It : Si: r i 1 1 i 1 I I A I 1 t 4 1 Si i 11 I ! i t 1 v v i . ... I -U) ESTABLISHED, 1851. I' WILMINGtoN -rC.,-TUESDAY MOftlNG, FEBRUARY 13, 1877 1 price ; $6 00, : II ! THE TELECMLIS. LOIJISIANA BEACHED! Vote of that Stat8 claim- : ed by Cooper and Cary, .; Jcha Smith tha Electors referred to the Com- mkdcn, FA.YORABLE PROGRESS IN NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN TURKET ANIX SEEVTA AND MONTENEGRO. v Hoon Reports. - -WAsarxsTOJ. iT7abhisotqh, Feb. 11 Hocsf, Alter "various propositions (Speaker Randall ruled that there was nothing In we electoral lav tnat authorised a recommittal ol the) qaeation back to tbe eonimieaioo. in response 01 me ootise must be aye or nay. "' ' . vJ ,r A two boor's , discussion com ineoeed t IMS v"n ' 80'olock. ' '. W " 'l 'iAtJl '.terjjlbied to separate the ... . Til: : ... t.jw bouts' will be allowed, outside of a ' prologue and epilogoue. , ; j -Louisiana will not be reaobed to i; Commission not in session. 7 12 o'clock nearly all the Bens tore were present, bat no bounces whatever j was transacted and the j&ebate having affirmed the decision of the electoral commission in tl Florida esse on Saturday, awaited notifloation from the House of Re preventatives ' that that body ' was ready to reemae the joint session to continue eoantiog. 1 A preeedent Wy ' be eetsblished to-morrow wniofr wul Tirtnslly de cide the great question. ". Separate action will be bad in the else of Chiffee, the alleged ineligible elector of IUinofs, Should it be clearly shown that Chaffee is within the inhibition of the constitution and Edmands and Frelingbnsen vote to oonnt bim the ease may be regarded ia desperate'. ' ' It is stated that Bradley oonsiders it a great Wrong that s legal techni cality should deprive the people of Oregon of their, rote. It is retorted ihst it is none of his bnsiness. Mat Carpenter claims to have the JUaisiana case dished op In a way ihsteriH defy tbeeommisaion'sdegln tiiiootv It will be too nasty. : He tDrsto wsger the coating of his owaatomaob 00 the gag.' - t : Lokdok, Feb. 11 The Observer ipuUisles a special from Pern saying It is reported that it is probable that Sir Edward Thornton, the new British (Minister to the United States, will be appointed English Ambassador to the Porte. The report creates a favorable impression. ' The Observer1! fiuancial article sajra: "Application has been made for a mandamu to compel the ' United States Cable Company's board of di rectors to recognize the votes which the chairman of the late meeting pf shareholders decided invalid and de clare the resolutions of Mr. Pender, Who represents the amalgamationists, adopted." " ' - i It U believed that a decision will be obtained within a fortnight ' - A dispatch to the Time from Vien na says: "It is stated here that the Powers will probably not answer the Eussian circular at aU. If a conditional answer, ;wcre. given the five Powers would , tacitly . acknowledge Russia's claim for herself of freedom' to with draw from common action whenever she pleased. While separate answers ould destroy the effect 00 the Czar's ft solutions (which an enunciation of ill the Powers might have) the circu !ar itself did not ask or require tn mswer. It simply instructed the Bus iian rcprCiHrntattves to ascertain the flows tf V a Celinets to which they .ra cr- 1 enoagh' Bus 'a dws not seem very aniious "to '.now tie views of the Cabinets for the Russian representatives have not yet taken any steps towards ascertaining them. 1 .. " Correspondents report favorable progress in negotiations between Tur key and Serria and Montenegro. , Midhat Pasha has arrrived at Brin disL He attributes his banishment to Russian intrigae. It is anderstood that the changes in the Roumania ministry are favorable to Russia. ' ' ' night Reporto. - WASEWfltOS-j ; , T Washihotoh, Feb. 11. The Dem ents at the last moment concluded not to make any objection to Illinois. , Louisana was reached, objections made and the Houses separated. , The