I f 'AX ESTABLISHED, 1851. WILMINGTON'1 C., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1877. i PRICE $6 00. .. j Hi- ' I .... TIIETELEGML1S, HEWS OF.THB WOED. JtlcrldJtobo (tontfd for Hayes and Wheeler. THE GEOUND TAKEN BY TWO REPUBLICAN MEMBERS OP r THE COUBT SAID TO BE FATAL TO THE FINAL . -SUCCESS OF TtiEIR .J,. " PAim. E5GUS3 riXUAIIXT 1IIATIX6 r TSI 1A8TIX3 QII8T105. Majority ib4 XlMritr tciort of tie Loalstana Committee Salnlttcd t the Boiie. Hoon Reporto. ' 'jWAsaixsToir. ,Wahjito!, .Fob, 9. 8iam Mrl' Windom Minks introduced bill appropriating $T,OCO for the ex ytuM of the electoral commission. Referred to committee bo epproprie tiooe,. '. ;. Mr, Dawes, of Maes-obusette, in -"trot need a bilt to authorize sod equip en expedition to the Arctio eat," Beferred to oommittee on aetat affaire. The bill provides for m expedition tooordiog to the plan nggeated by Cap. Howyate of the Signet Berrioe Bnreaa. 1 . The commission In eeoret eeniou eUted the each member will pre lect elaborate reason' for hie rote, which may prolong the session till to-morrow. "'' ,' -' He wee oommittee-A. B. Levice, of Ltroisiena, Republican elector, re signed Usi office aa Commissioner . )tKr'20th, 1878. ';.H-;- " Levise tell a atory about the at tempt to bribe him to vote for Til den.'' '; ' ; ': . ."'.:... Little interest attaohee to the eom The beat opinion ' till is that the .ommissfoB will give the fote of Florida to Hayes. -, , .Tl Tlnnu ia majtinor kills tsi unit. I smme' time." The proceedings still i credited to Thursday, Feb. 1st. Albert Peyser, elector to Weal Virginia, exhibited naturalization P-pert,', ' ' ( i EASSACrrSlTTS. JJostoK. Feb. D Joseph H. Pwyer, o Dwyer it Bros., insurance brokers of of this city, was arrested yesterday for fmoilukintly placing $23,000 insn ant With compsnlcg not authorised to 1f besiness in this State, .-'f -' :,i t ' -i" .; in -i- " ' ,;- : fxnfii.":-;' '.!'".::''. ;Lokdok, Feb. 9.-The Earl of Derby tsul we mnst speak with reserre of the maantensnte of peace, which depends on the decision of a single man.' The Earl of BeaconsfioU said the Eastern .question was not a qoestion of the melioration of the condition of the Christians but a question of the exist- mm rf thn pfnnirfl W mtiol ifoai statesmen. ?.cilf'i, y The Marquis of Salisbury protestotl against the doctrine that we ought to nse coercion against Turkey byover throwing the Ottoman empire. We would create anarchy' ana confusion. Bath houses adopted the address unan. imously;' 5 i'r i-' .'-- .-( - It is stated that the French Charge d'Affairs at Constantinople has apdlied fof two French war ressels for the pro tection of foreigners. ,:, ' .',; ( iljTJiciit Rcporto. WashiuCtox, Feb. . Senator Uitchell says that a report puhlished 1kTAa VavIt ftita mwnin( sini Is tk ilU 1 C sa, was aasvs ssaais, bbsiu 111 IUD j Sfatihui evening, purporting to give 'the pojnls of, this . his report on the Oregon case, is jn the main incorrect. 