on the Civil Jurisdic tion of Magistrates Messrs. Pinnix, Rowland, Rush, Molver and Clarke, of 'Craven. "ifKi.f - The bill to authorize cities or townships of ,000 , inhabitants and upward to 'levy a,wtor,ths snpport. of graded poblio schools. ' Passed seoond reading. A ballot resulted in the choice of the Senate nominee for University Trustees.'1' . ... i sb i it-, ..ni u. A message was. reoeived from the Senate announcing that that body would, on tbe return of the messen ger, go into tbe election of IS trus tees to fill vacancies caused by expi ration of terms, and announced tbe nominations mnde by that tx:dy. Tbe districts were -called, b gin mug with tbe 1st and eonelndiog witbthe 8th, and these nominations was the result of this procscduro : 1st District Rev. O. W Hassell, O Martin. ' ! .u vWi ' 2d District- -W. Hpay. of Hal fnx, and W. II. Johnston, of Edge combe. , ,. 4 ... 1W mm m, f, i 8J DiBfriot F.ore. of Colons bus, aod W, E. HM, of Duplin. 4th DiHtrict -f .' S. Amis, of Gran ville, J. H. Tvrp, of Nrfajid J. 8. Can, of Oraaue. S 6tu Distrig MrMcGehee, of Per- son, and M. t. rin,f David son. 0 v ": V V w 6th District W. J. Montgomery and P. B, Ewirgr, Means, of of Cabarrus. 7th Dibtri'ct Charles Price, of Da vie end J. S. Henderson, of Rowan, v 8tff i)lstrict-Dr. L. ?R. MeAtv. of Polk, and R. MoBrayer, oi Oiesve- A message was sent to the Senate informing thai body o the. action of the House in regard to the nomina tions, 4a. Tbe House then proceeded to vote aud above named nominee were elected. rT"i ,. VTm-N. it : Judge Cox has qualified.-' For pack;ng jury, Sheriff Nowell, of Wake.has disnljsflc4 deputy Nagnin.i Mr. W. J. Edwards has disposed' of hisintereutiathe 0oof Templar, to Mr. Josiab Jones, who, with Prof. W. C, Bowman, will eontinua the, publication of the pape?, ,-r Gov. Vance returns thanks in a kindly letter for the present of a wild turkey, by a ootored man of E renton. Gov. Vance axoepte the resignation of J. C, L. Harris, solicitor of the 6 th DiS'tict ! 'v-'f .u(.-'v .:. ; The New direotors of the A. tt Nj C. Ii. B. have demanded Prerident Humphrey's i resignation, . Ha says wiU await the - eotion of : the old toard i ' v -v.'.n.. -, ,,; ,,) j ,' 'His Exof llency tfie Oovernbr. has appointed the following gentlemen directors of the. Atlantio North Carolina Railroad : Messrs, s A J. Gallowsy. of Wayne. J. M. Parrotr, and J, F. Wcoten, of Lenoii, Jobu, Hughes, and Geo. Allen, of Craven, J. Henry Davis and Silas Webbf Beaufort, and J ts. 8. LsoJdfsm lico,- M. F. Awjndell, ' Of UMjinri State's proxy. r-j . - ;., . . J At the last si rsinn of the Univer sity Trustees, Resolutions were adop ted endorsing the,, recommendation of the Governor in' hi reoeqt mesi. ssfie to the Legislature, for the es tabliahment of n Agricultural expe rimental station at Chapel Hill, and t)rofftirlbg the use under toon legisl ation as the Trustees may see prop er to establish, of tbs chemical labo ratory and apparatus of tbo Uuivor sity, vnd of so much of : its -Nnd as i' V- needed: alsd oordialrv in dorsing f fa irecomfa'ud tion- that provision be rcade by the Geuetat Assembly for carrying into effect tbe f rovisioos of tbe Constitution for he establishment of Normal iaatrsc tion in connection with the Univer sity ; and,, further earnestly appov ins tbe Governor's sufrrstioti' of a Connection of tbe Department of the Qeologieal Survey with the fjnivrr sity. The Hon. William U. UMtle was invited to take chsrge otsi Law School iu connection with ti e' Ubf versity, on the same terms and with the same relations as attended bis forfner ooBtetiou witbbe Iostitu Non. t iV was ordered f lbi Board that, hereafter,' the session of the University shall besriu on the last H'hnroday in August, and endoa Jbe list Thursday in June, thereby mak ing one continuous session of nine months, (witn a week's vacation at Christmas.) instead of two sessions ai heretofore!. 