commission meets at 10 o'clock to-morrow to hear arguments. Sknavb. President Ferry decided that ne legislative business was in order, pending the decision of the elec toral commission. , ,,, .. At 12:30 o'clock the Senate repaired to the House, and returned at 4:30 and resumed legislative business, The resolution offered for an attach ment against ' Conrad C. Johnson, cashier, was laid over under objection; The executive session then adjourned. The Secretary of the Treasury has called in $10,000,000 5-20 bonds of act March 3, 1865, dated November 165. Interest thereon ceases May 12, 1877. A dispatch to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue from agent Cham berlain, dated CartereviUe, Ga,', re ports a raid in the northern portion of that State, in which thirty-three stills were destroyed and eighty-four arrests made. Lieutenant Mclntyre, of the the second infantry, was killed in the Fog mountains , by thirty illicit diitif lers who attacked the government force under cover of the night. , After s spirited and earnest debate this morning upon the decision of the electoral, commission with respect to the vote of Florida, the House decided by a strict party vote that the finding of the commission was not correct, and that (the Tilden electors had been elected in that State. ' ' The Clerk of the House was directed to inform the Senate of the action of the House, and that it was ready to re cieve that body for the purpose of pro ceeding with tba count.; y- y 1 The Senate having appeared , Vice Presiden Ferry caused tbo Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House to declare what action the re spective Houses had taken in regard to the decision of the commission. C. This having been dono the President of the Senate declared that both nouses not having concurred in setting SBide the decision of the commission the vote of Florida would be counted for Hayes and Wheeler. ! "' J " The votes of Georgia, Illinois, Indi ana, Iowa, Kansas and Kentucky were also counted for the respective candi dates. - mJi, U- When Louisiana was reached the President of the Senate handed to the tellers three certificates, two of which Were' in favor of the Hayes elector8 and one, signed by McEoery, as Gov ernor, in favor of the Tilden electors, There was also a certificate, which the Vice President said he hod recieved by mail, purporting to cast eight votes of Louisiana for Cooper and Cary. The reading of this certificate created much amusement, the elector all being named - John Smith distinguished from each other by the numbers I, 2, 8, 4, 6, and 6, and letter A, letter B, and Let Her Rip the Vice President asked and obt ained unanimous consent to suppress this certificate, which was manifestly bogus and a burlesqe. Ob jections being model to the other three certificates, the objection's were ; refer red to the commission, , , ,,, , ,, vt The Senate withdrew end the House took a recess until 1Q o'clock to-morrow. v ' Mr. Carr, from " Kerr's old district, in the course of a speech said: "Florida should have; been counted for Tilden and Hendricks. But, sir, at the samo time, I hold that the " Democratic ma jority of this House has nognoral right to complain that this commission has rendered s partisan decision in re porting the four electoral votes of Florida for Hayes and Wheeler. While I assert that this decision i is contrary to the facts and contrary to the will of a large majority of the people of the United States, yet I as boldly assert that the wrong is chargeable toa cause farthor back than the commisaioo-the wrong rests upon the . shoulders ; of those who established this partisan tri bunal. When the Democratic majori ty of this House adopted this law with the full knowledge tbaj majority of the cdnSinission woeld oip lEtpublicau, governed byRepublican instlscts, con: trolle3 j 'Rojf iioan i4 tereUs, warped by Republican bjses and moved by Kepublican motives, they deliberately abandoned evert laim which the Dem ocrstic