: I .OCAIj AN I STATi:. Reduction In Adfcrthdng; Rates. Ti c South Eitsnn is the best advertis ing medium in Eastern Carolina, being, as it is, more extensively circulated than any other journal in this section of the State. The surest evidence of an appreciation of this fact by the public is the appear ance of our advertising columns which arc mere fully crowded than any other piper in the State. The people are the best judges of these matters, a nL by their actions, have pro nounced i our favor. Appreciating the liberal support grant ed in the past, we have determined to ina treiaily reduce our advertising rates in the future, thus offering still further induce ments to those who may wish to seek the benefit of our columns. A full schedule of rates will be found oa our first page. The price of the Sornii:iiNEi; will continue the same Sj 1 00 p r annum, and we honestly be lieve that every subscriber receives the full worth of liis money. "We do not hesitate to assert that we iiive more general Local intelligence and Slate matters than any ttco other weekly journals in the country, and, knowing this, we believe that our paper is of more value to Us readers. CP iOS Many of our subscribers have promptly responded to our appeal fr a settlement ot their arvear', but there are still ft large number behind, whom we should he glad to place all square on our books. Remember, readers, that our volume his closed, nnd it is desirous that all ac C.'Uiit.i fhould be settled. Edgceonibc Supr.rlttr Couit. The Fall Term of this Court opened en Monday last. Understanding that the Judge Jones was seriously ill at the Pitt Court, fear were entertained th.it " H: Honor " would tu-t 1-e suSioieutly recovered to attend t. tha il'Hiei of the Kdg"coii.be term, hs:t, '.ipnsi entrance, we found him as fresh ami M rnii:g us a "J. ." i:; t!ie spring-time. At'ier the organization of I he (Iraud Jury e--:'.-i't'.n.i ' flhe following pent 'emeu, vi..: Vi:::ii' Wedded, Foreman, 1. 1'. Eagle, ( ,..!. S. Cuiuper, (col.), S. II. Ilaigrovo, v.'. ,;. Philips Jv.re llai!-, !!. II. D.:ighl r: ! "i', S 'I'Tii '11 NotL-et, (e.,1.); A!m ".;s:;U''i). J.-.uu-s M. Unveil, Win. V.i:-i:-!i. J.-.mes S. Ewe.', W. L. Hart, V'.:i. Ii: ! v, S. 1;. uialioy, W'ats.ci II o re!:, is-iv.-t M" ie mid J. E. T.ijlor, Jlt IIou..r dcl.veiv I liim-'-li of his charge. rutortum'tely, l:i:t.es ci. lined us to enr Itu e dui ipg the delivery d' tins decu i:;e:it and we .ire, thref.r, unable to give surrenders a full exposition of the mys teries cii' the la-.v !is expounded bv ids .Iadred:o,. And :;oia what wo can gather from those who were in. re f..i", u;;.: U' ,!:a:i oil; s-dves, e should suppose that they ouU i ave 1 'arned ri -thin. new the cha::;e b.'ing aim- st i de;-,f leally Miiiil ir -.vi:!i the one d-!i red h' i" six mMa since, with this .!; " la t t x pi ton His II. -nor mvius to ! kiii.i iv; a! de-crie 1 the set vice of tho pr 'Muo poetical niasti is, and c. :i!i-.cd iu...-t of his tpiota'iuii.s to the IJoiy .Svtiu teres a happy omen, ii it is pos.dioe t; .neve any in. n. happy in Mich a charae-t-r. This Ii::nl:i:t:s " fuhnitiatioti l.t-lng c i i le ', the St.ito D iida-t w is o.ienei un der fne. direct o t o:' S dicker, J-.s. .!. Mar tin. This leitheiy spociir.cn of r.oiieal-i-tn recmsto he improving considerably i:i tl.e tmti.a.ge'uetit of his cases, and in the i !'-.'(.,' f d.'O'will. nod. odd, J t Mtt r. 1: to tios time the wde le attention oi l.e (uvt has be n taken up in tl.e dispos al tl.e :,tatc I)-jcket, upon wiiieli t.;ere a:-. '. ca-o.'S. .N' ;el:oi' i:.-.p'v.-tance has yet been re... t!i-.e,ii:i several capital cases : i .'.d :.'i trial. itn Titesdiy ru'-rtisriT a special venire of .''6 nn-n was ordered in the case of Lewis liine,, (.!.) charged with Kape, aad tl.e c.-e was set for to-, lay. The t"iv 1 D ii i-.ots, which will scarcely he reached until next week, i also vvry U:-p- the Trial Do ,-ket ttv.ntbtring 4GS ftst-s ati'i tLe Appearante IG'.i. T:ii: TornsAMKST and Bat.t, at Maki, r.o:to Good Ohder a?jd Pi.cascue Ki::o:ii:D St riiF.:.:::. Last Friday was a g.ihi day for 'he g )od citizens of Marl hor an ! surrounding coutitrv. The Grand Tournament and Bali took ace at that time according to public dice. Z.H I proved in every respcet a :c ss. wortiiy of tiie public-spirited gen euten ui uer wliose direction the affair v, a inangurattd and ourrie 1 out, and the e:de! prising people of the iccaliiy. We regret oar inability to be present .n the i:i;ero';ting occasion, bat lea' n from a frieti'l t he- followin-j incidents: A; ;0 o'clock the Kniz'its (twenty-six of v. honi having entered) were i'mme: tittd laareh. d to the J u dues' Stand, w hen .l r. .J. E Shej.pard was introduced by tli: Chief Marsha!, Mr. Grimmer, and delivered a most ab'e and. !i:t;ipy r.dd.Ts, brimful of interest i:;g sentiments and choice imaginations. At the close of the ad la-s the tilting immediately commenced, the riding be in-r ve:y good. ?r. Simnd II. Ap.ph-white, of Stan tonsburg. carried d;;he li'st honors an 1 ' :::!( 1 Miss Lmma Foust., of IV.iiiivi'le, me liieei; or J.ove uu.J i:wn:. Mr. W. J. H'Hiiiiiii, being the next successful Kuteht. crowned .Miss Mary Vooreing. '.f V I'-.'ooro, as Fhst .Maid of Honor. 'J heti f joo.v.d, resjiecli velj, Mr. Charles Joy-iieT-, of Fannvi: ie, who placed his honors on the head of Miss Annie Worsiey, of LdgeeoUihe. Mr. . S, Ward, of G-eene, :ick:.ovvle.'!g d the powers of Miss Han i.ah Hughes, of Jleaufort, by laying his trophh s nt her feet. 1 ie- Coronut.ion Ball at night was largely n'ten hd, the fair women, and gentlemen 1 ota ail the adjoining counties paridci I a ing in its pieisiires and adding un-v-oio, (I brilUjiaev by titer presence T I. i 'hiefMaivhafaiid Assistants, .Tudg .Managers and all gave ur.iiersal sat ""aer.. .ii i,y the excellent manner in '' '.!:, y discharged t Ik ir several du-th-s; :i:i'!. aliog titer the Grand Marl bo o "tr.iane nt an 1 Hall was everything t.