A"- s ' 17 V ( j ... ,; . - ... , : 7 ; ? JAilHUOl III f .l X- WILMINGTON, N. C-i SUNDA'Y .PRnInG, FEBRUARY ESTABLISHED, 1851. i 25, 1877. i PRICE $6 00. . . . . -lis 1 -mv. i THE TELEGOO. The Content in Caucus. TO GO ON OB NOT TO GO- THAT IS THE QtJESTION. Mi,TTE2Si AND -THINGS IN CONGRESS. V WiSSISSTW. Wasbikotoit, Feb. 24 It seems to hare been forgotten tuat there are two retunu from Vermont. The highest Democratic candidate of that 8ute ks if tc!,r?,,M pf a so8t!!ateii- FeeliDg among tho Democrats is be coming more bitter. Hocax cIahqn otfered a resolu tion to Beet the Senate at 1 o'clock. Wflaon offered a aubttitnte to meet u$P nWb ,Awfi Then Vance moved a Keen to Mon day. .'J7'""? .1 .-'-. Bnle4 oat of order. A notion was mado to reconsider Wilson's motion and to lay on the mWClW object being to fiffibnater till ptatU o,ktskvhea:iFiitfay, leg islative (Jaj.ends, andf hen a motion for a receai may then be entertained. Julian o.Iadiaba.'lU' here to argue the South CwUna (case , in behalf of the Democrats a( 11:55. ' Dilatory qneetiont have failed and maCal ipprUa Otegdo. wien a reoeu will be taken to Monday. The result of this morning' proceed ing is considered favorable to Hayes' inaagaratioa. " !: ' 1 Ithaa been found that Honors has not fully complied with the subpoena beennraerea and the committee will waihheir arrival There arenoepmmtteef in, session. Ferry Is reported as denying having duplicate returns from Vermont They will, however, be called for when Ver mont is reached. -It is-suspected that Ferry fobbed the extra return. In the House the motion of Mr. Cly mer, one of the irreconciables, that the IlAWUki I rWe tolO OlOc1 Mo'n day, was defeated ayea 107, nays 132. This was by a standing vote. The yeas and nays are progressing and thfjesn J1 beartfthe, and twonours' debate on Oregon will occur. The second joint session is in pro gress an 1 the ceitt to South ; Carolina "A vote resulted 115 for to 156 against a reoeslj and debate and the TOuntprograjses-..,, , Lane, of Oregon, moved a recess to Randall ruled he potion, oo,t of or der, and debate was opened by Mr, Lawrence, of Ohio, in favor bf susta n ing the decision of the commission. cnamoer at ia:xv, oargoni,coiorea, sud mitted a resolution that the decision of the smjsiiasu nposi ; the electoral votf of the State, of Oregon sUnd as the judgment of the Senate', objections made thereto to the contrary notwith riot i A nn;Ai Wm was oi as opened by Mr. Kelly, of Oregon, who denied that Watts waseli- tstiiit Kitttmr Diadwood, Feb. 24. A band of In- diansatts,&S3eaUUKCify. Ahnn d.ed shots were fired without damage Coax, Feb. 21 O'Mahony's re mains were brought from Queenstown traUon was small Buuir, Feb. 24. Herr Von Forck enbeck h&s bectt' elected President of the Eeichstag and Prince Hohenlhoe Lftaqeuberg1 ' and1 ' ilerr' ' Hauffenlierg Vice Piesidenta. , atna sirr rt-w t mpi tm issx. .$lTjx, Teb. 24. TbeSchr. M K Donner, Weymouth, Mms for Ba- Taonab; was ma down and lank by the Brig tfariposa on Feb. 19thjat 36.40, long. 74.11 The crew of the Donner wm trr ; to.tlii prt by the Brig Marv E. Pcnnell. : iksouri. St. Loch, Feb. 24. Iglesias is here enroute East. '' ' lousim. Shskvepokt, Feb. 24. The Bell Rowland, with 1,000 bales of cotton, sunk in Swan Lake. The boat is a to tal ios&ru No lossof life, fii V t i) Night Reports. rr WASHIJfiTOJf. 