7 1 Plain Talk. fiAurnai.'..!,V''! "!ki"'" UkJ -l'l I see by the Review of this p. m., that the committee of twenty met last evening to "Confer in regard to tbe matter for Which they were ap pointed," and the Star intimates that .they have about concluded to throw oni ennreiy tne resoiuaon in: regsrai t9iolW Commissioners. IfW,thi1 will be a strange piece: oj news to those who took parKn the Ward meet iog which appointed tbe ten members to confer with ten from the Central Club. f f S y - i The resolution imdpR which bey were appointed, was to oo operate with tbe same number from the Cen tral Club in preparing the different bills called for by tbe resolutions and taking all noeary steps to get them through tbe Legislature before its adjorrnment. They were not given ajy legislative power them selves, but simply to perform a pre sorihed duty, and if (hey have (rote beyond this, they have assumed 10 themselves a power which was not theirs, and which will probably be repudiated by their Wards, and will Cause the defeat Of the party in the eleotion for Aldermen, j Four Wards out of five voted to adopt the report and reso'utions as presented, and now it Seems that one Ward is, to control the rest with tbe kssistanoef theototnittoeJijm the Central Club, the mo t of whom, r the most determined of whom, were from the same Ward. I hope tbe rumor is not true, for if it is, it will be impossible almost to get np interest euougb in the election of A Id nr men to carry if, no matter how the city is redistrcited. ! ' .-! FotJBTH WaJBD. Tbe above tribunal closed on yes terday after a four weeks session. It has been ft bOfy . term,; and very much work was accomplish d, not only. on the criminal but on tbe eivil dooketaslwuilthe.two last w.eeis having been devoted almost exclu sively to tbe trial of civil suits, There will always hover1 a sad teooU leotioa over this particular term of mo court, lor our strange lelt us, to appear baf ore a graUr and a higher bar, even that of God Himself. Judge MoKoy.too,cl sed bis jndu oisl labors with as foi long seaxon, and he is so identified with us and' s pecially, with pur prominent ( men, that we Vie with his native omnty, Sampson, in claiming him as onrs. Judge McKoy will' ride tbe next time 'ihe'tth (or'Euxtohsyudioa) distriot, opening Hsrnett court on Monday.. Judge Seymour of lTlie 2d holding the April term of New Hao-oyer.- , The Tax Payers Committee. - The -Tax - Payers Committee" on conntv affairs will be ahaA In n perUuJIfhorniyiikiw oftlnyUirng respecting tbe management of tbe county government for the past three or fout; years,' which would be of service to them in their labor of in feirgaUeni W Mmninnlcattukseme iu writing to' the Chairman of tbo Committee, Vol , W, L.' DeRossetJ wi'h the sssnranoe that iheir eom-' munioationa. will be ktpt striotly oon-j fldenial,aa to the W&eT thereof, j investination end either establish or deny the rumors no long in circula tion,, More Tools Recoverad; I A saw, hatchet, drawing-knife, chisel and two planes were' discovered in the possession of A colored man by the ktitf'W&ili Vvinsleiaryeeterday, These are undoubtedly some of tbs tools stolen by Alonzo'.FJxi from Mr. Solomon Rceves.as1 Winkcad says that he bought them from EivL Winstead will appear as a witness against El vi ou-Monday. fkM -.;ori-i' 1 r t- ;.t:-t msv be LOCAL HEWS, . Rev. Geo. Patterson returned to the city on Friday, and will officiate at St. John's church to-day.' ii.iiri i .i . J.' ... - f . - - ) 1 ' Sunday Services. ! - ! Worship in Jhe various churches of le city to-day as follows : - First Presbyterian, corner Third and Orange streets, Rev. Jos. R. Wilson, IX D. pastor. ; Regular services at 11 a.'m. and 7J; r. . Dr. Wilson will continue his discourses on . the Old Testament characters at the evening service." .' .'."'