a i i-ri n. TL. UIUrn ArJ 113 rt PP it CO. 1 jjrj VVlnvll .nuyuiivvj . PU3LI3HEO EVERY FRIDAY- BY The Wilson Ativan i fe CONNOR ( 1 w Wilcoii. C -t i Ad'v'fen .. I.fKj! IllOFESSiqAL. SURGEON 'DENTIST- nOLDSIiORO, -S. c. hm 1-..ruiW -v'fi v mouth ll'.l! vsi-: i!h M' i'l"y to Saturday nicuue. ' - i . . t.:,. OHfc at i,,;- r. "if 1! i.""- It. It. W- .lOVNKli, ii; no eon DEN f I ST, All oprati.,, will 1,-r neutlv an l c.irc ; j K . ?' S T AT 'ILK, j v v I ;n (i FO X D EST IS T, S F!.-lonVd nt WiNoiiv N and t c'-pr-f.fJ).- s"..H.-rt tit" t.alTntlM. of " : - !1 br;i!i.:Jv f thr p. ..K - . ir-'I'l IviMf at PaliriiT from S a. M to " I) n. K. l. n U N T K H. SURGEON DENTIST. Ha r- s'iinc'l prru !': at l',ri;l'l'l and n?- picJu!!v .soil it- a .:,i':iiuaii!t:of tn lornwri. 1 W. jnA)l;M, Attorney - at - Law, I'lib'.ic Spi;t.r', ivnr n; . 'oitrt W i l -in i ' x. c:, Oct. lmii r.jTILLKIi, ATTnn:;i:v-AT-rAiv AVill r:tr:' in Nij THgtyj:mlc 'and Vil'u ivdiii! i'--1. 1 -Sprcial ttoiitioh trifr'ii t i!y purtjo'ii of tlii' S'alt;. ollf'criuiis i:i ; t Mint tLUtiaer ?3tielciori., , ik vi,i:r i.v 5SHES. DOORS AND BLIMDS, M.ud liu.r. I.::t Uct. Stair HaiU. N'ewi-ls in i uu: ns n A nn h a nil Prnt.. Oil-. rntlv, Buildiii M;ito- ij:l of Kvciy 1 t'Cl'it'M. Wc Avi'iiai'j Xnrfolk, Va. scp'2(I (ini WILSO ft COLLEGlftTE S E Ml NARY " (()R YOUNG lADTKS,) . j Y : wnn. v. ' "; ' I.rst alc:it i!.ii,vil in all depart tnents j Bit in '.on iHi'issially li'-.tttliy ( lVnitd,M'r M'--i':i of'2;)vweek, i' I- ' jui, - iujiws .ami iiirnis.jfd room $-'m "Utlirr (.'liares undo rate. , Fidl Srssiotf lK'jim Ncptrinlx-r I.-t. For v tuloj;Mu or infoi iniUioii. nddro., J. U. DKKWEirrmdpal. IiNEqUA.LL"ED OTFER. Wilson Collegia to "Institute-. '.Foil UO ill SEXES STRICTLY NOX - SECTAliUX I in For years the inot sucoes-fiii Kthoo'I I.l i-rn ( ' t in! in-i 't'lii. i t.ur ...1, i plraanr educational lim.-. ' ; for il.V iwin ix fK'iviiiKi:. ?'or tf-irinv i . v. 1 1 t- v-,x-...'.. ...... . iNru ptxo -M KNisni:i, koom, uuiits, and wajsium. 'tor the; V:ni!ei fo l.it 'rinirsiltv in .Juiie. tion, Modern, 'rhiM ott 'ii, -A I.ivc In.vtitu I'raetieal. Hend for cataloctie .and m- -lustitotc tJuarterlv fill of. valuable 'educational' matter, fiTs.li, bright, nod free. ,S. lIASSF.I.f., A. M., rrln'pal. jWl tf Wiison, I. c. LIVERY - i SALE STASL j i NEW 11A17NKSS and NEW VEHICT.FS Hivi'ij j it o;Mtil a 5 i "" v -n thB mvrkt h rir. nn ioi,lr6 s'tr... l in thi Moi and a.l.Hn.uc oonntms. Uiat w Will u. ,v .mi, , ,i K.,r ome, ,or t , M Mu. r (y ini.f f r cati- or . i in..,. in ftkt v.hki.-. win .b. hiri :u moUort. W vik n .r,M)MW Mr mi,n,h , . ";nii i,Hi:np(nir menu c:itl when (Ury coarv i clown." .' SUGG & EDWAU1S. W.l.oii, N. C.. tl.t . 2i . CANF1ELD, BROS. & CO. BALTrXKMVE Jt CUAIILKS s r. lUi.TinoitE, 'sin; XmericafT arid Swiss Watches at low est prices. DIAMONDS.1 FINE JKWFXUY. racc1e,8 ErrinrR; Pin?. Hh-c, Charrn. lxck.. t.- ic, Slc i CatC,S sVn rk etc. f, f..u!,, cuma ami other vsi. cp4;ra gWsc, spectacles and eve t 'R ami f T: r f , ViHloi s have; vrumjt attention. juh! i.vr'st rates," If.-aPhy location:"' Able 1 cchoe3 the demagogue whose only de ;snd Expericnc.-d T.-aehcrv Fine I.ibi arv ! sire is to pa rider to the public opmion and Apparat;i-. Simclo'us .-'UuiMinir. A ; . ' . . . VOL. 10. he Wilson Advance. - KltIlAY- ,-FKIiISL'AKY J7 lsbO V1 JJ: .ir .'