-at ev,-ry!, ly ,l,.si.e- .d !,(: s .me oftlie contesting Knight's on this oecasioii 1,,-eak a lance for the .lorn,- - tj ,r n "jH-ctive localities at t lie i onrtianieiit to be heM in l ai borouirh on -lnl inst. They will, uo d.ubt, Had fx -! f ti WOi-tllir of tlw.i istr.ril i P. S. Since the above was in type we have received several articles from friends iv:'i lenjftliy descriptions of the Tonr ii uiieut exercises, which we would srladfy jeablish did our space permit. The writ- c-s wiil jilease accept our thanks for the same. Pa tr.HED Tot RVAMKNT AND 11.11.1. AT Si'ap.ta. The mania for Tournaments seems to bj on the increase, and our friends at Sparta have caught the fever and intend at an early day to call tho chivalry of the country to their place. We are requested to announce that a meeting ,f all ii.tercsted will he held at Sparta on Friday, the 3rd December, at which time every arrangement will be peifi-cted for the proposed Tournament. hvcry otic will please take notice of this f o. f. Tekuible Runaway A Sad and Fa tal Actipekt Our community was (k-eply shocked on Ft-'day evening at the results of a terrific runawaj', where')y a most estimable gentleman met a violent and sudden death. The victim of the Bad catastrophe Is Dr. Josiah Lawrence, well known as one of the most successful and popular prac ticing Physicians of the county in days gone by, but for many years past having given up the active practice of his pro fession on account of general debility and weakness. The circumstances attending the la mentable all'air are as follows : About three o'clock on the evening mentioned as Mr. Julius S. Barlow was coining in town, his horse, a recent pur chase, became very much frightened at some object near the residence of Mr. I). Feuder, just outside the Commons limits, ami making a violent dash to one tide of the street, overturned the buggy, knocking oh" the top, and placing Mr. Barlow horn dc combat. The horse, which was a very powerful animal, finding himself thus released from th.e control of his driver, rushed at headlong speed down Main Street, drag ging after him the remains of the smashed up velrele and creating a perfect tam pede in every direction. Fortunately he kept the open street and did no injury, until the corner of the store of .Messrs. Farrar & O'l lagan was reached, when Ids course was changed immediately down the side-walk. The Post Odiee is next door to this store, around which were a number of gentlemen awaiting the opening of the mail. All these perceived the course of the frantic animal in sutllcient time to place themselves in positions of safety, with exception of Dr. Lawrence, who was walking slowly along w ith his back to the horse and received no intimation of danger until struck a most terrific blow by the horse, being trampled upon and knocked some distance. Assistance was immediately rendered, and the unfortunate gentleman carried to the Drug Store of I jr. A. II. Macnair, when, medical advice being called, it was found that Doctor was perfectly insensi ble, being terribly bruised and a. so hav ing a fracture of 'he skull at the base. As soon as practicable he was removed to his residrwe, where he lingered in great agony for a few hours, breathing his last about nine o'clock that nigh?. At three o'clock on Sunday cvcirng a la. ge number of our citizens attended at his residence the funeral services, w hich were performed by E:dcr Thos. 11. O-.veu. In the course of Ids remarks. Mr. O-.veu to d; occasion to pass a j ist an 1 touclrng ett'ogy upon the high chara-tcr of the de ceased, referring i:t moving te' in ; to his many former ;;crs of .: o'.'essi. nal kind ness, an i persona; generosity. At tlie close of the services, r long procession followed the remains to the Cemetery of Calvaty Church, where the last sa i obscijnics were performed it) the mi-Id of a deep and impressive silence. Ir is one of the sad, h st occurrences tiiat we have ever lie-, n called upon to record, and cast a dee;; gloom over our entire community . I.'.tti.e Picskv Tii.t.Kity. Qu;iO a re Fpc table audience turned out on Tuesday night last t hear the performances of this youthful Il.ljceconihe Orator. Iii? de.-'.a-nii'.iou is ,n Iced of a most wonderfn! char acter arid cannot fad to extort the un bounded admiration oi'adl who "listen to hi in . But at the same tiai( w s!v this tiiiiveis.il estimate i f hi-i p;ec. powers, we ei in-'t retrain from express', a m.-st candid opinion i he po'.vc; -i of the boy arc being d i -.idly diminished. Ad "ho he ii I him en Tmvdty r; a':d pi! hi j'.ii tif'i'ar atteinh.;) to hi- acti ii! i in us in the irpir.i-.'i that lr in altl em riou en u:. ;am;ei n his cl i-y tol ling pi sTi. i lieu:.;:. ;vsic. powers. For several nor.ths now Ii spe J;J HiT arid exrlina Lis v. ie he hi e- an a ueen o, . witii I.e.: :Ul' iuiermis-don and ti ls plainly di.-cei u'dilo iu (In; did" attu-uiating that is shown at times, I( his health is not Mirieria,.', certainly is, and if this strain upon tinr.es much I. -Tiger, mast ultimate in the total destru-jtiou of its pre; uitv . f CO I L Col! - fl: qualities. Ir m;i- bo said th it this is rcme of oi;. busit.e.ss, but we take an interest in the future cat eer of this 11 lecomDi; boy and do ii.'t wish to see it blate i I us b LPrt:r.No.vu OftArs. i ;ie J.ditor of the A:uerkan Ayric'i'l-irl--i acknowloojr. es the reception from Messrs. Tl.'tspen a:nl Iincy, of The li.-cmsl.-wte-l J-'trmer, tf a box of Seuppernotig Grapes, which the Editor sv : Reac C I Ui in better order li.an anv l.ave heretofore had. We area-died for nr. opinion on its merits. Were it a iptestio-.i tet.v. -ii grapes and n prr.pe'-, we sle ii I -'av. jrive US pielilj .1 li.t Ku;i c. oo- tr, bu; it cannot compute, in our j'ldn-.etit, e.ith. tie Delaware, puia, Kumciati, Si'ent, Diana, a:.d ni my otii-rs. Were v.