. " ' - , , - - - .- . ' ' '" ' . " ' ! "" " " : 7" " .-'!-. : : . a : r,. , . . i s a' . . : : . "' , a' ' j ' - - ' , ; "!: . -' .'. :- - 1 ' " i ' . i ' ' ''' ' '' - . J ..: : ,:. ..r' . .--'.:.:- r . , ; ... . . V ; - ' . - ' ". . - i -- - - -I- ' j : . . " 4 The Wilson Ait v?: fnVy-!t"'n,m3! y, il ;"LCT ; ALL THE E.M)S THi)f U'riT ,.iTK '.JV CaOTftrs, TliV iiC. VH TUlTirx" i On? SfvjrrH i2.3rpnt!. -' rtT.?.':- . ! , 1 .iht'f-jj' ilct"uctk?n. r.isuc for larcct tpJict VOL..' 10. WILSON, N.; C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY- G -1880 ;NITCBS f , f-" r i.it. rlvA':'lAf ft 1 1 concerning that .'-ncmeat 'cus cuestion I he Vinsori rtavance1 9nf tu, i L i'i-t ucL ci';i!e. iruc- Iiiit ackiult, -4;e at S 1 1 V 1 5 1 1 0 1 1 1 i C 1 1 1 "1 1 . 1 ? 5 ' I Lemon -Tabourneii r rIt:esS."' .If'nc,:?ct,s-nBe(I ta te;cb ! veord, odiieb;ew orvn. Trior f o Uw. -.41 ViiiU'urtuy wouij ututt t.J- Jlxi4VilaCaii.JS:i! Lisa, irfn i uf?'M v;- t-.. .!. i . , ,.!! 1 ' " ' ' 0. ' Court j May always be f-.iund jr jus sno$ on J ai 'ii''U: Sj'i-- : j boro Street, where, ii will .to plvafced ! Office I Hnni. ,. ,, I I fihavitri 10. cts: shaving a?il culti;;ig -T j':'h.tir .i0 ciMitv."; -'P-! ' j ri T A II T L I N G T It' U T tl ' j' The grr.nt care -for . - i r,.;:j, hi i sn1 theba.l c(Tccts of lunige-f-ttoti is ; ."r'il4-f:w ! Dr.. ' D"Arrcsadts Ati-Dyspc-ptic' Brops. .v..;i,lorfti curs ma-.lc all over th coim- III a , v. k , ject... more- christian charity ; would j erlan-ife but U.e Hebrew" ' i:tTaa L,iim. l;Q Ulr6u,ly dcfeatoJ. ; Theodoredt Vofic ""rtSrif- . FS i freVai! ln "CC S5aSt:-C,llan? la"dr(-5e,-;d;.i not Innkc u.e o: it in tUIr idol ... ' W .id L-n "I uaot.d tl.nt 4i 15; h.'r8. t n 5 rclnrncifrbni a K3f PVP t ifk craI:rbe f5 J51050 woVshipj But with-the introducuon ,f n.dJ, from tcr.r,cV jf.Hi.u.uf tntlisluch hS cte rr jp s'Ss sp"t V V. i ' :! : " ' - ;. iui s.utu3uy, i& s lO'na ii h vf av into '', h""c.lu ... ai.u'i , lC: i io liiukiii" the iJesi"ns of iunor" : SX P li I ; : -i the Iagag-ofail nations Mho h:oe av.;c tnon ; vuipucUviaiUi m LLel ho.u I'rc.tcnt ' lUvcs, iuclr u &97 -'..iiiLw (science, j numuv an.Mnai;c:ons- . iu...:.. . . r '.;!;; . . .,,,1, ,s.. . . a. ' v J.-Uu ! ; fBj JC- cCl)ted tLcpiv UavlMadU Co. Mr. D.vls ; -- . .. T ,. :j " ' , j nsu ;ionguc?, it is Ihs sains ;n autho ""i ww:,! . muui a- ifuiiuicn . spoch-I Uesi"!).- for each -piecfe, and M " s -.ttt- ru.ics ni oatoariaj, to torture others ,Ci.,t.w !":. j.: . .. , :..,,,r-., uir'tt;, ...war,: ir ,,m, ., ' i ... . I ; kr5 Jil. . r .. . , , . v v ; H;'v v siga'uuaiiu.), una w;iii very ... w.. v,. 3 y ooiiisliif.-'Mtsncs.. 'V the Ui My Heroine. L) i;. ; ' .1 ;i tho!i.i:da of ci-.vUtlcatCB at t eit.' Hi rosnm-xt rr.'.-'-;?. ; ;f , f,,nTHM. pr;n.tiC. ' -r- ' - I ) BURGEON .1) T IM, I'un-JV Ves'itabJe i'riw; Tcenls. f i'URCELL, LA DD CCh j uul3-I2ni ;" ; . Hiolnnoijd, ';t. j D U O li .'I NTS' i At the solicitation of Mr. Hobgood, of the Advance", v.-e extend to the cit i'zena of Wilson county the benefiti of iiftroJiK-2 you .to a girl I koov 'Pretty?" you ak. Well ril attempt to . skct-A ' her - tilOagh ... " : No ca.y task, lor riot beiieving as they believe. It is ;slil!ht d.vifttin Vofcp year since a prolessor of ehris- j u ,ia5 tecu lea .untrai.tc also :n protiuncptiott. U tt;0 i;ri; Limoges iriado xror.-r.ions itldh arny; at 'CimUcdits aijd j :irc! rf i,c i ;Tiu;st !,:vractur, a:id have id has "the deuih of i'Eckoiil'uii! wuijrcceiv-1 praise, here ind iu V"n 5Lf' rre3seaa Wi3n that the Utt ; beCil : t,u:ii,ioriy froui. the uUreW:- . "? LUUblcv ,toc, r;-ur p iVmn. t!;ose . who ".hn wdul.l compel tueu to believe the truth, j j Tor-iipwadays . We vote a uash ot fastness nil the go, (Exciise the -pliravo.) :ia RJC.'i-ti iiiij 2. Itii iSt .L.