Tub Dailt Juvknal U publii-hrd every morning except Monday at Six Dollar ayear ; Threk LVh.laus fur six months; FlfTT CKSTS per month for shorter period. Served ly carriers In the city at Firn cents per month. Thi Weekly Joi knal (Friday) One DOLLAR AND A UALr. Advertising Kates (per square of ten solid line of advertising tyic,) One Square, one Insertion, O.sa Dollar; two insertions, Oxs Dollar and a balp; three Insertions, Two Dollars; ifcor in sertions, Two Dollars ani ABti.r; five insertion,THEK Dollars ; six Insertion, Tub sb Dollar asb a half ; one month, Eight Dollars ; two months, Twelve Dollars; three months, Sixteen Doi labs. ' -' : t Journal , CICERO W. HARRIS. C WILMINGTON, N. C, - - S1UBD1T HORSIM, FEB. 3(, 1877. OREGON FOR IIAYK. A a matter of course the eight villains who hate swindled Tilden out of his twelve votes in Florida and Louisiana recorded the need- oti uiree ior iimi in wregon une wise, j.u A greater piece of Bcoundrelism waq never perpetrated than this counting in a defeated candidate. Ii is a shock to civilization. The farco ia here properly con- cluued, and it is only a mockery alelplna, delivered the annual ad to go on with the count Indeed, J dress, in which ho furnished some it was brought to a close when the Florida docision was an - nounced. ; , HAYES' Pfti-lt'Y. ' Congressman Foster, of Ohio, who is supposed to speak by the card for Mr. Hayes, has made a speech in the House outlining the policy of the on-coming Adminis- tration. It is a very pretty speech. If people could shut their eyes to facts they might even be' pleased Bowdes this an enormous quanti with the fine utterances of Mr. ty of milk was consumed in fami Foster. The Ohio member and "life long friend" of the Rogue President to-be say? that Mr. Hayes will, in his dealings with the South, sedulously cultivate an era of good feeling with this sec- tion. We are glad to hear it, and wiBh we could believe that he would do so in all sincerity. But Mr, Hayes and Jriparty have not heretofore Bhown touch of the milk of human kindiiess to our people," and we have learned not to expect anything at their hands. Iti8 6Mdthat "eBsedishe that expecteth nothirfg, for he shall not be diflannointad." t f But Mr. Foster says that the A t U. t undergo a change in toto. The the wounds they have nade and pour oil graciously upon them. This is o soothing an anaistheUc ii. rn r. Imnfif. fn I Ah. Pnotp. A.fi. TTftvnn ! It in n. 1 , , witching littie game you have Btarted, but it will not succeed. rrn,. " Q; and if ther can't stand voHir nrin- o"M - viiuo rv auo diuo tv w vuxj i- i PNK8Y1,VAVIA MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. There is encouragement in the sultof the municipal elections result of the municipal elections in Pennsylvania on ' Tuesday, Altoona was carried by the Demo crats. Gains' were made at other places. In Philadelphia, over 127,000 votes were cast, the awgvH www jvv& vuuv m (4 JLUUAA1 cipal election, and the majority for Stokley, Republican, for Mayor, wa only 2,775 over Caven, inde i irrndent, although Hayes's ma jority at the election in November was'oveV 15,000. The "Times,'' Independent Rcoublican. mvs- .