5 Washinoiok, ,; Feb., 24. Housn. ' At the end of the two hours the Houses .re-assembled in joint session and the tote of Oregon was counted for Hayes and Wheeler. Pennsylvania was next opened and Springer and Tucker presented objec tions. Tbey were signed by a sufficient number of members autf Senators, and allege a vacancy illegally filled by the college. The houses separated and a mo tion for a recess to 10 o'clock Monday was carried-Uyes 132 to 121.' Skkatbv Mr. Conkling, who was absent heretofore when, the question of sustaining the decisions of the com mission came op, said in the Oregon case:. The State of Oregon intended to appoint a Republican elector and the peepte ' bf JOpegou Intended io eloot a Republican, electa; and .voted for Mr. Watts. . The commission had given its decision and he disclaimed any intention of alluding to any of the reasons wbch prompted the decision 5f the commission, and believing that the State of Oregon intended to ap point ' Republican electors, he should vote to sustain and affirm that inten tion and the decision of the commission. He was also opposed to impeding in the slightest degree the operation of theV decision of the 'Commission;; and , on, the contrary he was in favoT of aiding it and consummating it at the , earliest practicable moment. The decision was sustained by a party vote. ' ' ' The Senate after a two hpurs de bate 1 agreed to count the vote of Pennsylvania without division, . ' J. B. Williams, Jr., of Mobile, Ala., testified before tho Senate" committee on privileges and elections in regard to the Chapel Hill Church fight in Mississippi He laid the negroe did the first firing, and that nogan was fonr miles from the fight He is the man that Outlaw said killed the negro Chas. Curry, That Hilary Outlaw was one of the ring leaders of all the disturbances that , occurred during the canvass in Oktebbeha county. The House committee on approba tions agreed to non-concur in subsidies for New Orleans and Brazil, and Cali- fornian and Chinrse mails. ..,, i ; jrotKieif. '-: f : Cokstakiisoph, Feb. 24. It is said that a complete understanding will ': be ; reached to-day between ' the Porte and Servian envoys, the latter having accepted the Turkish conditions except those claiming equality. for troopB in Servia1 and the right of the Pdrte to be diplomatically represented at Belgrade. Servia will be evacuated by the Turkish troops ten days after the conditions of peace are ratified. ' Lohdor, Feb. 24. A i special din patch from Berlin to the ftU Matt Gazttte says it is reported in wcll-w formed circle that the Crar Will cer tainly await the . Powers', reply to PriaCe KirchcnarafT circular before attacking Turkey. A Russian officer just arrived from Kirchenagaff gives a highly favorable account of tho Kus sian army, but it is positively asserted that Russia in no case will commence hostilities before the 31st of Marsh. t.:.-. ; State Kews. - .Charlotte has organized 'a Chamber M.fJommerce.' . '-.rii.m hw. '"The meohanioa "of Charlotte have bad a meeting to form an orgaoiza''. Uoa lor toe. benefit of meouanios ip waleity. . ,; )fi,,. ;,..., ,., ,. ,,, The Charlotte Obterver learna that ft Mr. Bnmfelt. who lives near South Point, Gaaton county, and who wae iboogkt to be cmzy, set fire to his noose and burned bimseii in it, on last Monday eight. . His wife barely aospea wiin Uar life., Raleigh Nemi We' are told that .Thursday night at Thomasvills. Vim uvumm was uoiuk iiittrricu m mo nwi- denoe of the bride s father te , Mhw Forney. While Rev. J. W, Lewis was performing the niarrlage ceremony, tne tride tottered and without a mo ment s warning fell dead. ; ." ' Miss Mary Anderson.' the yonng acfrecs, whq recently played Juliet at Ilia Opera House in this city. meeta: with the . moat entbuaiastio prawe from critic in every eitv to f wnioa sue appears, y'- .p a - a i . . . . . - LOCAL HEWS. s Oar tiu Delivery J. Is ta .thc Jiaodd of lpLi John. K- penuttna una be responsi