J y The Wilson Advance. fUSLISHEO £\I£RY FRIDSY ST, Wilson, N. C. WILLUMR it ffOODSOS, - Editors. Local Department, VOL. 6. CPUSi'ilY’SrTiiV COD’S. AXD fSirTirS.” wilson7 NUMBER 16 The Wilson Advance, A*>TKUX3SK.>€J RAXES One Squaj c 3 iionths, One Square tJ ^*-00 One Squs'^ 12 Months; ,..lo.(K) T'lberal deductions rnaclc forlarj^r spao# Transitiiit Advertl-'cmont^ htssrted at Tci* Cents per line. K. woai»*>A\ - - - FlUOAY.. MAJK.'ii 2-l.]S7i5 cductioial l\r. Rountree & On., atrents for I \Vliaiin s Supor-PhO-phnte. are ofTcrinj? thiU Srjjierior Fertilizer for 400 Uis. cotton per ton. fall on tiieiii before the supply is exhunsled. Only $2 ft year for ihe Advance. BK.ST copyhi^f Ink PeneiU at Ohurcweir*. Onion s«t», Silver Hkiii, Large Red and BuvtiiU lops at Rc'rlaud'ft, Fiow-r Softil ! Klowi*r Seed 1! Rowland had just r«ciod OliX) pujif-rs, Sing-'r. M;uue Sliotll* atul •fh'T sewing aiaebine. need! ai oJ cts. per dozen at the Hardware Store. The judly ools'biated Lnuhetli’a gardojj Sr.^'l c-’lil at K og A Moye's {J'li’Et's '-ee'Y* e'.■ ‘.‘V;*** -aii i«i l- •oa lor the lS«r, thrf‘* ye^ir;*. the ])eoph> bave tried th‘in ainl kmov they »ri rcliabl Oo to RowU and get your .supply. R nvV: Cv'*^U‘ A ii..w.T!in'l ■srrll frow PFto.T7>''l lltpcV- Ci '>p' wrrMnn'id- nnt. P*mi‘ too la', tor locortion in ISKW OKil^AISTSL'ilE. I'lie !t»e}i>Jd MOTlKg .4s;rtiflst iiad ItxtorJloitfsts. WILSON TiKESTIIR liEAD. ir, iimnei' '-''■ly ioiporlcd, tlieivby oxhihit- iiig a 'i'ih', -Y^liich h'ioivs ugly, Ka miy the d^v!.ui:-d ufticiuis. L:.t, t” hiu.>t important part of the n wi nVosirs* aliMiiio. The Gcoi Tunydar, f. liUlo but loud tem perance suw-d, made its appearance ill tail piacc yesterday. U i> gottin no williad- s.,,,t7o-.,if’o!„mny.is’v.ov. i’j’yy licrcUi’ifasStsnd ust fpon We Order c/ Moviag bstSlovc et Oisce. It, onr n(-,t. Tn tin’ nK-.vitipi. sI'oiiM *nvth!nf’- of a loeel nrYt’Tf' Tvanip re xrophl thn'dr Aiu* 'o-r“spond‘nt to send 1>V V»>dn«sdftv’s inail. f'nl E. Y--n •T Hao. rTAWft Eeotftl l3r3cAi.- Thc coid-.i*t anal of the season. Bobiu pot pii) is liic seaiijuih'e disii j now. Acftordiag to Josh I’iHiii'tS Alinina.'t tliL' U tiie «eaaou ior plan iug caj a ior eari^ whiskey. The las»t lingf'ring hope of the peach crop wcTit giiiutnoriiig witli the i'uo»Jay iiigat freeze. Home made flour, a »np uior family av- tiolo aold by the suck iu qiiautirics to sui , at Sugg & Aiidciaun'a. iaiim rs, who u.’-i d Rowlaml’s CI.emical Fertil izer last yi-ar, cxpro.^s tin* belief thai it is as good as nu-tuy of tlie liigU priceu G llanos. Tiamps coJithiuc prowling through ih country much to the aimoyaiice of e\eryoi)0. li’hteaU t>r u.iiiinbliing, ti*e cn p seem.s to increase ni.d yeV Uicru is no way to run> the evil. If a young lady wi.^lies u /ouoggen:le-ii lu to kias ner,W;iai, paperssuomd ...le uieuuon/ No Zijjcclator, n > Oijixrvtr^ out AoVANCh as often u.s yoti please* Faraiwrs, got ^ our low grt-und.^ in order. Wiusii L»ciuoij,tue Fra.ii^lm CO.i.uy propiiei, say.s Uio Wasps a'-o Ouudn.g liieir ne*u a., the gnmad. \Miic.i is .% oure sjga of a Jjy suuiuier. T'iie iiinv-i\‘\FU i!cu>].aper siv.adlep, i;, t'.ki i\.'. I, Ai '.j .1 Ut..4.3t.s\ ilu* 'aul.; imp‘.»&eu Oil it oiu.io’.ir oi'o.ir viL./.-.-iis .tbo. i t u^'O ‘ H.TeaL.jd ia eiui ioii. | A.I.. U/. g,.’ . 1 I jal.. Tu cv.’i I Miap iK-id .-.jnousiy iuU-flvi .’.i wU;i gariicumg i.'perawoii.s aud our iruoAeia wao *v, re air. ua> saippiag radi.-'iics uad aau p.-as n',ar;j- i'caay lor uie ccute i*.ro not ao iiopeiui as “itiey u.sc to va^.‘’ Jiio. W . lilmiiii, L.sq., of the law iirm oi Geo. VV. illomitOc ib-o.,havu.- fur Aasaviile this Week to o.stat>l;aa a braiico thlice oi Lae lirui in UirtL place. e crai^rai uiUie our A-ashviile irijiuli upon th.s \uiuabiC ucce** feioa La tiicir rauus. “Never nntriy fur wealth.," say.-s « cu- teinporary.— Vou arc rigm, very rig.il-,“iML lemeaiber liiai. it IS ju^t. Us easy to luvc u girl vviio nas a biick uouse wuli a Maiuaru rool'and a siGe«' inuLvi diYor-Ovdl as one wac) ha.’-ii'l aii.u/iihg bu‘an auburn head and All amiabic vtisp’oaiiivai. T' rf Ore.-rivPk* ^nd ; .a.,,..--’.,,. .'.M ^ •th tv>».u profeK'imo. th'’-law. y;«T. n. A. 