Advance The Mson UBLIHED EVt'ftt FftlOIY,Bif - -; ' ' :? WdO.TUBD & CONNOR Wilson, G. BSCR!iTIOX RAf S: In Advance: Month. . .., . 1 JKJ Willie . LET ALL THE EXDS TllOfJ iilJlST AT, BE Tlli tOCXTtfjf'S, TUY 0D A50 TOrni'V' . , ' i ; . 1 . .1- ,, , -. - . . A. TT PROFESSIONAL. joun: e. w coda it i, TT6RNY AND dOUNSELLO H AT LAW, a: VILS O N, N. C, - brattices j v tbe Courts of -Wilson an'! Wjoiniug wotics. O nice on "ash Street next door to the feauk." VOL. 0.' WILSON, N. O., FRIDAY, JTaNUARY S, 1880 J el The Wilson-AdvVcor .' . " ; i,i V. -. " - .- : - :; . -- - .; , i. f-- One Square 3 Months, ...... ..-IJCl One Square 8 Months .......h..-. 5J6T One Sonar li Mouthy Liberal cWlrttf kn niaJs flars- Trahiifent Advertisements tasertsJ tf Tea I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lemon Tabourpe, Ti5 Old Reliable Edrber Jl,c ahvnys be f uin 1 at his shop on Tai1 fl,ii Street, where h will be pleased . -nc friends and fi iner patron-?;" Mvoijr io cU: shaving and cutting j,Jr 30 ct-nU. ap-13 i.f. iJS. 8. WOdl'AKD, . HUOH K. M IT II II A V. WOUUAUD & MURK AY, Attorneys at Law, g T A lt T LING T It U T II The great cure for DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE. SOUR STOMACH wit wnV V IT. r Practice i the Courts of Wilson, Wkyw'jt, ClreJtie. Nh and Pitt counties, nu -unw Sirpntiu ltut -at Uah-uU. V- , f a. V. BLOUNT, Attorney - at - Law, Square, Oct. lOtli '79 fcnd the had effects of Indigestion is D'Armstadts Ati-Dyspepti Dfops. rrv as ' thoiittind nl certirtcaies attc. 'I T'ln iy Veritable Price 75cnt. i - PUHCELL, LAUD & CO. ' ? ' n13-I2in Ilichniond, Va, Office Public lloime. Yiioi. G r' R.TlLLKHY, A TTORMEY-A T--LA W Mo r a i rear of Cow - O cXl IIU O 1 3 U S MrnVeU Great attraction on Tarboro St. L. H. FULCHER r Itocky .Hoiinl, Will practice in 'Nash, Edgecombe; id WiUon conntie.. , Special attention gieu t J portion of the Slate. collection n. e; l. ii u n t e i! SURGEON DENTIST. ENFIELD. X. C. lla.i'rcimed practice at Entield ami re mectJully solicits a continuance of h f -m'' " . " . " foe;-"' I v ractict. I. H. W. JOYNKR, .. S.URGEON D E N T 1S T, 1) b'K leavo toannciunoo to hi friend and enstoin t that, lu cuiinoclujii riib his larg aoJ iurac livn lock of Dry Goods, Boots, hlioos, Hals and Caps, lie haKjtifit rewitid the finest wleciion of Christmas and Holiday Goods Thai ha has ever brotxftit i t4hi market, eonxisting ul Krcubli, KriRliKh and Ormuu toys, liohemlan Klass, ltronx ai d cliina ware of eyery discription. l!n'S(; i skhS having bren boii'iit for cash, will be old at uMoiiibliiuKly low prict-s. Ha aliK has on alfuii and coiupltrt stock of O pxireotio neries, wlrl'h 7re all fresh tind kwpoI, iiftd will he sold at pries tn suit the times. Whni In nerd of auj'th n; in In nnc dori't f.iil to (five him a rail at hi new b:'ick store, iiMwite M. Kotmtret k Co. !! will guarantee to jjlease lliu most faslidious. iso-v. 7ih.-lni. ' The Wilson Advance Fill DAY. JANUARY 2. 1SS0. SHOULD NORTH CAROLINA SEEK EMIGRATION ? SUGGESTIONS' TO THE LAND OWNERS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Presented. by the North raro lina Hoard of Agriculture L. L. Polk, Commissioner... I N DUG E M E N T S ! Hu permanently Incatjed in Wilson, N. Al, oppevaUoni will l)c neatly a;vl enre Cully prforiiifd aiidbn terms a-s-rea-iiina-as ponnikle. 