delivery of the paper. ' AH shortcom ings should be reported to lint imme diately, "j 'n -fT fr, . ..THB IUTABV MeeUngto Perfect a PUte Org ui- A meeting wa. btld fpjftatejgb on Friday, bj TeppeBeatativea from the different volunteer' military' organi scions of the State 0 Oonsult with the Adjutant General, and for other purposes. - There Were present : Johnstone Jones, Adjutant Gen eral f H" q.i Flaner Cape '. km Light AiiiUely' M. P. Tajlgr,''Cli tan WilmisijttoB, iftht Infaotty, and proxy for Gold two Rifle jud Or ange Guards ; J. B. Smith. Captain. LaFayrtte Light Infantryaad xy for Independent Light Infantry ; William Whitford, Captain Newborn Qrayi ; O W. Alexander, Fir t Lieu tnnt Cbailotte Greys, and proxy tor Hoiflijbf.lleKl Hifljmebiijfi. J. Hancock, Captain E'm City Rifle men ; J. W. Gordon, Captain Whit ing Rifles; J. W. Lee, Captain Ba leigh Light Artillery; B. O. Manly, Captain Raleigh Light Infantry. On motion, Ad ju taut General Jones was called, to the; ohair and Capt. Manly waa requested to act as Secretary;' i"f '" ! By request, the Adjutant General rf-adabil) wbiob h bad drawn up for the goveinment of the militia of North Carolina! 1 ''w-. On motion, the meeting adjourned till 4 p-m.!.:, x . v- r.H. Pursuant to adjonroment the meet ing was balled to order at lptri..' by the Adjutant General Captain Hall j burton, of the Ro- an Rifle Guards, presented himself and took part in the consultation. Tne Adjutant uenerai continued the reading of the militia bill whiob, after amendment, ha aaa rqoe ted to submit it to the General Assem bly for consideration. " ' ; Tbe Adjutant General was arged to equip forthwith the Cape Peat Light Artillery, Captain - Planner stating that Gov. Brogden bad It or to commission Hi cnHoers. On moon, a renowon of tbank) to the Adjatant General and tne 8eo retary 'of this meeting for courtesies extended, was adopted.:,,. - i i, , ' Oo motion', it wu resolved that an ofliowi viait be ua4e to Gov.' Vanoe at 7 p. m. ' ''! ' - Ou motion, the meeting adjourn ed. ' 1 : '! I , Al 74 pi m.v,Uiii dolegstion waited on 'OeV. J mad the Yarhrongb House, whirft tliey were warly re oeived. i The purposes of tbe meet- log of tbe day wvro thorongbly dm- cussvd, and Uie Gtwriior Very hear tily approved the orgauiaation ot- all the companies as contemplated, but suggeeted.tbe "State Guard " as the name instead of the " National Guard." ' ".- -.i , k .... - .. . HI. .;,) t,.,t(..;.,T.I 1 . 1 Fire Yesterday Morning. ; ' A franie bnildiDg ou Orange atreet between Front and Second streets, was disooyered to be on fir y ester day morning about 4 o'clock.- It Was . bcoOpied by " nlrs.", psnies, ' .a widow lady.r. Mr., Daniels . was Bsleep, but awoke to find the room filled with smoke. 8h uprsog out of ber bed and ran1 from tbe room. Tbe fire department were quickly on tbe spot but the ' hoase burnt like tiuder.' Mrs. Daniels saved moist of bet fujrnttnre.,' Tbe house was vain ed at $300 add wssiownetl h'4lr. L. Vollers.' It. Was insured for $250 in the iEtns, Company,' Mr.; I. C. DeB'Set, Agent.. " The supposition is that it was aet on fir hV rati. (,!!.;, j ' : S - Market Report.;' . The IJowiog. fstharaarket report for the week ending yesteTaayi Num- ber f carts iu market, 153; "number, of beeves . slaughtered for' market, 39; number of calve slaughtered for mar ket, 6; number of hogs slaughtered for market, 8. ,i Breaking Scbeal flows Windows. ' ' Friday afternoon, some one tbrew a rock into the School room of Mr, G. W. 