7 , ! . U 7 rs r i 1 r :;-yQ A- y i. 7 , I 1 1 . suUillll iJnl'j liliri d ' : ' T - . WILMINGTON, N., Cm' FRlDAf MORNING, FEBRUART; iS, 1877; ESTCADLISHED, 151. r i PRICE $6 oo; : i 1 t - 4 r J I ' - ! r a -. , ,, -,. . - . I - i::i:a! tziczi tsx ilicto. PACSAEff SHOT DTTOB KNEE HENRY WELDON COM- p-yKliroTKE ACT. "t'jjl tmwi wiuiii rexriBATioNs FOLrrrriCAL disabilities. ; . OF GEN. JOS. E. JOHN. j v - BON REMOVED. Udon ucpono. WAHDOT0K,Feb. 15. A WoriT$ Washington dispatch says: Several f'lTilJo ige?r ! th lateral commission who were upon the com mittee whien framed the law under which the commission U acting have had conference 6rin informal d tare lo order to compare notes end refresh their recollection! m to the in terpretetiowhjonwae pot, wpoej the bill while in eommiweeregaraing ma matUircf r7'. J behind the returns in deputed Etate r vTneJ generally Screed that it was con, ceded by 'tie Eepubliban' members; of the foamWop that the bill din tinctly authorized the investigstionj of the facts of the returns, to what ,tftthfy jnisUoarry thoia nter ;uLiidJ el ihit feataiw et'law ira qu(v tion to be decided in fotore. If 8y be carried to aerioos extent 01 simply be'aced upoi the record of the tribunal u the form of a proteati Before the commission Erarts oon terded that the right to out its yoM pjwer the Federal government baJ it held throush the terms of the Fedj oral eoc-LtBtiojtt , Thf wholo matte! belonged to the Ctate and it was fof the Federal goTernment to count tha Totes after they had kit tha State, in the Fiorida- oase; l'he oommis ion here bad no power to count the Tote, lie then contended that thert was no proof that Lerissa and Brewr Herein1 uo4 ;4aUli o&'WeUi December, and proceeded to discuss the lavs of Louisiana in regard to powers of tie board and eligibility The feoling in the Democratic dr. cles is Quite cheerful this a. m. i It becomes sfpaient that the Re ptbJis.layeii arc! entirely on di ferri- vind t is conceded jlf, they are for Jd froii the1 oiiipoets which they j beTIU tl Flolida. ease their ease it, t: Zt. Ca ts after speaking orer two jure aaid: . r borne 'bow" to state ;jit te diiuaiiOptio0,oJt Republi ,in coOntl' i Rawing' heavily oh .beir time for argamihl of the main 'question, and exhttusting thei foroe ' )! the rnt on of excluding evidenc 1 :Zl :.J t-e fuwHoirTof th iomE.1 ..Jon. The main bearing of nEs5t1 j.tljat) tha (8taU" .;;', t be tripped by proceedings ' '1 ' J K)t it,73 t- i-'ti '' ' - , .. t- Ur. Xvsrts hasWt sadly in yitall- ? sir a La ( '."od Aody Johnson a...v;;iat'.'iohtLt.t'L Ur. Camlin, of llissouri, submif d arefolntiou llowicg the electoral .iiimLbi'on id oocnpy the1 oliambtjr 'or its swiou in th avening after he Benate shall hare taken a reoein ,)t tbe j,j j i In submit- Ir-rtbe rciolation Ur. Uamlin said pr of ccsmifBion, Xheydw ) 't''t ware no facilities tor ;tri t ? C prema Court room. -3 i. a v. i wii ; KTL'r. ' iX men -3f iii tefi I j captured. atu: IVj. 15.-Louls IL E' j -f-i cf Cr ft Laun, c -' .1 '. 1 'a poney ad' ; it ::if L-:i far f con' iti I: 3 t 3 V bn hanged to-day with Otchwald, hia partner in tha killing of police mau Brick, died in hia cell tnis room, icg at 8 o'clock. He wa very sick all night audit is supposed that ho took poison. lxw foBi. Feb.