The Wilson Advance. FRIDAY . FEBRUARY 2') ISaO HOME AND. FARM. lb- that by th plow would thrive. Grain fields should be carefully pro tect el from stock, eager f..r a iule of g cen forage , -when ilev jirc grazed put it off until the frost off anil t.iic. ground drier than now; when 1 i? compacting of the soil will bean -a$aifaR ifoiOiyitry. Stock lcliiiouliwpi'lromtb clovci fields, a otherwise great daraaje will be done tbe plants. , ThCioiijnTJ"' Bot Ogure very lar'EclylnlKt pr ent Congress of the Unite! States. The .American Cor rcsyfjnflenec classiffe the Tnerober follows : The Senate is composed of If) members, .of whom 59 are members Of the 293 renre. tht departments are also . lawyers. There ia onlv one uhvsician in the iejial profession. 01 afQUtlvfs.ilO aralso lawyers, - bc J14ul4i ad airocwstiaii tec neaq oi y Senate and m in the House. In the Scnate tHere arYalso eight merchants. rtikiiraHsls. one. banker, one mine owacr, and only one person without any profession, a "rentier," as they me called iq Europe, In, the House there are twentl-Sve merchants, five iffeRftlrei ct4 iitiJ two fnrcn to-l4tm:iWBiactprcT9f 0 proiessors 3 m s I Jt t f 'i t ? , i . i.. i t i twelve farmers, one architect. four clergyrtven,' ono atone- cutter. oneiE- surance agent, two cabinet-makers. ajinV tfi re eM agents of transportation lines. .'ifi'-i I :.:-;,: :iv f; '. . I: ; .4. - ...'-.. Nothing: is 'better Tor - plant-beds. If it f wet and troublesome to handle mix in some dry soil or dust from the ti&njor er ficise. free' from grass or other seeds! In this way. it can be .made fine, and easily spread and chop- ncd in. when nreparine ,the . beds to . .... . - " 80W. ' ! ' Tobacco- . ' Tho'makinji of tobacco beds is now in order. fe nest locations are Southern alopes. i Northern exposures have some " desirable advantages they arc less snojecv to tne ny, wi! . atatKl, drought longer than Southern cxosrres, cansequently will carry the plants,over for June planting ; with a greater certainty. Two hundred pounds of guano is hot too much Tor everyVqiwre5 jof twenty 'yards. One large spoonful of seed is amply suffi cient for every square of ten yards. - (joano of tba highest grade . should be used, arii on the bed, after all the rtieks, roots 'and slumps arelremoved and then chopped in lightly ; then sow the sectl, rake in and tramp or pa vri'h the hoe, and cover thick with pine brush. IF necessary, fence at onef onlthe north and west at least fence with brush as a protection from harsh 'grinds. Greesboro Patriot. Distance for Grapes. Tha strong growing American grape vine rinlst have ample space to grow They may be restricted for a few years and bear moderate crops, but when they are older they should have K a full chance to crow out their long ara. - The late AVtn. A. Underbill, o part oTdns twenty year JsabeHa vine- vard where he had allowed the vines i t i extend ' over a road-way, giving , them some sixteen feet more room. The .improvement m the crops was strikim. Mr. A. Hood ef Ontario laMfdConcorjis ei ft et apart each ' WUjf-SrB $d ie spring of the seventh year he took out very alternate viae, and then he had a fin a rrnn IT friavl a timil.r an.i. UMW " - . , mm . 1 M a. 1 . . . . M . V. . 