ESTABLISHED, 1851V S; PRICE $0 CO: WILMINGTON, N. C.,' SATURN A V MORNIIiG, MARCH .3; 1877. THE TELEGRAf.iS, .it - S- ..... - - FRAUD TSlDHPHANT. ; BRADLEY HAYES DECLARED ELECTED. THE 1 LAWLESS, JUSTICE IGNORING COMMISSION DISSOLVE. HjiOpB AMERICA I Noon RcporU '' WASHINGTON. Wabuixotoit, March 2. Hoi'sb. .After the Vote not to count tbe vote of . Sollace Speaker Randall announced t that the Chair had allowed every legit imate motion. The duty to notify the ' Senate of the decision is mandatory. ' . Several propositions were overruled, whiii CoX said Chert u bo use endeav . orinjj to prevent the Speaker from - counting in Ilayes at once. ,-. , The Speaker said the. gentlemen must not object; the Chair has no au thority to receive any motion. At 11 o'clock the Senate entered and Vermont was counted fot Hayes and Virginia and West , Virginia for , Til- den, and finally after the separation t and a two-hours' discussion Wisconsin was counted for Ilayes. , At 4:30 Mr. Ferry said "This con cludes the count of thirty-three States. i The tellers will now ascertain .and. de liver the result." : r; Senator Allison, one of he tellers, - declared the ' vote:''" Rutherford B. Hayes 185, Samuel J. Tilden 164. Wherefore I, announce Ilayes and . Wnnnler duly elected President and Vice- President, for four years com mencinj March 4, 1877. There wss a ., soliUrvVisa. ;. The Senate retired, the , . UoQge adjonrned and the fiag was lo w- , ered for "the first time since February ; the 1st 1 - ' Hayea arrived at niue o'clock and , Scnaior JoliQ Sherman carried him to his house. No one seems glad. There are no cheerful congratulations. Those who , do look sorrowful appear ashamed. In' the Senate Mr. Morrill of Ver- m juont submitted resolution authoriz ing the appointment of a committee of three Senators to make arrangements for the inauguration of the President elect on the 5th of March which was agreed to V ' : ' V ' , No course of action has developed .. ' Itself this morning. Fifteen Radical Senators had a meet ing to-day and solved that if Ilayes' " . Southern policy is against the Repub lican, party f the North they should know it.f f 'M: ;'; v No conference committees met this morning, '., '; ; .. The Mouse is indisposed to take hold of business, and is 'occupied with questions and privileges involving the I v of pages and doorkeepers. r Lt House a resolution with an extwordinMy preamble Jthai the Lou- -isiana returning board be discharged so as to assist members of the conimi'a- sionr who completed the work of the returning board, in the inauguration, is pending. ' It will not receive a two tliirdg vote. The chances are that the - :t.urEllg Hoard . wiir be 'certified to District Court for punishment. Colckbia, March 2. The Supreme Court Room at 11 o'clock this morn ing was crowded to hear .the decision in tne 'Tilda Norris habeas corpus case.-involving the invalidity of Hamp ' ton's pardon. Associate Justice Wil lard appeared on the bench but the colored Justice-, Wright waa absent. The Sheriff was sent to look for Wright bu returned with information i that he had l)0t been seen since yester day morning, ' , Owing to a laek of a fulf,bench Jus tice Willard adjourned the Court till Monday. ' ? , . . ,. The absence of Wright at this Junc ture creates intense excitement. , if n Hight Reports. ;;:;,wiBarsioic..'',f IIeadquabters or tim Akmt, I Washikotom.D.C., March 