}'uviii;4 )L-Ued h-ts t’ I-;-!,I i, : ^ut fi littlo nwrc cxtraordinai'y JoliH, "for you have tw) licr. ••rfi>\v \ ,)U ri!;i!v(* 1110 Iic.;i*is‘r" i. ;v - one ho siioiiltlfr-v rmdyoujuivo Hit’ on tij(j iiuiK.i qiiostioh/’ A (^rauviUo oonnf.y. Xorth CuroUna, I revivall't clowii i!io banuisters of i his puloil in order lo * iJh'stratc how An exchange iLo readers how ! the people w/uit on ba'.'k-jlaling. to mind tlieir }) s in the iuIiowii)g| Olive L(/gan thinks that women don’^^ paragiuqdi; '’Persons who patronize! say enougU in tiicir own defense.— lja[»ors slv'uld pav jiromptly, for the pc—,■ ^ hey are t-aikiiig uti t!io time, and arc cuniaryprospectlof tl.e press i.eve r. traUng a’eouUhemselves. JU;u, ^ ^ ^ t to blame. 'ii«hin-cr forward peculiar power in public prosperity. printer A rogue lately advertised that for $1 he would send to liny address a haiul paid promptly, and Ins pocketbook j ^oine package contahnng tOO presents, kept plcthoncr by prompt i)ayi’'g pa-1 hhu.di package turned out to be a paper •- 1 •' • i • i trous he-puts his pen to ids paper in peace,his paragraphs arc niorc pointed, he paints his pictitres of passing events in more pleasing colors, and “of^ir. is a ple^asurv' ^peOpT^ i\'i'0- tin'-; jiiaar? cyj to. }n-overbial i)!i}I»o8ophy iji some place where all person.s can perceive it. .\arc3Uks, Sleep produred by narcotics or so- called Rcdativos. says the London LaiLCHt, is poisoned. Their use gives the persons employing them an attack of cc.rebal congestion, only diiFcnng in amount, not in kind, from the condi tion which naUirally issues in death. There is grave re.oson to fear that the real nature ofthc operation h.y which, these deleterious^lrng.s, one and all, bring about the imconsciousiicss liiat burlcsqtjcs nalur^ul sleep,is Ic'St siglitcf, or wliolly misunderstood, by those v/l'.o i:ave free recourse to pedsons on the most frivolous pretenses, or with none .save the exigency of morbid habit’. Great^rciponidbiiity rests on medical practitioners, and notliing can atone for the neglect of obvious duty. Ol plus. A Chicago man has not been bother ed by his wife to get worsted for her ducelho morning he appeared pleased vlo such !^i errand, an ^ \:q ^ > ^,ngaging toi}lc(( r/i(‘ woi-.stoi^ cr>ini(-.‘r. ‘‘m3 ^ LVOV'".L i in'jfcjT'.cidentally j lady who! WliiJewaslh The following recipe for wliitewash sent out by the trcisury department to all tlie light house keepers, makes an article that answerfi on wood, brick or stone nearly as well as oil paint, and is much cheaper : Make a half bushid of uushihed lime with builiug wa'ier. kvU'plng it covered during tlie pvoces Srrair) it. .and adtl a pec/c oi’ salt, dis .s dved in warm wafer, three /);)un;]^ of g:Mimd rice put in boiling w.'.icr a::-’ bodcii *' a thin paste ; half a [)oufid of powdered Spaulsh whiling and apeumi of clear glue, dissolved in warm water ; Hair a pound ofsiiofc judicionsiy ad- ministerovl to sympathetic cats, at this season of the year, will boar fruit in increased hours of slumber throughout the summer, and have a teiidenc}' to prevent a corner in the chicken market. I She w'altzcd like Juno at the hop ; I vowed the r|UGstIou t would pop; and as her pai’tner tendered Ikw a seat; my throbbing heart with anxious pang did beat. T tripped beside my lovely charm ; I bowed and gently touched her arm. ‘-Kiigagr-d for next?’’ I said, "my darling Kate?’’ "Go ’way.” said she, "you lutm\' vaccinate.” A Nortii Carolina negro though!, ho could outrun a locomotive the other day Oil the Air l.inc Loach when he l>;ciicd himself iqn after l^oiiig thrown twenty feet and landing on his head, ho said : ‘'Yer don’t ketch dis yer chile doin' dat agwi. It's a riglit simrt won der I didn't tear dose britches clean o;f.” The largest .stcck in the county embrac ing every grade and variety, i am soh- agent for the eolehriitcf! Aiqdewi'oJ. ami Ph-asanl Ib.in brands of Oid Ryo WliMo-y-^ that liave stood tiiiitest of rncdiisil expori..-- and by them iirontiuneed PURJ3 AND UIsADULTl^RATEB. AvmsiciEs an:t) rranoies of VAUIorS ORAOES, RUM. GIX, V > .V CiDER. Native and bm])(/rted fViUce, Imported .Ales, Porter and Beer, and Ale on a draugiit. llomcinber that Tfarriss’ the i)lacc foP Uiirgains and Low pi'iCes for Groc:*ries—and Conduct }mur pui’clniscs aecoj-dingi v. W- J- ilflBiiiSS. ^v i!oOil, X. C. lion, Kefiip P. I);,Mle, President, F. II. Cmneron, Viee-President, IV. U. Micks, Secretary, Dr. I'l Purljo Ilaywooil, Medical rector. Dr. W, J. Eoyster, Assistant Medical Director. J. P,. Batchelor, A.ltorney. O. II. Perry, Prof. E. lii Smith, Advisory Actuary. ADVISOF.V BOARD FOR WILSON COU.NTY. fl'. D. Rountree. R. P.. Cotteii, J. W. I'rovuill, J. J. Tiiomas, F. A. Woodard, W illie Daniel, ]M. Rountree, II. 0. Whitehead, S. P. Clark, .J. ,T. Barefoot, A. ft. t.h’('f>k?r, le. "W. P.anics. G. W. Blount, ii.G. il;iaiu5, tV, J. iiarrisa, W. il, Gaj-j S; Masaell, J. D. Weils. ' OPPJC'PES; WALSH Y V Ol'iCS, .Sycamore Street, PKTi;iis:nuii>, va. MA.NTl'.VCTUI.'KH Ol? MOMOMs«Ti!& 5AY53I0SSS Ol Lvery Do.-.cription. M a .m 110 J T-3. YOUNG- Asent, 'Mi.bO.NR.C HoTTEldjF™ All yoji rtiAt are siifleriue somctijiiig to eat, stop at for the want of W. I). iloUntreei G. TV. Blount, - A. G. Blocks, - H. G. AViliiams, F. A. AVoLidard, - L. A. Stith, - - - - President. - A’’ice-iTcsidcijt. •• - - Secretary. - • - Autoruoy Medical l‘>ramiucr. ■me I I (#;aasa'j : ; i'lKRB.VT JTB.AJS. ^7 Tliere arc ten widoWvTwn thG Uniteii States Souiite. Tlic ilon. A. II. Stcpiicns is now re ported as gradually rccovoidng. The Uon. l.Ici.ster Clymer. is a wid ower,‘and thc! handsomc.sL man in yun- grcsS qt forty years of ng-o. There are eight c.jiorod in Bvl.l.’uh. moiTiber.s of the Aaiional C/ ,u' and but one Aimnnau, '.viu»i>e ^ v. Gu. lave Sc'ivlL.’i'jhor. >•1 A Jk;k.„/Ca-cl'opi '-uSnr- m f' lC'ULt urong out to .-.m'.: .• .-l Tc>- look llic coal edf L-..u! a ■ deal (d- hide with |t, G-ui. Bi'a.vion ilr.-' 'g, with priau- ineiit jUirtii;;; iVo.a ALddile, and Aii.sLiu. 'i'oxa.s, is endeavoring to ostahllsU an SI frrsxj B es © «s 4? i / to : o ■ GliiY ' ^ PI.A r )j i! \ ■rq GREAT PEDDOTION IN PRICE. ONLY -r? epi'L,;. 30. mix these well togothcr, and let the exteusiv-e colony in AVeslern Texas. ndxturc stand for several days. Kcc-p the wash thus prepared i.t u kettle or portable furnace, and when used put it'uii as hot as possible with cither painters’ or whitewash brushes. rv*j "r 11 Afler. ilic third week iu April.dames Gordon Boinclt v;il\- luave some one to place a light in the window for him, a.nd will cummenco to be us happy .as he can. Mi.s.