- . , I "Caven received 5,000 more honest le&ral votes than Stoklev." and rl- clares that the latter is returned elected by ,"unblushing . frauds." - The "Press" Republican, gays "the result leaves us in possession of the citadel, but it also leaves us in possession of many admoni tions, and warns the party that it must mend its ways in local affairs. The "Public Ledger" says viwuvi a volum;u ill - ti iiilm n handsome gain of a better class of councilmen. . Criticism of Prof. Seelye.and Mr.. Pierce, the honest Represen tatives frbm Massachusetts, who uttered unavailing protests and cast unavailing votes against the infamous Louisiana dcciHioD,comes with ill grace from ; Buch preten tiously respectable journals as the Boston "Advertiser." . THt;NI.i:iOFTHr.Di:l(H. KAIIC PART". Our party's gnat watrt is a brainy popular leader; - a broad national man, against whom there exists no pnjudiro of section; a man who was a war Democrat, 1 1 f ruu nuu Dimv iuu v iiimi ui oiiuo ceased has been an advocate of peace; a man of culture, but not a m&ro man of books; a man of business habits, but not a mere man of business; a politician, but not a mere politician. He need not possess wealth, but he must not be an adventurer, 'on the make." He must be a man of character, of nerve, of self dependence, and not afraid of doing exactly what he sees to be the right thing for him fo do at every stage of his career. Such a leader would make the Democratic opposition a power to be greatly feared. Ho would in fuso a spirit of courage, resolve and confidence into the Demo cratic party which would inevi- tably lead it to victpry in the con i tests to come, OUR DAIRY lNTUMESTS. At the meeting of the Western Reserve Dairymen's Association, held recently at Garrettsville, (Ohio, Mr. Sherman Tracy, of Phil- interesting statistics concerning 1 the dairy products of tho United I States. Ho stated that in 1875 I there were in the country about 10,000,000 milch cows, which at 4 P' represented a capi of $450,000,000. In the same year there were manufactured 0d,b0u,io lbs. of cheeBC, 625,' 191,219 lbs.of butter and 325,500,- 599 gallons of milk were sold. lies, of which no account can be taken, but i evidently four times the quantity noted as sold, which would make the total quantity consumed and sold 1,302,002,396 gallons. This would make the probable yearly yield of the cow m butter, choose, etc., as follows; Cheese, 203,009,384 lbs., $24,440,- 32G butter, 625,191,219 lbs., at 22 cents per lb., 137,542,0G8;milk, 1,302,002,396 gallons, at 8 cents per gallon, $104,160,191, and 9,000,000 calves, at $1 per head, $9,000,000. Total, $275,142,585, the annual product of our dairy interests, I MAlWrSIIIKK. , aauu eiecuon T T . 7 1 , . "-wioiuou Jers of Congress from that State. aUUOjt suk uiuiib are w w seni ,j it. ' proper use f, 'ent doc.181ons oI tbe; Electoral Commission the task of uun-uozing party would not be a difficult one. ; No und-r the Deoole lisvn nfl, deooe, when tho best uhvaioians are FW'K D' Bull'- c,,ngh Syrup cbspb ofCongli, Cold, elo. y MISCELIiA.E0L8. . PLANTERS' H0E3, z: garden hoes, jt;;:" SII0VEL9, SPADES, BAKES, GRINDSTONES, TRAClfi. CHAINS. PLQW LINES, Ae, Low-rt price at ' 1 - N. JACOBI'S. PLOW STEEL, SWEDES IRON, ' , PLOW CASTINGS,-&o.t T REDUCED