4' V- J 4- 1 i -- J 11 t X" The Tarbofo' Southerner. A Family .riresido andPolitical Newspaper prBL13HEl EVKRY THVRSD1V NORM NG BY CHARLES & BICGS. JAMES G. CHARLES. ixVILT.lAM BIGGS. Tup PonnrtWEK is one of the oldest and A - . ... -v- 1. r..ni;n9 nnd as lare ... , " ".;. Af ,h Country, and the oriran oi cat'cuniuc one ; conduc- r., .1:-..... .1 in the interest ol tors win strive i" - .. he State and Country at large, and they will -Ure-no p'alns to make it a fit representative oi the section from which it emanates. The subscription price is Three Dollars a Tra Two Dollars for Six Months and must i,e paid invariably ix advance. Money may n all cases be sent by mail, at the risk ol the Pnblishers "rubrEssioxAE.. Vli. BIGOS. THOS. R. OWES, JB Btess & Owen, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TarIoro5". J. FttACTICE in the Superior Courts of Edgecombe, Martin, Pitt and Nash. Special atteition paid to the Collection of Claim in Magistrate's Courts. oifie formerly occupied Judge Bi grp. 19. 3S-U IOSSE BATTLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, EOCKT MOUNT, N. C. Collections made if possible. CIRCUIT. Mash, Halifax, Wilson and Egecombe Counties. --- Jau. US. IMXTI3IORE. 0 w lift T It a 10 1 The Tarhoro' Southerner. A ITetiioia for IceiLCia Coramunications rresenting facilities and indin-ernpnts un surpassed by reason of i s location in the finest Afrricuiturnl section of the South, The ocTimiXKR will insert cdvei tiscuic nts rep reseiit.'np busiiitss ol" repectaliilty. clarac ter ami standing-, at the fcliowii:? r:ites ti r any specified time not "ess than three months Ijirt-xa .S o ti t h. e r n M a n , o f S o ti t li e r 11 Principles ."J Davis. VOLUME XLV. NORFOLK. TARBdRCDGECOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 25, 1SC9. NUIBER 52. JAMES R. RICKS. A. O. MII.HADO. RICKS & MILHADO; General Commission Merchants, Ferguson !c Milhado's Wharf, NORFOLK, VA, -July 16. OJ"u MISCELLANEOUS. Brow n's G0U011 GVas, AND ' . IagersoH's Cottpn Presses, For sale by - " v; ' UAWSUN, TEEL &UHENNIiG, Wilmington, K. C. Sept. 2. . ' 40-3m C F Greenicood. Fred Greenwood. ESTABLISHED 1847. C. F. GREENWOOD & CO., "Watchmakers and Jewelers, DEALKRS in R7IIXE GOLD AND SILVER TTATCII es, Diamonls, Tearl and other neb Jewelry, Solid Siier and Plated AVare, Spectacles, Clock3. AND Fancy Goods, No. -7 Main, fctrect, Nor foils f V It f ii i-a T N. P. Watches and Jewelry repaired by tli" most eViUful wcrkihen and warranted. Mav 28. 2G-tf ..,,.rt.r-r. JOS. P. FLT.IOTT r f i!, .V lannev Late I- l' Lone .V Co ELLIOTT 'BROTHERS, GENERAL Commission Merchants 3 Lout'i Gay Street, IiAIriMORE. ZJO f;"criai atl'-ntioa civcii to Cotton."!. LIBERAL ADVANCES CM CONSIGNMENTS, a?- Ueler to LoliielJ OC lUigpen. i ar.-i-n July -J--. T. A. WILLIAMS & CO., GENERAL GROCERS & COMMiSSiCH MERCHANTS No. 0 Koanoke Snuare, NOREOLK VA. A LLOUDEKS A OMl'AMKH unit I Casb SatislUvt. UuU'i'i. noes liiU'd HAWRI5S, V'ILLlMSOS & CO., GENERAL Commission 3I(rdismts. "PT 1 1 AL .MSi ries. 1': :r - r- :. sei.d li i'j'if'.vuj, i..ir.- Oiurs..o wv., .") :0. 1)." V."-t Lombard t.. l-jaltimorc advances iiia.se : ( )rIe:-s I''ircU:.'. ,!. cited. t! e a' .iv? TI--;i - cr pr.vlnee ii rai l il t::e hall'ls nf t 'up!, w ; Li UTwar.l p.-.-iuplly at iowet Mai l.et raics Strict eronal liiei.t- Helura.s ;i;a ni'.uie. ttention t Con t!-j aii'i r.'r.r('i Mav Wi. (i. J0KDA5. COTTON FACTOR GENERAL Commission Merchant. Office 30 Conrr X or! bile, Va. Kotice of Co Partnersliip. "Wilmington, N. C. April 15, 18C9. WE, the undersigned, have this day entered into co -partnership under the lirni, name, and style of . Bannister, Cov7an & Co , for the purpose of conducting the business of a Heal Estate and Financial Agency, with principal offices at "Wilmington, NSC, nrwl Xew YorU Citv. 4 We rcspectfullv ofTer our services to the uublic- LEMUEL BANNISTER, J. C. KEN YON. ,: BANNISTER, COWAN 5c CO., Wilmington. N. C. April 22 TO THE PUBLIC. fn 1TE undersigned i csieetfully announ H ces to the citi.i-ns of Edgecombe and adjacent Counties, that lie has opened a rinsT class ! In the Town cf Tarboro', I and is prepared to execute, in an nr. tiuc maiFiiT, ail t!tc various &ij i-'s nu- r'notczrapnS' NORFOLK. WHOLESALE LIQUOS DEALEHS, No. 12 Roanoke Square, June 3. Norfolk, Va, Tlio Tarfooro' Sonlierjicr. TIIUKSDAY, ' NOV. 25, JSG9. A. STATON, W. n.' BENNETT, T. M. BARNA, Ilamilton, HT. C. Norfolk, Norfolk. STATON, BENNETT & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, McPIIAILS WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. March li. I 10-tf GEO. A. MARTIN. GILBERT ELLIOTT. t MARTIN & ELLIOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 'Norfolk TS7ILL GI V V to all matters entrusted to them in the State an'' Federal Courts of V irgiuia and North Carolina. Collections made in all parts ol'the United States. Mav 26-" 7 For the Sontherncr. The IniTcrslty "Justice" Ar.sser5. ' Ma. Kditoh: lam av?ake wi'i awake. I do not know that I shall ever go to sleep again. The following clap of thunder awakened me. "Brother Alumni awake I Our common mother is assailed, and, with the exception of here and there a thoughtless or ungrateful Bon, they are stranger handa that strike her." This clap murdered sleep for roe. It pealed forth first from " The Stan dard " at Raleigh, and has heen echoed from other newspapers in 2sorth Caro lina. It is a demand for justice to our -24 wt -'U.