'Viblo, naKtor o'ri’r Af. E. ' t'dinrch i* in nt^*ivbmco on the Methodi.^t f>ntennisl ai Ka.'i!fh. con'^f' i>m1 ^ Tba Wii?on Ofaruua Txaa«p.'rtatioa Compp.’.y Cigahized ?ntl put in • {F c Zy'.S'- sulij.'Ci. i .Mnv.-U ktiu-N-li fai;t iliat \Vii- tiiire, liiid i. chock full o! ioicrcst soli is t!o‘ •■-'-i-t Ini'll! shiiipiiio ix'iiit on J|.g iii-iUdr. It is oirnrnil at only rail! hirrjiiams of Wilson alone anuam am! is well worth the iiion- ship titlin'- lies oi couon anmtully, luul; .vanress E. L. sVUey, pablUlier. !Vil- as i.'i'fo;-; -sl.iied pay .ab i-it i'i OU.iiOU an- ; g'',,,, ^ (•_ nnaily t- tli" luUeuiui foi-ireigiit. It is a 1 y,'oi. \v, K, Camefon, one of the ablest jiTOV.iai; h 'slness town, and has witliin its iiulib nii.si progr.'sive business men and 111-K"" ■*' to ho fo'iud in tlio btats. 'I'liev !.. hie ca;,jiul and the ■ ■lit to succe'sfuiy cniui.etc , paper in the m--iuov- anc; '..nnlsboio ior the cotton jy,] cainpiilon wiieu 'Vel't.T was '■ ei f.ufiiris sniit'lie.s. With ,,ie0n-d bio.ernnr, and to Ids Iiencliant I'.en ei! si onilio they Onnld sooo.l'e ' ,.f tito glory of that 'ofiEuuJt ■ it I i teude Li.al is now being ..uecess in Bou'l.dde Vie.-i.iia. drive, to tlitse couipoting is:,jeo U.'iLrne'y exposhre of Logs ijan-iss' • C'TI’^ta’ ti’ieUs. v/u V.*''ird iiolbM'g from ' Col. , Lcw^papcr wrhcr.s of tho CM Dominiori. , hies iiguln cnlcrcd the jijuruaiijtic Held, • ! having accipU'd a position on ihe editorial ■ stall'of the IVicr-.biiri^ hi I:x-Aj>fC'd. lie L50W ilT V/4>.'S5ik:^. Vr. .1..T Tbom.n^ h-is pThibU''d \’pW a'ld . M 'b'le r'f>Hr»u Kx (V)f^n I’M in Imth it wt ornnnnn.-'O 1 tUp f’npp^ »vcr Rorn. Th’s U n fb^rMp'd enm- plim-'iit to onr Stnto. and one tb.at- wn r''o wpII proud of ATr. Thoma« is now in Mobile j>nd. wo arc glad to lonrii is making many Kales of the seed. TSB PlUOPIE ENiJORSE AUB SUSTAIN THE KOVEMENT. 2'* •■. ' iToc-sjij-M., d corporation :\i ricii and pnv- , erful aUil\;. iluiinylon Sc WcLlon rail- : road, trly j eialiup I’.^aii M the inicrest of li il.u. Hiid f(')' C-old.-boLo, S. }\alcigh r any o.h? point that can crusii ic.r? We ■ stftic bnihe facts uiul here iaihe proof:' TifO Iduring i-. tlie Uriff on a few of «T3*.3>o»’lr?w to Th.8 ?8rifis.iicncy of tho I-Tow Bop^rthro ah Estahli-ohed Fact. Ti'.i.s is peculiarly an era of ‘hicv.- depart ure-;." In i.oUiic.s iind reiigiuri tho nm- lua has been raging with vlolenci, a id now we M;e it giad'.mlly entering the commercial, , ,,, ^ n, 1 . .1 i. 1 inieicantlie and g'luitil ludusUiMl circles. ZolUP.M...fyhos,d.hto.t.hatpo;niUr,j^^ mUu.'i.l usnU «f ihe growing do- !?t„Mnrd I-ori.ltziT t,s now ol tn^.Uo Uvein, and thnen annors by Messrs Hy y; uolcoino shonUl wo hail, and ra-echo the Co. pnvabla ^nvembor 1st. for -12.,1 lbs. i , i.,,;,.. ofcrltfon. or$.V?.M) in ir.onen’" ‘’h V'*^V t f m at the option of the planter, Those i ont the Irngih a„ breadu. of out wish to avail thein.selvcs of this :cmmlry. Dow n with Iraud and comipticu, vho price of this excellent'yi*! d-atli to it, oyfoniiunt evils, monop- coi'.snlt their interest ly and extortion, is the blazing emblem oi reduction ii Fertilizer bv nppiving early to Messrs Branch IJadlev & Co. i.( ll.'m of y 111 iiraiic.i Mcsin's Jamc.'- T. ( i bb iloUtiirc** A ‘Jn. ,i ui 5 . o. il i i ilii ilcy Co t'o. 1‘iT I'm ilu- a\or;hi-ru vi'ieii on Mi)iicijiy la-t in (pici^l of new goods. Ti Advanl’M will give diie noiice of the m.i ly pretty rhings f!ic\’ will have to ori'er Win-n the gomJ.> airivc. On Friilay, March Jl.-t. ccmimencing 7^ o'clock R. M. llie young g-'u'l.-mim of the Irving Lkcri'’)' S)ci‘‘y, at their oooic fy Hall in tlie-building of riie Wilsmi (jol- Icgiatc Iiistituic, will (1L'CUS> ihe following question: *\V!iic'ihas the szroater mila- «nc-‘ over man, ium*an or m >m-y r" 'riu* public arc r‘Si'cctfully inviU'd fco a:- tO!kd. M’hftt do( R thftt mean ? a Kaidniofo drummer a.s he rmul on a n imh.-rof pihlv- hges in front af Palm n* & Green's yi'.