1 mebt ona large Catawba vineyard r ylanted eight feet apart; tbe result ! waa a greatly increased qtianrity of jrapase He also stated that Concord vines, covering twentyfour to twenty igb fst trellis, carried by actual measirmeut mere grapes than any adjoiuinff vines twelve, feet aoart. end cccupyingithe 6ame extent of trellis. An experienced grape- grower has just stated to tin that ha htl mV74iv hie nes ; twelve feet apart aria had graft td every. alternate vine with ajiotavtr 1 sort. The grafts failed to grow and the old vineabeiugthusthiuned'to one lit ID id number, gave a much, better crop than the whole did before. We Wt$.V f cHf m wyl ToOier j iaeessll suowlng the importauce of giving ample space to strong crowtrs. And one other precaution should al way uc pbservedneTer to allow the viae' to overbear ; thin out the numerous e . ft? -i uiwicnes. rre o noi now near vine yardista, ias-forrottiy Ooast of -the many Um of grapes they have raised to am acre, as they have learned tiiAtjMte frnit is better, and the tines less exhuusted. when the thiuning has been properly done. new advertisements. Expectorant 1 IN 2 JOTS. AMD tl BOTTLM. Iti propwtl m Dwmaloent, Ifwtrj- ; tiv JBaUwinic, Soothing and Hamllna-. ; rHmMjjlthwa qillti , it im the ; mr-t ffactive LUNO BALSAM W; offered to aafferera from pttlmopary . DR. J. F HAYWOOD, of yew Tork, -volontarDy iudoww H. -READ WHAT HE SAYS:- I)t TUfT: HwT.i k. tat, 10. wn. citr lb c m ot Mr . m4 I oniM air MMM w,"WJ known UMMdM &u of cotuktuc. n4 iavi twm day. 1 '.ii fHr ww'JnLWCiaHATWOODM.P. A NEWSPAPER PUB. WRITES. OtSe. Cvaaiu Hvw. lag O. D. TUTT: Vmr 8n-Hf UU1 foo. h. - 1 - wtntar. ln U (hal 14 till .. .tkiB m. MMli I for ins tare of which I m iabtd tofuar Mlubl Expncvwit. i hsd tna mwi'ltd, but Don did nj d uri ntn thina it rood antif I adfow Ki- wHuwat. ona boUl of which naoM Ui. nh utMir. th-J. I" feout Had terrible NICHT SWEATS. Dr. TUTT; Sir I hare ben aoilarias lor Marly ww tr with M oooh. Wh I aawl fcv jnc yonr Expectorant 1 wred bundrad andautwoiKmndatDwaight. 1 bad triad alawat eTorrtbiac ; naa wn dii am: . half do bowloa. Tha niht awaaU haa Uft mo. the conh baa daWpaarad, and I ha fainad UfUjn 'ttwS5rOa IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Rfdder, hT yon ooght t cold f Arc yon bp Jjolo rniaa the phlegm T Ht yoa an irrSa? tion ia the throat t A aanaa of oppraaaion on thaToDra, with abort braath t -i Do yoa aava a ' flluf coughing oni lying down f A aharp pain now and then In the ragioa e tha heart, aboal dera and back t If aa , r Ad rice la Uka at oucc a iMc oi Tutt'a Kpectorant; yon will aooa ba able to raiaa ike phlega. In a konr rwpaat tiia Expectorant, place a hot iron to the feat.taka twoot TuU'aPtlla. Ton will aoon tall Into i pleaaant ateop and wake np taa tha aaorning. couh gone, langa r working freely; aaay braaih Jng, and the boweia morlng in a natoral manner To pit m nt a rttura ot tnaae aymptoma naa ma xxctorit aergrml day a. Office, 35 Mu fray Street, N. Y. TUTT'S PILLS CUKE TORPID lilVeHa . TUTT'S PILLC CUBK DVIFCPSIA. TUTT'S PILLQ CUKE COwTIVKrVESa. TUTT'S PILLO CUBE FKVEB AND AUIJaXa TUTT'S PILLC CUHK MICK 1IEAOAC1IS. TUTT'S PILLO TUTT'S PILLC nitiFYTUE nuoo. 'S PILLC rtJBK P1LRS. TUTT'S llAlit'ilVt. Obat Uai ob Wniauaa enancad to a OLOarf Black bT a aincU application of thiaDrn. It faav part a Natural C.lor. acta Inttantaneonely, aaA W aa Harmleaa aa aprlnc water. Sold htPraaaata. er aant bjr MpraM on raeeipt of SU Office. 