&attBet, ;;"fdiid onca glorious University, from rorfblkr Va. foocho, as o claims to be a ilV'E PROMPT ATTENTION graduate at chapel Iltil, to be a iSorta Ca-h ,c::ls. 1 ' JKNillN'S. n. H. rKNiir.n, Late cf Tanniro, N. C. jos. w. jes Kins & Co. COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants p. O. B..x:;-3. alrinoro. IBEIi AL CASTT ADVANCES made ul m ('.'ns-igntnents. Orders tor Mip :e. inoliidinir Cotton, Buccins. !';e a::d .cs'.oiicited. Ju.y c-ha ( cm. try 1'iMi'u "C I .iberu! Co.i-:Va:::ent iMbrr, e Lfiif fa-ii .V lie n c. i ' iiT lor tieuei a .led to. T O N , ;,v;! Stores atid r I. . 1 v: lu-t'v iiia.'e (-a all 1 rctl . .iC- ;crc!ia'.ci.-r A i Ambrotypes PorceHans, Pearltypes- (ncw ptJlc. vcr-v elegant.) SoSas, and Ferrotypes, OF ALL fijy.KS A XV VESCKTVTIOXS. JXO. BFRCESS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mer chants, and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, No. t West Wide Water St., Norfolk, Va, CTiPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO 3 consignments and prompt returns made. May 2$. 2C-U ESTABLISHED 1831. chairs professors who had grown gray i in the service of our pubiic, men who had just come through the war with means entirely inadequate to the sup port cf their families. Abbott, As-hley & Co. did this with out one moments warning to their vic tims, while they themselves require from Professors six months notice of an intention to leave. This suspension was declared at a period of the year when it was impossible for our old pro- lessors to get promptly that employ ment for which only their life.long la bours had qualified them. When we, real graduates, are called on to rally to would be an election tho support of the present Trustees and Faculty of the University, as an act of mere justice, we cannot help ask ing curfelves to whom do we owe most. to thone who havo been p.t. Chapel Hill, 1-' J. I. iliZlli). ACT.. PRACTICAL I-IATTFR. Wholesale, slid Retail len'.er in Ilais, Caps, Straw Goods. Umbrellas, Cant--, ore , No. 1 ? M v.n Street, NORFORK, VA,,, (. May 2 -. ' and appe.-ls to the public to sustain a pcr maneiit Gallery in their midst. Old partraits ai;d ih'suen eotypes of de cerned ;ersc,:s carefully copied in cvery sSyle ami si.e. Ladies at.d rrenf 'cm":i are rcspectfury invited to vi;t my Gallery, opposite the Curt llo'ise, and examine iccitneJis. All work guaranteed to please, wl.'le nrices will I e satisfactory. ' Auz. P.) 3s.lv Y.'M. F. STAPLES. T am stiil prepared tr. supply the citizens ,:f Tarboro' ami vicinity withal! kinds of FRESH ArEATS. STALLS OPEN" EVERV MOKNING I K' M DAY 2r.BAK TO 11 O CLOCIC, A. 31. Tuesdays and Saturdays all D:iy. With many thanks for p.it patronage, the u:u'eri!.ae.i :-epectfally solicits a coti tincancc i: '.he fat are. U. L. SMITH. March I. H-tf i al't'ofi r.v , N. C N. C. X.LOWEXB.VCK&BRO.. IZIPOIiTSKo OF AND V. nOLKSLK DEALERS IN T!:i3l:ie3 ana Domestis Li-incrs of evc-y ii-"---r:pt -a. :.! Howard and -j ' V. Pratt. St., ::. Jk We -,v: ii' ! re; cti'n'.iv iavil.-l' e tion ol" ti.e trade to our pure live V. L;.-r'-oa a-. c'.iiC'v' Qlif'-Il. " iioust.ii? Rose, Konntain T337T. and Extra Goldan Ftar. Ji.'.V 1. S!-f-a VENI! YiDI!! VICI G. W. GAiL a AX'S Q. W. GAIL i AX'S G. W. G A3 L & AX'S CKLyii'KATPI") Cr.LEEK AT ED nXEDIlATE!) 1 T Late of -.Varrct t. n. iiv; w. Late oi' New Wrk. hfci'.r.Si. Uiii-i d i-i iiii ii': n i .1 jiii.iiiliiiJ UtiUilii'"il'- i.. . - - ,'o. 47 Wide Water iftrcoi, KM CF CUSTOM HOUSE.) NORFOLK, VA. DA5CY. "lli'S.W & CO., eral Coinnussion Mercnatws. NEW YORK Ge: J. Vi. FREC3UX, Watchmaker and Jeweler, NO. ::!) MAIN STREET, ("ornprof Talbot Street. NORFOLK, VA. CiOXSTANTLV ON II AND A PULL J assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Sil ver var--1, ic. VatcLes catefu'.'y and roperly Eerair cd. " mav 28. 