^tcr- dny, “ready for sliipmcnt to Kremont, via “Wilson Overliuid llnntc." IFc W'ould lilte to give Jtfo. T. I’arnes’ explanation in full, but, all the money in town could ?vt induce UR to repeat soin.' of the words med. The explanation however was sati.sf ictory. ‘‘Men Jtre wliat woman makes them"’ is tile motto of OI ir erifcrprising little indghhor. the Dailf/ Topic. Ft iivay be trde, but we have seen so:n’e drcaiinlly poor sp *cinioi>.R of the. maimfact.iired article, wliich reflects badly' either upon tho nJateriai (?r tho maker. After all tlie fuss fri'c* tife article, a pin back i.s ii'v new fashion at all. Ue.3ioJ, 27(K) years ago .said: "Let no fair woman tempt thy sliding mind. g'-iruiont.i gathered iii u' kn’ot b'e- hind." The manv friends of Mr. Richar,] RM- lock will Icani wdth pain and regn t fiif^ painful c:rciim.sfa.‘ioes attem*in,g t!ie death ^ToaiMly In accordance with an order of tho Board of (,'onniy Commiiision''rs, Mr. B.H. Bardin ha- tile Unc betwfum Black '.’rrek and Or esR Kmids tfiw-.iahips. and I'cn- dcr^^o Ins rotvor- of ihe siU'-i -. i'im line as I '••..vbliR’ncd 0 'niUK'".' “'.t •=• wi.'-re a path oro.-.oR t!!'; i.'ia of I>avid id'i -b ;.v. :ii ui!.: :m.,' . i 'h . a-fT to the .'ll.; hrihcc a'.’- -- ' . • w .• ;• a: VVm. M. . - ' : . '.. . ... de .h;. • P-..•lit:;.* liuc-i.slhr transfer ,,f f ■' Aip.ofyrs from ivhudc Crfc*k to •]•.,K- ,, ; 'dv‘--rs. .loc Davis, Horiry Bs.^r. .Jno. *V Gifl'ord. d-rt li-Ahi'-uj. DA.y V. vi a-. iu Raleigh. If i hal W Il-oune's .style, In.' i.- cci'tainiy not, the man to run h Iladicril paper at the Capita', .•ind \vp liavn no idea that the party, or any }.Ui!'t of it wnU phiuk uM'wn the cadi in ai'd of the enterindse. The Siatcfeviile J.andmirk ctmios Lo n.- tin.*- k bdih aiiow head on-and oLht'i\vi«e »ii w.'ore -.’fD-L’ mroiis witli hook the Icad^aj'iicle.s cliaiged by the W. & \V.; \Vo lu-,* gldfl to note the immistakuiiU- of prefeperity in ihi^trmy ftlauiich and able dofeudci'oi the right hi the West. We are gahl Lo h-arn that the Vvuich-Toi£- CT. t he Organ cf the cbnrch of I'nc Disciples, will resume publlculion in Kinston at an early 'lays ■\Ve are gbi l to know that Col. L. L. Rclk, the f lunder of the PoIkLou Anstawn, has resnnu'd editorial c-niirol of liiat paper, ami will onlarg* .a.ml generally improve it at once. Col. Polk is a bold and vigorous writer and In.s pen vvlll nia^orlally aM in the 5UCCC.SS of the Cape Fear seelioii this I'all. Sii.ea Uio niceihig of the Ivkatc Execut.irr! Commi’tco tlie sowing of siu-d for early County candidates .seems to he i;i orihu’. We. iiavc heard of sever.il. w!;o 1u?t« win.-pered in a private way ihfir v\ idingness lo serve “the dear peojiie," but only one as yet who opcmly announces liis I'eadni'-ss f r tlic sac riiioiai alt.nr. ', Uir old fi iei'bl Beu’amin D. Farmw .reluc.antly yield- to tiic importunare d'.nnande of his frieiris. and -shcald he hon- CPL (h mf'crniR of Wibon in Convention as-' sembled. designate lilrn a.s bear r of theCoi- oncr's banner tlirongh t!u* campai.in. lo the IMirtahs (tf sucee.ss, he promU'-s hi.s time and taleiu.s lo a proper adndui.stration of tlie d'.aics of til" i nportUiiL ufllca—'Rnh for [■'rti’UK'r. i »rC5'5’. W2:iIV.J A.s per amiomiCi'inent tiic- i necral of the late Dr. J. II. H'ln.-trad ccurred on Sunday hi't u( the residence of )iis halier, I). W. Wi.isitad Esq. in Nash comny. nine miiCb n.Tih of tln.s j.hicc . T'he day was exceed ingly C'>I i au'.l biu.aery and Liiough maity were doiaiiied from alte.idiiig on liiat a'.;- e«)’iu:, y.-r uie cr-iwd iu atceada .c., uti.n* bereu ar huusi live ii.imhvd pm-tms. 'i'iic : I'uno'ul soiinou was preut'-hed by lue Kev. j. D. B. Cm.! om. of the L'nivcrs.ilist c.iurc.i, utter when iim Ma.-onlc fraieniity, under rhe fti>pkv.' •! MoimingStar Lodge! of Nasi.- viilo ih.' la-t -■•.i 1 t'uii ,r;i1 I'p -s nC tile in-der over t‘0 gra\! of the departi ;l broi.iier. . A snmpiu./ns (linnervrft.s provitled for the entire com{>any i-y INquire ’»Vm-! i-^.,]ucuon blead. and norhiug was left un i me by ciiuc hbei'al aad whole-.souied gentleman to pro mote the comfort of b'xli ioa r And futer man of the large as.semblagepre.-ent. ; ll.c stKi ( aid we fight under. As a ].u>ple, iriisoii eoiinry is peenharly reserved, unobtru.-ive, unostentaliou.s, quiet and p( actable, and noioniy disdain Imt have a^repuguance to any iSm-, schi-ms or new tlepaiuires Uadl?