. ' ' Second Presbyterian ' corner oi Fourth and Campbell streets,! Rev. C. M. Fayne" pastor. Services at 11 a. il and 71 1. ; : 8abbath School and Bible Classat 3f.l. .CV ' ' . , .:.:.!. St. Thomas' Catholic, Dock street, between Second, and. Third street. Morning . Serves at 7 and 10 i, m. Vespers at 7 J p. u. Sunday School at 9 a. m. , ' ' ' : Second Baptist, on 6th between Church and Castle streets. Services at 11 a.' is. and 7J f. m. : 1 Fifth Street Methodist E. (Sooth), situated on Fifth, between Nun aud Church streets, Rev., J.; M Rhodes kstor,, Services at 11 a. m. and 7 r. N. Sabbath School at 91 a. m. : -'.' . -f St. Paul's Evang. Lutherea; cbrhef of Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G. Dj lkrnheim pastor. English service at Hi. m.j German service at 7J r. X. Sunday School' at 3 f . m.j Weekly services on" Weduesday at 71 r. x. Catechetical instruction ou Friday at 31 P. - " " ' .'. -V.--7,- 1 First Baptist, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. James B. Taylor pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 71 P. ii. The Lords supper will be admin ktered after the morning sermon. Son day School at 91 o'clock a. st. -. ' u : , ( St John's, corner of Third and Red Cross street, Rev. &" J. Curtis offi ciating. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer, 71 o'clock- . Sunday School tXL , Front Street M. E. (South), corner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. J. E. Mann pastor. Service every Sab bath at 11 A. u and 71 r. m. Sabbath School at 3 r. x. ' St. James', corner of Market and Third streets, Rev. Dr. A. 'A.. Wstson rector., j.Septuagesiina, Feb. 4, 1877: Morning . Prayer at 1 1, o'clock a k.; Evening Prayer ,at 4o'clock. Sunday School at 31 p. v. First Congregational. Services eve ry Sunday in Academy Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets, at 11 a. u. and 8 r. . Sunday School at 3 p. k. St.v Paul's (Episcopal), Msorner of Fourth and Orange streets. Services at 11 a. . and 71 p. u. Sunday School at 31 p. Rev. T.- fM. Ambler rector. Seats free. Seamen's Bethel,; on Dock between Frqntand Water streets. Rev. J. L Keen, chaplain. Services at 11 a. m. ,.ji!.m-. . r . .j. ;.,'... 't fXtvely Chase After a Sailor, , ? . : A seamed by the name of Jack Welter, was arrested Friday night, by Toney Ashe Jolt obtaining money under fal.-ie pritenons, . and was brought before JustioA Oassidey yestordsy morning. The Justice was out at tbe time and Toney and his prisoner were waiting for him, ill his office over tbe Postoffloe. Toney was putting a piece of wood into tbs stove when Jack made a bolt for the door, ran down the steps and went np Seoond street like . tbe wind. Toney followed, and ran him out in the woods towards Green's Milt, but did not suooeed in catching him. ,:fri our remarks, on yesterday - upon the proposed Inland Canal," we Won -tiouedW Wilmington as becoming- the seaport of Newbern. In explanation we would state, that it is ninty-six miles from New -rn to Hattcras inlet with only eight feet, water on the bar, by ttiuj inland route it wonldonly be eight mile further from" Newbern to Wilmintrton with thirteen to fourteen feet of 'water This would secure W Newbern commercial advantages that she does'not now have, and would re sult in enabling ber to increase her lo cal trade. Remains ot Cornelius Harnett. At a meeting nf the directors of Oakdale Cemetery Company, held upon tbe grounds on Friday, ths Superintendent was directed to re move the rema ns of Cornelius Har nett from St. James' burial- ground, to ft lot set apart for that purpose isS Oakdale Cemetery, at the iuterseo tion of Harnett and Burg win . bum. Tbe object of the removal io to have the grave cord for, ; ("t. James 'burial ground having btei in d"ue for tnaoy .Hrs.) and for the additiooul piirpoae of erecting a uitable - monnment to bis memory, whiob is proposed to be doue by subscription. ' The City BUI. ' . The main