-} hTcliie Marshal McAfoe, a daughter of the laic Humphrey 3iLar- shall, of Rcntiicky, made her debut on the tfi’ofessional dramatic stage at Louisville on Saturday evening. The Academy of Medicine and Sur- e:ery, St. Petersburg, is attended by 171 wouicn and girh, 102 of whom are of titled birth. They mix hunnoiii- ously witiitiie other sex-in the dLssect- ing rooms. U is noticed by travelers that South Americans are pulling on more style ., ,. ,T T 1 liuLu they used to. They now dip the thought of the Vest Indian wood, and thumb and foi-c-fin,ecr into the heat- Origin of jialiogAiiy FuruUnri'. About the eighliteenth century a AW'-^t India eaptain brought some ma hogany logs as a ballast for his ship, ami gave them to his brother, D. Gib- bons> an eminent physician, wl'so was then building a house. T'he wood was thrown aside a.s too hard for the work men’s tools. Some Lime afterward his wife wanted a candle box. The Dr. out Oi that the box wuis made. Jts color and polisii tempted thc Dr. to have a bureau of the same materl.al, BSS33 FEETI FOB, LIZEsji IN USE Owii)g to (Ik* .'Stringency of the time?. J ^lavG I'c.UiC'."! llic price uf Briive.tj' Ootfon Pimt’-er {> $i'5, 'i'h;? p!;t!ii.T need-: no r''eommcn-.h't;on vvlnu'O it lddC in: roiba*-'!, 0\er thriH: Inindrcd imve in.-cn ;-;old in t !.I; county, ar.d cmirc Mit,i.-»[;iciio:j given in v\- ei-y case. A'i t-) its great o.onvfrikn'.r* and ocnnoniy, I IVier to (li'0'“ V, hi) IhIVi' I. -I d it. SvGii o.n-i Ite snv.'ii 'V i):i Idantor wb'i- mi: (no cn.jtimimy of rnbhin.g and ii sorv-'i wllii, g’.L'.d reguhulty and [.roci.-ioii at !.h;‘ rale f.f Tro.n 1 :o 7 inislivl- per nei'c. It opens, sow,'. a".d covers at llu* sanu: time, llins siuimz ‘rl.y) to per chvy. (.tnano (ai,n ai' Lin- '-Aub.- linm with tin* see.!, and aiji'c I'Cg'id.irl.'V' in aiiV ot]:T Way. An_»- information onn be obtain.od by ad- (’rc,s.--i:i;; • j'.T. GRAA'K.d. U ii.-on, X. C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Willie Daniel; B. I?. Cotton, W. llarriss, F. \V. Barnes, J. D. Wells ^its’OEsg-52va.‘5>is« 2sa a Weroi??' Iv is eir.pliaticnlly a Homo Company. Its large capital guarantees-strength and .-safety. Itsiide.sare as low as any first- cla.ss Compaiiy- jtoti'ersall desirable forms of In.su- raiice. IWlicIes non-forfeitable after two ytAoi’s. l!s tnmhs arc k'.cpt nt Itome and mr- Mii;;t‘d among our own j>eoplc. M e do not send N. C. money abroad f\> b'.dld up oilier Stales. The Company's entire capital and assets loaned only to the Stock and Policy Holders. Its oilicerLS and directors arc proint- imiiL and well known North CaroUnians. Every ’vlan. whether riel needs hnsni'ance ll will only cost a man aged SO years, aliontd cents a day to keep Ins life In sured lor One Thousaod Dollars, Bynum & DardeFsp and get something kick, kkksk and SWEKT. We Iiave on liaud.a nice and well selected stock ol d’ainilj' Grocei-ics, which we otfor 'O "Ipo tiheap lliat all .can buy and eat. tEd diighest jii'lee.s paid .for couiury I'LUDLUH, tliit'KEXti, EGGS, &c., &e. Two doors below the Hardware Store. BYXU5I ei n.ixjicr,. J^OEERT LAL\'SOX & CO., MAXl'I.'ACTrilKKS OF Saddles, Harnfess, Colla TRinVKB, Etc. , ii’3'7 'ftV. lS«illiii3ioi-c AJ^is-oet, Dee. 3-6-im poor, XXCHOL>SON c^c AIOb?:LEY. ' Agents AA'il.'scm. X. ( ¥. J. CHURCKlfELL, otuus