The Daii.i Jii hkal i put'll-hed every nioruin; iM .t M.'ii.liiy at ix IXii-Lik ayear; Thru: IH'I.lab for cix month; Fim fnti t month fiiriortTHTil. Served ly rnrri.r in tin- -Hy at Fim ckxtm per nciiili. r This Wrr.Ki.v Joi knxi (Friday) Os DtiLLAB AM HAI.r. Adverti-im; Kal (per Hjiwre of teii solid line f advertidiig type,). One Square, one lu.erllon, 0.B DoM.ah; two Osa IAi.t .am A HAtr; three tos-rtlonit, Two floUAHs; 'four In sertions, Two Dollar axu a iui.r ; five Insertions. Tiikeb Dollars ; six Insertions THB SB 1A1LL.AI4S AXV M MA... , win- . ..n....m.n.nlli Erenf Dollars; two month, Twblvi Dollam; three month, SixTtxx Dou in. ' '' - '' ' CICERO W. HARRIS. nLMiKGToy, n. c.;; ;; WIDXISMT M0KMC. Fit II, 1877 PREPAID POLL-TAX. Senator Crawfor(J,' of Rowan, has introdnced a bill to amend the Constitution so as to reqnire the payment of poll-tax vj eleo tors before roting. For the year 187$ the Auditor's report shows a return of 103,307, white poll's and 62,599 colored polls, giving an aggregate of "155,906. , Yet in the same year the 7th of Novem ber elections show an Aggregate of 228,982 votes cast So it ap pears that 73,076 voters did not pay, poll-tax last year,1 and the State ii defrauded to that extent Here is one strong reason for the adoption of such an amendment as Mr.' 'Crawford proposes, says tW Charlotte "Democrat" i Tho 'Democrat" is right" ' The requirement of poll-tax in advance would remedy many of the ilia under which the State suffers.,! In equity he who pays nothing to support the government r should not help to constitute' that gov ernment , J DISCftEIAKC1 ' HIE ELI t - :TiJIAl,;i.AM (" The ewJ l.w-K Hetvlr calls attcntiolvf tb jthijdiscrepaucy' W tween two bf thVsection's of the Electoral Law those in regard to the power of cither House to take a recess after voting on an objec tion which the joint contention has separated to consider. Sec tion 1, in reference to separations to consider olijaciionB to a vote or votes from States from which there only,-, one return, sayat "When tho 1 ivroi Houses have voted they shivll imme liately again meet, and tlo proniding officer shall then announce the decision , of the, question submit ted" But section' 5 contains these words: SSuch joint meeting shall not be dissolved until the count of the CtCTtOral votes shall be completed and the result de clared, eancV npcceip,,lialUbe taken unless a question shall have arisen in regard to tho counting of any such votes or otherwise under tills act, in which case it shall be - competent f oi either House acting separately., in the manner hereinbefore Provided, to '.j!''i' " ' " 1 "irr . uirect ii recess vi bucu xiouse not beyond the next day. Sonilav ex cepted, at the hour" of ten o'clock in the forenoon," &c. If tlie ma jesty pi the pppsVphoostis & ex ercise tlus power to adjourn for the day after every objectin hag been voted upon, it might easily throw over the result nftor objections. There are yet thirty one States to .count Frop and including jUoid&yt tiere'are eigh teen working days before March 4. The contested cases of Loui siana and Oregon are not likely to take loss, than four days toccth er, leaving fourteen days which might bo consumed ut this man-i W, if the Democrats should be disposed to obstruct , the compleJ ton of the count This would leave the. President .of tho Senate' to fill the duties of President on the United States for