? ' i ' i I the, Wilson Advance. f POLISHED EVERf fRIDIt. Bt OOTARp & CONNOR " "VVilsortt Tf; CJ. r. Zftl'iOS IAT kS:-f'f Aiiancc:j p.,r nue-Twtr; . 1.00 FUUFKSSlOAL. SURGEON DENTIST- ffL- fit r. nsiWRO. N. d., riUuii regularly ererj month , iv to S-.l'-OniaV inclusive. onW t II""'"- . w. Jurss.iU u ll d EON V Y, N'Tl M T . flaHprrmanentlyloeafedin U ilsou. N. All oiJpei'alliiri "will, 1m; neatlv an U-arc-fliv i,pif.nned ami on t.-r.n ."-I"11; hi' a viviil pdMiiWo. 'Teeth exlracteu hi....".. MJke Tarburo lreet next -Fr to po.t Otllee. J) K.J. I A I T L K SURGEON DENTIST, jf m lo:ie.l at WiUo.i, N. C. ad f ,'lV ';..!icit jh' (a!roti:i:r - of -thr .r...'". VII bn-iuflf- of -I.hr -profcioii cu:fnil.y an! nllv, ex.-rtH.-.l. rb-ins m..Wate. 'Entire miW'.ti t-ir mte.-d. U.liee up t't Miner IIoih N'a-h tree.. 0Tu:e. hour from f-A. M.-to j.I. M. , K. L L. 11 U- 1 u. SURGEON DENTIST. ENFIELI. X. C, lU res-itued praelicc at Enfield and res rWtfullv solicits a continuance of'h'e former irilctK-e. - j: : ('H-tSly jT.7w. BLOUNT, ; Attorney - at - Law, "Ofttee I'ltblk; Si'i:iis wnrtii. V. c:, Oc. loth rear of Court 7!h J R. TllJiKUY. 1 TTORN E V-A T-LA W Itnek v .TI 6 ii ill, . V- AV i!t prae'iee in (Nash, Edccnibc ami WiNoii. eoimtie-s. j Special attenti'n;gi'v'it '-'-c.!lectioit. ii any portion of the State. ilj-t-l'ill Lutlier siieldori; KKAl.KIt IV SASHES, DOCRS AND BUNDS, .Vf li'i r. nr:u:ke!.'Slair Kails. Newels. m i u) inis jia r i) w a ii il lVnt.. )n"s. :;a-i. luttv, liuii.lii.g .Mat-.-r- .rtUf Kvery I!eript!on. ' & Wf.il 'Side Mfkft Sipiarn and, 4H ll.an Me A venue, Norfolk, Va. ' hep"2G Cm WILSON COLLEGIATE SEWINARY , Tl ilon. C IVst talent emptoved in all '.-departments Sir nation nnnsiiallv healthv. I'atil, per M's-iion of 'JO week, iiirbnling fuel, lights and furnished room $"!),(!. lt her charge tiiudo rate. Fill Session begin" September 1st. " Kor eataloiio ur information, address, ,J; H. llltKVEll,rnneip:d. Unequalled offer. Wilson Collegiate Institute FOR BOTH SKXE8 STRICTLY- SON - SECTARIAN tor years the most sueeessful school in intern ('aroliiia. Tn- best advantages and lowest fates. Healthy location. Able and Kxjierieiio'd Ti aelK i . l ine Library and Aparatirs. Spacious liiii'ding. A plra-ant edne;ttiira! lmiiic. ..KOR $lft f.UU IX (K'TullKKi Ydl" (1I.T lTiriON, IS(HKS, ANIV KX. KI.T.1:NT ItOAU!) INfl.linMJ KI'KNISIIKl KintM. Kl'KIi, t l'iUl-s. w'li WASHINti,- lor th" inire ?ehoi;tie Year. Mu4e. . extra. Se 1011 extends, front lirsf. Munday in etbT to lat Thursdav hi ,)nne. A Live ln-titn-tioiv. Modern, Thorough, Vr'actteal. 1 Send fr e.itahgue and our Insl1tiit--Quarti,Tly.' full of .-yabtab'e edueaiional matter, fit di, bright, and bee. s. llASSKl.U A. M-.TVitsripitl, jUtS-tl Wilson, N. C. LIVERY & SALE STABLES ! , tfhW 1IAUNKSS and ' NKY YKlUCLrX riT-.nj ju.t openct a. uvty nn.i sii,- tabis, ir ltt iniricei hoimr. on llold-txro slrcol in thi i w rMprtfuiiv amiouiice i. ihf ppyu 0f " iln and Silhunini.' comfOs that w v,ii rd. jt all tiaif to till tht-ir ordrrs for tine , Horses Sc Miales i? ttm'Tar.T tor.t prions for ca-h ,'rmi !t:n I nr-saud vrUiCles tll ba hiird at mmfrno - Hpro boanl-ft hv lhw month or mal err chnp W uW plp-i.ir tn Khovvinc o ir nwk, ani? ""HtH.rl.rl -toleiYo our Iri.-ra!-, fail to u tt;-y coma lo urwit. " ; ' SUGG & EDWARDS. CANFIELD, BROS. & CO. RAl'.TIMOKE CHARLES ST. Arnerican and Swiss Waterics at lowc pt ices. j DIAMONDS, FINE JEWELRY, Owlets, Earring?, Fttts, Rings, Charras, Lockets Ac, Ac . ' Silver ware,. plated are, tea seU, pitch- ,, lkcU caters' spoons, fork etc, blocks, bronzes, e.iiina and other rase?. la lit .i . Sr eniust have yonr promise that you will i vraers h-n-'e protuot attention. , . s-rlv VOL. 10. fhe Wilson Advance K U 1 1 A Y ... MAHCU 12, lsSO JPoetry- The Ninety and Nine." riit-rc &tfc ninety atn! uineithat Irrfe unci ui In want aiKl luinvr and cold. : , l'hut out; may refbt in ltiStir' " And b'i tapped in ilk-'Ji fl'; -Ihb ninety aiid nine in llieir hovels bare, Thd oje iit :t palace trith Mches rrtre; They 'ttM;i;i the ieldi- the iiiblty anil nlue Pr i fie fr'aits of our uiotlier earth, ; They di and delve in the httsky niine'i i And hrin Iier hid treasure foitti; L And tlte wealth released by their stdrdy blows , ' To the h;uiiU of fhe one forever flows. From the sweat of iheir brows the de-.ert bloHU.H And the fi.rest before Hum falli-; Their lalmr has builded hurrible homc, ' And cities with lofty bills And tin? one own? city stud homes and lands ' Aed I lie niKefy and nine liarc empty band ! But the .night- so dreary and dark and loii .