2.187T. f - T Qe, V, C. Augur, Commanding thi . Dtpartmtnl of Mate. .t ' The following dispatch has gone to ' Packard and is hereby 'sent you for your information and government " Signed - W. T. Sherman, Gen. Telegram. ExKlttivk Mansiox, 1 Washivgtoi, March 1, 1877. J To . . raclardyof Xtw Orleam, La : In answer to your dispatch of this date the President directs me, to say that he feels it his duty to state frai.kly that he does not believe public opinion will longer support the maintenance of State government in Louisiana by the use of the military, and that be 'must concur in this manifest feeling. The troops will hereafter as iu the past pr tect life and property from mob violence when the State authorities fail, but under the remaining days of his oflieial life they will not be used to establish or to pull down either claimants for the control of the Stale. It is not bis r purpose to recognize cither claimant. C. C. SxiFriK,; Secretary. Senator Gordon has applied to the Chief Signal Officer of the. United States for the establishment of a signal station at Atlanta, Ga., and has the promise of the -department to comply with his request as soon as the condi tion of the service will permit The report of the Senate Louisiana committee presented by Gen. Howe to day is a voluminous document of about oue hundred manuscript pages although they state that it is only a report iu part. The committee enter into an explan ation of what they were required to do under the resolution: They say that there are two ways in which the right of suffrage may be abridged: One is to deny the legal voter the'privilego of depositing his ballot, and the other to refuse to count the ballot after it has I been deposited. By different parties it is claimed that both of these meth ods have been pursued within the State of Louisiana. The allegation as toTM" last cannot be controverted; the aws of Louisiana authorize its tribunals under certain conditions to reject from the count not only the en tire vote of a precinct, but the entire vote ofa parish. In conclusion tho committee says that the testimony taken is not sufficiently complete to en able them to say positively what would have been, the result ot the election in the State if intimidation had not been employed at all; but Organized intimi dation is charged against seventeen parishes of the State. Against forty no such charges are made. In thsse forty parishes the colored registration numbered 87,999; the white 'registra tion numbered 72,037; leaving a ma jority of colored voters registered of 15,965. Those fort parishes returned 65,747 ; Republican votes, and 39,392 Democratic votes; so that in that part of the State where intimidation is not charged there was a Republican ma jority of 6,353 vote! It is not pre tended that the same arguments were employed in the forty parishes that were employed inthe other seventeen, but the results are very different. In the seventeen parishes said to have been terrorized the colored registra tion waa 27,269, and the white regis tration 20,320, giving a majority of colored votes of 6,949 nearly., as largo as the colored majority in the rest of theState. But tho vote in tho seventeen parishes aa returned showed but $10,970 Republicans and 21,123 Democrats. In the seventeen parishes where there was a majority of nearly 7,000 colored voters registered there was a majority of 10,153 Democratic