1 ,301110 8:! fiiqn 'irmli if! -v - - - - f - - - . I . y I ' v " . ." ; . , As.1- "3 (4J? If i I if1 ! ESTABLISHED, 1851. I PRICE $6 OO. WILMINGTON, N ' c., WEDNESDAY ORniriG, FEBRUARY 28, 1877. ' K- . - ' ' . - 'I 1 .Jvr-r-.. it o ' c..- -,171 iMPORTAirr" MOVEMENT ' BY I THE COURTS,' ' ' I Pftotftf THE TELEGRAMS, THE COUNT GOES ON. - , ,NO MORE DOUBLE RETURNS THE COMMISSION AD JOURNED TILL FRI 'DAT NEXT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN MISCELLANY. : Hoon Reports. wmnrsioi. Wabhwotow, Feb. 37 The. letter cated bat it exists and partly accoun for the progress which has been allow ed to be made in the count The Her ald' $ Washington "special saja regard- - ing It: "There h a letter in towu from Got. Hayes himself which approves in tfef itos jQlicft fifdtctjininaer of toe speech or Mr. roster last week id which he expressed his confident be lief tkat.Hayqs Southern polk . would be each as the neoole of Louisiana and South Carolina desired." ooeridao oas gone to Columbus to in form Got. Hayes of the real conditio! of things In Louisiana. He is an old acquaintance of Got.- Hayes, and is aa 9 ppooent of Packard." ' There if ao manifestation of feeling Al f r mi 1 a t- 1.1: .'claim that tie lull is produced bji pro tests from oomneMiU centres against a decat) of the, count on account of trade disturbances which would follow, whil the nltrn Conservatives attribute it the high awurances that the South wUl be treated fairly. The Senate re-assembled at 10 o'clock and, in accordance with notice 'ifaWbyi l&McDonaidoa'led op the House resolutions iii respect to the memory of the late speaker Kerr, and appropriate eulogies were deliver ed by Messrsi J McDonald, Wallace, Wright, Bayard, Booth and Morton, after which the resolutions were unani- t. Toe commission hat been allowed four hours a side but It is.tkought that hardly Jialfth bna. will be, used as It Is expected the commission will take the case by three o'clock.- t The House U in a committee on the sundry civil appropriation hill JJC Colcmscs, Feb. J?. Hao,will MprobaUf tear W Washington Thurs day via Pittsburg and Harrisbur?. smacitsuNi. C2 ffh. s.. preme Court room was densely packed this morning in anticipation of the de cision in the Tilda Morris habeas cor 41 pas. case At 11 o'clock JvBtiee Wil Jard and Wright, the tyter jolore4,c-ie fn and the former announced that the coul-would take emeu until 1 o'clock P. M. for .consultation. The crowd then dispersed. A strong guard of : negro speiial - constables is sUtioned across ttekalliv front of tM Justin consulting mom. A deep and scMued excitement prtaiuv 1 Pjifl,Teli. yrU-The reappointment Of the Tina Ministry which resigned 4- 6 eoint of the differences between Anttria mnA lliiiim.. . L 1 I. AMilrflntl'tl grmmnltnA ! BccHABisT, Feb, 24. In the Senate T-ffply (ban Interpellation, refused to produce the documents relative to Bumanneutraty,io ,th event of war between Turkey and Russia. , 1 Paws',' Fen.' 2lA letter from Ade Una Petti has been published declare ing the fiatkbkSkU M the Figaro about her eloping with the Tenor Nicolini as! awhoUyioaecarate. i t u v u - ' .LoHjooFeb- 27-The ,7Vs' se ond edition publishes a dispatch from its St Petersburg correspondent, say ing: "An extraordinary council of 'Geo. Ignatief was present at the coanciL I leant on the best authority that it was decided to demobilise the FPWitf'PJ.FNn Pe,i signed be tween the Porte and Servia and Mou tgro. - f I 111 ..! J L lit II '. : ' It is sUted that the Cardinals submit ted to the Pope 6n Tuesday favorable replies to some questions which he pro potx;(l to them," with the object of giv ing the ecclesiastical policy of the Holy See a more effaeaciouf and enorgetic cirecUoii towards a natural solution of the various Questions of the day. The exact nature of the new policy will be protkiincdon the occasion of the Pope's episcopal jubilee. Some German Bishops recently asked " jcther ihey wcroat liberty to perfovm acts in execution of laws other than thorn against the church if invited to do so by the oml authorities. The reply from Ifce Vatican was