site The Wilson Advance- The Wilson Advance. 1 WOOPAtlD & COxN'NOR :R,rriOX ltAt:--lu Advice: Fr ih' -Year, l.Of MiX i'HOFKSSK)Al W. liLOtfNt, G 1 Attorney -"-"fr' .. Our Public. 'i ' "..'. t - llrilt- . R.TILLLRY. X Rocky Mount, win .,i"itir.v ill Nh, jvlj-ecoinbe r ; and II Ml pi ' - m , . Yilvm cot i tit if- . ' . - i .. "well t miliiT.tlollS. ,'Hi Special an-' " - - ...iij port ion of tin- ' ' II II N T E 1U i 11. r.. f 'V ; 1 ' SURGEON DENTIST. i ENr lhuu. ' ' - 1 no 4cUuUy wict5 a com,.,...., practice. r" - inVVl'I! ' t K. It. . .JUL'"". , 's'tl HGEON 1) KNJT I S V TTa irmanr ntly located in Wilson . Ml oi.Mtions. will b neatly a" an"! ;aie tullv urrJormed aud 011 t.-rnis rfan.t-. W ' Treth 'xtractt d mh urn Cfllce Tarboro irpet .nvt iia- Vo.stOfflee. ' . I. IjiT 777 aT ha tIml "e j : ! SURGEON DENTIST, j ; 1U Wio xt Wilson, N. C, ainl rport .f.ill'' solicit tb patronage of the AM bram-h'-s of ihc profession cinfully ' nil nc-Mtlv cxreur.-.l. .harS-s mvl.;r:itj. ft'," at r-v fn.ui ? I! Tim,- ? a .; . M. I" " I" -M. c UTURIELL & QINi IMLU, D E NTISTS,; 'iwt' Rl.Miiiu. Street..'-. ; NDRFOLi;, YA. cf. 3)th,-3in. J) K. P. I". AliRINGTOZN,. SURG-EON DENTIST-. GOLDS DO RO, N. C. . J rrar,)fTio at residence'.' n'i"l-Cm V I.KAI.KK IN SASHES, DOCRS AND BLINDS, Mniil'liiiRS, IJrack-t., Stair iaiis," Xcv.'ids, BUILDERS HARDWARE, "j Pi nts, Oii". Ha-is, l'liitl', IluiUlinu; Mat;-r-jals of Every Description- Vt WW Si.le Matkrt Square and ,lf) Pi.ati tke Avt-utie, Norfolk. 'a. ' . Vcp'2( in WILSON COLLEGIATE SENARY ' tFORYOUNC EADIES.) M iUon. .V '. T.est talent ctiudoyed in. altnlepartjoents ' Situation mfiisnaliy, healthy. " j r.oatd, per session of 20- weeks, including tnel, lights ami 'uniishi-d i ooai . $")iJ,0t). tlt.lier eliarge moderate. j Fall Scss'oii be''-j -Sepl'Miilx-r T t. J "'K.t eatae:He nr infv.rination. ad'lns, . J 1. U U E W E ll,PnncipaK UNEQUALLED OFFjER. Wilson Collegiate Institute. FOR li.jiii ..Lip .- !'. STRICTLY NON - SECTARIAN Fr years the most sueeesfid schoul in Riktrrii Uarolina. The best advantages tin! Imyest rates ttealihv lucation. Able nn l'.xpeneiic-tl I eaclicrs. Fine I.ibi ar ami -Atrtiafat:i.". . Si.acn.i4 'Hit!? ' "p!eaant ethieatinriil liome. K0U?1S(I PAID IX-OCTulIKn, Yar "GT Temt.Nv hooks, and icxvki.lkntT u?V IXOU IHMl KfKNiSHKl !lo(M, IX! L l.iuin?, ash wasiuxo. lur i!ie t-tititl' Mmlastie Year. Muic, $!' et-!i. S.-L -oft exteiuU from lirst; .u.Jav in' Oetb. r to lat 'n.,rsvV.y in June. A ltvc laslitiii tton. Modern, Thorough, Practical. , Senil for MtaWgue and cor Institutr OuartoTlv1 full of.valuab'e eilncationai inatter. fri vtl bri-ht. and free. ' 1 .S.IIASSKUA. M' .PHncipaf. jlvlS-tf . Wilson, .N. c. IH.NGUAil CiltiOL. il KB AN KSV ILLE, N. 0., . m Is now Pre-1m it?KN T aniotig .Southern ! Warding; Sciiools frjM.y. ' . . Die 171st Se'sMon cinlii Dee. iTdi. lSTO. ! "s lh'e" th f prosperous Vu lite 8(1 1 year of tbcStlKx.l's hist ,iy. " ! ! icTl,e'1-'2"d "4l'"0" will b.e--iu Jsn. Uxh. 1 onrd $12 per nonth. Ttvi:ki r. si!i. .K.r Catalogue givhiK lull pat tie pej- c-l 31Ai. JC. ItlXOHAM. S Hip't. TTENTf ON BOYS T . King' Mountain High SchocL CAUIlU UU.. A, ( ; -i wf.'t- Monday. 'in-.J m'. c nttmcs I! - school irr,,Q I 0r week v ek?'.Wi!! "'6f pauonaje than1 scU.h.1 estern North LWh,. ! any Wita nl . 1 ""itarv n.i.l 11. "" lrsu-tic:il .... i'rp;ni oi. IywAaion li..f,ltl,f..l a - - ,1.... i Prepataory v -....iii.t. nd'lVktf I"" m War,K 'nff -Send for eircalnr t ji.slim:K-BKLI" A M ' VM- VOL. 9. K V A DYE UTISKM EN TS. Lemon Tabourne, The Old Reliable Barber Mai' always . found at bis shop on Tar StreH.i.where he will be ph-ased -cive bis friends ami f-'i nn-r pa!ro. fShuvin? 10 cu; shaving jand cnltiiig hah- c-nt; ' ap-IS :f. T. ART LI NO TjllUT II The groat cure for :'', DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE.- , . SOUR STOMACH - and th.'bad vr.lelA of In(bg:tion is Dr. D Armstadts ,Ati-Djspeptic Drops. V.'or.Oorfnl ciyes maile all over the coun ny as 'thousands certificates attc t. l'urcly Vcll.iblc Pita; 75ccnts. PUKCELL, .ADDA CO. i;-I-2m Jtichmjonu, V a. j- M l) U C K M E N T S At the solicitation of MrJ llobgood, of the Advance, wc extand to the cit izens of Wilson county the benefit of the sweeping reductions we h.ave nuide and arejnak, g i the prites of all first ulass bLanila n Sewiug Machines Send for onrnew TOO pai;e ; illustrated CATALOGUE and FIUCE LIST, (mailed free to any addrcs?.)and avoid beini imposed' .ipon. by UNPRINCIPLED A-ents and dealers. Remember we are re sponsible established dealers who do the largest business South, j (over 500 of our MACHINES now in use in North Carolina). We guarantee satis faction or return money, very MA CHINE WARRANTED 5 YEARS. Honest Prices at Last. Singers New Family-Improved Kniinxt.n,'Xew Automatic latest ain'" Hom Nw, "LiRlit running ! . .' t- Wrnl 'Fanillv Favorite,'-cheap ; ( i Wilson underfeed Cleveland Style, i Wilson. New lti")ie f.'-d, stop motion, -NVw Doiaeslic, l:i!i-.Styt''S 'I ' 'K.:e.r .i-.., -'lf-tlreaaii)ie. New Uraw feeil. Wheeler & Wll!ot (irover & Uaki r, shuttle, J t No j:i Cjrover k Haker 2 spool,. j vii..v 1- ilil!h (iotrt lVrouiri- stfiiKl 0,0 20,00 20,l 15,0 :!0,0 ir' P 15.0 .in. NVw Home. White M-ele. McLean A Hoop and all ot!iT works at equal low prices ALL ATTACHMENTS FINK includ ing Tucker. RufRer, Binder. Quilter Bias lleminers, &c. Address GrmondlVlfg Co. .11 N. Gay t est, BALTIMO t W. J. HA11RISS. iriiolesale & Retail Dealer in- GROCERIES $1 ... 1 i LIQTJOKS Kow ofier lo his old fiiends. and patrons his larr iock of sr.;AR.' - COFFEE i ELOUR,. LARD, . BUTTER, i MEAT3 '&c, All purchased previous to the advance iir prices, and will be so'd cheap.- CANFIELD, BROS. ! BALTIMORE CHARLES ST HAi;rnioj:i:,M. "I , - '""'( American and Swiss Watches at lowest price?; i DIAMONDS FINK .IKWELRY. Iiracelctf, Eaninu;?, Pins4 R?ngs, Charms, Lockets Ac, Ac. Silver ware, platetl ware, tea sets, pitch crsj liasket?. caster,?, spoons., fork etc. ( locks, bronzes, china and other vases, f:i!, fpera srlassti.. spectacles aud eye rlascs am fancy goods Orders hjavc prompt attention. sep2Gly 'Young's r.'.P. Olasses' ' arid sattt yaur ejei-igni. J. T. ! Young' & Bro. ".. . DRAL.ER IN "1 FINE IKATCIIES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. SILVER Y ARE, Manufacturer of all kinds of riain Gold Jewelry, Rings, Badges, The best $10, castor, and 800; clock evcrsohl, Amrieaii r.atcbes at t lie lowest prices. Solid Isilver spoons, forks &r.., cheaoer than ever. Your orders are so bcited and will be promptly attended by j. .1. luurm s mtu. Petersburq, Va. oct 30th '70.-H Insure Your Life With. Hugh R Murray, OP THE KUTUAL LIFE XHSfURANCE COMPANY OF Si: W i'OKk I One of the oldest, largest and most reliable j companies in the world. . 1 .. . 1; -a.,-a M.vlft-tf I. , : p - A A BOOK FOR EVERY NORTH CAR' Of.lNA SCHOOL J r A i More s Sehobi HistOTV Of ortn uarc - j; . a. n , .use in all theJ Pn nblic Scttools 01 tne -.riaie, many of cm ablest t aeh 'rs.-tntroductory price TOcts: cloth $1.0. Send lor circulars, Ac. ALFRED WILLTAMS A Co., iti Publishers Sce., . Rak'ib, ' . C LET ALL THE EDS THOU WILSON, N. fhe Wilson Advance. FHIDAT ..... JANUARYS ISSf) - j Si 4 X i Monterev. We were not man- we who stood lief ore the iron ?leet that day; Yet many ja gallant spirit would ; Give half his years if he but could Have been with us at Monterey. : Now liere, now there the shot is hailed In deadly drifts of fiery spray, . Yet not a single soldier quailed When wounded comradei ronnd hlin wailed Their dying shouts at Monterey. . i i And on, still on, our column kepr, Through wall? of llame its Withering way; Where fell the dead, the living sl ept, Still charging on the guns that swept ! The slippery streets cf Monterey. The foe himself recoiled aghast, When, striking where be strongest Jay, We swooped his flanking' batteries p9t, And hravhi"; full their murderous bla-t, ! Siormed home the towers of Monterey, 0"r banners oti the turrents