- 15. Boyden. Alillery k Co.; hat jobhert,haT failed. liabilities, $81000. . Beal aasets,' iQ,000. - S-,. : . I0UIS5. .' ' ; ' Panra Feb, lJ.MJeo. Nicolaa Anna Theodule ' Obaxgarnier, died yesterday, f- t " Lobdoh, Feb. 15. A correspond eniiof the Daily New at Keaobe ne ff, gives a full account of the Rat sian mo'iilised army in a telegram dated Feb.; ?;h4 wbioh has beeajde layed in traosmisaion. fie staUa that the army at Kesoheneff, which would first tnoe against the Turksj numbers 120,000 infantry, 8,000 cay airy snd 23 guns. ' ' - It would be immediately followed by two corps which are tow at Odessa, making the total of the army of advance 180,000 infantry, 12.000 cavalry and 720 gnus. ' ' ; The correspondent oontioues, as tat as X eialaaoertaia. ftviary thing is ready for.tbe rmy to fake tbe field at a moment's notice. A thonsaud honor have been' brought here ; for tha train . lha bridge . lying here is capable of passing the whole army over in a day. There are ' also 13 steam launehea large enough to cross the Atlantic, , Two , large barques, sorie smaller boats, and maesea of other things,showing that everything is looked altar to W e smallest detail. No difficulty has been experienced nTblliuing borseW r H I I nnnounoed that despite the ru mors to the contrary, the mobiliza tioa has proceeded satiafactorily.and that within a monthrfoUr army corps would have crossed the) Pruth. "ti VJ A Vienna dispatch to the Standard intimates that the tisar on the 24tb, will order tha mobilisation of six more army corps. Russia, has already decided on her line of action. , : Hlfiht Rcporto. ' ;;-;-'WA8aisfiwif. --V':; I .'fVlBUiKOTOw.Feb 15-Two cpmpa nies of infantry - have arrived at CartersvQle to aid revenue collectors. They will be mounted, y ; j A delegationl '9f printers, from the public printing office called on the President and urged him ,to interefere against the proposed reduction ; of JBXesV 'V 'i'.x'.p ,-,". ,. s .... ..j s , ,The President signed the bill author izing the commissioners of the Freed- man s liana to buy , and sen property. A deleiration called on the President for the pardon of Indian' prisohcra in Florida. "' '' The repQrt that Gen. Babcock' was a defaulter to a large amount is author itatively; , dwereditcdv IBs accounis were adjusted to Oct 1. jllis f ac-, counts for the quartcf ending with Dt- cember are under examination in rega- lar order of businet, and nothing' un uiual iwas .discovere'TJbe amount advanced Gen. Babcock since July 1 wa $73,633. , ,, ,V.!;jT",l;4'f f In the commission Jsdgo Campbell closed at $ 9cpck. After b short se cret session in which the commission agreed to vote at 4 o'clock to-m0trow; adjourned to 10 o'clock. , to-morrow, There Will be an open session to-uior- row after i o'clock. - . ' inatb. the pensions committee reported adversely on , tne bU., to in- increaae the pension of 'the widow ' of Fletcher Webster and her son Daniel. ,The railroad bill was laid aside and the district, tax bill, discussed and aged. MJ'Mif . r;i i ;: -( 1. XI. xjviuico in ii, vt fcuyvutur n tt tt-i . vt r !n. removal of disabilities. I Recess. i , Pousb. A bill .passed moving the disabilitiei of Geo. VV. (Jity and : Job BL Johnsottof Va. f;,' ' '' The naval appropriation bill passed with an amendment providing for the appointment of a commission to decide upoh tie futuro batal policy, of the United Btates, Adjourned, ; . nmnimL ' T7aKEssiBBB, ' : Feb. ' ' 'lkwMjryor Kearney is dead. , He was a'lwroan Catholic and prominent Fret Mason. nigVmasa deuicd tll '' Bishop' O'Uara stlrectcl by telegraph that the remains should bo hurif d in consecrated ground. Thff'tpjinjity; jofbanf J3 appointed tn en'tHnto rj,a'f:ji?enf for Jbe set tlement of the dpbtof , several $qntb era States had a prirato meeting hast evening'.1'' The' Bubjott ' considered at most length was the.' debt of V jrgiuia. There was a feeling of sympathy bj the comuiitto from the nrst and a de sire was evinced to be as liberal as pos sible with, this 8taJo, as, well ae with all those which will in futnre be in cluded in r the committee's delibera tions.' ' The discussion to soine extent included other States ' but Virginia alone was treated at length.' . No con clusion reached wheu tbe committee adjourtied.' 