masses assorted W a control lof our nktisual aChis. The comjiii erstuUsoM Jiomore aor lets tbis what could or should have been ex expected or required of them. You erected a political tribunal, invested O with political - authorities, ; (uid gave them poetical questions ,tp determios which they have settled from a polit ical standpoint."" Being Republicans the believed that the Republican can didate fori the j Presidency j was and eught to b elected.' In making 'their declaration they' have been true ind faithful to their political sentiments.eo! ucation and associations. ,No , legal wrong can attach to them' for this;' but when yon, as- Democrats, .deliberately put such .power overT such, questions in the handn'of rs' '-tfibunalJ-s oisti tuted, you oommitted a bold and dar ing wrong to your pretended political constituents, and, assured by yur P" litical, associates, whose political senti ments' and, rights you betrayed and abandoned to yonr political adversaries. I arise to remind the' Democratic ma jority , (ha V iionpioi. 'depeuc, jouf votes on this measure : narei estopped you from indulging in even one word of criticism agayist the decision of, that tribunal." He tsnclued: "! denounce the majority of this House as being re sponsible for the wrong and recreant ignorantly or corruptly recreant to the confidence which has been imposed in them and faithless to the trusts eon fidedin ihem;; ' ' " ''"" a The election commission was called to order si 4 o'clock' ini received the certificates andt accompanying papers in the Louisiana case. Messrs Field, Campbell, Trumbull, Carpenter, Mer rick, Hoardley and Green are counsel for the Democrats, and Evarts, Mat-, thews, Shellabarger and Hon. S tough ton for the Republicans. ''; , Senator McDonald and Representa tive Jenkins will appear as objectors on thef part of the Democrats and Sen ator Howe, and Representative Shella barger on the pari of the Republicans. i The commission adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow.'"' '.f. ,-. '''v : The objections to the - Hayes elec tors assert foulness on the part of the returning board. Two of the electors were Federal officers," and the certifying Governor a creature of compromise and barely Hefacto, not by any con struction dtjune, nd that half the electors wer . State j pffice$ whom the Constitution of , Louisiana forbids ex ercising fonctionB like those of Presi deutial Electors. J,,' V,' ' , . ", , ili tf i' .i 1 T ., UJMUtttU. 1 i Acousta, Feb. 12.-sturday night n. J. Razicr, a merchant Jtbf Sparta, was waylaid while going home' from his store, ! struck with' 4 slufig-sho and robbed of $100 and a watch.. He has since died '!'.' 'l yf'l'.iXi1. ' Bibwinohan Feb. 12. The Poit aa serts that the liberal leaders, after con sultation, have determined to submit the matter declaring that it is the duty of England in concert with the Euro pean powers or, ( failing in this, with Russia alone, to .enforce upon Turkey the adoption of the necessary provi sions for the seenrity of Christians in the disturbed provinces. ..' -'-: -i , 1 it i 1 -r 1 , --r-- 1 t) GENERAt NEWS 8U1MNAUY; : t'arlyie'uses the word "indlopensa- blest.,f: v71Lj;v.v: One sc ntenoe is t Byarts' srgnment on the Florida vote contained 861 words,' K it'H j ytin .t.i J 1 1 ' ' Herbert Bpenoer fs so ill that be may not bs able to finish hie eyjtem Offphiloeopby."' -(' rnr.u f Little Wheat,' the Sioiiix! obief. hae reappeared. He' bos 'but ''been threshed yet. " "V'-"'-1 :. , .. 1 , .it,- j-r -, ,1 T ,, , .... Notwithstanding the terrible losses which the Gloucester flabormen sun tainnd during the month of Decern br and January last, the owners of fishing vessels are fitting out a large number, and starting them Off with great faith, in the hope of making np past losses. The vigor and enter prise exhibited by thumeu who take bold of this business sr certainly interesting sod commendable. . ; ' ; ', ;,, ; t - , The ravival mrttingo of the First Baptist fchoroh iu Raleigh, ooutinne with much iuterest. i '' t Dr. Manning;1 kto of the WiMoo Newt, cotitamplatfs joining Uie BU timot press. 