The Vxiht Jui-K3EAL iuMiheU ere MoudaV l Dolla year ; Tiibei Dollar for six month ; FifTT rixTper month for shorter pcnou. Served by carriers tn the city at Firrr Cists per month. ThbWkkklt Joiknal (Friday) On t... , a kvn k ffll.r. Lsy .i. l. . -- - - Ktm fiMr souare of Uli solid line of advertising type,) Or Squr,onehioertIoB,ux wi-i-An, Insertions, Ox VqUS s ALr; three Insertions, Two Dollabs; four in- ertiona, Two Dollars asd a half; nve insertions, THSr Doixabs ;kx insertions, Tu rm TV.T.1.1MS AMD A HALF . 00e month. IiomT Dollars ; two months, Twilvi Dolla as; three month, Sixteen DOL LAR. CICERO W.. HARRIS. I Wlt KINGTON. V. C, . y . .tU-, . TTISD1T KOimO, FSB. 13, 2877. c THIv COMMISSION POWEBS. Now that the Electoral Commia- aioa haa,' by a njajoritj , exactly in a accordance with the' party predi Iectiona of ita member "rendered decision in. the Florida casein favor of Hajea when it ia well known that the popular majority waa caBt for ,' Tildon-and ; the re-; canvass of 1 tha Electoral itote' it elLwaiJeidedii i-his favor, it may be well to consider the pow ers and duties with which the CJommissidn was invested by Con- i, t i jgW.,,. ,y- ,,,,-' The act creating the Comrats . sion, besides making it the duty of iOpttniiott'.lto 'jonrnder" all the "certificaiea, votes and papers objected to and all papers accom , panying, togethor with the objec- tiona," empowers the commission "to tak$ into view iBUph petitions, depositions, fltad other papers, if any, aa shall, by tne constitution " and 'iexisting law, be oompetent and pertinent u such cbntadera . ConL The object of giving inch ktihia; l0:O6nuiLiaiD4 n the admiiswl lof jes&noiv ii tplainu It was to give to the Commission all the means and facilities for art riving at the facts of the case and rendering a jnst judgment therein which the two houses themselves poBsessed., .i The . Commission stands in the place of the two houses, as their appointed dele gate and instrument Both housea 1 a i mi Deginnmg' oi uit hchbioii, before the Electoral Commission was thought of, took steps to pre pare themBehes 1 for the duty of counting the votes by sending committees to the disputed States to inquire into all the facts and circumstances donn'ected with the Presidential election. Both houses sent such committees to Florida, nd IhoBtf' committees 1 reported, and the testimony taken by them under oath was before the houses on tUrf day(FeDruary 1) appoint for counting the votes. There were in each case majority and minority reports, and the views of both parties were accordingly rep resented. All this testimony the houses would have considered had they proceeded to count the votes of Florida and to determine which was the true certificate to be counted. By Ua Order, limiting the evidence the majority of the Electoral Commission deliberately excluded from consideration all t the testimony taken by those com mittees. They voted only to con sider such evidence as came through the President of the Sen ate and was submitted by him to the joint convention 4with the cey- fAOtnmittee, with ' the testimony taken by it, was submitted to the Commission with the "objection" filed to counting the votes' of the Hayes electors. But it did not ocme naturally enough, th the certificates," through the Presj dent of the Senate, and so is shut -lout Yet can one 'question 'its 'competency and pertinency" to the aubjoct der" consideration 1 Another paper both "competent and pertinent" td ' the : considera tion of the question whether the Hayes electors were appointed is the record of the judgment of the Circuit Court of Florida in the quo warranto proceeding against fj those yory electors, expressly jde ' ciding that they were not appoint ed. Yet that "paper" is also phut or.t byJha-rder. adopted by the Ec publican' majority of the Com mission regulating the admission of teatimony. Can any one Ifail to perceive why it was shut out? It will be seen that the Coia- mi.ssion