'H V. '-.tr.i . cojncicTicui Briookpobt, Feb. 15. The run on the Ciy Savings Bapk was $75,000 up New Orlkasn, Feb. 15. Two urto called at the door of the State House today and asked fof Packard. . One claimed to be an ex-Federal officer and the other a discharged soldie , Thcj were conducted to the head of the sta$rf f kif' one daJaifcpj fobpl'or respondent,,, named, vyeldpnor iht Philadelphia Press, and desired to see Gov. Packard, Was sent in. He found Packard seated-at a desk and talking with" Judge Bauhiait :Weldon'todk ' a seat on Packard's7 left and asked when can I see your Packard tutt ed and found a pistOl pointed it Tiii head. He (track tbe pistol down which was discharged, the ball taking effect Packard a : right . knee, fackard theU knocked'vyeldoh down.wheti rev era! other parties drew pistols and fixed on Weldon, wounding him severely, but not fatally. , The man who shot Packard says his name is Henry Wei don, of Philadelphia, where he has a mother and sister. Weldon Bays he had four men associated with' him but they, flinched. , The .maq wbq accom panied Mm 'to thel 'lW.M (WrfUixi hai been arrested, ... , . . ' , r 1 . . State Kcws. i i- Granville county is exoitod over mines of valuable gold, reeentlv die- covered near Oxford. 1 Master Dixie BlackaBMJcauflht bis hand in the job press of the TorcK UgM,' end three lingers of the left hand were raUfr. : I S) 1 - l-.!rt.f An Act for the Relief of Bherlns and j V Tax-Collectoria. i ,; , The General Asembly of North Car- oi(m iwwut . ; k w I : Section. 1. That all persons who haw been sheriff or tax-collectors of the se era) eonusiee, cities, and towns J of this State, for the years 1872, 1873, 187 and 1875, tuetr, boudsmeU and legal representatives,; are hereby aa tboriged ed empowered to collect arrears of taxea f r each of the years aforesaid, crodarvuoa rules and reg ulation as are or may be priori bed by law for' the' collection of taxes: Provided, This act ahall hot author ise any sheriff or. tax oollector. who is not now in offioe, to collect any insolvent taxes,1 wnere ine same baa boee credit! to him t bat that the County Oommieeipners shall , have power to place suoh insolvent tax lists in the bands f any hberiff or tat collector who' ma'no ''6r,hefe kfter,be W;' '.J,;J :$Zi,Z l A applv to Bbunffs, taxciLlficorii,Uie r bondsmen or legal reprjeea'ativfi. who have not, at' tb time he at tempts to ooinct'Baid 'arrargee .of taxes, settled and paid said taxes to those aniboni 'd by la to receive thdm':' but bit inoh fail Ore to' settle and pay said tux the donuty Oom ' ' minsiouers, or other authority, wbioli may be established by law, to lay the county tatei. ttiy appoint a tax col-, jector, wno enan .nave ,ine; powr. given in soUpu one oi. bis act,t alieriG. and tax-collectors, to ,q )IUot arrears of taxes for Ibe years, 1872; 1873, 1874 sod 1875,' and be object t the rules and reguUtioas' ss are, or 'may be prescribtd by la W' the collection of taxes. .ul',L l ' SfO- S. That notlanhereiD con tained shall be oonsttued tomjeaae said sheriffs, lax ooKectors, their bondsmen 'Or legal repraeoUtivea, frbm liability to pay Ifa vSiat; Bounty and other taxea at the time" and1 pla ce's prescribed by lawit M'J"-j . BeeV!, 'J(m e perfon hall b eompelled topay auy tax a d-r th previssicus of this Aot, who will make oath before any one authorized by law to' administer1 oatha, that he or ehe has paid the sse or be lieve ' the same baa been p iid nor shall any' eiecute or administrator be compelled to. pay. ajiy, arrears of taxes under this act. - !