that they might as subjects of the Fmperor do so in all matters not con trary to religion and the rights of the church. , Nigjit Reports. . ., wiSHnrfitej. Wasbisutoji Feb 27. Hocst , Most of the session was spent in con sideration of the sundry civil appropri ation bill, which, however, was not completed. ' i , j s- A bill to provide for vacancies in the office of President and Vico.Presi dent that may arise through the fail ure of the two Houses to count the electoral vote, was reported by Field of Now York, from the committee on privileges, and after a brief discussion, waf pnssed. The only deviations from a party vote were in the fact that Pur man of Florida, voted with the Demo crats, and that 13 Democrats, includiug Hancock of Texas, and Rnctt of Ken tucky, voted with the .Republicans. The bill provides that in case of such vacancy in the r residential umce it shall be filled by the President of the Senate, if there be one, or the Speaker of the House, if thore bc one, or the Secretary of State in office at the time the vacancy happens. A motion to suspend the rules and adopt the resolution recognizing the Democratic governments of Louisiana and South Carolina, was made by 8oh(eycher of Texas, and failed for want of a two-thirds majority. ., So also with a resolution offered by Watterson of Kentucky, commending the President for his reported opinions in support of the Nicholls government in Loaisiana. The clause to piy Southern mail contractors for work done before the war was restored to the sundry civil appropriation bill. ' The House then took a recess to 10 o'clock to-morrow, by a vote of 120 to 11. , Skxati. The citizens of Washing ton peition for the use of the rotunda of the , Capital for the inauguration balL Referred to the committee on buildings. ;.,':.' V " V 1 The committee on foreign, relations reported favorably on ' the bill to pay Wm. L. Scruggs," Minister to Bogota, certain moneys. The joint committee on Ch'nese sub mitted their report, which was ordered printed. V . ' " The bill creating a sinking fund for the Pacific Railroads was postponed vuiil December next yeas 29. nays 28. The bill for pnblic buildings In Aus tin, Texas, puscd. . The House bill which passed to-day regarding vacancies in the obloo of President was read by title and refer red to the committee ou privileges and t itone. ' . The credentials of John T. Morgan, elected fivn 'alWma, v..re rcsntod. The Senate then went iro ixfu tire session aad after ur is Uok a recess. . The impression still prevails among employes of tha House that a count will be finally prevented, but 'in more thoughtful circles the hope or fear of it , if abandoned. , , ; : ( Sherman, Stanley n Matthews and Congressman Chas. Foster seem most near Gov. Hayes. : Bob Ingersoll is here and much sought by Southern place-seekers. Ho assumes quiet, chivalrous ground and does not know now in honor Hayes can abandon Packard and Chamberlain, i . v 'Foster is known to be in fav'6r of al-J fowing the Southern people to manage j their own affairs. Stanley Matthews to-day 'spoke quite ,lrecly in the some direction, and Senator Sherman has taken pains to let it be known that he is not trying to shape the Southern policy of Mr. Hares. ,'Thqrn. was a tcry ong Cabinet ses sion. Effort was made to change the Southern policy 4 What direction not known, but the President was immor able. ; All tie Secretaries have1 plsjccd their resignations in the President's hands." ;',t ""!'' " '-';' ;. The secret session of the commission on the South Carolina case commenced at 2 o'clock.' They adjourned at 7, af ter having voted 8 to 7 to Count the ,8tate for Hayes. Gen. Jso. T. Morgan of Ala., e- uot. a. n. uarw or Ark., ex-Gov. 1.0. narrif of Tenn., and ex-Gov; H. F, Ctk? of Texas," U. Si, Senatprs-lct, have arrived., in anticipation of an ex tra session of the Senate for executive business: ; Hons. B. H. Hill ami L. Q. C. Lamar, SenaWkct, .being uicm bers of the House, are alA nere. The Sontherii OoneefvativeB regurftha ac cession of thcsegentrnienjto ho, Scn afe?as adding' largely to Ue' ability from the Southern States in that body. By the efforts of Bloust a"nl AtJfle son in getting $275,000 to pay SoutW em antebelluHi niarl contractors apprvr priated by the suBiky civil bill, Geo. gia will be bencted about .