in cfTcrt hold that they had nothing to do with evidence outsiJo of the certificate of the Governor of Florida (S teams, founded upon the determination of the canvassing board in other words, they determined that they could consider nothing done eith er by the Legislature or the courts of the State after the day the Re publican electors cast their votes thus indicating that all the work ot Congress, through its commit tees, and of the authorities of Florida, for righting a wrong was "love's labor lost" worse, indeed, than idle. - ; , . WHAT SEXT! The next States in order after Florida , are Georgia with its eleven .votes for Tilden, Illinois with its twenty-one for Hayes, Indianawith itafifteen for Tilden, Iowa and Kansas with sixteen for Hayes, and Kentucky with twelve for Tilden. These will all be counted " without opposition, ex cept in the event of objections on account of the alleged ineligible elector in Illinois. f 11 this objec tion ia made the Houses will have to separate and vote upon the ob jection. The Senate will refuse to sustain ttrradheDntire-vote of Illinois will be counted. Then comes in regular order Louisiana with its two sets of re turns. This case will be referred to the Commission, with! all the papers which .accompiuiy the two certificates. In consequence 3 of the magnitude of this case the be lief ia that the Commission will be occupied on it a week if not longerv ,'. '- ; -: ; .The Democrats tltink they have some very strong points here, and except that it will be difficult for the Commission to overrule the arguments of Tnimbull and Car penter. t Much stress is laid upon the', self-confessed 'ineligibility of Levisse, one of the Hayes electors. It is said that the opinions of both Judge Bradley and Strong in the Florida case are such as to induce the hope that they will be found in favor of . throwing out the ineligible electors in Louisi ana, if not the entire vote from that State. : : ,- ' : i It is ' certain ' that; the Demo cratic counsel will, make a most determined and desperate fight over Louisiana, contesting inch by inch every point, technical and otherwise, involved in that casa If they Ipse : Louisiana then the forlorn hope will be Oregon.' But if . Justice Bradley's ' private re mark, quoted in Sunday's tele graphic reports from Washington, was ever uttered there ia little hope of obtaining the Oregon vote for Tilden. Louisiana , is . our strong ground, and the. best that can be hoped for is thai the vote of that State will be thrown out and the election carried to the House. The adoption of that course will mean Tilden and Wheeler. . ..... ! BELKNAP ACQUITTEI t ' The dismissal by nol. pros, in the District Court of the indict, ment against ex-Secretary of War JJelknap calls up some unpleasant memories. The . euilt-tmctured administration of Grant ia no where seen in a worse light than in this matter of Belknap. ,v A high member of the Cabinetthe President'a own official fiunUy-is tmuwu 10 uo uouuocpea witn tne sale of poat tradershipa. He puts money ' in ' his ' own purse drawn from a corrupt use of his authori ty as an officer of the t Federal government, and he escapes by a technicality. hru. ,Whai ft ' Washington "Star" mildly says on this subject, as fol lows, will be generally concurred in: , , '' . ... "The considerations whkh moved the President to direct a nolle prosequi in the case Of the United States vs. ex 8oc rotary Bolknap, doubtless seemed sufficient lo him from a personal point of view. They will,1 however, hardly be recorded a satisfactory by the pnb lie. The case war s -pecohar one, in nearly crery aspect, and, under the cir comiiUiices attending it, it ig to be re- f retted that it could not have gone to rial beforp a jury. A general impres sion prevails that, the accused would have been convicted in that event, the belief of the District Attorney to tho contrary; notwithstanding; but on the other hand had the opinion of