1 'The commission is still in secret ses sion.' j;; ;:"'. ' .Both,. Houses took a recess to 10 o'clock to-morrow.! i , . v The counsel before the , returning jboflrd'ifor the Democratic party testi A as follows? ' ' Ju t!iO return from Vernon Parish i w certificates front tlio commissioners of election. They wcro ' received on the 2d of December by the board, from he Secretary of the State, and opened Governor Wells said, turn them over to the clerks, and that was all No other member of the board said anything about thero. .. , Lie knew that LevUe was a United States Commissioner as late aa Novem ber 19th, and Brewster was Surveyor Oeueral of the Land office. I be commission decided not to re move from secrecy until 10 o'clock to morrow, ' It seems to he understood that the commission has decided to give the State to Hayes, but it is claimed that the conclusion was reached by two Re publican members of the court, upon grounds fatal to the final success of their party. It is true that neither party is happy over the little matter that has trans pired. The electoral committee, by a vote of 8 to 7, decided that the 4 electoral votes of Florida should be counted for Hayes and Wheeler. final report was signed by Brad ley, Edntunds, Frclinghuywn; GarBold, Hoar, Miller, Morton and Strong. IIoibk. The deficiency appropria tion bill was passed, and went into committee of the whole on private cal endar business.' The "reports of the Louisana com mittee were submitted and ordered to be printed. The majority report of the election committee state that the Democratic electors were elected in Louisiana, and denounces the action of the returning board as fraudulent and void, and the minority report declares that the ilayes electors have been duly elected. Tho Senate discussed the railroad sinking fund to the executive session, hen the extradition treaty with Spain was satisfied. 1 .They took recess , to 10 o'clock to. morrow.' ' : v i HEW YORK. Oswxoo, Feb. 9. Cushing, Kirk & McLean, wholsale dealers in boots and shoes, have filed a petition In volun- tary bankruptcy. Liabilities, $222, 000. Assets, $100,000. VERMONT. Swartok, Feb. 9. Seven buildings, including the Hogler block, were burned to-day. Loss, $65,000. MISSOURI. Sr. Locis, Feb. 9. Celses Price, the State Superintendent of insurance, has appointed i board of special ex aminers under the law to appraise as sets, and especially the real estate of the Columbia Life Insnrance company of this city. It is the purpose of the insurance department to apply to the eourt for the appointment of a receiver for the compsny, on the grounds that the defalcation of its assets, especially Its real estate, has been so great, that it is no longer safe for the company to continue business. ' 1 The indictment of John T. Douglas, the President, and E. W. Bryant, Ac tuary, of this company,, is considered under the circumstances, a great bard- ship, if not an outrage, and that the said action against them, will hot stand against them in court. ' . rORFIGX. , London Feb. 9 The' bark Bozzo, from London for. Baltimore collided with a French fishing vessel off Beacky Head,'' on Wednesday. Both' vessels I were sunk, roar sailors, all trench, were urownea; The Other States. - T. Herald Wathington telegram, 1th, The Lonieiaua oas is uot affeo'eil by these preliminary proceeding It will stand on different ground al together. How toe Or. gju ease ia afft oted ia not certain to-oight, bnr it is olear that Watts, the iueligib't eleetor there, did not resign until after tbe election, and wax, therefor , aceordiog to many preo tents, competent to be voted ; for, Hi" iueligibilitT on, this Tie did mt create a vaoancv which could U filled by ,tbe other electors. Cut about this thi're a ill be - as much argument as the oommission will allow on both aidea. I ia a point on whno tbe lawyer will take gr at dn light. n v 'tis now proposed to brfig New Tcrk and L mdon two days Learer oeetner. uy bnildius aeventv milep f railroad