2S-tf T7E HAVE REMOVED OUR YV 0-!f TAVi nil to. SCOTCH SrSUFF. SCOTCH SNUFF. Tin: CONQUEROR OF ALL SNUFFS! Id CY ALL AMATEUR DIFFERS ieli:k.s in I-T a r 1 wa v e , C u 1 1c i v, livli IKON AND -'TKi'.L. V AGON M A TERIAL, RELT1NG AN) P."KiNi, House Furnishing Goods, 2cc, C;rcuktr Front corner of Main street and Market Sqtnrc, Noi'foiiv, Va. Nai'.s fit Factory pliers Timci Chain?, Weed. ITIHitsjr an Gruli IIoos. Horse Col lars nnd llatncs, Ai?s, Snwp, kc., &e. The trad supplied at Northern prices. , May 2i. 2fi-tf L. L. Briclchou'. S. . TUmas. L. L CRK'KUOtSE & CO., Wii"le?:jie ar:d Retail dealers in ROOTS, SHOES, Trunks, Valises. Carj et 3ags s.c, No. 2 3 Mai n Street Oppo.ite Taylor, Murtia & Co., Norfolk, Va. gg" Full stock constantly on hand at L uvc-st Market Prices. Jo,ix . FuBitr.,;, cf Motgat.ton, I'. C. M.v2:. 20-tf HARNESS E5TABLISH5IEAT to our 'arria-e Sliop. where w e intend to i,c'ii ii the 1 u.v."e-.- as heretofore. tMOck tit HARNESS on hand, larirer than ever. nM'es. i:rnlle and all otiier ! -old low. roinitiy attended to. Ill .-v-l-a lilt (J ft l'. Trlrfy.-". N. P.. June '!, 3'J. L. LtrV.ty. W. if. MiUar. J. W. drav.itj. Formerly of N. C. BERKLEY, MILLAR & CO. Wholesale Peelers in Dry Goods & Notions, West i.laln Street, Next door to Exchange National Bank NORFOLK, VA. Mav 2S. 2C-tf Carolniiaa, and to nave been bitjicr to a Conserva'.ive in politics. As to his claiming a diploma, the bad gram mar in the letter from which I quote, makes me hope that the chum is not well founded. As to his being a North Carolinian, the ignorance he displays about our Constitution suiiesta that he is not so, but soma carpet-bagger. As to his having been, and being stiii. ' a Conservative." whea I see such wholesale glorifications over tho t'ocds of Radicalism irtim one who, while lie says that he ii t:o Radical, is eudor. cu editorially as '-a nroiCvSioaal gentlemen of the highest character una vreii po?ted upon this rs apon other eu'o- jects, ' 1 am (ctnvd'u to uuos tnat saia u proifssKiiiai is es'.iier a lawyer who wants to be cnlled "Jiti'j-" or a preacher who wants to be called " Lec tor." Now, Yiv. "Editor, that my eyes are open and the noise is lading our, of my ears, and my nerves ere becoming Soiuewh:;t (jUiet :ice" never utt when lie oec! i: l ire strikinir our beeu banned or otherwise punished for this contempt of Court. "The ringV" without any proper attempt to as certain the practicability of the first part of the altercativo proposed Justices Pearson and Settle, and With out auy proper aud public advertise ment of what they were going to do, went on, to elect not only four Profes sors but a President also. -This they did so secretly, that intelligent gentle men in Raleigh desirous of placing he- fore the Trustees names of friends as candidates for the vacancies at Chanel JJUi, could not hnd out whether there As far as the public has been informed, the present Roard of Trustees, the like of which for dignitaries, &c, has never, accord ing to "Justice," been seen on this continent, has allowed th IS fi:lfrant. dis. or to tttose who are there now ? Who obedience to their instructions to nns taught us most Grammar aud Logic, 1 unrebuked. At the same time they Professor Fetter and Professor Phillips, j gcem to expect that men of their selec tion shall be allowed to teach our youth the principles and the practice of obes dience. " Justice'' tells us, (and we are ass One squnrc oni year.. ........ Onc-Fpunh Column one year.. Vl.U-il.lil V. OOIi:iIl . . r.n 02 . i 90 00 One Column one year, ICO 00 Transient Advertisements are cnafirpid ne Uollnr per squnre ol one inch f,r th hri-t, and beventy-t ire cents for each sub sequent insertion Written for the Southerier. WG3IAX"S RIIIT. Room in Mrs. Squinh JiO'isc Sqia'tity s'tinditK' in !hc centre. I 1:1 list say that ",.! us cd a truer word than th: t ' Strat er i-a-iJs 0 other." Por, i claim ur 1 niversitv, uuriureu I 5 who utsdo i'reyiuerit orlutor Pool? Who eet before us tho most striking examples of generous culture aud high bred courtesy Dr. Ilubbatdor Prof Mclver and Prof Patrick ? To whom then is justice due; to thoso from whom we have received mo-t. or to these who have as yet giv en nothing worth having. V hen these carpet-baggers, scalla W8gs,ktc., whom our negroes have hoist ed up high enough to grab the Univer sity, are asked why they treated well known and honorable -entlempn in such a ruanncr they coollv reply. " Vv e nr.iy accepted the resignations of tl:-- c,id I-acuity, and no one of them a.ked i'or a re-e'.ee! ion." j his renlv is echoed by ' Justice," and held to be complete. It is hard to believe that men, who wiii palter with the truth in this ir.anner, have beeu appointed guar dians oi the u.ovals of our younz men, or that a " professional," can for any roaicnahls fee. ask us graduates to ac cept thci-'e exphtoatio-s. The present Trustees cf the University held a nice- to be a son cf there bv thus Pool and his North Carolina colleagues capable of being what and wi.eie they are, the men whom tho enthusiastic old North Carolinian oi whom "The Sentinel"' informs us, and distinguished graduates everywhere delight to honor. The negroes t.nd the cavpet-bagners of