- At lenglh ?hall moniing bring, And over the land the victors' song Of the. ninety and nine shall ring, And echo s.fur, frcm zne to zone Ilrjuice! for I ibor shall have its own. Iuiel by a Villain. All the nineteen years ofher. Kfe -ever since 'she was an infant; in fact Annette itaytnond had felt a straage1. antipathy for Mr. George frorlley, her father's partner in busi ness. ., There existed no tangible reason for this feeling, and Annette had tried very hard to overcome it, but without :JMCe:i"S. . y ; , Mr. Hrortley was n. handsome man. suave, gentlemanly, t well education, and a favorite with the ladies. lie was forty years of age now. and owned the finest house, to say nothing of the blooded horses, the elegant and the rare collt ction of paintings. A year previous to the time of which I wri'.e, Annette Raymond's father had died and her brother Edward had been received in Ids plaee as portner with Mr. Wortley. They employed a great many clerks. Among them and trusted quiic jas much as any person, was Lester j Ar nold, Ann ette's betrolber lover, i Arnold was poor, but h'3 family had been one of t lie best in the cityi and the young man's individual talents. and acquirements were quite" sufficient to mnke him acceotable to a jfcirl of - r - i y . Annette's strong common. sense.; She -loved him well enough to be willing 16 risk the life of a poor man's wito, and he loved her well enough to work to make her a home. Annette trusted Lester perfectly, and feeling sure of his love, her heart i! -' asked fwi" nothing more. In two months they 'were to be mar ried, and begin the new life to which they looked forward with eye un clouded -'by a single apprehension. One morning, about a month before the day set for her marriage, Annette was arranging a bouquet ot mignonet's and moss roses which Lester had just brought her, when a servant brought - ... , 1 , up Jlr. ueo. i orlley s card. Mr. Wortley was stroking bis hand some beard and leaning his elbow on the mantle when she entered the ! r"ni i UJc naii-j rnrldv face JlS USUal rUUCty late was slightly pale, but Annette did not feel sufficient - - interested in him to observe it. . j After usual the morning greetings ( he came straight to her side, -aud took her hand ' "My dear Miss' Kay mond,'. said he. I drawing lier to a so fa "will you please be seated? I hae a somewhat painful; j revelation to make to yoo. ! r V rr Ari r nat'nAt Krn-itW gnvimis ' VUVIVIIili J ....... v v over anything MrJ .Wortley might have to say, she took the seat he indicated but be would not suffer her to; with draw the band he bad taken ' i Miss Rajmond before I breathe a word of what I hate come to sav, 1 keoo it a seerct. as. o rwrse. II TOP ami; "LET ALL Tn EXDS THOU WILSON, value his safety will onlj be" too glad to do, ; i -n'hosc safcit?" she askef hau"ht'r "Mr. Lester Arnold's." She crimsoned to the temples. "Will you tell me what yon meri sir?' ' : . - Wheri 3'ori have1 prmilised to be si lcnU " ; I She bo vied lief head. - - I will not mention vHiatyoa teli me Mr. Wortley' Vry well your prC mse Is as good as. your oath. Le?tcr Arnold has forged t he name of our firrrJ. and --' sffrfTigfhct6 lier Ttktr&iT andinfflieT fore him- with flaming cheeks and ejes ike nrel. ' i V I wish it were, he sai4 sadly. "I 3'iould l)e five tUjiuand pounds richer for -he lm.just drawn thai amount out of ray poekeii - Ydtl had better listen to me Calmly,. Miss Kaymond, arid be satisfied