." is- -V The King's Ring. 15 y Hiki)::k tiltox. One" in;IVr-.ia n-:il -1 a Ji V, Wlio 1iis sint riu '..liruve'i A tutxini trun ami wise, Wliic!) if ljit-1.' before SJi t yo , Give It tin 'counsel, at a glance. Fit for evttry chutes a id cliar-Cc; Soleui'i v r, -a. ii tii Mc are they; 'Evcu tlii hl pifis away !M Trains of camcUs tlirouji i!ic san 1 fir('.i!:t liitu vmu fronJ'M.i.iiurc'au'l; i Fleets ot' if i!!cs through the sea linmglit l.im pcaili to jnalch .with tlK'SI-. I'ut he c iiiiited not a j Trrauri'A o (he mine or maiti. ' "What 'n wi-akli?" the kin would fay i "Even till .shall pass away. ' & In i lie rt'Vi-ls f his court. At tin; zenith of his sport, WIjiMi the palms of a 1 hi guests, linno-d with clapping at hi.- j-'sts,' lie auiid his lis ami wine, .'riei, "O, lovin g frien 1 of mine! P.'vasurc oinei, b it not to stay; "Kvvu'thii shall puss away.' L:dy fa'u t'-t ever seen Chose Iit' for his brid.; ami quean, Coiiehfd1 upon the inari i iy;o U.mI, "tVttipe.rin;r to his ,oiil, lie said; . "Tfioiih: a" bridcjoaiif iie.yvv pn:s.scd art-r t)oom to his breast, l"rtal flesh must come to clay .'Even Ithis fbull "pa-.- away.'' Fii;htifi on tl fu'riot field, Once a javelin pirrcod hi- shield. Soldiers with a loud lanicot, Pine liim bleeding to his tent, Gxoatinj from his torturod .id;,' r'i'.i.i U Hard to hear.' he cried; "Biit with pitieiice, day by Vhy, "Even this shall pass awy."' Towtfriil (n the public qtiarei Ttt'i'ii'y cubits in th" airf Host; his stature carved in sfone, Thi'ii the kii; di -ui-od unknown, Si'o'kI Ix-fore liU.i sculpt ui ed name, Muiutf mwkly, ' "rWhat in f a'me? Fame is but a'sl'cr'jdecay; "'Eyco tl.-f -shall pss-r awjy."" . Siriiclc with pals', ser nnd old, VVaitioj; at the utos of Gold. Spike hiiWitli his dyi br'ath, 'I;''? is i'r 'i put whar U death?'' 'Then in answer to the kins: ;'l--il a puubeu if on hU ring, Showing by a heavenly ray, "Even this shall pass away." For the Advance. Tin Ofiiiouu-. j Are ropiiblican forms of goverument JPoetiy. :jsftib!e? Vs, says t!io enthusiastic iwv. iiiui in-nv; miu tuuil KUOVYieiigC, with more action than thought. Yes. uniinnKing. Irezied poputage. 1 to line his pockets with the gold ' ' u,e P'C treasury, liul what snyi the ttiaws of events that started fn:i! ' Of Louisiana in IS7G ! driried along Jje current of time s f?n big upon the beach' of Maine politi cal movements in 1890. Do they not tell us that the, boasted "American institutions" are drifting into a most destructive whirlpool cf anarchy? They do; this-State of affairs resrrlling from an underftrrre'iit of violated )&vs, such violations being to' a greet eitcjii cans j ed by the avarice of spoils hunters. 'Vhy'ts this so? Does it arise from a 11 i ' r' i ' i CK ' Ial-n ln the WlSUOtn, prudence. I ProV,sln 011 the part Of OCT atTCeStOrS ia l!je establishment of our govrn- nicni? -No', it is a lack of faitb in the eteruiU. unchangeable law of the' h- man race that tu.in 19 one: and tbrft then have rights th-a? must be respected.- , It is caused by a' develonmenL a most woudrous growth, of selfishness. ? : Thisgrowingin ."uwkn iiivKvi lually vam- pire-like is sudiiirg the' life bloods of j the rights of men coUectiTely. Vulture- j j like it preys upon the vitalyof trpright 1 'aw. The companion of vandalism it j over rides and crushes in the mire j all p v.w w u bu uv c, V.1 Vt3 it 11 VI JOvU ... ... ' .i . i . . . v n -iiviucjis me sianaara or oarbansni, the impure, imtrue and' bad. In the place of the goddtss- of libtrily it would rasse the head of Medusa which turns all hearts' to stone so th&t being wkh oui feel.ng they can the more readily infringe upon the rights of othsr3. In stead of love