in €l©«5ks, COTTON COTTON 1 COTTON. Pesatsl ¥ alley V V'S eisGiii Vs Its iiCiseSj ms. yii and this was tliought .so beautiful tlmt | A’asliville, Teiiiicssco, and when ho it was shown to all his friends. TIio Lo P‘ck it up, lound lying near it who nire foi half-ilecayed pai» of saddle-bags, in , , , , , , ' ' "'Licit were Job,000 in- gold ami bonds, look at It, begged wood onouglt to| Mrs B.abcoek fainted upon receivino- tlie ncw.s of her Imsband’.s ucquitt.al, _ V.'j .announce to'the planters of'Wilsoiv and adjomfi; counties.that we are dis.i, whercas^ twenty years ago they [ the sole agents for the following old and reliable FcrtilHcr.s, which we are offer- made tt, dive w ith both lumds. j ing lower than ever before sold and the standard et^ialif not superior to what A hiiiitcr shot a wild tnrkev ne.ar i ^“cy have been. • ^ •1 # Duchess of Buckiugliam, _ to make another bureau for herself; fliGU the doinnnd arose fin- jjjore, ami Hon- iiaras uuihog«*uy Uttcauic a couinjon article of trade. iMrs. B::lkua]),lieanug of h ? husband’s / y.yjHLsiji'e, sj.ra.T'hlciicd 3 I'nfoiiuded iiuspiciou I’liHisliPiL A lady in iU.arqiieUe^ Mich., suspect- ad that lier Imsbaiul was in the habit of kissing Katy, 1 lie cook, and resolved to delect him in the act. After wa.tch- ing for days she lieard liim come in one evening and quietly pass into the kitclien. A'ow^ Katy was ont that -veiling, and thc kitchen was dark. Burning with jealousy, the' wile took ^ np her inaguifi-l cent ligni'C,. awC said augiHy, - iviavafa- is n vUUnn and Blioald lie hung ouce.” . A pretty Hi tie Ohio sclioolmarm tried to whip one of lier jnipils. a boy ol fiiteen, t.iie other dav', but wlion she conimciiccd operations ho coolly tljrew lii.s arms around her' nock arid gave her a heaiiy kiss, .she went straight Inic!; to licr desk, and lier face was "just as red.” The name of the Rre.siclent’s brotlior Stands unequalled as a Cotton Fertilizers a.s iimidrqts of farmers of this Section will lestif?-. AAMLSON, N, C.. WORK ON FiKE JEWELKY EXEGOT ED iN Tl!E BEST i.Vl REFi f.t.E WARRAriTEO ONE YE?R. .XOTIUE. ■y. s. hilEBiiAL BEVENOE Taxes, TUt ' irancG T*"r7* f) n COMPANY. IMUS, O or TziKEsoiso, ; GASH CALMTAL - - $200,000 OFFICKHS : IK^X. GKO. Pre.sidi'pt. GAPT. J.YO. S. ]G-VXCYG A'icv PrcMdeiit. •J. B. GBBMlilHl, .> R.. beet, aiul Treu.'-r. DIRECTORS Hon. Geo?ge Broward, ^V■u). S, Bauic G:f[i!. 'r. IL Gatlin, Matiicw tVedclelU J. J. JkUtle, Win. PipiHMt, •)olm j-. I'fida’ciJA, ALO W M .A N V F A C T 0 R Y The attehtiou of thc farmers of TFil 30uaml adjoiningcohuiies is called to' the superior advantages I can offer them in the sale of Plows and Castings of various kijids. ManuraCtory on -Tar- boro Street, below the Post-Office— 'riiankful for favor.s, 1 hope by strict aLtenlion to.business td merit a continuance of the same. B. A. MAf 0, Jan. 7-uin. AA'ilson, N. C. Dii 11. n»\ ic.ino: DEALSUR TIL a 0,-s, MEDll>;E,',CIiEMICAL Faxoy and Toilet Soaps, BEP.FtM F.RY, ARY LOOKF, STATION-' &c. &c. -MEDICrSES CAKEfr-i.LY SELECTED AND' cot:.iPor-NT>j.D. .53-7’ I’rsoriptions pv.t up caiiiicusly day «.r niglit Ahso SOLE S'LATE 1 At Lawrence's old stand. Nash intsoH, N. G., I'. 