that officer been Justified by verdict of "not guilty" in open court, th ex-Secretary would then have ; stood , fairly vindicated before the country, at least in a legal point of view. , This oppor. tunity is now denied bim. As the case stands, therefore, neither ho nor, the i'rt sident can I asd to per avcry enviable attitude tK'fir tne coua ry, Tho latter will be rcsrunl i a having lerforcied an act of somewhat doubtful iiiviirk'tr. while the formor is doomed to rrst oimUt a cloud for the temaiuder of his life." , ' THE PIU-M US Till: MiOKIDA DECIMOX. - We tiresent the views in brief this morning of some of the lead ing Northern newspapers en the decision of the Electoral Commis sion in the Florida case- -The New York "World" says y Whatever the result may be of the decision in the Florida case, the public will hardly adopt the conclusion that Commission expressly vested under the law creating it with all the powers possessed by the two nouses acting sep arately or together, is incapacitated trora considering the facts ana testimo ny taken by the convention of the two houses, or that it is shut off from the methods of inquiry practised on all for mer occasions when any inquiry was ne cessary, to suca a degree that it can avail itself of no information except snch as may be filtered throngh 'the r resident or the senate, i ftucu a con clusion would have no , warrant iu the CooBtitutiou, and the laws, or the prac tice of the government." , " 1 , : The New York "Herald-says: "This recognition of'the inviolabili ty of the State record Will evidently cut both ways, as the RepubBcan elect or in Oregon, who, it is alleged, u dis qualified, cannot even get his case be fore the Commission for want of the Governor's certificate, and the appo nt- cd clcctorJCrortih) cannot, because he possesses inai .ccruncaie, i ignurcu. According to this ruling the excluded electors ca;inot have an opportunity of showing that he ia not disqualified.", ,' The New York "Tribune says : "The decision is a giva.t victory for the friends of Hayes, masked, however, in such a way that the Deniccr; feign to regard it as not quite a crusiung defeat of Tilden, On :the, main ques tion, so far as the Commission decided at all. it hits adopted the principle put tortn in the miuress or kvutis.' aii at tempts to impeach the vote oTLousiatia now are useless. . T tie last, ctiance oi Tilden is in Oregon, but there is no reason to suppose the Commission will take any other vinw than has been taken bjr all people of iuipartiality and conunou sense." , , . j ,,,. , , The New York ;("Tuue8,"; while expressing gratification at the de cision of the tribunal , pointa-.ont the fact that the first .legal ques tion harf been decided by a strict party vote, " and this act 'will be generally accepted as a partisan act. . ' '. .' ,.: V ,' ,v '..' '. .T .The New York "Sun.1 announces the result of the action of the Com mission editorially, but expresses no opinion as to its justice.'. -u. The ' Philadelphia '"Evening "Telegraph," a Republican paper, expresses dissatisfaction with the action of the Commission, It $ayt: .."This decision closes thedoor against aiiy inquiry, and tho certificates of liouisiana which were made by the no- torious Wells, and; which L we re put op forsalo iu two markets before they were made, must stand along with the untainted and unquestioned certiticates of Ohio, Massachusetts nud Pennsyl vania. Not, however, by the unani mous vote of the Commission, pot by a majority of it made up of Kepublicans and Democrats, but by a majority of one composed exclusively of Kepubli. cans, ana disputed by h bare minority composed exclusively of Demwrata, Jf any think that this decision, so accom liHhed, i in reality a victory for Mr, Iayes or for the llepublicttti :party, a mistake is made. Mr. HayeS' Victory and the victory of the Republican par ty would have been a 'decision declar ing that he and it feared no Inquiry into the