and good-fellowship it EcpauiyjiowdisvWriJr aad dtsseimoik to reap" li:t all the ends thoc WILSON, N. a harvest of destruction. Selfishness, greed of gain, aggrandizement of I, is the swiftly moving current that w'll soon dash as. our free institutions. uur lorms oi porernmci'.t ofcr ihn forms precipkd in Id the vortex below, and!t. JfrLi' linnthh, nn into nhat'the enicrston will be no uiui can sar unless he be vested itL pro phetic ken. Such 'is the record that iiistory gives. The sclfishncs') 'cf the h!gher classes in Grecian, Roman and .English history was the can at of nany civil Wars, much blwdshe:'. and .much retardattoii of the progress of human civilizatbn. And the selfishness of capitalists, boiidholderjs. spoils men, based upon the enormous idea that man have no rights that must be re spected is t' day preparing a volcanic lire of socialism, communism and kin died-'cVils that 'will burat forth wtlji Cataclysmal power, submerging our republican institutions under the ciu ders scptiae, aud burning coals of rev o!ulio:ij wors than that known, tinder the tyrannical despotism of Robes- .pieire and the 'lieit'n of Terror" in Frauce; - To" such are we tending,. We have 100.000 men iu office seizing the spoils, and others anxious, Tilling to pay any pric?;! regardless of right and j'lstk'e; to obtain their places and their spoils. j ' How is this to be remedied? 11 y introduction of statutes of limitation into our constitution? By more riid law m, regard to corruption and fraud? These would help, but there must be i a deeper, more potent inilueiice than this. There must be a quickening of public Conscience to the sense of duty. Uight and wrong must be recognized, and a higljer morality inculcated than that whph exists in the maxim that "Honesty is the best policy," Tha higher morality to be honest because it is right is the onlj' pawer that can unnerve the arm of Nemesis holding the. uplifted sword to avebge desecra ted law! and give ns peace with con scieneej with the goddess of liberty. It is ttpe qv.iekn?d conscience; the growth; of higher morality, that can ctuui ..he roaring; waves oi laction;atid still the storm of oaitizanship, that can, protect and defend from the rock of selfishness and bear ns forward in a course of prosperity, a light to all nations that republican governments are stable, but only so when founded upon the law of right. This state of morality must be inculcated through tlie potent energy of the press, pulpit and schools. These are the leverage powers ! that arc to move the conscien ces of mu to recognize the truth of the unity of the race and' the unity of aim in which truth there is no seMisii- ncss SlOISMUXli ' -i - . Mr. owawn was about the second editor of the Greensboro Patriot. He vrae a writer. brilliant; witty and fearless At one time lis and a Mr. half parson Jackson a long legged. editor of a Danville paper, had a right severe j controversy. Each was a stranger to the other . Jackson vowed to whit irwaim and Swaim heard of it. lb kneiv they would meet at, Went worth court. Sir. Swaim drove up one libi and stopped at the hotel in Wiwfrth, then kept, by Mr. Ilolderby. ie three or lour amcni: them.Jack- .