A VSY i i P. 'Ml 3 ESTABLISHED, 1851. I-4- : - iiUC J CLLUIUlUOi HEWS OF THE WOBLD. ARGUMENT OF COUNSEL IS TO THE POWER OP THE COMMISSION TAKING ' EVIDENCE BEHIND ' OERTIFICATES.v. . ;; tfTHEOFFi , ClAL STATE . . CANVASS. PROBABLE FAILURE OF PEACE ;?iE COmTlONS BETWEEN TURKEY AXD SEaVLI. CBiiT BisTsccnoiorrsortBTi BT TBI FLOOD IS FIMSYL- TA5U. Commlsiioa In Coiiiitatioa to Con Bldcr tti rowers and Duties Hoon Reports. WASHISfllOS. WASHtaoToic.Feb. 5 O'Connor and Merrick have charge of the Florida case, Trumbull and Carpenter of Lou isiana, and Merrick and Woodley of Oregon. The Union hag no doubt the commission will decide to admit testi. mony. r ; - ' ; :' f The Senate passed a bill appropriat- ing $350,000 to provide fof a deficiency in the : appropriation bill for public printing and binding during the cur rent fiscal year. Mr. Ingalls of Kansas, from the com mittee on the District of Columbia; re ported back 'the bill to abolish the Board of Metropolitan ronce commie- eioners of the District of Columbia.with the message of the President vetoing the same, and recommended that the bill be passed notwithstanding the ob Wtimu of the President thereto. lie rave notice that he would call it up as toon as the Senate should be full. Committee on privileges and elec- lions Casanave on the stand: Know nothing of alterations in Vernon par ish; knew nothing of Maddox; Casanave recollected few details; Knew oi no frauds committed by members of the board. The room was then cleared to consider the printing of the evidence. Electoral Commission. Evarts open- ed in opposition- to the power of the llouseor Commission taking evidence behind the certificate and the official State canvass. ; ; , Barnes, New Orleans telegraph man- ajrer is here again oq a new subpoena. ' The Speaker of thp House ruled that this morning's session -a a continuance of the legislative day of Thursday, but withdrew the, ruling to hear argument which Is now progressing. In the Senate Mr. West made a per- Bonal explanation in relation to the let- ir of Gov. Wells' of tbe Louisiana re-1 turning board, addressed to him, which was read befor thee House committee on privilegee and powera on Saturday. He said he availed himself of this op- portunity to make an explanation which he was not perpitted to" make before, that commiteee. He became aware of the existence of the letter some time last week through the public press and on Saturday, when he found the com- ( mnn A ihn lpttfr tin TnlnntArilv I went before that committee without UILVM-V Uiw - " r anysubpoena and read the letter to them, I He could have availed himself of. his privilege as a Senator and refused to divulge the contents of the letter, but de desired that all tbe facta in regard the Louisiana count should he known. He had not held, or did he iutend to hold, any clandestine correspondence 'with any one in regard to counting the nlcctoral vote. About the time that 'otter should have been delivered to him he was informed by the Secretary of War that man by the name of Maddox was here attempting to trade iff the vote of Louisiana. , He (Mr, Test) immediately denied that he had ny such authority and telegraphed to 'ew Orleans to a friend, in substance, 1 s follows: Tell Wells that a man by he name of Maddox is here, professing o bo authorized to speak for him and '..0 returning board of Louisiana. .Vhat docs this meant" The answer ame back as aoon as the wires could rig it: . "Mr. Maddox hasnosuch au- hority." Mr.