PRICES " ;',;'A-;UAUOBl'S. Carriage Haterialsj RIMS, HUBS,' (SPOKES, AXLE'S, SPRIITGS, r 30LT8," to. heduccd pniCEi At, N.JACOUl'S ' ' Hardware Depot, feb lStf No. 10 South Front St. I IjacobiI I axe, y XISIELLAWHS. Y7E ARE AGAIN OFFERING TO ourfrit'iiilsaiiiltliepulilie K''U'ral!y, for sale lor iahh, oh timr, or lu . eliane? for cot tux nest Kail, the well aiKt ji'uiar v Minim u mi ri iiui ! -...1 I... f -..i.., L'...;ii . r WHANNW EAIBONE SUPER PHOSPHATE. Terms and prices made known on aw plication, and memorandum books and certitUati furniflH-d. (treat Inducements offered to parties wanting large lots. VICK A MEBANE, ' Feb. 4dAw:in A pints. JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE LOT OF M AND BEAUTIFUL CHEOMOS, ENGRAVINGS AND Colored Lithographs. ALSO FRAMES OF EVERY VMIEH OF STYLES, Being entirely different from any ever, before brought to this city. CALL AND SEE-THEM -AT HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Mnsic Store, 39 and 41 MARKET ST. tab 32 tT EXTRAORDINARY. JNDUCEMENNT8 ARE NOW OF- , FEKED IN nT ArniTTTr( i CLOlHING! A Uie acasou ia far. advanced I am de termined to closts out all my ' STOCK OF OVERCOATS At a Very Small Margin ou the Cust My stock of Clothing embraces' 'all tlie ,. . 7 TLATESX STYLES" " , and I am dotermlncd to make It to the In terest of all to buy of me,. Purchasers will find great bargaluain both CLOTHING AND RRMSHLNG COODS. Our ALL MADE SlllRTS that I acll at 00 cents arc still all the go. These shirt are really worth f0. Purchasers wUl do well to examine before purchasing else where ' A. SHRIEK. Jau20-tf ''i';' V'sb Market street' SWEDES IRON. SWEDES IKON, FULL SUPPLY OF GENUINE J Hammered 8WEDF.S IKON. il sires, from Xi to 8 wide. At coniDlote an ueuruuunt II Any in the City, and for sale at better figures,!)? ' GILES A MURCIHSON, , fvJfelS New Hardware Store, A LL KINDS OF JOB WORK NEATLY X andcxpcditioiisly executed at the -; JOURNAL OFFICE. . Jwo MIS(EL.4XECiS. o (0 o . n.c. n fib 2t-ly GEO. MYERS. I' ll 13 Koiita Frnt Street. gQ PA1L8 MORE OF THOSK ELEGANT PICKLES MIXED. PLAIN. ' ' AND ; CHOW CHOW. ' BEST, LESS THAN HALf, BOTTLED PICKLES. DELICATE CREAM AND ; MILK CKACKI US! With every possible variety of FANCY CRACKERS ! AT POPULAR. PRICES. OUR B0KA" TEA : .. ; T" In half pound Boxts at 75 cents per pound Warranted the Best SI 00 TEA in the market. 50 CASES JELLIES & PHLSERYES. PIG'S FEET IN BOXES 1 Sparkling Scnppcraon taroe. SCUPPERNONGON RETAIL; The best in the market. Oniy look at the choicest atock of Choicest Groceries ever exhibited in this market at GEO. MYERS feb 18 tfl 11 and 13 South Front St. Nflll IC TUC TlrlflC ii u if IJ i III. I IIHEi -r-wv itT mnarn rnvma mmii I on Mk. a G. HARTSFIELD. the nra.n.ipiivn ... . ...mnniv makeT and ufSRSI can havfl the (in 1 1 I I II nnrtnnllv ...have their old Instruments 3rm-i1 renewed from be(rimlnjr to I 1 "end. Also Renolishinir the! Case. Work will , be done at the most reasonable nrices. mieh as never Imvn Ki.nn I niTprod in wiiminn hf , H,.h . tood chance. Call and see him. -,. tiT Office on Second street, over James A Brown's, or orders may be left at hie residence, corner Mullierrv ami Hpnnnri streets. feb 7-tf NEW CROP Muscovado Molasses ! CX.C IIHDS. ' "' , Ex, Brig "JOnN PIERCE, M 5, DIRECT FROM MANTANZA8. 