-iP,. 7 .ni 1 1 pr. m 5s!5 a! ipTury, will oiuy serve to j C:ltcr,.5- (1,n0 ,t. t;!!5S. ,. ciog tne wheois ot Ike ponderous iu- !-0.o;-. e any as ft is found there. Leeatisd i.hci. c" jius.rsucu ineu are.noi wnun ior- the ,,,,r- Un it: , i i o ! CallUOt" tft liiimri ' it 'S i' mrneul M-tiM.' ' !!hi)lii t . . t... .,.J . - .. . !. . .. . I ! -i ' " 'hi .- " i i '.'i j ucp, a, u,l'ycon-id;idq word that ere ; . ceive ic. ii,e veaoai ' spit from the Uiitx cb,lle 4i.; ... n i.oraVcrlui ' - ft. "ve otaeve,i in ac-uor ot tt:c. ucf colors and jdncpd end to end ifeclse : U:U '.i'fUaUoiiS, at -t.uent-anJi '..aiui JKsa?ie a baru Hity-lhrVe, feet iiuiicr ; hii't the hi. tiered guineas. Mr. C'usv I bebve there- ard rao! : wf oe;;;s auuer the. spcei nch ;t!hatU, yea, ye" it sbaiiis ad' an i'loiertiuu' of divi, i'ruvid;r.co j Tlo fh.dislri U rectanjrnlaj, tl 'y rf dtjr.f ionii we have maae i . , ,. , , Thh wrifsr Va' t!.j '.rtjf'ao' 5 -a rrii .n.r-i . - - - . . ;Mc? not accoiiioasiioa nn. iii:toi;(i, jsor i .... , , ,3 class stan-la a ' j 'Sewing .Msfi.iae.s Send for onr ranv lOO-pae iUust rated' dear, ' I (biro, as-ei'fc she dues not k.io.v the latest slang I fsi'.r S'ae's p.ol a ft? Ft. rl.d.:;.". M! tes- re, or j bo s erfuu as a sy, ana pam.uay Crtiden ;says of it : "Aen, He- druahai, uahe Arfenco e0wcr3 cuL o(t o:jcd. Th ! : , J : Ore v.. fcv . ;i . ii - trim i-i-il. nl r Used !l) thf fr.d r r.i 'irr-r u-mc:,. v.iu ine aopo ot ; tl;nouy ;of aa eari,est wi, . lcs yeaning so:e inTellectual - and spirit j TsXjce to'bo, heard: "Ar i 'I 1 ' 4.vv.w..4v4i cnv luii. W4 j ill., -,, i i ' ... ii ;j j .f -yr- " . i. i: . . : . : l 0'-. JO o!i,,lu4 Jb. ebatet lias Si. cp-r arrest baiaess houth, (over .po'-hihr. 'iyelti.vxti.acifd- .Q(. m4'r" ' MACHINES now in use in 4 0,'':'''" '!'', !::;':n'!"r 'vXii'' Caroijna). We guarantee satis r...v . . . :i fj.c;.!Hi or ret-ani money, every MA- v K . J . " A i ? 1) CHINE WARRANTED 5 YEARS. Hoast Friee at La. f New Family Improved j 0.0 uea. i ,(.,,, These, designs p:tirard ii" rator ess ol e eccn Trould deco- iiaid. j Ataenc-tti fisiulrArne aal fruit"! ; tii.es j ru5 the pintes an I dishes fir various to me nev slorv of L'meobi -nev HV:; . at least at llepr.blicslj head qhsrters. jvipal oiijf't slfown 0:1 it is a t-IJ-K th ! kin-' of American fishes, ; to whicli the jelTeet of motion is inveu bv the A beauty? Well shes not considered such You fcirls know best.. iler. dearest friends do dot abuse Jier ?n:ic. And that's a test; Perhaps slia has not Mrs. L ys pyes, Or rose leaf aklii, j Bat still so. sweet a iacdJto criticise tV-iff the remainder, in n. tirade cf .nbtre gainst science. The expression ot eddish malignity, that daikeded the cotintonanee of the speaker as he de lineated to hi 3 'audience the cos mo th e;tic ideal a" the. seientis't. and the ! the Qriental manner, it is used oeginiiins. out more generally Wi- 1 -t vr-i- 'h. a-:! 1- nhuTton.-w Automat' wicsi out. f.'o.w, ia, sua ao. ec a ia.to u.ir..s . scowl of hate and" endless-lieli desire ert ctL,r V'-r . V , . .., r 1 n..riio Xew,-'i.ie!it ruituin.T' : ! ' "''. Wfi-e down rHit -hi. - i i . . so, saa.-t t '-be. , (omc ancient f.,.;ly.S.--.h.:it tl.:- I i'f " v.Ul -KiunVKavori.e,' ,U. ' j ' . ' , t bat Uarkiy illumined his SOul, WftS ffr;.v,i,,n,.d T . i.U -.bru.-hes. of .f!i pr.dCSM..:. c.i:ep...ii j w.A,.:,Alin(iQf,,,.licivr:ul Styl. . 