-c to set' -.t m i: rip'.'u-i upon t'ce vines, we nnhi place a higher estimate upon it. The pro ductiveness of the variety is remarkahie. 1'he specinietis c 'ine from two vines wlfch yielded 2400 lbs. Southern hortictilt nrists, aii -se pinion we respect, cottsider the scnpiiernoiig of pj-eater value to tiie South than any other vmiety." This opinion will scarcely agree with ti.at of other grape C)'.cureans who l ave pronounced the Scuppei nong the Kins of grapes in this Country. Tim Tot'itNA Mr; xt o the T'lfin Gives promise of a magniiieetit success a stic- cess ol which may well be Tarboro' and Edecoc.ib. Ail tl.e d'uTcreut Committees liave l.ccn asifined their respective duties and are now busi'y engaged in seeing that every portion of the proposed entertainment shall come fully up to the mark. The followinc gentlemen are announced as add tioiial Judges, viz: (ior. H. T. Clark, Messrs. Jesse II. Powell and Win. F. Lewis. The Orator of the Iay will sor.n be anno'inced. Several moreenlrys of Knights have been made, but we have ii. t yet learned their uaino. The contesting Ivoijrhts are requested to furnish to tiie Chief Marshal as soon as possible the nom de phvne under which each will appear. We arc also requestud to announce that a cordial invitation is extended Knights from every section ofthis and other ista'es, to contest for the championship. Snxci.ATiox ix Cocxty Boxns. The officials of this and other Counties of the State will, no doubt, find it to their safely to more particularly conform their conduct to the provision of the following act. It will lie found oa paga 507 of the acts of the Legislature, Session 18C8-'li9. AX ACT TO DECLARE IT A MISDEMEANOR V B ANY COUNTY OFFICEli TO SPECULATE IX COUNTY CLAIMS. Suction- l. That If any Clerk, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, County Treasurer, or other County or State officer, shall cnga.-o in tho purchasing of any County or State claim at a less price than its full and true value, or at any dis count thereon, or be interested 'many spe culation in such claims, ho shall be puilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to indict ment in the Superior Court of the County in which the offence is c mimittcd ; and, on conviction thereof, tie shall be liable to re moval from olHco at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from after its ratification. Ratifl.?d the 12th day of April, J?$'J. German Itkms We are indebted to Mr. Ed. Zoeller for the following items translated from the Southern Tout, (Ger man) of Goldsboro : Died, in Itichmond, V., on the 22d October last, Mrs. Tora Worg, at the house of h r son-in-law, Jacob Etiier, at the age of 88 years and 6 months. Boin in Hummel, Kingdom of Hanover, in the year 1771, married, in 1790, Mr. Conrad Warp, colorhearer in the Legion of Hanover in the campaign of the English against Napoleon, and in the war against Denmaik. In 1838 her husband died of apoplexy and left her with 7 children. During her niarrhigc he has foliowed her husband during all the wars ol the English and was with him at the time Lord Nelson I oatbarded Copenhagen ; she also seen Naples, Spain, Ireland, Sicily, Milan, Home, and a gr-at many other of the Cap ital Cities of Europe during the tumult ol war. Arrived in Richmond, Va., 250 German Emigrants. Good news for the South. The increase of the population ic Illi nois by European Emigration is 45, OHO sonis vearlv. At AVhose Poor Does ths Fault Lib f We don't mean " Concentrated Lye," or any particular door, hut we should be much pleased to find out what is the rea on the SoUthkrxi:k at this Post Oliice teaches its readers so irregularly, and oft times not at all. So numerous bave beeu t be complaints within the past few weehs, that in justice to ourselves we must say a word. We know that every paper is duly d'redrd and sent from this ojfice. About this-there canbe no mist'ike. What disposition is made of them after they leave our hands, we are unable to say. It may be that the change in the management of the Post Ofh'ee and raw ness of the new officials will suggest the reason. The blame does not rest at this door. And Stii.i. Tukt Come. The appre ciation in which Edgecombe is held iu the utido world lias been clearly displayed this week. You could hardly turn without meeting a representative of some mercantile House. New York, Baltimore, Norfolk and Pe tersburg were especially nn hand and it wa reaiiy curious to observe tne niauou vers of the gentlemen from each City. Edgecombe makes a good:y quantity of good cotton, and it is surely very jood in these disinterested gentlemen to he so willing to take all the trouble of selling this coiiiui dity from the shoulders of our poor farmers. But these self-same poor farmers have consulted the advertising columns of the Sol nit isxt.it, and know very well to whom to trust their produce. Politics and Patkxt Mldicixks O .((( To iitTllKK. While nt w..i:k ia oar fliee on Tuesday our attention was attrac- ted 1 y the e nstant tendency of the hn- uieiise crowd in one certain direction. ! l.inei gi:ig tr.uii cur !Kce thoc car tones o! apoAei.'nl voice saluted our cars, coming i .on the n.ii'ist of a iiii.-e asscmtilje of people, white and black. Approach)!) uearer, we could almost imagine ourselves listening to the good old Southern notes of the last election. I'etched upon a g 'O. is. box asu young ciippled man. re-ting upon a crutch and Uea.u.g out death and destruction toradi- I eaie-;:i ;u ttvrv s'.aiw. A'ter ft cou.shlcraole exordium of this oes rip; i. r I '-iv v. as ii t'l ice, a v., uoiince.i h , tee iuii pnrp si; of the d,s. -.nhc-t. Toe .-pei.ker Mr. Win. lUii'.ied Confederate soldier, an nise!; as the Agent !'