1 i i fir - m t i .i m - mm . . -- 1.1 Pi f Apt'MCW tarn .w , . -nvj k The quality of. Us Mousses iWJJT&g perlor... Orders aollvltedV.- ; jan "25.tr 'VoRTTI 4 WORTTI. KEYSTONE PRINTING INK COUNT. , MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING INKS. (BOOK AND NEWS' BLACK A SPECI- alii i, Li fliinii oin Btrcev rnita- .i ..i ..l, i ,) . i ... 7 Our Inks are of superior onalitv. beinir raaae from the best Ingredients and onder i f,S"."S2r?.PBACTWAJ' , i"ii 4u ranosMAfl, merciore ff5.ffiST- 1 Otia PRICES ARB L0W1B THAN AST OTUER ' I V V If I lt'n I n n r n m h i ri I. Il K MARlAllUKfi X f m !i -iBTi to U 5 ..I, ....u.aiiio, A trial of a sample ketf will convlnm any printer that he has been paying more kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. ,uwiuinimuiii iipi 1I1KH. . rui 111, ,n Aadrew - . . KEYSTO.JK PKINTlNd INK COM rtb. 5 ' rB,l(ieipiiia, l'a. ' dcc80-tf ' W- A. Davis ACo., , W.A.Dti Mltors and rropt's. Business Managci. HE OXFORD .TORCH-LIGIIT ; Circulation over 3,000 Copioa: : j Dollars Par Annum, In Advance The Democratic Orean of Granville. uov 2-tf ' - ' ' ' Greeiuboro. N, C Greeiuboro, N, C, use ALWAYS Oil IIAIID ! fTVIE BEST ELECTED STOCK OF Groceries, Provisions, Wooden, Willow, Tin and Crockery Ware. 'Aleo alrgestOv-k ofchoka ImporteJ and domestic " v ' Liquors, WinesrOld XXX . 3 years old CABINET WHISKIES. AT $2 50 PER GALLON JUST RECEIVED ! Anew lot of' ; Seed Potatoes. Buckwheat Flour, ; Smoked Salmon, Limburgef Cheese, . Dutch Herrings, Turkish Prunes, Dried Apples, Currants, &c, &c. AT GEORGE L. SCHUTT'S Live Flower Store. R. E. cor. 9lavrhetiid Second Nia feb 20 tf JNO RODENMAYER . . ftl N. PACA STREET, Baltimore, Md., CELLS OIL PAINTS, , s CANVAS FRAMES, BRISTOL BOARD, . , Drawing Paper, MATERIAL FOR EVERY KIND OF PAINTING, VARNISHES, JAPAN NED TIN PAINT BOXES CON TAINING A COMPLETE ' OUTFIT FOR ; 4 ARTISTS, EASELS, PAINTERS' STICKS, BLENDERS, Ac, 4c, Ac. Orders for frames filled with dispatch. Portrait Frames selected with great care. ' Materials for WAX WORK alwavs on hand. , -( ,. ; :j, Catulocrue contafnlna murh tiseful In formation sent on aoDlieation and receiot of stamp. , " Terms Clieap for Cash. jaulWf ; t !';". 'i , u ;u-y. cul ,r::.., Petteway & Schulken, BROKERS AND- COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Wilmington. N. C. Orders and consignments solicited. Offering to- uay opima Turpentine, Kosin, Cotton, Western andN. C. Bacon, Mountain But- terintubs ana rolls, Potatoes, Apple, unions,-' union eeu. Wlea Annie. Poultry Egys,Mullcta, Mackerel, corn, iour, ivc, iV-e. uonstautlv rcce v- S daily.' Fill orders for , ""-r occure riTO " 0West . feb 17-tf. ' - . "' " . . .. - OQeOS J Jf 1 ail IS I JLjUlDS Sent Br majo,, toan Post Office.