Mint I'.it'J 1 L J ESTABLISHED, 1851. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1877. PRICE $6 00. THE TELEGRAHS. THE PARCE ENDED ! 8 to7 ! oregoh counted iiFOE HAYES! PLAY THE ROGUE'S LURCH. DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS SLIM VOTE MAJORITY OF, 20 FOR COUNT ING THE ELEC- TORALVOTE MONDAY. Upon Reports. WASSI56T05. WiaraoToir, Feb. 22. A disagresj abls reeling perradss politic this morn log. Then is doubt u to the action of Justices Strong and Bradley. The lrreconcilablei of the Democrat ic party find they cannot secure the liz j Democratic Senators necessary to read objection sufficiently long to defeat a result before, the, 4th of March, and Mr. Randall's rulings make ordinary parliamentary tactics of calling the ayes and nays ineffectual. There is apprehension that should the commission decide to count Ore gon two for Hayes and one for Tilden, the six Senators and some to spare can be foand among the Republicans to sign the necessary protest to consume the time. : . ' ' " Senator J ohn Sherman is with Hayes at Columbus., A , , r. The resignation of Sherman to be followed by Hayes' election to the Sen ate and hit subsequent eleration to the Presidency, and thence to the Chief Magistracy are discussed here if not at Columbus by Hayes and Sherman. It is determined beyond doubt to hamper the army appropriation bill with prorisiona that can only be re mored by the resignation of Hampton and NickoU. -; j -j ; i 'i ' V : t ' The day is big with stents, but af kin hare so shaped themselves that the bast interests of the South cannot be seriously affected, - . Before-t the- privilege and powers committeeKennedy testified under cross examination that he acted a week with the Packard Legislature and then went ore to the Nicholls "Legislature. He did not solicit from Packard, Kellogg, or any one else, support for the United States Senate. Offered money to no one. Ma have said to some of Pack ard's Legislature that they , would get mileage from Nicholls, because Nich oils had money and Packard had none, Judge Ray of Louisiana, is on the stand. . Not a scintilla has shone through the crfricc? fljl the, elfced doors of the commission. . The anxiety is intense. The Senate this moruing passed bills to remove the political disabilities, of Henrys R Kelly of Louisiana, C. A. P. R. Jones of Alabama, S. B. Moore, W. P. Covington and Samuel D. Turner, of 71., 0. Oatlen of Arkansas, , Win. Butler and Wade H. Gibbs of South Carolina, Wm. R. Jones and R. 8. Kenny -of Texas.: v:i " At an informal meeting at Speaker Randall's house it was agreed that the army should consislj of v 17,000 men with a proviso that the troops should not be used in the support of either party to the dual governments of Lou isiana or Bouth Carolina. " "'' KEW TOM. Nsw Yon, Feb. 23. Mourso k Brojbi X 'cotton commissi iaercbasts, have failed. Liabilities upwards of $100,000. They dealt principally in spot cotton, ( A; member" of the firm has wi J the failure will only bo temp orary, and that ; arrangements are in progress for satisfactory settlement .,, . K5SSIIT1SIL Philadilthu, Feb. 23. A Lancas ter disyatch reports the funeral of Rev. Bernard Keenan, aged ninety-eight .years, the eldest Catholic priest In the world arl frr fifty-four years pastor of Aery's Church of that city took .place yesterday, ' cmoi- Qckk.vstowx, Feb. 23. On the ar rival here of the steamer Dakota at 4 o'clock this morning, with the remains of John O'Mahoney, a local committee appointed for the purpose, proceeded out in a tender and received the re- mams, and presented an address to the American deputation accompanying them. The coffin was conveyed to the pro. Cathedrals whore mass for the dead was celebrated at 8 o'clock. Owing to the early hour of landing there was no demonstration. - FOBIIGX Paris, Feb. 21 The Figaro names a distinguished prima donna whom it charges with having eloped from St. Petersburg with Senor Nicolini. It States further that the Marquis of Caux followed them and that judicial proceedings for a separation have beeu commenced. London, Feb. 23. Cardinal Cullen in a letter to the funeral committee of O'Mahony says: "I aril unaware that O'Mahony contributed any signal scr vice for his country, but I believe that he provoked hostile legislation against us. I have been unable to learn that he was a great benefactor of the Church. On the contrary he is said to have written in a spirit hostile to it. He was the head-centre of the Fenians, and collected large sums of money to promote