tTieTWilsoh Advance." ; PUBLISHED tmi MM' B WOOPAOT & CONNOR WilsQii, K- 0. ' ubs fr RIPTiOX IlATESf-W Advance: Teilfi - -.1 ' .1 ,U: p " W. 15L(UNT, 5 ' t ccw ..82.0ft LOU Attorney Office rublic Slwrei rvr.r of CO lift T Oct. 10th '70. K. tlLLKKV. ' 1., i 1 1 1 1 1 Nash, Kilgccciu'-"-- .,.lWMlll! 1" 1VA tirar.llCO HI Wilson coiinfie. . . . Specif AWlioiKi" 1 ' .:,-. f flit; State- J ; ' ' ... , ii !,U 111 1) R. K. L. cnpfiTMN DENTIST. LET AIX THE E.DS THOU AMPSTAT, BE TUY COIXTRV'S. THY CiOD'S, A.D TROTH'S. VOL. 10. NK W AD VEKTISEMEN TS. WILSON, N. 0., FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1880 NITMBER 1 Lemon Tabourne, The Old Reliable Barber May always b found at liis shop ort Tai' boro Street, where he -will be pleaed erve hi friends and former patrons. rtlia-.ino: 10 Cts 'shatmsr' ami. cutting hair lit) ceit. , ap-IS t.f A- 4 Vl s T A'UT LING TK U T II D oct 2-1 1 y ... W L' I? KON W'' The great cure ior , . DYSl'El'SIA, SICIv HEADACHE. , SOUll .1T(hlACil ! and the bad effects Jof Indigestion is Dr. D'Armstadts Ati-Dyspeptic Drops. Wonderful cures ni-"! all over Hie conn fry as iiv.j.-ttiKiv ot certificates attest. Purely Veritable I'rlc Tocents. VtUlCFXL, LADD-&.C6.; iiol.3-I2m'' i? Richmond, Va. The Wilson Advance. Fill DAT ... .JAStfARY30 1SS0 iPoetx'y. I 1 D U C I E.N T 8 orations will b-;'.- J " V 1 ,,ih!o. 'lVcthtn.ctr.l wiM ;;,ntir,eTiuWoM1cetnov -to-,- I) K". i S . H A T T l, E , SVRGEOS DENTIST, ami rcpfct- ihc people. cut-tuny J .14 ." tlif t .all- -1 riT'1 . ,'i i, l.-j- nf the in .U'KII . . .: .. .1- ,.v h.mI. ' Kill's n.()(l'r;it .Va--li trM't. miht nours t-ii-ni 8 A. M. to " V M- G1' C.INGUIUU. ITTliUlKliL & DENT ISTS, I) i:VS Main Street. - NORFOLK, "VA. . S')i1i.-3nr. -V" ; J At t.hft inlicitation of Mr. Ilobsrotfd, of the AuVAXCli, we extend to the cit izens of Wilson county the benefit of the sweeping reductions We hrtVe made and arc makj g in the prices of all first class standa. n . j. Sewing Machines Send for oiir new 100 page illustrated CATALOGUE, and 1'UlCE LIST, fuiiiilcd fruetoany address. )ai id avoid bcmsr imposed upon by UNPRINCIPLED Agents and dealers." 'Tie-member we are re sponsible established dealers who do the largest, business South, (over ol'O of our MACHINES now in use in Nonh Carolina). Wc guarantee sati3 faction or rclurn money, every ; MA CHINE .WARRANTED 5 YEARS. Honest Prices at Last. Singers NcJW Family Improved KfiijiiiKtoa.'iVffw Aiitoinnlic' latest out Holii Now, IJluriinnius' ' ' 4 Wi-cil 'L'amirv Varoriie ' cheap Wilson iiiul.i'frf CA-ci:iiid Ntylp, Wilson, Ni'w Do'lble fct-d, stop uiotiun, ( New Doint'stic, latest St) les - t Now Donws tic, stilf-ihrpadiup:, Now Dwv fred, Wc:ler it Wilson, rovcr & Haer, shuttle. No 't Grovrr & Raknr 2 xpool, M-iLn. t. f:;hi.c rtnlil Hrint'i Htand UlU v. ' ' ' ' " . , T- Klornue. Hafk ami Side Iecci 9- i" Ktne New' Home. H'hiU; Heels, McLean & Hoop er and all other vVortts at cn"al low yriCon ALL ATTACHMENTS FINE includ ing Tucker, llufller, Binder. Quilter Hias Heuvmers, &c. Address OrmondiVlfg Co. 41 N. Gay t eet, 14ALLTMO t 0,0 $20,00 .'U,U Ho.O $15,0 $130,0 2U,0 15.0 SS.'O.O SURGEON DENTIST- GOLDS D0R0, N. C. tJST' rpiilenco. amil-Gin XiU.tlier Stield.on? , DKALKK IN ' SASHES, D0CRS AND BLINDS, I MoulHiiic;,-Bracket, S.tnir Rails, - Ncvel!,- MULDERS HARDWARE, I'tinti. Oil. Oia-w, I'luty.' BuilJiiis Iatci rial of Every Description. j b? ffest, Sidr Market Square, and 4ft lloan okc Avenue, Norfolk. Va Kp'-1'' W, J. HAHKISS. riiolesale & Retail Dealer in- GROCERIES & A Second Wedding Ring. Satnuel Bishop (died llOo.) 3laster of Merchaut Taylor's School j wrote some poem8r the best of which is in praise of Lift wife, on the annlversar1 of her; wedding-day, which was also her birthday, with a ring; "Thets Mary. With thwring I wed'' So fourteen years ago I said, Behold another ring! 