-.r. .. . .e-7 if" . " , jilliJ.fr J 1 i U 7 It! .. -v ; - A A jV J . .V .. " -A. I ESTABLISHED,' 1851. I WILMINGTON,' N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY ,20, ( 1877. PRICE $6 00. Vf v Ac TIIE TELEGuili $. HIXOCSIIIC C0CSSI1 LOOK FOE 1 IAY0&AELI DECISION BS FOSE TBI COMMISSION 15 TBS C2ICCX 1U. ' Senator Thurjiaa am) Bajarcl'g masterly ar raignment ft Jthp ac tion of the Commission la tt3 Louisiana Cnse: the sehate dt-clabes louisiana fob hayes abjeelebbya; VOTE. Gunday'o ftoport. Wasboto, February 18.TThe frionds of the Texas Ptoifio Bailroad bTe detertained4ak no further effort to pass their bill this session. The electoral complications end pres sure of, the sppropriation bills pre cede th conderaUonw its im por,tar . 4euad.i d wkioh fti friends desire it should hare.. There ieno doubV whateWfliet the biU would pass by Urge wajoritj oould tot be legitimately reaobed. Moon Rcporto. iJ!lI!lVi3aiif3-TT:: Washihotoh, Feb. 19.. Howe's Louisiana committee, upon which Re nnhlicana base their hope of Packard's Tecognition. ha'Ve work before it which will occupy the week. Gov. Palmer of Illinois hai been "wStf nef 'IS field and Vernon parish, and Secretary Honore and nis papers must be exam- The Democratic counsel hare nearly completed their preparation of the con test over Oregon. They say they will win there or utterly disgrace the com mission. The House met t 10 and at 11 the Senate entered, when the decision of MeoUn&Bida1 WdeUtereaGeB. Gibson presented a remonstrance signod by all Democrats. It recites the proof proposed by the Demo raUnoiT,SeI3nd'WeprSefn of the oom mission with fall details. The House wilt separate when the yeadinff is concluded. Farther pro-! frees of tbeooanklniprobabje to-day.' The President was in consultation with Secretaries Fish and Cameron and Attorney General Taft.thiSjmorning, and could not receive the Southern delegation. M Will see tnem to-morrow. Representative: Hewitt testified ber fore the privileges arid ejections commit tee"thathe'had the disbursing oftfie Na tional Democratic. niobfey. lie was willing to produce an account showing how every dollar was spent He sent n& lSgVapnte -lliatbhc in -cipher during the last campaign. mctr. Uijiriota? Feb. 10.Tbe ttore of Loomes Bros, and Hillyer's hotel ia Grandly, wire Inmed yesterday .5rlelJLAf IXMnesJSraU". (10,000, and on the hotel 145,000. Leiroosr, Tpbft Xi.k Beater dis -patch from ritaohnk, Ba)garu days: The, ppmbjcr pf Turkish troops )uartdiedl h the 'villages along tie IDannbe has iuoreased from 60,000 on ' dh Slit of Jflnnaiy ' to t5,00a 1 ThS TJan'-Xa cf rHcIitabuk-' numbers 12.CC3 men. i A Caster dispatch from. Belgrade , ify?; Tsb ctlationi are progress- IJ .-.-:.l"7 and It expected, that atrc-'jef peaoe will be ready to lutait to the urea Skuptsohiua on It ia stated that 8,000 Busslan r'tgluJJti ''ittfiilStUig ibe gauge of the Roumanian roads to eonform wi tecor.-,:ua tn J aaya. ; . .. : k . CLrk":s cf tie frr'an envoy was 'tone;-!.' rccuiveJ at Constantinople --1 x . tltt lis c;L:a Is immL nent at CcGs'.-tinopU. A new '3.--l Vii'ertas teen sj pointed. T , f.--1 , Home say it has fceoa ' 1 t' ist t!i naw rbrte ',lna te'''w.te4 wiiaoai'tcriurd to nationality, , r Night Reports. W1SHISCI0X. Wa8Hikotok, Feb. 19. The New York Tribune puhlkhea interviews with Graul regarding South Carolina. The President is made to say in South' Carolina the contest hod assumed such a phase that the whole army of the United States would , be inadequate to enforce the authority of Governor Chamberlain The people of that State had resolved not to resort to violence bpt adopted a mode of resistance much more formidable and effective than armed demonstrations They had re fused te pay their State taxes to Gov. Chamberlain and it would be useless to sill out their property, as no one would buy it; and unless Gov. Chamberlain could compel the collection of taxes it would be utterly useless for him to ex- Jet to maintain his authority for any lgthof time. This state of affairs ist inevitably result in the abandon ment of all efforts by Gov. Chamber lain to maintain himself in the exer cise of the Gubernatorial functions of lie State of South Carolina. , ' J The President will leave the White ijouce on the 3d of March. He and Jlrs. Grant will be the guests of Sec Betary Fish.. , ;-y.