to eouno'. JWhitehaver, Nova DOtia, With the railway atateu of tbe United States. Whit, hnven ia dirt etly in tbe nourse of ooi-ai steamships, has a sp'eudid harbor. which is alwavh open, aud ia . but rifle over two tbouaai.d miles froo. lalway bay, or tbe entr rice to tin Bri tot channel. , , , ,s ,i v i Oeimau eduoatioual atatiaticanbow tbat in Saxony one out of 1.191 of the total male population ia in actual att-'odaLee npou a university, while in Prussia the proportion ia one to . . . THIS DfilMtON. . . Florida for Hayes. The Electoral (Jo miuKwiou, by a etriet ry ;jr?te-8 ty .7 decided yi-aterday that tbe ote of Florida ahould ho east for Hayes. . ", ' Without bTiug before us tbe rea eons wbich the members give for this remarkable decisiou, we are iucliad to liope that fby are: such aa will withhold L?uiiaua and the third vote ii; Or,gtn fiom Hjee, tbtis seeuriDg wtherWk diiretelee tiou of Tildeu bytfifion M ffin Crtmmiuaieo,' or 'hi, iU&lha bf thy House aW O-ncresa 'bVll htv prnnouoesd tbaj tbefe. hat eleeUiMj kj the peop! j bean it Aabearina out this onujUn read what Ur. Q g. Weddorbnm sayain a pemal jioptoh from Wasbiiigtoa, dab d th . 8th, so the;' Prsburg Lidexappeai- ?1 vV u 'The arKbmenf on thJ FNrMa case Las bni .mada ip . aucipli,otl and witb a vhiw U all tlM ense'aud the hjtct of oatmeal has to pi toe tbe Oimraiaiou iu sjo.apo iiiou, Hut th mgli they might de o d agaiunt us if tb pudiLg cmi y 'iould be tdkumitted nottMuif q ttioB Vfbioh"Wuldeeur M f.ivoruhlf ih-oisiot iu oaiee btt-taftei to oome ' fl "If tli j decide against on in the Fiorithi case, it muat be on tbe troh uiol grontifl m' fae nrid fatten f the lti'turuiug Board, and Mich a Jeoixion miWt incvita ly' throw i.ot LuuiMiaaa. If Miey doi)e ' sg4tii'f ns on tbe cee iif Huaipbrey-, tbe question has beeu so made tbat they mnt decide in onr favor in the ease of Watts in Oregon, ii ,fj I j rjrj ("Th couotet ajwuot aS,rfatifa4iJrfLf at alt about the election of Ti'deu, I'hey only fear for Hendricks am) ar of course distress d at thw . par tixuehip of the Commission; hn' blieve tlutt tljis ouTfppiJeut.' OPERA HOUSE. ,i'it. The Concert Last Bight. Tbe benefit at Thalian Ball given complimentary to Prof. VatLaer aad the Cornet Club waa well at tended.. Tba rendition of every piece defies ofiCoism, though as a matter of course, some of the compositions pleased th andieuoi better thaq t! others, A few of thee we oaa now recall and shall contibue to call back to memory while a love for what is chaste, olasi io aud beautiful In the divine art of musio remains. ' '. . , - Stars of the Summer Night" a song aud' ohoius, ' was delightfully tendered, v Mr. Hargrove's, high sweet tenor showing off (o floe ad vantage. ,-, - ,-- I " O Mio F rusnili by Mr, Kahn- wt ilerwa-i inimitable. She wa jaatly enoored and replied to the demands of an eiitbu iatic andieuoo by singing tho cbitrming "Cuckoo 8og.'" !" .' he strii gi d orohestra wf ab'o encored, and, the flute obl'gto to both', the first 1 piece.,1 and , ea O ta was the most exquisite one we have ' r beurd. "Wei fentnre to guess it .was.ooinptwed by Capt. Johnson, the leader of tbe band,' a gtiutloman . hoa.,' perfor'manoe' 'ia auait on muaieal instruments from a jewsbarp or band org m to a harp of a well, fifty strings. ' , . . j The Z thers of Metr l h 1 el. i d Van Orsdwll were thu loading ioatrnr meuts iu the Utriuged Orchestra.' 'j! 