41-'.oj .. . . J v . J . r , . - 01 nVlv" ha 3 rSnoCt'Cd it. Hi ' V Vrt.i uriaiv v( h:i:' iul:i .U'". ; Aviim, ?t-w- Do-ibie f.-.a. sop oi ion, - . ' ( 3!1C (3 .es not fcream wlicii skittish Folly .j'cr.ctij-!i.4o uiaikO lae unps of the better n.,n(li ; .'..,, ;,. ', . - . ; . t . .. I t .;,... i ., Ni-w Domes'. ie, latest r-f. U's .if - - . i i ;, , - , , . J .' . -. " --. itii-ir -t:.o ..i. tot. .i. .o ! v,.,v ;,f,m,i., . if-thaciii.?. ' ' ;2.0! rear, owl leap for joy, as:he hisscd-between - rt k t!-,,, i. ' vMrH.mNH-li ir.-.t. O.-'V lionr.,;' .N(.,vi,j,tw fU, Vi...f..r & Wilson, ' ii.' X.r 1 1 .ir ' "' 'T . : , , , , , Jl,.!t.uC;i ly ni.VJ v ,r r, M '.'..' -Vi.v.v.riUaH'-r ,i,....;i. . io.o : ot .,h.-.i..d v..uc. , ,Us: clcncucd .teeth , the treaclieronsly Art-Cr 'nn,i n,m , 1A-: --', NoGrovfcrijJai:.-r2..i. ' 'Tue'uld d. you cool to- ?ee the way she r. , sH,derous? . :.uni;n ; r--er, llan ,o;I., i, . w.i!s 4.ma.s ioi.i -ia.!t --'i , -c .14113,. i..u si..uatious ...v-vusav.o.i hvr v1, as rsed b fihr r- I liiilKld. (.lN(IiiC M, Klor,M:v: Hack anU te-.ae fned i tn t25 foo- Ky ' . clears . . . irUv",.': -; i - ' ' c f -.T ,U J UU1, 8 , ' f .Silvio. New Horn'. .''Vlitia' Hoei. aI.'J-c;a. a Uwp i ' -fs..a. h,,.,., -j T..-n ..wij..i.v.i.... . ; - i w!l;it i 0 i;r"l iaioll qi ni" W : .' i vnad another rutUi.nv nrkcS A :h v e rd -e , . . , !f ni la - ...U' J , J 1 "r ''. . Liiee v!aeh ocetjrret.t iu Ftbrna- ati thet'T' ibbo, at, r.a-fress Alonroe between end bf deelaraUcitund prayets 'the ' JVes'idtut Eiiicolh . and f-jecrctaiy 'i i Seward, on the one side, and! Alex. be-ii to i H. -Stephens, JolauA; 'CumpbelJ i,!bc it -E Hunter on - the other.- toi nis : attcrifiation of Mr. Stephens has; 1 sense ot, be it established, dehnitio' s ap:ree in makiit to mean : "Verily. 'true,' cert a; TS 1? T,T ri T C; 'P d I .U b L'. i i o J. so j , b-U2r loH Main direct, V ' , . S' iKTObK. VA." .van. -i.ii . i ALL ATTACHMENTS j.'in7fV.cd;er. Kufiler, . Binder. .-Qujlter j 1-5' ai Uemiiiers, &c. Address . -f i O nra end iVlfg," Go. - I J . -ib ,N. ii-xv tVetit.; !iMMMOLl! . t , ! .1 . .. : . . 1 1 .1. .. '-.-.'j lncl'ia- i;.ao can not .-ui; uiu iaw uu su-ivca-r- Sbe docs not shine I K, lb AilRiNa i t.'X, 4 SURGEON DENTIST b'i'.rn seiittK! at"'" grand3 , cakes Are just divine. -but then li i krvu v..i4vtu.ii Wuutc,;,,nM -For man makes. favors a; La order, and hnrpiony are ; her.j be3tos them ; God makes ti wiifch-word3. aiid sot hn.fi- bat 'ihii,L.,vi r,r, - - - - . - ami wau pilaus t.iem. 1 no n ma inost hagrant violation of truth; could ; amen lie cU5ms th0.'DiVrne. assd induae any one who had studied the . wi0n GQLDiUlOllO. A'. 1 - 1. aul -I'lv.': w. j. iia:riiiss. I - - iri;., legale &; KelaiV Dealer in4 Wid; biarh belled : boots sleL: e.ue not Jo j srdyei .ta.ftaia'tiaBilse noe . DK.M.l.n IN ' SASHES, D0CHS AND BLINDS, Mabitriit, ' UraekH SJ;-ir lluiss, Nc-vr -tliiiort II'-t prettv feet i e till n nkers who, uaJUHcto wailow for- BjJ over m the Slough of Pespaid are j; mtWW :ry35. fc:, ooia rr.UO,. -n WCoufetenccj ti.utivfinu;i in Ch1e,SoUmingth,Grant reception s;ftW;Hli( . MljUOO . : I'aol'npon ukpSlPLED'A ! . . .She does not bet; " ' jf town. ..5au to relate mot nfidence; as a verb, to ca iu this connection i. inay hujes1i u 1 -,a' i..'v-'-'r-.iyvn.Il,i C. ':ind dc:rers. liomembi- ve are fro- j pm aretty sure she never even smokes d-tae .Kur was consumed m- an his- confona, establish, veriTy as an 1 inotbft amiss lo iell. , j whhdi t'i a'a Agarette.. .; , . . ; tcii; better told hi tbe". to6t:(j(fctvtjrm. eUll l51' E,gIi JV ft ; Your readers will recall the Fodcc WulJn,j jj'j, tk the Coufe.