..ra wo:t- dor. id Pau :: Me.: (Jem. id, ! th i f nun veioii;.! y w'.li. tow n ptepu: ed to aud It s. e rov.d. Iv ever i cel. "mated .ed to lake He is s ill in demand. A I oXSIIJURitU. . 1 v ee -T:..niv in ti Itkm."; -in f .nne fninlsi rati, n of p.il: i i c a'.hor. was demanded ! e erv otiieial, but how dill fV on -. eh f.:: ent is the ca- i at the present oay 1 Nov.f..da;.s everybody seems to think tbst ihe Pull!:.: Treasury is open to every kind j ! demand, all of w hich wiil l-e if ti c leo.aud only comes t'rom a K.idical source. Tiie tax-paying citizens of P.igeeomhe !,'.)! h'.v !..; solec time hceu lo k'.l.gfor !i exl.ihi, m r.'iju'red by law, of the xpen- lilt ;ll e bul If th. what m are not ha t.iUi rep. i t : f Tiie county !',.r tiie p.i.-t yesr, .'. as yet, has been f trnishod. fdh.v-i ;,r " item " is a sample of 1st be exhibited to the public, we otrpllsed that such a long d -Uy .ACe m tr.e pruiuctieti ol Uits -About f."52.r. Of) nil. wed to ssjoticrs U?ar. 1 the 'ur- ; of the Ih-ard of "oin:ni a f-oo.i'v ori.hrs ffr one conin.ent is uniiecessni v Jt'sT So. The Milton t'hrouhlt admits the "corn," and acknowledges that it caught "precisely what wc expected, a deuce of a lampooning for interfering with other people's business." It s-is it was "hard up '' for a;; eaitorial, and announces that it 'Intends sToruenir i. c-i.Ji us uii oilier people' con cerns." ' It is said tiiat a candid confession is cc"! for the son!, and we are niiiin to give .c,;r o-oocc ti iend the full bfcueht of this j r.:ble instriif tion. I iv.it at the same time, we can't aprree to admit W. W. I.-lden to tha ranks d' the j In.: -est men of North (l.-.roiitia. lie has sinned and pone astray so often that even j the monarch of the lower regions must ( have lost ai! faith in his professions. Let him repent, but it must he in "Sack cloth and ashes," and that too a lonj; time bef-re he can even a;nin presume to pre sent himself before the eyes of the people of tiie ffood old North State. Tiik Attempted MruiiKu Case. In the I lt issue of the rjoLTi:i:i:N-t.i wa.s noticed the action taken at a Justices' Court of the case of Oanvillo Jones, (colored) charged with a murderous assault upon Mr. O. M. Mayo. A few dnvs after a second warrant was is sue i, and on .Saturday last the case came up a second time (or examination, before Jus. tices Keech, !)n?zan and Jackson. After a lengthy examination, the accused was admitted to biil in the sum of $2M), in de fault of which lie was committed to Jail to await trial. Should the Grand Jury find a true bill d tiring the present term of the Superior Court, he will no doubt have his trial. Stkaxue Is'xt Irf It is a well known fact that the SocTiuruXKn publishes more marriage notices than any other paper in the State indeed it is made a specialty hut how .seldom is an acknowledgement of the ' printers fee " attached ! and how sel dom even are the notices themselves for warded. "While we should feel a "lettle" better for such a remembrance of us, it is scarcely to be expected that the happy parties would think of such a common place con cern at such a felicitous moment, and we, therefore, forgive the neglect. Knowing that this particular department of our paper is ciificrly scanned by a l.irge number if leaders we shall continue to give it especial attention, resolved that in t'hia, as in other respects, the Southerner shall surpass other rival Journals. The StiefTs Pianos, of Baltimore, Md., took G gold medals within the last 4 weeks, over New York, Phila delphia aud Baltimore Pianos at the different fairs held at Staun ton, Wythcville, Lynchburg, Va., Koine, Oa., Raleijrli, N. O., State Fair, and in Illinois. They have sold some 700 Pianos in the South since the war closed, 100 of which was sold In North Caro lina. Persons visiting Baltimore, should not fail to visit their new warcroom on Liberty St.. as it is said to be the finest- war room tfouth of New York. A Sad Affair. On Saturday last the family of Mr. Kobt Norfleet received a dispatch from Oxford stating that their son Johnny, fcged about 12 or 13 years, had been accidentally shot through the bead, supposed to be fatal. : On Sunday morning a second dispatch was received to the eflect that if the par cnts wished to nee their son alive they must make all possible speed to his bed side. Mr. Not fleet and Lady left on the first Train Sunday night aud ere this have reached the scene of affliction ;;- When in Oxford a short time since we met the little fellow, who was at school there, in the best of spirits and health, and little imagined that so soon he- would be upon the verge of eterntty. A private letter from Oxford given oa the following particulars of the sad affair. It is against the regulations of the School (Mr. Homers) that any pistol should be kept by the boys, but several had sncceed-. ed in eluding this restriction. LittleNocfleet had collected thorn all together, thinking them unloaded, and walked into one of the rooms, with several sticking out of his pockets and one in his hand, saying. " I'm welt armed and ready to fight ; at the same time flourishing the pistol over his bead, which exploded, the ball striking him near the comer of the right eye. The attending physician does not think the ball entered the brain aud thinks there is some hopes of his recovery. Another Mubdeb ix Edgecombe. Crimes seem to multiply with an astonish ing rapidity iu our County. For the past few months the columns of the Soctiiekn i:n have teemed with accounts of the perpe tration ofcrimesof every description, and we are now once more called upon to record one of the highest character, even unto that of minder. On Tuesday night last the plantation of Mr. Charles L. Vines, near Sparta, was the scene of a bloody tragedy, resulting in the sudden death of a human being. The circumstances, so far as