35 Murray St., New Yerk. ; OLD AND RELIABLE. . . ww w- SDb. SanFOKd's IilTSB LmSOBATOl Ss a Standard Family Remedy for diseases of the Liver, Storafteh jand Bowels. It is Purely j vegaubie. it never Tww - . - Dtfbilitatea It JOathartio and 1 a a 1 1 1 . .I" a1VVVrlVll . a ,v ft BU a wa w aw . vo n v ad iD a a e.wi . -J 81 Inngoraio t& baa been inmw nli. i j Mr - and by the publie, s iU Xf ior more man so yi SiUUS with unprecedented result. 1W SEND FOR CIRCULAR. t r ml etprnon u n is moabwit. m iiinarMrn. at. in, WTOUOITtll AIT lltfisnrf will till Ton m vm m farmer' k' VTAIN WRIGHT Founders of Brass and Irwft, ami Manufacturers of AGBKTLTIRAL IMPLEMENTS, at their old stand WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA. Manufacture aridtcep on han4 any; and m largest ecock oi IMPLEMENTS -. v - . i it the SUtt for the Farm, made of the bes aterial and by skilled workman. AH gooak : warranted to give satisfaction oi jqj eaic. . n We will eeaapare erices with any flrst i-ia nonw, i n pacronawr? leeeiveo. at the bands of the fanners anil th trww am. uia oet of the State bear? os out in 0m for wnicu. w rrtarn oar sincere thanks and nope we win mem a continuance of the same. : FARMER WAIN WRIGHT, . M.w WllsoravN.C. Lemon Tabourner The Old Reliable Barber Mty always be found at R( aliop on. Tap boro Street, where be will' be pleaaed ten-e hU friends and foinulr patrons. Shavins: 10 ct; sdmin;: and cnttlni hair 30 cents. v ap-I8 tf. i" . - i laducMHa! few. tea ftY rarC . a? atr in ii i.a f II I l I "jw- s 1C LQftir.I iionic w " l1- h i If Ua. K nil i ii i w n . w a nit wP emrr . NE W ADVERTISEMENTS. POTJTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS To Bom win die of Coua Bots or Lrae Fi rnn. If Fontrt Powder are need la time. Foatxa Powdera will enra and prarea t How Qnuu Pontic Powdera will prarent Gafk is row La. roau Powdera will inereaaa Ue qaanUty of mil and cream twenty per cent, and Ua, better Ona and aweet , Fowtx Powdera wffl ecra or ptwrent iliawat miT Dracaen to which Horaea and Cattle are anbjrct. rorrz'a PowBm wiu arr SATxaratmoa. . Bold eTtrywhere. savid r. Torrra, Trvt ittor, . BlXTIKOa. Jtd. . For tale by A. V, ltO'LAM. Ofkick sitp't. Transportation. ! S. & ll. It. H. Co.. Portenjotnh, Va.. Nov. 10th, 1878. 1 C MANGE OF SCHEDULE!. On sd after MONDAY, - November 11th, train will run a follows: LEAVE PORTSMOUTH DAILY, EX CEPT SUNDAYS. Mail traii at 10 2. a in Accoiunuxlatioii Train - C 00 p in ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH DAILY, - EXCEPT StJXIAY. Mail trin at ....- 30 p m Accommodation Tram 3 p m Acoiumotlation Train leaves cU-ily ex cept Saturday. " - Mail tram connect at vioon wiui me Mail Trains of tl Wiliiiinirtoii k WvMow, and Ralcijrh ami Ga-ton Railroads. And on Mondays; Wednesday and Fri days at Franklin, with steamer for Et'en ton, month and ianmngs on tJiackwa- ter and Chowan rixer. Freight receivetl dally, except Sunday? from 8 a m to 4 p di. E. it. GIl.'O, "SiiHrir.tenfVrit ol rranpoitation. Tickein sdd at of e under Iotel, Nerfolk, Va. by W. T. lker gnta. ' . . -i '. '. UP VICTORIOUS: AT TI1K TR1UHPH HT: AT THK Centennial Exposition. Expotition Universelle, Phil., 