one year! rand , necessitate . a new election next autumn. This course will not be resorted to by the Democrats, f Our iartv having agreotl to the Comboissioni will not factiously oppose its rul-j ings though they bo black as the decrees of the god of the infernal world.. Referring to the chargd t .t tlie Democratic Horlse wishes, to obstruct the count tho "Wsahj ir toa corroppdndence of the IDal- t'-ore "Sun" says; : . i ; i- j "Tie rnrtiun press is 'diKseminati'ii'i t ' ? and malicious statements os to thJ . . . ii idiT varuus r .U: . fin BCtk'Q on i thcMifU)ia! vuiit stitil iftT thr iil ofMurth. There ii no authority what vir f..r miit such ituU'Uicnts. and thn have oriKlat) entirely i tho brain ..f ti.nKO wlin have nut thcin into cin-D- lation. There arc not adozon Members on the Democratic Bide in the' Hoose mhn wnnld sanction ftiiT Buch proposi tion, even if it werq srrionfily made froin any aBthorued qoarter, wnien u not the ciue. . Yesterday keaHhe irmiui mi l snme of tho troiitleaMa who were to apeak stated that they bad not fully marked out m their own mmas the line or arpmcni wmcn mej wmocu to pursue, ft was to accommodate these gentlemen that it waa determ ined to take the receta till Monday. This is sufficient to how what founda tion therfl u for the sensational stories nf rovnintinnarv lIpRlirna on the Dart Of the Ilouse Democrats, which sensa tional stories will undoubtedly be re- mated ia neat detail m tue parusan press to-morrow." . : , ' Phvaifliine recommend Dr. Ball' Ooogb Bjrap when all other medi ainea fail, aa a eertaia care for iJron- ohitia. Sore Throat, and Coughs, or Ooldi of Iodc standing, trot om oj all Drnggieta. ".: ' mscEUiSEOis. : OUR VESSEL-HAS AT LA8T arrived. ji,.tt . . 300 300 8Mb EARLY ROSE SEED I BblsFCtKETES 8EED1 100 BU FINE EATING JACKSON'S. All best stock and In iaree barrels. Call and buy your seed stock man UINFOKD, CROW CO. febl3-tf JUST RECEIVED! .. t ! ' J t 4 1 , ) . i Large lot of beautiful new STYLE PAPETERLE8 Elmwood, Riverside, , . I i. I, , . " " '1 ! IMPEKUT' ECLIPSE, ,ri! i i-. f'! -iii'.'.iil-..' t.i HAWTD0R1,; 1TBE ME, Maritana, .Cascade, arHtocra, Moasart f .7IM10YAL, I f- r r i , , J ;,.v,-;.t i (it,; it y. 8AKS-EGAL, NOIBE, TENHISON U6RAHDEDDCaESSE Alexandra Bath, ,.' i " PKIKCG kECEM, SEVEN , OAKS, v-il-i- v; !'.iV-,;..'-;:j.;.v n .l: 1 1 j . s.- if HORTENaE, ELLINGTON, - . Jerome Park' and Klngswoud'. . t ... .. , ,.t i , J, ! it'll 1""' J '" - tf THE FINEST ASSORTMENT ever brought to this city. ' FOR BALE AT ! ii ii-tli; I'iHiia Tl'.iv ifi,iift "FVi i , HEINSBERGrER'i '', ,; ifVii .b iii K- v-.J'i" ALWAYS ON HAND AT, YATES BOOK STORE, A COM plete 8toc of ' . , BLANK, MEMORANDA, TIME . AND GROCERS' BOOKS. Also School Books and a General School ' Supply. JMT.Xft Feb,4-tf ; , , , , ,, S JET7ETT,: : KEWS CEUEt,. t::Xi SELLER line ivi-8 nitlueDcinjr the llou.-e ui i' txi nUlivcjin tnkinsr a m-till to ! mi : tow triihtjutni ti''; mi l'. e,V- ' ne, uiul the tbarg w ( tx-ly u . k I tlmt m I'u-j'ow exist n th iart of i ! nm oritv .if the Hun - to I" stpone, t G001 3 v 1 J ana Stationer; iC Also agent for Dprman's Improved . RUBBER STAMPS. Jao 19 lm WILKINQTON. N. & 20 Kt-jrH Dut h IIF.imiNi.S. ' i i . i i. ,i a 1 d iv 5,000 U. Drk4 AITLES.V -' Al( a new supply of Beit Strained Honey! CITRON, ' 1 CURRENTS, , PRUNES, .. . . . ; PICKLES, 1 CANNED GOODS of all kinds. The largest assortment of flue ' - 8EGAR8,' ; . TOBACCO, " ' - 8NUFT '' ' and PIPES GEORGE L. SGIIUTT'S ! Live Flower Store. B. ft. DiSArketaaisl Seco sis. EXTEAORDINARY. JNDUCEMENNTS ' ARE s NOW OF FERED IN CLOTHING! As the season is far advanced I am de termlned W closu out all my . STOCK OF OVERCOATS At a Very Small Marptii on the Cost. My stock of Clothlus; embraees all the LATEST STYLES ' and I am determined to make It to the In terest of all to buof me. . Purchasers wlllfind greatbargabts in both CLOTHING AND FURMSHING GOODS. Our ALL MADE SHIRTS that V'sclJ at OO cents are stUlall the go. . TbeseshlrU are really worth M 0. Purchasers will u : . '!- " i ! . do well to examint before purchasing else where. ,va: 8II1UER, Jau20-tf , SO Market rtreett AGENT,' At his Old 8tHUl, No. 17 Ilarket Street, Wilmington, N. C, deals in ' v J DRY GOODS, CL0THIHG, BOOrS AND SHOES- SATISFAOTION GUAHANTEED . " ' AH TO .I. . i. GC3DS AXO PRICE. i ' TIRM& CASH OS CITY ACCEPT- -. : V ,,. V;-j.',f'i1! -.:!'.;:! i-:v-i,;i IJ.. , ANCE- ' JanlOlm - in , To the working classr We are now prepared td furnish all classed with con stant employment at borne, the whole of the tlmo, or lor their spare nwmeuta. IHi slnes new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from, SO cents to 15 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the bustnoss. Hoys ana gins earn nearly as mocit as lnat au wno. ae tnis notice may their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled, oaati To such as are not satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the, trouble; rl writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of tiome ana fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free Dy mau. Header, ir you want permanent, profitable work, address, Giorgi 8tjn son A Co., Portland, Maine. ' jan20tf S939 Can't be made by evcrif agenl every month lh the bustness We furnish, but those willing to work can easily earn a down dollars a day right 'In their own localities. Have no room to explain here. Business pleasant and hon orable. Women, and boys and girls do Is well as men. We will furnish you a a complete Outfit free.'The business pays better than anything else. We will bear expense of starting: you. rarueniars tree Write and see. i JVmera .and mechanics, their sons andaugbters, and, ail classes in need of payinir work at homo, should write to us and learn 411 about the work at once.' Now the time." Don't tMay. Address TRUE A CO., Angutrtaj' Maiue. seid Jan. Jtf , .!j,i;:-".''j-t V."H a. " : '.;t s h i . Li ; r5 t vr 0 , N.C. feb S-l' '- ; ' ; ? : Dulk Sides & Shouldvrs, 11 POBK Miss and rants, ;n :' lets Beef, leaf Lard, Susar, Coffee. .-, ni- FLOURl "; ' JanaAf -i t-:.., i-. to Crop Garflsa ;a, Pr sale 'Wholesale and Retail by OBEEN & PLANNER, ' Feb. 4 J Market Street, KEYSTONE PRIMING II COMPANY. MANLTACTURKRajQJ PRINTING INKS, (BOOK AND NEW"S BLACK A SPECI ALTY), 17 North 5th Street, Phila delphia, Pennsylvania. Our Inks irdof puerlnr quality, being uiale front the best Incredients and under theprnional snprnlsioaofa PRACTICAL PIUNTER AND PRESSMAN, therefore We Will OUAHANTt HVKHT POI ND Ot INK W)i.i to be of a SUPERIOR JET BLACK. QUICK DRYING, AND ENTIRELY FREE rROM SETTING-OFF. " . . . , '.,? '"J ! Ol'B PRICES AKELOWER THAS ASr PTJJI8 ink masufa(tuor:s IN THE UNITED STATES. : A trial of sample ket; will convince any printer tiiat he has been paying more than he should for his Inks., put .up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. , , ,v .,. Address, ' , ; '; .. KEYSTOWEPRINTINOINKCO.," ' 17 North 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa?" ' UoetO-tf . "' ...ti.