0. Box 103. AG NTS FOR' r;. I L I, I S J. R A S B E R R Yy 'cVttoi’-iiey Ij-aw, - IVILSDN, N, C. OFFIOK (RjLr.IOVJUffiON NASH STREET, (Xext to Gays’s Store.) Practieos in tiiC court s of Greene, M'ilson,- Kemp 1*. Battle J and Jtilmson. Jvsse H. Powtili Investion of titles to Real Estate, ■■;)pr. d.S. lUui'.-y I and Gouvoy:mcii;g--a specialty. Lt’mT, Frv!,! ld:iUp.'i. Jos/i>. Gotlickl, 0,C. Farrar. John Xoriiccf,- I TEtO.IS PER TON AaO LB.d. MIDDIiNOi COTTON, NOV Maiiufacturcd'at Iioinc, under the direction of some of tlie'best favri 1ST. vrnei's i L. u! no vio 20 00 IF; 00 000 Uv) thc The )Urk T lines calls him Orville H. , , , , , . I Grant; the Troy Times. Orville E.: some matclic.s lu her liaml and Im.stily the Utica Herald,. Orville JI. Ills ureme placed lier shawl over her head, as i.s Orville L. Grant. Let no iiijnstice Katy sometimes did, entered the kitcli-1 h> H‘e nnui. Give liiin L. He ' eii by the back door, and was almo.st j '1- ' | immediately seiaed and eii.braced in i has been decided that the sum of| the most ardent m.anncr. With her '’‘'''’•T of the funds | heart almo,st bursting with rage ancU G'UU n'Stonewall i . . 1 , duckson .slatiie, nhr.II lie invv tcd iu ' .Kalonsj-the iiqured wife prejiared to , safe scciirili.is, and the interest devoted administer a terrible rebuke to her! to procuring a gold medal for pre.senta- iailhlcss spouse. Tearing herself' first graduate in eaoli class from his embrace, she .struck a- match’ ^ b-glaia Military Z E L I, S super-phosphate TEUMri BEliXON IS.-i LS.S. MIDDLING COTTON. NOV. 1ST, As a fertilizer for general crops has given entire, satisfaction. In the 'Bl.tck Creek section where it was oxiensivcly used lastVeason, the demand for !•) already is double that of last year. end stood face to face with—the, hired ...i.u. Her Imsb.an l say.s that hi.s wife Institute. The iriiecler explii 1 ■ ... iv found a ruim'1 lowi lias never troa.inl luui ,sn well since the ,vi,p.|, (|;„ Imp.,,.,. fn.st iiiontli they were ni.arried as .shiC ridgii of Mont; zuina.'' :ig with pmpo,st and is sold at only 43.3 p,m ton. Testimonyof ® inini-j o]«'ailmir farmers or Dj^-ecmnbfi \y\u‘vc the Aei‘l phn^phab’ Ava? (‘xtonsivvly uscl ; si,r,u,[ -paxt- ab-.vu miut soa-'on IS I HU It IS fully equal iu ir.s ivsnltMo iIu-l,in-liest prb-.sl Slaml.r J br;>u(l. j GoiieeUT ei iul j For using villi Goiupost ' lior rif th‘. • - ' I be past b ' i( • rupu'atioii to;:,utlier witb rhf‘l(tw t'-ric-ti a'l.i-ii sidtratioii of farmers. We again ok!1 rhe {Utemioa'of I'Kilters lo Ihv oxtraoniiiiary ad- : vaiitau-esand faviiitifc.s we are rj.abled to ofl'er lueiu in the i^uncbase of Fertilizeivs and! ; simply ask a cull 'before buying elsewhere. coninjoiu! J lie favora’-'le eon- j Spesie,! !May,' 187G, to April 30, 1377. The Revised Statutes of the L^nUed Stutc% Sections, 3232, 3237,- 3238, ‘and 323!), re quire eviry jiersoii eiigag(‘d iu any busi ness, uvocatioii, or employment 'which ren ders him liable li.> a S‘;ee!al 'J'a-x. to procure and place eoiispicuoiisl-y in Ms esinbiish- ment or jilaee of biuslness a Stamp denoting the iiax imnit ot said ^sp(■'•.!al 'J'ax for (he i-'ipeciai-Tux Yc'-ir Iiegiiming May 1, 1378. before comimoi.';;: .' i .' ■; •mlnning biisiiu'.-.-; ap^er-GlhI'UV-:. | l he ftixus ^5P-^■vis^o■us i of the law above tiuOli d are the iqUu'd. viz Ueetihers $200 00 Healers, retail rninoi ' ! 2') t)0 Denhu's, Kv]ioU‘.