'Jewett ab J broke one" of bis windows. A colored boy,' Sambo Luoas. bss been 1 arrested and will appear before the Mayor on Monday to answer the charge. ' f- ::?, Iieggett. so well and favorably known. HewiHjsM lorffheRN1' n 1 S f I' tit I superiuttffd &na be mDonsfble fof tl THE COUHTS. Mayer's Court. Sambo XncajsJ throwing .atoses and breakingrj CLW. t cwett's' school room windows; continnfiC -1 ' w Oscar Anderson, a seaman, disorder ly conduct; find $5 and costs. Salof Stevensea, a seaman, disorder ly conduct; fid $5 and costs. , Pi?e parties were for obstructing sidewalks were disposed of. Several cases were continued. f: O.Watfstrate's Court. .' ' i Befor Justice Gardner: State' and Henrietta Stone 'agabst Lizzie Mad doxn peace arrant; defendant dis missed. , TJ. 8. CommlsakHier'a Court. : A. party was arraigned before U. S. 0omm1s8iobr Cassidey for Violating the Internal Revenue law and bound over, to .the, District ,Court under a bond bf $200. ' ' ' " ' , . if " . : i( Bobbery at St. James' Home. We have before chronicled the depre dations pf, rogues, on . this property, owned by fet James' Church. Some unprincipled scoundrel has stolen eve ry cooking utensil in the kitchen, only leaving the stove because it could not be conveniently carried away, and oth er necessary -artcles, including two bibles and a, large dictionary. It is difficult to say-'wbich is the worse, to steal from such an institution as the Home, or to take the Book that com mands "Thou shalt not steal," by stealth; "A few mornings since the lady who has charge of the Home was startled by the announcement of the servant, who ' said that the evergreens and flow bad been stolen from the yard! V We, consider this one of the most unparalleled specimens of heart less, detestable'rbguery on record. The Home is supported by the generosity of t Jame congregation, and the chil- ren of the parish who are unable to obtain an education elsewhere! receive both secular and religious instruction there. ,'(- j , . ,; ..,. We are assured that it is no easy matter in times like these to keep np the Home, and the midnight robber, if his eye should fall on this paragraph, should not only make every possible reparation for his sin, but beg to be allowed to keep one vt the bibles in or der to .Warn bipw to do better jn the future. . -r , , Yesterday officer Nick Carr went up to the Home and 'examined the foot prints of the scoundrel who dug up the evergreens. His feet were in some way deformed and his tracks different from any others. Aided by this officer Carr followed the footprints to the house of a negro by the name of Henry. Boon. He immediately ' procured a search warrant and succeeded in finding the kitchen tensils, which the cook at the Home, identified 1 their .property. Boon was arrested sad carried to jail. Cnange f Captains. ' Capt. Joaeph Irish baa" been re- mived. at bis request, from tbe command of the Bevenne Cutter Colfax, and Capt. Frank Ban appoin ted in bis stead. , CITY CURRntCY. rOold weather. '" ' : '" . Eggs sold laat week at 12 een. There bave been no interment .n Oakdale Cemetery for four weeks. There were six interments,: all of which were adults, in Pino Forest Cemetery last -week.. - -. r Bishop Atkinson will give another of his lectures on the Apostle's Creed ibis evening at est. ram s unurcn. f Mairiage lioenaes were issued by tbe Register of Deeds to one white and four colored oouple, last week. The fine ohromo, "Rook of Ages," whiob was stolen from Mrj P. Heiu berger's Book Store, op Friday, waa iitolen by tbe aame negr who stole Mr. GfloVP. Tflley's tvercoa't.1 He offered it to several parties for, fifty Cents, '.'n::.,,,,, :i.,;:rh " . On his arrival Jin Philadelphia Rev. 8. Mendelsohn was waited on by the President Of the largest Jewish temple there, . Mr.t E. Wolf. Yesterday preached at tbe Broad Street. Temple, claimed to be the handsomest edifice devoted .to religious worship in the city, Doubtless the. gifted minister gave sausiaction, as te docs nere.' ; Initex to Mew Advertlscnienta. . W. E. N. Sellers New meat store. K. Artis--Barber, , ander Puroell liOUSe. : i . :.r-...t :, ., .. . , , J. A. Springer Horse for sale. .". A.' Weill, Agent Boys', men's, la dies' and misses' shoes. , . . - . George Myers Flonr, pickles, new butter, crackers, apples, Boka tea. . .J. C Munds ft Co.