their absurd movements even after Fenianism had been condemned by the Church. If I were to allow his remains to lie in . the Cathedral I should seem to approve his religions and public conduct and his projects relative to Ireland. A responsibility which I am not at all incliued to as sume. A dispatch from Constantinople says: The Russian consulate here warns shipping that torpedoes are being placed on the Black Sea coast between Sookgoom Kate and Fort St Nicholas. Guardships are stationed at Porte, and at Sookgoom Kate roadsteads indicate the course. Balakelava must not be entered without communicating.' A statement has been published here to the effect that a league has been formed by the Ritualists for the pur pose of agitating in favor of the dises tablishment of the English Church. ' mMBUo, reb. a J. A telegram re ceived here from St. Thomas says the steamer Francecina, reported wrecked at Cape San Bias, got off and is safe at AspinwaL Night Reports, WASHINGTON. Washington, Feb. 23. The commis sion adopted a resolution that the bal. lota cast by Odell, Cartwright and Watts were the lawful electoral votes of the State of Oregon, and should be counted for Hayes and Wheeler. The vote stood 8 yeas, 7 nays. The House was occupied all day in eommittee of the whole in considera tion of the. sundry appropriation bill. When the paragraph was reached rel ative to the mail contractors in certain of the Southern States a point of order was raised that it changes the existing laws. Pending a decision on the point the committee rose. The House took a recess to 10 o'clock to-morrow, A; Democratic caueni was an nounced to take place immediately. The Alabama witnesses have been discharged. Those from Mississippi will be discharged to-morrow. Sxsajiv Cashier Jourdan has becu discharged. ; The naval appropriations bill passod. The Senate then took a recess. The Louisiana committee of the House resolved to report a bill recog nizing Nicholls as Governor of that state. r;,;T;;T,VT; Before the committee on privileges and elections Wm. Stuart and W. T. Holland, deputy sheriffs of Hinds connty, Mississippi, testified concern ing the' alleged use of duplicate keys at the late election. They denied that J. T. Lester gave them double keys,' and disowned any knowledge wTialever of them. Holland sw ire that Lester has informed witness that he was mis taken in saying that ho delivered wit ness aad Steward double keys, and that he did not remember to whom he gave 'them. ;, ., ' , Thi afternoon when information reached the House that the electoral commission had decided upon counting the vote or Oregon for Hayes and Wheeler, a motion was mado and car ried to take a recess till to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock; the purpose of the majority being to hold a caucus before the official announcement of such decision should be received. The motion was agreeed to, the vote being 130 yeas to 109 naya. All who voted in the affirmative were Democrats, and those who voted in the negative were ' Republicans, with the addition of nineteen Demo, crats, viz: Beet of New York, Bell of New - Hampshire, Campbell of Illir nios, Cutlarof New Jersey, Gordon of Kansas, Hardenberg of New Jersey, Haymoud and Holman of Ipdiana, Kehr of Missouri. Lauders of Connect icut, Lemyne of Illinois, Morgan of Missouri, New of Indiana, Powell and llobbins of Pennsylvania, Stevenson of Illinois, Warcn of Connecticut, Wells of Missouri, and Whitehouse of New York. -! - Directly after the recess a notice was read from the clerk, inviting the Dem ocrats to remain for the purpose of holding a caucus. . When the Hall had been cleared of all others Representative Lamar called the meetiug to order. ' He said that he had been requested to suggest that the caucus adjourn till 7:30 o'clock to night; whereupon a member proposed Saturday night,' but the voice of the majority being in favor of continuing the caucus without an adjournment, Rcpeeseutative McMahon, of Ohio, moved that to-morrow a . motion be made in the House inviting the Senate to meet the House in joint convention at 1 o'clock on Monday. Representative Kehr, of Missouri.of-: fcred a resolution, namely, that a mo tion be made in the House inviting the Senate to meet the House in joint ses sion to-morrow at 1 o'clock for the pur pose ot proceeding with the count of the electoral vote. To this Representative Neal.of Ohio, offered an amendment, which Kehr ac cepted, to the effect that after the two houses shall have met in joint session to receive