'I't-r-th pjctfacted I wi' huc iain Oflke Tarhoro jtreet ftrxt do'T to fo.t Oflloc. , IJA'n. 3-ini D R.J. S . B ATT LE, ( SURGEON DENTIST, ....tat WiUon. X. C, and re-nect- lia iui.."" . - . . ii i;;. th. i.ntrnnairir of the people. . ii i. f tln orofession cart iiill All llisni-ii'.o i - - - .nd nektlv executed. Charges moderate Tr..iir- nn'isiwc.tinit sruarantet-d. Odicc iij '. iri Nash trcet. Oiiice hours Al & '- from 8A.M. to r) I'. M. UTHRlKLL & G1NGHIC11, D !E N T I S TS, i. 133 Main Sfject. NORFOLK, VA. cd 30th,-3m. C At tho solicitation of Mr. Hobgood. of the Advance, we extend to the it ixens. of AV'ilson county the benefit of the sweeping reductions we have made and rre mak. g in the prices of all hrst class standa n . Sewing Machiues Send far our new 100 page illustrated CATALOGUE, and PRJCE, LLST, XniHiW'ti fre to any address. )ai id avoid hein iinpouX.p-ly UKPRhlClPLEO Aj;eiit aivd dealers. Kemember we are re sponsible established dealers who do the largest business South, (over . 500- in use in W e guarantee satis- taction or return money, every : M V CHINE WARRANTED 5 YEAltS. Honest Prices at Last. sagtcily m : Hint n 4 10 acres. Of this, 5,258,744 acres were improved, over one million acres less than we had in 18G0, or about 26 per cent of the whole. Tb tide mav be added 13.000.000 acres wild lands, making an are of 33.000,000 acres in round number. The average size of oiir farms at thitt date Atas 212 acres. We had at that date m. popula tion of i,O71,0Gl. or about-2lf to the square mile. Of this population only 45 'per cent over ten years of age were at work, the remaining 5"d per cent doing nothing. fPe Lad time 307.0G2 dative Nrir liuiaus living iu other Strt'es. waile wc had living in our own midst. only 3,029 citizens of foreign birth. In 1790 the census Was taken in our State, when I we conceiyed would prove a disturbing. ! l"res. td ffhere H'cir VDtct will count in point of population, we stood ftirdjif not destructive element, and Weiu lhe I''Jential election nct year: fin llip liat. nmnnor rinp ifpr Stoloa in I rrlarlli' -tt)nA in Aivnrl't,,,r it- fm.n i'IAMDS. HL1IB, t. Ui. UfC. l), iJ. v. ..vw wt.Mw.i uu. w J . v.. t ... 1 4(l kklUVM 111 Ull WI blll IW exercise of forethought and but earnest, patient, well directed ef fort. " ; " ' . " " j ; yrnT jroRTH cauolixa Ua.s so itfm- ; CBATIOX. Thirst, and chiefly, because we Lave never sought it. Of the 9,590.292 foreign . born passengers arriving at ths porta In the United States In the eeferal years rrom 1820 to lhe 1st" of J itne, 1877, our State ban not exceed ing five thousand within her borders to-day. Prior to the war we did . not need it, or want" it. Our-vstem O The .rc:r llioduv What a Ieutl- Mr. Stanton, the leading Kepubli tan in this ciuntyt( and a prominent j candidate for Omrress in this district . f . - L - has written the following" letter to Ransom Howell, colored, in response to a letter asking his flews upon the XVth amendment, and his adrice up on the exodus mo7eroent.. We, pub lish the letter to show, upon llepubli can authoiltv that lhe condition of the negro andthefr treatment in the South j is not as represented by teadiu Re- lafe wlilcir had .been pcTfeote I by ! l",bIiCsin Pyliticians atthe North who the iernerieVe of nerations. WJ unCcr Uh) guise of friendship are ,ain- satisfactory and remunerative. The introduction of white or foreign labor, I tif.icturins all sorts of stories in order poor ignorant crea ! to induce these iroin onn, 1870 the census placed us fourteenth borders. Since the war we liave been .i , on ; ins list. tjur per centaae oi i struL'szlmr? for existence, and with no of our "M A H I N V.K nmv V X' ... I- 1A i- i.orui varo.inaj. R. B. F. ARRINGT0X, SURGEON DENTIST. G0LDSB0R0, N. C. tSTOfSce at reside nee. aufl-6m EuLtlier Slielcion, DEALEIt IN SASHES, D0CRS AND BLINDS, AIouldiiiKS, Riacki ts, Stair Rails, Newels, BUILDERS HARDWARE, Punts, Oils. Gla, Putty, .liuilding Mate ' rials -.of Every I )eciiptiou. 3S and 40. Roanoke Avenue,' Norfolk, Va. ep"2G 6m ', r Singers New Family Improved i 0,0 Remin?toii, 'ISew out ; d0',U0 mnim irw, jikiii l iiiminR i 2'J,0 Vi cfd 'Faiivily Ir .