-i omr. itn hi; is left gill tinges' tbe action tinted ft fer if the" toil. This is greenish, with light blue and 'obscured by and aquatic, fungi: " Over tho is a; gold giu-net, ngaint had is strnr!ini. A 8lht water (1r-;sj ;:b sen a matter of nch general liojtorie d tv that it is not faTensive to speak cf 1 i j in ..; i. it.- It seems tiiat 'Mr. Lincioiii bad ccord-! "ever seen Mr. Siepbens before!. At souic-l '"hat time a kind, ofcioth .was- worn b- cvi- l?Southern genilemeu nesrly oil the 1 Cod i -bade of tho ordiimry corn liusjc, nnd' Isesfilr. Ssepbe great- coat was jraade u savs of that iu;ilieriftL But Mr. Stephens, who always! has been a frail niani wore ranee .; God says amen, he' confirms it.; 'many other : oi. 'i .is.- ,! f.r rti-- wtTft ii. nr. r.niiiT;lt f . .1 - - i: i . 11 V I, ' - ; 1 iut: Lii-o j.ij.p yji iii'.u. aiiu j. lucre is an interesting incideii in l..i .rw tscii-shine. that God admits ' through u:.,..,J" :k .t..-ic ...,....' v ' ,''r j t!H chinks and cracks of the slowly '.ibh led to the writ in"' of I evolving, but darkened intellect of; ijjs ver'y; sweet hymns. And stili more fcb.eckiog, I J!er want of taste; She--can not b huba'cd to oultivat ' A wasp iike vvUt. t men-ibntil the min wasToiaiiy. reachedi y"eley, HaiFM'r. Stepiicns stood forth You wc.uld not iu a vest ire ihvl Oi "guUlAs" tinge; r''HU, .:.is. (.'iias. i'd'ay,- Ititilahij Mai.ol' f j-f s- ha-ec '.ioek ;f Xow f.'fer to K'S old friends and. patrons !!!. -t;rs it in :i siimd: knot behind is. s;.i m.v;.. -t'.s,-i-i,:;. uad v) uo- ;f(;-A . o-.ir.'ii.' of '-frinie." i SiJ' h pretty dinir! so lustrous'- ana so long fkr Avt'-nu", N" a 'o!k,' V-t. nri WiLSO N COLLEGIATE SE'IIRY fieKt talant emnioyed iu ail Ucpaitmeuts f'p i'ots. oitu&'ltOii uiitisua'dv htraU'ni-. ! "- - Manb per s.-si in of Swpcks, iriebtdir. f b. lights and . farciseld room sJarXOt.'. ! Ot tier charts modcratej j fall 'SssiMi togi ns beiten)ber 1st. for cataloao or iidiirauvliou. address. J. n. IJitKV, --KIl, Principal. ; FLOUR. !:--.! a r ' LARD.! " ' i I . - ' .1 " i: f i'Ei;, :1 ' MEAT,: ic, ! AU mircjiasd previous to. the advanc sr.d' will he so. d cheap. , '; A modest or.own. i-'aUe, I dar;ray!.'' So, :n.'ar.) you'rft wronr; I've seen it dma:. 1 ior one Iloads" ; anc physical ei Mr. Lineal one of n'j- by ' of his most garments to protect him ana The lonr with a li'lie streak of red which ualjy Fides out. ' One of the' most striking soup plated represents American souji in tlje Of-v tconlh crntur-. Hi tbe distance is a stream fall in": "ver a flat ledjie of rock. mSi ()ti the, back of the stictm, near Urn npkdi 1 with s i.-'T rrinrt of La Mr . Einclon watehc I'mnch interest the process of shdddin At n his tity, ready for : budi'aess. i sjvinjr G')r. ' 5evard one co : n ic'al looks, and p o pi ti n jer the ' to the. discarded - cost says : . 'ifl'ell. Fres-. 1 1, never, saw so mucli sliuck for as little in the nubbin iuirv life.' 1 - Just GANHELD.'BROS. i GO. -eor.s m BALI' 15 MUUE & CIIAllLESST. - " " f UNEQ.UALLED OFESR- Coiiogiuie , Insttluto . FOU !V ill Si;v r' . S TRIC TL Y NO N - S I1CTA P. IjX ,- American and Svviss Watches; 1 - ' at lowest prices. .'. DIAMONDS. FIVE .JEWELRY.. You' horrid man! I've told yc - time?. - Ipvon't again . He insde th subject of y-.mr stjupid rhymes: But all in vain -vain. 'l is quite tob bad of you! When next you - err, , i: Look out for tears. Or r.v;' I'll prove you've wed a vixvn, si;-! And.box your ears.. rli;1a- .. .. j OiiC Aiav Mr. Wo.alfiv was site ; i'tTho prayer of Ajax 'was for light,". al; ppcu1 window, looking oat ov j bet the pibiyer of the mdest-hovid in : PeuutiliU iieiis in summer time. al ages has been ,for. ..darkness; Fun- vMy& itlQ .m tf,tting about tiHcal Kom.e would: exclude the bible j san.siiab nttraclld his attention from every hear:h-stono, and m A-u Uuen a Hawk came sweepin'.