-: Assort n,cnl Iarl?e' Vnce moderate, and selection best. Send for priced lists. Merchants, druirgista, and dealers supplied at lowest Nurserymcii and Seedmen, York, Pa. feb 2 tf , - , - M $ iS'l,.,1? To the worklaff class: We are now iweparcdto furnish all classes with con stant employment at home, the whole of tne ume, or lor taelrspare moments.. Bu sines new, light and profitable. , Persons of either seit eahllV tnrn ' (Vrtm' fin 5 per evening; knd a proportional aum by ucvouiig uieir wuoro lime to tne business. glru earn nearly as much as we make unparalleled oiTer: To such as areiwt satlslled we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commenco wora on, ana a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the lanrest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mall. Reader, If vou want Dcrmancnt. profitable work, ikddress, (Jeohoh Stin son et, co.t fortland, Maine, jan 20 tf WHY PAY 020 IJIOR' A READY-MADE SUIT, WHEN 1 yon tan have one made to order by the Princn nf Tullnra for t9J! the Pri ncn ftf Tullnra fnr t9JS I " '" . J. MoCORMlCK. W18-f !l '' Fyan'a Block.. THE CENTRAL ROTESTAM .. FamllV NeWSPaPCr: .' ' '' ,:.'!-.. ...... . An,u,1 organ of the Methodist Protectant North Carolina, Is published at uroenaDoro, u.- i ( Th oiiiHhiiiiir r it. wu,i,, n, .... ber and activity of the agents, and the con w in iii. aim luc UUII stantly Increasing demand for It among uw.iiiuru souu classes oi rcuacrs m various sections, give the Central peculiarclaims upon the patronage of the adverUslugpub lio. Terma very favorable. Consult your business Interests, and. address the oditor. fKRtxi t--Two dollars per annum, In ad Vance.1. , ,- ' , , . -;, J. L MICHAUX, , r! Greensboro, N. C THE FATRWtT. -Oldest paper la the West. Published weeklv at eensboro', N. C MinM ' Patriot, JISlELLAMriS.V THE wmem ixinnir A DEMOCRATIC i WKEKLY FAMILY SKWHrAFXIt Rates or Si bsobii'tiox Thb Gazette Is published every Frklay oo tjlf follow lug terms : One Copy, one year f9 60 " six inontas - ,- - - I 00 1 jClub Kates:; Five Coptet, to one address - - f 9 00 Eiirht " " " - - 13 W Tehms Invakiablt Aovakce. lem. II KR Alii). 18: V AGENTS WANTED! We desire to secure the services of euer- petic ladies, men, bovs and pirls to can- vawi for the Fek Dkb Uekaj.d, a lanre twenty-euclit column Fire-side paper, pub- lisnea every Weunesnay, at Wauesboro . N, C. We will pay cash for serrices. The subscription price is so low -It) at it 1 no trouble to get up clubs. Subscription only One Dollar. Send for elreulare and speci men copies It vnu wish to be an aeeut. Address Ju. T. PA I KICK, H adebero', K. C. 18G1. SSLllSCKIUi: 1811. FOR THE TRANSCRIPT AND ISSMC PCBL SIIFJ) AT GOLSBORO, N: C. ' ' ' Evertbody Ta es Tliii Paper. Tekms: One Year (free of postaseV 12 00; six months $100; on trial -three montus for 50 cents; payable in advance. An extra copy to anyone sendhurusa cluo ot Uve subscribers with the cash, 0. A. XiUAHi, CiOITOR, i Goldsboro, N. C.., The Masonic Journal, CKEENSnORO, K. C. The Onlv Masonic Weeklv. hnt one. published in the United Statca-lght pages, thirty-two columns. TreaU of all topics of Interest to the craft. Literature pure, and is a household companion of which every Mason In the country may justly feel proud. Tehms: One year (3: six mouths 11.25. Remit by post olllcc order or reiritered letter. ' - - Send stamp for stMrlmen copy and eet I ureensbcro, N. C. 1 QW . THE SUN, . lO BALTIMORE, MD. THE SUN, from the ireoirrai)hlcal Doat- iion occupied ny liaitunoreauu Its proxim ity to tne National Capital al advantages to all classes of readertt-not only in the city of its publication, but