-ivoi choap l.'i"o Wilson tincWfeed Clf -'idand .Style. ;' l.o V.'ilnon. TVow Do'ihlft food, slop motion, ' " t'i'J.o New IXminRtic, lafi'st SIvIp ' iO.Q New IMide.stic, flf-threadin',, ' " S25.0 New lrav fi-ed, Whwlcr & Wilson, ' $20.0 (xmver k Haker, fhutile, ' iJ0,0 No 2S (irovr i Haker 2spool; ' ' - $15.0 Wilvox k Gihhs (Jold Hroiice stand ' - SJO.O Florence. Back and Sulo feed W to iSoSecor, Ivey lvie. New Home. 'V lute UcHdii, McLean Ji; Hoop er, and all other works at eqnnl low p'rlces ALL ATTACHMENTS FINE includ ing Tucker, lluffler, Binder. Quilter Bias llemmers, &c. Address Orraond iVlfg Co. -11 N. Gv fen, 1Ia L'LM Kl NOIITJI CJROLIXA OP I' Oli T UNI TV Despite the emises, social and po litical, which have conspired to retard the progress of our State,- and .which have weighed heavily on the . energies of our people since the war, we hava. through persistent .and, heroic- effort, i struggled up to that position from which we may look hopefully to the future. Our State debt, which so long threatened to crush us, has been adjusted on ft basis that will enable us to pay it. "We have good local gov ernment, peaceably and satisfactorily administered. The delicate relations between the races are growing more satisfactory as they are belter under stood and there are unmistakable evidences of improvements in all our material interests. Gratifying as ' is this condition of things, we are well aware of what it has cost us ; and should the lessons presented in the trying ordeal through which wc have passed be heeded, they may yet lead us tb triumph, independence and pow er. " v It is no longer with us a strucrj'le for mere existence, and with a con sciousness of returning strength, it is the part of wisdein to survey the sur roundings to learn iu what directions it may be best and most profitably utilized. With our wonderful natural resour ces, our climate, our boil, our -tiEer-powers, our minerals, our foresU and yeoraphieal position, why should we not justly aspire to rival even, those denies wuose remarkable progress and development we witness with jimazement? ucalional. advancement and material development be paramount in ouilc poncy r i uat tneso ques are deeply agitating the public is attested by the tone of recent legis increase lor each of the decades, was s follows : From 1790 to 1800, 21 per cent; from 1800 to 1810, 1G ier cent ; from 1810 to 1820, 15 per cent; ,from 1820 to 1830 15 percent: from 1830 r.Mr.. Ransom Howell, -Wilson, N.C. Dcir Sir : Your favor of t is 13th ; itit..: Iim lippn pr' find It nfTunt time or money .o devote to the ma' ; , - j . , ., , , , , : me pleasure to answer your enquiries ter. 'Besides, the .-whole world has . -,,r , . i . , ,. - . ! concermna . the "Nth amendment UCCll Jlll.TlUll.5l V.. -111.111 IIL t'J 3CO .THUkll- i i , ..... , " . i Id IliA ilnllnn .f fhA I ... if A. I WtrtMii IVII.IHIIUIWII Ul LllU IIIIUI' OUILCJ erf in: the fonieivt aroused.; by design ing demagogues, we could adjust to 1840, 2 percent; froni 1840 to 1850 amicably, on a permanent and peace 15 per cent; from 1850 to I860, 14 ful. basis, the delicate ' relations be oer cent: from 18fi0 to 1870? 8 npr twonn the rtcp TIip v.iiniirnr nf mnm! '..A 'n - , . . ' j-... . x, . amendri'.ent is repealed, for the pur- cent, liy way of comparison, look at favored States, especially of the North I - . l, 1 o. . t "I . i-, , U : . .' . , ' nse or returnlu'r (your race) ! u some of the vounger States, Iowa, for west, hate worked assiduously and t .. . -M . ' i - example whose first centus waslaken unremittingly to secure immigration j iu 1840. The per centago of iucxease and aided, as they have been, with in that State for the first decade was public lands, and the strong railroad 345 per cnt 5 for tl.e second, 251 per