the decisfon of the electoral commission on the Oregon question, and shall have separated thereon, the House will then proceed to discuss the decision. . . , An earnest and excited discussioa ensued, in which Representatives Vance, of Ohio, Knott, of Kentucky, Sparks, of Illinois, and Lane, of Ore gon, participated, favoring delay till Monday, : Representatives Hill, of Georgia, Brown, of Kentucky, Wiltshire of Ar kansas, Harrison, of Illinois, and House, of Tennessee, were .in favor of inviting the Senate to meet the House to-morrow for the purpose of continu ing the counting of the electoral vote. Speaker Randall made a few remarks counselling calm deliberation in view of the importance of the questions pre sented. , , '-''",. "V; Representative Field, of New York, also spoke briefly, stating that he had prepared two bills, one providing for the election of President and Vico Pn-sident on the first Tuesday in May. the President of the Senate 1o act as f resident in the interval between the 4th of March and that time; the other bill providing for quo warranto pro ceedings so that the contestants for the Presidency and Vice Presidency could go before the Supreme Court and there present their claims to the office, Under the previous question the substitute and amendment to McMa- hon's motion was rejected ayes 44, nays 66 The resolution of McMahon inviting the Senate to meet the House at 1 o'clock Monday was then adopted by twenty majority. , The reasons given by several gentle men who were present at the cancas for this delay were, that the House wanted time for reflection and to pre pare objections to the South Carolina und other cases, - A number of Democrats who did not sanction delay left the hall from time to time before the close of the proceed ings, and others- privately said after the adjournment that they would not be bound by the caucus as many Demo crats had purposely absented them selves. Representative Willis of New York, will, under all circumstances, op pose the postponement contemplated by3IcMuhon's resolution, No action was taken On Fields' two bills, which Willis regarded., sj nncon stitutioual, and besides tquo warran to before the Supreme Court, some of whose members have decided against Tilden, would be ineffectual. - The Democrats of the caucus who favored the immediate resumption of the counting of the electoral vote ex press their surprise that those who ad vocate mustered in such strong force, aria say that many Dcmqcrats who wil act differently were not aware that there would be a caucus to-night, as be sides the sixty-six who voted for delay numocr more than one-tnird or the Democrats of the House. LOCAL NEWS. Our City Delivery k ' Is in the hands of Capt John . Leggctt, so well and favorably known. He wilt solicit for the Jocbnal and superintend and be responsible for the delivery of the paper. All shortcom ings should be reported to him imme diately. - , ,- . A Bold Coat Thief. Thursday evening about daik. Mr. Geo. F. Tilley atopped his buggy in ront of a stira wiittre he had some business to transact, but bofore be had fairly left the boggy, a negro stepped up and orTored to hold the horse, Mr. Tilley told bim the horse required no holdiDg, and think ing the would go on his way, stepped into the store, and after a Very short time oame out to his bug gy, to find his overooat, which be had left on the buggy seat, gone. Notioing two persons standing on the opposite corner, he inquired of them if they had seen a negro pas sing with an overooat ? One of the parties answered that he had, and described the negro and; the coat. Mr. Tilley succeeded yesterday in finding the negro, who acknowledg ed the theft, and agreed to inform blm of the wheralouts of the coat, provided he would not have bim arrested. The coat was found, (with several inches of the skirts cut off,) at a house on Castle between Tenth and Eleventh streets, where it had been left to be altered. . . Schooner Wrecked and 250 Tons of . Coal Lort. ! Wednesday noon, the Etta May, from Philadelphia, for Wilmington, ith 250 tons of coal for Mr. J. A Springer, went aBbore on New Inlet Bar. Thursday the steam tug Doug las, Capt. Jacobs, went to her ssiib tanoe and stripped her of all her rig giuge, Jco. - h t officers and ere w were brought to the city Thursday night'"- : The Etta May was 152 tons burs den and is a total wreck. The ooal was insured with Messrs. Atkinson k Manning for $1,000. The schooner loaded and left Philadel phia about the 2d of December, and went down the