la the surrounding States. It is national in siopc, lnduiiendent In politics, and con servative in opiniou., It is emphatically a mswHpaper, aim lis reputation Jias been built up by the acknowledged excellence and. variety of its news, both, local and trenerai. r i rom Its fairness and iinnartiaL I ii.. .ii . .... .. . ..' .. ' I uy hi uicuiiiiiipuDiiuque8iion8,iteircti- latioii extends amoui? men of all polltlcat parties, and has become, from the thor- oiifrhnessofltstnfbrmatlonon afl current subjects enKigiiiK popular attention, the L:( favortteamper of the peoole . Everytbinlr! wormy 01 succiai note or record in tho . . . . . . . . State of Maryland, the District of Columi bia aud tne JStatea adjaceut, will N found from day to day in a comjact and readable, form in its columns.' Dortne the session of Congress it (rives sjiecial attenUon to J L tlie subjects under discussion, the intro duction of Important bills, and the pith of uuuaws. jis special corresnoMnrK em. irum naHiunguui, oui covers an the most prominent poiuts In the Union, from San Francisco to New York! and' tJio Eastern cities beyond. Its foreign news is the Very latest received from day to day by cable. j u res commercial ami nnancfai Depart- ' ments the utmost pains .re- taken te- ,1 cureperlect accuracy in Uie quotations,., ue iiui iuiiiiiMiii in an classes oi public se curities being carefully noted.-, Sneclal aU tontion Is civen to the Breadstuff and Pro vision markets, and particularly to the current prices each . day, not only lu the - city' of Baltimore out In , other cities oi tne union and abroad. For all uie iiiviini iiiauurB mire enter into tne I business of the country itiay be consul j vu k,iu ottn.iv, iioui uy producers anqi,, dealers. But r aside from its : nolftieiil! V financial and commercial foatureBi .THE r aitv i... ... .... ,ivj ..... ' "f i.-. iio an L-suiuiiHiiiru rrpuu&uon as a Family Paper. ' As such' the InformaHrm I. 1. 1.. . . . iv mipuiu,, in uio waj ui gcneriu itews ta n oi iieresi to an classes oi readers, noth ing being admitted Into Its Ixures that mav iiot be read by any member- of the hoosis-1 J noio, tn politics its aim is to promote "the greatest good to the greatest num ber," without regard to party lines, and to encourage at all times and auinno- all: mnn . K,,,..v.v ,,,, viuoiiiuuuu anu mws, I lo relltdon its noftition Ia tmii-flitriiiW I I 4..11 1. aii ia.. " . ... . 1 rlth "charity towards all;'? andj hy local Of every ilescrrptjon, printed at ,the short s In Federa. affairs it resrards aii homwt . -i.!,:.i'i.-.-.w 7uj.!.,."T .j.ir;,...i.in and economieal administration, ' dealing JusUyby the people and respecting thefi rights.to be paramount to all other consid- crations. To those who desire a flrst-elads newspaper, up to the times, and sparing no expense to keep it so, THE SUrecomH menns ltseii; wnust to aavortisers it offers the advantages of a lawe and widelv . tended circulation anjoiig all classes of ,,-. i,i. , i,.i i Itsirb.-i'ii tfH TERMS OF .SUBSCRIPTIONY.MAII, CA8II IN ADVANCE. ONE YEAR, postage included - - $6.00 BIX MOMTH8,i" '..f.:.ut-y W J.OO THKEE MONTHS.". " , . . . TWA XfnVTTTJ l it " - ' ' ONE MONTH. :. 