1976. Tans, 1878. The " Stieff " u irivalled Grand, Upright and square l iano, tnn recipients oi more than p'lxty first premiums and Gold and Silver Medals, including the Medal of Merit and Diploma ol honor at whe Centennial Exposition in 1S76, have, achieved at the Exposition Universelle, Pans, 1878, over all American and many foreign competitors. Their Grand rowainj Triumph! hi Medaille D' Argent and a Dippm: j ; jy Ilonneur. Together with a Special Cor: ifiite c Merit to Jacob (5ios, Superintendent of "the Stietl" Faetory, for his. 'xf raoblinarv skill displayed in every part of their construction. I ho whole forming. a Grand Award.higvrov far than that of any other American Exhib it, and demonstrating beyond doubt the im mense superiority of the Stieft instruments. The "StielT" combines every quality necssary for perfection in a Piano. It rich, grand, mellow and powerful tone ha never been excelled by any other instru ment. Especially in the t rebel does the StielT Piano show its superiorites over all others, by Ihc bell-like clearness, sweet ness and.siiig"iur quality of tonevhich lend to it an inestimable charm. For riuick nes of response to the. finger and evenness of touch throughout the entire scale, fanU!e action, unsurpassed duiabiliiy and artif-t'c finish,- lid Piano has justly earned a world wide reputation. Second-Hand Pianos of all makers, con stantly in stock, at from 875 to K)0. Sole. Agent for the Southern States of the Pelouhet, Pelt on A Co.. and other makes of Oigans. Cata'ognes of Pianos and Organs sent on application. Address 1 11 . -I. Ulil FI', 0 North Liberty Street. Baltimore, Md. L. POWERS, Commission Merchant Special attention paid to the sale of Tobacco, Grain, Butter, Ejigs, Poultry. Live Stock, Apples, Potatoes, Dried Fruit, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY, 1540 East Main Street J Eichfflond. Va. i iio14-3 TALBOTT & SONS Shockoe Machine "W RICHMOND. VA.. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers Saw Mills, frn and WheafMilK Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrensbt Iro; Brass and Iron Castings, Machinery of eyery descrip tion, i GINX1XG Ajr THRESHING A C HIKES A M'ECTALTY.i ' . Repairing Promptly and Carefully Done. Tmftotft Patet Spark Armter. Vb InweBtleai aftb Age. It does ne dtstro? rite draf. It does not mPenlere wir-h-cleaning the tubes. '' It will not choke up amJ requires no cleaning. It requires no direct dampers to be open ed when raising steam (damners being ob jectionable, aa tbey may be left open and allow ibe sparks to escape. r ll retMiires uo water to extinguish sparks which, by eendenHatiji, destroys the draft. Besides. wbr water i used. It neglected, the effleiency ii dectmyea- evaporation of the iraier, and the botfer k kept in a filthy condittoa. It im siniple and durable and ran be relied upon. - i- It can be attaehed to any boiler. Ivo jytauter siioul be wit boa one of them. Insurance companies will iaure gins and barns where the Talbott Engines and Spark Arresters are used at sameraie as ehaVsed for water or horse power, i i SwTfsuil tar Hlat rated- eireulars and price lisU BraBCh Uoner Gbrdiherc-, "5". C J. A Haiiicr, General Manager. T. A. Grainger Local Manain Vim. llnti.1')kB at ' w a. w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Al