that I can prove what I aay. .And !ike one under the influence of of a horrible nightmare, she I listened while in his calm, business way, he told her the story. r The evidence against Lester, Arnold was perfect. - . . . !' Hard as she tried to -tlisbelie've the charge, reason forced her to- ackr owl edge that there. Could be no mistake. What 5he felt-what she suffered, cannot describe to you but she was a very "proud, ' high-spirited wotnan, and she gave little outwarcLsign of the anguish within. , - v- . "Well,' she said, when he had fin ishi 'what will you dot You will not proceed against him?' "The law must take its Cottrse, Miss Ruymon." ,t ,.v . "No!, Y'ou say that you only know of this--lhrs -irregularit', aud you asked me to keep it secret Surely, you intend to save him?'! "You can save him if yod will. It is for that I have come to you." ' "I will do all I cati, in memory of what he has .been,'' she said ; outwardly iv woman of ice, but so sick and diizy that she thought fur a moment she was dying. I will sacrifice "TBj prtf?ie- Income ; T will sfell my jewels any thing Lj save liiin." And you will marry him afterward he asked, eagarly: 'Sir. the Raymonds are an honora ble family. I would not marry a man who could commit a crime "Spoken like ft trUeMiearted worrian I am ulad vou arc sensible. But this matter is entirely in my own hands ; and I tell j-Oii frankly that a million would not tempt me to spare Arnold from a prison. And, if the case is laid before a jury, he will gat at least twenty ysars. Will toil save him from this prison doom?" "Can yod risk? Only te'.l me how.' He caught both her hands in his. "Be my wife. I love you as h2 nev er loved you. Promise to be my wife and Lester Arnold is safe"; Yonr wife';' she Cried wildly, I had rather die." "As ou like it," lie said. I will not urge you. In two hours I Shall have him under arrest aad nothing can save Uim from the horrors of a pris on." .' 'i; Phc flung lierself at his feeti She wept and pleaded, with him as she-wcmld hareJ ''p' loaded 1 for her own life, but he was stone. j .'l Wild with grief and despair, she arose at last aud forced herself to be calm. 'I accept ydtlr terms, she said. I hatejoul I have always hated you. I shall uever feel any differently to ward you. But I will sare him I will be your wife I" He caught her in bis arms and press ed kisses upon hef lips. She made him swear to keep what he knew secret she then made bim give her the forged papers that would convict Lester Arnold, and she burned them before bis eyes ' Then she wrote a note to Lester Arnold. Mr. Arnolds I have changed ray mind. In one week I am- - to become the wife of George Wortley. If you cousult rav wishes tou trill never let me look on your face again AKXfcTTfc RAYiXOXlt.' Most men wotrht hate sought an ex planatiou at once; but not Lester Ar nold. ., He was proud as herself and accept cd his fate in perfect silence. At Popular Hall Aunelte feigned a ! Queen ?I t, ii !; She Oresred as no othef woman In ai (TlMnYT WW AI1PST At. BK THY COUNTRY'S. T'AY COD AM) TRTriPS N:I O,, FRIDAY, MARCH 12 1880 were worth fortunes. Iier'parties were the italk and wotideT of the' city.- During the five yeare tlrat tins furee of life went onshef had neter spoke 1 L to hirn in any tones bat - those of the Coldest formality, and when tbey broftgbt hiiri home iff her one day stricken dawn with paralysis, she never grew a shade pa!rr, He died ; but before he . became speechless, he made a confession to his Wife. lie told her that the story of Arnold's forgery was all false-it was a plot of h:s to win her for his wife. Arnold was an honest man iff God's a-I tlven Id his dying hours the mart seemed to take delight in contemplat ing jlhe sticecss of his scheme, and In remembering "that he had blighted the happiness of lier whose lote he fas powerless to gain. "Annette, kiss me once and ey that von; fofgive me.' But she Inrned froni him and wilh- I : out word or gesture left the room. . - ... Three year later she