-g oni)’ to public notoriety. ;Thcy are. and havi> been paiienC under aiilictim, self sacrificing and for- beaiing, but when foibcarttuce ot-ase.s to be a ’virtue, ibe spirit of resentment. D qihek and' pow'erful to opposU-ion. 'I'liey seemingly adopt a.s a motto tlie advice of I’ohmiuo.s to I.a‘M’i‘s, “beware of?-nter- aiico to ft q;iaiT*‘l. Vrot being in, boaric, tluil the oi.'i>or-.ei‘mny 1>«*whi'a* ot As a., instaiiet! of ihc above, on !• riday last at ten niinnle.j notice, an «igau- i/alion of bu.-incss men of the town wa.s eiiected f'u the purpose of iv.si.-ting the many (,>ppi'os.siuiis, WK>i,gs, injuries and, hidignUies of a corporation, known as liu! WilmingtoiwVi Weulon raihx^d ('uin- j pany. wnicii b.\ every naunul lit: should ; nave exhibited low nubs \V d.-on a fruriid- I shipa> warm and sub.stanuai as the venom 'and ualred cf the einiiiy it has pioxed ! lo tier eveiy h.UresL. The new d-.paruire ; known U.-I t.hii “VvUsm Gverhuid Trans- I poriatio.i Company,'^ \va.s duly orgaui.sed ! and pul iu operaiion iu twelve hours 1 froi." the mctui'iit ;f its Ineeplion.— I'ihe line exieiids fre.-m B'llscu lo Golus- ! bor«M a driiance of^ iwerfly four mlie.s ami h;i- a sutlicieiicy of U;,k a 5 and roUing .stock lo UMiisport ail the freight shipped to or fj-om this point, d he merchanis ami unujiii.icturers a>.d bnsiue.ss men Ijave wUnout excepiion tiidor,svd ihe moseinstAt an.d oiilei’ed U;e t-ihuinOiL of £ic-j,ut U) Goiof:boio, via *\.oiei:catl City to CiUjiieC' wuh i i.ii Iiue, hit mi ui.l «.f iriij,u( p:LM ai.iT.al';\ at li.h (.;( pi i ij- it* tne ncigoboiIiooti m yibi.q'rJU, ami would tiv ai iea-l oue-rinid im.ie but for ilie un- jU't Ui.-.crimmario.i by um r-!.ir,).il au- Lmulttes Uj^aiii.-it lison .'.hippier.-:, Wiiicli tiiiv .;s) trade lo it ueig i an.l G-U'i .m.jro. A lai'ge part of liu- amnurit ritielofore pa;d lo a loreign ooipuaiion wilii'-n.\ iv- uniui at lu.me junl lh:U fimcii thereby added cnouiatiun. Cl ins pu’ma.e.-n'ey, 1.0 i’ea^on to doubt. pi’i.>uiinent laimer and caoilulbi of ihis place is reany LoS ait i.ext week lo Keutueky,lo lunci.asc -i,.'.!y imde.-> aduilional. Tliepre-tut capac ity 01' fcixti'en ilouble vvagtms is ta.xod to Liieir ULiiio-i, and uinte the fanner ami ni'.’reiiuiiL are .-aving lliiny per cent by the ia fiXignt the c-.impany is being raiiroadLr 1 Gol'i.-boro and Wilsjn, and eve ■■yiiiiifi'fjsu is in proporiioh. Co'fjor?. ■ a B'lion to Now York fi-To per. bale. Froi Ge’lihoro to New York $l.o0 It,004. I Fi::h Rdflmorc to TFilsoa 60 cts. psr Lai-rti, \ iToni Bdtinx’i'C to Goldsboro .25 Cts .per barrel. RokK. ! From lilioj to Briksfni $1.GS per. barrel, IToru iim. to Goldsboro 40 Cel.'?, pur banfil. , ■ Bacox F nan l-'i’cm cwt. NaID9, From Uloiijoud to JFilsou iO cets. per Vcs. ! ■ tri'J to 1 l;ali| to n'ilsnn 50 cefs, per Cwt. Goldsboro 15 ols, per ' Goldsboro 20 ets. ‘ From I-ali.^n Vvil-on ^1,7') per ton. " ■ " iGoldsboio " From liih'io IFik-oii per barrel- u u ]u Q-old.-boro 70 cts. “ “ Be it rc‘in.)|ierftd that the Goldsboro freight pjusrjj.- IFil-ion and U transpor ted a d'isUij'ir./f'iu-adyJour valesfariker. Lt> h'K CO>iTlNf .t:D.) rr— The irttchlroir of our readet.' is eniTiestly called to the follow mg uuvv advortisun>cnis wliich apiAnu- fo-r the first tiiiu; in tire AD VANCE of to day. "Notice'’ loLitenial llovenu'e tax- ptiyers by Ck)]. Powers, the colieetor. It would be V. ell to have v our lionsc in order before life dcpiities aie around. Dr. Gravu.-i,-’ cotton planter is again offer-' er lo tiinm-ili i no “iu‘w fangled nnt- enine.*’but haR stood tire te.st of time and experience and tire funn :rs cverywhore say Ills almost imiispen-ablc on the farm.— Novv is tile lIiu : to supply yoiuvself. p.ud mUKisonieiy on liie. inveSimei.t. h'c migh: proccetl aU liOiami deluiliug ihe ina.iy ioc.Li au»amages aiiordu».i by ihu “lie -V dep’r.rLure," but. as lliev are so oiear and appmeiiC lo eve^}^'^>ue, we ua.-s to the causes liiaigave ihsu lo llic movuuiciU’and al tlie same lime support lire ciiuige.-ligaiiusl Mie \» uniiiigton & ^'(.hioh rufiroad,' (f oi prc.-^sion, extortion, uiijust discrinuuation ami jiKlignit) lo our people. it IS no iicw’’ thing. Fur tiie past tun years \N'ii.?un mts been an es pecial ubji cl- oi oimitiy, .