- 8eo; V5, That the ariihority here by given to oolleot arrears of taxe shall cease and determine on .the 811 dayjof December, 1877, . , ' .; , yea 6. , That this aot ahall he in foroe irom and alter, its ratincauon. Bead three times and ,tatifled ! General Assembly, this 11th day of J.nnar 1S77.! ' j , . It was Leli'evtl that the deciHioD of the judgevt f the1 SapVeme Court weuld at leot ' atia nearly unani mous on tbe (ointjubui: they went according to parfy loanings. There is one sort of j . for Republicans ana anomer w jyemocrau.- paiv nwrt Gazette. ' ' '"' From iU Jfr, . ' 'T . N . j.WEDsnvpATi Feb, .14; Scaiea preaeittcd some four or five memorials from nearly two hundred citizen of Uuilford, praying that the old county courts migbt not be re-e tabliahed. , ... ' - Tbe bill to eaiabliah a system of iuf-rior courts in tbe several coun tes of the Htate, to be known as oourts of ComaMMi Pleas, came up tt tbe expiration .of tbe morping hour, and; motiog'ol tZdlttvas conaidered by sections. A great many amendments were offered and adopted, the bill being considered by section! j ij After all thee, Mebane the intro ducer of the bill, took the fioor and spoke in its bebalf. . ,t . The House amendments1 to Senate bill to provide for the speedy com pletion of the Western North Caro lina Railroad, were taken op as tbe second special order of the day and, upon motion of johnnton.the amend ments were considered teriatim. ' The Uoneo amendments were adopted witbtut objection, or passed over informally, until tbe amend" ment which ntrikesOnt the private took was reached, , , ";" . Folk took the fljor and argued m opposition to the motion to concur. inger spoke alao in opposition to the motion to oonour. i S18810K. The unfinished business of this morning toe, - eogroaaed, Mouse amendmeets to1 tbe bill to provide for; the speedy completion of the Western North Carolina Railroad was taxeu up.-". The question -was upon concur rence in the House amendment to atrikeout section 3 of the printed bill, which proposes to strike out the private stock. '-.vv- ., uv ,! The tnotioo was put and the Sen ate refused to ooucur in the amend meni '''" f'i.'!'.-: i ! Upon motion tbe Senate refused to poneuT In the proviso; to ithe eighth sections' 1 ! r"- I 1- Kt, The amendment repealing tbe sec tion In the act of 1874-75 wbioh giveB the one-fourth iutereat to tbe private stockholders, was also upon motion, not concurred la; ',7 ; ' "' The amendment piovidiog tbat eight of t!a directors shall opme one from each congressional district and one from we State a , large, was taken up and oonaidered. I The Senate adopted tms amend ment and concurred in the amend ment of the House. , - HOtJBE OF REPRESENTATIVES. .Bionaidson presented, a petition from the oommisBioners of Oolunt- baS coun tv. askina? that the boun dary lines between that county , and Robeson be not changed. Calendar. ; Rowland presented petition from citizens of Kobeaon, asking that the boundary line between that county and OolUmboa Bounty be changed. Committee 1 odc -'propositions - and Grievsboes, ' ' "f ' 'n " Cobb presented w peM50, from the.,, ooniEfjsiouer of Richmond county, askiug : authority to levy, special taxi! Committee on Finanee. isr air. xtowiana: & ui toonange the lines Of ' Rack Swamp township, Robeson county: ' Committee on nrnnuitl'nnt and ffrifivanflM. 