met Lester Arnold. He would hare avoided hef, for the r . wound in his heart -was still fresh; but she went to bird and t )ld her sto ry. I : ' '. - '. She did not spare herself, and he was softened to tenderness by the pain in her face, aiid the pathos in her voice". Did he forgive her? He did, and they were married In less than a week, aiid, maybe after a cloud, the sunshine will seem to them brighter. . . . tt The LsirgCsit Oran iii Hie World. the great organ uoat building in London for the Sletfart Memorial cathedral at Garden City, Long Island is described in a letter to the Vienna JVee Freie Preeset It is said that this organ wilt be" the 1 arte at and most wonderful ih thB world. It will cost about $10,000 and will be corniJleted some time id the spring. The : exact mnibexoj;8t0B bat not be"en. deter- mined, but thsrfc will be about 120 The Albert-Hall organ now the largJ est,1 in existence, has 111, the organ i n Music Hall. Boston, eighty-four, and the Cincinnati organ ninety -six. At one end of the cathedral there is a room iii a tower behind a iarge paint- edj window, where a part of the organ wilL be placed, which will be connect ed with the keyboard in the choir by electricity. The window; Will be open ed; and closed by an electric appar atus, which will produce the effect of an ordinary swell organ; Above the ceiling, in the centre of the building. will be the echo organ, audi beneath the choir, in a chopel, is still another part, eaih of which will be played from the choir. And finally the great cltime of bells in the tower will be Connected with the choir, so that the organist can Use it iutoiinection with tlie organ. The bellows will be work ed by five hydraulic rmicliines. j ..' - - .'; Don't tAltc l"nliionuble Cuttomt. The Raleigh Observer relates that in the vicinity of Apex, a few days ago, there was a grand wedding anion g the colored folks. After the cere mony had been concluded in hand some stile, the croorfl. who resided in another part of the country, put his bride in a wagoOy and prepared to take herjo hia home!.' At this stage of the proceedings a datkey, who had trav eled, aiid said he knew a thing or two about j,he customs of elegant white folks, $tated that it was always the stylo io throw shoes after the bride as sbejwas driving off. The idea took immensely. As the happy conple moved! away from the door the darkeys t. t . - jerked off their shoes and hurled them at the vehicle. One aark the possessor of a No.15 vehicle. One darkey, who was foot, threw a! shoe with too unerring aim. The missile flew through the alr arrd, strik ing the bride's skull, knocked her senseless to the bottom of the wsgoc. The groom jump jd out and gave the thrower of the bo a thrashing, curs ing civilized customs with 'all Lis heart.' The way ministers are being found riiltyiof kissing other women than;; their wives, proves that you may roll;? formea, expecvauon is n tc-.w fthe wheels of theology! Hhal? AUdetic sports? Half of them a man, rinder the wheels of theology: for -ars. vet vou canuct squeeze all I 7 ' human nature out of his heart. I think the turkey bas the advan-f tape of vou said the landladv to the inexpert boarder who was can io Jr Guess it has, mum m age. tor iftr ADt'iCK. "DID MAN SPRING FROM j MONKEY ?" llte firing of one of the bij gWns at late conference in your town the seems to have shocked the nerves of yotir correspondent, "Grendeen. He took refuge, behind the breast-works thrfwn uP b otI,es arul after a re- pose of many weeks retitrn3 the fire It is not my intention to reply to bim in detail. His personal flings at the "speaker'' who. occupied the pulpit are! beneath the notice of a cultivated mind, y3t they indicate clearly that the! sermon made i a deep impression ca ihd cCacUBCjfoXt .a jto rirtou.te mart who seldom does himself the hon or of being numbered among "church goers," Uuder the power - of divine truth spectres Came up before his im- t. agination and he uw In his frenzy. horrid ircps,' "clenclie 1 teeth" and "darkened clouds" anu heard ''hisses k- i : . . . that came from an endless hell." Poor man i the thunders of a violated law for! a moment awakened his conscience at4 m ight have" moved fit til to repen tance and to an acknowledgement of the: truth, but like many , others he turned away and sought protection in thej "refiige of lies.' Were rot the subject solemn and serious ond would be lamttSed at his cry o persecution; Think or it. "a skeptic," an "Infidel," an''Atheist" attacking the religion of Christ, denying the truth of Rerela tlon and seeking to destioy the faith of Christians, Ken reviced in the pul piti crying out "persecution" and seek ing1 to hide himself behind "science falseij so called." After j'ottr correspondent recovered a little he" come forth to the contlict with borrowed weapons. He has evi dently read Spencer, Huxley and Darwin, of extracts from" the Writings of these scientists. He would make a great show of learning and to the uninitiated might seem to be an apt cUsple of these specious modern phil osophers; To give your readers an idea of what these modern scientists teach, I copy from another wLo puts Prof. Huxley at the head. - 1 V. "Prof. Husky teaches that there is la s;ngle primordial Cell from which the iufiriite diversity of animal and vegetable life vis cvolred. 2. "That although no oric li33 'been able to build up Inorganic combina tibns into protein matter so that it wcjuld begin to live, yet the researches ofhmodern chemistry enctJurage the hq)e that it may be done. 13. We learn that Prof. Huxley sub stantial iv acrrees 'with the views and theories of Anaximanderj Biildisnl. Mill and Hume. ; ' 4. lliat lie agrees with and is co equal with Mr; Darwin in what is calb ? I ed Darwinism. ; 5. That he with others laughs to scor.t the recent origin of man, belieres that man has lived on the earth hun dreds of tttillidns of years" and addttCcs the age of strata to prove that the age of the world exceeds conlputatlon arid that i he Biblical view is positively and absolutely falee. Tllfeh lluxieyisttl seems to be , the sum of all modern scientific infidelity and skepticism." The Tenncsiee preachet said in the language of Divine Inspiration. "If we receive the witness of men,- the witness of God-is gre'ltCr ; he believth ript God hftth made him a liar." These scientists profess to, believe what Geologists, Evolutionists and Skeptics leach, but deny what MoseeyTsiab and feds taught. The Holy - Spirit brands them with a fnls.-hood. Here is the hurt. A Believer itt Ihe BI0lk Do Men Mke lYotaea? Gain the confidence of any man, tbdng Or old, and a woman is at the bottom of it. She is the aim and end bf his . existence, fihe is his whole jdreaa of happiness and pleasure. W'o man is not more the heaven of the Masulinan than oftte Christian. W hat , she said and what -she did 'is the burden bf club conversation, and the only subjects Which never palls ion their ta-ste. The most popular gen tleman in one of our great clubs is the one who talks womai, jexclosirely. S n ue enters, oroop-ng epinv re- "'o"- - - could uo t lift an oar. or the latest election tidings? They are too iodtf ferent to vote or do their daty. News I of the winnings of last night, or the ! race? o, my friends ; Le is sunply (relating a -good thing", of one of the ' jquecua of the stage, to be followed by . M0 : . - ' . "WTTTWrRTTTP 7) I T 111, 1 9 lilAV -: a recital of oce of bit own bonaj i t futures, j : : Women, as a rule, 1q uot make Iove Indeed, I have met many women who have nefer loved at all. but never a efei lie man I lie may not like the society of his wie or sister, but that; does not prove he; will not 8fle for the privilege of tying the sboestrings of a pretty woman. Constancy is not one of hit virtues, J admit, but he loves the set. rf'lten a. noted lawyer retired from his profession I asked him what he in tended to do with himself? He replied, ".Spend the rest of my life among the women of Paris ami Vienua." Was bla an exceptional resobn? A distin