-West, in answer li a nostion of Mr. Bogy as to what expla- nation he could make of the letter, said he (West) was ambitions to be his own successor in the Semite, and the letter referred to that As "to speaking of millions. Gov. Wells used the expres sion iu the same manner as CoL Sellers ; did. He meant there was a barrel of money there to be used against the Republicans and aid wis needed; that is, if money was to be used on one side it must be used on the other. He (Mr, West) would not rest for a moment un der any suspicion that he was traffick ing in electoral votes. Wells has just commenced what promises to be a long gtatemeut. lie is perfectly self-possessed and evidently well-prepared for his task. . Evarts closed his argument a quar ter to 1 o'clock. O'Connor is now speaking. Hon. A. II. Stephens was reported better Sunday night, with increased hopes for-his recovery. ; . ; ; ; SIW TOBt i ;. t' :' Nkw Vork, Feb. 5. A dispateh from Scranton, Pa., says one of the bank officials at Montrose stated on Saturday that Nathan Lcnhan, in ab sconding cashier, has robbed the First ixaiionnl Hank or $90,000. He had full control of the matter .of negotiat ing loans, discounting notes and trans acting all the, business of the bank, without even 'consul tin e the directors. It is known that his bond is good for a the greater portion of the money which he has- stolen 'and $24,000 is all that will be lost. . OHIO. Colcmbch, Feb. 8. The School Commissioner, Smaat, has issued a call for meeting of the National Teach ers Association on March 1st, 2d ad 3d. The ' folIowIugsubjects have been arranged for consideration : The Organization of an educational museum and a provision of the plans and means for its operation. ' . The further consideration of plans for the publications connected with the popular education in the South. A proposed reduction of salaries and the relation of secondary instructions. rjsssmim, Pittsburg, Feb; 5. The ice from the upper rivers . is nassitur down harmlessly. Reading, Feb. 5. At half past four yesterday, the ice , gorge at West Bnnca started. A few miles above nere gjj n ve gorge at g weezy for also girted. At Keating, 8innamahoning creek enteri West Branch and the ice ,ud TQm nvu At fifteen muute8 after 5 o'clock the Ice was on , wi w-th tne phikdelDhia and Erie ra.iiroa.cl bridge, which . spans Sinna- Uiohoning 30 feet above the level of the lower water mark. The loss to farmers and lumbermen will be im mense. Thousands of feet of timber and log, either in gorge, or loosed from iminense piles that Jiuoftlhe river and creek ready for floalttig in the Spring, The fences areil down and the houses are broken vnd destroyed. It is the, greatest flix4 here since 1847. At 7 o'clock the gprge had not moved ttnd tne bridge loaded down with c&n 0f com yy FOREIGN IjknoN, Feb. 5. A dispatcVirom Ragusa to the, Renter telegraph com pany, says the Prince, fep alnntenegro .sent a dispatch to IhrPprrt' yesterday, stating that waccepts the proposals of the Grand Vizier to open peace I negotiations , 'and, Jie is willing to treat directly with the Porte I Mr. Messv. owner of Don Caster and i ' ' other famous horses, is dead. The correspondents, indicate proba: ble failure of peace negotiations be, tweeri'Turkey and Servia. 1 Rom, Feb. 5. Gen. Kousler, com mander of the Papal array has resigned in consequence ; of differences with Mods. Simoni, the new cardinal secre tary of the State. l' flight Reports. WASniNCITOX. , , Wasdikgtoh, Feb. 5. Lieuteiiat- General Sheridan and Attorney-Gen eral Cocke of Florida, have been sum moned , by the powera and privileges committee Gen. Barry, with the companies com posing the artillery school have left for Fortress Monro . . Five companies of the' 1st U. S regiment arrived ' here k to-day" from. Charleston. Company If remains here the balance have gone South. ' Iu" course' of Iba argument, before the electoral commission, Urp Evarts WILMINGTON, : N X., uid the ouly transaction of choosing a President begins by depositing in the Federal urn, tbe certificates ' of j the' election of the electors. The next step is the opening and counting of the votea. ;Tbe couatituUot asd laws ipeC'f ify bow the electors shall be appointed, and when they shall meet to cast their votes. But further, it does not go the moment their votes are sealed and de posited with 'the proper; Federal au thority. 