'VM-. ..;. ' BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN.nnbUsh. ed everv Saturday, for one dollar and flftv ! cente, a year; with grca inducements toi " ciuds. t ! Aadrato -. itui 'nit I' A. 8. ABELL & CO., Publishers, , ., Baltln,ore,.Mdt (Mg ASHEVILLE CITIZEN1, '' A QUARTO WEEKLX PAPERrrQPOD . . ! ATlVFRTIRlNn MflmTTMl M' i H mnE CITIZEN IS A FAST FRIEND OF X Wl Uuiiiurtoti. and has devoted much " time and space to-eueuragin. the growfli of business relations betweoq the Cape Fear and mountain regions.' Sender rates.' Address,,,.,,, r, STONKAFUKMAS,-:..!, nov tf t ... .WWStft Jji HAIR BRUSHES,'; if" Toothbrushes; i,--," !!.! COMBS, EXTRACTS and TOILET ARTiaE .,,:,.,!,, in great variety. ' .; ... , Ll .' rorsaie or "" fcb lHf j ; . GREEN & PLANNER, JOS rUIMJXG EZriHTZIST. r THE J0URKAL JOB PRINTING OFFICE, PRINCESS STREET, ; '.Mil M 3HT plain -inifUH mm i:! .HOHAM EATNESS AND DISPATCH. r T!;!QIM' TTn Ultf."- r.:io.". Jio'i v' v DAli SHT " GUARANTEED AT TBI OWETTPOStlBlEPRICE THEATRE MANAflRiia ffmvTT.mrti r"11 MAKAaSBS,, fTEAVELLINfli SHOWMEN, RAirjdAIrfei1 - . J KEEPER8,; .BTKA3t...il; o ' ; r'30AVAGENTAltM ,;!s'(T'!'.h1'.it iit !,) w ; ,?:.' i i . ! ; i; At i -I oVfsw5j ' WniAnd U'&tliefrfnlerea M . -t,-iv,!.t i E0aUMhi'i:'vtii 'nit i-t ; .'tJ -tit ' . ' ... ' .1 i . v ..f;ii.,l.. i -" .IniirnnI AnTSii 1 v"!lflHil; iVItlCO yT .; -. , , ... iilii.tii 1 ll',',,l',Hll l;'ij will t,I 'lobim'', ; .. .i Vi -nail l.K!-a..;h in --mit&iM lu.nn &'r, Jii'a MtvH huifirijii'if vi 'Mnoii'-. f)i"v'l mtiMWhu i . i!. ! iLiiUndoiu viii-a idf t s fusetl yt'-.nl vi tu ii. fi't tni:aiV'.Ai ii'r f ln!lilllII '111 0.i!jiiIQtKI Ullf ?lf LtOI0 "Y ' c' ul4 ir I lJn Or I .r-Iu-iv dm jjftl U Xb Tr - i f ,. t . - .- . t. t i,u ! f J f ( IVIII 'Til w - vwn n i - ! ?..aaa dJuiiH a.ti l. tvie9iial is J il '' T 1) JSa aUuoms J J O B W U WXt" Tn iIVHfteia'i5kI pAirtmyWA Iwat W'4,Ui'""J'-' :' -rfJ PAMMLEtS, p0LfClE$. tlRDS, CIR- , . 1 '"' 8 " '"''i . TT-vo Mkiufc .pyxJUJ iBILLHBAD8, i bib 'POffrERS1, tojii W ;i LqG.(E8,,, B4K1W1CMK W rOW7.'CARDS; -jUal.- ' iUi, -Uu;-vt .ml.i-J-.i":- iutl OtllilO GRAMME, rj.RCKETSK OEUdt,! ,!Ju fl"LABEL8i';A.l -'Htf1, " f :. ; , Jit8', j-j.ionh (Htodfl u,i . jiliilirba a Jo' . COUBT, AX UWftUSXl ..t'IIi . .I ' T? Ui1 t'li'l': .tl(iUi:4flI'i'J -iniiiem M.f! olsii'iH 'nfT ; 'est noWce and.CHEAB for CASH, ai t t w , i V ' 7 T I I t! XV .b ,mU:t. '.mw1 -i- JOijnijirT innn nrri r TT , URWAU n,,OQ 1,1 !V "JJ - !)fi7 Jhi 1ilf '.Id'" OUR FRIENDS IN THE CDCNTRX M fc 1 I H May sond;tlK)trorde to Vbis )lt j iif( w.hj;ii aw 4t iio a iUiwM b!fc-i)d vitn J l!lMif) lr ll,- t-il I lJ4U tel7o: . . .. i.t... foil. Dd I'cly dpon their receiving the sami f .tK i lu !:ii:'i1lili''t!,i i.i" 'iil.; ul ! attention aodnljjle l(LilMti.J . 3 2i ot ir3ir.::-i i A n AM Mint W a AH A M rllWTLr'' ; '"Tr"fI" ' n J " AsirgiventtcrWf"'' oq- 1 -I'll; U(i (!!). illf lUlIel 90' W;iifl i OUR JOBBING DEPARTMENT. 13 n n ' "!'"" wi wnj pnini vn mv aw -Jr'i' hH1 10 ASI III Jht SIITI . j ' - " -.jind evcry faeiarUMl?liwW h. af- f-.niyajJ A-..d!'i.AiBiastA.iJi'l - oi fW theeieeUtioh' n t tit ;''-,,ii;i , (!!!.! d b'ltlinj.'I jVii(.ti.. ClfJERtf'w; HAR" Ul" Janl-tf WUmlngton.N,Cl1,tf.i t

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