$80,000. Blount made the 'point that the law prohibiting the payawsi fas in the na ture of a bill of attainder and nncomti- tutionau. ': t The commission has adjourned rto Friday, unless called torethe by the presiding officers! It has been ascer tained that there are no further double 4- SCI Til tlKDtl Cc'Vwaril'Fcb.' ill-Tno Supreme Coitrt 'ft'Jbruiia "agalh kt'one o'clok, iwuiti.ij; the decision. The Juyces i ,t iii it (oubsu1la1(i()ni,dom and remained there one hour, when they appeared on tho bc,nch and an nounced that they hail been unable to agree on a decision, but might proba-' bly ju t few days.'-' lfJl T 1 hCX The docket was then called and the crowd dispersed. EiGov. Hendricks on the Political Situation. A reporter vf tho Nw York Hera'd attempted to interview ex Gov. Uendriokiat Indiaoapolia, Ind., 00 8atnid y, but was ouly partis' ly snooessfnl the ex Governor dealt irg to express himself freely. He is represented, however, as sayiug that the electoral commission having gone according to law the result will tM the eleotion of Mr Hajea. He dU not think the commission aoteI ao cording to the spirit of tbn law, tbe d.cifiou wilt not be eatiafactory to the country, and tbe longer tb peo pie think npto it tb more it will be ooudimned. Mr. Hendricks argued that tbe Democratic party is gradu ally growing stronger, and will con-' tinue to do so, and predicted tbe de feat of Morton in Indiana two years henee ( la regard to Loniaijuia Mr. Hendricks said: "The statement 1 bat Hayes will recognise the Niobella government in Louisiana is absned, He oould t ot do it without atoltify iog tbe methods to whioh be will owe his place. To recognize Nicholls wonld bt to Bay that Packard was not elected by the votes in Louisiana. and yet tha be himself (Hye) was." t Tbe Pattl Scandal.1 . . A. LojvfoqrJigpatch. sayx no story bnblishCdby the Paris' Figaro about Patti's. elopemeat.fe wholly uaoruc. The facts arer that the final quarrel took place in a box at the Opera House in St. Petersburg.' Jha diBpute led to very high words, Patti left the Opera House at once and drove direct to the Impdf ial Palace. She was accorded an immediate audience with the Kmperor, from whom she obtained an Order upon thci chief of policy to send the Marquis ofCauxoutof tho country. He was sent to Berlin. On reaching there Oaqx elegranbed ltd" St, : Petwurg offering aa amicable svpsntion. 'at re ceived uo n ply. ' Atr'vihg at Paris he had do sooner led ice train than he re ceived n summons to appear on Tues day next before tbe tribunal of the Some to shew cause why his wife should not he granted a legal separation from him. The summons was issued at the direct request of Patti, addressed U one of the most prominent members of the cabinet. Adelina is expected a arrive before IV-sday. ' ' The farmrri throttgtiont South west Goorg a. ssya the Mitot)u Telegraph, LavK found no difficulty in employ iug hai'ds, ami that tbe maohinaiyof agrioulture in that aeotion never ran smoother. The white and colored face have at lat decided q work together harmoniously. . ' . -; In 1870, Oineiolati had 160oirBr mannfaeturers, who hirned ont iT, 000,000 cigars. ' In 1876 hhad 4D0, who py revenue tax on 100 000,000. or 8600,000 . .ij. - , ; . . , Postal Ileum. ' ;, ; , The mails tlose at tno Cltj Toet-Offlce m Totldwa : Northern thMurn,nta0s -Vi 9 VX- Northfrn thtiij;h and way ' mallsj daily - fvw hi-? 704-3 Mails for the N. C Railroad . and routes supplied there- ; - ' ' from, at - . 5:15 P. M. Southern inalls for all points' ' I South, daily - -- . - 70 P. M. Wetern mails C. C, R'y, dslly .O0 A. M. Fstattetille and bfflcts on I jj Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays ''' . 1KWP. M. iiaay ienday's) "i VA0 A. M. Onslow, C. II. and intermedi ate offices, every Friday - 6:00 A.M. Smlthvllle, dally - - - 2.