we hate learned from the best authoritv, are as folio s: Two colored en, named "Ym. Moore head and Joe Gilmer, working upon the farm f Mr. Yir.es, had been t a corn shucking near by snd upon their return home the bloody transaction took place. It seems that they had bten verv good friends hitherto, working together in the carpenter's trade, but while at the corn shrieking r.nd probably under the influence of liquor, determined to dissolve partner ship. A dispute then took plaoo in regard to a di. isioii of the tools used by each, which continued lor a fe.v moments, when We.i. Moorehead dtew a hate' ct, wliich wrs re sponded to t;y Gilmer drawing a gun am! shooting down M iorehead, who died from its cll'eots almost instantly. The murderer immediately made his escape und is still at large. Tift: '-Bai:"' at Tuts ColKT. The follow ing exhibit of the attendance of the Legal Profession during this Term wonhl seem to indicate that a very small intercut has been mandtfsted in the Court room, but our leaders must not st all suppose that th? outside "Bars " have not been better patronised. The following gentlemen have been oh. served hi attendance, Messrs. Dnprud and Sfingletary. of Pitt, Ii. G. and S Williams, i..) Na-h, H! uint and Lancaster, of Wilson, and Jtid.re B'ggs, of'X orfolk, Va. Of" the rc-idcTit Lawyers 3 noticed the followiu", Messrs. Howard, liridcers. Philips, Biine.. Thotp, Ihitt'te, Johnston, Barlow, Slamp, Biggs & Owen. Ar.KAIC.NMKXT Or Ml"3IK3KKS On Wed- r.e.id -iy the thiee colored me:)-, namd Job:, e-immot.s, Tims. Winborn and Carter Bel'amy, charged with the tnurdor of G . C itlin, w; c proegiit t9 tlitt Court room atol duly arra'gned. 1 i.e cas,. as set Tor to-morrew, Friday, ai:d a fpecial ( ire of fifty men w ere orde. ed to be smeieoned for ijist tim?. 'l i e State Solicitor is assisted in th pr.'.-ecr.t'.on by .Ve-srs. Howard aad B-infers. Mr. Fred Philips Mppcars for Carter Bcdamy and Messrs. Bigs & Oen io Vi ih"ri.e. ills lioin-r assigned Judge Bie?s to the defence of Simmons. Livr.irr. ct. & London k Gt.or.s Instu a nck C". Prompt Patvkxt. !)i:r read ers wj',1 remember it was slated t.'at the Cotton Fet of Vessvs. 15at! Son, locky Moonl, recently destroyed hy fire, was insured in the above named Con- pa: Messrs. Rrrv & Brothers, Gnctl Agents "f lids Company for tho Stat:; ! North Car li:ia, write to Mc.-srs. Pucty .V I,airi'iu-i.. A?ont in this id. ice. as -i!. lows : You wiil do;i!,il.-ss be. p leased l.-aru that ui the 2."!li (N"v.) wc rwvc I from Mr. liattle all Ueees'-irv nocutxicut! u proo! of his los of Ctton Mill. To-day 2 fth c arc autho.-'zcl to s.-ttle his claim (f'Jo.OOO 00) ia full, without delay or u.s-C'-ii:it." Tiie alioro speaks volumes for tho rc ypoiisibiiify of this well known Com: i nv. " t Jnwr.i i.tKivs ! It is reported thai " lt:-i iwiior " Judge vatts, has expressed cis ... t intention to leave the Bench, unless butler t.dent is obtained for that distinguished position, which cannot be dine xsltkoul pnyinj the Judjr.i better salaries. Of course, " Creasy " feels perfectly competent to Mil the former requirement, and equally competent to rill his pockets from the htttt-r. But probably he is. oidy 'preparim; the public mind" for a chnr.gy from the ISi-nch to the Hallo of Congress, to which he is said to be casting his watery eyes. Judge " J. B." must "watch his cork," or ho will find himself distanced in tiie race for plunder and pelf. Eduecombe Kehixd. Tne Wilmington Journal, in nr.ticitig our recent remarks upon the shabby appearance made by Edgecombe in the Cape Fear Fair, ays : ' The Southerner very justly takes the people of Edgecombe to task for the paltry exhibit made by that county at our recent Fair- It was with much pleasure wc gree ted many of Its best citizens, but it was a poiirco of personal mortilication that po lit t If was on exhibition, after the very cre ditable display made by Edgecombe at the State I'air. Wo trust our success this year will induce the banner agricultural count y to contest the palm with her neigh bors."" y EF.TIXfi OF TIIE LOAN & BCILDIXO Association. In consequence of Court now being in session, the regular meeting ofthis Association was held in the Court House last night at 7 o'clock. The at tendance of the members was mere than usually large and everything promises continued success. Two thousand dollars, the largest amount yet offered, was sold at rates running from 50 to 52 per cent., to the following parties, viz. : Dr. Jos. H. Baker, J. M. Spragins, John W. Lipscoinbe, Mrs. M. E. Ramsay and Wm. Cook, (col). Fike Tobacco. Mr. J. Hardy Williams laid upon our table on Tuesday kst two plugs of elegant chewing tobacco, as sam ples of his stock on hand. Mr. Wibiams has obtained license as a regular tobacco peddler in the Comity and is now prepired to supply purchasers with all erades, nt wholesale prices. Let him be encouraged. Rf.ttrkmkst. In the last issne of the Eastern Intelligencer, is announced the re tirement of its Editor, Rev, John S. Long from the editorial chair. In doing so he states that Subscribers and advertisers will have their receipts honored, just as strictly as if he were at the head of affairs. . . . . He will be succeeded by Dr. James x- "Pbospf.eoC8. We ore glad to learn of tbe continued prosperity of our neighbor, the Wilson lt ndealer.'