corporations who were interested, they cent; for the tLird, 77 per cent. Again, have reached a riqh harvest. And with Illinois, whoee first census was taken our . homogeneous anil conservative in 1810. soon steooed to the front and population we have been vcrv i choice 1 - f' took position as the fourth on the list as to the class or character ofimnii' and holds it to-day. Ohio, whose first grants thit" was available census was taken in-1800, soon stood THE CLASS OF IMMIGKATIOX fEEt)KD. We need lo loafer, idlers, vaga bonds, or dead heads. Wc need no accessions to Ihatjjlass of our poptila- lion. Rut we need men audi women . . . . . ). 01 character lor- souer, inauitrioiis habits those who will identify theiu- sehes frith our State and its prospcri improved, woodlands and unimoroved H10 bring sufficient Capital in in our Stain is ,,,m,rrin spv.-ntv. money, or character, or both, to buy a 11 J I i:..i 1.. J t, u -Mr..' .iLt seven per cent of the entire population. ; l Other and enuallv important fRcU the capitalist who Will aid in derelop- ni.aht be develnned hv t.h iron tvru. Vxni our miffiCtUring. Mnlnili and ot n -jutes, 10 demonstrate that we third on the list, and has steadily maintained that positiou. North Carolina, as before stated, Las 21 inhabitants to the square mile, while Connecticut has 113, Massachu setts 18G, New Jersey 108, aud Rhode Island 164. Twenty-six per cent of the lands and my opinion in regard to j'Tudiana and the Exodus." 1st you say "the colored people are lnvitcj to go west,' and to do so at once before lhe XVlh s to a condition of slavery, if you are found South of the Ohio river.' Can it be possible that such fatae rumors are lining circulated among the colored people to frighten them from the land the cold r commercial interests; and with him ... . . . have been content with a nolicv that 15! w!u luu "' lu ,uru,au gave us a mere existence, instead ot ; . 1 new lnaustnes, ant! to swell cunracier- 1 ' that aggressive enterprise WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY .' (FOR YOUNG LADIES.) T?est talent employed in all departments Kituatiow unusnallv hcaUliv. Roaul, ier crion of ii) weekf, including fuel, lights and lurnisuej . room ou,uu Other charges moderate. Fall Session begins Seilembtr T.t. For cataWuu or information, address, j J. 1). lilt tlV Ell, Principal." W. J. IIARHISS. jrholcsale & Retail Dealer in- GROCERIES & LIQUORS Now olfer to his old friend and patrons hi large slock of SUGAR, COFFEE. FLOUR, LARD, V ijuttEr, - ' V MEAT, &r. All purchased previous to the advance iu prices, and so.U cheap, TJNEQUALLED OFFER Wilson . Collegiate Institute . FoTt BO TII SEXES STRICTLY NOX SECTARIAN For years the most 'successful school in Eastern Carolina;' 'flic best ailvaufages and lowest rates, r llriithv location. Able and Experienced Tesdier, l ine Library and Apparatus. Spacious Uui'din. A pleasant educational Unne. . -fok 1 50 r a 1 IMS ocTorjF.n, mv O f.t ! TUITION, HOOKS, AI KXCEI.LENTBOAKH INCLt'DlNO Ft:iM'HKl ROOM, FUKI., LldHTS. AND AVAttiiNG, (or the entire Scholastic Year. Mvic, ?40 extra. ?es eron extends from 1bn Monday in- October to last Thursday in June. A Live Institu tion, Modem, Thornn, Practical. Send for catalogue and our -Institulw (juarterly,, full f:valuab! ediiftuional matter, fresh, brhjht, ami free- S. 11 ASSEU, A. Ml, Principal, jlrlS-lf -, t Wilson, N, C. ALUARLE I TOWN PROPER TY FOR WENT. I offer'thc store rncr Nash and Bragg Street for rnt oa.