Delaware, She was compelled to put in at NewoaUle, 40 mile (trom Philadelphia, on so oount of we, and did not leave nntil the ice broke up. Concert Last Nigtit. The concert given by the Brooklyn Mission Sunday School last evening was quite a success. Each little boy and girl knew his part and spoke as if they had appeared before tho foot lights many times previous. Messrs. Johnson & Bros. Ehrlich, VanOrsdell, Mitchell and Willson kindly tendered their services and wer encored after rendering a beautiful piece. The entire school sang five pieces. Mr. F. W. Foster loaned the Hall for the occasion and gives them the use of the Hall every Suuday. Wilmington the Place. Says the Rocky Mount Afin'i, tho editor of which wis recently in our city: "For the importation of mo lasses, salt, iron, Peruvian Guano, Ac. Wilmington probably has vantage ground over other places in reach of our people. Vessels of heavy tonage find easy access to her ports and the flags of almost all the nationalities can be seen on the bosom of her waters. " Her foreign trade has greatly in creased, and as many as 40 foreign vessels have anchored in her port at one time awaiting cargoes." ' , Those Lamp Lighters., , s ; Can't the city find a man who can light tha Ltmps regularly. Tour day night when the moon went down no lamps were lighted One of our eatrier, relating his experience in the dark, said that it took Lira half hour to find a box in which to pat a gentleman's paper and then he feuod It "Ey waiting up and down the fence until his hand struck sgsinst it ; , T ;.',. , ; i ,.) - 11 ' ' ; Thermometries!. The state of the thermometer at the various Btatioiu named below was ob served at the signal office in this city yesterday at 4:30 p. m.i Augusta, 56; Charleston. 61: Galres ton, 63 ; Jacksonville, 66; Mobile, 63; JVew urieans, 65; Norfolk, 52; Savar ah, 53; Wilmington, 63. 1:'" Th B. 4f A. A. L.' : 1:- The Raleigh and Augusta Au Line road will be completed as far as Hamlet, on the C O. R, by the 12th i or April. Accident to Mr. O. II. Kelley. Yesterday morning as Mr. Oliver n. Kelley was passing the old W. & W. R. R. depot something attracted bis attention and ho stopped on the track. The yard engine had just gone down to the river, and while Mr.. Kelley was standing on the track, was slowly backing out from under the shed. Mr. Kelley was struck by the tender and knocked down betwean the rails, but he had the presence of mind to get his feet out of the way of the wheels and clutch the brake. Several gentlemen standing near called to the engineer to stop, which he did as quickly as possi-' ble, when Mr. K's face and arm were found to havo been cut, though he had received no serious injuries. No blame attaches to the engineer, as the engine bell was being rung at tho time. Lost. A fine nap cloth overooat was left in the Marshal's office the night of the Fireman Ball. It is thought to belong to some ssa captain, as there were several there the oloth is not much used in this country. THE COURTS. Mayor's Court. H. Banks, larceny of a plank ; bound over to the Superior Oonrt under a bond of $500. Sallie Walker, drank an 1 disorder--derly ; fined $25 and cost or 30 days days on the streets. Annis Johnson and Soorin Agunt, two seamen, resisting police officer ; dismissed on payment of costs. Two parties, disorderly conduct ; judgment suspended on payment of costs. Magistrate's Court. Orilla Giles and Primus Hill, f. and a; dismissed. ' . " ' 1 V Primus Hill, : bastardly J bound over to the Superior Court under a bond of $25. CITY CURRENCY. Bishop Atkinson has returned to the city. - The street hands were engaged in scouring the City Hall yesterday. The Journal Extra for several days has been early on the streets and eagerly read. ? Rev. Jos. L. Keen will attend the regular meeting of Cross Creek Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., ut Fayetteville, on Monday. In the score of the Rifle Matoh in in yesterday's paper Mr. E. Lilley's last shot should huvo been a three instead of a five. Three seamen were arrested by a police officer last night for calling for some goods at Mr. Geo. L. Schutt's store and not paying for them. ' Now, that the disgusting farce is over, we trust that our people will go earnestly to work and hope for better things in the future. Rev. S. Mendelshon being abseut, in attendance upon the session cf the Grand Lodge, at Philadelphia, no services will be held at the Temple to-day. Appointments by Bishop Atkuison lor Ills Bpriug Visitation. Clinton, (Good Friday). - March 30 Goldsboro, (Easter Day), - April 1 Windsor, - " 4 Woodville, Bertie county, ' 6 Murfreesboro, (1st Sunday af ter Ulster), - ;- " 8 Winton, - - . - " 9 Gate8ville, - " 10 St. Peter's, Gates county, " 11 Hertford, Perquimans county, " 13 Woodville, " " y Elizabeth City, (2d Sunday after Easter), - - " 15 Camden Mission, - - "17 Edenton, - - " 19 St Luke's, Washington Co., , " 21 St David's, " (3d Sunday after Easter), " 22 Plymouth, - - - " 24 St James' Beaufort county, .,,,;, 26 St. George's i Hyde county, , , i (4th Sunday after Easter), " 29 Fairfield, Hyde county, - " 30 Slodcsville, - - ' - May Bath, - - - ; . 