1 -i v"1 . f-.nni A five year oll soM'6f fjapt. Lccke of the Steamer Veitn, ou the. Roan oke tivet,i foil overboard and was drowned. - ".' lEGISUTTRi OF NORTH CAROLINA. From tht OUerwtr. i . SENATE.. , , . ... Batcbpat, Feb. 10. Upon motion of Latham, the bill in regard to rtqnirrt g all persons to produe their tax reeipta before vo ting, Wbs rmitisiderf i and made the epeeial ordes f Thursday next. doore of New Hanover, col., arose to s question of perMOual privilege, ststing that on yesterday, be Was iu the Honae , of Representatives, in conversation with a member when a polioeuan arrested bim and took bim down in the oity and left him, with out informing bim for what be was Treated. ' V Bfnsett offirid a resojntlos Wn niry isifttivs,lheroto, 'thih was adopted. Xno Charrsppoinlod MOiSrs. Ben net Folk ndjoy. as members of the committee. Bill to iuoorperate the Orpbau Asy lum of Western North Carolina, was ykea Sip and sed iU several fad ings. Bill to- provide for repairing the quarantine hospital at timithvillejs was taken np and passed its several reaamgs. irbEfr RPj'RElkf TAf ives Moritig srose to a question of per sonal privilege. Clarke of , Craven also arose to a qntiou of personal privilege. Bill to be eutitled so aet to provide tor the speedy completion of the Western North; CvHn Railroad, and to amend an act et titled an act it relation to the Western 'North Carolina ltiilroad, ratified the 13th of Marob, A. D. 1875, was taken np as the special order Tor 11 o'olock a. in., with the following repot t from the committee on internal improve ments. The committee JxmT internal ira- Sroyemeots, to whom was referred enate bill No. 67, to provide for the peody completion' of the Western North Carolina Railroad, have care fully examined the same, and recom mend its adoption with the following amendments. ;; '7 rj !,r , Bectiohabe amended by striking ont. iu line 28, all after the word "sot" down to and including the word "eer vices" and insert the fol lowing: "And no Director, other than the President, shall receive for his services any compensation except ten cents per mile tor the diatanoe travelled from and to bis home by the most direct usual route of travel to place of meeting of the Board of Directors." : " Section 10, in line 8, after the word "provided for," und,"Exoept Directors elected by the privste stockholders." , ,) The report submitted from the judiciary, committee reoommeuds a number of amendments the effect of which will witbdrsw one-fourth of the capital stock donated to private stockholders:' t: .s . A minority 'report from the judi ciary committee s guod by Messrs. Todd, of . Ashe, Kiug, Vaughn and Johnston, of Washington, submitting their reason for dissenting from the majority. " nrrfr n " ; The question tAourrsd upon the amendments offered by the judicary committee to section 2, which ope rate to reform, this bH to oarry out the idea-of the exclusion of the pri vate stockholders. f-Rowland offered an amendment that the. Governor shall appoint a director of this road fromjach of tie Congressional Districts and and on for tbe State tUrgq. 1 ( All of the other 'imenJments to the bill were accepted by Mr. Cartel, of Buncombe, and they were adopt ed by the Hotte.K(i i The question then recurred upon the amendment of tbe jndioiary com mittee stqksjout seotioq;2, and it was adopted. , Our readers will nndeis'and that eidusion of the private stockhol ders, and whioh hinged upon the adoption of tba Unit amendment i Tbe question rreenrred j upon its passage on its second reading. j Vaughn moved to strike 00J $70, 000 as the amount of annual appro- Ipriation and insert $10,000. - .. The qneeuon . r-ourred npon the amendment' of; Vaughn, and the Honse refused to adopt it. - v ; ., . , THE STATE GRANGE. ; ! .