-4-J'iM-. ,.K THE SUN. The different editions of Thk Svx dun- lug the next year will be the sauif s dur-j ... - . ..... .... i . i - .A liiv i iiu i) -tar inai .una jiikv psawu. 141c dally edition will on week days be a sheet of four pages, and on Sundays a sheet of eight pagos, or SO broad columns ( While the weekly edition 'will be a sheet tif eight pages of the same dlraensioiia and charac ter that are already familiar to our friends. Thb SfN will continue to be the strenu ous advocate of rtmrm and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wlwlom,aml integrity RrrK4Riwpretene, lmbex'illty,ind fraud in theJiwlmiuuitiHtloii of pulille afl'airs. It will contend, for tlie goverium nf . tbj) peoplo hy t)i4 people and for tlje people, as onpoecd U governT mentbj' frauds In tlieballot-loiatHllnthe the counting of votes, enforced by military violence." It Jlll endeavor' to -supply Its readers a body now not far froiu a mil lion of souls wWh the most careful, pluW and tnistwpfUiy accounts of current events, and will eumW for this purpose a numerous and.carpfully selected staff of reporters aim coi ropuudents. 1(8 reports from Washington, enuecially,' will be fall, ace Urate and fuarfi; and it will doubt less coii tin ne to . deserve and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by userping what the law does not give them, while Ft will endeavor to merit the confidence or the puWlc. py defending the rights of the people against the encroachmoatsof an unjustlfiedpower; The price Of the dally Sun will be M cents a month pr IK 50 a yes, or, with (he The Svndat edition alone,, clghfpaes, Tlie Wekklt 8t)H, eluht page of 86 broad columns, will be furnished during 1877 at the rate of 11 a year, postpaid. ! Tho benefit ot this large reduction from the previous rate for Tub Wbiklt can be enjoyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs ' At the same time, if any of onr friends choose to aid In extenliiB'our circulation,1 we shall be grateful to tiiemi aua evesy eacn per son who sends ns ten or more mtbeoribem from one plaee will be en tit 1ml to one copy of tho jtaper for mmseli without, charge. At one dollar a' year postiure paid, tne ex. penscs of paper and printing, are barely paid; and, considering the slxe of the sheet and the quality of Its contents; we are eon fident the.: ptiople wlll .conAjder. Tnt Weekly Sun the cheapest aewspaper pub lished in the world, and w? trust jUso pne or the very best. i ... ... , i - Address, " ThEUN, THE J HI LABEL P JI I Au f I M K S, A, ,FfRsr:cMss pM$pjB$? EA 3P MORNING -NE W& ' PAPER. ' lT.C THAT " CAPlTAt AND EN' terrrise can accoinpllstf Wlirbeireeiy em- mnvpii ut niAii.ijt.n uih iiiirii n uuudiuu universally accorded to It, Of being Jjhp ablest and .best paper, ever: publlbe In phfladelptda. U couUUis all! the latest news. Including the Associated Prese1 Tele grams, 8pcclal Telegrams atid (repona- enco from all points of hitcrcsti'fuH and idenrate Local Reports, and Fearless Edi. torlal Discussions of all Cprent Tbplcii! tt Is a firstrclass Live Newspajie ' 'Jij'ov.e'rl'ra. spect, fnll ual, tpuUii (bMy'ublJhed anywuere. f u-T'ti .i hj 4, The daily eironJation,f the, Time x cecda that of all tlie Phihtdelphia.monting papers toroWned,' With oUo exception.' : ' 1 IclIedlythebrttnewpaiiereVerpab- Ibhcd ltl Phlladeliihla." T, Tribttut, '. "The ablest and hist; paper In Phniidel ,YAU,o best pajiern i-cnnivauia. SprlnajUM RepMican. . s;i;(j! . Terms, inelUkllug postage;! t8 a yeas, or COcentaamonth...., l :ni 1 Afldrei.!!