4 Zion Church, Beaufort county, " 5 Washington, ; ! - " 6 James ville, - - -. " ' Williamston, ( Ascensiou-day) " 10 Hamilton, -, - k - - "11 Trinity Church, Scotland Neck, (Sunday of Ascension), " 13 Collections' in behalf of diocesan missions will be mado at each place. y ; Quarterly Meetings. Rev. W. 8. Blaok, Presiding El der for this District of the M. 1 E. Charou, announce bis first round of appointments as follows : ' Topsail, at Uniou J" eb. 24, 25 Ookesburya:d Cobarie - r,, Mission, at Hall's - Alar. 8, 4 Kenansville, at Konans- ville Mar. 10, 11 Index to New Advertisements. ' Geo. R. 'French k Son In the front ' ': , : " ' P. Heinsberger Just reoeived. Qiloi k Muichison Swedos iron. Oregton for Ilayei. Spteial to thi Journal. Washington, Feb. 23. Oregon is counted for Hayes by 8 to 7. Waddku. NEW 1DYEBTISEMEXTS. IN THE FRONT ! Geo. R. French &Son, ' DBALIBS IX BOOTS & SHOES, Lead in QUALITY AND STYLE Or GOODS, giving more Durable Sc Comfortable Wcaring Shoes, At LESS Price than any Ilouse in the CITY OR STATE ! We have the Largest and Most Varied Assortment. And you can always find the thing you want at a bbasonabli pnics,at . FRENCH'S. feb 6-tf mSCILLAXEOlS. NOTICE! rpnE CREDITORS OF JAMES W. Rum deceased, are hereby notified to ap pear before me on or before the 12th of Mareh, 1877. and file the evidences of their claims. This January 22d, 1877. - tVAMJKKBI.NULKTAKX, Clerk Superior Court, Bladen county. Jan 25 lawSw , DENTISTRY! 1 RESPECTFULLY CALL f v attention to my OpemlivcfVf . v and Mechanical Dentistry uXIXSJ being equal to the best, and all work war. ranted. Call at my Office, No. 82 8outh side Market Street, Wilmington. ja. a. KEA. Jan 87 Ira Surgeon Dentist. ALEX. SPRUJiT & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON, N C.; oct!5-U . EXTRAORDINARY. JNDUCEMENNTS ARE NOW OF FERED IN CLOTHING! As the season is far advanced I am de termlned to close out all my STOCK OF OVERCOATS At a Very Small Margin oa the Cost. My stock of Clothing embraces all the LATEST STYLES and I am determined to inake U to the in terest of all to buy of me. Purchasers will And greatbargains in both CLOTIIING AND FURNISHING GOODS. , Our ALL MADE SUIRTS Uiatl scUat 90 e'euts are stUl all the go. These shirU are really worth 92 86. Purchasers will do well to examim before purchasing else where. ,t ; ( I : , ; A, BIIRIER, , Jau20 -tf 30 Market street. swedes iron: 51 ; swedes ikon. A FULL 8UPPLY OF GENUINE A Hammered SWEDES IKON, all sizes, from yi to 8 wide. As complete an assortment as. 4r . . - ; Any in tho City, and for sale at better figures, by Jj CELE3 & MURCnir)N,:' , feb 18 New Hardware Storo. HAIR BRUSnE3i mOOTII BRUSHES, X COMBS, EXTRACTS ! and TOILET ARTICLES, in great raricty. For sale by fcblO-tf GREEN k, FLANNEIt. MlSlELLAXICrS. EMBRQIDEEIIES j AT PJRICES TO SUIT EVERYEODY, NEWEST STYLES OF neckwear; At WM. FIFE'S,. t EXCHANCE C03NER. ! feblltf ' ' ," .. f PROF. CHITTENDEN, of Yale College, says he has ex-' ; amined the different substftn ces from which it is mail'. nfactured, and can .-. . 'iarT1 -V swj 'a. V that it is only of such material as are known to REACT FAVORABLY; on the system,' "FINEST TONIC OR STROMA BHERS In the , Old or New World." . D. Dyers k Co;. '. S and T North Front St. ' 1 BAKER'S CHO0OLATE. ' IMPORTED CURRY POWDER. : GORDON & DnWORTH'S J TAIVIARIMDO FRESH GOODS, Domestic and Imported. . D. lljers & Co., Ski North Front Street. feb 18 SIDES -' AND ' 7 SHOULDERS MOUNTAIN BUTTER !; Put up in nice Rolls, at 25c. per lb. WI1ITE BEANS 4ND UDY; PEAS. ; ; 7- new chop ' v .' y CUBA MOLASSES! And several grades of ; . i , S Y R U P, S . - : -XII 13- r-.'T .! ' PATAPSCO, FAMILY FLOUR ! Iu barrels and half barrels, continues to attract attention by it superb quality. EXTRA QUALITY ' ) : T BAM APPLES. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR ; w , , SALE LOW! , ,t JAME3 a STEVKNSOJT. i feb 83 I'- I -