-on we're sitting around the fire and were discussing Buck Swans, at the Lme. He quietly7 sat down and asked. Is that Mr. Swaim, of Gteensbjro you arej speaking of, gentlemen?" .'Yes sir, do yrr? know him?' said Jackson 'Yes, I met him? this morning, he in his buggy,: but orlered he W'js iristolj s i ' ' ' ifaa u seat so hcaviiv artned, Willi two i an. a btrwie knife, that I thought best no! Co come 7itlr lam be expeet3 a diirkuhy with 1 a believe man named Jackson.' Therj? was tVead silence fo- a while, then Jackson'ordered Ids horse and sail he had promised faithfully a friend in'lhe country to stay with him that night, and it wae Iiigb time he was going.--lveidsYille Tinier. Are we raisii4ur Nibilisti and" asins j . . . sinr of kings ia this country? A bad boy in ft public schoolthe other day. who was tkresfened w;tb punishment, called out to an attentive circle of his companions : -ua.-snooi tnt? rmcr. y. . i , i He is under survcillsnce. Wanted A pi m co:t.' reali an advertisement. Wonder whose wife put that. in the paper? - , Wc know a man whose wife t!oesn-1 kiss hha becatrse' he smokes-. She I kisses Irimcause she loves bin : THY WffTTRTS. PST AT. BE C, ai FRIDATr FEBRUARY 27 1880 -i i i - Uiunlltjr; 3fe$rs. Edi'ors : I be space in your columns for the following extract l froth a remarkably able aud well writ-j T i .r1 , - . J ' i: A fier n! careful and accural history ) of the Various theories of "Equality" ! rcluriijfr different historical epochs in I different countries together itb- the j , ; ; . . , . tendencies of the present age he in i i T 1 ' i i , - " , , "Ineouahtv nnneirs to be Lhedivinp i , . , . , p v.i, ' r l -i "' change jthe nature of. tlmig. Kven M ml 1 Oi'ini! : tnino if lArtfl mf II 1 ",v-'i,,,l,lJ "'carried off the prize bim?elfr as Fortunatelv, if to-day we could niake every man white, every woman as like man as nature permits, give to every' " , I.tJ. education and. divide equal!? among ,, , -t - ' 1 J 1,.,..,,., .:.,, 4l. . : . ' r' an me accumulated wealth ot world, to woman di'ierences, unequal possession and dif "erenliation conld begin again; We are attempting the regeneration of society pith a misleading phase. We are vrasjting our time with a theory that tlotW not fit the poets. Then is an equality, bur. it is hot .of an out-w-ard show; it i3 indepetideiit o con ditiap ; jit does not " destroy propertVt nor ignore the difference ot sex, nor obliterate race traits. It is the equal ity of men before God, of rtien before the law. It is the cddal horfof of all, honorable labor. No morG pernicious notion ever obtained lodgement in society than the common one that to "rise' in the world" is necessarily to change the "condition." Let their be content: with condition discontent wp,h individual ignorance and 'imper fection.; We want says Emerson, "not a furmer. but a man on the farm. What a inisohievious idea is that which has grown, even in the Uniteu State's, that manual labor is discreditably!. There is purely 3omp defect in the theory of equality incur society, jwhicli rriakes domestic service to be shunned as if -stic service to be -v it was a disgrace. x Rockiaisr ? Itaby I r Sleep: Its the sweetest hour iri all the tw enty -four, when the tired mother with! her feet trotted almost off oi her, sits down to rock the baby to. sleep; when the houSw of her arm is fiill of tangled threads of gold, aud the snows of her while bosgm are not more fair than: the peaceful little face lying against it. Her voice may not be cul tivated and fine, but it issweet enough to croon. 