'For what? To wed tiiee o'er again? Why not? . ( With that first ring I married youth, Grace, beaut)', innocence and truth; Taste long adinitvd, sense lonjj revcretl4 And all my Molly then appeared , If she, by merit since disclosed, Trove twice tho woman 1 suppose!, I plead that double merit now, To jQslify a double vowj 1 Here, then, to-day (with faith as sure. With ardor as intense as pure, As.when amid tile rites divine I took thy trulh mid plighted mine,) To thee, sweet girl, my second ring A token and a pledge 1 bring; JFith this ring I Tredj till death m pare, Thy riper virtues to inj heart; ' Tliosc virtues which, before untried, I'he wife has added to the bride) ' These virtues whose progressive elaim, Endearing wtdlock's very name. My soul enjoys, my song approves, For consciences' sake, as well as love's. And why? They show me every hour Honor's high thought, affection's power, Discretion"' deed, sound judgment' , Beuttfitce . And teach me all things but repentance. among jLiid throng aid freeze the ir. Nor.c but the tcuaatrj had been inti ted. ' ' ' ' ' What a grand lime tliey had to be sure! "my lordr' the, merriest or them all. . How they laughed at his joke, which were as funny as funny crmld be? What a shout when np when he aid in a loud voice, 'Til dauce with prettiest girl iu the room?" What a cheer made his ancestral halls ring, as he led Jane Marr to the centre of the floon As they led off in the dancej he so grand a .id noble, she so beautiful and fail, some eyes that saw the sight, for all the rippling laughter, filled with tears ; "My lord'' looked down upon the blQshing. burning face and .smiled. It was well he Ciuld irot look Into the quivering ; heart that loved him with such a. wild despair. The Yew brief moments of the dance were like a delicious dream to Jane. With , his arm around her, holding her closej close to him, she moved to the music's sweet strains like a float ing soul. Those who sa-v her then, her eyes half closed, her lips parted her cheek, never think she might not reach him. ' A momeut's rent revived her some what; and rising, but staggering she struggled on. i i Shrt was so close now that u'le could hear what he was saying, She knew by his loving words that It Was to his young wife he was talking. Oh! how she prayed that this young wife might be worthy of him 1 It was so dark that she had no fear of being seen. When she was within a few feet of him, she sank down aain o Unable to walk farther. Then she crept on: hand? and knees, knowing it ,was useless to wait for strength, ' Along the edge of the porch there vas a railing and over this, his back being toward it, his arm was flung his hand handing down. Grasping the edge pdrelt with great effort, that Wade hdr ffall body tremble like a leaf, she drew herself up and leaned against the railing. Had he moyed his arm it would have touched her. . She listened to Ida luving ' Words as IO.TJOBS WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY . (FOR YOUNG LADIES.) S U WiUon. .". '. j 1'est talent employed in all departments Situation unusually healthy, i liu.-ml per .eslnu of 2U weeke, ineliidmg ':fiifV lights unit funiinhed room .$")(),0ij CM tier cliillges modulate. Fall Session begins September 1st. P'or eaUlngtn: ur iiifurtnatioiii .Mildj-ess, J. B. BUEVVKlta'rmcitMil.- I UNEQUALLED OYF'L Wilson Collegiate Institute. - FOR BOTH STRICTLY AOA' - SECTARIAN Tjpr years the- most .successful scIiohI in KfKterii CUrolinn. The liest advantages km) lotvest raten. Healthy o(?atim. .Tile iid.Kxperienci'd Teaeliers. Fine Lilsrarv .1 Apparatus. Spacious Uui'diug. ' A .teat-ant eilnratidhal linme. FOR $1.W fn IN -OCTOBER, Yt' flF.T TnnoY, riiKs?, and Kxci i.M:.r hoaiiu lNti.t'ni.N( KriiNISUKU 1U(, KiKI, Moil'rs, and washino, ior he entire' Keliolastie Year. Musie lo oxtra. S-s-on cxtciuls from first-Mcmdav'iu. Oe"toler to last linrsday in Jiifie. -A Live 1 1 i-!.Iti- . tiou, Modern, Thorough, .Tracheal. Send for catalogue and our 'Institute Quai P i l vV full of.valuah'i: "educational inatter, fi(.stT. bright, and free. ' ' v . S HASSKLL, A. M.4 Principal. jlflS-tf WilsMi, N. C Xow offer to his old friends and pstrcn? his large stock of . SlJOAli, . ; : COFFER ' i FLOUR, i LA HI), BUTTER s MEAT, &c. All ptirchased previous to the advance in prices, and will be sold cheap.' CANFIELD, BROS. & CO. BALl'hMOUE & CHARLES ST.. IS AIrniOBtl?, 5IIK American arid Swiss Watches at lowest prices. DIAMONDS, FTNE JEWELRY. Bracelets Earring.; Jt)n?i Kings, Cbafms, LoCki.