'By lie (lid Mill Stream," a song by Mr. Cbas, ,11 'buiMon, withonoms, w.is sODg with great expression., ' .. Awalla bj the( band opened psrt aod.tas, eooored. i "Tlie White aqnaH,", by itr. HarrU orthrpp,- uot on j brought him , out a second tiro, but oouviuoed his listener that fewer men oo or off the stage oia jbortst of a deeper, richer an4 more powerful basso profundo. Mr. Hargraves'i'Siireuid- w.i oalled for a stiooud time, and wheth er be singi it at the lattioel of his lidy love or "on the boards," be a doubtless listened to , with crest pluasure whether the greater in tbe former or latter instance, this: depo- nriitaaitsi not,i -.' -! , M v Ehi lioh'a original composition for the Z her wniri r fleet credit on an experienced compoeer". Themae ter'y ipndilion of it waa raptuonsly applaudiJ, ahd ho played, when caljed out. a sicotd tiu.e, tie plain tivelj Wnutiful air from II Trova 'ore, .".-IA Che la Hurt - -..r. Mrs. Kahnwciler's second selection near the close of the Concert was a Swiss song by Eckert, and no tuneful pipe ever wound its mellow "toue among tha storied Swiss Hills with clearer , orv swtater .taCeuce than that which nature-and cultivation a 'a .a.... nave, given, io , mat jady's .voice. An encore ;' song ; was - "Ecstacy' LOCAL NEWS. companiment to - this song was gracefttlljt 'perfoxuied;byj-Mi.. Fred. DelloisSeV whV played' besides .this, a beautiful Cornet obligato, and lead iu several instances on the Cornet Messrs. DeRosset aud Mitchell took a difficult oorn t part in the Gran J Overture to "Poet and Peasant which was'plsyed by Mrs. Taylor on the Piano in her usual elegaut atyle. In tbia Overture there , waa an orcbeatral aoftompauiment composed of two flutes, two violins, four boms including a baas b rn which was eo well snsnsgrd by Mr. S. CL Hall that the performance would have r flu ted honor on a Professor a drop ( al ! tf slenoajlo TBpf tet was' wry flneiandf Profi VaiLaVr seemed determined t-j keep tbem all together "and ih'tfoJ, " ' Oil the whole, tbe evening's enter- tiiiumen' waa a sncoos and we hope the proceed Joti jt will, matorially beefith iUf.'stt J tbe lOi'rm-t Club, in a pecuniary point of view . - Fire. The alarm of fire was sounded on clock caused saanl Btire Third and Woostertreets, the property of Mr. C. Jackson. The fire was evidently the ork of an incendiary. It begau un derneath the store, in a corner immedi ately 'below, 'an oil can,' such as is uauajly kept by grocers and oil dealers to retail from. This is the third time that an attempt has been made to burn these houses, one occurring as late as Wednesday uight. The fiend, whoever he was this time, was' determined that hi's undertaking: should 'toOt miscarry, for a gentleman who arrived very early at the fire, saw ligbtwood splinters, which had not been entirely consumed, underneath the store, and apparently arranged for a purpose. The family of .m ackion i kae? 1 nothing tie fire until the store was in a full blaze, The Store ; aud the, house were, about three feet apart, though not under the same roofJ Everything in thij house waa saved, -um .0.1 f m.w.y''.j The value of the two houses was about $1200. The house was insured for $500, and the store for $100, in the Home company of New York; rep resented in this cjty by JSIr. Norwood Giles. The stock of goods in the store was valued at $300, upon which there was no insurance. Deatructlve Enemy or the Oyster Just Discovered. We hope that the singular animal mentuwed helsi may never teAck ear waters. We should hate to know that so remorseless an enemy waa nrevine upon our delicious and magnificent New Rivers" and our sweet little "Sounders." .?.f iltiri Yilfl The Pittsburg Telegraph says; ' Colonel Fricker" was startled by a cry fronfjne bTJi'f ;engsged in opening oysters, ana hastening to him hersavr hjov holding . large open, oyn tee'alk'lA'e length. 