wave, ..I And tliere tho evening bugles play, Where orange bough? above their grave : . Keep green the memory of the brave Who fought aDd fell at Mo.j'tercyV ; We are not many wc who pressed . Beside the brave Who fell that day; But who of us has not confessed lle'd rather share their wrrior rest Than not have been at Monterey? I'.dittnn Outdone. I am wilfin to admit,' said Grand father Lickshingle, 'that Mr. JJdison has iavented a wonderfnl invention.' Several members of the family arose and started toward the door. t was well aware,' continued grand father, without changing bis tone, 'that some persons resiatrany attempts at enlightenment on scientific topics, an' I therefore locked tba door and put the key in my j pocket. When I was a voting man L.was'a great hand for efcperimentin' at one thing an' an other, an' spent about all my surplus wacres in workin' on a new light. I didn't fopl aroun' witli electricity, but went right for .the planets. The sun, moon and stars, the real source of nil light and heat, was what your grand father tackled. T will give you the re suits tu:mselves, ait thep you will see that Mr . EdLson is a tolerably 6iriall specimen;' , . i 'Your Tight -wasn't superior to the electric light?' 'Wasn't eh? My light wars as much ahead of Edison's as a house afire is alica l of a lightniu' bug Young ladies could take ray light and see their fu ture husbands as plain as day.' I 'That was certainly very remarka ble. - Alongside of my light a streak of 1 gh.tnin Led no more color to it than a t .il fence, while a couplo of small boys stnokin' cigar stubs lit from my Illumi nator looked like a torchlight proces ston.' 'It must have created a sensation in the scientific world?' Yes, an' in the literary world, too. It knocked light readliv4 fortyjways for Sunday. attachin' a ten-cent du- funny to your burner it ud generate a power that sonld be i applied in any. direction under the shiuin son. Il ud run a washin' machine, iron the clothes answer the door-bell, carry in the t'oal.; run errands ' ' Grandfather, ain't you mistaken? blacken your boots; cut your corns, drive home the cows an' haul a fir eight train.' viifit. ba hpeome of vour wonder ful light, grandfather?' 'Right there you will have to excuse me.' Suffice it to say I have it stored ; away in. a iafe place, an' at the proper moment I will spring it upon the conn try again. I will give jcra a pointer in Umc to sell Edison slock short, an' if you dont retire worth more than the King of the Cannibal Islands aon 1 blame it on your grandfather.' ! Civilization is rapidly spreading in Africa. An order, of the Mayor t-r i Monrovia, in Uberia, uas just uee js5Ued reqoring all Psons who en' er the city to be cioineu in iutuic 1. legal requirement in the case being a pair of ptnta reaching to f the kneef, and a paper shirt-collar. my JPoetry AI.H'ST AT. DE THY COl'XTRY'S. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23; 1880 Tbe Coldest Town In the World. Here it may relieve us when thft nierciry lias crept into the nineties, to think of a town which Humboldt and other travelers have pronounced the' coltist on tiic globe. 11ns is Jakus'.k (or jYakcotsk.) chief town of the 'pro vince of that name in Eastern Siberia, on theieft bank- of t!ie River Lena, C2 deg. 1 minute north, longitude ll'J deir. 44 minute$ east, and distant from Sr. Petersburg 5 951 miles. The ground remains continually frozen' to the depth of 300 feet, -.except in midsummer, when it thaws three feet at the surface. During iert days in Augtrst the -thermometer marks 80 degrees, but from November to February it ranges from 42 to G8 deg. below zero, and the river is solid ice for nine month? out of the twelve. The entire- industry of the place population 5,300 -is comprised in candle Svbrks, and yet it is the prin cipal market of Eastern Siberia for traffic with the hunting tribes of the Burials. The former, mostPy nomadic, having large herds of horses and cattle bring to market