votes returned. Tho vote is signed by all the Repub lican members on the committee. Senate. Morrill, Howe and Mc Donald were appointed a committee to make arrangebicnts for the inaugura tion. Postoffico conference committeo could not agree and a new one was or- ordered. ' , The disabilities of Gen. Quattlebaum were remove. ' w ' Mr. Ransom presented the crcden tials of M. S. Butler as U. S. Senator from South Carolina for six years from the 4th of MarcE 1877. They were signed by Wade Hampton, as Gover nor and had the seal of the State at tached. Read and placed on file. . House. The resolution to release the Louisiana returning board was dc feated, many Democrats voting nay as the preamble was insulting to Ilayes. Only 18 affirmative votes were cast. The army appropriation bill was agreed to and now goes to the Senate. Provides that no part of the anpro priaJ,ion shall be used to supporany State government by the army. A special clause provides that neither of the governments of South Carolina or Louisiana shall be supported until re Organized bv Conf reus. Th,s action is regarded aa equivalent to the success of Hampton anJ Xicholls.- . " River and harbor bill tailed and takes regular course. Hurd, of Ohio, reported a resolution reciting that it has been declared that the President of - the United States may be inaugurated on the fraudulent action of the Louisiana returning board and its members should be discharged from custody yeas 89, naya 97. A bill for the payment of claims passed upon by the Southern claims commission passed. It appropriates $474,000. " KIOHT SESSION. j The President has issued a procla mation convening the Senate in extra session March 5th. ' - Wheeler has arrived. Lou Wier is to bo Marshal of the Dis trict. R. P. Buckland, of Ohio, is to be Private Secretary to Ilayes. The electoral commission paid its employees and dissolved. ' An extra session of Congress is im probable. The President's dispatch . te Pack ard aud the adoption by the House by two thirds vote of the hampering clauses of the army bill have produced very cheerful feeling in Southern Conservative circles. ' "Let them have Hayes and Wheeler but give us South Carolina and Louisiana" seems to have been the successful war cry. Private advices from New Orlewhs up to lonr o clock represent every thing quiet there. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. The Louisville Courier Journal utates that a number of suits were brought in that city on the 14th in stant against the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad for recovery of monty amounting to- over $100,000. for bion the owners of tue claims hold bonds of the eqmpany as collateral security; ; .. ; v, , "is A bill is pending in the Pennsyl vania -Legislature whioh makes a penal (tffeune punishable, by a fine of not lesn than $10,000 aud not lean than three months' imprisonment, of any wilful or negligent misstatement of the business affairs of corporations on tbe part of their directors or tnao- g rs. ". - ; Ita'y has deolared its seventeen universities open to women, aud Switzerland, Norway, Sweden aud Denmark have tnken kimilar action, bile France has opened tbe Sor- bonne to women and Rassia its high est foienoe of medioine and surgery. Tbe Silk Association has just pub lished its annual summary, showing the oouhumptiou of .raw silk in the Umtfd States lor tneyear 1878, Horn which, it