-i -. i if n ' t' . ' . -j . ; I ,vjiii4 .";!J -it'.' Cff , ''-. uh. . ,!.,,,,. .... Cenctuding Day.;;,,,.' On Friday the business in order being the election Of two members to fill the vacancies, on tbe executive committee. Col. L, L. Polk, of Anson oounty, was elected for the long U-tm; And Col. W. 'H. Cheek,' ol Warren connty, was elected for the short term. ; (,; r' ' , t , The nfiloers elect were then in stalled. ; )M.-.!-t.rr'. , I'-U ' Mr. A. T. Mial, the tate purchas ing ageut, tendered his resignation, whioh, on motion, was acefrtml. , , RnsignNtiou of Coi, T., it i Robin son as Diatriot D.-puty was not ac cepted. ' ,' :. i, ., .'.. . . , . A 'number of rc porta were adopted and resolutions of thanks pasted. Tbe next me -ting will be held in Greensboro, on the first Tuesday in ' " ' ' i1,' 1.1; 1 ' ':m S i. U p -(. ... . . " 'VMy dsrHutf,"Mid h " have $100,000, and I worship yon." And yon hi. ve , 1200.000, my pet, and I dir joo." , That was her re spons. ike printer lsreepeotf nlly requested not to make that re-tpon-tlulieks, LOCAL NEWS. , ; Attempted Arson, i On yesterday morning betweeu four and five o'clock, an effort was made to burn th house and kitchen of Mrj Ephraim Wescott, on Third betweeu Church and Castle streets. Whoever1 it was, put cotton and light wood splint, ers in the top of a tin boiler each an one as is usually used in cookiug and saturated them with kerosene oil, placi ingit under one of the sills of the kitchen, and set them afire. Oil was also poured down the side of the kitchen just above where the sill was located. The dwelling bouse and kitchen are connected by 'a covered way. ' In a room next to,and adjoining the kitchen, the cook slept . The smoke from ' the burning material going up between the! weatherboarding and the plastering,' escaped through a hole in the latter, which had been made by rats, into the cook's room. A stifling sensation served to arouse her, when she gave the alarm. Mr. Wescott rushed down, and by the aid of a man who keeps' his horse and, dray ou the lot. and who (fortunately) had .come thus early for them to carry a load to one of the railroads, succeeded in pntting the fire out There was but little damage done. Mr. Wescott is insured in a company represented by Messrs. Northrop A Cumming. . , ; ,' Prof Hartley's' Lecture.' , , 'Any one who failed to hear Prof. Hartley's i.dramatio and humorous recitations, mnst not fail to go to night. We know it is somewhat out of tbe fashion or somehow so, for our people to go iu crowds to euoh places of literary recreation, but let them bretk in on this spell, and go iu mass to-night, and they , will be pleased beyond their expectations. , , Where so mnoh versatility was exhibited it is bard to say which pieces were most attractive. In onr opinion, nothing was better render ed than the first ploee from M: caulsy's Lays, " Horatins at the Gate." We could see new beauty in this poem as rendered by Mr. Hart, ley, : His elocution was dear and spirited, and his gesticulation apt and expressive. Trowbridge's ' Vagabonds," was rendered in true dramatic tpirit, and was not less appreciated by the'asf dienee. Jndging however by the applause, "Book Fanshaw's Funer al," was either new to many or was the most esteemed of all the tumor ous pieces. It is a great pity that suoh donbtfnl wit should find its way to so large a number of readers sud such large audienoea, but this is no fault of Mr. Hartley, he certainly brought out all there was in the seleotion.' ' ' ' f J;t -'.'n'l' H:s programme for to-night promi ses still more. ? ; , , . . f ' " .', Temperance.".''".."' We learn that the Cape Fear' Ma rine Total Abstinence Society had a most intere-ting meeting last night, some of the visit rs standing on the side-walk notwithstanding the ca pacity of thf Bethil is about 200 conveniently rented. The happiest event of the evening was a dialogue, in which tbe Rev, J. L KieuGapt Bmall and Mr. W. O. Fowler par tioipated They will meet again next Monday night, when the public are invited to be present I ,;8oelaMe.;; . -The ladies - of the