'Eye baby bunting,' for the little cars thdt listen; her face may not lie lovely or beau'tiful, or even bright but it is the radiant face of an angel to t!io sleepy, little e3'eS that look; dp into it. Hocking the baby to sleep -and while she rocks building castles for baby to live' in mapping out the : spotless future of baby's life, comforted by the wee little form that cuddles so tfiflbigry up in h'er arms and rested from all her day's work. 1 know a mother that rocked her. baby to sleep last week; that sat in the darkening room and rocket the well night-gowned figure ; that scng E)e baby bunting' with her heart full ot mother-anguish and her voice brave I and strong through motherly love, that rocked ier baby softly, and softer still anid lUnallv, when the old, well used I -i i chair that had: rocked baby to sleep so many limes was settled from its gen tle motion, she laid .lusri down on the t inyj ruftle i pillow, and, slUl singing softly and slowly her l?ye baby bunt ing'! knelt bv the little form, whde her i husband vTeht out and told fiein to' br'mg a coffTii for their ilarlins;. flume OIl KxpreMsions. Take: for erami)le, the following i -i . 4 " genuine notice oa an Irish Church door: "This is to irive notice that I i - m - no person is to be buried in this church yard but those living- in the parish Those who wish to be buried arc' ? de--siredtoappry to me. Ephraim Grub, parish clerk." Ifere is" imolhcr kin dred specimen Noticed Tbc church wardens wilijhold theirquartcrly nieet ings dice tn s:x weckff, ;DSteacf of half yearly-, as fdrmerly" Io the - April of iSOG the following bill was stuck up: -This" house to' be let forever, r.r Inn i er if required." Sucii a house wOrrM o 1 i Iquiic match the gowt. mentioned b Miss Edcgworth, which would wear forever, and might be converted intt a fietticoat afterward." Ano bar garmcrrt is discribed Lher tifeauv in m. f .r Iradv Morgan's earli?r rrove as- bern eornposedof au apjmcat tissue of woci: air. THY GOD'S, AW TRrTIIV JIAURIlCiF, PUUPO.HIU. - HEery man hnhU oun uny cr Aftklng lb . Itiperttnf (urtioii. i:Aitt it. j ; PUOrOSIXO BY P KOX Y. -titttlft s fiinUiiirtrtli ! a. , t ,, . ... . 1 e . lover may bd to the ltking of fa:r - s - . - a J"' cr : i .t 7 . . tt is suftjciently llattering to be con- idoned, but when any Caleb in search ! - - . . ... ;oi a wife cuocses to sue Ur ddegnte,- deserves to fall ignbmirJiouslv. woii'bv" attontev :t , and oaentimcs the attorney throwa hjs ci5cnt orcrboadf ' t ww. ..v,.. vjuiuiu ncu courting in his brother's behalf. Hooker escaped that risk by leav- irig everything, even the etlection of jth0 la(y t(J Urs Churchmani , i i ;r , ,. , lound htm a wife, -and achteved a ' . . who fon- not "itn j their in-law hersHf at theame time. l'roposing by proxy h the- rule the exception, in Grestrl ind. ' was when the Greenlan lerj won wives by capture'; but since their con yersiorl by Danish miss: tlar1es. tliey liave become the tamest of wooers. Now a candidate for the ; holy state goes to a missionah and tLlls him life wants a w'd'e. 'Ihrjm?'" asks the missionary Sometimes the mdn atiswers : ... . t "She is not unwilling : but j tboti knowest womankind." Usually the answer is "No."' -Why have you not asked her?'j in quires the missionary. ; j : ' "It is ditlletd! giri arc priiclish ; thou must speak to her." ' The good rhan send-" for tha girl, and after a little conversation says: "I think it is time Vs haye thee mar- tied." ".':: " ;. '. ' ' -The giil declares she Las iio ihlrut to wvd. "That is a pitr I have a Suitor for hee;" Jl course tue damsel is curious cnotigU -to want , tp knoTT jwhoro iiie suitor may be. dtid of course her Curi- ugify H atisti?d. . : "He is a gobd for nothing." he ex . ; i . I . i claim"; with a to3s of the head: ' I won' have