-pit,: au-tu-f-Cred of the railroad au- tiioiiu^s. ^\hy it wiisso. we were at luss to eoiijecture, anti now, we don't care.— A ?m.-cinbie pig «ry of a shaiilv, fhat th.-graecs tire name of warehouse, and would no: be pf-rniiiied a.s av.oou .shed (.11 any oiiie.v rahroad in ihu buiLe,is ealiud the Vi il- sou d.'poL or W'arehouse, AiuI tiioiigh every ollicer, from Rrusideut down has been pc- Uuie and time again to erect a Tu;R(lny Ii't v\».s one of thoKu hlu-iteiring, March dayse-peci:iily -nili.'d fm' a fir.st cla-s lire sen.'ftiioi!, aad w« l.t ! it. o'chooit in tlie afteriuiDii the Imlls peeisd forth ihy alarra.wliieliM fine id i.p by the boys uud soon tije te;ui \va.s in a blaze of the must frennird cxcltL-imnit. The boarding iioiiPO of Mr. .Jas. Davis, formerly the Wilson Ho* tel. we.- liii; scene of the fire, 'rhe c.''>)rTnl rushed jiell-arell into lire bidding where tfiey fijund !.;i up-tair- ro;in, used I’-s a bsu nsnu for ihcboys of .Ur. Davis' fain.Jy, iii a full blaze.' T'iic bedding was at once removed to lire street and the tire was out. Cp-'in ihiiij-f \ve a^^certained tluv? tire room wa.v v>.]y oceuj)ietl by lire boy» wiio (guallcs. ft'-riuin Wijiit therein during tire' d-i/ dure,and no fire \v.^spermit:ed in five room At all. But it wa. vy.-v evident that fire had U'cn ntroduce;! that oav, ?;ul‘in our private opiidon till',);; 'll the medium of a *hoi-t •'•u.m J ip’i. h V..4X ivieed r, narrow cRc.apo imm a veij dhz-tnn'-; general cuiUlagra’ion, vriuoh WH.- only avt-rted by lire probiptnes-'^ on the WiSseia CoUej^e.—HSoIl of 5Imor — Xlic fallowing students rec-ted fivc- sbtihs of their lossons pei’Iecllj, aitd rc’eived no demerits dnriifg the week ending IMiu'ch 18th, 1570 ilisscs Cynthia Tull, Varina Woodard, Alice Bines, Mamie Blour.t, Manoni King, Olivia Waters, MolUe A'ourig, Eva Oettinger, S.aliie llurfin. idintri.'i Green, Mary Harvey, Mary Otumady^ Katie Wo'idard. NeUie Edgerton, Frila Hackney, jdary Lily Kenan, Mfttlie Noble. Miltis Reaeock, i>I.uid Barnes, Lula Ricks. iLujUne Blount. Lul Gay. Elfie Jones, i’'amv.e Jone'^, Lucy Lirile, Mamie WUiinms, Hemretta Hnlloclg AdduodialiirL Addic Uatdy, diLimie Thigpen. Minnie Wiggins ^L’pa Bra'-.ch. RoFard. Bebocc:! 'VNHggtnSi iXattie Brev.cr/rJugcnia Cox. and Lucy Reniler; Win. E. Warren. Charles Aycdck, Sidney Alle3/, Wm. Dukes, Howard, James R. Tljigpen, Jr., Bardin Aycock. Jas. Wm. Hines. Charles ,H. Latham, Jr., Willi^ Himsfi. Joseph Dauieis. Roclolph DufFy, Jivs. ’A m. Hays. James Lipscomb, Saimml Waters, Dred I'eacock, Jamo.g IL Barnes, John Gardner, Herbert Rountree. Henry E. Liggf?, Haao G!ie»‘nutt. Vernon Moss. Wm. MurrilL John D. Goi.L J. J. Rittmau, Thomas Yelverton. lR>scoe Briggs, iJiloses Farmer, Sterling UuiRn. Leinster Du%. Frank Danlcli 'Fiihnjre Uoanie, J. M. Z-iniub J{)hn II, AycocU. Jaincs IIii- luird. Oscar Farmer and Alexander hers li.aro cnnff!dyrat‘'cl to bi-ing thieves to judgment, find rcfonii the government lion. W. 3i. Robbins will dudiver the Annual addreis btToro tfjo Li’ergry gocie- tiies of tVako Forest College rfi tho June Coinmencenrent, In the Rocky Mount s'ctlon tho f.arTuers are said to be lncrca''iii g Lire C-orn acreage and will jfi-aut as inue'i cotton us tirey can after getting in a full crop of the former. "Ibir,’'.ssi'J Vrs. B-'lk;u]7, “if I hare •iimlod, rfniers have doubly sinned; !f I :ua gulliy of crime*; ctlicrs aiv: gmlty of double crimes." That’s Uisbiy-s-j. Let's h.ave the name' I The B:;T>ii?ts of Norlb Ctti-ollna hav? 100.'lO-') member-*, while ftuil ColvTcd, 7*’0 ^‘hurch *-s, and IjO 23 stu-Ionts , for ll.o jni>.r.'=tvy are lu i.hv!r aumliiarres. I Fitly pony."'i ;; "-s ; by two Rocky Mount- and iiuc r-iiH day L'>( wuck. and the ..RaVZ m. ’Vi tiiHt the dcunand for fi'hing taclr'C ha^ been firm and getive in that burgevur“iuc-^. Raleigh has org-vii,-5‘.vl micih Insurmre.) C'-'mi-'iiiiy cf Widen Arm-tead Jones \z Rre.s- idcMit. Dr, G. W. Blac’Knali. trua.