butter, which is sent on horseback to t!;e port of Okhotsk. The Brttiats, also nomadic, bring quan tities of skins of sables, foxes, mar tens, hares, squirrels, aud the like and many of them are sold at the great fair in June, which, with May, is the active period of the year. In May the collected goods arc conveyed to the seaports, whence they are sent in every direction. The merchandise, chiefly furs and mammoth tusks, so'd at fair?, amount in Value to 400,000 rabies ($300,000.) ' Cheerful Women. In marrying.HBen should seek hap py women. They thake a terrible mis take whetl they marry for beauty, or for talent, or for style the sweete3t ... - wives are those who posses the rriagie secret of being happv under any and every circumstcnce. Rich or poor, high or !ow, it makes ao difference, the bright, little fountalu of Joy hub bles up jut as -musically in theif heartSi Nothing ever gos 'wrong with them no trouble is too serious for them to make the best of it.'. Was ever the stieam of calamity so dark and deep that the sunlight; of a happy face falling across its turbid tide would not aw.ake. an answering gleam? Why, then, joyous-tempered people don't ki.ow half, the good they do. No mat ter how cross and crabbed yon feel, no matter if your brain is' full of me di tation on afflicting dispeusat'nm, and your stomadh with medicines, piils and Homes ; just set one of Ihoee cheery little women talking to you and we are not aft aid to wager anything she can cure you. The long-drawni line about the mouth will relax the cloud of settled gloom will vanish;, nobody knows where, and the first thing you know you will be laughing! Ah, what blessings are these happy women 1 How often their little hands guide the ponderous machinery of life, with al most an invisible touch!' How we look forward tlirotlgh the weary day lo the fireside smiles! Ha one knows no one ever will know, until the day of judgment reveals, how much we owe to r these helpful, hopeful, uncomplaining happy women : IlotV 3iortli Carolinian IFo. iA bov called to see Senator Vunce at Washington; He- modestly fom mtmicatcd his wishes to the doorkeep er. 'Have you a card, sir T he grufSy growled. 'Cards,' saidyihe boy, thought fully, mechanically running his hand in the rear pockets of his coat. ( No, sir, I don't carry 'em. 'Where are you from? inquired the doorkeeper. North Carolina,' was the prompt re ply. 'Well how do people do in North Carolina when they go visiting? 'Why, they ride up to a fellow's fence and hollw to him to tie his dog. and then get dotfn and go in,' was the ' laconic reply. Et. J ; A Tlrtn' Weak Poiat. The young ladies of Washington j are debating how they shall modestly but effectively rebuke the ill-bred men who stare at tnein in tue street cars Land stages. It hfis been decided that , the most effective remedy it for the young lady to retort by persistently staring at the male starer'e feet and assuming an amused expression of ; countenance, a thongh looking at sonetinng runny. Naturally every ; uu ciau m iuc cat i wue uau man's boots, and thus injured inno- .0 . .j iC comparatively, can sttnd unflinchingly am-3e,t lady's persexering stare at tis ?ei THY GOD'S. AXD TKmiVV I V t-4 r- Woman' fhnritv Tof 'oinnn. Fannie Waftl, a sprightly writer in Forneyfs Washington Chronitdej speak- in" f,t !inri!v itrvvf.jn hi imuhuI v ry . truthfully says : j t "Rut when it comes to women chhritv for woniei:, 1 fear the sex are7dred 'per cent. proflt,dont believe it. ' incorrigible, and no amount of preach- When a man offers. to give away kn w5 ing Will avail. Samantha Allen under- edge of the utmost value for the cure stood whereof she spoke, in 'the fol- of consumption, and any and all other lowing pointed remarks: 'Winnnen diseases by merely sending! a three are meaner than puslv about 't;.e ceut stamp to prepay postage, don't things, and this is one of them, j Now wimmen wul go out aud kul the fatted calf with their own hands lo feast . the male prodigal that