- d '.;;" THUS mX7S;l -J tl3ClieftlivPt.,-'T1.1'ft.le!;l.fa. OCtXiUli iX-AliM. Ui cutu.l 'Jii..i( nil llall i Peaisal ' orriR tow" ' IAYER PACA fcTREET, Baltimore, Lid., f ' 4 (V 4 ; ELLS OIL PAINTS, s CANVAS FRAMES, - ' fH. : '..(.((. BRISTOL BOARD, ' v " Drawlas; Paper, MATERIAL FOR EVERY . KIND OF , PAINTING, VARNISIIES, JAPAN NED TIN PAINT BOXES CON TAE5T5G A' COMPLETE v , OUTFIT FOR ' , . ',: ARTISTS, EASELS, PAINTERS' STICKS, BLENDERS, kc, Ac, Ac. , ti i' , -.... L -. - ' ' Orders for frames tilled with dispatch. Portrait Frames selected with great care. Materials for WAX WORK always on hand. ' " , '. it. I. .- ; :"i .. : Catalocrue containing much useful in formation sent on application anl receipt of stamp.. l.U ..(...;,..,!.; '-:T;t, Terns Cheap tor Cash. Janll-tf iHiuma-coMPin's NEW .PUBLICATIONS. 801D OlfL T BY SUBSCRIPTION jnTE ALDINE THE ART JOURNAL OF ';':';A'-MiRicA.';!1!'i: ! - fTIHIS" SPLENDITl :"' ENTERPRISE IS : I not only well swBtained rn every fea ture,' but la being constantly developed and lmproyed. it to-day stand witbout a rival u the whole world of periodical liter a ture. , The beautiful dog portrait, ','Man Unselflsn friend," a-chromo presented to every snbeeriber, la a decided hit, and will If possible add to the popularity which this work baa gained. The Art Union feature also promises rreat and beneficent, results. In arousing publle Interest in the fine arts. Circulars ad full information on appllca tlon.'-" ''''". ' (I. ' ' .. :.."'' ' I A - . ' Parts r, n, 111 and IV are now ready tSLTTQN'S LEISURE flOUR MISCELLM -lit. i .i i i To be completed , in 40 parts, . Issued fort nightly. Each part will contain an ele gant frontispiece; Originally engraved on steel lor, the, Loudon Art Journal, repro ducing at a price within, the popular reach engravings never Deiore enerea at less man five timee the amount; The plaJea have been the attraction of - t, THE LoHmdlTATtflOURNAL .'Jf.iUl.Ji .ii 14! ,.1JH Jib. '. t Each part will contain 26 Quarto pages, Including the frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly lllumt nated in red and gold wilt be given with the first part, and the printing of the en tire work will be a worthy representation of "The Ahllne Prose," which 1 a guaran tee of aomethlig beautiful, and valuable. "h il THBART JOURNAL ceinplete'fn t& monthly parti' at ft each; reproducing the best full page illttrtratlons from she earlier volumes el l rb aldixk. Each monthlv part will contain six su perbplateffhlvB. accompanying de&cripS tive matter, and, whether iv'itodlugor framing, wtU be entirely "beyond competi tion In price o eJrilstie character. Every impression will be most carefully taken on the finest toned paper and ao pains will be spared to make this the richest production of a presa which has won in a marvelously ahf tiw a forld-wlde .reputation. , . . , , ih (trt ' Wt ' i.' i,' ; 'j hi Bvl"f:i-V'.? GEMS FEOm'.THE ALDINE, Especially assorted for Scrap Book Ulus- " , tratlons and prawtng Class Copies. , i A lam collection of picture of differcst siaes and oa almost every todcelvable sub ject have been put up In. an attractive enj veiope ana are now onerea ai a pnee in tended to make them popular in every sense.