1 uv Vilsoa Qtfan Hanover; A ViH'to arake certain rico banks in rice planta tions on the Cape Fear river, from ten miles above Wilifiinfrton to the mouth, a lawful' fence,1" Referrred. "B ,a I Shacklefbrd: A ;bill to emend' tec1 tion 1, chapter i, private laws of 1870- 71jn relation tot the inspector ot ithe city Of Wilmington. s. Referrwd.'T The hour hour for the committee 01 the whole on the county government bill, was announced ... , , . On motion of , Rose, ,,yie committee rose and the: chairmaa Mported pro gress the adoption of all the soctionst and asKed fcfliscnarire oi tne commuiee. ,1' Moring Vesumed the'chaivnd the otieBtion recurred bpou the ameDduicnts offored by tbe committee of the whole, Which wer "adopted by a vote, jeaa .w, fiats 30.v""?'. " -i. ' in-K h- minority report of the committee of the whole wbicn,, in .substance, declares that tbe system of county government shall remain as at present. The yeas and nays were called and it was reject ed bv a vote Of yeas ! 30; nays 70; a ptrict party vote ,'wjth the etccption of Mason, oi iransyiyauujWnpvpieu ' The question recurred upon Ragley's amendment ' . wbioh gives, the, election oi uiainsirai.es iu vua ucuyiu. Fending deBnite acuon tne uouse -. .. . ... . . adjourned to 10:30 o'clock a. m.. to- imrrowV''- 41 wi'ji i.'t i..'ii. -tv JtlT "H01BTING CiSTLK." l1 ,v.When once decel ted. eomei iifuse rto' BCftinV'plaee conflaeDce'"iuany thing. , jathialair?, Do yoa qoUbt tbe cbnroh and religion, because yon chance to know one or two bypc- eriteeT " Would yu refuse all money because ydu bad Ukeo one or two counterfeits? Of because your ea-( Mth S!"!rsvat( d by using the base euil worlnleaa preparations, tli&t;aie "psffed up" ana,"rMior o teason," ill yu oonamn Dr. fc;e s Cutarrh 1 ri'ue.ly, that has been the standard remedy for caTrh and coL!s In the head for 1 t"ar!y' fc Quarter" of A century 1 ; L y . jj,;. y Onesfr' ia rvorta arfTtent bn: tie ihiihU t.l eonilt J ZZt foJj. 1 - 1 h f in a ; a hhv s ; Uttearthln of a Much Prkid Hllr. I - W Mr. P. V. R Tonn wl.il Aiooino for the fouudtiou of. a pillar to house, being erected on the corner of 7th and Market streets, unoarthe.l. a few inches ; below the surface, a golr head, belougiug to a cane, and bearing the ioscription "Merrimack, J. C. Dobbin, Secret ary . -jf the Navy." Tbe cane, we Jearn from Mr. John L, Holmes, brother in-law to Mr. Dobbin, was preonted to Mr. D. in Washington City, by the offi cers of tbe Merrimao, a vessel in the Wrt states Navy, while; t b was twcretlry of thati departmepl,; How it came where it was found, is at present a mere 'matter of conjecture. Mr, Holmes 'thinks it was probably stjlen, in Fsyetteville, (the resi dence pf the amilyl during the war, and found rirwiy yfown bere'One side cf the head is somewhat but- tared, a piece being out out a little way up from the hollow side, or tbat whioh fits over the stiok. This leads ft; to suppose, s Bppearsnce indi cates, that some unskilful hand took it off, probably for the purpose of selling it, thinking, no doubt, that tbe crucible would soon destroy all traces of its identity; and it may be, that at 1 at, his fears induced him to secrete it on this lot, beinit unoccu pied. 'Mr.' Dobbin has but one child living, who is the wife of Mr. John H. Anderson formerly of Fayet'e- ville, but now residing in Brooklyn, N. Y., and we are assured that she will be rejoiced to get, and will value this memento of her father very highly Mr.' Topp will plaoo it in the bands of Mr, Holmes, who will send it to her. i .,. -.