-uivr and R. \V- Best, Secretary. It i:i a lire Ceiupa- n. y and will lie known as the Southern Umleiwvi'lturs Atsotfiatlon. "Some cuTcrpri.dng new.spaper reporter iias dislcovered tii. t the wiie of It. II. F'ami, Jr., our new inhiLter lo England. U a third co’u-in of Rrosideiit Gi'.aut. Thu next qu-s- tiou wld bit, is the wnfo of Secretary 'Taft remotely related to the Presiduut or any of the Fresiuet-'l’S reljttivcsF’ The Johnston tomicr man has stHrterl a C’iriosily shop, comm;?;icing with a mar, ny tire name of Young J. Strichlaud, who has a large family, n-uver w'oiU to church iu his life, never voted, and never drank a drop of liquor. The cur'ions part hi the last sranzs, and a JvhnsUm county man 'vvitii it. By a recent docUion of the Supreme Court, the jiuigoment of the Court below 1ms been affirmed in the case of the State agiinst Elms Powell, from Edgecombe, and unless the Governor interfere?, his life wili pay the penalty lor the murder of Mr, Co hen,,it U'hitukuis. last year He will be rcbCDtenced t;t the next TarVjro Court. NEW AijVERtlSE.'iiiis'TS. ■p E U S O X A L . A young gctuleman a^ecl 21 y«.ara, good looking, of sober and in-'luftrinus habits, i good U'bieafi..::, ungageii in a respectable business. wUli slim c;nital but auffic.ioaS muscle to make a g.xul support, desires lo Krrespond with a yon-ig Ui/ oMucelU- gencs .ami good po.FiUon In society-wUh a view to Mntrimony^ Rhotejn-apbs and rcL erunc;s erclungcd. Addruei “Earnceri* lo-:;k box; 120, Wilson NL C, U. * FULCHER’S Is tl'.s place to buy vonr FR'CXTr. & COXf'EO'J'IOXERIErt, t'AX.N'XKO GOODS. NOTIOTS, XIC XACKS AND F A N G Y GOO i> S-. MARRIED. To AitItc 10-Da I i, ful! iiiiu anrl well a,3orte:l Stock of L i C] T1 O X‘ s» Cmnpriiing in part a superior OLD KYii WiUSKF.Vfor Jlailio.il use; ASSORTED BEA.VDS of WIUSKIKS. XA'IIVE A IMl’OHTJiO WINES, IIXROU fEI) VI1--M X.* LAUKR BEEB nil'OllTEO LOSD'OX ALB &e,, &c., &a„ The nttuntion jf families i? e=pccUIIy called to my stock of canned good?, dried and green fruit.q meats &e, winch are kepfe ire:dpby regular semi-weekl)'’ arrival';. My stock is bought from first, hamls afe low prices lind are r.'dd accordingly--uxy' nlotto bcUlg ‘•‘Live and iut Live" Reurembe-r tiie place, 'Parboro St., twe doors cast of Branch, Iladlcy & Co L, a. FULCHER, Feb-25-3m. 0 LD THI'.GS MADE NEiV. r>y a tTpographiC!-,! ouiGsion 'Uie iiami-3 cf iliasos Xacora King anf! Haitie Bsnie.a were Oft out of last week’.a rejici’t. aECi'iCfr-i a.s., ysr:\vm. IilX.I.lAivD5TPN. By J. 0. ILv-ner, Esq. at the residence of Mr. \V. S. Bachelor, the bride's lather, in Nash county, ou S'aiiday ttie 12Eh ih-it,. Mf. A. L. Barne?, a meni'rer of the Honorable jiunuJ of C'oiitilj Cci'utn.'isdioijurs,- to Mi'.ss Arkansas Bachelor. The public should renrenibcr that J. R- Clemeuls is better prepared lima escr alhiii DYE ING E-ST A tlL IS U ME NT o dye clothing cf all kinds any color red. At a very suiall cost 3 onrold clotliing /.•ill bo chauged'to a fresh and fasbouRhi** color, J. B. CLEMENTS* 'xqjlX door to T. B. GUii-iua,, Ob StCai' — - - - - - Ou Friday the lOrii iasr.. .Mr. L. T. Braut- ley. a worthy and respected eitueu of Fer rells township, Nash County; Consmi yom- family physician. Ho will tell .vou there is no hettcr leuiedy known fo!* Dyspepsia a'nd Liver Coioplaiat than “Dr. M'ade's Liver Corrector." |/4iri id 1 ire citi". '---' b' an.'Wi-r tlie ftlarm; j The Bnckel fiA Compv^iiy, yet ^ ;j hs reb:iL on tb.j, ocwn-iiin , Ii'.'il "oil 1,-r i.S'.it >--p'i-:tUi)iri for till; noJ iuU'Uiiklily i-x. j iiibiled, I The lij'3 v;st-i'iH-d by liic fire was light to Mr. I .-tvis -out tiic sc.'-i '■ 'rt' camiot .;Ji ak s« 11,'hily (J. too,!)?.? iunl ii iu the £Tr*a in 5;. VliiMre wood.s bu:,’.ve. are ghtd to know with le^8 di-a-ter lU-i her less fortuuftte neighbors ‘-^rt'^-b'dv day, the fire ii tha wuud.-> i:i:o Wibon, iroin Johnston •DU.it a iA.'.-?v‘d rspidly in aSmit'n east fiirectio;! ^ug’.i Spring Bill towui-Iiip.— Tire eith.'.T i unvd out cii m/irse to snppn'!-? the IIt.v eJfneiiLhu! co:iM only ?ucC'“ed in Fo 7*?