-"M.i IIocse. On assembling at 10 'clock the House , took a recess until 1 O'clock. ( , ..;-"'f "' -;.;-: .'. Precisely at 11 o'clock the Senate rrived at the Hall of the Houbo and look the seats alloted to it in the right kf the Chamber. : : " t r , The presiding, officer then handed o the tellers the decision of the elec toral commission, giving the vote of JLouisiana to Hayes and Wheeler,. ,He jthen asked if there were any objections o the decision. , ; , , Gibson of Louisiana, presented an iobjection signed by nearly all the Democratic Senators and Rcpresenla,- ,tiveir.' Other objections were submit-. !ted by Senator Wallace of Pennsylva nia, and by Representative Cochrane of Pennsylvania. ' These having been read the Senate retired and the House, on motion of Wood of New York, took a recess antil 10 o'clock to-morrow yeas 140; nays 130. 'i " r. The House is in caucus to uight. ! ', Senate. No business was transact ed previous to the return of the Senate from the Honse, when Sherman sub mitted a resolution that the decision of the commission upon the electoral rote of the State of JLouisiana stand as the judgment of the Senate,' the objections made thereto to the ( contrary notwith standing.''' J"'H ,U4 H,'....!.,r!-k.'l ..j, jr.JCernan. submitted a substitute for the resolution of Mr. Sherman as jpilowsi-f ;':;v. v--:"!- Ordered, That the votes purporting to be electoral votes for President and Ylce President, and which were given by Wm. P. Kellogg, J. H. Burch, L. A. . Sheldoa, Peter Joseph, Morris Marks, A. B. Leviseee O. II. Brews, ter and Oscar Jefferoiu, clainung to be electors for the State of Louisiaua, be not counted, the decision' of the com mission to the Contrary notwithstand-1 The qet'gtion being rn the substitute of Mr. Kernan; Mr. Thirman of Ohio, said the statute of Louisiana created a returning board Consisting; of five per sons who were to hold bfEco indefi nitely and with power to fill all vacan cies that might ocenr.7,.(; ; . , K '( It devolved upon these five men to say who should hold office in the State. The question of who should hold office depended not upon the will of the peo ple but npon the will of ,jthe returning board. He believed such a board .was utterly destructive of fa republican form of government. The State1 of Louisiana, under onr Constitution, had no power to create such a board. The acts of that board were unconRtrto'tiori- m, uuu BmLoiu( euu u m ncs were not unconstitutional they were not legal in canvassing the vole of te' 7th of November last becadse' the statute required that the board should be com posed of five persons of different polit ical parties. , But in .fact it was com posed of but . four persons, all of the same party, and they steadily refused tq fill the, vacancy., The .duty of the board was to eanvass and complete the returns of the commissioners of elec tions, but the testimony, showed they did not do it The nrnnf vhiVf, ii 'couDsoi offered before' 'the", comufission should have been accepted, and in that opinion he was fortified by the action of both Houses of Congress four years ago In rejecting the vote of Louisiana, He lb m fofcirtd to they alleged ineli gibility, of certain electors in that Btate, and said he could not egard that other tfaanas a nullification of the constitutional provision , OB tha sub jeci undW this decision. Nd matter by what fraud a man might be elected President or Vice President, or bow eligible an elector might be.'