-wu" ' , ,, Harboring Seamen. , n'ihae' been j BUggested that! the Chamber of Commerce, memorialize tbe Legislature, for the passage of s more stringent law in reference to the enticing away from their vessels and the harboring ' of seamen.: Es pecially has there bt en great cause of complaint against some "boarding houses" kept for that olass of men. We have been informed by a mer chant that it) the, last "two or three months he has had "fifty ffleh -to de sert from vessels under his charge or rather allured away. In one in stance there were three-; sailors who had been harbored locked up in a room, by the landlord of a boarding house and kept for somdlunewhen the mate of the vessel,supeoiingther whereabouts, offered to feign deser tion himself,' a&d ' bring them buck. The landlord, however, in this id stance, was too smart fr -ihrnvte, for having 'his MspldtunsaVbuited he took needful precaution to pre vent dire eensequecets to himself or sailors,' so he rocked she mate np.au J put tbe sailors guard over him, aud kcptlhfin there until the. reasal had Dcllevue t'emeterj'. j Alim kteckholderi of Bollevos XJwme- tery met last night in the City Court Room, the President, John D. Bbl hiiny, Jr.f in"tho chair, and twenty -six stockholders present Mi utea of Jast moetitta read land adopted. ,. , . ; ent meeting was called lo consider the charter, which was adopted ununi- monsly..., .. ; :'&') ..,;.77 I, It was moved that each stockholder be taxed $5, to be paid in the next 80 days, for the beautifying of the grounds., ,7 1 ' . ' , ' The following gentlemen were ajt pointed to collect this assessment: Capt. E, W; Manuing, 0. F., Oolviu, J, H. McGarity and J. D. II. Klande . r Brock's Exchange. This well knowtr house, containing iar reccing roqm and billiard 4 , don; has been reopened, under the pro prieiorahipancl managcult 'of Mr. Stephen 8. Meredith It is the doiign of Mr, M. to make it first'claSs if every rospect- ', vo;) .;; y . j ;tv,i v,j ( , n'. Index to $ew Advertisement.1 Cronly k MorrisBuggies,- cap riaees. Ac, at auction priori ( t'i ( Green . k n Flanner : f! JbrusheSr tooth brushes, combs, extracts and tot let articles, mi:. f Jot 'C? Stevenson Patapsco 'flour continues to grow in, popularity and to make friends:" "7; .... i iP neinsberger-f Af large lot of beautiful new style Papeteriea. ; t i'Qljes) i,k JSIurchisou Remingtop Cast Steel Socket Shovel i t It Bee New AdveriieemoDU oo fourth sne rwsa Sj i Report. We publish in this issue the reports of tho I'resident, Treasurer, and Chap- lam of Um buuutu' 1'riuud Society. Tliey would have appeared ia ouriB- sue of yesterday, with the proceedings or, the annual meeting. bnt ; they were not ready for publication. . ( ' . . r besipekt's kkpobt, (iKXTi.KMgx: Another tear, fraucrht ,iip iu nopes ana lis disappointments, iu jurs ana lis sorrows, nas passed and we come together agaia on this our an nual meeting, to couter as to the best method of advancing the interests and usofulncs' of our. Society. One of our number, and an officer of our institu tion, has but recently "passed throusrh the valley of the shadow of death" and rests from his labors. : I refer to Mr. Silos N. Martin, our late Secretary and Treasurer, than whom this institu tion had no firmer friend, nor one more ready to give his time and business talents to its advancement and for its benefit. : We shall feel his loss as a councilor in our financial matters, and his earnest co-operation in all efforts to'ex tend our influence for good. 1 " j Our actinir secretary and Treasurer will present a detailed statement of the condition of the treasury, to which we invoke your attention. Owing to the continued depression in business we nave been unable to rent our property, as we contemplated, and the receipts have been therefore very much reduced. The upper part of the Home not beinor all finished, has been detrimental to its rental and I would advise its comple tion as soon as tha Society can see its way clear to. do so alter providing lor its, preseat indebtedness. - We were compelled to incur during the past year a debt of some $500 m repairing the front of the Bethel, which was so badly