- towkrd the I An editor of - a -popular land ofithe free and brave, wliere the ; iiu!0 bird. The poor thin"-,' very much received ihje Tollowlng letter from a civji lavy protects men in their belie., i frighte,i'c.F wai darting. hc?ro and there j youthful a4piiant tb literary 1 isujlerluges and nasrepresentaUons j ivv to fj.,,1 :&0rhe' place of refuse; ! and fame : m uiea 10 U!e u.ntmnKing r,ao-.,.rn t!lk hriaht: suunv air. in thd lr.ftfv 'DiCAt: bi n : I .cm a -ycung j aiej, and. h'naied with a skill- worthy .j rreeai or tliC gree f j nf fV better- cause. F kails and slurs ; laafng place from magaziue oucrs Ladv n 'fields,- there Was no who have Cot a gocjd Ingliah ..Ifjuca n the tierce orn of ! tier., bat.! no uecomplieliments tnueh. have ceased to hold ihought .in check, j the h.a ip;t, secin-tho one and if the sinecure positlofc.H of clergy (lo.A tUe an sitting by depend upon thrattlhjg the dernonstra-1 pird e;.v j. terror toward i tiops oi cety increasing Kno-vr.j; s)CaUug heart : and ufveiiug thqy had better seek redress in taci wiu. fourid refuge in Mr. Hfeslev r'-i win- it, the nnd I lei: ieisiauve ha. a Ibaijelets.T.arrino;?. Phis, Ih.gs," Charm. ':,'('- : Lockets Jcc.i o;e. ' . :!V '.fM- Vears the nio-taee-'?ol '..'k,! isdver ware, pitted ware, tea seb; ph- a S kUt IIch hv h?t ""I nu ! ('lkshronzes, china ami other vases, .-LTnruly w,vs wal be your theme-you 11 an ! ,.i;!ti-i., -i.-it;,:::: !,om a f. io ts T.a ve prom t .r at i e ntion . se nzoi v fpn;...j f.u; in. ,vo :!:!-;. - i' ' L -i , 1 - TrrrioH, rroKs. anP kvi fi,t.fxt i OAicrs-i '' " ; i. 'X'"I.riUMi K!Nla:;j K,mm. vv "fr-1 t'e ;-Yonai's -' P. J. 'Gta?'' . and r lyoav I.iailTS- AM. WA?!lJN-.. i,.r r.,,.' , id Expeiiienc.-ii 'l'-afier. l'-ao Librarv i ( bL'ni. Shtsse, ' spectacle;- aud eye id Aj'j nraUi-. Spa4-lo!:s -Bui'do-' ' sd:lS6's a,il Xancy.gOOui: ..,..;'.; ;j a-Mri.-cdnotionai home. -1 ;. ( irdcrs have prompt attention. sep201y cvt'i'tit. VhoU.i'.c Year. .SU)!-, l-l I'Vtl-, '0ii extends froiM !;r. MoH.by.iu Vfthf i to last -i'i.::;-.--.!.-.'. i. -! .;iu'. : A' Ipvo piit,,'. : aoil, JliMcl'll, it:-;! OvVO. ! .; . ior C.Ua!.-g'!A;-t:1(! r;;' i.,.. oi.aiua '. ((.o'-ti ii.;!! in.iacr. tr.sii. 'riib!. ami i ;.'. T. Young & Bro, K..'vn -:i:v ! F1NE M'ATCiH-S. DIAMONDS,! r . r. ! -bbb. J.V-jVtl, V 1".1'Ka FKjN i;iVST JE WELRY,- S'iLVEK WARE, Manufacturer of all kinds of i ; naiujGold Jewelry,- Riags. Cadges, ic- Ah! then you'M change tlio.burdeii of yum A traca of praise. For bachelor da 6. Y'oull srravcly say that matrimony brings romance of K.uiiivers Travels" de Bishop Marvin ia bosom. r JIc Sheltered it frd his acobuut of .his nassionary work, ' thr-.atonmg dangcr.'.and saved hoIs up with uiefTaDiS disgust a ccr- j a cv aCath.'.. Mr. AVesley dvas x hundred U taai aeathen rebgion because w sor l, tiie sutfering from severe siaped a god who had died. Oh 1 con- j an(j feeling the need of a sisb.cy. if-t!iou art a jewel, docstthou ! iajiisVn'time of trouble. Vis".' v stili remain in lbs: head of a toad: ' i-Lc trembling bitle bird did; that-nest-j soon as I Ti Where is Calvary ! Where is Josephs.;, - afe ju bis .boi'o.n. S- ii tomb! ' Swift's celebrated satirical ' i.j.j ,n,i ,v,.,,f ,? ,,!,,., ST Domestic bi rite. And add r.o end of nasty, spiteful ' things About vour wifo. For the Atv.'