-Eureka Mill papear toilet soaps, 4c. . . ' 0. G. ' Parsley k Col Brunswick VVHl f P. Heinsberger Just received. I Giles Liurohlson Collins' axes, Suuday Servleea. Worship in the various churches o tho city to-day as follows i St Paul's Evanir. Lutheran, comer of Sixth and Market streets, Rev. G. I). Bernheim pastor. German service at 11a. ii.; English service at 7J r. m. Sunday School at 3 r. .; Christian Association at 4 t. v. First Baptist, corner 6f Market and Fifth streets, Rev. James B. Taylor pastor. Services at 11 a. v. aud 7 r. m. Suuday School at 9 J o'clock i. m. Second Baptist, on 6th between Church and Castle streets. Services at 11 a. m and 7 p. v., by Rev. J. B. Barlow.. Sunday School at ) r. . First Presbyterian, corner Third and Orange streets, Rev. Jos. R. Wilson, D. D., pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7J r. m. Dr. Wilson will continue his discourses on the Old Testament characters at the evening service.' i Second Presbyterian, corner ot Fourth and Campbell streets, Rev.' C. M. Payne pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7J r. m. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 3 r. n. v . ."" ' -... Front Street M. E. (South), corner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. j, E. Mann pastor. Service every Sab bath at 11 a. ii and 1 r. x. Sabbath School at 3 r. u. St Paul's (Episco'pal),5 corner of Fourth and Orange streets. . Services at 11 a. m. and 7 r. u. Sunday School at 3i'r, m. Itev. T. M. Ambler rector. Seats free. First Congregational. ' Services eve ry Sunday in Academy Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets, at 11 a. m. and 8 r. m. Sunday School at 3 p. n. Seamen's Bethel, on Dock between Front and Water streets. Rev. J. L. Keen, chaplain. Services at 11 a. m 1st Sunday in Lent, Feb. 25, 1877. S. James' Parish Celebration 8 a. m.; morning prayer 11 a. ' m.; Sunday school 3 p. ni. evening prayer 4 j p. m. Daily service Monday, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 7 a. m.; and 5 p. m,; qo 1 Wednesday and i Friday aV frt aVBa. il. Ui'u Hifc'i St. John's (Episcopal), corner Third and Red Cross Btreets, Rev. George Patterson rector, Feb. 25 Second Sunday in Lent. Celebration at 7J a. m.; Morning Prayer at II am.j Even ing Prayer at 7 p. m; Sunday School at 3 p. m. St lbomaa Uatnolic, iJoclt street, between Seconof and third strcft. Morning Services at 7 and 10 a. m. Vespers at 7J r. m. Sunday School at H a. M. Fifth Street Methodist E. (South); situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. J. M. Rhodes pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 j p. m. Sabbath School at 9J a. k. j k '. i : t Quarterly Meetings. Rev. W,. 8. Black. Presiiling EU ?er for this Distriot of the M. E. )huroti, announces bis first round of appointments as follows : Topsail, at Unioa f ob. 24, 25 Cokeebnry a :d Uobavie Mission, at Hairs 1 war. j 8, 4 Kenataville, at Kenans- vilie Mar. 10. 