-O0P. M. ,1BHIVI.' ' Northern through malls -.'r - -12:15 P. M. Northern through A way mills 80 P. M. Mails for Easy Iini, Town Crcelc, Sup ply and Shallotte, every Friday at A. M. -Malls delivered from 6 A. M. to lift P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 90 A. M. rfStamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M. and from S to 5.30 P. M. Register am Money order Ucparuncnts opeu sama as 8tmp Office. Stamps for late at general delivery when Stamp Office Is closed, , , . : s , . ' Kry Boxes accessible at all hours c'ay "dW ;';"...(. ' " , IMPORTAUT-'- MOVEMENT J TUB iEIOCB T. v j An Advaagtoua Pottcy Decided Ou. Washixutiw, Feb, 26.Prominent men pf the Deaiwratic party met to night and decided upon a policy that will be carried out, one which will give uaToll possible advantage, but at pres ent cannot be made public ., - LOCAL NEWS. Our City Delivery t i Is in the hands of Cap John IS. Leggett, so "veil and favonhly known. He will solicit for the Jocbsal- and siperyitend and be responitte for the deliverv of the paper. All shortcora- iogs should be reported to him imme diately. ' A Correction.' i ' The Sanit at ian contains '-. to Article id which a htatetnent that the jellow fever prevailed in this city doling 1876 is made. It is a mistake. Charleston, Savannah and Brunswick Buffered from the terrible scourge, but not -one case of yellow fever Recurred in Wilming ton in lif78. &ur city authorities cere yery strict in their health regulations tost summer and we hope they will be equally vigilant during the- coming warm season. In this connection we will mention a statcment'obtained from a New Orleans paper. It is cud that yellow fever cannot enter spot com pletely surrounded by carbolic acid. This powerful disinfectant in doubtless of tjtfyjrwat benefit in keeping off all kinds Qf epidemic diseases.' ' ...Vans asarm. TeeterUy oor nginbontlJo'oIock, as Lttle daughter of Eil Hug gins, who lire on the corner of Mulberry and Kntl atraets, was playing in the ysd :d tryiug to make a fire her ololltea oanght aud she aoreamsd for help. Kit hearing hr piercing criee ran into n yard nd wisely pulled her dreaa off instead of trying Ut smother the ' flame. : She was a great deal worse soared than burnt. The ohild is about 11 years of age. Departure ! U StaeP Uasie, Tbe good little steamer Dixie left here yesterday, under command of Clipt Sullivan, for New York. Bbe wilt proceed by inland vater route aa far as poeaible. ; She in going to her owner.Capt Foster, who exchang ed tbe stea ner J. 8. Underbill for her, with Mr."0.4G. Parsley, J.. her for mer owner. She baa run between itojk oity, and Hmithville for some time. ''"" ' Beslsted the Police. A soldier was attested by two police- Rtm Inst night for being drunk and ly ing on the fde-walk. They had pro ceeded but a short distance when the soldier began to fight, and tore the coat of one of the . officers nearly off. One policeman struck the prisoner over the head with his club, which had the effect of quieting him. ' r. - j lcai Measarcs.' ; 4 lor 'the Senate Monday the Criminal Court bill passed Its final reading, with an amendment aa to salaries. , The bill . establishing a Board of Audii for the city of Vilmington like wise passed its third re ling, and is now ' a law, having p-eviouiily passed the House. t; ' f Twe 4Uy ara U Trouble. John Peny aid Hugh Currie, two tailors in liquor, threw rooks against the house of John Toomer, a negro, in Paddy's Hollow, Mondsy night, to anoh an extent that he called tbe police, and bad tliem arretted. They were both sentenced yesterday to ninety days on tho streets. ' ; t ;(:'.