Fifth Street M. E Church propose to have sociable on to-morrow night, At the residence pi Mrs. James Fleet, Northeast cor Ler of Front and Orange streets. They will dispense very many good things at reasonable rates, such as icecream', syllabub,' cakes, and in fsot all snob edibles as tend to the "premonitory moistening of , tbe nefher lip." The friends of the church sod the public generally will be cordially welcomed. , V Fight With fire." - On yesterday some- one sot fire to a field . near the county Poor Iloues which came very near consuming the fences. Dr. H. E. Scott, superintend entof the Poor House, mustered his force in order to give the devouring element a tussle, and with difficulty succeeded in arresting its progress. - '. i.:. .ix- 'in .1 11 1 ,' xl.l'i, ', . Mavassa Guane Company, v The above Company has shipped from the 1st January to the. lOtli Februat-y, 6,480 bags gunno. This is a very fair exhibit of five week' work; . e -'Ci ;?b ; Mayer's Court, "j , V? ! .Geo, Hoisson, larceny; continued, William Perry, disorderly condictj fiued $10 and costs or IS days' ou the streets., i..... - -. 1 CITY CURRENCY. . . We regret to b arn of tbe continue illntus of Mr L. H. BowdB."''' " To-morrow is "AsK-Wednesday, thd beginning of the Lenten season. ' ' We atteudid a veryv ititerestina Mrformoce at llr. O. W. JewettJ Ko.hool yesterday tvuing.' The at traction was ths exlnbitiou 6f 1 hhn dred or more beautiful magic lan tern views. ' m ' ., . Index to Hew Advertisements. ' Binford, Crow A Co, Early rose seed, Pink Eye seed, and Jackadtj eating Potatoes. S;T . '.!' '?'! j , Prof. ;,J. W. Hartley Masonid Qall, Tuesday, Feb. 13thj . new. and attractive programme, , j Rov. G 8, Jones-Scbol u's Haud Boos'. ' ;' 't'u ' .' ; Cornet Concert Club ' Card of thanks. n 5 p-i 'vj P. Heinsberger A larger lot of beantiful new style Papeteries, . 3iksA , Murohison Remington Cast Steel Socket ShoveL THI U8URV EA. -!- ! Au Act to Repeal Chapter (84) I Jgli- ty-tbur, Public Laws of 11 1 and 1818, aud to Regulate the State ef Interest,.-..uu-i ft .- fr 'nUv.1 Wbkbkas. The Sniireme Court of North Carolina, ori the , authority of a deoision of the Supreme Court of the United States, has decided that the forfeitures imposed by tbe pres- out nsn y law cannot be enforced against National Banks, therefore. The General Atsembly of North Carolina do enact : Sec. 1. That chapter (84) eighty, four, pnblio laws of 1874 and. 1875, be and the same is hereby repealed and the following substituted in its stead. v -: .':! -" ., , See. 2. That the legal rate of iu trrest shall be six per cent, per .an num for such time as interest may aoorue and no more; Provide, however. That upon epeoial contract iu writing signed by the party to be suarged therewith, or by iris agent. so great a rate as eight , per oeot. may De allowed. . ; bee ' 8. 'That tbe taking, receiv ing, reserving or charging rate of interest greater than is allowed by the preoeding Section, when know iogly done, shall be deemed a for. feiture of the entire interest which the noto or other evidence of debt carries with it, or whioh has been greed to be paid thereon, and : in case a greater ra'e of interest bos been paid, the person by whom it has been paid, or his legal represen tative may recover book in an action in the nature of an notion ot debt twice the amount of interest paid, Provided, snob action shall be com menced io two years from the time tbe usurious transaction occurred. Sec. 4. This sot shall take effect from and after its ratification, . ... n State Kews. . - The cost of the State Capitol, waa abbut $545,000."'