-.t.s Ac, &c. ! Silver ware, plated ware, tea sets, pitch ers, baskets, casters, spoons, fork etcj .'locks, bronzes, china and other vases fans, rpera glasses, spectacles and eye glasses and fancy goods . Orders have prompt attention. scj:-31y Vse "Young's P P. Glasses" e3eRlglit, anil Save year V Ti'E.VrftJN JiUYS f King's Mountain High School, Kiso Mm:sTAiN, Cleveland Co., N. C Next; session opens 1 Monday in J tn i "tiary 1SH). aixl cmtim V, selund mo.l,s or 24 w eeks. Wider area of pationage'tban -';. school ?ir : w.-rteru .N.H-th.' V.f'-.-.H! Miliury -.-and Busiivs Drn-.i-rm..,.-, " " ('on praci ion Wio?nuli hM)l. IHTution healthful, iuitwrn. umfonn and board J. T. Young & Bro. DEALER IN . VINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWLHT, SILVER WARB, Jl.lnufacturer of aH kinds o! riain Gold Jewelry, Kings, Badges, &c- The best 10, castor, and $) ,00 clock ever sold Amcriean r. atclies at the lowest I prices. Solid silver spoons forks &C, 1 fbeflper than ever. Your orders are su- lK-Jted-aiKi will be promptly atteiuleil by J. T. YOUNG & liKO. j FfcTERSBUUG, VA. , oct 30th 70.-ti -".T" l'reparatony includini pf Ss-j "fes anu 1 igks from (SMo $S5.. ion of .ix month. Send for circular to W. T. Ik BELL, A.M.v Prhveiiial. jaa 2 -lm. rU E STABLES ! UVERY & SA a houses, , NEW HARNESS and NEW YEUIOI.F tH market htnwo, on Ouldlro ureej Hi tb . ... ...u. iuuu im irordi'rsKirt n. Insure Your Life With Hugh F. Murray, :.' : auent of i; THE MUTUAL 1 LIFE INSURANCE CVMPANy OF NE IV YORK. One of the oldest, largest, and most reliable l coinpanies in ine .wonu. He will insure 3011 15 per cent cheaper than Umj ordinary rates. niyl6-if Horses vino vry lowen pricrs fornUw ..r., ,!.- rsesanaTeUWiewill be hired at modcrati-; S,4 rt ""nth or meal tervVhrat UGG & EDWARDS. ; , N. C. Oct. Ctum A BOOK FOR EVERY NORTH CAR OLINA SCHOOL ! t More' SAoc-l History - of North Caro- . Una Adopted by the Lt sfislattrrc of 1879 for use in all the Ftdb'lic Jsehools. oi the atati, jik1 approved by many of ctfr ;tblest teach ers. Introductory price YOCts i cloth $1.00 Send for circulars, &e AIEKED WILLIAMS '& Co., j ru rubiishers &c, lUIcigh, N. C ft Warm flush upou forgot the nlghti rWhen the danee was done, Lord Desmond before them all, bent and kissed her. If he had known ! Poor oliild I she did not sleep that night. Iter hungry love fed upon that Idsa. Not till morning was the wild dream over. Her father sighed as he looked upon her then, for she seemed paler and mpre frail than ever be fore; . . ' ' ! Indeed, it was sd ; and from that time, day by day, she faded : day by day became less a child of 'earth ad more a child of Ileaten. None knew what was killing her ; nothing could have wtoing from her a confession df the love jtkft was .Wearing her life away. ! Her father asked, . in tremblinsi tones : Dear lass, what makes thee wither so?" ; She only answered : I Tt is nothing father ddar" riotliitig.5' i One night in darly spring he said to her : ' . ! j "I hav'e ncWsJtbr thee, lass ; "What news, father?'' "It be good news, lass ; tiiy lord has brought aiwife to the hall.' They say she5 is naught but beautiful and good: Why, Child, how white thoii art!'' She strove to smile1 and aiiswe"r hint, but vainly. The rdotrf swani before her,, her brnin reeled, arid, reaching out her arms to him, she fell Upou the floor as orie strickendedlead: ; The old man lifted her tenderly and bore to her bed. As lie bathed her ford head he moaned over