.there was no power to iuquire into iU T&e.yote of an ineligible eiectorhuiust be count ed, and neither the State nor Congress could right the wrong.' He utterly dissented from such a decision as being destructive to republican govern ment. The decision would ha,ve the effect of a proclamation to dishonest returning boards to perpetuate whatf ever villainy their interests, might dic tate, with the absolute certainty that they would be successful. ! ! Morton followed, at length in sup port of the action of the commissioti. ; Mr. Bayard of Delaware, said as a member of the electoral commission, he had given all that Tie "could give of earnest study, patient labor and devo tion to secure a 'just execution of the law under .which he was appointed. His labors-d his i efforts had been Crowned by failure deep his sorrow, and poignant was ,. his, disappoyntrnent He mourned hni failure' ifoi' his conn, try's sake, for it seemed to hiro not only did this decision leyel,iu the dust all the essential safeguards thrown around the election, of a. Chief Magis trate, but it announced o the people of this laud .that truth, and justice, honesty and morality jvere no longef the central basis of thoir political pow. - : . J Sherman's resolution was adopied by b strict party vote il id, 28, ' ;'? I The Senate then took a recess. ( : The House' C9ihmittee on appropria tions voted $360,000 to-day ante bul Sum mail contradts. ' ; i 1 There is no indication of any change in the orders to General Augur. It ia at yet the feeling, in the mili tary quarters that the army in New Orleans is snflfciently strata? to pre vont auj outbreak, and at! the same time it is not the impression ia Cabi net circles jhat any .violation. 'of the law will pre ent itself. . ; t" i . v OUR RALEIGH LETTER. To the Jourat. ' ' " ';" ";' '. Ralkigu, Feb. j 15.-Araong the im portant bills passed by the present Legislature,, is the'' one establishing a State Board of Health. The act makes the State Medical' Society1 the State Board of Health, and thus keeps both out of tli' quagmire of politics, while it at ,the same time , recoguizes the State Medical' Society,' andlnakes it a co-ordinate branch i of the State gov ernment 1 1 does so in this, that the law gives the Society a general sanita ry 8uperyisiori.,of the tftate and its pub lic institutions, and nukes.it the medi cal advisers of the State. The State Board of Health are required to make official 1 report to? every1 Legislature through' the Governor, on" matters of the health an'4 lives "or 'the .'.'peopled caua-s of disease of epidemics with suggestions as to prevention or removal ot tljj stime. Tum reports are to be published by the" Legislature as are other ti ports made to that body. Thus dots the dmo; bouord , and Useful State Miiiigst Sooiety, 10 ad ditioo to i's, othtlabors and ser vioe,iu mlmlf f cieDoa Mudhumani' tf become she sanitary, institution of North Carolina;!! Tu law creates no paying offloo but gives on huu drtd dolliirs 1 imubflllj to the board fur expensos!of publications and siioh like sustaining purposes. Coun ty Mrdioal Societies, strictly auxiliaiy tat the State Medioa Society, ure by the aot County Boards of Health, and ' thus - may - the 1 aulboritiuS of oondties, to wds aod 'cities, i avail themselves of 'he sanitary benefits of tbeae Bwds by any arrangemepts ihey may olioosd to mnko, with snid County Boards. This lawt; while so full of promiwe of utefulmes, will also aot its a utimnlus to- the profes sion of the various .Coaoties, where County Societies do not already ex ist, to organ ize'Ccunty ,uxyiary, Societies. It is a new .step in .sani tary soienoe and medical profession iu North Oaroliaa. j a 8. ..