appears that there were used 11,293 packages, va'ued at $V 626,299. , fall River is overflowing with or ders from South Aineiioi. An agent recently aent down there to open a markut for American cottons has usd admirable aocoess. He report tbe way Ha clear for a li veiy trade. Slate to the valnn of $450 000 from the quarries in Maine, Vermont, Virginia and Pennsvlvaira b.s been se.'t to Qrr at Britain daring 176. This export is qnite new. A new act of the Minsistippi L ilature exemps from taxation of all ki ids l e capital stock of any fao" rv ojmpany, their machinery, buil dings, etc. Three million barrels of beer were made in and around New lork lost year, and the demand is increasing GENERAL NEWS SUMMARY. Ottawa, Ont , celebrated grand faucy dress, ice carnival on the 23d, of Febrnary. . , : Willing AcoomP'OH Wheeler is nnggPRtcd as th reil name of tbe Fraudulent Vioe-President. John Oxeuford, tbe English jour nalist, dramatist and leading drama tic critic of England, is dead. A Calif otnian proposes to rail to Liverpool, by the waj,ofCpe Horn, in a boat only twenty feet long. ; A Lat caster (P .) dispatoh reports that the funeral of Rev Jernard Keenan.the oldest Catholic priest Iq tbe world , - x , Anew Methodist church ia. Boston i to be tbe largeot belouging to that denomination in America, and will teat 5,000 persons, A Scotch youth named Maoalister has just accomplished the nnpreoe dented feat of winning at Cambridge all the cheif prizes at one sweep, and becoming Senior Wrangler, too. A (;ood many of the shrewdest Republicans acknowledge in private discussion that the inatallation of Mr. Hayes may cost them a majority in the Senate after 1879, and a ma jority in the House aa well. Lord Besconsfleld baa decorated Edwin Arnold, principal writer f tbe London , Telegraph, ,. with t' a "Star of Iudia." Mr. Arnold's wife is a. daughter of the Rev, W. EL Cbair oing, once a Unitarian minister at Cincinnati. - ----- : ' ,Mrs. ElizabethThornton, 88 yea old, residing initio ewton Grove sc tion. Sampson county.? was thrown from a cart a few days ago and bus- The Gov tainedavery painful fractore of herjM Cooke,! right leg. k, -.' , J Judicial I), " i :- i" Vj' it I , ' or CKf"DUverjr' Is in the hauui cf Capt John E. Liggett, so well and favorably known. He will solicit for the jocRit.'and sujierintend and be responsible for the delivery otthe fper.. All shortco! ings should be reported to him -immediately. ''-: t -- - .-v. ; Index ta Nv Advertisements . P. Heinsberf "r P.Iank books, Ac. allea k EIuiJJjoo Collins axes. A. H. VanBo' kelen Turentine, tar, atave, La- ,;. -.',' j "T" Wanted; - 'K : t Kew, War J. .. " , The city h re-dislrbted, ithe bin before the Legi! '?t as fol lows : First 'X, rd begins ; at the Cape Fear river, running eastwardly along Campboll street to. Fourth, southwardly jUong Fonrti to Walnut eastwardly along Walnut V Fifth, southwardly along Fifth to' Mulberry, eastwardly along Mnlberr to1 MoRae, eastwardly alonf I iHae Tenth, southwardly along Tenth to Dock; and ea-tward'y alori Dock to the city limits, all north and east of said line comprising the First Ward." Second Ward begin i t he 'Cape Fear. liver, rnanit.j; eastwardly along Campbell street to Fourth, out!wafdly alonfr Fourth to Dock, weatwardlr along Dock the Ipape Fear river, inoliding i'l that portion of the city on? fee u.t slid of tli river..,!