-a-terms. For further inl imailon apply to COI- DW1D W1HLIAMS, . tepid Tois'not, N. C; SiniN U UVIX ON THE WAR PATH t ; Sitting Bull Duham Smokinj? Tobacco is ! the-best and 'deles the World. This brand and all other grilcs of Plug and Twist for sale by E.H.'OGUE. Bep-S-lj. Msiufacturer, iMubaui, N. C. Hp.QR SALE. I ofli-r for sale ouc tract of land : In Sara iorf:i townshin. Wilson conntv, adjoinitu' tliti lands of Theo. lit.inaii. .loa. : J. Ian and others contal nine three hundred and fortv acres, bcinsr the shares allotcd ;to James and Coffield Barnes in the division of the lands of James mrnes deceased. F. A. WoodarD W llM)fi. N. C, Nov. 23ih.-tf the vol ..i.n r,C mi. rirrulllrtl !i'a Inlnrndf c W r. ' . 1 .. . ; 1 I'll. 1 " i 11 uc ui uui 1 1 1 uliui; luttriugvo. iHie ot the tunos, and which has done , 1 ckv'.w.I, v. . 1, 1. want .uui. y micii ..w m . uuucu, ami of other States: North Carolina could n6t t,lC Prosperity of otir State, easily' support a population at least I tlwrlit llinno r.ltf nf Dentil ntunliAr Aixrl Whv slioiilfl not our iii- - 1 . r suouui ue nuowu in an me marKeis 01 1 the world by her surplus products. agricultural , and manufactured. In stead of importing everything .from a our tions HOW TO OBTAIN iMMIQIiAttOX. Ojf-i' lands tit fair prkes. Let these lands, with the splet'.did advantages and attractions offered by our State. be fairly and thoroughly, and actifely of thcif birth, to imigrate to North? Any cue that is familiar with the 13th. 14th and 15th amedement to the constitution of lhe United States knows if they know anylhiug the re peal of the 15th amendment would not return your race 'td a condition of slavery," and. I have not seen any dis position upon the part of cither party to interfere with it, or eirher of them. The, 13th amendment to the constitu tion of the United States abolished slavery the 14th made' your face citiRcns;aud virtually "gave them the ballot, and the 15th maile no distinc tion in color, which gave the ballot to the colored .man in tho North. I had the honor of voting fP; thej l lth and loth amendment to the comitllution of the United States while j a member of the legislature in 19Q'C9 and '70, and did you know'the cotored men in the Sou'.h were voters, before many o their race were iu the North. I willirivc vou the 13th, part of the 14th, and all of the 15th amendment. 13th. Neither slavery nor invohin tary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have becilj duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or; any natcuc nanuie 10 a steam . engine, we the acencies which hate been employ- O - I 1 1 , . . . . ... I o lation, but more etrikin-lv by the SU0UiU Dc ntcpen lent in the weaitn 01 ed with sch e(Tect and SUcceS9 by w 1 -act . si - constanly increasing attention devocd ? ces' 111111 llclI 10 Iee(l n other States, and we can hope to do to them by the press our of Slate. It is clolcc tnc worW Wlth our exports. We nolhtng jf we igu0re them, tt will rc dimcult to find a newspaper, of what- arc' ancV must of necessity continue to lire the distribution of a vast amount j of published information, through the medium of reliable, active agents, to j overcome unjust prejudices anoLerro- neons ideas ; but it must be done. The decree of error that prevails, even throughout the No th, to say nothing place sub advertised to the world. These are Iject to their jurisdiction.'' 2nd, "Congress shall "have power t enforce this-article by appropriate leg ever character, now published in our' e ssctia.lly an agricultnral people. State, that docs not ikvote a liberal In lh! 'epirtment of our industries, portion of its columns to the promo- .measures or reform should be first tiOn ot the material prosper it v of our a af people. In our . Legislative halis, in. our colleges, iu oair schooLrooms, in our public addresses, on our streets. at our firesides and everywhere, new ideas, new systems, new enterprises. aiid new methods for improvement are beiiijr discussed. I The State Board ot Agriculture is therefore forluale in stiluted. with the farmers with the land owners. True with. our very im perfect s-stem of farming, the average cash value per acre of our products L, " . tn , .. .. , " . 