-k. DID fVIAN SPRING; FROM j i iVlUJini: i ii scribes Laputa, an empire of quack j pretenders to science, knavish " pro Ijectnr-, : and sorcerers: licre chuA. :-. ! ruled n.ara'mouiit, and hero in'us?. be ! 1 ti'r. seliOoi ia which the learned Doe- ' tor from Te:aics50 'got his rdi'-io-; 'Ji's-us Sa i":ar of n.y sos.!. Lot mo lo xty L'.jMi.ti ly, 71'lsiie the WiiVCv:f tloobU; job ' ' Lde-Jht u-ai'aesS stiil is high." iiid I M-d aksiVus lol Improve mhr lal- cuts. I k Cood write More. .As skoolin i4iy m the'enuffnr n t from ' wood'Wrkq sr.;- . - i.i . 1 f.--.v i v(i rn'j i.ii h tti.u If T; was learned ajll'tle 1 can't lalTbrt to p3v mv elf, and pa says he'4 paid y . .E location. I thought I . ' -! . i to i ou ana norro iivr. ilf.Vs, linee hundred fo- .... , . . t lore ground, is seated an Jnmani very carefully drawn, with his pipe Rod Lis arrow case'eovcred with spotted deer skin. Between him and the carcass of a 'deer is aT "pot-hole," in which he "m. making his souj A gonllo ppfoya : risiri ' froni the waterfnl, a light ral.i- ' bow and the stream from the pot - hole given to the distance a groat v' eptli. ; which is incrsascd by the ciirHng smoke of the fire, w here tho $ tdfaa li'cated the "stones e""tircvir ."into iis Bo'iip to make it boil. The firo, tever- t Ihciess, does not appear on thepiate. f Anot-her 'soup plate represents a jeen', . turtle crawling abcmt between the ritys -of anasld wreck. A goldTnoon hgbt up the scene, which . is ornaraa nted with sea plants and .corals, but what adds the most , artistic touch to the wiiolc is the phosphorcsccncQ.Oi the ' water as it dashes as-ainst the iSrreck and the rocks. 1 , T": The platter for tho game scric, about fifteen by twentyj inches in reprer-entn a piece of birch bark- she; jasfc trials, j Skoolin, and the rcsi'for Currant v : refuae ! penscs A.;ai ;uui tin - ' - took ;()i.thori will rota h is -.numerous- in a city , I sa' borrow, far r.? isb l aid Going to. beau a a'.!-' write, and! -T I for r 1 T . ..' iwin wiitci.Mor xou a,i ,u- IcelairtassamcVthc needed wpeit.-- - I tvritmmellitcly,! For Ij want rcprcst;Ilt, A pra!r14 enV pcrled oJT&nd slightly curled tip at the end's, '-showing the rich red lining. In" the centre stands the 'AmcrScan wild turkey, with,bis red'Iegs. nnd magn!- ficcnt plumage' .-The' ground, fs just f covered with the first fall of snow,' and the sun setting at the ' low akoriioa4"' lights up the bird so that ; somec f the ' brilliant colors of his' feathers are ire-' ' fleeted in the mow, while at the Bame time the snow's white glare shows ?n the bird's breast. One of the plites' of this set represents deer-shopting1, with a jack-light; another ' sbojrs.ii " qn ail's pest in a snow-bank no white J color being used, for by a clerer j r- rangement of shadows the white por- f 1 -T i.ftMiMn 11 J3 pL..i-..V ..v.- - our Southern readers, are aware of the ; science, ' Cutting ms' own - leans j El on ry C lay" WiiirJ Li loll, when the Feuce C iai.! si on, composd-of Henry Clay i to (7i t&'Sko'-d awf Yofcr -Mnv the drnm tbjs ol d farm apd go . iraruiaj )y.m a shif li Jr,ha j s:aa. fub rr.h , lllvo fill tbf f(K b ,LS, 1 1 l !5 i;Ul illl 1-4 H...V11 . vi.w .wt,..f . . . . . . . . . . . i 'Tin i i onor bvo till ;yon-ge;t .t. . ; - Uu- r, one in ten of '! be .hands of men who never learned O.anoy Adams, James A, Bayard ami ; "yiay your .iiir v.-si camr, anu ,uo eun;. ri.; Vorth ictersoivi - AnaTioan watches at the Wwesf i pruyaica i. ; br us", ht! .i.;"nl-ii: of bad Work. 'Albert' Gsd'p titi on the part Of the Listen at S jlonuia, 'the.race is not ' Uoilc-I -lates. and Lord Gambier, and to the swft. T.or"tho battle to the ; M.r.' uoumonrn- on -the- part oi v.rea-. Tiionias The iloss.ert pistes arc of a slightly f ,, 1 humornin character. 