1 here is no power in a Slate to reverseNt, change it or corrupt ' U The State must act before the vote of the electors' has been" cast or it fa 'pow. erless. He said, the proposition Jo in terpose a judicial inquiry into a purely political proceeding waa a novel one, ai d that uo judicial Motion bad ever been interposed fX opt on a ' mandatrntt pomplling officers to act. ' IJo fe.juoc ion of a Oonrt can intrude int 4 political aot. lte fatberf of theeoantty a early as 1800 iooorpdrtrted into a la the prinoiple' that t$e Feieral gov ernmnut has lao ight to ignore or eat aside the fcctam of $ State in fe gard tJ ' tbe' fleiotioi k& -eleotoji.. In their wisdom thy drew the liui of demarcation very elearly "aid; plainly. Mr. Evarta concluded by saying that the attempt Xa bring Judges into the workings of thin scheme of popular sovereignty will make it intolerable, ainoe tbe J udgra will override and superced the will of tbe people. V " ,:. Chan. O'Connor, after an allusion to the importauoe of this ease, tbe moat impurtaut ever tried iu tb Unitod HtaiOrt, ' said ihfe joonnsl for the Tildea electors held directly tbe opposite view to that entertained by the Republican counsel and that the commission had the right to make a full inquiry into the facts of the Flor ida election. The opposing counsel held that the Republican electors met in accordance with law and cast their votes and thatit is not in the power of any earthly tribunal to invalidate their action on this point he took issue with them. He first considered the count ing of the electoral vote, the, proposi tion that the power to couut the votes is vested in, the President of the Sen ate is palpably absurd, since he is pre eluded by the constitution from count ing such votes." He haano right to open the certificates until the ' two Houses meet in joint sessions. ,. His power is simply clerical and he cannot know what the packages contain, until he opens them. .The duty of the President ends with the opening of the certificates, and the counting1 devolves upon that body, which is required to act on the result, and the count mukt be recognized by the same body, , Mr. O'Connor concluded by saying ..that he believed the Tflden; electors had ; the; best legal right to be - recognised; while; thej had the morI right, thi common cousentrof all, mankind and will be of posterity.1 No honest man, capable ot blushing could poeaibly look another in the face and assert that the Hayes electors in Florida were elected. He submitted that the commission should receive as evidence in the Cass, the testimony taken by the eongressioii- al investigating committees. The protest to be presented when the Mississippi electoral (reurn are opened which alleges the pew registra tion law requires additiocal quklifica- tions and I oaths for voters In violation- of1 fbe coustltitio of j Alss&iijp) and he present Govprnorauda pet tibcate be given tne electors., . It is understood, the commission meets to-morrow, to consider whaLevt dence, if any, can be had before if, and o consider its powers and duties in the case, preliminary. u a uuui arguuieui Bbnate. --The , minority , report, of the committee on r privilege and elections was ireseuted.'V On motion of Mr. Howe the 8er- seant-at-Arms' waa ordered to Irree! jfjittitofield who ailed to attend the committee, because j ha i " said ' the House committee wanted bim, ( i The Benate then took a receas. ' Houss. Moat of the day waa. con aomed in I disouaaioa as to wliethT the House could adjonre under the provision 1 of the' electoral bill and! a bill directing the commit'ee bu jndi oiary to inquire into that subject waa refeired. ri , .. , .n,:i On mo' ion the Houe took a reoe - The on amiasioo before adjoujrt ment annoauoad that there would, be no publio session tomorrow. Tbe day fciil be Joccnped ib eoofultation Welle tentimony before the com ni tt,ee oi) powera and privil pp wa msioly oontlned to , eooradujttans, la breaking down ijittlefield be tee; tiflrd that DO'Au'emeuU of joi or tally sheets bdbeeo received from Vernon parish. Therefore '1 they tUESDAY . . M&RnW could not buve been deetroyed Uy Mr. Casanare of New Orleans, who la now hereof urnishea Cie following atatemunta olvolea of V-rnon pai- iah, which were tent to Aew Orleans by Thomaa Franktiu. aupervisor, by the hands of Hon. IW8 Txada,a reaideut of