>f5—?77e v:eather-—Fr>'lt prospects fiUmpH—rxeUemeni Lano,nj the ne ^roes. ■ ^, HiLLiAP.DSroN March 22nd 70. Eds. 2idvance i Thongli I bavo Jiot written in two weeks yet.evt'u now,I f,ui 7,'iUioiit uiat.e* rinllbr a nows ietter. '‘lTig snow s’.orm of Sunday night will retard riu'uung operations sorne- wluit in this suction.but not to the farm ers detriment, AS they are’«o far ad vanced. it is a foregone conclu.sion that the unit crop 1^ an enlirc railure,a3 no one believes Ibat tlie hiicls could possibly resist tiie freeze of Tuesday nigiit. The Mumps or some other jaw-ing complahtt has iuva'iod the i^rocincts ot R'.,'tt!ty Aluunt and “tied up" the jaws of most of the young folks . ■ Tiierc is great excitl^nent among A TOAST. T'wo Important Di^covl■l•ics! The dUcov- er\ of America by Colnmtrjs, and^ Dr. FiiU'ce’s GohLn Medical Jhi-cow-yv; lire one openiiig up io umnkma n new CDurinent, the utirer a fnuntaiu d‘ b.enUli, wbioh i'i~ dhpensabhi to the full enjoyment oflife and i;s bles.dngs. In response to the above rentinreut come the unsolicited aitesiaiiou.s of tens of titousund? of g:rar.Dfiil pa)ivuG, who li-.ive been relieved of clm-nio aiimenl.- U.r..'ngh iL' ia-tnunenlalit'u TTi(I^e voice? ar- limitc-d to one locality; but fro.m every ;ity, Tillage, and hiunlet, in opr bn.ad do^ in:::n. us well d? rroi'.i other clhnes, and In tlie like the ci‘iil'i;s''d umnmirt'f m-rny waiors, come m.feriired and liem-ty connaendniion?. It I-*. in C'MTihTriiaiiDU with the Hlea-'ant Ibir- (lepnrator .'f tire DOW^K! DOWN!! DOWN !'l Still Downward. If there U ft bottom tn thA cnfvrkei for GilGCElirEH, PROVISIONS, FARM AND F.-VMILY SUPPLIES GE-NEK-ALLT, I am detarmiued so find it. and hereby pro pose to work it out ou that Uuc. If it tako.^ me all tire Summer. . Having just received btrge aildUiona to ray Ge-.'.eral Stock, I am prepared to ofi'or at rile bottoui prion. . Heavy Grocoriea . ccd Farm snpnlioa 7cnei'?iliy embracing; standard Flonr.-i, Meal; Bulk and Bacon SiiouMers a.id Sldce; Can* va«sed «nd North Carolina Hmfip Fiah^ Salt, Sugari. 'Mola»b'‘S, Cofl'ee occ., tko. My fctcck J Family GrocerLi -nibrft're5 the purest standard gO'K!:^ of ''verv dOf’Cvitv t.ioii. Canned Good.? in ea'l’-iii variety, smoked mea’s dried frtur.?, Gilt edge Gv>- slioii Buttei' i;c., Sf,c, LBcioOIiSILIQ'UOIlS't I range ntti'i’anc'.--? of fi):'v.dgn tongue.-,; mg eN‘i.. 1 „,,.t ^ - agent for me cele.breited Tho largest stock in the county ombraiy >,,iade and variety. I :iru solo "me ceii’.breited AppIewcoJ, and Plea-ant Run lii amL? - J Old Rye Wliiskry.?; tliat have stood 11)0 lest of medicsil c.xpe-rU entivo I^eilvis, the great depurator .'f tiic ; mid by tlieni proiioui.ced Under it.*^ lieiiigh acii'.m en'.ption-t etis- iGJP.F AFtiJ OyADbLThix-ATSDc exce.?.rive waste i.? cliDClre-d. .tlie Brown s Biliiard iuiil wkI sample? rooms ■ titioiied i.-^put down a-tin; U-a.iiug pleasure rchort |‘uuilding iiiat would at icu.-i protect fr-ight ■.*f tire i.jwu a ;! w. !uve no reason todmbe ' iVuiu lire weuti'er, yet llio pclhi)ns have contcuqit. l)"'-inse lh--;\v; a g fi-Uow, worllVy i been answ*red only witii Of lii? little ?on.- Frank.- which nCeui n-i |f--di-e.?s and deserves ; ttiri\ lug here on the night train W7‘dncsday night. The litle innooent.-on-j Hi--rDmie-treat, comfortu-, are put ofi' the caWs ai a drit-anee of two iy 3^ year? of age' was in the field wh-er' ordered, and hU sEucX is | hundred yai-ds North of the depot iu a ' a- repre.-eiiU-d. Iditcii, sonretiines knee deep in stagnant- Tire quarterly statement of the First; water. Even the town auLhorltie-s liave X.atiuuai Bank of Wiison, exhibiting it?' appealed in vain for the suppression of finaiK-ia] condition, transaction.?,for the pa-H ; Ibi? dri gracefn] mii?ai;ce. If an employee quarter, »pt»-ars tiiis isru^. w-.rrrtv:d A- tltis sfefiwv ^ fire farm hamis wer'- at work, and being near a chunk of fire his clotlnug caught ami wci*e burned from his body before aftsist- Anceooiildreaclii.ini. lie lingered only a #*w lH?(>r3 wlKna hb roIk»f. preveniingk. cuiLUimnication to huildlngs. ' ^5,^ tliH ■ sectioa in rcguril It spread vd'..h gi-yat lapidity ilirough the ' uiKUscfA'OreU country, from iorcsis, wUn daiiuiging efibet to liiub'er and bvOumo no IruvcHcr rern'rns." iu S(a)ie io'cuUties.b'n'uiiig feucos. Thi-; fire "(t, has h(?en “Oi'iitfcd" to Ihein by some oiigiiifttcd at Ih-ulalq John.ston county.— phrophetic wise acre who has iieard In unotitei'I'cciion of F>-,i-i[ig Hill towiis'aip. that it talneri fie.'