-ale liquor iioaluv-^ ill malt HiiU'.)!'', 'vhoie-aie... iK-aler- hi niidr liquor-. I'toail l->f'alei'S in li-ai tobacc > .Keiaii dealers in leaf tobacco.. And Oh sales of oyxt C-1,‘k;0, iifty , eenl? for ev; ry doliav in exee-L of $!.OU0. Dealers in maimFuetun'd tobacoo .... Mannfaet nrei s (H' ills o' i\.nd for each .•'till niaiiOi.;."; ni'> And for (‘a'-i‘'Woim nianmact ured... 2o Mauitr'actiner of o Mamifactme!-.-. gC c PimMIcis oi leiKHO tliaii two iu rse;' or oibi.'r tm Ik'ddJers oc u bac io. s. [ cn Owo horses or otber e' irnae Pt'Tldterii of (obacen--1 iiird ehu horse or oth.u ammaiV. 'PeiMilcrs of toJiaeC'’, four’ll {o: I or pudilie et'fiV’ yau'vt ^... ; Lriuer.-- of i. >s iLm oOO l>a.'0';.- I LrewvA- cl' bo.i banrl- oi- lU' I'e lOU i.O [ A'ny persm* SO llati’e, who sliMl (ail to j coiupl'. v.iili the fongnin,: roquiremeiiis will be b'.diieet to Si*veiv p‘ of t!u ajiply to inli-i'iial and TTIlVi veilings,' CO.MPA3nY IXSU’IES Stores.- Mcrokabdise, Tam Frop'erly, and rdl classe.s of insurable properly Agailist Loss or Dan>age by Fire! at local board rates All losse.s promptly adfusted'and paid ORREN WILLIAMS, Supervisor of Agencies Ag'“E54*y set luAW uet. 22-(j-m. OFFICE. • W ilson, N. THE mST NATIONAL BAM OL ATLSOI, CV. D. ROUNTREE, - - - President- F. yv. BAUNFS, - - - Vice-lNesident JOHN ilUTCUlNSON - - - Cashier BIRUCTORS: F A. WooDATirr E. RoHi-.s'ii. 5 F 0 I ■VObj UW I in ' - (ill.. - (one i 0!)j L' O’) I "U (!U i WOITEN & LTEVeNl FTirnitur9' Esalers a::i) ' DxNDERTAKEES, Corner Sin'ihg and Nasli Strecis' W. f)'. Rountree, F. \V. hAllXBSi, KV. Daniel; 'r. J. Gardner. Collections made on ail Acoe?.‘=’il)le Points' in tlie T. lated States. Deals in Kxchange,' (.'sihi. 1‘auk .Vo:es. Su.clc live. • iaiii!; Biuldiug on ^-'-asii Street. FebAl'TB-' IKilsou, N. C.' ®®W BEEF, AND a'OXiC. INViGORATOJL Rec'emmended by the* 'ne.st physician in,' I'jnrijl'Uid and ;\merica for ('onsiimptsioir Deidlity, L'.ss jt A])jjctili‘, Fever Ague,' .Oysiicqisia. Luilgcbtion, .V’emule and'Chii-' dreii malndies.- OPlNlON OF DRv * > f i; ni ny? rn hand all :inds 8^' m-- ITO t at 3' proeme liie Speu’ (hey ueud. prior t- out furiiier iio’.iri, Coininis.' '-T:ix Stanij) 'i.ty i, 1873, 'UiUipS and wirh- 1). I). PR.vTT. er cl Iiileniai Revenue. Office of Lnteu.naj, Kfvent'e, W'AriilNW-TONv i>. G.,F-ebru:u'y 1.1S7G, 3Di:iu;. Iio.-uwcou ami eases of all Slices ahvavs on hu' eolhns artendeutv^ prouipilv lullv. Hieydesire to call attention also to the ■; fact tliatthcy keep a Hetrrse for burial oo- ' ejisioiis. R. S. STEAUART,- i I'W'.'.. .Mil, Insane Hospirsl, iSiiltiuiW-e, lid. '■ .y. *' i cini Recommend L'ndllg's Li(2-' I u.m't'X'mr.t u beef as-the most efficient , .(u.ij i,..,nni;Meivc',.ve,. ,„ct willi.- It conl- I'lw '.M-rille.p'l syuij jjl ■_ ^ , iitorktu'le'-uwy.'” ^ Ol’iNltt® 6W .m.-- Vv:L II. STOKES,. I’liysiciali ly .M’enut Mnps Retreat, iiear- Baltimore.. “ * ¥ * riiave great pleasure in a^^diiK't' my restunony to Liie \irriu'.s of Liebig's Liquid .L.xtract of Buef and TouieTuvio'o'ra'- Im.a^ the' .vry !>est prciiaratlon usGd,”a)d' therefore Contidently recommend it- to liie mlic j“''h':"-lP‘'«Lssiuu." hand. Ord.Ms MANY O 1 HER TK.STLMONIALSi- d faith- PIjTI.\ i'JD '7'-/;fHy.LK,b'_£i EACU- ■ TAKE NO or HER. SOL]-) liY" Di-aggists and Dealers.