has been livin' on husks. Hut let the woman that he has been boardin' with on the same buudle of husks ask meekly for a little initc of this veal critter, will she get it? No ! she won't get so much as one of the hoofs. She will be told to keep on eatin' her husks, and after she has got through with 'em tp .die,' for, after ; a woman has once eat husks, sbe enn't neSrer cat any other vittle's; and if she asks meek'y, why is her stomach so different from the male husk-cater, he went right off from husks to fatted calf, they'll say to Jier, what is sin in a Woman hain't sin in a man. Men are such noble creatures that they will be a little' wild, it is expected of 'cm 5 but after they have sowed their wild oats they always settle down and make the very best of men. , j 'Can't 1 settle down too?" cries the poor woman. ! a'm sick of wild oats toj, I am sick of husks. I Want live a good life in the sight ot God and, caan. CanH I settle down tooT ' Tes, you can settle down in the graved they say to her -'IFhcn a Wo man has sinned once that is all Hhe place there is for her. A woman can not be forgiven.' There is an old sayin' i 'Go and sin no morej' "but tbat is LSOO years old-lawful old fashioned.! I And then, after they have fcastedl thi male husk-eater on this gospel veal, and fell on his neck and embraced him a few times, they wiH take him in to their houses and mVrv him lo tlieif purest and prettiest daughter, ' while, at the same time they Won't have the female busker in their kitchen to wash tor 'cm at four cents an article.' Representative Joy; lie occupied one-nalt 01 tue car seat and filled ths other with a double covered market basket, He was an original specimen; His plug hat sat on his ears like a -smoked chiinnejf on the prongs of a lamp top ; ht3 legs were braided together and his shine were sharp enough for eaa openers. 'You can't guess What I ve ot in that basket. 'Squire,' life "observed td a passenger in the seat behind him. I 'No,' was the reply. ; ; 'Twins, bv thunder!' he exclaimed; 'and I'm going to give them an airing.' So .saying he drew forth a black and white doll oi uniisual proportions and dandled .them on his knees. I 'I'll tell ye how it is, Captain,' he continued; -Me and the old woman has been hitched Up in the holy bonds Of hemlock going on thase forty years and there hain't a chJck dr child to be seen or hecrd about the hoyse. Bo! I've biftnoht home these are, Jwins. She can take her choice a black 'un or a white 'um. Ret ye she will take to both. -WL-vi if I took horn-: a black snake, she would want it to, set up aud have some supper, and put a hot brick in the bed where the snake was going to sleep. G09I1! the old gal has got ai heart zn her like a red cedar. A Great prise pumpkins 1 how she wilt shout when she sees them are twins!' I And then be put them carefully back in the basket, closed the Cover find beamed benignantly upon the wintry world Without. IlenefitM oCiood citj. I One dav as I was in a bath a friend of mine put into my hand a piece scented clay. I took it, and 9aid to t Vrt limn mnclc or amliar7ris. for I & a ... .- - o !' . . .. . -.. '. . am charmed -villi my periume: iw answered, "I was a despicable; piece of clay, but T was some time in the company of the rose the sweet quality of my corapaion was communicated to me ; otherwise I should oily be a b it of clay, as I appear to be. 7 i r . : , r . I A lawsuit has grown out of swearing by tekphoue 'in CincinualL A" youn woman employed in the .Telephone Ex- changereported that sh. cxmgly profane .1 I.mvv. i- nno 1T I mfessase had been sent from one of the C3 leading business houses to anolher. Theje'ephone was at once removed from the house whenco came the oatbs, and the injured firm hare instituted a snit for damage:. NUMBER 52! Homo Tblus lo IileliCrr. I When a man advertises for a partj 1 ncr, and wants a voting ruan! to put in a small investment of one hundted or five hundred dollars and promises to him a realizitiou of