- ' . .' Boiler Explosion. ; Thore was a report last evening that thbjjboiier at 'the planing mill of Messrs. E. Kidder i Sous had explod ed at 6 p. m. and. injured two men em ployed in the mill! No particulars, however, were obtainable by our re porter.",", . ; ' , Thermometrlcal. . The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob served at the signal office in this city yesterday at 4:30 p.m.: , tXtgnstaUlj Charleston, 55; Galves ton. 68; Jacksonville, 64; Mobile, 60; iw uneans, 114; morion, w; aavar aah, 69; Wilmington, 51. ladei to Kew Advertisements. O. G. Parsley k Co.Cbal, , ' Green k Flanner Toilet articles. Binford, Crow k Co. Hay. pota toes, cte. ' J. C. Stevenson N. O. hams, etc. P. Heinsberger The latest out. 3ilea & Mnrohison CJollins' axes. See ndr. "Our Living and Onr Dead, '," : ' ' " THE COURTS, Magistrate's Court. Primus Hill was before Justice Gardner yesterday charged .with the larceny of two hogs, but the' evidence was not sufficient to bind him over. Peter Pickett,ou the charge of steal ing an ox, the propr-ty of Mr. John C. Bcrnemann, wan bound over to the Su perior Court u'er a bom of $100. . Mayor's Court. John 1' ujlit',.'nk1'lj conduct; fined 8"tO and costs or thirty days oil tbe street . 1 John Perry, throwing stones; fip.cd $20 and costs or thirty days on the streets. John Terry, resisting a polics officer; fined $50 and costs or thirty days on the streets. Hugh Currie, disorderly conduct; fined $10 and costs or thirty days on tho streets. . Hugh Currie, drunk; fined $10 and costs or thirty days on the Btreets. Hugh Currie, resisting a poljce of ficer; fined $50 and costs or thirty days on the street a Fannie Gore, drunk; fined $20 and costs or thirty days on the streets. - Dick Williamson, selling liquor on Sunday; continued. Henry McRae, disordcrl;. conduct; fined $3 aud costs. ' Monroe Wiikins, disorderly conduct; fined $25 and costs or thirty days on the streets. 1 A party charged with resisting a po lice officer was dismissed. CITY CURRENCY. 1t brokcn.rewer has at last been uded And the large bole filktl up. Tbe DikU Buy that tbe buoy at Ljeeward ohannel istoo small and oan Vnof bo seen at o'glt, A prisoner, a aearuao, esoapea from the Work Honno oh Saturday night, and bao not been captured yet. - Tbe wharf at the foot of Priueeta street is to to kept olear of wood, so as to enable the fire epgines to get to the river. - , n Tie buoy at Sfeard ohannel baa gon adrift, it should be'reptaoed at onoe, tt Is dangerous- tav-bring in vessels at nigbt. . ; 'The pavement at tbe corner of 2d and Chestnut streets (east aide) needs repairs. It has been an eye and foot-sore for lo there many months. ' Mr. John- W. Brill,, who has friends in Philadelphia and New. Brunswick, and a resident of Mag nolia, died suddenly in that plaoe e n February 22.1, 1877. Messrs. Aaron k Rhcinstein contem plate adding to their large wholesale establishment; the handsome building adjoining, on the corner of Front and Princess streets. , The office of Mr. A. D. Cazsnr, Agtnt for onr New York and Bul- timora Steamship Lines, has been connected - by telegraph with tho Carolina Central Railway, an: ln strnnient having been pnt in the office yesterday. Aa Mr. ffm. M. Hays, Jr., press- mo of the Journal, was going home early yesterday morning, a man ran swiitiy ont of tbe yard of Mr. Rich ard Grant, near tho corner of 7tb and Mulberry utreets. Mr. Hsys gave chase lint he cou'd dot oatob the fugitive. . , , A poor mulatto" woman applied at the Station Honne yesterday evening to rest during the night. A gentle man in the city wilt soud her to her home in Pender county to day, in his cart. The woman has a smart looking child with her. They hav beon from borne for n month end have been sleeping in tbe woo flu i'he woman's lower limbs are hWollen 1 1 an enormous size from ' being frost bitteu. i Up Again. ineouore i. vuit ana Jennie Seymour were arrested yesterday for keeping a disorderly , house. Tbey were bailed until this morning when tbey will interview the Mayor. Quarterly Meetings. Rev. W. 8. Biaok, PrtHi;ing El der for this District, of tbe M. E. Churou, aonouuees bia first round of appointment aa follows : Mission, at Hall's Mar. 8, 4 Eonaneville, at Kenans- ' ' ville ' ' : : ' ' ' " Mltr- 10- 11 In a difficulty in Newbern on Satur day night Alex. McKay fatally stabbed Abner Parriss. , , . Qncntin BuslKie, Fjsq., a prominent member of the Raleigh bar, died sud denly yesterday morning. It is reported that there are fo ty flve cotton faotorioe in Georgia, all in active operation and paying di vidends, either in money or stock. , tor Ills tiprlMg VlslUtioa. 