1 IwsMef the shell was something that was more animal than fisby lookjng., The oyster mart Vasiboutto throw it fro'mhim when the Colonel caught his hand, and the strange creature, which measured about two inches in length, was turned from the shell into a saucerful of alco hol. The-; AritmAl t?.H miQt resembles what is commonly called a water dog, except JhM ttjmi OO ; teBtAOTiAleatlJ resembles that of a catfish, with a large mouth full of fine teeth. Just back of ts head are two large lobes, which gi ve it a little the appearance of a small bull-dog," s - r " The animal, whatever it may prove to be, must have made its access to the shell whn small, destroying tbeoyster it found as the nataral tonaat, and grew up to its present , size within the shell. A similar noDdcscript has lately beeu fooiidat BaltlmbfeJ' : ?u! ' ' ' ' " " ' m i The New River Canal, ; "The Balelgh jV'eics 6f ', Friday says : Maj. young who has been absent from the city for some time past,1 rcturridd ytstcrday, bringing with him a lengthy petition from citizens of Wilmington, memoraUsing the. Legislature: to pass the bill for the improvement and recla. mation of certain swamp lands in Ons low and other counties ; in otWywottls o give tbe New ltiver Canal yirj one half the iwanip lands betww-ri Ml mlngton and Pamlico, Sound! for the reclamation to the State of the other half. The petition is said to represent mora wealth, than any that was ever presontcd to a General Assembly in thuitate, ,;i ; .,, Another fl tt is belug built at the mill of MftMre. Gdville k Taylor Tl e we al uM ;p h Jothe r day nas .Deen Janucued od gone on i yesterday morning at 51 o' by? tte'i burnieg tf a' hoi situated on the corner of AnotBer Alarau ' , third (it DooJ4 UfU beeu l.e fonrtbl firedixtriet alarm was sound ed last night af fliio" ToIocTx. O'lly a chimney bnrniag at tbe ttoaDdift- vian. Salou, kpt by Mu ,Gra. F Colloj- aa -8wftt-MViei4 Mwer Dock and Orange Ktrrete. No dam We grre beltiw? Ihu .names of the gentlemWwhd VrerV nominated for magiairaiee at sfmeeting of thn above Ward,' hefd last week, aud which have not heretofore been pablial ed, - via : J. O. Millia, W H. Barr, J O. Kooh and R W. B-ery. At tha same meeting, i Mr E J. Burniti waa nominated aa a member of the ('Board of Andjt r , fhf We o the Uirnaotter a the various stations named below was ob served at tho signal office in his city at4:30p:m.: ' f '' - ' Augusta,60 ; Charleston, 97: Galvcs ton, 57! Jaksonille. 63: 'Mobile. S3: New l)fleanS,'6.1; Norfolk Cam nab, 61; Wilmington. 53 THE COURTS, t MagUttrate's Court. ' 'i Jamen Biobardnou was before inn ; tiox Gardner charged with remuvii g a part of a crop; iit gnilty. Joa Mitobell, uaaanli. and battery: not guilty; ckse dtsmisaed at prose cutor's coats. 