flftv or one !mi - ;- If , . Lelieve it. When a man proposes tojyonr city laws," quietly reblitd the do his utmost to make every one else jjie'vaud looks to other . people Inttfr est more tlian 'Ids own, don't jbelieve It. H'hen a man oflera to give you somethinjiof :reat value for soitethin" of less value in other words, to give you someniing for nothing, don't be- lieye it. Many peraons advertise on purrxvse to filch young men of money gained by htrdllaborfand before cn- tcring into any; speculation which may be offered ou, itake advantage of the many means ait your command and J ascertain the facts -with reference to .the nrotioscd business lefore vou in- !. vest, and thu save tour money and assist in effectually breaking up swindling establishments. all tie it ttomelhlnf FrUky. "Got something frisky?" he asked, as he walked into a livery stable and called tor a saddle-horse ''something that would prance about lively and wake a ftllow out of h'n lethargy? IJ Wed to ride the trick male in a circus, an' I reckon t can bsck anything that wears hair." They brought him out a calico-colored beast with a vicious eye, and he mounted it and dashed off. Berore he had gone two blocks the animal Ducked, crasued tiirougn a high board fence and ptuhge.i into a cellar tossing his rider over the top of an adjacet Woodshed and laudiug liki on the ragged edge of a lawn mower. They bore him home, straigh tened him out, and three 0urgeons came Ih and reduced his dislocations And plastered Jiixn tip with raw beef. A fewiweeks laldr he called at the stable and said jif they had a gentle saw-horse with fn affectionate dispo. sitiori, :a bridle with a curb , bit and martingales, and a saddle With two llornS and a crupper to It, he believed he- would go up in the hay-mow and . ... 1 1. . . ..... .. oaiio; around a uttie where it was soft and it wouldn't hurt him if he When to sleep and iell ofl'afhc did the other day. I'reftitigntlal rinanceo ! Wasiiingfon deft an estate worth f $800,000, .John Adams died moderi drately well ' oft. Jefferson died . so poot Lhitt If Congress had riot given $20,000 for his library, he would have been bankrupt.; Madison was econo inical and died 'rich. Monroe died so poor that he wits buridd at the expense of his relatives in Baltimore. John Ouincy Adams. left about iOp.OOQTthe ) result of prudence. 1 lis son, Charley Francis Adams.' gained a jarge sum by marriage. Jack son. died tolerably well off. Van Rilren didd worth some $3OO,Q0O. It i5 said that 'during hfs entire administration, he" never , drew j any portion of his salary, but on leav j ing took the whole a lump. Polk j left about 1150,000, Tyler married a daily tf wealth arid accom- plisliment, and 'lied rich. Taylor left; about $15O,00OY - j Fillmore was aiways an economical "man and added to his wealth by his last ' lnarriagei Fie:ce saved about $$0,000. LHecbanan left about $200,000 Lincoln about $ 5,000 j Johnson about $50,000. j.v ; . - IoIagr m Faror. Karly yesterday morning A jjoorly dressed and seedy-looking person about 50 years old entered the Post office and proceeded to warm his hands at of! one of the register!. He made no in- ! qnirioa aboat mail, and aftrr he hiil been loafm? around for two hours a t . ! 1 ;. -.-'., L '. policeman gow i ejo uw ura anu asked i Say old man have you any business here?" ( 1 I ' Well,: no was tae reply Any work to do?" "No. I kinder thoogfit I'd lay off thie winter." -. - j frU. j ' J j ok e a vtgrantr ti . d , he look at him. ' '. . ; . ;Meble I am." sighed the old man. j . "And I think I'll take you down' ! "Well, 111 go along." , Ifhe oflfcer escorted him down to ATURTI8ntt RATES o One Snrnire 3 Month?, i..... ...... .V00 One iir.are 0 MonthT ......... J.:......- fUY On? 3rTrs 1J Mnlls ....1....;, ...15.0. Liberal i(t!ftrnis mailt" for lir2cf spae Transient Advertisements insetted at Ten Cehis per line. - t,he station-house, registered hi uame a,u -then proceedoif to. search hif pocket.. Kach -one - panned out "wad" of money, malting k total of $1,000. - . J: "Why didn't yon' tell mc YOU had this moneyV"vlemandcd trie police men. "Why didn't you aek .mcT? "lMvVu t l say 1 ttik you for a ra giant, aod you didn't deny it either!" 