101 Jjliropctiu otuntriva, m i?" Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennes see, Nebraska, Min nesota, Iowa aiid Illinois, but why should it' not exceed that of the sterile hills of Massachu- our people and State. Is astonishing It must be fetuoved. It can be done by honest, earnest effort. The duty of doing its full share in this work is ful ly recognized . by the Hoard of Agri- I 1 XT II I. 1 u: i I presenting at this time the smlycct of rv -"'l culture. The publications of the Board uckaunc ,71 Wl.l U l O III Ul 1 A I ill l nil. I . , .' . Pit I O cnniiiirfAyl ' a Iii'a!,? -itilorficr rit I lm . . ... ... 1 I'll l' 1. II , VI V .111,1.1 V tVA.V Villi ll.'rtfc SlSkCId U UlitLCI liillV 1111 I . , , " . . .. - . i press oi our R'aie, uas aireaciy accom- r ... iilished much In this dirrrtion: . Iet cultivate such large and unwieldy - .' . ... -- '-. 'L . - j iii ue'rousirai o uie Rinceriiy oi uur v.uoe .mpruvcu wnt.. dec1ar;itIon. that we Want Immrant. - ... , r t t by extending to them a cordial and to cultivate from twenty to, forty acres? j . , . - : Will this system bo changed so long neigMOoriy welcome, ana inose omces hundreds and of kindness sogratelul to a stranger which this circular trcat3, for the con sideranon of our people. Norlh Carolina has reached that point in the race of progress where she can was'e no lime iu fruitless re finings over the past. Much as she has learned by its bitter and, terrible experiences, she has much to 'unlearn, if she would keep pace wilh her sister States. She must abandon those ideas methods aud habits which were the legitimate fruits ol a system now as wie laruier owns iiuourfm, mu u "mv'".w? - " " . thousands of "acres xf' forest land j jn a strange landU..r But the first and where tie may iave new acres to take jthe place of those so Wastefully and r I MIR MERCHANTS and TEACH- X EllS OF , Wilson, Nash, Edgecombe, Titt. Green, irayne and Johnston cuntics will thid it to (licit- iuterest to send all orders for books 'Stationery. Pianos!, Organs Ac, to J0SIAH RYLAND &,C0. 9I Main Street, nepl9-3ni . RICHMOND; VA. New Drug Store! Havinir sriven u the practice of Medicine, for the prescat I have just ouened a . . -- . NEW URUU SlUKii in the C. Rountree buildnjg on Nash street, where I will keep constantly on baud a full supply of Drugs, .Medi cines, Dye Stuffs, Tatent Medicines, and every thing to be found in a first class: store. J . teMy stock being bought for cash, be sold at prices to suit the jtinjes.Fj mr 7. tf R. G. Dai haw, M.D, - i I rpeklcxslv ruined bv our exhaustive obsolete, and grasp with earnest dc- 0- . . - , . ; O i , ! omV, W lion rttr alrw W4 a Hnotrnv. termination those age hcies that will infuse vigor, and activity, and enter- into her whole system. - The State Convention of 1875 incorpora ted into our State Constitution an amendmeut requiring our Lcgis'alure to establish a Department of Agricul tnrp Tmrrticrratlon and Statistics, and Q ; for the prolectioa of Sheep llusban drv. cd, our fanners, almost universally attempted ta keep tljieir operations up to- their former proporlKins. - And whera one has succeeded, scores have met wtth disastrous, ruinous failure. If we woald increase the profits of labor, build up manufactures, multiply our industries, develop our splendid ndispensable step to be taken, is-to offer them homes at fair living rates. A inan liriug at the Nortli. or in Europe, must know--if be posscsse thost qualities that would make him a gooil citizen where he is going; and what it will cost him. before he will islation. Ratified