'Jn?tead of bein i J, tl.e outbd.rof an ppple. On Cnb-ap- h" fo bol lmg das horse, j - 1 1 . ..-d p -. . , n?ars a rocK ; near it a uaiiereq una over and the fruit scatterwT on jgi;ou:,d; close by arc tlfe bat L':..- - I,- , i0 i- . i ?ices. . aoii'i - .sliver- spoons, lorns ;vc., i ,na m hnrope. .iKe an cdmcomuh, .; - . - ; , j, - - K.nj !, hwjnin ri;gh ;SchooL i elU-ap,.r than ever, J- Your orders are so-! ' . . 1 : , ltw. f Soulli- S 'Ong. neither yet bread to the wi.e, j Braaaa were e'uUavoru:g to come- to , nepq-w ..of ijuc iamou? . 1 .' Mm .- 4 1 -'.a. ' i , . f iiciteil anu wul he nvomntly attcnclea tT I r-j v ' " - . a- - , a . .. .... , ,. .i,.., ...i. Qr. ,ao -:. ai,,- t hp irrm-sTfint who a'as taied ior iiin v '-io.. . v-. i . t T'-YOi'Nfi it-dl'Kb" 1 P-nf-rs arc -e'hrlou by instinct, ami j j tv '"-' .......i...,- a. . .v-.,.. .... ....... i - . . , r; . Nexc i(,,P M,ahv in .1 ui . : a ' LC'k ! t ui n Bihlm and thed in-, nor yet favto men of skill, but ; que,L,u of the navit.oa of the Mi, lac Lnghsli govenimeu """y, !S-.). and oxaaoa,';; c, ?,al( "..,,.), , . a,,. -. -n' . , " r- i v- .'. '. , i,;:.a i ;.?.. a-.-,. .v' i;-.. ' c'.r..,:.; -riv- ',.t ti.aT. '"...Lino-i nriv.b r deUi. diea Li Oarme., -m ,..-..-. tv: i ' r . : : - . - - . -.1 j, -'.. r..t.a-a-. l-.n::-. T.l!C'l '"i"- -'-'- --'H i -' . '-J . t 'l'i " ' ' r- -' . vo i'r i x .-ho, i" "Vv S' , ,r?re-!J:-. ) .r;::, I..,:,. T; ? alii- : : , , ; f t , - - i ceS; ii the British rderbpotekuarieaf Monday. ( Mr..Emmett ; kdd'is Emiacta a Ciaad- rover and pirkicg-ctip and tbe dllap- obert Jahmet. ; iraasou- ut idated fiat of the picker, -who bas I ! t -. ti tr t rv - :. f i rtfl - - tsrtrl ATs 4 - fc- v t Mi...-. t ' v Mi.iaiy no'i .iiii:ms I 'fprnn-'nts. , i-'o . pwti.'ii! 't!io?.-Misrii- Prf mrator y Tu.it i-r; noli -,fii: aa;d' board,-' -inchidin"- .rn.,H isku. from fSo to! S5, per'se S'o-, oi . ;x :naih. . v vb.. . '''ci'iJ fo.r eirfuhur to ' V .. Jin W; X. It. iJELLv A.M , Fnucij-aU -Lin . i- UVERY SALE STABLES i K'V IIOKSES, - ! " " N-EW HARNESS and EW. VEHICLES. j Insure otir .Life With Hugh F. Murray; 1: AGENT OF. ; ' .. THE KUTUAL LITE ISSURASCE 1 C'.KVPAXl'C'F FEW T( RK. a . was a n . -t i l - .-. ... s . . ' r; i i. r ' .u :i -, i r-,-. . ;;;.i..iwj . . - : n,...i.- -, nvitifntiiai miiinrv . iu ",.? . . 4 o ' :. . . . i I i.HUtlj:Uiv, UI in-". - 1 - ; . I . ; -. ."-' . a i , ' - - ! T - . I . 1.... . .1.. . . . .1 . . . ...... I . -i . . .... 1 ., 1 T . 1 " h L . . I. I I.LI . , .,i. - ......s.i ' a- i" ii-ien ,o caiisi i-.iiia ,vy "f-K-.t-..sou.s::t. -.liii tto iiui.ir.jj: -jj iu- ----- - j-, unsuiKi :ue uu0 ..u.,... - , , a . . .. . . .. .,..a s..il' ,t. . rs.v iu.'M .sltaut ---.Stite surveys ... - . it!i:ira -im.. fK.w. ar-fi : t.-'-.cr jair i a vn no i I'n; h . i ; 1 1 , t: i ii vr ! ; f , -.f : - - . . , . v the cir.it oi .Aoriiitai i - - orner to soow Scientiuc Theolv?yi we give m abstract, j : auunyteii. ue saw. utu of tbe recent discussion Ufeexi two by ou tbe olherbsaie. ' ; I ' " (To be" Continue: 7 e p-ssd Northern religions papers" , The above quotation i ro;I1 t!:e Farmei' itd Mechamd, and yioears to be a sort of comment upon tuC etiorts r" I of scientitrc men to evolve irutu irom uavrip jtJ-0p?n.'c! . Hvi'iy and ile r:ab. .ir th; n. trkvi Iiouj.?. on JuU'.vU-ro trt'ft in .!:; -- m r..6uc '.raoiv nuiioio.nf to ' thfl oco-vv of .: I oie of 'the old-'st, larjesr and most reliable e !i!::'inis in f .vi-i-ll.'; -r: ;Ue wid kisuro you 15 i. per cent1 cheaper .j the rubbish, a; and chaos Tjfj modern j -t l!i:ta- lac oruulary rates. - myi5-tf. : j.. , ' ii-.hon' i'rtpt-.o.auea to ' tipo-i ca-ij crb cbnr.;cter f b;$ trop ' in ti;e vear tsa inron:i xu-3 in--, -niaci: .;;.cv . tiai.aaay wc-aai; naf-nce of sjteprloa DougUs, a nttic ; the thir cbtha iia;:t army, vat ,-as i.ov'k.g" u :r-w .