., Within the past month its average circu lation has been 730 copies per week, with a steady increase. Perseverance aud energy will tell " in the long run. Caldwell jGriswold,- an engineer on the Weldon and Wilmington railroad, was crushed on Friday morning at Joyners' De pot, oa that road; between two cars, while coupling them. Mr. Griswould died in two bours after receiving his injuries. !"Thh'Nohth CarolixUn to sb Semi Weeklt. The last issue of the above named paper announces that it will soon be issued twice a week the publication days being Tuesday and Friday mornirgs the weekly Friday evenings. CoRKKCTiOK. Jn, o;r last issue we no ticed that C. Deemkel, of ltocky Mount, received tbe premium for the best gun at the Cape Fear Agricultural Fair. It should bare been C. Dunkel. The Roanoke Kexcs offers for Sale a good No 1 . "Washington Hand Press, upon which the Acres is now printed can be bouglit cheap for cash. i nw Dentistrt. Dr. G. K. Bagby will be af the Edgecombe House for the next week or ten days. .r. EX1RUIED. In Tarlioro, at the residence of the bridis father, on the evening of the 1st hist., bv Rev. K. S.Moran,D.D.,Mr.J.II.L. BEST and .Miss MARTHA JANE PORTER, allof this place. " At Farmville, Pitt County, on the 1st inst. by Elder Gideon Allen, Mr. JOHN E. TVER of -Tarboro, and Miss ELIZ4. A ANDERSON, of Pitt. On the 30th Nov. at the residence of the bride's mother, near Williamston, bv Rev. Robt. Carson, Mr. FRANK A. RHODES snd Miss HELEN SLADE, all of Martin. Oa Wednesday, the 24th Nov., at the residence of Mr: J. W. K-richt, dee'd, bv FJder T. R. Owen, Mr. LOUIS II. LAW. HENCE and Miss CARRIE KNIGHT, all of Edgecombe. On the 2sth Nov. bv Elder Wm. Bell, Mr. J. J. PARKER ami" Miss EMMA SBS SCMs, all of Halifax County. Near Hamilton, on Thursday, the 25th Nov. by W. W. Watts, Esq.", Air S HON E of and Mrs. ELLEN BUO kY N, of Martin. At St. .In mcs' Church, by He v. A. A. Wats,..;,, o. jm on t..c 25th inst., EDWARD LVFdiKi'T to LII.A, eldest daughter of Co!, J. G. Burr, nil of Wiln ingtoii. I) I 11 D. In Halifax County, on Friday, the 2itlh Not. Mrs. SALLY ANN, wile. If Mr. John W. Manning, leaving eight children. Of Consumption, in St. Luke's Parish, Washington t'onntv, N. 1., en Saturdsv, N. v. 2Jih, Iff,:), Mrs. JANE DOWNING, consort of J'.'.mes II. Rnwt it;g. ajeil about 5H veins. She wai ready and willing o depart. C 0 n M C R C I A L . 'I'arturo Market. Tatu-.oko', I !ei-f ".-.'oer 2, I C.) I to-;. , C.K-. P. . - i w. -e ...if !'0 I 7e bn-h r.. . liain . i ; . i. U Oo-::el.. ve :i . . . ctl b'i nicx V- s- ib i i hi! Colt 7ovi,d ot 5 urk .T1rVet. h J'K, Nov. 3 b- Ni k Y f. p. in. G.il.l ej, .;.- heavy at TS. Cotton S"iii Miles to-day "J '.((if.) ha!a mid ll.iijr -5sc. l-'luur is in Letter lichianu j-ro.-es urichanpe.L Corn active and 2-''':-J.. better duriti-; th d $. Mess i'ork droopin--: new "'"''! ?3"2 50 Lard steady kettle rendered l'J( cei.ts. Vhi.-kcv i )cr- i at irl 01. Ilaltimurc !iardet. HAi.-rniouK, Nov 3-) '" p m. i) tln'.l and lower, middiinp !ia:r.;ual tit L'-ie. l'iour ouict Co! 'ju -ted iiuwird i-tre ct superfine. i 75. :.'oni ne white. .$').: Oits da'l at ."j,)'. r7c. Ynis i'oik quiet at I S'-'5. ':ic-oi) duict, sbouiccrs lZlc. j L ;ri i'J his'cv l.vitrr. Liverpool .Market. Lin itroiii., Xnv. 30 Evening. Cot! o:i Murkct closeJ buoyant rv'r:)U ltjl.i o.l-o.T r.iv.i ftjyy.) l.-Iea. - E sport and sptciilition llml l.ah-.. " UK. y7ii. V V w J. 1. FUQTJA. "Vf i.ii i; i-: AT HIS Oi'riCE IN" ltd tl.e lt ofJanuarv, ls7U 1 -it" llsetl U Dee J. J. IHtitiS, COTTON FACTOR, AND CE5KVI, Commission 3T liant, No. 51 Pratt Street, EAIiTXSIOSa. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other Produce i:i hand. k-fkhs to lion Geo Howard, Tarboro'. N C ; M Kouutrce & Co, Wiho:i, N C ; .Tuo G Vr il-li-tms A Co, I-iteig?i, N C; Ma.i J 41 Mayo, Whits kers, N C ; Juo Myeis' Sons, Wash ington, N C : Beaton k Harrison. Boykitis, ; B A Martin Co, Petersburg, V.I; Kador Hicgs &- Co, Norfolk, Va ; Col Wm L.mib. Norfolk. Va ; Robt Tannahill, Now York; Dr P P Clements, Baltimore. Sept . SO 44-:im K0TICB Jr S hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly at its present session, for an act ic amend the charter of th Town of Tarboro. so s to en power the Commissioner of said town to opon and extend streets, &e. Nov ISlh. IftC'J. Cl-4t it. . PITTMAX, ufl. TARBORO', N. C. -Laiid Stirvejicg. Haps. Draw irgs, Designs, &c , executed with. promptness. Office t-rr Shaxv S.ncCahc's Store. Tarboro, N C, Oct. 21, lN'dh 4'V-3m MULE STRAYED. "R71 ROM tny Stables in Greene County, I a. tiear Speights Bridge, about the 1st f t bepteml.er a Dark Buy Horse Jisilc, Medium size, rather low and chunky built, biind in left eye. When last beard from was in the neighborhood of Upper Town Creek Meeting House. Edgecombe County. A liberal reward will be paid for ihe delive ry of said mule to M.. WILEY W ALSTON. Trrboro, or to me. WM. FAIRCLOTH, Greene County. Nov. 11. r-O-tf LAMiS ! OF ALL DESCRIP tiovs, for sale at the " SoVrHJERSrER-" 0TTTCZ. H. IX TEEL, FALL STOCK OF 1869. AITlIEtiAUGS AND Handscmely Furnished OF " 1? 19 t9 s TARBORO', N K AM now enpseed in receiving Splendid Stock of my Wtiife US a. wliich I guarantee will be sold as low or lower than any House in the State. FIRST CLfiSS 600BS. comprising a carefully selected assort ment of Dry and Fancy Goods, SUC II AS calicoes, toplixs, LAWNS, JACONETS, MUSLINS, DEL AXES, NANSOOK3, LINENS, CASSIMLIlnS, SHEETINGS, CAItl'ETS, NOTIONS. &c. Also a peculiarly fine Stock of Ladies and Gents BOOTS AND SHOES, GLOVES, IIADKi:UCIIIEFS;)fce., in fact, every article in this line that prac tical :ic and refined taste can desire. Every other Department including, G-roceIes: Sc., otc, will be found thoroughlv cotnjih' tc. CALL d EXAMINE FOR YOl'K SELVES AT b"..pt 30. 41-lf WANTED Or anv- pirt thereof. For winch wiil give Groceries, Pro visions, vrc lfectionaries. J)rv Goods, Notions, Hardware, Crockcrv, Boots 01 Jats?, Cloth in cr; oll,..r Milbd.j ,f "ST nn v pt l.y ercaatiijirfi Jew or (enii so ehcnr that vre will guarantee fatisiaction to t CALL ADD SEE IvIX & TV 3 4 ."ISO ii. 31 am Street, urboro N. C. do-tf Oct. rOIiTH & 1VCRTII. iiF- iinilersifrried have tlds day formed a Q cpartnersliip for the purpose f con tinning ti-' gi:ni:t!ai, C(MMissit)N AND SHIPPING HUSINESS, s the im mediate ssueresser to the late firm of V,"ORTII & DANIEL and I-. O. V.