5 ": ": Cbas. Stevenx, disoiderly O'liidiict; jcuTgntent "UHpendrd; OU paypjoBt of costsk not paying which he was com- mfitedtejal' f v?T rjmi Mayor's Ceart. A party for sellii" g liquor without lioene was isfefmei 6q paytne'nt 5f oosta. . , Another party was arrafgbed ob' the obarge bf taking a drink and not paying for it, but the oase was dis missed. fV ,,! ' S .,:., ;,, '.... " CITY CURRf NOV. - ' Wood it piled too near the cpa of the wharves , There is a hole in the wharf foot of Princess street. t . v The nndegrowth of Big Island was bnrned off yesterday. ' Tbey are fliling'up tbe lot between Messrs. Worth AWorUi and Bprunt k Son? on Nutt Street ' I A large private residence is being built at the northeast oornor of Mar- ki t and Seventh atreets. There was a meeting of tbe "Com mittee of Finance" of the Oonnty Commissioners last night. The Howard llalief Fire Entrine Company No. 1 was out on yenterl lay, on parade and engine trial. Rising followed by falling barom eter, Increasing cloudiness followed by light rains. They are repairiosr the aide-walk On Matt Street, and wo would sng gest that .there .are, several broke planis tAhe tAid-Way whior Qeecl attention. We are glad to see that the re cently appointed city lmp lightem are attending to their duties much vtter than the -IJ ones, vbom the .M iyor di Hiliargel. Joe. Hill, the colored Representative from this county in the legislature, made almost a Democratic speech last Thursday, on the colonization scheme advocated by some of the rnntanker ous of kis race) g A j itfeh lID" . The poMoe onjoers were engaged yesteiday in notifying merchants and hn-ksters to remove their bnxe and stands from tbe sidewalk. There is a fine of $10 fi r each day a boi ; i stand; of .any, iod( remain npoh the pavl-ment. ' 1 ! ,i 1 ; ' J' A person in this city being driven to desperation by the hard times and hunger, Trent' W yesterday to find the pauper's burial, ground. He determined to lay down there and die, but when he came to the place where he- thought it was, he could not find, it and came back to the city, saying the fence was down. Mr L H. Biwden, President of al M n m ix n. me aru uaru uemooraun U;ui, was taken siok at the mtetiug of that oo tbe streets ye a diy for a short while, to attend to aome important privat butf nW, hh tu-l fo1 ieturn to his reddei ce whore h i still con fined, i., i-, ) ;,! i j A p'aoird waa received at the marshal' filoi ThurKdaj from flalln, B rjimio ' & Cki.; Brooklyn, N T., a'a'mg (hit 121 lad iea' im ported c'ok had oeen stolen from otoaav are kh u nt ie v-ry nauasome, and made ofjthe very beat goods - handaome reward ' offered (or their 8U11 AtMther. , At half pi at two u'sck this mor biig. the ahrm b II again hounded, aud the fire waa nacertaibed to b on Front between Wooster and Daw son streets.' '' ' j ' Mr. Steve Waloott, policeman, loit two bouws, burned to th ground, The b use ia which Jaae Cowan, ' e dored woman, lived, was also coii sumed by thelS7me. , ,;v'.;, i At the time of putting pur paper to preaa tl.e fire waa at ill raging, and I he fire department experience grist difficulty in getting water. Index to Mew Advertlsenenta. I , 3ilea A- Murnbison B acksmith'a s. i P. Heinsberger Valentines annul mense stock. J. McCormick Whr psy $20. A. D. Oazsnx-O yde's New York i d Wilminv'tnii N. C, semi-weekW atHamahip line -slight ohaugnin ad crtii-emeut. . t ', ; ; J. Mc(Joriurk Spring ramples- !gsi!t hnt-iniss sni'a made loordrr- V D. C z ni B.ltimoie audi Wilmii'gtou, N. C , emship lin I cnat g.-n in anv rn-men . . . . NIH ADTERTISIMINTS. fifflTIES! :d Ji -ALL :;.! THAN.EVEB BEFORE. :; ' ... : r - :-.-4 f -' 7,-r ; -' ; ! -: -r. AN IMMENSE STCCK ft) Ml ' r si liuportcdfcttm JEugland, i FOll TIIK .,Bi)i STORI; .Ii'-'J! .