DISSOLUTION Of COPARTNERSHIP j North Carolina have struck our mother rsilTiK PIKM OF KADEu HKit.s .c . to t lie ear 1 11. aim w,::.c t.iey s;t goug ing and choking her, they, with im bed!, ast us to come -iiovamticr. h .S '1 ho r- let that contains tho records of tiii'it proceedings at this time is entitled Fir-t Annual Meeting of the Roard of Trustees of the University of North Carolina." Now I understand that tho resignations of the late Faculty of the University were presented, in the Ft-ll of ISuT.to a body of srent!e:i:cn wliotu this arrogant title entirely ignores ns having over constituted a Board of Tru tees of our University. As these resignation? were made in lSt7. they were made the year before the present Roard was ju existence before even the power that appointed it wns itself created. Ti c Trustees, to whom they were ottered, at brst accepted these re signations, aasl V?t- a- ilve-enis-ir! law prescribes. Kut, when the time came for filling the vacancies, they re, electid every one of the old professors- wuora tney resrardou as in their service in the Fall of 1SG7. What would be thought oi a creditor who attempted to oppress a debtor by means of a can celled note' let these present Trus tees, who do not claim to be the suc cessors of any other body, who claim to no - the i;ou'.lph.3 of their Is Co., convioveT l Kader Biirirs and J,iv,.;,a .1. Hii-:. UisMjIved this day l mutual consent. KADEK livii.S is hereby authorized to close the Partnersl,i;i lui-unes-. KADEK ItKJi;?. JCSLl'il J. BIGGS. Norfolk Ausiriist 2d. 1m',1. our 1 . 11 e v.' 1 il ena iriii roods in CO. 2-f Wilson Co'.lesiate Sfr.iinary. FCK YOUKG LADIES. .11 11 'ilxon. .A'. ("., WlLffiiiiGTC!! AND WELDCM R. R. TJ-TEXT SESSION BEGINS SEPT. 13th, i3 is;;a. l!o:inl,vil;i Eii-'i-!i Tuition, per caartcr of 1.) weeks, if ' '.id in advance, '). V.'a-ainu and lauiit-. Vv'uii Tuition in Lat::.. f-'n-neh ami M uie tl'iano s"'. For Catalo-,-ue. ,Vc.. o.!.'io- " ' M!'?1:.-'. iiCiOpF.lL Wii-ou, N. C. 3'"-tt pudcr.ee unparaiie aud help her up, aud them v.ith her. Inasmuch as we have not strength to force theai off, for one I say, Let these 'strangers1 get off first. Then we will : i'see.if life be in our mother. If there The GENE It A L COMMISSION and t'aDy we wiil pour oil and wiue up F 'It WAP, DING nPS!NiS will he eon. , " . , , .', tinned r: Kader ihuu- and Aa Pi,-. late On her WOUIlds and brutSCi-WC Wilt ,,t- v,,riii ( aro'ina. under the old name of raie b.ci' h'oui tue da :t, wo will re-ar- oiih fun. Mia. under the old name 01 KADKIl loGG.S - CO. Tiic ci's!omer of the la'.e Firm, and the friend', of A-n PotrL'", may he nsi.red that hn-;t.-.s conii led to iheni ivill rect ive nroiai-t ar.d diligent attertion. K A D K it BIGGS. ASA DIG GS. JOSHUA R. KING, (Successor to Georjre W. jParaat.) CIVIL AND NAVAL ran'e iier u her carivtsbaErcrit, in and are unknown The 11 who know cot to Noith Carolinians. have at last e; ahlc i G ivemor Uvldcn as Prcsidetit of the Trnte.'s to vlo folly what be bt-an to do r.s Editor of "The when he drove Prof. Hed the University; viz.: pro- Stannard" rick from sured that he is well posted concerning his statements.) that this constitution breaking, ordersdefying set of electors found, at this secret election, " that Professor Pool had never resigned his place in the University." Aud Fresh dent Pool's attorney seems very anx ious to make us remember that his client lias been ever sinee he was ap pointed Tutor, a meaiber of tho Fac ulty of the University ; for he repeats several times that President Pool alone never resigned his professorship. This "Justice" sees, but, true to his character as blind, he does not see that President Pool was the only member of the Faculty of 18GG, who could net resign, because he had nothing to re sign. For he had been dropped, and that before the resignations of 18G7 were presented. I am told that neither of ttie catalogues of our University for 1 SOT, nor thai for 1SG3, contain his name as a member of the Faculty. These catalogues were published under the eye of :.v. Swain; and we old stu dents know that he used to say, that when he went to toe head of the Uni versity, he was told that he would be regarded as the captain of a ship, re sponsible for the success of its sailing, and that ho should always have the sc- Mr. Sqtjixtly The deuce is to pay on these premises, and the whole bouse is turned topsy turvy. I thought I was master, but Mrs. Squintly is now of the masculine gender bo far as I am concerned in its management. All gone mad, aud I have not very far to go to arrive at the same happy point of existence, I am mad now, 1 believe ! mad ! crazy ! all the same ; and there is but one way of relief, and here it is : (draws a pistol,) this will end my sor rows, and I will not longer delay avail ing myself of its valuable