- Third. Ward begins mt t'.e ln section of Fourth and Vh! ant run ning sourthwardly along T7a1nnt to Fifth eastwardly elong .Fifth Ac Mulberry to M "ae, eastwardly along MeRae to I'tath; southwardly longTenth to Dock, wef t rd!y lone Dock to youu.; asl Aortbi wardly along Fonu . to niugv . ..' r a the ;begia- .v. v. FourtH Ward begins at the Cape Fear river, running t. twarJly along Dock to Seventh, southwardly along Seventh to Church, west? uly along Cbnrcb to the Gape Fear river and thence northwardly to the begfbning. Fifth Ward beginsit be Cape Fear river, running eastward along Church to Beventn uortl ardly along Seventh to Dock; and east" wardly along Dock t !'e city limits, all south and oast cf a .iJ line ' com prising the Fifth War J. . . ' ' e ' . ; , Hogs LOitt. ' .-,, .: ', . A few nignts ago the pniis of Messrs. Sykes & Watson, , a K." n, were en tered and, a doxea fina he ;s Stolen. These gentleme art 'jnlueky as they have lost in the last two montlis fifty head of swine by "cholera and have had about fifteen stolen. ' ' , C j.- , ' - Lecture by Rev. K.J. Keen v The Fayettoville Gaze!'", says: "Ac cording to previotts appoiiitracr Tkev. Jos. L Keen, ef Wilmington, deliv ered a lecture to the publio" on 0dd Fellowship, In Williams' Hall on Tues day evening1 last. Thx attendance was large, and thoiecture interesting., '-'.: J Broke Her IIauaerv'"i.' 1 . Yesterdayt m werbj moored ut Messrs. Northrop 4 Cnmmiug's Mill in the Southern portion cf the city, was caught in tb severe squall and torn front the warf. " The wharf was somewhat torn and tl i vc sal had her rigging badly w WeoitRatt Tor?? indcr, A r. It of wood ow 1 j m negro, wm torn from its moon : yef r !y moreiflg, and av great ' ul d V wood was carried ftp the river i , tide, '- '.-' ' t Therniu.uU .at. . The state of the there r.t l various stations named below served at tho signal in ' yesterday aU:30 p. m Augusta, 62; Cbarlcslon, r at V .3 ob- s ci'y ton, 62 ; Jacksonville, 1; c , Mi, TT New Orleans, 63; Norfolk, t ah, 62; Wilmington. 58. - - ' CITVCUBREKCY. March, winds hav co; vengeanoe."".,. . The b; -n signal waa. f' terday. ' ' Teterdny laornning'e i badly wet. ; TLo w; I find r flats very badlj yestei -' were f iled with water r )iue was going up very t w? re carried up the rivf t. uor has appoir' ., Solicitor of .Ukt. ' .' , luurta Judicial District. The; fourth htction of, the hill charging the eircuitii in the Judicil DittricU is as fallow J . : v s. 4TLe Tourth Judical. Dis tr c shall l.-e ncmpofed ol the foU lowiuj couLtiee and the Superior Courts thereof chall be held at the following limes, to-wit: . " ' ,' - Tender 'First Moady of Msrch end September, j - L. UDBWick 4-Second Mo iday of J laroh aud September; . : ' 7 ' Columbus Third Monday of March id Meptember. 14 Bladen Fourth Monday of Maroh end September. ' Robeson Fourth Monday after, first Monday of March and Septem ber. ' . - '- v . Cumberland Sixth Monday after first Monday of Maroh and. Septem ber. 5, , . V- Moore Eighth Monday after first Monday of Maroh and September. Harnett Ninth Monday after first Monday of March and September. ' Johnston Tenth Monday after first Monday of March and September. Waka -Eleventh Mouday after first Uondty of March and September. Appoltttments by VUUop Atkinson tor v . lite gprlng VUrtatlon. 