Certain end Speedy Cure for Scrofula.' FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS. I ! A BRIEF HI'S TORY. ' 1'hw f-llow"msr is fnmi'the.Raltfisb Afif. and wa a voluiitaryjnx;rtioii and pot an . . "Yvais ai an old Indian left a rcipi f;r curing Scrofula with Mr. Per" faUi er. Ml-. IVrsoii Hv-s in Frankliniou. r in that svciioti. A chiid was born to Mr P ron, and It had the wrofula. The ti t tor rave it up to die. She ihoiight wf lliat iec ipl, ilt was 11 ainl mrrslT, hul way in an upftairs diawer. Sltceonclo did if the child was bound fo it wotihl tH-t hurt to follow the rwipt. s'w out and gathered the herb, g-t the whMkey and did as direcled to the child. Her child now lives well and hearty. More than tbi Only a few months sine a South Caroliti ian,whoo name has slipped us. was suf fering wkh some' .scrofulous afteetiou on the IteeU He had been to the Hot Sn lug. Aikaiifcas. and from there he went to Kii lre!l Springs. Nothing did hira any good. At Kittrelt's tliey told him of Mrs. Person' receipt, and Dr. w rote to Mrs. Per- H'ti d hc cuied that South Carolinian her i-.receipt was worth money. And the South Caroliiiian sent her word if. she currd hirni he would give lu r rive hundred dollars She eeiit him directions what -to do, and added if tliey cured him he emld send Irr twent five dollars; she wouldn't ask five hundred.! The South Carolinian went home, S and , Fhortlr aficrwards w-nt Mr. Pearson a check fiw twenty rive Uollar- and wrote tlietno.t grateful letter he ki.ew how. Bless thef-e old Indians we woulJ like to! have one for a near neighbor." A CERTAIN ARD SPEEDY CURE Fkkmont. N. C, Sept. 13th, 1879. Mks. Joe Peksow. Dear Madam: My litil? boyi who is now three and a half years jof age has, eince last September been stifTcring with bcrofuJa. 1 secured the aid of one of bur best physicians, who t reated him about nix month-, inu the child con tinued to grow worse all the time. About live weeks a0 I procured a bottle of your Birters, and have been using it; in connec tion With the powders furnished, to make ti e wsli, and lam now proud to say, that after lone; weeks-use of ihe medicine, he be gan to improve and has continued to do so, until he seems to be now almost entirely well. I ami very grateful to you lor what your remeby has done for my child, and take great pleasure in saying, I am satisfied you have; found a certain and speedy cure of this dreadful disease. Ploa-e send me one bottle of your Bitters which I think will be sufficient to effect a final cute of ny child. ! I Yonrs Respectfully, 1 " I " J. C. L. ALDKltXJE. AS A TONIC AND ALTERATIVE. MooRfcsviLLE, Iredell Co., N. C. Being -desirous of adding my b'Stimonial to other, concerning the merits of - Mrs. Joe Person's Bemedy for Scrofula, I take pleasure in paving that as a tonic and alter ative 1 do not think it iias an equal. I have fairly Itcsied it, and after trying Vegetine, Sansipharilla,-Viuegar flitters, and various other j rejnedies, 1 have no lieit;itiin in pronouncing it far superior to any tonic I have ever used. When I com men ed using Mrs: Person's Remedy 'I. was very weak, complection sjillow, and now I am well, j 1 Respectfully your friend, Sept. 26, 187S. MRS. tf. T. BROWN. For my personal reliability, I refer, by permission to Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson. D. Dl Nor th Carolina; Geo. Foote. M D., '.Varren Co ; Hons. J.J. Davis and C. M. Cooke. Franklin county. For sale by Drug-gists generally. For circulars con taining (ei ms and other information, apply to i i Mrs. JoePeksox, oct 3Ut.