her.There wa3 an awful tear in his heart that she might did. lie almost feared that she was dead she1 lay tlieTd So vHtd and still; ' It Was long before' slid opened hr eyes and spokd reassuringly to him. She tried to rise, but, too weak, fell back, with a sriiiie Upon bet face. Slid knew" the end was near. Day by day she faded, and nrtnd bad hope that shd Wriuld rise from the bed again. Those who dame into the room talked in whispers, thinking of the strange silence that was soon to come. - Although she Waited with patient hope for rest, she longed to once again to sect his fade, and hear his voice be fore she died. She did riot ask that they would send for him. She only trusted that he would come. One night when she knew death was very near, this longing to see him was strongest upon' her. She cottld not shake it off. Her father had been called away and would net return for an bour.ller love had not corns . to her 1 sh would go to him- She prayed for Heaven's help. ; JFitU that strange strength the dying ametimes hare, ated wish an uxb'Bcar upon his lace, j she ros and dressed, bhe lett,- sne left there by ajgreat lords blow. , A would never see her father again. queen by purity of soul, she was sA-. His Testament was ou the table. mc.t. sUve hv riodit of birtbi ' I Lurmurinpr, "Gc J keep you falher!" She, with blue eye3 and golden ; she kissed it. Then the weut out into hair, was fair to look upon.- No fine . the night. lady that clad in heavy silk, swept j It was very darh. Though Uic through 44my lord j hal's, wore a j rcoon was in the sky, thick .clouds hid lovelier face tlian shei The - spiritual. j it. When Bhe had taken a step or in her nature exhaled ever, like the i .wo from the door, she turned back and kissed that, again murmuring, "God keep you, father l" Then she" went forth ino the black night again. She bad not far to gov and scon though they wefe Spoken to heart.. - Thus, hdr soul thrilling With Strange joy, she waited until she felt the touch. cf death. Then quickly passionately she seised his-hand and kissed it. fFith an; exclamation, hi turned suddenly. - Jist then the moon caiud out from behind a cloud and showed the up turned -faee of her who had been starving to catch a giitupgs Of her lover though the darkness! ltMy God !" he eried Jane Marr 1" 1 1 and his heart stood still at sight of the pallor on her face and the wonder ous look in her eyds' Jle was strong, arid slia a fdathers Weight. Hd berit And lifted her; iriien he had her 0:1 the pdrchand was holding her pityihgly to hi in be .''' j -; pa iticr - - v 1. Dan Rice has returned from ja trip through the ''provinces," and (eports the peop!e of Mlssortri singularly un appreciative of 111 9 genlns as shown on the ros rum. Old Dan, after his sud dfl.i and almost miraculous conversion to tho cause of tcmperancei came to the conclusion that the Interests of civillKition and humauity deramded that he roam the land as an apostle of the good cause. j He had some pmall posters printed b.'aring a turgid picture of himself and the wording Dan Rice's .KeW Depar- more tu-e lrora the Rlrl? to the Rostrum nt a Single leap. Dan Rice, the Veteran Manager,, Vocalist, Clown and Author Recentty Conterted, Will lecture at -- on Subjects j Temperance; Polity leal Equality, Religious Rigk's, ieSc He sent a 'manager' by the name of Saville to 1 hang up his biilsi The night before Old Dan started but 011 his starring or starving tour hoi was met in a Fifth-street salooa by! an old journalistic friend, who jocularly in vited htm to take a drink, Dau prompt- The Wilson Advance.- ADTERTISI.d HATC3 f : One Square 3 Months,'. One Sqtmrc 8 Months, Mtu mhL 9.0 One Squsrs 12 Months, ,15.0 1 Lileml deductions made for larger spaet Transient Advertisements Inserted At Teo Cents per Hue. " i t her own j ly accepted, and took wme. 'Haw is this?' suid his friendj were converted?' 