guihed diplomat had been driven to the verge of sue id e at the thought ol never more being able to enjoy exnale society. House holds are being bro ke up daily by the infatualiou of middle- aged men for a pretty ferni nine face. Women are the cause of :wo-thirds of the duels fought. In all ages woman has been the incentive of the noblest actions, the gradest poems, as well as the raost devilish plots and fiendish tortures ever perpetrated by man. The old Russian Car was so convinced of the attraction of the sexes that he hcnvily fined,, and in some iustahces, imprisoned, such of his courtier as failed to bring their wive and daughters witli them to bis evees. j Solomon the Wise surround ed himself with 300 feminine. Have wo no Solomons amonjr usr Kin David, the greatest of poets, defied God for a woman i and I suppose 'I neeI badly remind you that Adam ost Pafadiae for the sake of "woman. If any one douSis a boy's attraction towardja girl, just let him, reside in a town where boarding schools of the opposite sexes are established the amount of letters . surreptitiously con veyed mto that female seminary would astonish a postman. The nunishraen1 in rural schools of placing a boy among the girls consists in lowering him in their estimation, aud not, as ray learn ed cotemporary implies, of a hatred of the sex. " j AttPmbta bare been made to, abate the evils of Strong drlnk'by the intro duction of beer, and other "light bev. erases, as they .are called, bat without success, it has been found that all the evils which attend the use of whis ky and other distilled liquors attend the beer.house,";"beer-gardens.'' etc. The English Beer. Act was passed H 1830. and so Confident were tfood men j that it would work a great reform thnt the Duke of Wellington said the pas sage of the bill Was a greater achieve ment .ban any of his military victor ries. But he was mistaken. Intem perance , Increased. ' BevV 5nydey 8tW said of it The tleW Beef Bill has begun its operations. Every body Ss drunk. Those who ore . not singing are r-nrawliug. :The sovereign i . . : - people are in a 5 beastly state.' . JVt eannot safely temporize with the mon. i ster; road Moderate drinking is tile sufe to drunkenness. The only safe rule is, 'Touch not, taste not, handle not." I Total abstinence alone is wise. Sin is to be broken off not by sinning less, but by "righleoUsnese." Cease to do: evil, learn to do good. The young men of our country need to be warned against the seductions of the Wine-cup. Drunkenness is seen in high places in the land, and all the influence that splendid talents high position, and the associations of world ly greatness exert upon the minds 'of young men is thrown into the scale against temperance. What a pity that such exsmples should exist! One i sinner destroyetb much good' by bis example. j SUUN'.THE WLVE-CUP. Young man, shuu that cup touch not a friiigte Orop; t will dry toy t tint up, and blast thy parettU; Itope. U was our f aj her' curse it caused them muery; thti, young man, ro thy courat, but lejt the wtiie--if be. That centd cup of itte for ceoiuiie lias ktood " ic harbinger of Critne ba drusk jthe world with Wood! And wilt tbott tooeli it rcrT TwiU prote thy micry;then',yoiing man, we entreat to let Uw wioe-eap he; i Warriors and ftatrsmen have fat let try iu power tWfkf el to Its eharoM uw r&igrurded hour. Pt f u and sage too, beneath iu way ftare.KoWfd an euio in it p r i d c ha si n k bo .' . - . beneath the 1 timid. ... aid ' - . - ae bloom yMitli ' la iu iad.uaiu weee; , . then, youn? man, be imluctd to let ths wiue cup be. I The. Wilson-Advance. jnnrdTiif.iQ OATC3 One Sqtitfre 3 Mtmths, One Square Montht, , .