-6m. Frinklinton, N, C. H- C STATE LIFE INSURANCE ! O o m p a n y . K. II. Cameron, President. W. E.l AsDEiaoN. Vice-President. W. 11. IItCK, ItSccretary. Dit. E.Ji. Haywood, Bid. Director. Prok. E. B. Smith, Advisory Actuary Assets i-.L Liabilities 260,270 70 84,876 41 (Re-insurauce, reserve, Ac).... Surplus to'policy holders 175.394 29 The State Life is the only Home Compa ny in North Carolina. It is the only company that invests all its funds in the State. All of its money is kept at home and circulated among our wo people. : . . Out of fifteen Companies reporting to the North Carolina Insurance Department, the N. C. Slate Life issued more polities in the State last year than all of the rest put to gether. ; Company's rates as low as those of any first-class company. It will cost a man aged 30, about five cents a day to keep bis lile Insured for one thousand dollar. North Carolinians, stand by and support your own Home institutions. For any particulars concerning this Home Company, apply to any of the Cotrrpany's agents or to the Company's office in Ral eigh. ,.; j f . fci?Good agents wanted in every county in the State. A. B, DEANS, Special Agent for Tf i&on and vkinily. je6 GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. I ! - ' , RADE MARKTTfE GRKATTHAOf HAfffC EDY. An unfail ing care for Sem inal Weakness, S p e rmatorrhrs. Im potency, and an disease Am follow, aa a Ahnw aa lama at '",a UF0RI TAKMIawomwt, aaiTer AITtl TAKlIt. sal laMtade. twin in the bucXt. dimneve of vision, prrmatore old ace, and many other Uease that lead to inoaaity or rofiiumpuoo and a fremature Crave. as-Full particolars in our pampLlet,which we desire to send free by maU ta every one. Tha Specific Mfdiciue is sold by all drnrr.iU at $1 per packaf'a aix packacea for S, or will ba sent free by mail on receipt of tha money by addresaiaf I i The Gkat Medicisw Co.. Mechaiiit-rKoeIc. Detroit. Mich. Sold in Wilson and every where. .by all druggists. no,2S-ly. TEEM0IT HOUSE. ! i $2.50 PER DAY. WASHINGTON, D, C F. P.HLlL - - Proprietor. iXh. L. BASS. - B.L. BAKEm. : BASS CO'S RESTAURANT OYSTER SALOOR. I (Itrst door beUw Brown s.) UNDER R. R. SHED, WELOON, 5.C. angl-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.! i WIRE R AILING U AND..'- ; ! ' . ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. DTJ'U-b6 Sc OOl, 2C North Howard t.. Baltimore, j Wire railing for ppmt?rM. lawns, zr- nflUji an KalnmitJt. wriiirla.ur o-tiarl. . i.h SaeV- - f-n:lffi. ' v a ar-a) ' " ' w T rasfHs, sjihJ nnd csd acrtfnis. inii Brtfc.ifnds chairs, retires. 