Rtpidea pakip, and one of tbe most iufluebtiat and highly r- pec ted men . is Louifwna. Tbey were addressed to P. O. Deamond. SeoreUry of SUte, to wbom tbe au prriaor'a oonaolidated ratorna bad been preripnaly forwarded by mail, and were delivered to the Secretary of State by a medical' student, a resi deatTBupidM borsijng" lib attffif) ia NeW OtleauiaiWerJ iieoiiiilSa poAseioD of the aortary of tbe re tnrttit tyoard fcy'two w more par- tie bow fa.AYlnqKton. -1 -,! A B1U to be Entitled A Act to Ea- , tsblUu. County Governments. - FASBX9 TH1BO AHD FIR Alt BiADIM O. Zt THB SBNATB ON SATUKDAI OBD rK- The. General Assembly of North Carolina do ac(, r t V ShoJum'I. Evert c4nnrv ie h txilv politic aud corporate, and shall have the powera prescribed by statute, id those necessarily imposed ,by 1 iw and no other. I See. 2. In Mob eonntv there shall be elected bieunially, by tbe qualifl- d voters thereof, as provided for the election of tbe members of tbe &' n'eral A ssembly,' a Treasure, Reg- j utter of Deeds and Surveyor. Sec 3 Each county shall be divi- dud into convenient' diatriota, to be A Down as townsbipn, bat such town-! ti snail not iiosseee, any cot po te powers. The townahipa now established; aball ooutiaue under their r resent boundaries uutil chang rdbylaw.''" -".; i' ; Sec. 4 Tbe - justioea of the peace ehsll be eleoled by the General As-i aembly. Tbe Geueral Assembly, at it present aeaaion, shall elect three jwt of tbfl peace tot pcb, town- enip to tne several, oounuet cr tfiej Btato, who aball be divided into three classes, and hold their, office for tbe terms of two four and six yean respectively, but the, sucoea- aora ot eaon eiaa as ua term expiree ahall be eleoted by tb General As-; eombly for, the term of six years. In addition to the justices of tbe peace above provided for, there aball; b elected for each township ia blob any tslty or ioourporated town l situated, one justice of tbe peace, aud also onei for.evrone hqeandl iuhabitanta in such city or townj who shall bold their office for tba term of six years. Tbe jnsticea o the peace eleo ed, , under thia act eball be commissioned by the Gov-' ernor. But tbe terms of those eleo4 ted at the present session of the! Genera) Assembly aiiall tkn at the expiration of" the terms tor 'wbidb the justices of tbe peace now in of-i fine have been,- elected, ;i" and no( before. beo. 6. The justices of tbe peace for eaoh county, outho Arst Mocdai ir August, iUMon Kieiiiat Monday in August every two yearf tliereafter, shall assemble at , tin 0 iurt bvuof theif resneotive conn- ties, and a. toajotity'.beicig proseul ahall proceed to the eleoUou of not leaa than three, nor moie ,tbaa fivp ptfTetrj(.Lto an oaoeen from the body oi tne oounty, iinaiuaina: me lustioea of the peace,) who shall be atyled tbe of d e( Uommisaineri for tbe conn ty of - , and shall no,d their offioesfor two years, from tbe .date of their qualification, snd nutil their successors shall be elected and quali fied, cat those elected on the first Monday in August, 1878, aball entor upon tp dufit ottUerr office imme d atety upon the expiration of tbt term lor wnicb tbe Board of U innty Ooutwiaslbbe Xiieai it G bare been eleoted, and not before. They shall bt qualiii' d by taking the oath of office beforellu&tatk of the 8ape rior Court, or some judge,, or juatioe of the peace, aa now prescribed by law. . - , Bed. O. The Board of Coni mission. era so elected shall have aid eieroie the jurielicUon and power totted i i tbe Board of Gomntisaionefauow.r. ia'ing, ahd also those vested in sqd fcxercieed by the Board bf Trastei-e o( the several township's,' "except as m bareafter be pcesorfbed py law; and they ball bold their esaione fee miy be preaenued by law: , And tbe Kgiter of lleedi aball be iex nmdo Clerk ' of the. Board of OommU- f"' Us-lii-IIMMtU 'tw il l :,it frovidat ftwwpet, Thatftie Board of . Gommiaaivnera ahall not h power to levy Uxea to purouasereal property,' or remove dt deaigntte, new sites for ooaut buildings j to Contract or" repair bridge. ' the' eot whereof ' amy iexoeed, '. 