fairness of ' his election, that he and it courted the fullest investiga tion, for all that either wanted or would have were truth arid ' justice at the hands of the commission;1 Yesterday 's decision was a defeat, as the future will show. .' ' ' .' -; ni " 1 Free of charge ' Yonr ' drngg st will remnfl your money, if Dr. Unit's Congti Byrup does not give yon ,aat ipfBOtion and core vonr ooni?h. MISCELIASKOI'S'. -i SEED POTATOES. . i-'iL. i I 700 . i l:,i""i7i":;v;i":rrrt I BARRELS, . , B, ' . EARLY llE, FIMi EIP '.WD JACKSON WHITE r . ti t .".r....:.vT.r,;rr.!V M. 6 Very Best .; Eastern ., Seed $lock i Vn vessel afloat, which we expect by , ', the 10th of February. ' ' " Forsalcby '" f,'Ll ci..ii'.miif .5. i . BINFORD,C,ROW;&CO,; ' IT WfEFfAT ' " ' Parties to wait lor these potiloei, as the stock U so pure anl good. . Jan 80-tf t h 11P.HTTRTPVI . vM''aAwaAa t T RESPECTFULLY CALL' ITFULLT CALL'-::- I attention and Mechanical bolnir equal to tho best, and all work wan- ranted. Call at mjt INo. 33K South side Market tjlrect, Wilmington. ; , . jas. e. kea; Jaa27Ini ' Burgeon Dentlrt. ALWAYS ON HAND AT TATE9' BOOlC STOREfA COM plete Stock of .) . fi'l BLANK, MEMORANDA; TIME AND fJUOCElta,JJOOIM..-j Also 8chool Bookt and a general School Supply. TRY ME, ' " ' " i Feb. 4-tf - th.vjrf WHY PAY 020 TJIOR A RKADT-MADE SUIT; W1IEN . you ran liave one made to order by' the f'rlnce of Tailors for iM J.' MrCOItMlCKl-' ' fbl0-2t . Evan'ilUovk..' siscELimcrs. JUST OCSriliC! 20 Kepi Dt U HERUStiV 0 BoxeaVricd SALMON. - 500 Je N. C. HAMS. 5.000 Lbs Dried APPLES. , Also new supply of l i I ; ! . .! tl i Best Strained Honey! CITRON. ; ;v I CURRENTS, ' ' ' PRUNES, ' , ' " ' PICBXES, ' ; : i ; CANNED GOODS ir . -.. of all ktoOs. The largest assortment of Hoe .... i. i.i ( j SF.RAR8. .,'!.! -tobacco; 5i,-Mi a,j SNurr.' -. ? " and PIPES .:'! . II ti. -AT- s '..a GEORGE L. SCHUTT'S -a Live Flower Store. H. E. car. 9tarketan 9ccaMi'. ft-- i .. - . . i . feb Itf , () th !.- : ,-,! ...j ;;.'t IjJXTR AORDIN AR Y. TXDUCEMENNT3 X !i -" !" ' 't. '.I ARB .NOW OF- ? ) -4. ' FERED IN GLOTUING! .. : . ... -iJ-"?i i: ...-.a ; I ,'. . . y a.! v.;. As the season Is far adtanced lam de terinlneA to close ont all wy ' ' : . ' STOCK OF 0 VERCOATS X At a Very Buall JMargtu on the Coat. .: .1 J !' f itKti :i1 My stock of Clothing embraces all the . ..-JlSCil. LATEST STYLES 4,1 'i and I am determined to ' make it to the bi tereet of all to buy of me. , -i: -, r - j " rMrehasmwfflllndgreatUrgainaihBotii t.i(rtivil-il;w i;ni,!;j. im -u; lut'iiu ; CLOTHING 1D JWK GOODX ; Our ALL MADE SHIRTS that I sell at 9) e'enta are still all the go These shirt are really worth SO. Furchaaen will do Well to eximtpl before purchasing else where.5 tf kir.M ;A.:SHRIER,;1--" Jau20 -tf 30 Market street. ! V. WKIIjIl. 1 1 I ti . . AGENT. " ' '.1 1 ..i ;tt. , . !VJ t ' At hia Old Btand; 1 No.' 17 Market Street, WllmingtOtt'N. C, deals U 1 ' DRY GOODS CL0THIKG, in BOOTS AND SHOES. .i 0 SATISFACTION fc GtiABANTEED 1 1 v I i 1 .. AS TO j GOODS AH D PRICE. (ti i-A. in. 1 VO jf.' i. '..-.!..! 5l , ?.) ilO ;U 'i ") fnl,, ,s'f. -I 11. H'litlilj I 'Tethe working" eUssJ We arel'no pretKtredto furnlslt all claaaw with con stant emptuynent at horoe the whole of we umer lpr,mcir gpare momenu. B slnes new, light and profitable. Persona of either sex easily earn ftoaV sflO cente to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devotlnir their whole time to the huoincML Boys and 'gtrls artr-nKrlf1 as much as men. that all who see th to notice .may aena their aditrvwi, and teat th business we make thfs Unparalleled offerr To swn as are not satlstled we will nd ffnel dollar topayfnr Oh trouble o wriUtimPall partioularB, samples worth several dollars to comastm-arwork on, and a copy, of Home and Flrestdo, one of the, largest and best Illustrated Publications, alt sent free by mail. Reader, If you want permanent, profitable Work, ' address, OroHOB Stin son & Co., Portland, Maine, jan SO tl Cah't be made bjf every agent J iJ y every month -In tha hiisineas we furutah.Tmt those willing ttfwork'can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right In f thatr own' localities.1 iive no room to expiata here.' Buslaoss pleasant and hon orable. Woman, and boys and glria do aa well as men. We wll ii ru uruish von. a complete Outfit free. ' The business pays better than anj-thtng else, . ' we win war expense of start I hit you. Particulars free. WrtUi and soe. .Farmers and mechanics, their sons and daughters, and' all classes tn need of paying work at hrmid, ahould Write to tts and larn all about the wftrk at onee. ' Now Is the time. Don't 'dolay. Additxs TRUE A CO., Augusta, Ualne. j Jan.SOtf !.,.. v y. ijjtlJ vaa J ;o I IT " IS. ' j PS ferA c r - Jaui -0 t'llfJifioTCI. . feb 8-ly Hall & Mi, i ;;-r. .-ivj.i! l.'.r .'.-. .! , , - OrFEB LOW - t 1 'i.i i. , . .. ; , , Bulk Sides ' Shoulders, '" FORE- Mass axd psmt, - less Beef, leaf Lard,Ssar, Coffee. pauo .ajaMurwaiT aaaat iw-uau uy ' 1 r.OFl-V , VI iVVtfP' eb. 4 " "; Market Street.' kEYSME PEIXffiG MrCOMS MANUFACTURERS OF . (B00k AND 1TEW8 BLACK A 8PECI . ALTY;, 17 Korth 6th SUwt, Phlla . , delphia, Pennsylvania. . ( ( ' Out Inks am of superior quality, being made from the beat ingredients and under thepersoiial supervision of a PRACTICAL PRINTER "ANI ' PRE88MAN, therefore We Will OUABAJT88 KVKKV; H)(INI Of INK bold to be of a8UPERIOR JET BLACK. QUICK DRYINO-, AND ENTIRELY FREE ota PHICIS AXK lowui thah Ar othib , , . .... .... i i r tf i I :lr trri a a tin n n e j ; v, IN. THB UNITEP 8TATE8, , , A trial of a sample keg will convince any printer that hd has been pavtne more than he should for .Ma Inka, Put up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. , " ' ' Aadreas ! ' """ ' ' ' a KEYSTOtill PRINTING INK CO., . ! f 17 North 6th 8t, PbUaddphia, Pa :, dec 80-tf "..,'.. rti i,.,;. , ,,..ii..;... : THE SUN. T 1ST?. I.' I'M .. ...... I The different editions of Tub Sun dur ing the nelt year will be the same as dur ing the year ta aaa Just paseod. the daily edition will op week days be a sheet of four pages, and 'on Sundays a sheet of eight paV, "Or -"" - broad columns ; while the weekly edition wiU be a sheet of ekrht I pages of the same dimensions and charac kter that arealreadylkmiliartooorfrleads. , .Tub 8vs cf)iitlnn to b the streini ous advocate of lefbrm and retrenchment, Knit of the substitution of stateahianstiip, wtsdbm, and integrity r hollow prtU'iire, lmbecJIity, and fraud in theailministratiou oftmblic aflaira;' K will! contend fi the Bovornineufc ofi the jioople hy the .pple and for the people, as opposed to govern ment by frauds tu the ballot-box am! In the the counting. of votes, enforced by nittttary violence.' It, will endeavor to supply its readers a- body ridw not' far from a mil lion of souls-4-wlth the most daroful, com plete and trustwrorthy aesounte of current events, arid WiH 'eniploy for' this purpose a numerous iM earelUly selected start' of reporters and coi.espoudcnts. , Its reports from Washington; especiaily. will be full, accurate arid feirleas; and ti. will, doubt less. cojitlmie. ,fo d&icrvB and. enjoy the hatred pf those who thrive by plundering theTrmisary rtf fcytisri(rWhBt the law doasjifpt rive thM,;wbil,'it will endeavqr to merit the confidence of the public by defending the right of tlw people' against the encroachmentaof an unjustilicd power. The price of the daily 8t s will be &5 cents a month '4"v0 a-'year, or with the 8unday.dlUn7.Tfl(ayeaT. , , , The Sundat edition alone, eight pages, tl 20 a Vear;! postpaid. 11 " - 1 iiiTh!WjnLjf .BuN.'elghtHpages of M broad oolumoe, will be furnished during Writ the rate df 11 a Jrear; postpaid.