4c. wp2ffI2,j J. Li. STONE, R A LEIGH. N. C. i AGENT FOR TDK NEW HODE SEWING CUCHME- Tbi la one ef the best machines sold lit thfc Stale a ltd nrrer tiU le please, dead for circulars and price Hsf. I s TART LI NO TU U Tl 11 The great core for , DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE. I ! SOUR STOMACH . and the bad effects of Indigcstlovr Is Dr. D'ArastadU Ati-Dytpeptic Dropt Wontlerful enrrs rrrswJe all orer the conn- rrv im thousands of certificates attest. Purely Vegitable Price 75cents. PUBCELL, LADD A CO. ix)13-I2m Riebmoud, Va. W. J. HARRIS -IFholesale & Retail Dealer inp- GROCERIES & : Li' Now offer to his old friends and patrons his large stock of j SUGAR, COFFEE. ! FLOUR, ! LARD, ! BUTTER,! I MEATL Ac. All pntefm'f1 frrrrfon ft ihc advance in prices,! and will be sokl clrp. j Ue "Toai;'a Y, T, Olwej" wtl ve your J. T. Young & Bro. DEALER IS i FINK IKATCHKS, DlAMOSDsj JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, Manufacturer of all kinds of j Plain Gold Jewelry, Rings. Battgtt, lc The best $10, castorf and QvJOQ clock ever sold. American wstciie., at the lowest prices. Solid silver spoons, ! forks Ac, cheaper than ever. Your orders are so licited and will le promptly attended by J. T. YOUNG & BUO.I Petersburg, Va. oct 30th '79.-U D. I. C. ! Ia aa abaalaite and 1 rrealatlkle enra for qmaam-TBtatuueianeg aayf fha et Orknn. Tv thaoea. lianotiM and Stimulaaita. temnvinaf all jtaata,lMlrw and habit of aatnv any of thantytwnH Iderlna! the taataor dealrefor any oitbem partecUyl iodioaaaaddlBnatlne. Otrinc wrerrona aerfectl udlmaistibla control cc tba aocrtatr of to jotraa and their frtanda. ;?M jmwtm ta thaabaohita plmlcw tad aooral nrowmion uu iouowi ana auooea nriianin ucr trooa aainff aUmnlaata or aarootlca. Packaure, prepaid, to care 1 to t aavaoaa, $, or at your druggista, SL7 par aottla. Temneraaoa aodetiea afcoald wrnmWaand It. It la parfectlj hamleaa and atereraUina. Hep Bittsra Htg. Csv, RocKastar, N.Y. Swie AgawU W.a fail a it ati nri all ula 1 1 mill Hi ooag-n, quleu tba aerreav prodooea raai, and Barer CaUatoeura. 1 Tha Im Pal for Stomach. Urn aad aTidnawa. UaaawrWrtoaUothera, Caraa bjratworptloa. It ia I nilWLith r. ii. mr -r r Iparathn. rnnaaiai. aUa tka rba Mttan. .klckniiti galeae a aaf wag, ari aaii w aay ami ia. ram a a I M. j-" 1 "---Tllllill FOR 8ALE BY ALL ORUQQISTSj THE CAEEOLLT0N, 1 Baltimore, Light and German Streets. i niTinoRK. mi. Tate reduced to $3.00 and 2. 50 per day accerdin to loealion of rooms. , Extra chafes fir parlors baths, and douMe formis according to size. The mwt convenfn atnl latest built Hotel In I the city. i. - Elevator mw continually to all the floor. All lines of city passenger cars pass its uoor.. i F. W. COLEMAN. Manager. JAHRATTS HOTEL. (Receutly City Hotel.) f PETERSBURG, Va. as been thoronchly renovated and hand furnished. j location central and convenient to busi ness The otdy hotel irr ffte city liglited wiih ga. Omnibus Free. BROW N & FErriT, Proprietors mch22 1 Street's National Hotel. I RALEIGH. N. C. I S. R, STREET. SON, Owneis and Prop's I .' - - I GASTON HOUSE I NEW BERN. N. C. I S. R4 STREET 4 SON,.. ..Propn1 The ndersignetf haThfg porchasedj the National Hotel property at Raleigh, opeae4 Marcfe 14th. 1879, that well known House to ibe puMic; r their anawagemeat, Tbey refer te Ihe'ar past aianageatent ef the Gaston House ae a guarantee of a first-cla?s Hotel. , TKe senior, Mr. Samuel R. Strej. wUl reaami in ebarge ol the Gaston Houe. The inior, Mr Wm. J. Street, wiU caa duct tlie Natioaal Hotel. I apllcm S,. STREET A SON. gT. CHARLES HOTEL, j i (Corner 3faw and" I5th Street;) r.ICUMOXD. YUtGINU. W. 5. BR GG, . . Fioprieior, This bouse is eertrailj leeated and every thing tept in ni eiass order. 