-'.J' '....i-iii !, THE ' '. ! LAMEST ASD BEST ASSORTMENT .iff- -OF- C O TJ3 8 VALKNT1NES, i :. . In the titr. f. rut. FOR SALE AT vl is, HEINSBERGER'S U iH'.'i "I! ill i ! feblOtf- JUSTRECEIVGD QPRlXfl SAMPLES t ; ' ,- ' Made to 0rJer-$2ii to $30 FltGuaranteed. 41 . Mccormick,, let tft-lt i Evane' Blockv' WHY PAY 020 TORA READY-MADE SUIT, WHEN X. yojeauhave oneinmle to order by the Prlude of Tailors for 4.M ; n -- . .'' J. MotSKHMlCK,'- ' M te-ti, 1 i it' vau's Hlmh.., 7IITI;Tayt IRESPECTFCIXY C.U. , atteutlo to my liiomtlvn. aial Mwlianlcal Dt.nUtiy aa.- Mug equal to I In iH-ot, auil all wo, ; raWed. 1 Call St mvOmVe, No. 5':', side Market Btreetj Vlliiil!""n. .. JA .... keA;' ar- ulh SIW ADTERH IMfJTl . CLYDE'S f n e av y o n ic VllMIIIGTOIi;!!, SOil-WEEKIA' STEAMSHIP LIME. V ' THE STEAMER : . .. i ... Pioneer, cipti Wakeley. " Will sail from NEW YORin ' ' 8AIIRDAT, rEBUVARI, JOTD , , ..To be auccut'ded by .' v STEAMKR BEGULATO.R, f . 00 WEDNESDAY, FEBRfjARI ftm, Shipper can rely upon the prompt Sall- tailing from Wilmington Injiday and Wednesday.; r " f For freight engagement apply to ' A A D. CA ZA CX, Agent, ' ... ' Wlliplngtoii, N. C. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., deT.'l Agenta,! Bowllux Crecu or Pier 13 N r. fehU-tf New fort.' "m ' ' ' : ' I - f, B A L T l M ORE - ' . '. ;; ( WILMINGtOM, M - stkamship,une1 TBI 8TEAMER! i t :J Will sail from BALTIMORE ph Yt 8ATIRDIT, lEBRUART lOlk, t ' r :;i '' Tobe succeedci'Dy ' " STE AMER .BALE I O ii! ' Shippers can rely upon the prompt sa&r lur pf flcamers'as advertised, "i - r THROUGH BILLS OF LADINO glven'to and from PHILADELPIIi'a and -prompt dispatch guaranteed.' , '. i- n , For Freight engagements ipplytdi I o a ,f A. . CAZAUX, Agent, M . .. wunnngion, . u..r EDWIN FITZGERALD, Oen. Agt., L' ''L Ti s corner ijw ana Xtgnt streutsviilJ lebft-tf , , t , ( fialtjmj're . 8TATEMRNTOP CONUITIQK OK : BANK OP NEW HAXOVElt, 5tll CLUUIXC BRANCHES.'OS PluU RVABY 1,18TT.I J . ,.pAhn U ' i-t-.w RESOURCES., .t. n''t Laaus anil Discounts, ; ..... ; ;.$58,0i8 .85 Roal Estate,' '; ,: '-' 78.W4 8J5 OUlce Furniture and Safe, , jt 4,:iM Vt Bonds and Stocks, , 11, KU 2H Cheek Books, ' ! ' 1 ' ' ' - '667 08 Cash In other Banks subject n . t , to Check, 151..HS 8t t aah on baud, 68,408 18 109,958 03 j'i'iLIABIUTIES.:'- ! "Ai -ill Capital Stock, ! l: ml Willed fronts, , Bills Payable, Due Depositors. . , ... hi,75,du ',! f.-U!s,54W 1 i ''.sw.nai etf Statement . of Condition f u Bank ' ef . WUmlngtoa, February 1, lent, '.T 'V '- REStURCE8.r;uH,-Ml arr Loans and Dlscounfi7"'"," 1583,878 21 Real Estate,;' 11 ..! 78, TV Oftice Furniture and Safe , ,r ,3,51 , Bonds aud Stocks, ii,ni28 vneca oooas, ,1 .t 'if. on.S7J.49t 'Cash In other Banks subject. , to Check, '" 18.1.117 IB-': l- V-' Caab ou bauu. . j a,iJW7 Tt , l,4,4f PWjBSMW LIABILIHES. Capital Stock ' Uudtvtdcd Proflti,: Bills Payable, Due Branches, ' . iif! m fin di , 8.1,001) 00 ' - " 64,M?f'4!t 4Uy43i 1777,495 S74 Due Depositors. i-';: i, d. Wallace, ' t4L'-rl!ofi:tho Bank of New llmoier, An solenuilV swt' Unit the above ntui input 1;. true Ui lli;'b. of my knol -d -e I hlWf. ' . ' " M i h S. D. WALLACE; .ashiet;ti Sulcribvd and wuru to hefom me Ahlr 8U1 day of tebruaty,' Viiu , . ei J feb A t. BA CIA, Notary PuUUw Etergreeu rii 'tiWf f MAGNOLIA Q RA PfDtFlj5l?.A( ' And Arbor Vltw. U xi too'fUtl'! . For sale by F. A. .SEWDUKV,' ..; zokK.irix'j a.iitDKtfx, : l fib t I w. " -MHimtii, A. C. 14 IV ii a 1 ! ,V 1 1 i- ' , 1 F 1 t I 'u the presence of witness. . . i i' tho gein ' o( ' the evening. The ac duty.- k .. ' ' recovery. ,