services. Farewell, Mrs. Squintly! (places tlie pistol to his licad) ; whea.lci' gone (Enter Mrs. Squintly. Squiiiflj con ceals the iccajyon.) Mrs. Squintly Whore arc you going Mr. Squintly? I beard you bid farewell to Mrs. Squintly, and speak cf being gone j' are you on the evo of a long journey ? Mr SQVJXTl.f -(Frightened and confined) 1 I I was thiokingabout a little pleasure trip, with your per mission, Mrs. Squintly, aud the idea of separating from you, my Love, though for a short time, was of such a paiuful character, that the expressions you heard escaped tnc unawares. Mrs. Squintly You have grown exceedingly tender of late, Mr. Squint ly. and permit me to say, vnncccsfarili so. ilow far do you travel, and v.'ha; route will you take ? Mr. Squintly I coutemplated tak ing the iron tube, and rtoi powder rail road, Mrs. Squintly; destination uu- known. Ma?. Squintly You seem dis posed to be facetious; may I ask the occasion of its indulgence at this time, Mr. quintly ? Mr. Squintly Never more serious, rac the jroieS'ts there tor the; ins on politics. Then Prof llei :ad to leave the University be- ta-ic ituotit accepting resignations nev er uutde to them, and never transferred to them, r.s still to he accented or de- 1 -L. T -v.- ril I I IS .1 JL -I A to jji: Tin: ijet M A li I u not il totrv it. for yon will like it. IVr il and talce no other. As!, 1 ariioro bv McChI.i Kid- 11. 11. Austin & Co. Wfham.-on. Who!. JlO'.vian 1 1. re !': Nor!'- ik. Va. L. .1. ih.-iciix. Whdes Audit lor Richmond, Ya 1 Grocers, Agents saie Lotneclioricr, TT0TIC2. The hi-h reputation tnat our . iiuli'has attained has induced certain man-liia.-i 11 rer to imitate ourtrade mark. The i'i.il:ty ot our Sniill'does not lav in the trade mark-. Inn the superior quality of Tobacco ual it is manufactured ol. G. V. GAIL & AX. Palti more. -'mi- Pth. lSoi). -2-5-ly. Cosmopolitan JJilliavil AND C! Ma.u Street, KOP.FOLK, VA. T.'EN (10) Phclon TaldcP ; all the Xows X3 paners ol'the day 011 tile. ' The IIAJt is furnished with the best ol Ale-, Wine-. Liquors a nd Pi.-ars. LOCKI1 AKTS DUOS, Pro))"ts. Aprils PJ-f.in A ng. 6. T. 31. R0C!NS0N & CO., GENERAL Commission Mercim No. 17 Cheap.- ;de. RALTIIUORE. s. cause ho was suspected of adveratinir " ' 1 1 1 " ' ' ' " w ' M I whIe i' acuity iuis to Jeave 1ccupc . . , ! thrv nre 5uectcl of -ivt advocating r-. f H t.'ocr I i. " 1 n MriiDf OT" . , lilarket Square. NORFOLK, VA. I) R. TO HIS IIHflYJlUiimill lear Uusscy Dro's Couch Factory, IN ViE'.V OF MAIM STRGET. fglllF. UNDERSIGNED TAKES THIS S method of itnl'onning the pub he t'enerallv that he a remove. I to Ins new nuart"r where he is f-"pa:'eil to furnish 'I ra.i-porta'.iou to any e...tn,u f the Slate, v. ;i ii nir,l Veli i c I c s , !'! !e I lor-es and ea re nd drivers. Will keel e.ei-ianl'y on hand, II arses, '.'lliiles, 'c!iiclcs, &c &c, Vor Srile. i'wn c w-i-lnti" ar.ythins in !,.s ,inr. would ' ' well 1 ) ifiva hull a cull. Horse hoarded by dty. wtek or m uith. Also, Von -les kept a-t-if GODWIN'S COMPOUND Cures Chill nrd I'rvir, Disyi ;sin. Tiiu'i tioil. C'lir. ,Ve- F01l'iri. jjitiilriiitlx, A.stll inr, Xi nralgin, Ji!i intuitu "it. v. r;v- A UN IV KRS AL TONIC. -a f. and reliable preventative and lianai diseases, and all dis eases requiring a encr il tome impression. Prepared oui by Dr. N. A. II. GODD1N and for saie everywhere. 'JAMES T. "WIGGINS. Successor tr J II lo.ker & Co., Proprietary Ac-eat and Wholesale dealer in Patent Me dicines, Norfolk, Vnr;rinia. April 29 2-My A cu r s'ire. sal for ail Coasicnnrents and Orders respect. u..y so licited. ' All Comuntnicrrti&ns promptly answered. FIRST CLASS Boot&ShoeMaker TARBORO'. N. C. , . Oct. L'l. -'"-5i "cotton fh esses. WE MANUFACTUKE THE CMISL32Y COTTON PRESS, the SIMPLEST, MOST EFFICIENT, ,ia.l (tlCCAPKST HAND Pit ESS now in use. Pi! ICE Sii .5. Tssppy. liSisusdeia & C1o., IE02I FOUITDESS AND MACHINISTS, l'etershnrs. Va. Sept Ifi. 4 --im i t v. And fllriicc 1. finds HOI mm 1 1 1 1 r 1 f-7 1 1 n rn VlANUfrtO Uttthb If j 1 3-3 ua W!aD Til ei 'or,-e. May R t 11 c.kr.r, it ' ri s, Late of Richmond. Late of Petersburg. NEW CROCKERY HOUSE ! To tha Trade of Virginia &. North Carolina. . V7E have opened in Norfolk on Main VV Street, opposite the Postodice, the largest and most complete stock ot China, Crockery, Silver-Plated Ware, Glass Ware and House Furnish ing; Goods It has ever been the pleasure of any one to oiler to the Trade. Our stock is ot Our Own Importation and bought of the Manufacturers direct oil a dull and depre-ed market, which enables us to fell to the Trade at much lower figures than they have had olleied to them since the war. Our Stock is Complete, anil one need not go farther than call on us and find a complete assortment such as is usually kept I.v first-class wholesale and re tail crockery, china and sr'ass