- Envelope No. 1,' eontaintg 60 beauf tlfut engravings, Is now ready and will be sent, postage paid, ta any address lor one dollar, j A, liberal , discount to agent an' teachers, , , j , i ( .; j0 , . ' . I ' h ' 1J. . . i ' ' ' ' , THE ALDINE PASSE PARTOUTS. , Id' compliance With repeated reques the publishers of the Aldinr have pre- pared lmpreasions or many oi uieirmos. beanUfal plates for passe-partout framing The cut are aiounted on a beautltudj tinted axureil Jiiat w(th a handnoree red oorucriine. iif aiuiuu uic KlaaB 11 m UU1J left for the COsUimer to paste and fold ovsi aaalreauy attached border, end this ma) be done by a child. ? ; , , S7utects, mm in., we.; wiuigiassov Six of this siae for.$L when selection 1 1.A ,a m.hlf.haM 0 subjects, ioxitff in., aoc.; wiui giasi 45c. ' ' T 7tibjeebl,ejfx8Jf m.,l5c.; with glass 80e.- " M1- ' ' 1 ' "' "' lasilblecU. lejilOln-, 80e. with glass ll a Sent by mall,, without class, postpaid, tem ni4ons r . . 1 . ... - . TfiHrmil'Su! '.'I l.'t ?':;'.:-(, 4 i- UrCanvksnere wanted. a;t - f Ic.U i :m- ALDINE CflMPANT i.j't.U 'f .Vu.'cT ...i ,, aUi Published daily except 8unday) at the ! Sun Iron Buildings, Southeast Corner ' of Birttlmore and 8outlk' streets 'o J-i: ' A. '8.' Abbxij A C6. "-'- v;iii4. in l awT)-i.m Prices for Ma&ina i :' Blmrle ctipy.'lhreeehtiV ASe Mdn'th, sixty tents' two 'moTrth's one 'dollar three months.' one dollaf1 and .ijlrty cent;; sit months, three dollars; ; I year, six dollars. Postpe, prepaid, af the ptijee, bjf we pu Usher. ' , v t s.i :UiI enii)'ioi.No paper- :.l .i' ..Ii vit .i,w. aat Ibngerl j ti' -ti' ; 'I'l than paid for. "" ""! - i TIIE WEEKLY SUN. u One dollar and half a year, , and $t for ""'' Inducement it.itl In: IJ. u. ... I.,,' i. , '4j1!i I'm 'Ah j.lhot Lttovn CLUBS'. W.. ,f' ,,: -:' J" I1SI l.LLAS vi. .A; A DC t'l. TIC ' WKKKLT r.i.V. tr tfA'llA, ... R Rates or Si bscriftios : Thr Gazette Is published every Friday ' ',; m.ii on the following terms : "- One Copy, one year P - - - 3 00 " , . , six aionths - -i .-,-' ; t 00 Club Rates; Five Copies, to one address - S0 Eight ". . " . " , ,t - 13 00 Tebms Invawablt is Abvancb. 187T. IIEKALO, 18TT. AGENTS WANTED! 0 , . , . We desire to secure the service of enelr- getic ladies, men, boys and girls ta can vass for the Pea Deb Hehald, a large twenty-eight column Fire-side paper, pub lished every Wednesday, at Wadasboro', N.C. We will nav cash for servicM. Th subscription price is so low that it U no trouble to get up club. Subscription only One Dollar! Send for circulars and specj- mvu copies ii you wisn to he an agent. Address " NO. T. PATRICK: - . ,, ,., W adesben', K. FOB THI TUTOIPT AM) MESSENGER, ;; rBL BHE AT , , ,j ,,,,.,.', G0LSBORO, N.O.; ' t rnst 1 . ..... " ' "' , ,,. nt,tV. Ihi .'. Everybody Tales ThiKPae:u ', TbkM8 One Yemr rfm rr rm1.k 13 00; six months 1 00; on trial .three months for 50 cents; payable in advance. . An fertra rnitv tj ah mu. Mmh . . Club oi Ave subscribers with the cash. .. J. A.UO.N1TZ, Kditok, -'. '!' Goldsboro.N.C The Masonic Journal, , 1; :-' .CBEEN9HORO, W. C.,T 6"" ' ' " .wow t m"mJ v.,iya imV.,UI4T, published In the United States eight Z 4UI . 