'I thought you So I am, bo I nm, to temperance not total abstinence' I I " I . -." . --':; r,t ...till xins inciuetit rccaiiij a utile! scene that happened on the night when the school has resigned her position to commence the study of medicine, Thit profession ffljras peculiarly adapted to women and has manr nJore novHI- ntes than that of the lair. The Women's CJiristianTemperanca Union, of Boston; propose to , present a petition asking the privilege jof wo men voting upon the question Of liquor 1 license. They also ask the ' signature of every person of legal age in tLe city,' ' ; : : f. v : 5 V k t Vi'-f The American Sunday SchooV of NewTork. has been presented with . $100,000 by Mrs. J. C. Green, of that city, the interest only ta be availableV" This Is to be devoted to tlie develop- 4 uient of Sunday school literature of a ' high merit.' ' Tae htt Mrs. Charles Dlckent iraJT the granddanabter- oT Mr,,Oedfie tThonipson, who figures in the Utter life of Burns as his correspondent oif musical arid other mattersi Mrij bickir ens is said' to have seea the volume of her husband's letters, recently jyublislfS' ed, while in proof, and expressed her ' entire approval ot the manner frt Wuictt they were written. Gatnbetta says that 'If girls iaro'not educated up to the level of the Ro'pnbV lican ideal the republic will fall down' ' to their notion of what it ought bA That the bes1, advisors he erer bat! ' n t alone 1 1 V the coi duct of his prt- old showman iuppcarcd upon the stage Tate life, I ut in political wfifd good He was a lord she was the daugh ter of his tenant. No nobler blood than his was there in all tlnclatid - o nond lowlier than hers. Ilis was a high-sounding name, Lord Desmond hers'plain and hnmble, Jane. Mart-. His hands were soft and h-hi' e hers ref and coarse. Iliswas a heritage of 1 ease hers of tail.' And yet that gentle heart, rdachdd out to him, though there was such a gulf between. She worshiped him afar off. : ; . ! '" ; In its expression a hopeless love ipny find-a balm. It is the silent hem that breaks it is the lo'Ve which dares not speak, that ki'ls. . Lord George Desmond was one of I God's, ns well as England's noblemen; Ho was still young, having bden in p )ssesbion of his! estate but a few years. He was not the conventional lord either in matTncr of action. As noble as the blood that he Could trace back for centuries was the heart which sent it forth; '1 And Jane Marr loved hlmlovdd him although she knew love's only crown would b dea pair; She did not often see "my lord,' for he was much away ; when she did she lived upon his nod and soiild Un til by his carriage sometimes as he entered that he might touch her as hd passed. Lord Desmond guessed nothing'. "He shall never know,'' she thought 5" "he she shall never know.'! I'oor child ! what a mad thing this Ijve was. The sun that shone on her was not farther away thau be; Could she have traced back her an cestry, she would have found but her itage of toil. Her father's back was bent with the burden of that poor man's estate. Her grandfather had died when she was very young. Her only .' remembrance of him was associ- groaned for the" ntoon showed no cx preslon then in those staring eycs.i With his arms Ardund her, With her head Upon his breast Gxl bd thanhed for that she had died. Even then, as ,lie wept over hdr, Lord DesucO d little knew that she bad diod for' love of him 1 I 'tha IAiiy' Oi-jlii. She had a lover whoni slid agreed to marry, but she subsequently refused to do so. He went South and died. Hdr drdam slid tlids described i ' She stood at night updn an Eminence overlooking a rushing, icy stream. Dark dlouds obscured the moon, and th nir was daaip artd chillt; Soon. shd described in thd semi darknea a boatj with ft single occupant, floating with terrific rapidity toward an im mense catsract. The man's face she could not. see ; but he was gestic ulating Wildly; as if imploring succor from thd fate that irripended him. . On, on went the boat ; faster and faster