ware houses. Respectfully, THOMAS R. GARY tc CO., Alain ftreeleopnosit-' Posioflice. Norfo!!;. Aug- 10, 16Gt- 3S -Cm AND Carriage ami Harness Shops at the Old Stand. A T OUR CARRIAGE SHOP WE a keen on hand a good stock of Light DuL'irics. open and top, and all kinds of sec ond hand vehicles. We make to order on short notice any Style ot Carriage, ltockaway, llugy, Wagon or Cart. Special Attention Paid to Repairing At our Harness Shop we keep a large Stock of Harness. Saddles. Bridles, llahe s, Whips. Collars, Padded llames, Steel Dils, and every thinir usually kept in a first class Harness Establishment. Give us a call and examine our Stoci: and Prices. Vc also keep on hand a lara-e and Splendid assortment ol Carriage arid "Harness makers Hardware, topei her with a well selecied,:-iocK 01 o Ihiiet ."Wagons und Carts.Shal ves, bpokes, Hub's, Springs and Axles ot all sizes, Enam el Leather, Dash Leather, Enamel Cloth, Coach Varnish and Japan, and other goods used by Carriage and Harness Makers. We have just received a Very large Stock which we can sell on very reasonable terms. Tartoro'.N. C, March IL- lv-lf THE FiWEST som wmmk Mill, All of which will be made up In the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. And will eonipnr" with the best Houses in New York City. - to material and work manship. As none but the best journeymen artists are cmnloyed to execute work A lit is iruaranteed in every case. May lis. 2G-y Eil. P. Tih'i. Eil. M- Monrr, Eil. J. Cnjtih EDWARD P. TARR & CO. WHOLESALE DEALKRS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY- AN D FANCY GOODS. West Side Market Square, Norfolk, Va. Si? n oi I he Anvil. CENTS FOR TTIE SALE OF OLD i.a Dominion Nails, Emery's Cotton Gin, Boyle & Gamblss Circular, Pit and y cut Saws WarraiUd. Gum Belting, all sizes. A large stock always on hand of Axes, Spades, Shovels, Forks. Chain Traces Hollow Wnre, Horse Collars, Rope. Agents for Fairbanks & Co's Standard SCALES, that will weieIi a Gold Dollar or a Canal Boat Loaded A large stocK of Queens Ware, Clina and Glass. Attention Cf the trade re spect fully solicit ed. may 2R- 9?-tf THE negro crj no words ior renrPcl ot this in justice. On the contrary he tells us that we ount to ba glad, bceatis.e, v.ith (his ruoand unwarr.i-ited expulsion ol'white folks, there is not a puttinp; oi' octrees into their placc3 as Trustees and as Professors. I it possible that a grad uate of cur University lias t lie elirout- cry to cah upon .nisiiop oreeu, ana Dr. Hoop.-r, ai d (.ovorncr G ra'aaai. and President .-hipp, and J ud.e Rattle, Professor Phiilij s. and President Bridpcrs, and cur distias;uish(.d school teachers, to send their ions, their wards, their pupii.s and iheir i'i tends to be taught and disciplined at Chapel liiil by Tool, Brewer ?c Co., l eeau-e "C7i'. M-:rritt'' has not boon made Secretary o; the coard of Trustees, and "Undo Shammer," or one or bis sons, has not been made Proi'essor of Mineralogy? Mr. Editt r! am 1 awake or am I in drean;-!ar.d still '! I do not pretend to be " we.i post ed," nor have I an Editor to assert that I am ; upon matters concerning the University, " as well as on other subjects." But I think I can see some things without spectacles, and anion"; them is that " Justice " is sail as blind as ever. Here are some of the sights that be lias not seen, nor is he likely to Bee them as long as he is neither " Jiide," nor " Poetor." lie sees that, "upon the ratification of tho new constitution, the Board of Educa tion, as required, met and elected a Board ot Trustee". There is to be one from each County of tho State." But he does not see that, as was not required and as it bad uo right to do, then nor now, this Board, before it se lected these Trustees, suspended the instructions at the University. The Board of Trustees might have done so, after it was organized. But. until this eliiit'u. .Gut when oid the present Trustees act ttnoii these resisruutions 1 Their pamphlet does not contain the record of their acceptance. Did the Trustees again allow " tho iin " to act for them " it hour, authority and with out censure? Is it not evident, Mr Editor, that all this talk about ae-opt-ing resignations, ec?., is a mere subter fuge whereby "strangers" hope to eia-Je the just indignation of the pub lie r,t their treatment of "oar connnou Mother." Of tho a sertion that no one of the n. a I acuity wa a canaiJute Jorre-c.ec- k-eting of his crew. If then Gov. Swain let two successive catalogues be published without Mr. l'ooi's uarue as one of the Facuitv, it was because his Uiung a place 10 the service ot the sir National Government and that in a sphere where his labors were iu no way akiu to those of bis Drofessorshit) wa9 a virtual resicnatiou. Nor was PresTf dent Pool the first member cf the Fac ulty that ever was thus