- i .iThi henefi oi thlal Lane rcdUKtiba front the previous rate for Tub Webkut can be enjoyed by Individual subscribers 'without the necessity of making up clubs. At the same time, if any of ,oui friends choose to aid In extening'fMr'elrihlatlon, we shall be' grin ml lo tHcbv and every snch i per son who sends up ten cf, more, subscribers from one pltide win be eutitieii to '6i(e copy of the papeb for himaelf wltlioot charge. At one dollar a jyear postage paid, the ex penses 'of paper and printing are barely paid; and, eonsldWng the site of tbesheet and the quality of ita contents, we ave con fident the people Will consider' Ta WmklT 8n thecheapcetnewepaperput lishad in.tha. wcMid, and we trust, also ope of the Very beat. , ' ', ' I'lAddresd,...1.:.! yw-" TlfE'BUN,' ; ' ? 18-tf Ypr Cltyt H-ti A FIRST-CC3SS IkDEPEND EM MORNING NfiWS- rmtnsia 'xfttofiAPER.'1 l) iusiiiiJt o iiiino;''! ou A.LL THAT CAPITAL AND i BN terprtee Can accomplish, will befrecbem. plojed, f?,. maintain the, high- Tcputt.Uon universally accorded to. it, ,of , being the ablest and best Papr jever.publlehcd in Pjad'efjilua. M' coijtetnsalj tlje 'fatest news, including the Associated; Frtss, Telc- graius, BpoclsJ Telegrams and Correspond ence fro'tri 'all points' 'of lutcrest; full and accurate jLocal Reporta,.aii Fearless Edl torla) illapussUina'of all rreVt Topics. It Is a flrstJasa Ll'ya Newspaper to every re spect,, fully Htquai t;, the; beet jmbUahed The dav lti'ulaHort oftlie Tiramex ed tliat ofall the Tliiladelplila inorfilng papers cbmbhied.'wlth JnexccpHoft.,,f; "DwiMedly the best' newspaper ever pdb sUrf lnlPhiUaYlphia.;;T. fFf Tribune. ..'jTrbablcat.ajid bet .paper jPhlladet. dclphla.''-Ar. T..Mm, ,. ,.,(it ' ;"1e beet paper ,1a,, Pcnwylvanla." 8irriniifltflJl'PW'1h ),u ; ; v, ;a Terms, including postage, $fl i a yeai, jor uAddww,.,.. .njr.7 TOK tIMP.3,,,, h I u TX Cbeataut Bt.) PhUadclphla . octao-tf .I.-..;. Moih "" rri.l"6!u '-it ",,K'' iill 1 51 N V2 S r.EF.T, Baltimbre; Lla.7 BLL8 OIL PAINTS, . CJLSVAajRAM.Ea BRISTOL BOARD, : n j-i-r uj;i iii Drawlug Paper, ''"' '"' MATERIAL FOR EVERYa KINO . OF PAINTING, VARNISHES; JfAFAX-'''! NED TIN PAINT BOXES CO: i',J i : f.. . , ... k i h..1 t,'. , TAINING,:!iA CQrTLETE OUTFIT FOB:it ii m, ' ARTISTS,1 'EASELS, Jl PAINTERS' STICKS, BLENDERS ic.ric, 4c. ... -. . . Orders Wr fraiieittlM Portrait' Frames I i i .11 -,4,.y.Tv;.UAW selected with great care; ' it )a i,in-. Materials for WAX!X)iRK'ialwayBJ!on: hand.:', (.''. '... .ji-u, i , i. a u.'.aI Catalo'gue colltanln, mueb; usefuf tti forniation scut on application aud reftlpt of Btamp. ,. . .. ' . . .. . H i Janll-tf icruis lira i, lur y mi. i Ju Si. TBE ALDIXE COMPANY'S j .;r !,NEV':.PTJ1UIOATIO'!'', SOLD jONL T,t Yt UpsqfffpX "i' . ! '.I- li s 'iH-K'i i THE ALDINE-rTHB ARTJWRNAL.OF .'...!!... AJJERICA.,tifllf, i,.B rpiIIS SPLENDID n ENTERPRISE 18 JL not only well sustained In every,. fea ture,' but is being constantly' doVelotcd and kn proved'. Ittoday stands wltheat a rival In the Whpleworld.of.perimliqaJ liter ature. Thebeautlful dog porlrait.'-'Mari ;' Unselfish Friend' a chromo preaeiitod 16 every subscriber, ia a Redded hit, And w(U If possible add to the popularity which (his work has gained.' The Art Union feature also promises great and benettoent reaujtj In arousing public Interest In the fine art. Circulars and full iufortnilttOBn, applica tion. . ,v...' .. i -,!t u; !im i i-iui; ;l 'iill , i-.n tii'.i-vfiii't liiia ii '-i'ii'ib -.' ,d Parts 1, 11,111 tad IV are, no ready , a i. i '. . i i , SUTTONi To be' conipt'ctcrl' nW fts"; llujued tid nUfhtly.f Eaeh part wilt. contain an le gant froutinplecu, originally engraved on steel for thelondon' Art Joumal,'Jrepro daemg at a price wfthlu the populartreaeh engravfugs never before etjertid atj lesa than five times the, amount ', ; The plates have been the attrai.'tionof'''':l' !J ii".'" ' imi :mi ii! :j ; tw vhej Hi n i( THE LONDON ART JOURNAL, Each part wfll y-oritalri Bfe'iqtiario'pairo, including the frontisplHe(oi hflayi-plate paper. , A superb title iiage, jichly llluiiil natcd lrire.1 and'irn(T 'wrtl' fee gifen' with the first art; add tbe.prHiUug iOJPi en tire work will