-Ol'.TII, ai d , e by i-tiitf a't ctii n to the inter ests of their shippers ami friends, to cive lined satisfaction to all who niav favor tl-.ein with business. K. (;. TVOIITII, D. O. irCRTil. AVilmington, N. C, October IS, Accnts for New York, ar.d North Caro lina Steamship Line, Semi-Weekly. Airenta for Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, to Philadelphia. A (rents for Smish's Lhie New Yolk Sail Packets. Ajrerds for Cape Fear Steamboat Line of P.iver Bi'Hts. Dealears in Pappinfr, Kope, Iren Tics, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Hair, Peruvian Guano, and Laugh's Super Phosphate of Ijiuie. Oct 2S. 4S'-2iri Oysters ! Oysters ! TO THE PUBLIC. ST TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF m returning my thanks to the Citisens of Tarboro' and surrounding Country for the kind palronagfr heretofore extended, and cull their attention to my uatic for this Winter. I shall be in Tarboro' twice a week with the very best OlSi liHS the .Norlolk Market can atlonf AI m SA3IE OLD STAND, in rear of the Store of Mr -lames M. l-ied momt. where I shall be pleased to wait on all of my old and new customers that may lavor me with a eail. You jll know that I have many years ex perience in this business and I profess to have as much knowledge about it as any person in the State o;- elsewhere. Bear in mind Tuesdays and Saturdays will be my principal days. I name davs so that von may know at what time to call and also that you may understand that the Oys ters, have not been laid over from day to day. Von get them fresh from Norfolk as they come. Come One, Come All. and choose for yourselves WM, K. PAUKEJt. TurhoM', (J. i. 4tl Fall & ARE YOU INSURED ? as jou are liable to be BURNED DOWN and left IU ONE NIGHT. Provide for,, your support before it is too late. Fire insurance Company IN AMERICA, THAN James River Co. . IEXE5ES, Agcatt. Tarboro', Nov. 13, 1800. 51 -Ira s GENERAL GROCE It AND P"Z"EEPS CO.NSTANT1.V ON HAND, .E.'la. and is eoiiitautly receiving fresh ad ditions of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND' Pre visions :f ail Kind: consisting- ol SUGARS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, K0LASSE3, PORK, BACON, FISH, LARD, BUTTER. CHEESE, FRESH BOLTED MEAL. Superior, Futility, Kxtra and Superfine Ii O tJ tl , Direct from the Vnlley of Virglnif. Liverpool Fine and Ground Alum SALT FAMILY A-D TOILET SOAPS The hivoriie brnmis of Rhidder ""nd finled ?N'J??, c he-.viii)f and SnioUius TOBACCO. e'.e.. ele.. etc. Nov. t. 40 -1m. P. F. 3IcNAMi;E, f N FOR MS ' Ii K CITIZENS OF TAk i bor,,', ami vicinity, that he !:a opein d a -'io:. on riliin direct, a few doors In-low. Soi:!ii Ivit rhe tore oeeii;iit-d by the linn of ("oliiidd i.V This pen. where hi; will Le h;ip;v to ex-.-eute ell orders pertaining to his line ol business :it a Wcrliisanslup Like Manner, and at nC5Ji-J.l KATES as the exigeu. e.ev o! t'je lir.K's wiil permit. Ill :o.-!.-. consist ill!.' of CI-OTHS. CA SI!IUJF.W. VI-:sT4XiS Ac. ns it re- spei-ts ..'7 .'v. Jitii'? ;ttd ' u r-ihiJitv. he is confident, wiil sla d the test of the t:iot jas ticlious und carelid inspection, mid as ktr as it ie!;;:s totiie;!y'e and manner oi a.'ir liienis inaiie up at his tt -hhsiiioest. he is satisfied i!i;!tti.'L- - ill compare favorably .villi iiuv made in City or dias.;o. COO!) S"IT, UV,Ol) COt)I):, RMt 3SODKHATI5 CHARGES, shn!! he tiie pc.hcv ol" tiie nnuer.-igned. in his efforts to secure good enstoni. Call in rrentlen.en and examine for your, s.d.es, l'e assoreii, that ii 1 pvevon i;oi!i- i ..! - ......... t'(. ,rr.,.(...tll'l, 1 i I J.!W(l,t myself to irive yon l is " The siihscriiier wnu'd add in eoiichision that, it there are anv v.dio wish their old e!o! be made l .no new." he I.5-. aii artieie that will so very Jar towards n.-liiev-ng such a desirable result, (iiv- it a trial. P. '". J'cNAM F. n. Jlcrchai.t Tader. Oct -3 Mf LL2TS I MULLETS! 500 P.BLS. NEW MCLLETS, VERY FINE, For Sab bv WILEARD EKOS. ncton. N. C . Nov. 'Jo. M.'.l ;",'-! m Wi S Cff AIy EUTISK.T1 F.XTS. BOMKTIIING in the Star for Every body Mar in the "West. 1.S7". An S.imjri' I niversalist tannly weekly, yiv ini: current secular news. Ed led by Ilev. i)r e Williams.-,!! ir J. S. r.'antwe!l. 1 ol) )er r in edvsi'tce. Prrmii'tis to vrn- .n.',. srrilrrs. Send ii.r sjeiiii'en. Add res V't!. LtAMSON A: CANT WELL., Ciuciunati, O. COMMON SENSE! Warned Agents ?'.'")! per month sell th.-onlv GKXCISE IMFH0VX3) COXKOJf SENSE FAMILY SZWING MACHIKE. Price only $1S. Great i-ndiieemeiits to Agents This is the most popular ewii-.v; Machine ol I'ue d ;y makes the lainon--HlHMic Lock Stitch" wlldoany kind of w iik lliat can be done on any Mm bine 10t).e0 l sold, and the dem'jiiu eouslantly in creasing Now is the lime to takr an Aren cv. Send for circulars. 1f Ptrvire of i i tiii!:er..jfi Address SF.XM!J iV CO., I'osion, Maj, PiHborgh, Pa. cr Si Louis. Mo. UfcTAR SPAN(iLEl) MANNER.''- It still waves, better than ever. Rich Rare, Racy Jsrfirrr size. JO columns. Wit. Humor. Fun. Humhuus exposed. Elegant steel plale "Evanuehiir"' gratis to every subscriber. Only 1o cts f..r a whole year Siee! P dress 1 laieFKF.E. Spcv iineiis cts. Ad- ANN El!. Hins J:de. H. THIi CELEBRATED Steyavt iook Stoc. THE BEST IN TTIS WORLD. Over 100,000 in Use. Will do more work -vdh the same amount of fuel liian any other Stove ever made. ITJLLSa. WARDEN & CO., FXCLCSIVK MAX1FACTUEKRS, TK0Y, Tt. Y. ,5?" Descriptive pamphlets sent free. K N IT IvXIT K N I T Atrent wanted everywhere to sell the AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE, the on ly practical Family KiMtnur Maclune ever liivented. Price' S", Will knit 2;i.0rin stitehe ne minute. Address AMFi!iI('AN r 9t Wii's: MoV RQVIS!0H'- "DEALER. TAHHOIIO', N. C. STEXy A ! V F.RTiS ii y$ J 'i . MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. V. IX.SfRi THE P..RIS EXPOSITION KfRDAt, WHO IUXK UXIJ-HRMI.T BBX AWARDED HIGHEST BOKOPJ:, At industrial I'lbiUticiig IN TniS CtCXTI:r, So tUt tlieir work it the acknntTiig?d staiuSan! of exccilcnce in it, ,tr;fn :t tueiit, rwspeclfaliy uni.tioi cu tha', Willi -tcoilcil and pei lccte.l facilitiis, a.'a! by tow exclusive use, d ivceuj i (.