dropped with out a formal resignation. Nor was he, as "Justice" asserts, the first Tutor who ever taught the highest classes iu the University, although he may have been the first for whom the experiment I was not continued nor repeated. oSor has President Pool's "immediate family been renrcseoteu at the university as its students and patrons for a longer time than, with possibly one exception. ,ii:7 family in the State" as "Justice" would fain have us believe. A late writer in the " Sentinel " exposes the falsity of this assertiou most effectually, lie shows that several old families iu North Carolina have been represented at the University from the beginning of its work in 179-'; down to the h.test years thereof. Whenever I read this effusion of "Justice," as I do every now and then, I ask : Is it the func tion of Justice to deliver what is to be ma uani 1 Mrs. Squintly Indeed, sir! when do you depart, then ? 1 have been left in ignorance cf any such intention en your part until the present. Am I not worthy to be consulted in regard to such a movement ? Mr. Squintly 1 would not djn to leave without your sanction, Mrs. Squintly, except under pressing cir cumstance"! ; such 1 considered the present though Mas. Squixtly 1 hough, wuuf, tic ti,;- won Ictial pampiu :s a fiords a com ph. t present X ru ne-sure. V bother or .",ot any iC oft cm in ooerc which for ma oil faculty would have :ttc for re-elect ion I do not of the ex- member be taken without faith, or docs it deliver what is to be both taken and believed? If this fulsome adulation of President Pool by thia specimen of Justice is. to be believed, then the Kev. Solomon Pool, who, "for the last twenty years, has filled as student, tutor, professor, trustee, and president, more honorable ormer ana present cri.aps some; per.mps i h. Ueir ervtces lor :nt lattorci ytxccc-SiUity ' vea !.-, bad tlicv known v. hen and where to offer them. But they never had an opportunity so to do, either pr.hiiciy or privately. It appears that on Nov. 20, ISiiS, Chief Justice iVarson oilered to the first Board of Trustees Ju-tiee follows: 1 a 1 positions, under the ic snow. I board of trustees, thau any man that ill wuuld have j ever lived." this wonderful man is, - a sphere in! whet I have heard the preachers call, ' the final cause of North taroliua. Now that "the good old North State" has afforded an arena in which Presi dent Pool has beeu conceived, born, suckled, breeched, spauked, scolded. coileged, graduated, tutored, professor ed. vubiieanizod, prcsidented, and, in certain resolutions wincii gW.eral, repub'ieauizcd, her work 1 Settle moved to amend as and go Jicsoh'cd, That the Executive Unc. Sue may now "quit 101:10." 1 Sic iiitr ad axtra." Well then. Mr. Editor, it I cannot Committee bo instructed to a?cctaiii : j0 .,. ,jUHtice adv:scs me to do, what wlic-ther a sumcient nunibcr of teachers ! c.in p a,iv:e hinl t0 (3j For one, I competent to carry on the cxciciscs of; ,,iy t0 aj w50 are trn0 children of onr the University can be induced, in cons ld Ciiversity, to all who arc neither t ton oi the use and occupation ot 1 1 '' ,,r,r ,-nrnt.rnl." lot, the . . v . . . r- - , - IU! the College bui'diugs, apparatus, &c, without charge fur a term not tu exceed five years, to take charge of the insti- shouid the State send young men the University to bs instructed to as teachers of common schools, tho State will pay tha ordinary room rent and tuition fees to the teachers, and iu case such an arrangement shall prove im practicable, that then the Executive T'niversif v severely mono, as lOniT uS such managers and such management are there, l'o the best you can for your children and young friends else where. The best teachers in North Carolina, men whom have known for many years, intelligent and con scientious teachers, assure us that co in struction, such as becoaics a Universi ty, can possibly be obtained at Chapel liiil, trom tna men mere now Mr Squintlt TLuuch Imay luva overrated thie urgency of the cr.se, and the journey SlidipjafScd-witb , juts, cqciktly l on are rcystcri-' ou?. Mr. Squintly : perhaps jou are right, sir, as you imagine that can have no interest in your movements. But allow me to inform you, Mr. Squintly, that, however much you may feel disposed to act independent of my authority or wishes, it suits my con venience that you should remain at home for the next threi or four days. Mil. Sqitintly (Very humbly) Your will, Mrs. Squintly, has all the power of command but may I ask tho reason no offence, my dear wife Mrs. Squintly Cense ueh child ish and siily terms when you address me, sir, ai,d rt.aumber, tLat ycu are I jeaking to a woman who can rise supe rior to the puerile scntimentalism which male arrogance and presumption lavishes so profusely upon those whom they, falsely, call the weaker