grew its speed j wilder and more de spairingly still wej-e the gestures of the dnhappy man ', Until jdst as the . frail bark was about td go over the bf nk of the awful cataract inio the seething watcra bdiowj the occupant turned arid she recognized the features of lief lover whil a voice rang out from the clouds, 'Another soul lost and Charged to you !' She becarfle craiyj shot her father and then killed herself. All this is true, and of recent occurrence. The lady was Miss Hovey and the 1 ver Eugene Raines, both of Lyons,- Ni it. Was ever there a storj' CJdre tragical? ol tile Uoniqne and said, with great earueitnes, ibnt In the future! rum would nave no-more hold 1 upon him than a bread and-niilk poultice would haVc upon a wooden leg. f j . Alter the s'.iow old Dan stood: around with the boys, and drank soda water for awhile, until his eyes alighted upou a boltle of patent bitters which the label says 'exhilarates, but does not intoxicate;' The old fellow believed the lying label, and was led home by some friends at a later hour I feelinj: very wealthy much wealthier thian he feels now. lor the lour was a financial failure. I'i one place whero Dan was billed-for two nightSj an audience ol fifteen listened to his fervid eloquence the first nighty and the nest night no one came but the. janitor of the school house wherd the orator was to reverb erate and the editor of the local paper, who had a! complimentary j i Mr. Rice is undecided whether i to devote his attention to the perfecting of ths electric light or to return to the sawdust women, whose minds Were emandpa ted from sacerdotal tyranny,-and It wai of vital Importance to this common wealth hat the fullest Justice KhbultP be done to the girlhood of France ciiarie iioken' niia:iif St -4 perfume of a dlicata flower alas too easily crushed. It was Christmas Eve, and at' the hall there was a : celebration I It was no grand corafpany of dlc ladies,: reached the iawn in front of the sreat noble gentlemen, who in silks and j housei Lord Pesmond -as upon t'ae broadcloth kept up the delusion that plazzz, for she could bear his voce. they were enjoying themselves. No'Uef 8ep had grown feebler, and she indeed ! Lord fresmond had , invited felt strangcstrength fast leaving her none such to stand like lumps of ice Oucc she sank down and moaned to llotr Ioct6r Tlariref. Exp'ited and anxious patient 'Doc tor, I, do wish you'd tell me what's the matter with me i Va. clear cut of sorts this morning and I'm aCra'tdI'm coin to be down sick. What is Uhe matter with me? Doctor (gravely) 'Let me see ypur tongue. ! Patient t'.irus-.s it critJ rWhat have j-ou been eating?' ratiehl (reflectively) 'Well, I was out late last night, had a bit cf supper at midnight, oysters, raw and stewed. The Women of To-dnyt Queen Victoria's income is $5,000 a day. ' ! Mrs. Grant says that the girl seen in all her travels j was at Reno, Nev.,. rcilrond station, j Tlie highest number of votes receiv ed by any candidate on the ! Louden School Board was by Miss, j Mullen, she receiving 18.8G1. 1 . i The author of .'Deephaven'j is not only a succdsslul i writer, but. unlike some .'blue stockings.' is said to have 'real beauty ! i Manchester; England, has a society of women painters, to which the other sex is not admitted, not even at the yearly exhibition: . Miss M. K.Gage, daughter of the poetess; has established a ladies' .ex change for mining stocks in New York j A generous Iowa lady, Mrs. Cordelia Miller, has given $30,000 to the Gar ret Biblical Institute, at Kvanstoh, III. Madame d JFitt nas just completed her History of France, wich is the sequel to her father's (M. kGuizot) his- tory. : t '.,. I !;,. The widow of G. P. R. James, theVKiid pUce7 That fade novelist, is living at Kan. Clare, Wis.Uf pjty anj gnef that would one is now ou years oiu, ana, is . weuu0 tte. that solemn band cared for by her sons A London correspondent writes that American nationality i accepted in England as a presumption in favor of a lady singer's success. i There are nine ladies on the London School Board.