2.000 i ; to bortow money for necessary expdi seH of the oounty, without the con edrrenoe of A tqajori y of b A JunfCfS of we faaon,ituntr witp' nlvand for iherjurtM a mbnenJ rbthe-bfo vi$ ; Tbe JttHtidi of tne Pa(i.''SUa I meet with tne B nrd of Coijimisi'ou-er-i on the fir gt Monday iu August, 1878, and anqualy tb rB feef, but for snub service tne, Justio a of the Pence hIihU reotive ii(ile.t)rerii.ioi ' .Sco.V7,''Atr tTe' )rc.vl.idts' cf attioU 7of the CJU-t'lutiou iuooriau tent with thia aot exo- nt tliogtl ou tained in atotioua 7, 9 , ai'd 1.1. aie hereby abrogated, and the jkovi tions Of thia aot tobftitateil iu their pluce. Beo. 8. This act li I take effect from and after its ra'.;'..ition. , ' .1. . " , FEBRUARY 6, 1877. ' LOCAL NEWS, County Commtsaloaera, ;' The Board of County Cooimi alotr ers met in 'regnlsf monthly wot-iim at 1:36 p. m. esterdar, preseu'; J. O. Wagner, ehmrm,'' and Commi- sionera Worth, Graingerr Uolmes audNixoBi ; - . . "On motion the minute of the pfr vioua meeting were read aud approv ed, and a correction wai made to! read as follows: v:, f.:" ' .; 'Ordered fa.thev, that bill of j 0oU va. R. F. Eyden be referred ta aV committee ." consisting of B- G.I Worth and X B. Grainger, aa t Usi legality.'to report thareon at the bext'meetfDg.";';'" , TLe proposal jofJ. O. Munda was aocepted, bia being the lowest bid, at twenty-five cents for each pre' soription. Said proposal or ooutraot tof xpire twelve , mouths from date i. The 'ollowing persona were grau'r ed lioenas to retail liquor: John. W j Strsusi, H.; Marcus an! J. Fernber-' ' "';;: j f Th report of the outdoor commit-1 tue was read and ordered spread on' the, minutes,..,;,: .,,, The report of Elijah Hewlef,; Oounty Treasurer, for January, wan received aud . ordered .spread on the minutes.; , , "r i 200 Gonpona .valued at $15 ewhrt in goia, amouniing lo tureetiiousaud, and seventy five dollars having been puid, were burned op in presence of: all the commissioners, 1 ! ! m Tbe following resolution , was of ! feted by tbe chairman, John G. Wag- W. a ;.,,t"t :-u'.v'n:,t.- Metolved, That as it baa been rei ported to this Boaid aud its oommit-4 tr that the taxpayers of the ooanty coBvention aaeeuibled, and at tbe re-i quest of aaid committee of this Boaid; appointed a committee of their oum-i ber CDnsistiug,of Ool. W.Tt Dettoeee',' Henry Matt and Edward 'Kidder for, tbe purpose of in veeligatibg the man-; agemeut of oounty matters.' It ia hereby ordered by th a Bord, that all 'Oounty Officers are bereby in struoted to give all information de l sired to said committee of tax-payers, and eveiyotberfioility for in vi:stigating wUl be given, by as. Wei feel that the affaire of this county have been properly administered a , our hands. i. I t i On motion Commisbioners Wagner and Holmes were appointed a com mittee to see that the property and effect be returned to the. County Work House by Messrs, Mathes k Co and what is not needed be sold ai auctiou. . . .V-.-1 j r Applioat)a;r of , Commissioner Holmes to clear ofif the poor hois tract, was referred to the commit Ue on poor with power to act. j The application of Eda Larkina f f assistance, was referred to po r cota mittee. j Ordered, i'hat Sheriff Manning be L iustrnoted to, pay,, over to John J. uewieitt j,rwMsarer oi juaaonnoro township, all township taxea ool leoted by him for the year 1876, ana take proper reoeipta for the same, j , Ordered, That the Finance oom- mittee be instructed to ascertain what Snount ( f fiutH, fotfeitu' ea ind'pU alties, baa ; been collected by James Beaton, Oh rk of tbe superior Oonrt, t r the past 1st mouths Ld, report the same at the next meeting of tbe Board. THfi COURTS. Mavors Court. PetorlBaUon; diaak t filets and c)Bt. or 10 days on the streets. i Peter Butsou, diforrlely, cursing ko ', fined $20 and boat, or 80 day On the streets. ,. wm. rinnnev. cnrsintr ana arat ing a aeadly1 weapon : bound over to the Superior Court cn a jastifled bondof$2W Y h A party for aelling liquors by the small meaore : dismissed on tbe paym tot of the oiMt JlA " T .Two polio-men ,for violation of pouoe regaiauoue were uiHoumrgeu. . ' . ' ' , . . . - ' . i: I Another , policeman, charged with the aame, repigned, ( Ma irlut rate's Court. Silas Trivas was before Justice Oaldust lor wUful abwdonnicnt and fined the ooat and to support Lis family or go to Jail." 1 !!J, ) M i ; i , , ! i, t For the West Indies. The stesm yaobt Fire Fly went dowi. the river on ytitirday aftir noon with a party of irntlt m u, who t'Rcoi tod Me are Geo. W. Kidder and John London' of Ibis city to th rohoouer Wyoming whiob cleared fn m this port on Baturday, bound Wr j!idoyTorfo ltieoi) Tie juten tiou of those gmtleuaeu is to visit seveial of the West India islands while on their lour, , Our wishes are ( extended to them for favQting winds and "trauquil eeaa and a safe re turn home, ', v ; . ..... .,.,.' . Hlatorlcal and Scle utllle Soc lety . At a maetmg of tbe above aociety,) held last night. Judge Cantwell de! livered a lecture on "Barn weh'a ex-j peditioo against the , Tuotarora's in! YlW-Tl? touching upon other tap-! ica cf Colonial history. ! Tbe lecture was replete with valuable informa-j lion, evincing great r research and ernditiou. ; -.. s ' -. : j Col. J.G. Burr was granted per ! miiuiou, in acoordaooe with a n qqtt from the Ladies' Beuevoleut Sooietjj to deliver his lectors on. ''Local Hiai lory," for tbe benefit of their ' oocic-j ty.' A ' committee, eonsistpig ' of Judge Cantwell snd Messrs. W. - B, MoKoy snd K.irWood Giles, was sr- pointed to make arrangements for the removal of tbe remains of Cor selins Harnett with proper cwemo ny. Dr. A. J. DeRoeset, Ool. W.i L, DeRoaaet and the Rev, C M. Payue, were admitted as members, and assigned, the first to the section fif Genealogy, the second to Com-, merae and tte third to E location. Hon. Hugh Waddetl, from tbe sec tion of Genealogy, was appointed iol d Jiter tbe nex itottire. Dr. T. F.' Wood, from the stotion on Botany, w,is appointed leolurer for the meet ing in Msy. l)r. WkkI' fftbjeot will be "The insectivorous plants' of this region.! Mr. W F. Wensel. from tbe section on Entomology wm appoint d ilecturer for tne ruetti rg in june. , A oommitum on cod titutioo for permnnunt Ofgau'Zttiou. which will date frt m the 20tb Mh next, will be anuouuoed i'at a fiitartf meeting. The Sooiety will apply to tbe Legislature for a charter. j uf , . r j r CITY CURRENCY. The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Wilmington Seamens Friend Sooiety, will be held at the Bethel this ( Tuesday) evening at 8 o'olock, be citizens generaly are invited to Attend. ., , .' ," ;". t'"".. The Cape Fear Steam Fire Eagiti Company t waa out on their monthly parade ' and v practice on yesterdsy afternoon. ' , . , , . , ; , x j We print this morning an interest. ing communication worthy of oare, fnl consideration on the subject of narrow guage route from WilmiD ton to tbe Mississippi Valley, A flat hai fast been completed fof Mr. Westbrooks t the mill elf M(ps'rs. Ooivdl & Taylor. It will be employed in freighting on the North ast. '(," , .; j . Theratosaetrlcal. The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob served at tho signal office in this citjy at4:30 p. m.: v - j , . Augusta,52 ; Charleston, 55: Galves ton. 62 ; Jacksonville,' 61; Mobile, 56; xsew uneans, w; worfolli, ; Hava Bah, 04; Wiiminirton. 47 , l Index to New Advertisements fieo. R. ' French . fe Son In the front.' ;;r 'X' r..w. -.v.v - John D. Bellamy, Jr Attorney and Cnnnsellor at Iaw. ' ' " .. I Jas. C.Stevenson Standard gooas. 