--. r . One Sqoari IS Months, Liberal deditettotrt COM tor larnr spc Tran-Uent AdyertlsemeaUl bwrted at Taa ' A Fstaafe C24ll The district of Saraazaro, la 5onlh- ern luly, has tecthUjT eto? orefrun by a borde of baatlita, aadr Aliead ership of a lovely famtel. Maria Croci. This advenlureaa," whose Jjnwaal rttU tractions are reported to b little short of soulsobdulng ay ' ibost who have been fortunate noagli to escape jrVoa ber clatcbts, was formerly tbt bndt of a mountaiuctr, who occupied a distla- guished position in j tha bsnd at pros ent commanded by ber. This fellow met with bis death by tha rifle of a carabiniere, whereupon his aiSictad betrothed picked op his gan, raised it toward beaten, and vowed to afena his cruel fata. Elected' captain of tbe association by lier departed comra&T she -has become Um terror of the whole district, where she has earned a reputation for nbiquitousoe, bf the rspidity of ber movements.. 8 he jbfirns farm-house - one day, plunders a church the same night, and carrlet a nunnery by assault before site ret urea to ber well-earned repose Troops are out after ber in half a dozen' directions but she has hitherto managed to e? ade ibem. ' ? '. ;- 5'-' , ' ; A little girl shut up as a puaUlifaeat for some fault in b-sr father s blfn at Baud (Morbinau). In Fra-He, was killed by a wolf, which by climbing a mbbish heap was able to enter by the roof. The family bad been at work In the fields at some distance, and on the father opening the doer to release the child, the wolf sprang oat and j made off, leaving on the floor the nalf.de ronred retotins of its victim. ' , ' - flKAUTV DRAWS C8 BY A 113(0141 II AIR. Pass the butter fully, JJabl4 h .. - Shove U lightly through te alt ; lit the corner Of the dUh, lovt Tou will And a nut-broWu half, Ifhat fortd mem'-rk It awakeni Of the dmjs ere We Were wedJ tVlwn upon ny good ooat-collar Oft was laid yout little head! lxvingly t stroked ihtjse tretscf, In tlw happy days gone by Now I ft tike them every weal time In the batter cr the pie Korth Carolina has soil al fertile, faci litiea of trasportat ion .- as ' great, and a finer climate than the West, and there is no good ressoi, jlf this wise and generous action of onr rail road directory be supplemented by euitable effort on Ute part of land owners and our people generally, why immigration should not flow this waji It im tnsible to alleaa that the action , v " r " f our railroad friends is of a! selfish ch&rscter, as they are to benefit by an influx of settlers but so U, perhaps, every liuman act selfish. Bat when It is remembered that beneficial results to the road .can but occur erentuelly, it is clearly seen that it it n act of superior Tand commendable public spirit, aud deserves the warmest bom" mendaliod of our people, Aer6emi- ttn. ' ' ' -':'';-r;-v.-- -. ' '' r- ii $mm : Wllkic Collins, the great producer of detective literature the literature of countless plote and counterplots says that he has made $160,000 in honest toil with the peri. He spends much of his time no In Investigating lawsuits, sod in studying chemistry end medicine. ; . : p-ms- ' ' A lady, long resident In Utah, in a private letter remarks, referring . to polygamy: I have boarded wito oae bishop jtbo bad eaTeo wives and forty-two children ; another Lad ibor wives, who presented him witbf foar childrtn within forty eiht bourt;; fc In Danville, Va-. a, manj named wniiam f'uller was crffered a rjaxrtof whiskey by a saloon keeper on the condition that be wee , to drink it on tha premiss at once. He accepted the ofler and was buried next dsj A Toang Jsmss Gordon Bennett ft an honor to his country. The Inlarions munificence f bis grand gift ot $100, 000 to the sufferer of Ireland! fe an exampled In history. It ought never to be forgotten whilst the world etxadi. Ex. : A man having fallen down in a fit 'to a tailor's shop, an enriocs rival said : yThats the oolr fit ever seen in that establishment. k phdosopber eaye 1 .j'-Yoti require in marriage prectselj the same quality that yon would in eating sausage ad- sol ute confidence i t, J- A boot-maker baa tha extraorn'in a ry annoonctmenl in Abe winded s- Ladle will be sold as low a swvenry five cents e pair. - ' $ h - 4- 'I i " " Is 4 e 1 I ii -i ' i i V 1,1 ,;. ,.- ; s - ,t 1 . ' i R 7:-;vl

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