- , KngUnd is tery liber al to women in the education an J busi r " - A . ' - 1 ness privileges accorded her.j The widow of Ifalvey, the compose, has just finished a statue of lntn, which is to be placed iu one of lhi niches of the-facade of the Hotel de iVille, at Farisi' .'' I .; ' ' 1" The '.'ex-Empress Eugenie; will ta lobster, salad, cold tongue, pressed ; time her visit to Zululand as ;lo be on chicken, cords and ercaro, coffee some j the spot where her son met his death fruit eake, a little cheesa and a hand- ; on the anniversary of that sad evenL j Sir Evelyn Wood will be bfrjcseorW rrre seCT A lafj trarlier irt Boston j haa re- ful ol hickory nnts. Doctor (doobl fully) -'Let vonr tongue a2am j signed afur a sertiee in ( that tity ol Looks at it thoughtfully, then in j ow farty-'OT'e' years, Thirteen teach-' authoritive tones i Ab, yes, 1 wel ers are tKyw employed who have taogbt you've been eating something that over ibirty years in the" Boston City fWsn't aorree with VOU.' SChooli - r y Grateful patient gives L:'-i $1. Dvickcus preached not in a chnfclr nor from a pulpit,but a gospel- wblih; the people understooil, the gospel J6f; kindness, sympathy in a word,' 1ini! manit'! His creed may be found tn: the beautiful extracts 011 .the subject of -death I ' ' Even when 'golden hair lay In A hair, ' on pillow, round the worn face of a '' i -. . 1 1 m ' f s. .. a. . . t J & ' t nine ooy, ue sam wuu a rauiarjc siaue : Dear papa and mamma, I am very sorry to leate ray pretty sister bnt I am ealled and must g0.f Thus the rustling of an angelB Wing got blended with the other echoes and had in them the breath of 'Heaven Tale of Two Cities, book ii., chapter 21. - The dying look made np aflsWer, t shall soon be there. Ho spoke of beau- i tiful gardens stretched out before bin, and which were filled with figures of men. and mnny children, all with light upon their faces; then Whispered thst it was Eden, and so died. Nicholas Nicklcby, chapter .08. :'; It's turned very dark, sin Is there . any iignt a coming uie cart is suaaen all to piddds, and tho rugged road Is very near its end; I'm a gropin' a gropin let me catch hold lof your land. Hallowed be Thy name-' ' tx-ji 1 1. .... I. , y?i I'.si uenu! my lonis auu geiuieraen. Dead ! men and wornem ' boirn wliK leavenly compassion in your hearts A ?iirv lima wfi . n.-1 m4 at A A a xiiit uuj tuna aiuuuti U9 vivij uaj Bleak House. chaTiter 47. v 1 He slowly laid his face dowrt npon, her bosom, drew bis arm close around her neck, and with one parting tscdj be gan the world. Not this world.' Oh, The world that "eels th't right. Ibid., chapter 05. p v If this is sleep, sit by rtie while ? I sleep; Turn me to 3 ou, for your face is ifoing far off and I want it .to, bf near. And she died like a chikl that had gone to sleep. Dafid topper fiehl, chapter 9. t r ir I Don't cry. Is my chair there, in its BO 1UU r appeal : 0 praised toward Heaven ! It ia ofcr-IWd., chapter 53, . One new mound. Was theraL which had not been there last night. Time, burrowing like a mole below tbi ground fiarl marlrsrl Vt'im trflr rv i f rrtiirrr nri another heap of earth. Martin Chuz- zlewit chapter 19. ; She was dead.' No sleep so; beauti ful and calm, so free from trace of pain so fair to look upon. . She teem ed a creature fresh from the band of Go'l. and waiting for the breath of life not one who bad lived and . sof fered death. She wfli past all belp, or need of it. We will not Wake lief. Old Cariosity Shop, cbapte 11, : Sorce of the English slaveholders in, Brazil find lheni)v in a bad fix. Tfcey have been holding slavey who ought, according lo "law, W hate been lon2 since manutoittedr and ihe Bra zillian Government decrees tiiatr they must give to each man wages- fuc the The lady principal of i a iMichigan whole period of such detention. Hi