sex ; pro ceed, sir. Mu. Squintly Yes, Mrs. Squint ly ; I was about to ask, madam m oifonce, I assure you Mrs. Squintly I was about to a-k, I say, the reason for jny remaining at home for the timn Mrs. Squintly A sufficient reason is it for you, sir, that I wish it, yet I will condescend to gratify your curios ity if you admit that such au ingredient can enter into the composition of your immnccuiate sex that T shall be ab sent for several days iu attendance np on the Mcetiug of the Universal Inde pendent Ante male government, lliu minuting oumi's Bights Association, over which as you are aware, I havo the honor to prcsiue. (Enter Miss Dorcaz Squintly in rnp- ttllCfl.) Dor.CAs 0, mother I mother! hero is a note froii Mrs. Penelope Picklerod; she writes such splendid news, O 'tis charmiug. Mrs. Squintly Penelope, I am surprised at your careless ue of lan guage 1 hov often have I corrected you for indulging in expressions that be l ng to wcakminded woman. Charm ing is a term fit only for fend'.r LADIES. Dorcas I confess tho iustics of your rebuke, mother, and will in fu ture avoid such weakness. But Mr9. Picklerod sends us cheering tidings, aud will be hero presently to confirm them. Mrs. Squintly I rejoice to hear it; pray ieil mo what the eloquent and uiii; .'ii s. x ii.iweiou loj.it m-.v something jrood for the cause I hope ? Dorcas O, yes work roefi nrmni?'! t ion thar nnnoint in" "Hoarded MIS. -'EES i"" I - j-" 4 v. ' dies that she has taken the new and ele-i suspend you from your fuuetions as gantly fitted up Brick Store opposito the ! Editor, as to suspend the Faculty of Edscecombo House, where sue mieno. io fi1(, TTniversitv from their functions keep a fine stock of Millinery Dress Doings j and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, consisting in part of French Patent Bonnets, Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Laces, &c. as Professors. Nor does this blind old man see that this Board has not only done what it was not commanded tu do, but it has also not done what it wns commanded to do. From some counties it nas elec Also a fine stock of Real Hair, color", j d d fa Trustceq whi0 Bra ids and Curls; aud all tho latest no el- lK- ' ties of the season. ! other counties are entirely unrcpresen- The Ladies are particularly invited to ted among the managers ot the Cms call and make a personal examination. f versify. "Justice" will not believe BRIDAL BONNETS AND VEILS tj,at a jury g0 packed will commit in furnished at a short notice and warranted justice 7 In his eyes it is only a mis noi to bo smashed. DXHEIMER VCUlaI error W'aCa red",aot aDi Oct xi'. : 4G-lml i unmcrctfal partizaus turn out of their Committee, alter advertisement of the j $ moncv are too precious to be wasted I travel V on and our ouit socie'v will i.ici, suuii piucceu, uu mi; ui! uaj oi January, 1669, to elect Professors up on such terms as may be deemed best j by said Commit tee. and that the escr- j iVf at the University uacler its present pro- ,r,ott, to hear an address, fessors. "Justice" and other cinque-1 learned doetresa. Darentbeti cises of the University be commenced on the first day of February, A. D. 1869." " These resolutions so amended were adopted." The instructions in these resolutions seem to be plain and peremptory enough. Nevertheless, as usual, ''the ring" obeyed just as many of them as suited their own plans and no more. It is respectfully asked whether this is not also a case of contempt of Court. If the actions of Judges as politicians may not bo criti -ized, certainly their in structions as Trustees ought not to be disobeyed. Yet we have not heard that Ashley, Meauinger & Co. have frorn the jna C.emen- may secure a l. v. ior 1 res.ue.jL i llua hnoodic ; she s a trump, ami wc Pool, from those who do not know him, i sha ijave a ;0uy ti:iie ! and President Pool may secure for J Mrs. Squintly I regret not be Justice," from those who do not know ; ;ng ute to attend ; the more import him, a i. I). or au L. L. I).; but neith- j ant daties of our Universal League call cr "Justice," nor they, whom he pulls j imperatively for my presence. Mr. ia so ridiculous a style, can secure to j Saintly! our young men at Chapel Hill, or else- j jPv Squintlt Here, Mrs. Squint--vhere, the education that tho times do- j y J mand. I Mrs. Squintly I shall leave by Whoever "Justice " may be, I am, ! the'first moruiug's traiu, Mr. Squintly, Mr. Editor, j and it iu proper that you should remain A HEAL GRADUATE. j at, home iu my absence . i Mr. Squintly Improper, you dancer once said to Socrates : JIriV ? "You cannot stand on one leg rvs ! . . ' -I'ropcr, I Bay, " True," replied the . Cutu "-j i c jIitln pej ol:i i-ai j long as I can." philosopher, " but a goose car.. 1 ! i I f, v ti if i i1 i J

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