him." "Eut," the go-between ursres. lie 19 a good provider; he throws his .har- poon wi.tn skill,-., and, moreoves be; loves tbec?' I Still pretending to lw obdurate, the girl answers that she will nbt fcbngefii to the match. , . "Well, well; I will not force jthce; I shall soon find a wife for such a clever follow," snys the missionary, making believe there is ah end of the matter. The girl does net go ; she stan'cti silent for a little while, then In a low voice she sighs out : 'nsi as thou wilt have it." No : it isl'as thou wilt : I'll not persiiaed thee," replies the clerg'- riiarf" '.'!'' " . ' Then with a deeo sroan. the maiden says "Yes," and the matter is' set tied. . ' - r SPILLlXa nil" WiXK Tyrcdcpn lassies are by old ckislom spared necessity of givir. tongue to thei Ay'f or "No." The first time a young man jftjs a tisft tt6 dn avowed sutttf he brings; with ' him a bottle of wine, of wbicli 1 c pours out a glass end offers it to (he object, of his affections. .'Jn any case, siLc-will hp refuse, it pointi blank I that iwonld be too g ross an insult; j but should the wooer not le agreeable to her, or his' declaration come fi little f (oo vm inattrrel v, she decline -the proffered wine, pleading that' it I lftoks sonfJof thct wine oisaarees with Ler. or that the priest hhi forbMen her to touch it, or any other excuse nine ingenuity may suggest. t tt aa- If she like, tolandis ecpaUoc . ftt tIljtcll. owning it. she empties the glai, tak-1 ing special care not to spill ny wine, for If sire does so. or the of lhe triads' oi bbltte'be bfoktn , it is a most onha- omen. -They LafC spilled the wiue between them," say the persauls lilS j when a marriage turns out badly I a cadlk rnorosAi- e too . . Dumb decUratioTis arc in togne, araon the Doers of South Africa. Mri AutLony Trollope tells us i that when a young Iker gos in cfueat cT a . , v. i ,i ;t,' wife he rrtrts en hh best cljlhe, HiiKCi i wl'e ue F1 . ' feather m ; cw cap provides hiuriself with a battle of "gar plums and a j -candle a,' wait onerf pob!emqinU ! ! Larss, rKies io ure uuasc uoimog , the voupiT woman he woull Lonora 1 Uant the reins on thi gatet OaauouriU; what was m his mmO. eliciting ror re i - - a4 ehtera.'. r Hi's aiuairt gear, ha cath er and lus car-die uepaK ui ertajii NttlfflBEE 5 To make the polhi quite clear,-. liim-i ever, he offers the csindle !o tlie datfjjh tVr of the ho'ase." If she takes h. it U lighted ; the mother sticks a pin. in tut? baiidli tt show how long the joting 1 cnple'rnay rtrrnaiii " togeiher without intCrrapUoii, 4fld she and evey body "Ue retire. Sir5. Trotlope says that t little salt h somctioie put in by snme lady biy io make the wick burn hlowly.1 ;"ui wuen tne name reaches lhs nin. ! mamma comes in, the" 'frexia- I oter, - . :B . rana a Hay or Pro aflerward the r:r ! arc malle oh?. i 5 ' ' ' ? TirrirfEtAs ttay. has -They manage tfeestr things difter and ; ently' in Texa This" is hoir a fond hap I couple come to an Understanding, ac- v-'iuiujj w uuu nnu jiicicil'lS UI hlipw. lie sita dn one side of the rodrri In a I 'ig white-oak rockihg-chftiri clie 6n j the other iii a little white' iocktn". j ch-.iir. A iorig cared dcei'-honnd is by lus side, a basket of sewing by" hers. 7$oth the yrning people rock' ine'dssant U'. lie. sighs beaviTy, and looks out of the ttost windowjat the ttirntp patch At last he remarks': i This is-rriglfty god weather P)r cot ton fiickhlg. j " "l is that, the tidy re;ponds,- if We only had any to pickj ' ; The rocking confinueS. " What's your dogs .hamS? asks tilt. Coony, ' : " j Another Mgh-broken fflilliiesS. What't lift gooif Tdr? What 13 who gdoni for? 6ys life' ab stractedly. ! Yourttog. Cioonv. Fur ketching 'xjssiTins: Silence for ha!f nn hour, lie looks like a deer-hotind. t IHio looks like ajdeei hound? Pr-l- Coony. ' i '!