be a V'rttf representation of ,kThe Aldiiifi Vib which Is a"giiarart tee tf something beaabftA and valuable. THE ARTtjObRNAbih' complete In 13 monlWyparU at'-liclich. reproducing the lest Jll pagejllurtratlp from the earlier yoluuies ef Tub AldiS. Each monrtiiy par'wU oOfttain ' aUc ia perb plate w.hleb iaccompanyliig deacrl tlve matter, and, whether for, binding or framing, til be eritlrely beyond eompett tion in, price w. artiM;;.:hieter, .Jfrwy impression will be most carefully takjeu on the finest toiled pBper and vti palh Will be Spared to !make this the richest product) of a presa which has won lu a marveloualy short time a world-wide reputation. l"!-':i;i!l!'ll'l i.ltl lO K(ii.iyih 9l t 'lllli! I'.iUlM fci'l'l'-i'I 1" Old -ijl GEMS FR.0M, WE:A!LJH1 Especially aaaortediiotiSorapBoolkilflus-ti-ations and drawing Clisa.OopIea.iifi sires and on almost every eodceivableeub-i Jest have been put up in an attractive enj. velope amfJre now offered at aprte in tBnded.'.W, makef hem ..ponujarj n;,a,yryi sense. Envelope No.,i,.contalnlg 50 la-au tiful engravings, litciw 'ready tend Will b ent, postage pfcid,!to! nj pA&rW for OH dollar. A liberal, discount to ageuta an. teacher?""'"- u, ";u't1 i rii ALDINE PASSE tARTOUTAT ' In 'eomphanef with repeated Vttpiei thepablishcra of jthq Aubuhb have, pr& paed impressions of many of their mos,. beautiful 'plates fof passe-partout fMming j The cuta are mountcdt on al beautitpUj tinted azure, mat, w,lth a andsome red border Bne: ' To attach the glass ft Is'Onl j left for this customer to pus to and Ibid ovei i 27 sohjwts, 12x10 Irf 5a ;wltJi (jlaisM; Sliofthiaefor l.wajsctionj j left to puliiishers. '. x . ! subjects,' Wil9i to. 80o.(. wiHh glass .U-'tflilvt i.iti-;-.-t!KiJi'j'tJ 7 subjects, 01xa4 m., toc-i wicij giats 60c. :r. I, ,,l ii I'ilB il 1 t 'l)rf!tliflllll ) 13 SAib3ectl419?0c.;iWthgIas . OCUb UT Ulaij,, a .... v. M.nii is.1 ""i, '.m 1U 1 '; BrCanvasserfwanttr-.1' Vs " 11 ",,f 1 THE 'ktbtit CfVMPANY1, u ot !;.J;w)'Maiden'riin."',i :-yfHEBA L TIMORB iSUNl Wbiisheddarty1 '(eicepi'nnday) at tha 8ub Iron Buildliigs, rWthfast- ! ii of .Baltimoro, and 8pn-;atrtlaaii ! .i)):)by..Atj8W(ABaC v,m lL! 'iPricefot 3ili " lu "'l Sluglecopyi'threeceh'ta one mopthi ailj oenU; Uwo frionhsori dolJariftl. three monthis ohe dollar andiotty centa; ,at mouths, threa 6iVs $ A JfW'i. i Wf Fostage, prcpaJd, at.Uke otnea, by Moijb Jihera,iU vt vii,;-m-i i)H .!ji,l yilf o) . , , " No paper . i , -.ii v!W ill t1iinl paId f0.:!fe boJ-n'J ' THE' WEE KL T SUNJ il bvM tfollaif ami' 4 half i year,' and ' fcl h aUlmbttthii with tioq i mn j.'"' it 111! (Ii. I MilJ Lyr, nWl 'l (dl-ff -.or)? , 1 Inaueeinents i if'i 1:1 iitfr-'-'i it I tn,( inii .JmiU' 1 iUi,ovf-M.i! i(,),VMrioll O . ni una . . .... .r, JNGKIoSnL MISlELLAiEOrS. I.I1M1 GAZETTE, ' A DEMOCRATIC UA-r'Air FAVJtY XEWSPAfEB Rates or Si bk biptios : Tue Gazetib is publkhed every Friday "OneCepr, eue ytai - " 3"t !s,ArMUi ,t.Ck JlfJI dill rivetopiea, to one address - - $3 00 Eight " . . 13 w 1877.; 'HERALD. 187T. AGENTS WANTED! "Wi delire ioUUr?rtfrtrvicei ctneV getic ladles, men, bove and girls to ean vass.ftfn the, 4'rb 4Jt 4lnAu a3aree t-euwMJgijt ataonj IremJe Soperj -published every Wednesday, at Wadesboro', trouble to get upclut)s. 8ubscripUou only Address JXO. T. PATRICK: Wades 1867. STJUSCB1BB 1877. FOR TBS L yy Of HIM 'I Tr fT(i7AT mm, .aai'F;f .ni tVBL SHBB AT i.!7CKXLKBffi),KJa:l,Jr Teksis: One Year (free of postage) 13 00; six months tt j; 0n trial three mouths for 50 cenU; payable In advance, ciumTOa J. A. KONLT2, Editob, .V(TJlpro.N.C. The;MaM?iJtp41, !!Hij.iRiwiQRO,')ifct:uri;i puWhftdhtatbe lUidteHtaSwalgiii freau' o "aJl topirt 'o'Mef es'i tli! the' -OMlU Llteaaiir pXirfeyandie ftoutahold companion of which every, Ma ,Ja,ih country may Justly, feci proM. r8U iTBMu.Oi(y4r 13; at aioitllfe'tl. Remit by post ollice ord pBie S'd Startup orinlW,rpV'iidget . upaelub. E. A. WIUONt, . ,,.. ill i)'" TI fGrwnst)oro,N.C. .,; IQ ..Ii JiTWQREMD.i J I THE SUN, frWpnYcar'pos? tkm hpitbyialtuioraBdiUpTOAlm-' ity to the National Capital presents unusu al advantages to all classes of readers; not only in tbao f iUatpabllraOBubuO in tbesarroundtag Stotw, t fa,, national in scope, iuiiepeuiiinil iii politics, and" con. ServBtivaiiu'efiiilotf. ,lf r ehtphatleany a nesipBr, .jUreputaypBhaatheeai built up by tbe.ackndwledged excellenca and'VarWtf Wr Vt ''L'ews,8(th!'o'al, and (uaera). ;'iim its fah-iitaaatHijJwnpArtial. py In .discussing public question8,itecireq-lation'MU.