'Well, I didn't know auvthin; about old man. "I've got two married dangh- tero, and I came in Jo liviy eacf of cru a $G00 piano for New Yearfs but if its ag'in any of your town lws I'll take the nest train for home. I'm getting purty old. and I d n't want no fuss with any body.' . '; ' . , Well, yo'i might have savpvl your self all tins trouble," said .t ie officer as lie escorted him to the street. "Don't mention it.M was the answer. "If I xtok any trouble on yot r account it's all right a'ad you needn't thank ma I'm always' willing to oblige iinyrboly who can appreciate day, isn't it?" it. T trty cold The IWIIpailnnM of Hope irt !(! i ; j plonntitln. Some excitement is bsing created among the Mexican population of ofPhfrjnii, by; the story of J Mexican who arrived last even ncr from ; ihe Reno Mountians. He came into town uuacr cover 01 oarKucss, as he was nearly naked. His hands and feet were torn and blood v, andj his Tace gashed in a fearml maimer, was told with the . air of a had been terribly frightened Ilia story man wlio, and . had not recovered. With a comnanion he started out prospecting about a month agoj going up Salt River. They left the river when opposite the nperttit tious' Mountain. iTheir prospecting began at thi s point. " While climbing up tliQ mountain . iti a lit ,le gully, through blaek sand, and down which a large stream -of water had passed j'ears ago, thy .iwere evidently tutonish- ed to find quantities in this sahd were largo of Ana gold.. 11 some places the sand was only about half an inch deep over ! the ffran UcV The gold, in piece's the also of a,be n and smaller, was found in the little fissures in, the fjee of the Wd-roc (. Very little washing necessary ; xnd thy found a little sprintr pf water , which furrished them what thjy needed. They obtalndd.-they think, abt $G00 worth In lialf a day's work. About 2 o'clock Jn the afternoon they- were 8tirprisexi 10 sec an Indian woman come to the top of the gulch i, hove the spring and start to-cVmie down. Upon seeing them she ran . back over the hill. In less than ten mini tcs they were surrounded by . fifty or sixty savages. The Indians were vry small and seemed to-be of a difTeret t naturo than tuev had ever seen 'in Arizona. The Mexicans were not armed, except with knives, and the survivor says ttiev were almost insta'itly caught with lariats! The Indians took tjicm ud a mountain and put them ia a cave. They tdrtnred and killed h'm com panion, and his fato would Ii.ive been, the sfiine but for his escape. He sue -cr-eden in getting away '' with bnly a few knife gashei on his face They Inst.tijeir g Id with all thei- outfit. The Indiana seemed to be cave 'dweller, and were evidently excited over the place being found l y otitrd- oers. ror the benciit or non-residents, we will ; say that ! Surierfltition Mountain derives its namcjfrom the fact that no white man has. been ' seen again who attempted its ascension. It is a tradition atong the Mexlcana tltat large deposits of free gold, are .o be-found in its golches and ravines. It is not known whctlwrr there Is, any water there or not. ft wearing oil. A gooI deal of fun is poked at Xew Year's resolutions, "swearing off ' and pleasant delusions which frai i human nature is prone to indulge in about this time of year. But such resolu tions do no harm, 'and they may do good. The spirit' is willing although the flesh is too often weak. What ' ' ' I i men, yoting men especially,! waut to cultivate Is will power. IFeak will . ruin more men than mm or ry lime, or misdirected passion. A German editor remarks that in America thieves are so scarce that re wards are offered for them. He does not seem to know that it's not nmil the rewards are offered tbat they make ihemselve? scarce.