-"''. f lie is ; but he's sort 6 bellowatd, an' gcttin' oltt an' slow, an he- a'uf t nb eotinl bn a cold trail. - In ine quiet ten minutes that ensues she takes two stitches in her quilt,, a gorgeoits affair, made' after the pattern called '-Rose of Shiron." .:'! Tour ln.vj-aiwn'any chickings? -f Forty odd. j . ' r Then mb'rc rocking, arid somehow the big rocking chair and the little rocking chair art' jaim'rod side" by eidc; and rocking is impossible, r Mpkni' quilts? he observfed. Tes, 'she replies, brightening up, for she is great on quilks. I've just fin ished a gorgods Eagle of Urazil.' a Setting Sun and i a Nations IVide. Have you ever saw the Yellow fro so of the Varairy? j I 1 - " NO. . ''"';' . I' ' . ' '".; .' More silence. Then he lya: f Do you love cabbage? I do that. ' ; s , Presently hii hand U accidentally placed on hers, of which she does" not seem to b at all aware. Then he sud denly says: ' 1'se a great mind to bite you. What have yoti a great mind to bite me for? Khsc jou won't have mc. ! - Ym rise you ti t asked tne; Wolf, now I ax yot Then now I has you. Coony dreams he hears the sound of Vissbig, and the next day young man goes after a marriage license. I A CAT AS A MEtlUf. I Some of our readers may ; already have seen '-the .following, br?t it is so good that we canftqt;! resist giving it. A bashful yofrn pctnl was gresty captivated by the charms of & pretty girl in his own station in life 1 he was ' a m A r rw MnriAiU f tm A&l' K"V 1 1 : ,J - - - . . marry bun. aod haq oltcu resolvca to do so. but so far his cotrrage had always failed him when the opportunity ar rived. Ilowever, ane night he resolved to !,ear n,fale ,nJfiPltc r h,s I so he startid off td spend the. evening with her. . When Nic" arrived, to his i..r nt r frAm 1 1'.moA. nd ! en fire, with a big gray cat lying at her feet. I' Jamie Sat (!own;betde her, birt tot a word, ceull be say, VM at the end 6f half an hour he inwardlr ' rewJvetl to ... ! finish the business so, acting on ft I nappy inougni ne piacoi iie ci up- ' (, i an iammer6l ftirlh t Pussy, ask Lizzie wiB U raarry me? ussy. aK jjizaife wiu we icarry mer Lizzie blushed and Staifcd, but man ; - , lus-, tall JamSe I II take him. -.- WOMKX HSU A WAV. rvfuAlly clcverlt cornered. jras the IFestern rnan whose girl told hiiA ihe was a mind reader; a hereupon he naturally Inquired if she could ieaH ' Shall I hereafter darn yourf stock mm m 1 - . - . ... . fly, f I - . Uv; xortuave u ic yout r mma One quitrjg mQat tfrU .14.1 tXf liberal iteductioiu cfiJ Itmr i Traivleat AdvrtisciuriU insert J isl Ta Outs pvTRnej-V ;r'j" - - i W.r- ta ask oa to b yoot trlfSi bat Vov r just vliuk r4 iii f It i pUIa the notion dli esr Uer. anx more thil It CUdilie,CUlUoTtr girl, wLo wfien JocK Coroina, lototbe kitchen wnile the vas prtpixing ret fn.st, said t - I inink ril marrr va, Jeaa a -mm ' - . Ami shfe ri8wertt! : I wonl! be 1 much " htZAliiAKlKr ve would. - -T AM so concluded the even Up.lstinpr. like notb Widy lassie on aCceplln ct vadelfft' Km ye i$U tl g't the 1ity1&iii'etf courtin' tor a that, James. : 'fhdt tight of cOilrlshlp ft tSb 'hftf "bf which ;no woman shotild tillo MfUlf to be defrauded. Wit "Sj '111 Ullla (Jaes.'r mA W (i