-ntsaniong nii(n oT klrpoHtlcal padiutyaBd Jhda" becom.ilrom th thor. onglineas ojj ita iulpnjiation oq all current subjects engajflng popular attention, thb Mvdttte paper of tba pMpleJ-erythlng worthy of special nQttt.r,reeoJn th Sute of Maryland, tlirf'-jDis'trkit of Colum bia and th'e 8tatn idjaecntf, will be ftmnd from day.W4y lnwcompaa m) readable fonn m Ita columns, During the session of Congress lt giverf' sjieclttr attCntioti to th avijttte wtilta sdiseaaait)f thajlntro duotion o Jinoortant hjlla, andtVa jith of derateslu Ius' Special" ftorreiipondence eml Waceki ndt enl dally lottohiandtciegrama fryra )yashUiLt4ini bnJi covers al. the moaj pi-omiueut' poilitA Itf tlie Union, ft-ihn San rraiielaeaitMewi!YoVt, and tlie Katern eittbeyofldg'JUiforclinpeWiS te -he very latest received from, day to day by cable. Iri iti"Ghmniercial' an Financial Depart menta the utmost.jps4Mfafe aikea. ; to, se en re perlect accuracy. Itj the .quotations, tfte flurtnatito Iti -ah 'classf sWlldblltf se auxtUel bbin caareuily natnk iittai sV tentlpn hi,giveB4to the Breadstuff and, Pro Vision markets, aii'd particularly' lo the ourrc4i pritts a4hv dayAibt ur"1h cities or the Unhm and abroad. For all the prtftetp! Matter thifl Wtey Hit the ulnas8,ojr Utft cutjry;Jt,jnay fesouiult. Cd with, safety, botli bv producers and ileafcri!8 tft'-sla1 "tHi4'!rai7pdlitfeK (hlanciajiuAhd ojmiriercla- fcaturea,tTUX SUN. lias an established reputation, as a Wmlry lJer? As'M'tf 16 InRitrUatloS it Imparts, li tte way oxignasiBaw is of interest to ail clitics of readers, noth ing being admittctTIirtolta pages that may not be read by afaylrfiiuftlier of the house- ,h(ild,tu pcllflca.jte atmils,Mpronoto l'tli lfreatoKt irood .to the cn'atost num. ' onr," wivnoni' rrgra w purciiues, uia at eivearaawmt8aui siong;aat mtu rcspept for the constitution and the laws, in VButeri 1 itaJ ;t)slrt Ah 'is 'tTon-sectarlan, With; Charity -towards hllt add) in-; local aRlu.FcdCra) affiiira it regards, an,honcst &nd' WonotmVal ' Atlnliultitratlou, acaling Justly lijt the peopleland TespAtiiig! their rlglit,to be iramount to all otJ)er consid erations. To those who desire's first-class n$WBpkp!itlpi t the- tlmes.'arid spmlng no,expci to k,cepdt 9,fTm5 SUN irec era mends itself; whilst to advertisers it Oilers ths kdvantifcei op H'lanje! artd whlely et- ftjnded; ,,sJpuktMop, jftwojig .all. slaws, f, f:,r,- s-itoVfMii .iBiaj'r'vt nvx-sn TEITJiS OF SlbSCRrPTlO'BT "MAIL b f-iiM JiCASH tNi'ADYANCEi'i,H'- ONE. TEAR. Dostaare inhluded U 9Q.OOi SIX MONTHS. . " 3.iH1t THRBB MONTHS,-' f" r 1.601 t TWO MONTHS, " " ',;.i) j.Kl J ONE MONTH, , " M,j.iqi 11 BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN.puhllsh F ed every Saturday .itonone dollar aud fifty ( IAiaJ'ABFLI.L;t!O..Tiilirr8hrt. ;;il I il-i .J T .. T ....... , - i.'..i.i,, ill , il't. 'I ouiumore, wu moASHE VILLE iCITIZEN. illiw in lll'ili'iii iv i. 'ii 'u . - ,mn4 ARyERalSJN G MEDIUM h " mim ctmra is VfASTfrRiENi) o: -Ir lVllinlnrrloh. ,knd,has dcVnted muc liniA and d!,:iri to eiii'iinirlri i Ilia Irrowt of1 buslneba 'rclatmns bottfeen .the Cart Feas ani!nonrn i-eHons. fM.S forratei Bovtr,-, . "AMievUie, N.d I.. I Iml .l'- ! ill i... jaw, i 1 i mi "E'-'iVUTIS,"'; flif il Tv.,1 i? uib AiX,,,to"8e ,itiM, is:-: a xii J i'ui ceil House. Excellent barbers Jwy reaaytowa;toocuonler8., Idti; .

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