. ..m",-:M-k' The Lonisburg Courier has been re rived. Mr. 0o. 8. Boker sells out to Messrs.' Hall & Thomas," who beoomD editors and publishers. i f; There was more orn,' wheat shd pork raised in Warren last year tbas any one year since the war and less guana bought. Ii-ju.i The large residence at -Blooma-bury, Warren cjuuty, owned and 00 copied by Mr. Harrison and fsmily and, bis brotn-in law, Mr. . M, u Prin -e and family, wts totally ' ties troyed by Are lost week."; -? r,uu: i A Wsthicgton dupatohfromOreeDe boro'.ssys; Uistriet Attorm-y Rufk writes Warn', al Douglas that at " k trial of a ditill-r bt foie Cinmft sioner Morris in Henderson cu .ty on tbe 3d iubt, twenty a med anil monuted men attsckrd the Court, fatally .wpnudod '.Hrkins, ...depu(t mamlial. Xiie other officers escan ed.- Tbo dUtitler on trial was fatal ly wounded. ' ::i'-'o;J ' j On the 2d inst a crowd col looted at the house of Elkaoah South, io Washington oounty, intending to hsvH a frolid, Mrs. Bouth objeoted. but ber wishes were about to b sut aside when Smith Tyre, a member of tbe party, took ber pari This brought about still harder Words, and a free fight gtew ont of the. dis cussion. In this fight Abe Stout and John Stout were' both killed, and some others of the participants were injured. An attempt was made also to kill Mrs. Sonth, but she escaped with br life. ; Frank Osborne,1 one of the chief of the riotera, fid nd concealed himself, and a few tdays later an offioer, armed with a.poeees, went), in search, of and found bim. Osborne restated. srrestjand, was shot aud juatsntly Jkilled. Mt 1. y. .-. .; ' fJrProbablv no tw6 hotels in the country have been so much looked up to and talked bf as tiiodels' to be imi tated' end "emulated 'as the Trcmont and Revere H6uses of Boston, and in the lusty winter of their age they still defy the competition' ,'of many of their more pretentious rivals. , Messrs. 1'ha. pin, Uurney &" Co. no manage both nouses, than whom ' none know better how to minister to' the. wants 'of so journers at a hotel.1 Both houses ftre well patronized, and continue to be fa mous an renorts for the most distin guished artists, diplomats, and scions of nobility. XW ABYEBTbtMl.MTS, s.-T MASOHiO HALlX .11 .-in lisdn ur a . . . . . . Hew &Yetr Attractive ftoBttne, r l'; -iKcirkiiioir Jurljf. , Jim, the Ride from Ghent , and Artrnasj Ward Panorama, h a Tlckeu at Hlaesberger'S ani at thetl brary. Admission W cents. .febl3-tt. 'a I 0 Utf VS88kt H'A8 AT LAST arrived. -I t. It -' I ' 3QQ BblaPDiKSIESSMDi IfiH Bis FINE EATINO JACKSON'S. ' AU best KLlM'k ..nil tn (ami ikkllk Call and buy your J stock from rv , BINFOKD,- CKOW &'C0V '' SCHOLAR'S HAWD-BOOL THIS to a Sunday 8choor bookissued by the American Sunday School Union on the th Intam.Hnn.i I Papers, and Is Well adapted, both as to njrm uu rranrement, w meet , ut wan,ts or teachers and scholars In our Sunday Schools - using such lelps: Ordor ifor these and other classes of literature pub- j w, tua uu uitnu uu ftp- plication to rrM Bsv. O. S. JONES, icu la-xt w umington, si. Q. ' hi-.': un.O.i'u. -i jviu kpv $1 ' ,) ,Utifotfi-htxx ;u-t rail fin A lRGE LOT Ol BE ADTirCX NEW vlfrrrt-rt--rH .1' mi Ptii ihu'ir' ' STYLE pAPETEBIES' " 1 ,. m I ..-.-( ..j j.ut,l ,,m Svai-i ' !'' t:'-? ; it'r f-a;.K..f::u! !"ri ,iif-l ':.r i--'-:itipii ",u. vj. IMPERIAL, Cm3E,., -'f!.-..r f'fcfl ..rioii .;f:t 'iiiiJ ..Lkiii.'t I jWaritaiia, ; Cascid , : t, .Saraitoiffa, 5eoar, 0 'Tr . :! jnitmrtj'.ttl .; ".) Ki. f ff(j rj ttrii'tt'ta r:! f'f'i.K .". :K'.t.H.Iff)-.vr QMi'd )., t' l f .''!' fo'fi 't'i.ll '... I ,r,j fv?;i..vtA :ml s.U " " ; SANS-EGAL,' N01BEv a i'. t'; ,' . .'... t ir ivsr A";t 'i jo.luj 4M 'u.Giyj:t y. a r r. Alexandra-fcatlii Ih'H '; ! 1 "!(''.' -nfi" " vr-.ikifrii - , PK1SCE BIGEJT, SIYM QUS, U . ;: ' '' ; rt'jLi ' i.ji.ifjilia' i-i'i ulut W'WIflt.iwX) i ) UOR TENSE, ELLINGTON, Jerome Park and KlnsswooA.'1 t-; ).i4-n.yij,li V ?,: J THE j FINEST ASSORTMENT ' v.,; ;,:: J "' - ,.. ever brought totlus city. .. j FOR SALE AT t r, , ' HEINSBERQER'S . . febrttf 'I j." t . ! ; ! Card of Thanl:s.;i THE 'CORNET J CONtWuT V:U U hweby tui(tcr ' their rtueere tliunk to the ladies and tyutleuien for tha iu. able sttttuiicc nmliMoJ them In Hut tutu CoBcurt ptvuu fur tha mutual bciii llt of Prof. VauLaer aud the Club, feb M-lt iUllilUliU

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