'Clinton, (Good Friday), March 29 Goldsboro, (raster Iay), - April 1 Windsor, - - f 4 oodville, Bertie county, Murfrecsboro, (1st Sundayaf- ter Easter), - -Vinton. Gate8villc. 14 St. Peter's. Gates conntv. Hertford, Perquimaus county, Woodvillc, " Klizabeth City, (2d Surwla - after Faster), - a " ' 44 taimicn aiasioi;, - - Edenton, - - - SU.'.uke Waihinglon Co., " Ht. Davw' - " (3? S.!i',luy aftc-r Kastcr), " Plyn'omh, . - "'' St James' Beaufort county, " St. George's Hyde county, (4th Sunday after Easter),' Fairfield, Hydo connty, - " Slade8ville, . - My Bath. - - Zion Church, Beaufort county, " Washington, - - ' Jamcsville, - - - '" Williamston, (Asccnsion-dayjr " Hamilton, - - - Trinity Church, Scotland Neck, (Sunday of Ascension), - " Collection! in behalf of diocesan missions will be mado at each place. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- VQRTIi KNOWING 1500 Lbs. V SIDES AND SHOULDERS Det. 6 and I O Lbs. Weight 4 , Well smoked and bright, Thcr be sold at the follawlnir nrfpra at rrUll: llama 15c; Hides 1 Irj Wiuuld. era I41-Sc; with liberal deauctions made to cash customers for lots. - CliyiSMALL CliARLESTOX RICE AT I O Cents per Quart. Prunes & Apple Butter Three pounds for 25c., or twelve pounds for one atoilar. MESSIW ORANGES lD LEHOXS and BALDWIN SLPPLKS at JAMES C. :vensoxj. feb28-tf . 150 BALES GOOD HiY, 1 Afk Bbls those SUPERIOR EARLY 1UU KOBE POTATOES, 100 '";raK YE p0TATOE8, Boxes D. 8. SIDES, '' g , u NO.aiUMS. ' j: '-" For sale cheap. BINFORD, CROIV & CO. ! feb28-tf . s COAL! GOAL! Cargo Just Received ! 0RDXBS PROMPTLY FlflED. febS3-tf O. G. PARSLET & CO. TOILET ARTICLES COAFd, BRUSHES, COMBS, PER. lumery, Sponges, Wblsk Brooms, Hand Mirrors Ind fancy Articles ln great vart. ety, For sale low by f b 88 tf GREEN & FLANKER. Oillcc of Our Living and Our Dead, Rai-kwb, N. C, Feb. 15. 187?. tin order to supply our subscribers vtfth numlwrsduetliem, we shall runie the rublkation f)t "Our, LrVing and Our ifad" on March 15th. and complete the IV tli Volume iu monthly parti.. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound volumes-thrce of which lave been huel and the lVth VIII bu ramly Id June. We can supply our old euticcriix rs wiUi any back iiunitwrscxeept September and October, 187-t, nhouIA they need any to complete their fllea. . j n PriM) for Bound 'liM t . In ClotH, $2 00 each ; palf Calf 3 50 each. ! Southern tfhtorienl Monthly. This Magazine, two numbers of which have been printed, will occupy the mine relation to the enlire 80uth that ''Our LivinsrandOur Dead" did to North Caro lina, and, in, am hespbcts, will be as worthy of Oonfldenoe aud support. ' For detailed deriprion of ttiia Muntlily and for tho opintoDH of thoMf who have the Initial number, we refer to larger circular. Subscriptions are solicited. 7ri, Tumriablp in Advamtt ' 13 months, 1 1 00; 6 months, 13 00. " Address, ' Soflta Historical MDDly, . fob8-tf t. Raleigh, N. C. Appointments by Ulabop Atkinson NORTHCABQLINA HAMS 1 art y 1 EUHDEIIIES -AT- jPEIOES TO SUIT EVERYCOOF. NEWEST STYLES 0 NECK WEAK At WM. FTFE'5, EXCHANCE CORNER. feblltf THE LATEST OUTS TIMtapiiiLs!, BI MI43. ALEXiSSES; 5i mbs.' sourawoam' r VERY LIKE HELEN'S, ONLr MOBES01.,i , THE ADYEKTORES OF BY MARK TWAIN. ;' JDST REEEIVED! AND FOE SALE -AT 'HEINSBERGER'S . , 81) and 41 2ARKET ST. fob87U .',,li- alfilTEfT, NEWS OFALCfi, BCCX SELLER ' ana Stationer. Also agent for Dorman's Improved . , SUJiBEIi SWAPS, ' , t Vi(My WILMINGTON, N. ;' ' c. Eureka Mills Paper. 1 ( CC Bhets In a packake at only J. VJvU twenty-live cents. ,r M ilk. Majfnesla; Conifresa Water. C'om)lete stuck of Patent Mellclnes. For sale hy JAMES C, ML'.NIW, feb25tf Druggist. . ' ' ; r i . Toilet Soap?, 1 1 lorlda and Violet Waters, , ' Atkinson, I.ewo & Lubln's Extracts, with a full liit of pure 1;;;. Drug Medicines and ChcUaicals. ' f JAMES C. MUND3 A CO,V - feb25-tr Third St., opp. Clty Jlall. Motto and Photo, Frame?. , . ALL BIZK3., Pa'sepaxtouti, Eter03copc & Views FiJNcrT TATio::znY. Mi 13-tf C. W.-IATE3, Boi-kscllsr. t v- , '1 r

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