1 (ki mirijr-vwo coiuaans .rt - n .no' i TreaU nf all tnnlr-m nf ilw. era ft. Literature pure, and Is a household companion oi wmcn every Mason' m the country may justly feel proud,,. ,f i TKRSis:-One year 2; six months lj. Remit by post office order or registered letter. , , ... ,, j ,.., . , Send stamp for specimen codv and Bet npaelub. - E: A. WILSON, 1 Greensboro, N.iC i' 1877 baltimore,'mi4.1877'1 i TOE SUN, from tho geograjihical posi tion occupied by Baltimore and it prdxitnl ity to the National Capital present uuumir al advantage to all classes of readers, not only In the city of lis publication, but In the Burrounding, State, ' national In cope, Independent in politics,, and coa. ervative In Opinion. ' It Is emphatically a newspaper, and it rephtattoh hat' been built op by the acknowledged excellence and Variety of It news, both local and general. . From Its fab-nest and rmprUsl. Ity in discussing public 4uestious,iteliic lation extends among men of all political parties, and has beeom;! from IheHHot. ighness of it Information on aUtmt Subjects engaging popular atteutlon, the lavonie pajxir or tne people. Everything worthy of special note or rcoonl ta the State of Maryland, Hiq District of CtAvm bla and tlie States adjacent,. wilt be rbnrid from day to day iua compact and resdartle form in its columns.. . hiring the scssfon of Congress it givoe gpeeJal attehtion'lo the subjects OBdee dlscussiani the lot no. duetlouf Important bills, and th pith of dehate. - It special correspoudence em braces not opiy daily letter and telegram from Washington, but covers all the most prominent points in the Union, from San Francisco to New York; and thetXastera cities beyond. It foreign news is the very latest received from day to day by tabid. In It Commercial and Fdnanclal DeparU menta the utmost pains are taken, ta s-i i-.ure iwuwb nvcuruej in 1.11c quoiauons, the fluctuation In all classes t publle-securities being carefully noted..., 8')pclal at tention Is given to the Breadstuff and Pro vision markets; and ! particularly to the current . pnws.eaen aay. not only in the city of Baltimore but , In other cltteaof the Union and abroad.' For all the principal matter that enter -into-the business or the country it may be consult ed with safety, both by 'producers' and dealer. But aside (rem . its political, financial and commercial features. THE SUN hiss an established reputation aa Family raper. As.sucb the inrormatlen it Imparts, n the way of general news", 1 of Interest to All classes of readers; noth ing being admitted Into it pages'that msy not be read by any, member of the house hold. In politics Its aim k td promote "the greatest good to the greatest num. ber," without regard to party llueiyandto, encourage at ail times and among ail men respect lor the constitution and the law. In relicrlon Its position is non-sec tariau. with "charity towards' all;" and. in local as la Federal affairs It regards an hdnest and economical administration, , doaiinjr Justly by tne people and respecting tbeu; be paramount to an otnerconsta1 eratlons. To those who desire aarst-tlaa newspaper, up ,to ,the times, and sparing no expense to keeplt Bo.TllE SUN recom mends itself; whilst to advertisers It oilers the advantages of a laren and wiil. lv ti. tended circulation among all classes 'of readers, ' ! , . . im '1.1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION B:MAIL . -CASH IN ADVANCE, .... i ONE TEAR, postage included - - fe.'OO SIX MONTHS i i 1iaii"'i(l .Ur.i 3,1 THREE MONTIIS,,V ..