Dec. I8th 1805. l lth. I. '"All parsons born or natur alized in the United States, and syjb. ject to tlie jurisdiction thereof, are cit izens of the United States, ; aud the Stales whc-reln they rssid. No State shall makeor enforce any law. which shall abridge the privileges or inwiuni tiesof citizens of the United, States, n(!r shall ary State deprive any person nf lifo liberty or 1 happiness.: without dU process of law? nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the squal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Ap portions the Representatives among tiie several States according to their respective numbers &e. Sec. 3, Dis franchised a port of those engaged in tha Rebellion, and the 4th Sec .-The public debt shall not be, questioned Sec. Ratified July 20th ISCd The 15th is as follows! ,. Sec. 1. The right of .citizens of .the United States ioyote shall not be 'de nied, or abrd?el bv tbo ! united Mates br any S,ate on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. rec. 2. The Congress shall .have ower to enforce this article by' ap- iropriate legislation.'! Ratified by Uiree fourths of the States March SOth 1870. Now before any, of the above amend ments to the constitution of tke United well itiforajcil, I think .'the colorsd poJ)I jrf tf. State, (and, perhaps South of W) art uommitiing a grand mistakt la Isavk such a State as North j Ctrollasi T x liae a fie rUfflate liot 1iCII extreme heat nor? cold, ! ai ' th iaari Soothern and Not them SkUlCtV'fit1 can raise all of the necessaries of hfi here if wc tvill work, kod htt ca ployment all the time,' ffhUf tttcb Is not the east in the Jfortbern Stalei.1 A warm climate for tht colored tact U his natural home, he cannot ttatid Ifcf cId Jfortli like the white race, mfli msny will rrgfst the step thty tiT taken iu leaving North Carolina before the winterj is oven It takes utarlj ft life time to accumulate much. Wealth, and if your race would sate' all thty ?qeud for liquor, and work faithful they would soon be surprised at the amount nccumnlated in a jfow yesfi, It is not what a person makes that ' prodnces wealth, it is what he fates,"; - Here is vf hat Mr.' Kred bogltaa said la Washington on the 8th of this k month, upon th arrival of 230 lmmK; grants I "In response to ymtf ffspeo- : ted invitation orescot and tyealt this erenihg at the meeting railed to raise funds in aid of tbe Colored ImmV griThtk now In our oily I beg to state that, I have in no way encoariged the " II advised and ill arranged elodus of the colored people from tbe Soath, and I have from tho first Openly and earnestly stated my objections to it In the most public way at ray'commanaV cannot but repeat the opinion al ready often expressed, that all organ. ted effort at the North designed to irompt and promote , furthef " stampedes of the sort should be dh continued. These poor people should , . . not be deluded and allured from their home, especially at this season ) of the year, by promises expressed of " implied, of pecuniary aid. I Bte no ' wisdom,-but much folly j no good bat much evil, in bringing to this City . multitudes of these people under the ' impression that when they reach hera ' money w'.ll be raised and furnished them to pay their tratelinf elpentet to the North or to the West off else where-' ' - '" ', ' 4 '; ' '. ' Mr. Douglass Wrote a long lette . some months ago lviing( the color eU -' people to remain whers they are and gave his reasons for itr He is a colored man. androae araon the most Intelligent of bis race, and It is unreasonable to suppose that he is their enemy, but a true friend to hie race. In so advising them. ' ' I have written irore than t intended, and could give many more good reav sons why your race should not ami gra but think this wilf do fef the , present, i. '.