(!.;.; ;,.v...),TberaioietrlcaUi j,,., : The state of the thermometer at : the various stations mused below "was ob served at thd signal' ofiica in this city at4:30p.m.rI"i,i"iMH1' J ' Auffusta.6S : Charleston. 61i Galves ton. 64 ; Jacksonville, 67; Mobile, 63: t . - V. II 1 C . . Mew uneans, o.i; ixorwm, 4j csavar, ah 67; Wilmington, 62 ,Mi-m ' dim. I'M Capt. RI A. Shotwell and Cspt. Natt . Atkinson are . getting np a "Leffislative Direotbrr:" a pamph let which will contain the captions of all tbe sets and resolutions passed bv the General Assembly, together with a true sketch of eaob individual member ot the. Legislature, bonate and House. ' ' , , ' Now they bare, got the blood ont of their eyes in a measure, the Is-1 disua Republicans discover with sur prise that Bine VesDS Williams, so fan1 from beiii r the boor then ' csnv paigu funcy painted him. Is very clever fellow, .as fhrewd ss he i simple, who bids' fair to make one of tbe best and most popular Governors Indiana has seeu this fjuartor of a oeutury. LOCAL NEWS. Our City Delivery , Is in the hands of Capt. John . Leggett, so well and favorably known. HewiB solicit forthe Jocrsai, and superintend and be responsible for the delivery of the paper. All shortcom ings should be reported to him imme diatelyjl . r- ' .' ; f J , V , Two Sudden Deaths. " William Prioe, 01., 4o liveJon the cor ner of Ninth and Red Cross atreota, bad retired ou Saturday night, and. about twelve o'clock 1eTf out of rjdM His wife hearing the noise made 'jy the fatf immediately got np, and with the aid of others in the house, a bom she bad summoned to her as- sis tailed,' got him' in bed again, when it was found that he was unable to speak. ' Dtj Edward 'King was sent for and giTB bimthe neoeasary medi cal attendance until his death, which Occurred betwenone and two o'clock on Sunday noon. Price was on able, ,to speak from the time ha was taken siek Until he died; i Apoplexy is assigned as the cause of his death. Corner' Hewlett summoned V jury and held an inquest over his body on yesterday; their Tordifit being that he came to his death from natural causes. CbVlea Johnson, colored, rhd NVed on Sixth' between BwanrJ and Nixon streets, had gone . to chnrob (Mt. Zion) on Sunday morning, and' whilo there feeling badly, he came out and started borne, tut fell iu tbe streets, and was taken to his sister's house; who lives near the oburcb, where he--died is a few minutes. Heart disease thought tq be the cause of death ii ' this ' instance. ' Coroner Hewlett held an inquest over the body, and the jury returned tat veif diet that deaifaj resulted-from rifar'al bMaral Rev. Cbas. V, Deems. This distinguished divine arrived in the oity on tbe 7.60 P. M. North ern train, yesterday, and 1b the gueBtj of Mrs. ,0,1 Q Kennedy. Dr. Deems left his home,, New York oity, about two weeks ago, and has ben spsndiog e day or two here and thero, in Hiobmond, ' Petersburg, Goldsboro', MVX)live anct 'Fajsoa. Tbe fact is. the doctor has so many friendB that it is hard for him to go by a ptaoe. r The people bear of .his whereabouts through the paper,$Lni tbey , claim at least a. short stay, and a sermon or a lecture from him. He will not preach, or speak Id any publio maoner; for m while he is here this time,' but we are glad to know that there is a movement ion foot, with some( probability of suc cess, of having him as " Orator " on m'unorfai 'day. lOtits . May.: 'SaTwill remain here to day and to-morrow losTing on tbe 8 o'clock traih to-morrow nigbl for Augusts, G., to visit his daughter. . 