1 I-rg sawHe mown and special iadttee Bieuta to coraacrciat tnrraler. ; NEtrADFEKTlSEitEXTS. ' . ' ' i - ' " " 1 NURSERIES AND FRUIT FARM. iriLsox, x, c. ftOO Ch.icj Fruit Treea, Grape Vine, RasobrrieK ft(sK.,L- ' at. rl l.OOO.M). Miawtieiry plai.ta ..r sale. orly part of Ocltlier: wiil y ie'd half a a gue. I ' 1 . WOOTTEN JfTiariiitnre IDealer AND ., UMD'SRIAK ; -1 i ' WILSON, N. o., ture ever offered for sale in . Bedsteads from $2.00 up. Chamber suils from . Extension tables i5 cents per foot. diairs, picture frameis and baby carriages W ererr dntfl tion and price. . - , f r Our atoeb was purchaaed on the very best ern Dd wr)l bl gold at prices to correspond with the Btrinencj of the times e cordially invite the public to ca'.l and eMmnie onr' Hoek u it gives tis pleasure o snow our goods. WOOTTEN & STEVENS, Cor. Nash 'A Spring S. ' Wilson NC. i MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Firniture of Every IDesoriptlorx i- Brom the finest Parlor to the cheapest Cottage SuiU. i ikt rt: mn lo ue unaerscia in and be convinced. Send for catalogue and price liad sep26 12m ; W ) r (Successor to Trimble ACo - f i' " " i ' '' ' ' Nos, 78 A 80 Ifiw' Prajtt Strket, BALTIMORE. MD., . AND ALL KfNDS OP DINGS. RALUSTER4, STATR RALLS, NEWELS, KANTLIS LUMBER FURNISHED.. i Factory, S. Se 2GGm. WEST & BRANCH UAXVFACTritllliTOr A No DEALERS IS STOVES, FURNACES, Till AiiD SHEET IRON WARE, Fronts and grates, marble mane)v wruri all v .f Ti . .ii..a-'Y ..t-. ....I. v-. ..j .vratvvnirr x T7i ar , aucil as JLiarriIC IMlierfr AUaHlin II I'll .Tiir Smoking Tobaero Monbln- H ill furnish eatimate for Miera Ibvatlrg, at tn U pi ices. We are ala prrpand to furnish Flaea for TeAaccn Harns. in in v ani-Htyl anort ana at lw g. Corrfspaadence solicited. WEST A BRANCH. " ii : Jto. 1417 Mam Street. aepl9 6m Old Kortb. State Fire insu-ranpr rnwPANr mr wakrentdn. n Has beea Succesaful A Thorouglify WM. S, DAVIS, P-esWent, F. H. liiiilcling; c 9- nr. 7- 25 cr. BUILDERS W o g C3 Everjtkiojj in Kuilding Hne at lowest "! ' Y. S4 We kiln dry all oar fcrmbwr. V Xm. awawawawaaaaaaaawawaawaaaawaaaaaai A word telfioM who nae pomat Ftetera. The great demand for them bas esaaef 11 wortM-a imltairnnennder similar inferror plasters Setliug at any priee ft ia important far the enurn7 . tlati v tbe 5esrT. It k well knows, that some ol the cheap plasters kve PT nnntl ra ennfam lafnrinai lurrMfu-nta wIiLpIi anal them dknrerOO" " ,.t,r r.:. .i . s-..! t? . lysis and other dlseaea. Cant ion See reetry eRer. v k SEABL'RY A J0IINS05. rharwaeeutkaj Cbenistt, ,t,r JStrae berry pUnia et out 1.1'' op of nice ' & !'-.- - 1 this mat ket. The foDonimr . $22 00 D. BAiUKS tti - .s or any other mafkeU Give rae trikl MORTON 1). BANKS. honlh ."St., lTnltimore', Ui. E R i , TRIIV1BLE. Send for Circular E. Cor- Onfon Ave. A Caraliae Street Vth - t nhr boilers RVKtga fixtmeR. W n,,k, m tt.'i.. t, ' i... . i:k. - 'I L. . KICHMOXI). Tl. operation for Eight Ycars ReHabfe Mom Cempsny F. LOXCSeerata JARSIAN. AjL jXdteriul-- S - -f - ,x 5 as H pj . n HARDWARE n 'A r. i - sc.. v. fiearw, ! ALTAFFER PRFOT i WILMINGTOX Jf- a n ember ef martrpalo- P . joded aoandlng names. icinr names. v . ... inw . As tbe asic- that tbe ward Capcfw on . tt i rv,wa Oil xn Jwctaf rrica tp