-rovl.n;er.t., ti.cv n- !)w producinu: j et ioro isciftct organs than ever before, x. .cat va. tidy us tu style ai.d jir.ee, nda;iUi! io u;l piildio nnd private uses, f..r D aiving Kooms, Lil.raiics, .Vnie itoonw, uticcrL Halls, E. d;cs, Chiircl.es, Sc! o -I.-, Sc. in plain and elt-grant case, ail of whivh tl'ev art; eCKidud l,v ti.eir un-qi:ad fueditien ior lu.itniii.ctiirc to relit pi ire f iai-ir work. The recent iuiprovptncni in tlie or- s" "'rcit-.J t!.Jr i:el-.!nesn tnd popularity tiiat thev a-c Hnqucsikan ! !y tiie nmst dcsiruMe ir.itruuioi.i obtain t.lc for family nsc, ai s, Clou ei.es ?el c-i.ooiv, sc., nhile tho j.ri. HK Ht which lev cm. ,f r.;Tered (?.'.!) to gi'.NK) PflcI ) apt diiem to the mean and rcfprcmnr.u a. I cisss. T!iey,,re : 1!t adaftd tnev ada of vu iiiiiMc, are rletratjt as furniture, ccnpy l tiic r... ,., lu". bh- to ?et out of order, (r,. o.; , t tu ti.iiil one-, where pt.ir,..:irto is t'ttned twenty times), Rre very durable, ard mor, easy to leai. t play upon tl.ttn tha pinno. forte. ' J'iV, Jf- & n- 0,?an Co- rc r""" sell:,. FIV h OL f AVE OK(iANS FIVE M f)i' with t o sets of VI CK ATOUS for $vis' and other styles at proportionate rates. For testimony of the superiority of their Orjrans, the Mason & ILunlin Oren Co respectfully refer to the musical pr..fci..u generally ; a majority of the most proiuin- ent musicians in the country, with many of eminence in Europe, UTih given ptitlid testimony that the Masoti & Uaiulia Or- ' gans excel all others. A circular containing this testimony fa l"ll will be sent free to any enc desiring if, also a descriptive circular, contniniNg foil particulars respecting theso iestrumenu. itn correct drawing of the diUcrnit sty es and lowest price, ,hicha;C fixed and invariable. Addrc.-ni MIK MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. i. 1 .: J54 Tieium.t St.. B is ton. ' "si i'ei i.o i. s, ij. vii,r r .;e- M V iicine. Sent post-paid, on receipt of l'lcts. Address Dr. F. B. I (JOTF, (author of Medical Common Ser.se) No. 12 t L.e.inn:on Ave., cor. East 2th St., N. Y. A AV WITil Uncomfijitablo iB Trtt"SSSt;.S. Comjurt and Cure Jor lluptarid. Sent post-paid, ,.n receipt of 10 cents. Address Dr. K. B. FOOTJ-:, 120 Lexington Ave., New York. Ih'E MflGIl," tl':V!3 wiilci.anoe anv col- SS. ored hair or l eatd to a penranc ila-.'u or Hr-ivvn, (Jne eondi sent hvniaill nt 1 tail for l. Fi by Merchants and jirtnrLriyi ireiiBi-a!lv. Address Magic Cutub Co., .irhtg. bit) - S pr Mouth paid to A''n,U, SHlurv or commission, to m-!I nr Patent Wte.U Wirt Cloth's Li.tr. Address Hudson JlU-tr Wire Work', 75 Wm. i. X. '., Chica.jo, IlicU mnd or Mi uiphii. How I made it in is lll'jr.lits. erret '.f. A. J ,.., A'.K a d sitmpie mailed fn TIio Purost, Bost and Cheapest SOf.O R" A F.I. ilKOVV.llS. LUS GOOD BUTT I-U.-Mado JbT from 1 ghl. of milk, viii:.!:i drugs. .Se:.il "Tie. and btan.p and get recipe with with full particulars. Very vaiit:t,l Address N. M. LINTON, Wihniw:tvn, Ohio. .; fe PT A DA Y. 5?rJt Ajreiu,. SUA U". Allied, Me. .'!.' new iirti lf. (or uuijile. free. JI. 15. ASli. your Ilct jor or l?r: JSifct los SlVKirr Qdl f E.- il e.)i;al.s (Inner) ( 'uiiiiiie: .Ffd bv S i fc k.ns, F.'.KK, " Co.. Ciiei.iists. New York. (OiHt lt SS' pates r RED JACKET AXE Ts belter lii.tn uur regular shaped Ax- for these reasons : I'iixt ite'ils deeper. S :. It don't stick in the wood. : 'J'hiul It does in t jar tl.e hand Pvltrtu .r time i . ( warted in takie-' the Axe on! of the fi.t I'lph Willi the same labor you vr.'il do one third more work thun with re-idar Axes. Ked pa.nt has nol iiing to do with the lo J I (jiiaolies oi tins Axe. lor ail our A xes are i painted red. If yoi.r hardware store dne not keep our goods will gladly answer inijiiiries i.r liil yoni- orders direct, or give von the name ol the nearest deaier who" keeps our Axes. us ri scott & a.ii.s:tvr.i.r. Pittsbar-b. Ja Solo owners of Colharn's aad Itei Jacki Patents. OJ 55 JS'iT'i'O en Both in ijuality and ijuantity of CoviIm, a our Agents wilt testily, being the Oldest Houses in the coct.try, sellinji each arlicln for One Dollar, shipping all Goods tbe day the order is received, living a lare stock t select frm of first-i lass Good. tu:g;t expressly for fs'l t radii ; and to jstisly 'l that we are reliable, we cive below (rel'er. once by pel -mission), Jordan. .VnrshiV Co.; Ceo. S. Wiuslov & Co.; Cu-tcn Siivr Gliss C.; Lee Shepard. I 1. S. Send fo. Ciieidar. AdeJtessEAST- jMAN& KENDALL, 25 Hawley Street, I', ston. V. U. Jjox E. We Are Coming; ! rSTUlE CHEAT ORIGINAL DOLLAR L SALE OF DRV AND FANCY ("ioods and will present to nuy person send. xi!X us a Club, a Watch, Silk Dress, Pie of Sheet i n sr, FKEB OF fOSl. Send for Catalogue of Goods and iaaf.), delivered to any address free. J. S. EM WES Si. CO., 123 & 12!) Federal St., Uistou, Mar. P. (. ilox. C. N. I? Samples given on application for ('ataioiriie. AOU Ladies Pi ivate 1 1 1 ular oi 3 ii? nn'st useful and itidiperis: bie ai ticlen ver invented. addiesH MaI'AJ Duval, P. O. 15. x ZfAK N. Y. City. OR.V;ilITTIKR,) Vyi;eSt.,P:tt,rirghr i'u., of Union-wide tepnlation, treat .;d venereal tlisea-.es; a'o seruinitl weak ness, impoteney. Arc, the result of self ahue. Sead i; stamps (or senVdpa: 'phiel. f'J .a:re. No mailer w ho tailed, stute c!e. Consuiti tio tree. TJERFPX'T MANHC'OD Es.-ays f. r fe. Ycuiur Men, on iho ti!s ! SFLF ENEHVA '1 ION, it!i eeitaiu helf f. i t! etiiiia ai d tin!.,n n.ste. Sent in trsled 1 0 1