1 P.Heinsberger A new "imports Qlles & MurohNon B ackumith's tools Ac " ""'." ' "'';'"'.' f . , ' ) ' t , Narrow Gauge Through Route to the , . ' -tt MISHlaalpsi " " , j. To the Jwral. ; ,; : , f J ,V :. ' As the Legislature has before it1 i bill providing for the "speedy co struction of the . Western North Carolina railroad." I lake t helibeTty 6f suggesting to you, 4he propriety, of calling attention to that body to- the subject, of narrow gauge' railroad. their greater economy in construction but uiore I especially in operation. While the cost of building is only about three-fifths of the cost of the broad gauge, the. cost of operating them is said by good authority not ttf exceed one half the cost of operating, aud do ing the same amount of transporta tion over 4 broad, gauge railroad.. , I . . . . JJow sir, it is not necessary to dem onstrate to persons familiar with the carrying 1 business of our railway (in this Bute) that there is not one; of them but could do three times , tbe business it has ever had offered at any time; upon a (3) three feet track, witn proper equipment.: ' -"'' If this is so, aud it cannot be defied how much greater would be the profft T or how much less would it be necessatv to churge the' public, for carrying its trade and travel T , ' . ,. . p Wilmington especially and North Carolina generally are much intercut ed is "cheap transuottatlou'". 8 pose we had a ihree-fi.ot rail way fioia WiUuingtoo via. Charlotte, Lineolnton and Atnville to the vat -irsj of tb Mis b tippi und tbe Ohio, where i, would oouneot with the five foot railways of that region, by which tbe proJUtrtl Of 'the two sio tious could be eaohaufcd at rates of transnorUtiou that would be a& re munerative ai those now chared bj PRICE $6 00, the five foot vaitwy huee; what an advantage it would be to oar own sea port and to our Stitel ;It weuld not ouly add largely to onr import and eioi't 'trade, t ot i. ' run bleourpeopb all alo.g tin-hue to develope a largely- increased tocal buHiuees. . , , Why. then, not change the gage of the Carolina Central and WeU ru , Nortli Carol) o a llailrods to a three ' foot gunge, making from WilmiuK" ton to , Paiut luck and Duck Town," oue oontiunnus and nnbroken gnxga through tbe StaUT The oih -t hue baa already broken the uuiforn y of gnage by ebang1tijr"ni a-C. fuot gaajre, hence no barm will be done to other State tines. More anon. ;;.--, ( - . 0. 8. , TEG FOBGETfULXESS VF TlOni. compels Dr, Fierce to remain iu--valids that bis Golden Medical Dis covery ia unsurpassed as a blood, liver, aud cough medicine. Bee bis Memorsi d im Books ; I Ley are given awav at alt drug stort a. '. f State IScwh. , . '.: jiickory has two saw mills. . A gentleman 'in Shelby has 15,000 gallons of wine made from his own vin." yard. : -'' ; , - - . -' ; Miw Alice Knop, of Lincoln county, caught fire while cooking, and was burned to death. Rev. Messrs. Jordan and Boone are endeavoring to establish a Baptist Church in Salisbury. - On Monday night last the neat cot tage residence of Dr. James Alston, at Manson, was burned aUo the kitchen and office. . , TVarrenfon Gatdto : On Mondav last it small 'colored boy on- the planta tion of Mr. Suinuel Tucker, jrot too fa miliar with the fire and was burnt to death. His mother left him in the room alone in the house and when she returned she found him. burnt to a crisp, t ;. ,;. '. . , , ' . ; KIW IDYlBTISmSTS. 11 THE FROilT;! Gkso. R. French & Son, "! '-. DBA1FBS IN r;,,,:..- i , BOOTS & s nons. Load In QUALITY AND STYLE ' Of GOOb8, giving more .'i Durable & Comfortable- Wearing Shoes, ' . ... r-,. ...... , . At LESS Price than any House In ite CITY OR STATE !J We have the ' . . . Largest and Most Varied -: ; Assortment. And you ran always find the tiling yen . want at a biasosable Mice, at fob ev s! I do,n(1t kun .the bisk ofbuil- dlng up s reputation for i , r NEWGOODS, For spuctal pecuniary considerations, but oiler U) my customers the - Best Known anil Most ReMahiB Go 5 OF ESTABLISHED REPUTATIOX. -TH 2- Patapsco Fawiily F.'onr, Known .to all the Southern trade for the last fifty yeira. -, . , MARTIN'S "GILT EBSE"CUTTESt FERRI'S TRACE UAXX IL'EATS, "-. BURNb ,3 FUVORING EXTRACTS, oenuini: isjsw Orleans mo L18SES, NEW CROP CUBA MOLASSES, teyVFuli.WciEMYesstPowto. KeteCROP TURKISH PRUNES and HITTERS APPLE DU'f. TER 10 ct'iif per pound. C. STEVEfSOX. Feb. (i. JOHUD. BELLAMY, Jr., AttoriiGy ani CcnnscV.&r atLaT7, 1 WltM INOTON, N. C. " J-t7ri'riii)t atti'iiticm KlVi'nto nil Imnl n(w I'litniBtcil to lilui. fKvlal atttiittou paid t the imiDwIIou of clalnHt. fuhO-O&W-tf Ei

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