-,,' Very Respectfully, y 1 G. VY SfANTOji, r consent to abandon bis home. As a States can be repealed,1 Congress has rnconrrp encliance the value of bur The Legislature of 187G-'77. in t . . . pursuance of this Constitutional re- 4 auu uiaat .'"in" viw"" b : . .nA.A.l ... r f nt- ilililiinrT (Uliclllcnii, jiaa;v u vu ..i. ....- p, . . this Department, which authorizes the insteaa oi a aey.nae, ih iyer in the Board to institute such measures as 1 niarkets of the world, icemust put our may be det uied expedient for inducing J $urptus lands on the uuxticet and secure dated In tbe earoe neighborhood. Bat rule, those people want small tracts of land, ranging from fifty to one bun- i- ! : d red acres. Where a citizen has one or more of such lots for sale, let him advertise them and get his neighbor to do the same. Thus frequently large settlements might be accommo- immigration to out State. DOES ORTII CAKOLI3J A NEED T10X? IMMIORA A. a thrifty, indii8triov?MubJMttffal immi graid popu&ttion, . mi In 1870. we had in farm?, improved, mere are C i woodlands, and unimproved, 13,335,- 1 risibilities whi if Dh i r ' , Drrvntr k! improve nd magnificent only tbe i V they will not come nnlcsa they cau j first see at least, a aesipuon oi ui ....ui rieiieve u property and its pric. Tob Contini'el.j to proixse,an aiaerMlrsem to tliis coo stitution of the; United States, jind that has to be ratified by tbrep fourth of the Sutes, which in my sopn'wn.wiU never be done, and yoti aud yoor race need hate an fears that yuti will be reduced ' 'to a cowlrtiwi of sUtery. sbpnld jou continue to reside South of Uie Ohio river.": It is a false alarm . ..! WW aud not one word pf trutu in it, aim am sarDrised that the colored people should believe tt, at least the more 'sensible portion, "who shdahl disabuse '.KumimUdf tljiiD who re not so Affair la, MmIIm. , r The Maine Stalwarts, who hate been talking Insurrection, and who pat ftlxt t partial execution at llangor are tbtsf .a at waf with the lawful State Govern went in the exercise of Its strict doty - imposed by the Constitution. , Under - hesc circumstances it lathe right of the Governor of Maine . and night tit soma eve uts become his duty, to .call -: on the President for troops to ftip-u press insurrection within the border i of the Itatc. The Coastitatioo of the - Uoitei States makes It the duty of th $ President, upon Uc call of the Legi- : l&turo or the Lxecutlve, when thel3 islature cannot Imj convened, , to pro-. n tect a State agsiust domestic violence t r The Republicans will make ft ,CTiotta r blunder if they! place Uemelte in an f tnsMrrectionsry attitude, and Justify j r lhe State authorities of Maine la CaJU-r ing for proUctton from the 0neral . -. Government. Bait. Gazette Dem A . ; ? J Governor G arc lon stands for the r 1 lkwand the dignity and v aatbotUy of hW office up n Maine, and the fctolfl- ? tionary Ilcpublicans io the 5tate, be ginning to .recognize tbe ; fact,: art uning"dpwn. . Contrary to the expeo tatiou of many, there was no couplet f Jf forces yesterday and no bloodshodf t f r . The whole affair, may be exr pected. we think, to end in etnoke. r The Legislature will meet, withtbft ; Fushm msorlty in boUi nouses master of the situs tion. and ceadf " work of the session. A Fusion Gov ernor will be elected, and will lake bla sent and hold it. The KepubKcanft wilt be afivrdcd. thus, every portonh ! ty to appeal to the people at tbe next general election. . If they have beeA'y honestly eggrieved which, aa mat- : tr of fact, they bate not their wrongs will be righted. AD they bate to do now i to submit and keep.qniet. '4-Wash. To. Dm. i - j, V

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