?h in Kentucky two on tiro pHiimtii'ii ot Mr. ^ViIey M'nlson, weeks ago. that the end of lime comes coal-from a b:hb^>cne pit. set fire to the o'n the 2nth iusN Tl'.e negroes believe fodder and siuuk stacks, and from it and .uvo making every necessary tlu'iicc spread to the woenb. For si*v- j-jreparation tor tlie event.—J. 1'. H. vral mile? lh> lire -wept throregli the foia'Sl. ' da.'iroyiiig limber and fcnc?s and w as arrest- ed nC'iir th^ u.I Cross Roads town ship. In towushij) on (ho ?anio' day tiiC fire brolv“ out.MiLhcpM:?iitatioii of .'apr. Whitehead and laking a Seut-i ea-ierly course raged v/ith great fury throughout j the day aie! mght. Tire free ftcimol iiousc for wiiile children was burned and ‘‘ building.*: of Mr. Wm. Barnes narrowly eS-' Tiie mumps is at laige appear, . . nerve.? afe streugtireiv.-d. .and IrealUi,- long bairislred frnm the system, resume? lier reign and re-estabiiM)-j.- her ms/are throne upon lire cheek. .-Ml who have thoron,-,idy tested i!..s vituie.? in the diseeS’ foi‘ wliiCi it. is ivcomnn-nded nrrilo in pronouticing U rhe groat .Medical Uiscovu-y of tire age. MAY Ai'F EiU ihL.WT LNiS iTEKSCT kteeiy Colt’s pistol is a Xortl) (JaTolina inveii- tion. I Tho Financial panic in Englaiul is t:ni- ble, I Tho Radical majority in Xc'.v Ilampsliire 'pit Tostiii Froiii_niaii Asitiefit^ Tjbkauy on CoNour?::?. 3VAPiaxCiToN', Feh. 17. ISVnr Wncre'ftev proof? froni tho Cmigrcs.sional rVmting OO.ico embody tho innovations upon Ehgii-h ortiiograiihy which Webster intro bleed', tln-.y ate invSriithly returned with correction? re-‘oring the e.etablij^lred spelling; c? repre?cnted by 3Vorcester ^nd tho usage of all great English writere. Verv ResjiecififilT,' A. K. -POFFORD; Librn:'ian nf Conijrmi WIIi.TKiES A\D iiRAN'l)I£3 OF ■vAlUi,-i:S (JllAUKS, KUM. Gia, CIDFR. Xativ-o an-,1 Imported Winca, Imported Ales, Porter aiul Ik-cr, and AIo on a il-a'-lhid. . , , , Kemi-nibcr tliat Ilarrlss’ is t.ic ri^tto for il.ai'ii'ains and prices f.ir (Jroc.-ries—ana coud'.ict your piircliitscs aceorliii.-ely. IMMENSE SIJGCE3S. i0i>0 m\v subscrlbcirs evoi-y wee noi.iiiant,-of me "iioopidb’ paj)- SeAxamKO ibvSNKH. t4'-a y*ire. - iire-U’aUid.' {' ic.-tifj to fh« 1-;” TliO “.STaU I hivjre 8 pGce, id c-'D-mii pap-:’*-. lUu-Li-auia.. ami lUlorl wiili clia.-iiiiire'su^rii'^.. Ulo«. ire-eui--, wit, hum r,.aid ti-i-.-e c-(jiuu!U.' (liivouul to us • iresuos t -.iner 01 fc'-lre-o-n-oiT timv, Jr i.s a ••limn'y triMul.' and a c. inVi-re Uiniiv eap-r U '^FOUU DANNr.K for TIiom) an* %; oitch. sre* are'Bc-auues. ail mouniecl nruty to -r _i j-unP Kpaucr, Y>.u want ;-ae Baiim-y, to-, r, .. .. cost? verv Hint', onb 7? cnnhi ;i y.'di : -. r-^pS' ■ /- ill.00 lor jjiiiK'r ;md tour beaiiuful ‘ - ' ent 7)r!-i>aid. b‘m r)’.r*'» lUc-s. li-r o.-.,, .0 ik/ Try It one*. Sh-ad for sample.., or y'-r. J c.»a-.* ;it.d roctiv* iti 3 moiiil's. A-dlr»»f^-r. i?/i.N.VEa CO.. iliut.J-fif. N. B- caped desti't-Ctinn. 'I ire lo::.? i‘'i'‘Ces in this tuwnsitip wns greater tlia’’ of any otlrer jjoint. Thh fire fxteiidn’d iifie Edgecuuibo ceiiuty anl burn ed the gin lK>u.?e and otlier property of Mr C. S. Braiwell. Ill YJison fown.riiip, C.apt. Joe Davis of thi-place.wA? tire principal sufleret. having nccejit the nnmhjarion for the ofiico i lost a conriderablc quantity of ct-ivi wood, , ,Siiperintcnd(;iii'- of Public Iin truciion. ’tiinh-r.-KV.dfiinciu^.. i Jf-j * fc-cn3(,d(.TfH« We ra'rui.'- “i)i8 Be«t Auth-ority, Worcester’s Lttrga Cictioiiary.’’—Hon. CHAS. SUiAifSS. Museum of C'omfnrafive Zoology, Cumbritlge, Moss., Jumf mil. iSlfi. , I iiavolonp '-on;.i(ft'rcd“Vyn--Cf'-iter's i-Jn.-ir- Ex President Eolicrfs of Liberia,formerly Trioiinnary’' superior to'any other woj-k a Petersburg Va. negro,is dead. j of its kind. Indv youi;s,^ Col. S. D. Fool has po-tivnly refused to of in, around, and ; about Rocky Moiint. I-lchviii Bootli clcarcl 452,00-d ’oy ills South- rn starring tour. LOITS AftASSW/ Fer sale by Book Sellers ge-.ieral!y, BJS81WKS5 & 'ris.e-hS'ro:,-, H^osiou. lapriait 13 Jaisri P L A X T A TI O S It IGIITS F O ,R 1-ARJi.ER'S GOTTOM ri.O’.V Fob Sa7>/ at I'almeb & Gkee>-’s II.-J’.DWAUE S'iORE. Plows furnished on reasonable terms and at short noliee. IVOODAKP Thoma.s, Agt. for IVilsorfCounty.- Mihsii IT.