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HORSE FOB SALE ! GOOD 80yNP HORSE ! At Coal and Wood Yard of feb25-Jw J. A. SPRINGER. NEW MEAT STORE ! I TAKE GREAT PLEA8UEE IV An nouncing to my friends anil the Public generally that 1 .have opened a Mew meat more on uie eonuw or Fourth and Mulberry streets, where I will sell the choicest Meats at the Lowest prices. I will also have on hand on Tuesday next a good supply of Fresh New River vyuersi ah ak is a trial. , . , ... fstao-tr vr tv. e.n. sellers. Eureka Mills Paper. I AAA Sheets in a packake at only lVvV twenty-nve ceuts. MUk Magnesia; Congress Water. Complete stock of Patent Medicines. For sale hy JAMES C. MUND8, ioilet Soaps, TJlorida and Violet Watera. X; Atkinson, Lewo A Lubin's Extracts, ... ! i wnn a ran line oi pure j ,, r j JAMES C. MUNDS & CO,, feb2MfJ , Third St., opp. City Hall. ISM BRUNSWICK COLRT Steamer "J. S. TJNDEBIIILL" " 1 will run Daily, ' leaving Wilmington '. ! -' - at s.5m, Bmithvule at 330 p. m . feb25tf O.G. PARSLET&CO. BY STEAMER. Motto and Photo. Frames. , . ALL SIZES. , Fatiepartonts. Steroscopes 4s Views . ALSO lf BLIOANT ASSORIMKNT '. ' FANCY STATIONERY- feb lS-tf G. W. YATES, Bookseller. NEW ADTKBTISmm . ''Salislaclifli GiMlEEl" "S.1MWX Gl'IRffiEED." Hearing Sals ! or Boys', Men's, Ladies' and Misses' SHOES! Having bought the entire Stock of Shoes from C. A Price, -we J ; ..will offer them at To be found at the old stand of A. WEILL, AGENT, .V -r No. 17 Market Street. feb 24-tf ., , . GEO. MYERS. 11 and 13 Houtfl Front Street. QFFERS PLANTA GENET, PATENT PROCESS, ; EMPIRE AND GILT EDGE FLOUfi , At astouiahlng tow prices. ' l. ,!.V. t It '"j ' , 1 50 PAILS THOSE Elegant Pickles, CHOW i CHOW ; : AND MIXED, , JQQ PAILS SOLD IK SIX WEEKS. DELICATE MILK -AND CRRAM CKACKMts ! Best In the State at f 1 per box,' '' 50 BARRELS; APPLES, NKBUTTER, 500 CASES OF FANCY GROCERIES. TUB B0KA TKA :: Ii half pound boxes, only 75 cents per . pound; the cheapest and beat II Tea .-.-j is in the market, i A BLENDING 0F OOLON0, IMPERIAL hrr' AND JAPAN. .; 'Z , i For Sale only by ! , . GEO; MYERS'. feb25-tf ', V, A.'",'.' , AXES! AXES! GOLLINS' AXES1. EVERY AXE WARRANTED, and if not cnod in evry respect can be returned, we alo nil a cheap Axe. Broad Axes, tirubb Uoes, X Cut Saws, &u. All for saleby GILES & MURCHISON . feb V New Ilardwar Stora. E.ARTIS, IASIIIOJABLE BARBER, ' ' 1 Front Street, under Pnreell House, Wilmington, N. C ' Hair CnUlnjf, Sbsvine and Sliauipooing. dons in the bluest style of tli art. ; : Attentive aud polite Barbers always ready to wtflt uiwh customers. ' ; j fcbsstr ; y'-- IISCELUXEOrS. EO AT PJRICES TO miv 1TEWEST STYLES OF NECK WEAR, ' .... ... At WM. FYFE'd, ;f; ' IXCHANCe CORNER. feb ii tf ' ' -r OF mm DiiiDio .. . i PROF. CHITTENDEN, of'Yale College, eays he has 'ex-' amined the different BubsUri' I ces from which it ia mam . il ufactured, and can . WIULY SAY' that it is only of such material ' as are known to REACT FAVORABLY , on the ey stein. ' - : "FINEST TOMC OR STR0MAC1I BHERS In the J) Old or New; World." 1 " I . ' ' r, il . I Uyers k n 8 and t North I'reut St.:. 1 1 Mi in a t , :-ii -i t:.-;j i.;;.. BAKER'S OIIO OOLATE. IMPORTED OT ' POWDER GORDON k DITWORTHU TAMARinDQ. FRESH GOODS, ' i' -. .-if .;;- i'.-.Vr iH'j-i'i. Domestic and ' ' . ,:)m i ? Imported. . 5 4 1 North Front Street. f(bl8 SIDES at and ' hwjkX SHOULDERS MOUNTAIN BUTTWt ! ' Put np In nit Rolls, at 2Sc. pei lb. ' t i. , ' " " ' . . ... '' s : NEW t3RO? !- .: CUBA MOLASSES 1 And Mvcra grades of ' s.y r ua? s ; PATAPSCO,- FAF.1ILY FLOUR ! 1 , , t "I:. -:..!..; - t..v , - I Iu barrels and half barrels, continues to attract attention by its superb quality. . EXTRA QUALITY BALTIOOI APPLES. JCbY RKCEl VEli' AND JOR ' a Sale low r . i f , r, , J AMK3 O, STEVENSON. ' feb 23'-" '' ' BROIDERIES

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