1 , Cliuton,(Good Friday). ' - March 30 Goldsboro,' (Easter Day), ; - April 1 Windsor,, ' - ' - 44 .4 WootMllo, Bertie county, 6 Murfioesboro, (1st Sunday afj. ter- L43ter),' -' " , B V,inton, - ' " 9 Gatesville, ' - - " 10 St. Peter's, Gates county, 11 Hertford, FcrqufmattB county, 13 Wroodville, : " . '" 14 L..mbethiCity(2i Sunday; efter Easter), - . 44 15 Camden Mission, - . - ' 17 Edcnton, - , 1 - " 19 St. Luke's Washington Co., 44 21 St. David's, " - " 3d Sunday after Easter),' ; t. 22 rijmouth, ' -.- " 24 fc'U James' Beaufort county, " 25 St Genre's . Hyde county, (4th Sunday after Easter), " 29 FairfiJd, Hyde county, - " . ' 3Q Sladeaville, . n May 1 Bath, - - - " 4 Zion Church, Beaufort county, " ; 5 Vra.sliinton, - - Jamesvillo, - - ' - " ' l9 WilLumsten, (Asccnsionay) ,10 Ifamilton, . - ' - - "'11 Trini'y Church, Scotland Neck, (Suuday of Ascension), - " 13 Cu'JectionS Mb behalf o( , diocesan missions will be jnade at each place. 1 " " ' - " ' . f? vyilmlngtoB District, m North Carolina Conpehkncb iSiookd .eouiid oi arpointmbnts for qt'ab i TF'ii.T Meetings as mabr v tub Prb siiisoEi,i,r, Bv. W. 8. Black, fob tub Pbksknt Converenoi Year : Mirnoll, at Bryant's - - Marcil7, 18 11 mington, t Fifth Street - " .24, 35 Onulow -- March 31, and April 1 Vladeu,al Bethel " - 7,8 knzabetft, atruraie s - -. 1, v P" thv'. ia, at Bethei . - - i- " 21, 23 VMtevllla and Waccamaw ftilsslon. at Wavman - - - 28.29 VV Alllll .jli.MI. A Ull - - ATI at J Topeuil.atlterrinB'sChapel- 12,13 Cokceuury and Cohaiie Mls- - toa.v'i-'-. if- ..-19. Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel " 2U. 3XH Kenan evllle, at Kenanevllle, June a ' v restal Hours. The malls close at the City Post-Office as louows s w Northern through mails - - - - 5:15 F. M. North i-rn through and way ' y malls. daUy - 7:00 A. M MaUg tor the N. C. Railroad ' and routes supplied, there -fW".i, at - - - - 5UaP. M Bos jicrn mails for all points i 8011th. dailV - . " - .. - 7 KM) P. M. Westorn mail C. C.B'y, dally 800 A. M. FavcltcviUe and' offices on , Caps Fear Elver, Tuesdays.- I . and Fridays.,- - - - laWP.M. Fayettcville by C, C. ,R'y, n daily (exeot 8unday) - KX) A. M Duslow C. H. and lntrmedt- , ate offlces, every Friday' - 600 A. M. 6uiithville.daiiy - - - -V.2.-O0P. M. , ".' ' . AKRivi. ' -" Non'iprn through malls . -13:15 P.M. Northern through A; way malls 8KX) P. M. Kails for Easy Hill," Town Creek, Bup- nd t-hallotte. every Friday at OA. m. ills delivered from tA. M. toi7K) P.M., and on Sundays from 830 to 850 rfSUmp Offiec open from 8 A M. tol2M., nd from 2 to 5m P. M . Register aud ; Miry onlet Department open sam as h p O ce. '- -' ' - ' ' ; ai; -1 for sale it general delivery token C' p ,:ice la closed ;, 1 "v Boxes accewihle at all 'hours, fj t...; ..lit-.. ' . - ' . 3- JE17ETT, ::::: EiU, t:si seller : , and Stationer. Al.-o agent r DornTai'f Improved B UBBKR. B TifJLrB. . V 'fcb SO-fy WILMINGTON I Toilet Scap3, TJ"1. '."'x dnd Violet Wars, ' -j, ' Au..rton, Lewo Luhln'S Extiacts, 1th a full line or pure Ei.r.5 lledicinea',ftni ClicmicAls. . . - JAMES C. MCNDS & CO,, f.) Third St., opp. City Hall. salei.' A coou eouNP nonsEi ': j.SL .4V f ii C t Coal and Wood Yard of ' 1 J,b2-, lw I, A. SPRINGER. ' 1? IJillj Vczt. ... 'a in a packako at ouly t vi ii'y-llve Cenls. . a; CongrrM Water. ; biOtk of Pak-nt Mnllplnes. i y , JAMES C. MUNDS, WANTED 1 A SITUATION BY A PRACTICAL Priuter of experiene.-i-Preffer8 the maaurement of Country Newspaper. Keereucea exchanged Addrtsa - : . - - - T, aiara-l V-, 'Wilmington. C. tu:.fe;iti:ie!