4 - t ' ' V l , I Mavor'i Court. ' obnTpiverdiso"r.ierly oaliU- baatiug wife fined $25 cod oostor 30 days on the street. Andrew Jackson, a Swedish sailor disorderly Snduot, continued. Eliza Fiocb gambling, continued.' . y , V f. .TO SB TBIED. , -. - , 1 . Margaret Williams, (ool'd) an old offender, charted withtakina a pock et bxik from Elward Harris, (col'd) on the night of the Htli : inst. She was recognised lo appear r from day to day and Harris not appearing as a jjwitnese . eLe ,was released, She wat charged by'' Remas Thomss, (ool'd) with taking his pocket book ooinenigna of tLe,,istfc,rTiiomss says he asked' her to fix bfs snspen der, ' and' f tbat'jlW' abstracted bis pocket book, from the rear pocket of his pants, - , , 'p' ilt ' '''' Aanlvewary.'i-'i .J.m j. VIoar4 Relief Fiie Engine Oom pany No. 1 (Sterner L: Adrian',)"will oelebrute their anniversary ' to-day, by a parade this morning ,aii4 tivitiua at their halt on fourth street td 'gb j By referenee to adver tisement, it will be seen that' both honorary and! active' members are ordered to appear at the Engine House this! morning, to take part in thedsrade and Engine trial. "' i 4k., Legal Holiday.,, J .... Thursday, the twentyeoond inst, being not only Washington's birth bo, a legal holiday, will be ob' served throughout the eonntry. In our own oity tbe banks aod business 'booses' will ire suppose suspend 1 business,' and it is hopod- some en tertalumeiit w0t be given 'at the Athlete grounds for the amusement of onr citizens. Board of Edacatloa. The tollosiug ;pr'oaediDg ; were bad by tlu Board of Edocation at a meeting oo 8atariuy. Ui ilit t ' J ! After the adjournment of tho Com missiooers the Bosrd resolved itself into a Board of Eduq vtion, with the same members prweut, wlie.i the followina DrooeediuffH were had : ! If was ordert d by the JBoard' df Education that the apportionment of the school fuudft for the county of New Hanover, oplleoted for the year 1876 b$l?5Ier capita for each township, and that the Secretary of the Board notify the County Treat rnr and the diffurent school com mittees of sitid apportiouD'euf, namely : Mabokbobo lowiWHip 112 whites; snnuntf93 12; CO colored; amount fsieo, A,' if .,r ll : Fbdebal PiJint Township 76 Whites; amount $103 36; 76 colored; smonnt $103 SO.,,,. . ... I Capb Fbab Township -44 whites ; smouBt $59 84; 196 colored; amount 8266 56. , , -:: ' . ..- - ' HABNirr ,TowN8Hip 161 whites amount $218 96; 352 oolored; amount $478 72. i, . n- .., , Wilmington Township l,75i whites; amount $2,381 36; 2,304 oolored; amount $3,133 44. i Total Whites, 2,174; amount $2,. 956 64. Colored, 2,988; amount 84,063 68. Grand toUl, white and colored, 5,162; amounts, $7,020 32. On motion the Board then ad journed." I ' .' j Burnt. Last night, .about dark, a little child, the son oi Robt. MoFarlacd, colored, was standing in front of tbe fire at his father's bouse, when his pants caught on fire.' and burnt his leg, very painfully, but not seriously.- That father was cutting wood in the yard and he heard the little fellow (who was in the room with another small boy) scream, when be rushed in and found him on the bed and the quilt on fire, , bnt succeeded in putting it ont before any serious damage had oooured to the child, and prevented the house from being in flames. , , t.. . : , : .,. Collided. ! The Brig J, IL, Kennedy, in cim' ing to anchor in the stream on yes terday, swung around aod struck the steamship D. J. Foley. There was no damage done, except to tho can vas covering of one of the small boats on the SoJeyVhioSfaa. torn partly off. . , Col. Burr's Lecture. t , Do not forget that Col. Burr will lecture to-nigbt at the Library Boom. 'The reputation of tbe spuk er ana fue objeokto Whloa .the pro ceeds will accrue, the Ladies' Be nevolent 8ooietyf should insure a full house. 5 Fire In ItyeUevUle. ' ; ! Wf ltarn that there was. a fire in Fayetteville on Sunday which burned the house' of Mr. Forshee.' "' It was small, but a neat and handsome house. We regret, that, there wjjs only a small insurance npon it. : !js Mat. Foiicd.i ,:f, :L'f .