cracked and weakened as to be thought unsafe and 1 able to full. ' It has been replaced by a substantial brick front and is now permanent and secure. We would advise some action in de vising means to increase our revenue, and looking to a reduction of our pres ent indebtedness. There are about one hundred of onr citizens who pay the sum of $2 per year to aid in paying the interest on the debt and insurance on the building. I would suggest the propriety of, calling upon tho citizens generally, to subscribe this small sum annually until business revives and our building and stores can be rented at remunerative prices, y . ... ... Uor i claim, against, ; tne Uoited States govern meat is in the hands of ! our Bepreseutativ. -lion. A. M. Waddell. who promises to look, after it and insure ite collection if praoti-1 cable. , Tbe Seamen's Friend Society tuanuulJy acknowledge the , doua tkm from the parent Society of the Seamen's friend Sooietv of New York oity, of the sum of Bix hundred dollars, to id - iu -sustaining the Chaplain bi preaching j and minister ing to- the seamen, wbo visit our PWK It S 4. r-.. . Jfol moual of Christian labor per- jwe MftirtftM report oi our i Jlli JltiiKi I Itespectfully submitted, Obo. R. Fbksch, Pres't. i Statement of reo'arpts and disburse ments of the Seamen's Friend 8 eit'ty, for the year ending Feb, 6 b, '1877.1. rT; illi1;!.,. , BK0KIPT8. Amount from for mer Treasurer. . $231 65 Antoatit fromi na- 5 At i i 1 , Amouutfrjm rents 275 00 ' f ABsonnt. rom aa... . , n tt'- -l aajy4iues. . j, Utl cl i i Amount from Bank of New Hanover 300 00 Amount from Daw- t son Bank....... 292 00-$1,796 55 .!". 'JpifcBSB-iteiiiai r 'v i' on Home..., ... 534 WJ Paid Chaplain".,.. WKMiO - i Paid Insurance,.. 154 .62 ' Prtid Interest ' on " ( Debt 424 04 n J f! ; Printing and Sur veying , . (i -A(t Kn ei noT oo ... ; r Balance in baui ' f W pf Treasurer..;, $C& 73 i Respeotf un.y'jiuBmitted, - . ' -y O.KrmroH&xC ; . t" . X. fieAA Trana. thfiOjlceiVattWmber$ of the OentiiKMBj? i-iTime. with rianid flight, haabrocshtus to fhe, close of another TMir.ia vAarvMae all other h. nudi nn of aorrowt B:id lovhy. pair and beiHsri rjeatb Jst amulHt ajil this sq ingjeian' eiiu- terests and,"iiatBs there J Providence in-jrbese leads' are the iBsties' oOfeepdidiUi, (hd-'who overrules an ior guou. Tbe year now Milling has been one of reasonable prosperity, in my' work as Chaplain, llow mnohgood basbeen iccopipbsbed, Tiowmaey Imvp'been fnfliienoed to better lives, u any, I know not These things will never be fully known while we sojourn in the flesh, God knows. E ernity -ill Wf iwrvrsM ,-,..' We trust, however, that all has not been in vain. , We have eudeavorwl to preaoh Christ prayerfullylind with earnest simplicity. Errprs byx ben mude, for to err, is human. Duties may have bcon alighted, lor sometimes . we krow weary, sad to HI, even in well doing Truly, God is good and merciful, an our lives to d y demoiiatrate. ' We have canae to be thaukfnl as well ss bnmble, and I thank God for Hia goodaess during the year, 'and pray Mrmfl that Hi b'a iugs may go w.tb u inC tho future. The Bethel has been open every Sabbath for .