(ir!ca.:s, was cspeciafty proud of cue relic : EiCtei fatij a. .iargc.ciiitraa U aad - vUiob wus'dsedaa eeal by.thoLj i strefS; IxiibuiCTi.ia Eogiic-.i V' 0.1 V. s-:oaikod bv a ii jwerfid licet. Th.iv-dwtlt or. the . .gliani i drirhitf of l'ackeuha'ta, Jaid time a! i r- v . a 4 v a v- r ri (i L' i 1 1 f r m r a n i n i w ri ;.air xorlf, ou u,p --"- .-- rom. gathered fruit. A tnickleberrjr '-"..'.plant'' '. . .fLi..'.i L-l. l.t L . 1 t bpj, named Arthur I': Gorman, wa of the ine .place' of -page m the ..; ran! La- a ( am-aer act;a -ly rciL'.ar;tc.., vv lib cut ! UaUed-.iHts S'-ate, and ,ew ai.iys: -Nt .yotheans wiT -son be in 'ri'.r pos-- 4 till y i.t liv.l yetuiu.nt-- on fcred 1 w t : i.J ! n to. V5. j' "v- v.. t vi ;irionH Peninsular eampaign. ;"'. wwtitfr. ' ..... . . .' :.j t- ;..vv ! ,:--r'.lrifMr'nf Ms.fv'b,ibl elwaJ-: ce-.irJ:- ?i"r: r.-frajaviu.tki:r oflL-;' 'i--arfr.'t:-a.va.-wUiJ'5fe-,caaoa .ti II" IM nnrt ,.H ,..-,. ...,.......- ., ... ' ... . t ' vV-.T-' r.An . r-T, ..nnoitl 'i-l 1 r I 4 1. . . . .! 1- I ..v ,1f.V li it'. Ui 44-1 ii In V .4 , : "a-y v " " - I J it ...... - . y - s - i - , : i Mratan uwet w"u"i itfir onirs ior an .;" ' , A OUt:itoyi ""' " ' ' j , 'rjVoi- Fes" b page to Aim agii posi- : llis-iMipf assured u.,' This ; t us ajta; i bfg you. be not Uvived f?rpS -IvrXlleS 1 Mprs School ISstory cf North Care-1 A 0ut the spinl'cT inquiry ' tian of Senator. "En that, be -wHl aow ; gr--tla 1:M?; Clay, ;: wjip'bad bby' urin cvFtm. It is a sr.arc H;.,ao,iv..a,'.!' "r.9a.mw: . :'. .i '. - " . v." Hm. a'--; ! "Tu i-..Z.; '.!: ,."i L.la..,v.. itr a "i,., na'pr -'nf 1 1-a'::- a.-iWlid aI .u-veiv b touccde.lise . ooiut ; ard a'dclbiit nbi For Vour own takes r.,. . . . "-.'"I ai raonera'C . A:ant 1,,, t .. i.,trl' r,.r ! .- -v...U-fs.-.tifi. aJULOu. AnJCi -"vr -v - " , . it. r. ... - .- H."-bo;.r.ihyal4,mini,iVor.leaUeLv , ! uPi-'it! ids tb 4'nhiic dnols cf. the otate, rl...ilWAi .V. hr luidv rhiclt he once waited nrora .Has :,as toJi'L-j nvcr,; wmcd w:Li pro-; cod tae'sakes m your w "15 T.lt . l r,., ,. ..... . . i , i . , i . , s ' t. . L.. I . '. . . ..u - -- - J . I ' . .! ':.- I 4 - ... ,uaV,:'cV tV ri y!t: anV.-r i n. .tin North and in Europe ; shMws what taleat aaa caeray ca a,- r.yt,,, sawmuL cna.y ; ur. , -Uvto Ib-snpporg .. f. vn,:, JT- , i Soa.l ioiir: Xc:'"'- - ;' :,. , I.., f;ebiulli;i. to tl.aib f,, them- i comrbsb, and should be an .encourage- c,,, tacrsnl 'eornr, i high a your ,:toh ao be clear ,moa m ?uc;l r1'" '."?"J -i'--.a the ercd eTi fir :c o :jr fend 'a t-wing of blackberry crossing tho Xre ,p!a(? proiFice a grKd .alrcorattre riog i ' tiited Hailm, t 'e." ; .source i'rr I adifTerfeoce to the divinaand 'u-1 coiilsjiut .-for-the- humaaT-. ' ' c . . ' ... - U oolaia even a c.po. to . a Wasere no wood is4 ..there, tbe ' 4''4g6.e'.b ost; sj -when there J no, wi abearers the strife ceaseth. . y J H'htn a man dies men inquire ry, j f3 Las llt bikini! him; angels in f- two . 'iSxe inquire y.hat b has sent befjrc kicjt. u , j-j A gooil 'deed, is. "never lost; he !ho sows courtesy reaps ; frieadbip, . and ives ativf cbiiT hi v;ho p!ar.t3kind'ness -. gathers kve.a Let Tliey t ht will not bo coanaeled, -J as , cannot be heled. If you do not bear reason, fhe wr'i rao yoarknuck! rv' 1 L