(t,".. ,f.'O TWO MONTHS 1. f' , , 1.00 riXTD .fcaVfTTtr t'' 'W' 4 flit 1 1 t ii ll Tri a WiVili uij" ... - - . . r BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN, publislw ed every Saturday, fqr one dollar and fifty eento a year, with grreaf hldacementv to club. Aadress A. S. ABELL A CO.,. Publishers, , , Baltimore, Md.. ' ,(? A snV.VTf.r: IP'- tti'm toW j"'i-:n; , i.ii. 't:;i! "iiB !.' J i A QUARTO WEEKLY. PAPEBrnQQOJ? s . ' ADVERTISING MEDIUM? ""i'1 , .. '. . . '..!., ... ...ii i.r ..i THE CITIZEN IS A EAST FRIEND OF Wilmington, and has devoted much time and acaoe to efwnrrt. i Ute rrowth of businee relations .between .the ,Cpe rear ana mountain recnons. pen a tor rate. Address, T.i STONE FURM AN;' "i :..ffH I,..' .....iji'AshcyBle,,,.. E.AKTIS, l.iljCAUod PAS1UONAB1.K , .BAErXR ' mtn!, riALL TO SEE JHM, UNDER 'THE J rnrcell Ilouae. Excelli-nt l'r)iprsal. way ready w Walt on CikWwv. 1 115 S JOB PKIMIXC CIP12T1IIM. THE JOUnii.'.L PEIISTIKG OFFICE, 81 ta3H2UaAT23 HI ' -m - j 2 'u S.C'i.iiitidi?-: Jl 1 ViLMiNCTON, r c. ...... ! -)iU no r-U'li'.u o) ALL KINDS OP -vT.1MAilT-IJ3ij:;4 ?21 TS1W 3T4T3 EXEci,7t3jYrrn ' E ATM E 1 1 VA' H 6 D it P A T C H. to noiiaiqqu odl tot m; ia :i4;i. i.Ti rijTui'r ; -u t ''n.-3 'ti t h-U-iil'Ki .e.(fi w ijiii .il'ik i;in 4 m.MmU s, THEATRE MlWg as, .TEAVLTJDJQ aHOWMtk.JRATLROAD AGENTS,1" iiBOAT tASENTi), AND' ALL ,f -m,..f .Id ttiitiai) 9&t-ua.w tii- -pU Ii1ikf: ii 1o- tH.'owf nitiwif 'nif ,lfJSR PfiBSSPR(NTIN& t.i ifo'i UtuttU ydJ inlisdwn it i-ni tit .! .ifBil'sori ?Jl ;.p.'.i- n-JWiil flirt lothMr!'',1 " , , ., tocallatfjiawil.iu yiwi dtwk. 1 ,UiVi-ififc'i .ibf .xaK.s. 1o UMjlm) -jtt b'jittxfi! ,i.i:'..;y, ob'fl ar9l tjl atiitiri' i iiaort ' &itliibr nT1' fXI' I ' : Hin 4) -Sill tM fe'!l !!, )."! 'I'.'. jioili't'Mn li.tdJ f,r Jmi ..(( ,v Jm'dT lo Iu-iii', mIT NvtiH -41 9J1 Lm iab-ot tat'.i ji' ,Ul ti . J x bo tl it bm! v4u fHtb usi fayjEiiri,i s sea i j??ti o s oj? oi a nt ttu& tiu fin or! t'oa Iku 'iov s4tilC ; -.(j ,'i isfifjlHS'i fnifiiI-?3'! Till: j f'JF 0'wJJ "tr fl',r' 17 " ; .imimwn iri-,w-r,il rlr nUV(r. PAMPHLETS, P0'MiS?CARDs' CE5- I ILVnEAD3,M Wstkrs "kctlpri Cata-'1 '" ,Vitll to'l ol u ;,!.: 'j!.'l(.('!l!!i:tK(.4 ot ii'.S t'l?l!i Hi U-ii-i LABEri,"jJr.i AC.' ' ' i' I'll '.fvnl if IU' '! ' f.rr "M .U u ir " ' 'U "ik't PC-'PJ AD LAW EIA.'JXI Or eVefy" dcscrlplfon,' pr'lntjjd' at "til short est noficf apd CEAP for CASH, at Uie - M. ..... ' w . - . - - , , .r, tt'.W .. l-'.it .t lit t '.'1'' v ! i jouiriAiiJoooFnc- ,) , '1.r;-1.j fa tu in I'm ii i W h't IB ff ' f 1" ' ' WR WW ?D.? i& TEft COUNTRY ' May send thelivortlors to the - , iu V''Vi(t.., 71H V '!i.:'ii(:i"j. rii"7 I. j ii; viii'(i'il lo iji.(i.i ) ' Ahd rely lpol"!ul M' receiving tlie smr nt ii'H." .11 si noHinKi li'i ; .m ,oi- jauf'S'iffiV.ryF flIi'4'- , i,i 'o j "1 'tjji'sr! '.! ,f ii'ii'- .,(f ,1-B 'rff ,7 dll 'I 'jl''" 1 ' ' ftyiViirlvvn1!. lfl III .o!l'4ll,J(0J l' 'li ! . . ...... . . .... . . .vi;,,,,, " E V4t I.IT9 'JLJiz n.i iz ,'ciir: 1 ffl In b-ve !';.'Ui i1 1 i;1 ' nr 'l " .,(1, every, Jacltyy ,," JB'ni'.beaf- Ji nt" .- l.V:!it' " !l Vril'''-!'-.. forded for the exetsuiinaof or:ler.- i SIM ....! J. ti j i .,...( Aftdrese',l,rtV;f-y " '!'i; , liomlit !! IkV m nrmi Umi'.i i Wo-iU f 'CEPp:w..iiApi., t JanlO-tf '"'i'" tilanli-laiiNC.

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