are hot always as conthitrctt towards children U we- otizfci io be. In our hnrfy and lack of lUtie wetre apt to put off" tfieir litild ejUsd needs with the excuse tbit Itbf t'tr notional and require too ttittelf ttsei Uorij - Hb fotgdt tbeir Htlll cm3e ideas, and tlldt U It a patt 'ei sion td help itiothorliie these klU.i They are fretful ittnd peetllh beeUt they can'i Jo what tliij t wtKl tttj f aid no wohricr they Mist? a hearty jell 6y way of defence-. Ifhat we faribot do we Ask help to do. and are est repute ed ; kt the little eiiet e (ft iifer- ently; -''--'.' ';'i 'i p-t To be ttfre a jusl itarl kind courte shoif td be pursued, tivi It U v hoi al ways itey to ndi IH&t eoUff but with our rtiatfife judgftteftt hd peHtoe we dught io miUbit flftedi." It: ii eo short a time thst tUtf are childrenarid it is such pleasure for os refert Ao the incidents of our 6hild'hdd," tnlt it seems a duty we cannot neglect with out dilating otifselvesj - u 1 s TOh, go and play by joriraelf, saidtSe hurridd ttfother to the llule one who anted stiniaih to- do." T -I1 ufnt,1! tarnt," w5s thtf reply of the fretful child, who neevied tfrjfy AtiM Jfl etriirtf rig In sonittlilnj betr 4txmte himself. ' ';(' i lloffse' 0tj'ndiB3Wlth cobs or ibort sticlcs. that Hny toother can split, blte'of pacr attachcrl .to the end of k Siting in the aff, if flftfe slate and pencil or tiack.Oodfd and crayon; ! llr emote nMtJ.ii.striict. Many tlroe'rwlfea'chll- dren are troublesome they ffkttt tome I thins? to do just like t7mi?7ri tiWl. j jf mf O Bvvaaw Idlencsfj to a busy; nature h simple torture. -' ' . : " - i Our parents, and jespecttflj mothers, be patrft arid heiptul (6 the little ones that God hat tent fol yotf tirt and comfort for discipline',- fot fitfti g of Ule'nU" which tomttftne" wllf bi rt Quired of you; 1 !n-j-wG.-.vv i j " -'' ' .' "J) mm- ' -' v "' ' in One of (he counties of SoiAh Caro- lina tlitfre was before the late war. an ... . . old scqtch Cofentntef Chorcb.l -Tlie pulpit in thft't church wai both antique and uni-jue. It wat aboot thef tlie and shape of a flou bfrtil. Wit. ele vated from the floor IbWnt- tofff an ! was fastened to (be wall. feet. The ascfeht to H wtt by -g -very C narrow, winding steps. Over the pulptl bvg a sMind ing board, 601h6ae, nd palat-l eu nmc, wiui wuiie start tprtnKiea over it. It was intended to repretent (he sideriol heavens, tier. W frequently preached In that fwlplt. lie was a man of much vltfoi tttd enthutl- I-. , - ... . ( asm in hie preaching. Una irootd at tiroes become eTtcftect laf hit deiirtry and vehemrnt m! Trolent fn bit fettle ulations. OflT1 oie occasion, hrie preaching in that pulpit, Wt bett-for ward end s boated with iplhtfr force of voice, acd energy of afctlow,' the Words, the righteous th$H tfrid, bat Ue wicked" sbsrtl faH iostv ear these wo"f"ds escaped hi fipt, the pulphbrokt t froB f-steninte. and be fell out and rolled Mtt the to befprt bi. congregation, an instant be was on hi feet sgSin", and ssld. Brethfeo. 1 arif not hurt, end I dont nlod the fall rauch, but I do bate the connec tion. ' 1 See that my gfave'f kept greea,' jh j f" I he warbled under the 'wiidbW'-t of bii" "r uwuijciic, on pieaaanw nig,u met - i week. '1 11 teed to the erite bneioese. youn man shouted hef eurat y ternal ancestor t,- tit be joked ia old intake t out of tue second r story wic- dow. No more concert Chat 1 . evco- i 1 1 mmmy C . A - A9 . . C & - ' wgsr is saia .o oe uie latmoaxwitf las i BuSe for JOUDS !dy ty oie wkfra ! mvuv ivi prvpoeai."