-.- ; TAR! rjlAVLSl . ' DKIOII DISTILLEEY, WILL BE OPEKATED, AS II E 112 tofore, by the undersigned. ; Turpentine, Tar. Oak Blares ami A h Heading wanted in large and small lots, for which highest cash value will be paid. Country dealers can trade direct aud save charges. ... ' - . A. tl. VANBUlUKEiJiUI, , mar 3-U " , . Proprietor. : CMS ' - ' if . . . ,-' ' , OF w - ALL SIZES," GRADES AND STYLES 4 LEGAL : CAr, FOOLS . CAP BILL 1 CAP, LETTER,'11 ' r .-, ,PAOKET,COMMEI , CIAL "AKD BnV4 . . LET NOTE ' ' PiPfflillE! IN GREAT 'VARIETY THE LATEST STYLES OUT, .J IN BLi AUTIPIJL : BOXES! Envelopes AN ENDLESS VARIETY, ALL SIZES, STYLES AND . y , GRADES. ,:l ' ... : , ri a ..... - FOR SALE ., . ' AT ' 4 heinsberger;s1 LiFfiE:S!lDsic8to, 39 tad 4! HAV KIT ST mar 2 tf 20.660 :. ()A Bbls SNUFF, AU Grades, "4 v l ; ' Kfl Bbl 8SED POTATOES, lor sale low by ... . llALL A PEARS ALL. ninarStf 6.50 GOAL $6.5.0 tiff. Hf--- ''...' Y f S art now Jandlng a fresh supply of Frco BurrJnr: Grato and Stovo Ccr.l! Whltn we aresellli's at ibove f ries per ton ' ?',Fcr,Ca:h Only. - .taar2 tf ,1- .; W0.1TII & WOSTII. BY- STEAMER. r.Tcttoand rhoto. Frsmc-3. ' ALL 8IZE3. Paj'.cprtouti. tterorr;;s clVieus T ALSO AN Il.aoANT ASSORTMENT rAr;cY; sTATf-mr V . feb!8-tf C Wv YAI , Taykicller,. T03ACC0 CLYDE 3 r ew yoSk AND i:.:!::gto;j, ,;, f) SEMI-WEEKIjY . steams';. ' L::z.-'h- - THE STEAMER ' 1 i Pioneer.. .Ccpt akeley. ' W"4 'saU front NEW YORK oa .t WE3SESDAT, lEEiriSI S1ST, ' . Tobeiueceedcdty ; , ? HTEAMEB REOCLATOR, Shippers can rely upon f-ppr.imptsatt? . big of steam.-is as advenU-.-.!, ,: - ';'.' ElWUlg J"l Wi..... -Jl fc 1T '. We; - ' . , ,., A. 1. CAZAUX, Af t, WUmin. ..ii, . C. . WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gim'l A uU,' r . Powlinc Oreen or Pier 13 N. K., , .k'u. If r . ' - New York; , DALTinORL; AND !riLni:iGTo:!li;c1,. CTDAIISHIP Lli:j. Tns steaiier 1 O, J. Foley, . ,A. Price. . Wniafl from BALTI TORE on E'TTUit, nssrAST Wilt. ' To 1"' cceded by ste :n;,. f. a l e I o it. . . . . . 8hlnnws Ciiu r.'lv vricM i.i.i 1, ' tag of Seauiurs as n " ert.iiit-d. ' TEROUOH CILLS OB1 LADINO given to and from PITILArELI'IIIA and, prompt dispatch guarantcetl." y-" For Freight engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, ' - Wilmington, NO, EDWIN FITZGERALD, Gen. Agt.t corner iee ana wgui m,reew,'.?- '' ' DITJXG BRUSWIil CL1 Steaiper WJ. SJ UNDERmLL . Will run Dafly, 'leaving - ' Wilmliifrton ft ,'- ; at 8 :30 a. m. Smlthville . - at 8:S0 p. tj. feb 85tf O: G. PARSLEY A CO, JOHtl D.BELLir.iy, Jr., . WILMINGTON, N..C. tBTPrompt attention riven to all buil ne entrusteil to him. Special attention paid to the collection of claims. ftb 8-d4w-tf alex. miuim & 9N, ' ' commission . ft i " ' V - - lERCTLANTS. . WILMINGTON, N. C. a- ' v i - ... - ' - octiS-ti . . now is Til; :Ti::s IORALL KLSrC-r.OVVKa CALL '' oil Mr. C. G1. HA i'SFULD, t' . prafttcalPIA' . - , and ORGAN maker, ati I all. t ilusic -lovers can b& e tao op ! I - ' portiuiity to r.- ' ave their old Intttrunieiita r,.i "vjl from be'milng to I. t l- Repol'iahing V " Ca-e. lVi ... v, J! bn done t' ' tv. t f .otnt'.ic rf'''i'S. o -i oiiorod in Vil k. f ... 1 a ' i ;"C " f--s i'n.l Bli i-'-rJa &1 own'; , cr orders may I"- i t at i rvs..;. v.i-c, corner -Mulbeiry 1 ''.. streets. , j 7-tr" feb" ; . o. (1. IU - & l . 4 . . -

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