-ome months and regu Ur religious aervioM ht 11 there; ' The Cape Fear Marine Total Absti nence Society was. reorganized early in Nov, for the benefit of seamen. Its object is clearly explained by its title, Its success, thus far is favora ble to its coBtiuual existence. The membership is increasing and we an ticipate increased prosperity, . During the past rear X have visi ted 784 vessels and distributed 69, 815 tracts Gentlemen, the outlook in my field is hopeful. Inoreased ef forts wll bring greater success. We need more aid from other. It is a good work, deserving onr warmest sympathies. The Sailor . needs friends, Would that the good ' peo ple of this city would betrsy one naif tbe interest in order to save bim, as the bad people do to, destroy bim. Were this doue a calm sea and pro pitious breeze would waft your ves sel to the port of success, God grant that this may soon be. respectfully submitted, -- Jos. L. Exbn, - , :t : ,,:. :,. . .. . Chaplain. r. 7 THE COURTS, Magtatrate'a Court. v. , u , Before T. M. Gardner, J. P Cato Mack, colored, (one of the thieves cap tured by c fficer Carr at Tho rnbury a few days since) was, on the affidavit of Ida Mack, charged with assault and battery, found guilty, and a justified bond of $100 required for his appear ance at the next term efthe Superior Courtj failing to give which he was sent to jail. This offence was commit ted lost June, and the process of ; the law has been unable to reach him in til his capture the other day. s The testi mony showed that the woman was badly beaten, had been stricken by him with a hoe helve several times, and in fact "laid up" from theieffects of the brutal punishment he gave )ie.f .The J ustice would have taken ' final : juris diction, but he thought that tbe pun ishment permitted by, the law to be in flicted for this crime, by his Com was insufficient in this case. '. "'7 Mayor's Court. Martha Williams, lorceiy "o 1 a pocket book, continued. ' " ; H " Benjamin Lane, disorderly 'eor. duct, dismissed Bt the costs of the prosecutor. . "''-'' yj ..' 'r !"I Jennie Seymour,, selling -liattor without a license, continued. 'J.,r, ,' Eliza inch,, selling liquor on Sun day, dismissed,. Several' other liquor cases were dis posed of ;s;',:;J f'J ' A' party- from !6outh Jit3aro1iha. drunk on the streets,' not beiug a cit izen he was dismissed bn payment' of COfcts. k r; vyj.-t . l vi tup ouivTls r . Trial of the Shawa. , The North Carolina fFavetiertOe) Caiesays thai the above cose was given to the jury oh; Friday night. The jury i were out-until i Sunday morning, whon finding that Ihey oonld not possibly agree, the ; Judge discharged them. . Ine prisoners Charles Allen and Tom- Shaw, were allowed to iye bail for their Bppear anoe at the next term of the Court. This will be reooUectedas the case of the rioters iu whioh, Mr, ? Heill Ken nedy was killed,, who.iu epnuBction witu wiur.i uiru, ww.equeiiToring io flefendamou wbnhad Wat-d theiu . oarafio iUi.' hyt t;jrrm cid riU I.)r. ,. Miss Anderson thta: Kveiiliig. season is. Mise Mary Anderson, who will play Juliit at the dp jib House to-nlht.5 .vttvi;o.i..;v.'as ..: 'i The reserved seats have be-n near ly all taken, an ,y we anppose toat the theatre will be filled by t deeply ex pectant audience,, , Mi is Anderson bas met with bigh.enooniums on this tour. We bespeak for her a large house. 7 :: '.. ' ', Thcrmometrlcat, , y j ..The'state of the thermometer at the Various stations named below' was nh. served at the signal office in this city at4:30 p. - ' V uauzoi . ' Angusta,4l ; Charleston, 49; halves ton, 54 ; Jacksonville, SI; Mobile, 47; New Orleans. 54: Norfolk. 4S: S aah, 43; Wilmington,53 4 " -; 1 ' t 7 '' ;'' "j" ?. CITYCURRNCY.r-i ' A refreshing shower1 of raiq last night. -:" 7 ' ' .- ..U- lts: - In justico to Tliemlorc' Fi. hifla we state that he did give his pupils gome lessons, but pot all. n' paid the l-osts yesterday and was set at liberty.' ' J A new business, with Havre," France, has been opened. The Swedish barque Israel, which recently took out a fcureo of Bnperior cotttou to that port gave such salisfactioa that Other, shipments are required. Tho Vessel wns.vhar tered by Mr. A. Vol, (Jeneral A pent ofths W.,C. &AyR.R. !" ;