-' Some one attempted t' enter the house of Mr, J. W. Biddle, on the corner of 6th and Castln Streets, on Sunday night His danghter heard the noise, and screamed, which frightened him off. ' 'P'h ll(i!siosf4 pt!Aiidinf, b,t The bill to establish a Board of Audit and Finance,; passed its sev eral reading in the House on Satur day." Other matters of local interest were introduced.; , ?.n .j, yK--t CITY CURRENCY. i Storm signal np yesterdoy.i ? ? ; l ' "Nothing transpired in' Magisterial circles on yesterd v. - i 'The-weatbor indications are fslliDg, followed by rising baromeer and cold weatoer. . Cautionary signals continue .from Oape , Hatteraa to Wood'S HOUV' Y ', i"..i-Ur: , ; A shower of rain pattered on1 the tin roof ot the Joubsau office just before we sent our forms to press this morning, producing sweet .music but ''tired nature" felt little like, dancing, 1 -.-t-. . . ' ladei to Mew Advertlsemeata. "' .Wm. L. DeRosset, Agent Orton plantation for sale. , j .. . George L. Schutt-i Always on hand, v 8.Jeweit Book-seller and stationer. ' James 0. Munds Wanted to pur chase. U. I. Ei Artis Reduces shaving to ten ccntsw.'' 7;' ,. "".''-'. ' ! Henry Ehrbeck, Recording Sccre-i tary Attention. .'V:;' ' . v P. Heiu8berger-Masical Pianos, organs, Aa.1 : ui. , -v.: 1 Giles & Murohison Swedes iron. LEGISLATURE OF : NORTH CAROLlL Condemed from the Ealrigh (JUervtr. SENATE. ( J : ' . . i ; Satdbdat, Feb. 17. ; By Mebane, f Rockingham ; Peti- ou from citizens of Rockingham county, to repeal the tax oil droro were. 'Finance. i, ... . By UufcH : Bill to osUblish a new couuty to be called Vance. Ite Jrred to committee on doropora funis.' . : ; ,- By permission Stanford offered a resolution for the relief of the New River Canal Company. Referred. i-BiH'to authorize a goverunieut for Wilmington. , . ! Moorer col., cf New Hanover, off red aentatitut-saud spoke agair st the bill. His substitute was kst,ii , By permission. Finger introduced a resolution relating to the actiou bf the " electoral commiseion, Oon--dsmns in strong terms tho aotion of the majority of SAid commission, and ui horizad members sad Seuut)rs in Congress to use their influence to set aside said unlawful action of the commission. ' Mebane, of Rockingham, offered to amend so as to strike out iusi motion to onr .Senator . and members in Congress. Accepted. (Joke offered to amend that onr Senators and Members in Congress condemn in strong terms. " Lost. Tbe resolution then psvted. , Bill to establish county govern ment was taken np. ! ' On motion of Robinson the amend meuta orooosed bv the Hnnsn vna considered separately. ' xne amendment of the House rela tive to a county .Treasurer, was not continued in. , ,. With slight ! and 'unimportant amendments the remainine ameud- ments of the House . were conour'r? By permission Robiufiou intro duced a resolution to authorize the judiciary committee to examine the orders and decrees of ...the , circuit court of the . United States in the 8w.izey suit and ar certain by whom tbe receiver is paid &o. Adopted. U Resolution relative to J B. Mo Pberaoh, tax collector of Tender oonnty, was taken np and passed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Suotwell: A resolntion rescinding certain resolutions heretofore adop ted and to endorse .tlw , election of Samuel J. Tilden, Calendar. 1 By Wilson of i New Hanover: A bill to nuthoriza New Hiiuover conn ty to fund its floating debt. Fi nanoe. 