points of final agreement, as far as rumor hath it, ia the commit tee of twenty, are tLe t'?ction of ten Aldermen, with tie appointment by' the Governer, with the eoucurrence of tfie Senate, of one from each Ward to constitute a beard of. Audit and Fi nance. Tha. 13 : substantially the ac tion taker, by th$ dlrent V.'ar h in their . several jawf ;;i oa 1 L raj -night : - , t- Uisisrkal ftr4 ScltnUflc Society. ; ; - This society will bold iu regular meeting to-morrow (Monday) even ing st 8 o'clock, in the Lecture Boom of the First Presbyterian Cbnroh on Orange street, above Third street, at which time an original paper will be read on the Barnwell Expedition by ' Judge Edward CantwepY ' ' Gwaahus.' r i . 1 ' , Ouh attention was called te ft. few barrels of this article which was of u. pcrior quality and hd been sold at a A fancy price. We learn that there is a steady demand and that the price oh- ' tamed' pays for the additional care - necessary. ' 1 ' v i . Quarterly Meeting. . The regular quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, for. this circuit. ' was , openod on yesterday at Front ' Street tt. E. Church, in this city, Rev. W. T. Black, Piesiding Elder. ' As is usual, the meeting will close ; to-day, with divine servioe, the Pre siding Elder condqeking them. j CITY CURRENCY. ; ! j ' Cooler and rainy, to-day. . 4 ; luiermenis in uaxoaie cemetery v last week. V, ,..;' ' . , There was false alarm of fire at two o'olock this morning. A dor was run over and killed hv . street car last ' evening oo Market street. . , , Rev. Geo Patterson of this citv. de livered the prayer at the opening of the Senate ou Thursday morning. . " The balloon man is here on his an nual tour and the children are do- lighted. ", . . Bishop Atkinson will Vontinue this evening.his lectures oo the creed at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. There were two interments la t week in Pine Forest cemetery i 1 adult and 1 child. ' A large number of new subscribers have been added to our books durinir ' the p08"t week. The Register of Deeds issued mart -riagu licenses to 1 white and 3 colored couples during the past week. , The visitors ot the Ladies ' Benevo lent Society will meet at the Hook and Ladder hall next Tuesday, at '3 o'clock. ,,' y . ' ; Tho Concert which gave such uni versal satisfaction, uadcr the direction of Mr. Van Laer, will be repeated on next Fridav!nichL It is for fKa iun. fit of the Cornet Concert club and Mr. Van Laer.' ' - - Index to New Advertisements. ' I Y. Heinsberger A new importa tion.'. ;V,..;;, ) ,- -.,'';V V ,",",'.! '"' Ot O. Parsley & Co. Daily . line boi ween Wilmington and Smitb ville. '' " Meeting ot visitors of theLvlies Benev6lent Sooiety on "Thursday si-tornoon,...;.j..;....ri:..-...:...;..1..,.u.j.-: .,..,.:.f Okies & Murohisou B acksmith's tools Ao. ,'"itli''?;i O. W. Tales Blank, "memor'ands, time, grocer' and school books. ; ' Green k Flanner New crop of garden seed. ; ;:i::'".'"'i .;"'. -, Bank of New Hanover Semi an nual dividend of four pr o-iut d-' olared. ' : '',. '"' : ' - J Tick A Mebaue-Whanu's -Raw-bone Super Phosphate. , f A F. A. Newbnry, Magnolia, N. f Evergreen and flj wars. J. A. Byrue, State Agent--, Tbe Mutual Benefit Life Iusoranoe Com- pj-, - ""'l".:-.f "'- . Chas. D. Myers A Co. Table but ler, new crop of New Orleans mo lasses, buckwheat flour, rye and Graham flour, i '" '. , , ;' See advertisement of eonoort on Eriday night. v , , :t' ! HlfiHSMITII-r-LKWIS-Oii Uie Wth of January, 1877, at tho rivtile cnof Mr. O. M. Lewli, the brides father, the Rev. Wm. Bland, Mr. oak Frlnkllu UliMnilh, to Miiis Ann Julia Lewis, of llarrcU's 8torf, N. C. ' r , , BOWKN-VEWTON On the 11th of January, Isi r, at the resldcnee of Mr, John T. Nfwtiin, the brtile father, by the Rav. Juli n V. KhUmhi, Mr. Win. Frank-. Itn Bowen, of i'emler Comity, to MliS Laura E. M-wton, of Samiwon County. , 1