1 By MoCubbins: A bill to be enti tled au aot to amond chapter 20. see tion 5 of lawa of special session of 18(18."' Juiioisry. " -' , ; , By Moring: A bill to be tctitftrd 8D act to amend section 25, cuHpfei! Ill of Ba'tle'e Revisal, so as to re lieve from penalty officers. reqn red to give bond and who may refuse to enter upon the duties of such offiea i Judioiury. w ?; ; , f A resoJution to compel the Presi dent of tbe Western North Carolina Railroad to reoert the oomlitinu of the claims agaiust George W. Sep sort and M. 8. Littlefield, and to re quire the Semetsry of Btate to fde wru a copy oi ine resolution to tin uim iuuu, was laaev np, and passed its severafreadings.i " A bill to establish a boaril of anrlit and finance for the city of Wilming ton was taken up on its several read ings and passed. ", ',' ., K the bill to loeQtft a nermanAnLfiitat. of government for tho oounty.cof Pender, was aken up and, on mo tion of Move. ' Was rftferrad tn tin. ooamiittee on propositions and griev ances. -. , y j always: oh: mm rJIHE BEST SECTED STOCK OI? urbceries; Proyisions, " -Wooden, Willow, Tin ana urockery Ware.,, : Also a large stovk1 of cholee ImporUd snd domestic J ' Liquors, Wines, Old XXX ir)Jo -years uia , CABINET i. 'WJllSKlES, AT S2 150 Pktn GALLON JUST RECEIVED ! ,i ; .. ' Aoew lbtof ,. . ; j.;. i ' ) "rBucMeatnotiria!;!!" Smoked Sainton, Limburger Oheese, , ' i Dutch Herrings, ! '.' v - Turkish Prunes, Dried Apples, ; . .Curratits, &o;,; &c. 1 I , i.! AT GEORGE L. SGHUTT'S ,, i Llvo Flower Store. M. K. car, nsurktisiw Sveoud St. febBOtf XEW ADYIEIIslMOTS. ' OBTOII PLANTATION FOR SALE! f OFFEB AT PRIVATE ' HALE-' THE L aliove property, lylnir en th Wt Jr. ot Cape Fear River, la miles from this eity, luthe county of Brungwkk, contain ing atwut NINE TlIOCSAifD ACRES of LAND. inrlnilfnr t.hrn liim.lii 1 superior KICK LAND, of wUich two hun dred and twenty five acres have produced 16.300 bushel, and which I. tor the production of Smalt Grain jmd umnst-i. flooui eini tuougand acres or PINE LAND, and a large amount of LIVE. OAK i TIMBER. . A .. r . VS lVt Vowert supplied by a ncver-failini? pond ... nnui, , iiiiica in lengxo ana ij feetbeud. with l(iHhl .(t r mor r f w. imiHWWT, torics of any description. - mo jdis aoouDj m veer and othari auie. aud the Pond in well Fish of all varieties. ' - - The Imnrovpmpnt. nn.iot r . n,L story DWELLING HOUSE, of ten room,' with Brick Basement and all necessaryi Out louse, Stables, Bams, Ac., anv ' u uuiuireu rarm nanus. This magnificent Estate, the palatial wfai. . ter residence of t hlt ru. v .r inn valued prior to 18H1, at 100,000 00,-and will be sold 4XJK CASH OSLY, t a great sacrlflce. The UteCurrerB.Koun dell, Esq., of London, paidWr ia rjCQf cash for the property. a map oi me Estate may be seen bv an- plylug to tho uudewigned or Mk Owea ; Ilolmes. Who Wflltakflnloaallm4 ahnorln the Property to any one desiring to lnspecl the same to person. ,i , . .,, , , 7, , . WM, U DkBX)S8ET, fub20-law3wTJtF ; Agent,,, ATTENTIOni HOWARD RELIEF Ml CO, NO. f. MEMBERS, both Honorary and Ac(ive) you are hereby ordeatd to aDnear at your Engine House, on this, (Tfleaday,) umniiiiK, iu ociock, presiseiy, in rull uniform whita . irlnvfWi annual Pa rade and Engine Trial. By order of Foreman. - i si-t s , iuiui!.un, Kec Soc'tr., feb. ao-lt ' J E.AET1S, A i. 'Ml' T EDUCES SIIAVLVa to TEN CENTS, IV Hulr Cuttlnir 1111(1 Mhamnnr.1,, tn TwESTr-FlVB CENTS. f r r , Call' and see Lira, under1 the Tureen House; . , ,,': . fob. ao-tf . . v a JEWETT, ) r. NEWS DEALER, BOOK tUn ' and Stat!6nei; i 't" Alo agent for Dormau's Improved feb20-ly , WILMINGTOxc Wanted to,. Purchase ! PPLETON'S JOL'KNAL NUMBER l lM. for 17th MARCH , li. - iipnir to ...... x fehao-tf, u iJAMELjMUNPfj ' MISCKHASEOUS. " "To I K.-'.V .1 'o J let . .:t; i.-n,5 -e off ' -fitih tmr.i Tkii-h ' irUttai'S j ; : u 4 w FlutC3, iiiiiiiig And ft full assortment o(; eaeral v, Uuaicidnierandis , f.t 'T .'i liAT-TltE WAsivuh 11 81 i.'jfdi.j a; oompteta stook'f ) ai " ''-'. ' i'.; ft -3.rf- As t-w BLAjNEBOOES, . .... m rams m io - ' I H'lffT.n-Vinrt ViJf -' ! '; . r ' &KD . - ! PAPEIiS. AlX'SiZpS arid STYLES u'-'i'f -i-AT . I -.'t-i.IJo ; " '7' 77 ami 4i xiiuVsv l feb 13 tf r