.,.Tm..J,,,,.,... ... t : ;. ' f. :. V., ; i " - - . ' - - -': ' " :. ::''' ' ; ' :. 1'''.' ' .: - ''."'f't son PUBLISHED EVERY FRMY, BY oo4kd"& cotfNOB : -j , t ... . ,-i ) i I I MM VV JUH '"VTiTi.i.Uf f rTw' S ! tiJ I 'in M. I ll . .'HI . v ; It I w ... IIUWII f W Ul IUU Mflfl lE-Will III -.: aiWI . : ' TT. C. son. r !"' - RTfRflEQN DENTIST.- ' 1' KNUKI-I'. N';. -m II.u t-vn.'.? prarnWe at .f''fj -f; AMivS w. i.ancasthu, ; t3 Attoirfoy at -Law, WILSON, iw'C. .Otf.cc i" 111' "III l Inferior r...u.ti! ,Vil" ,'" ,! H n n Wi1)iin(l a'li'iiiiiS; c ( "1 jr. Attorney- atrXaw,.; , Offic .1'iiblic S'i'iaro, ri:ir Wilson, Oct. l!t!i '70. ; 1 ATTnilSlKY-AT-LAW HI is- ' Will pniciii- in Nii-;!i, lvleiv.nilK! ;uk Spi'cial Htt'-iitioii i"n t OrllcftUn In I uny portion of t1i Sin"?. ij4M I i n -m t ' ; A ,. WJLSQ N COLLEGIATE SEMINARY (FOR YOUNG LADIES.) V ! Hi;1' t talent firtinoycil iiilall depprf in.eii'ts Knuitioii uirisually t.;ri 1 r!t y . -1 ' ."' . B per M'ioM f if) yvi'ck', 4iiolqli.n'!j fn-1, ttu:tir-i ml furnwho ru'ijui "i),!)i. llthm" clwiiM' s inotk- rule... - Fall ;Srs;!'M Ix'iiii! Sfp'citilx r' t . For cataloiM" tr iH"niv iii"n. a'l Ir-'s-:, . : ;' -, J. Ii. r.KKAVKl'nHcipal. "Wil-oa Coliegtato Institute FtrirMrH-SKXFN Ji 1 STRICTLY NOX - $ KCTAlllAX , - --si l'r yearx the. most siii'rstil wfo-.l , , Ka-tcru Cirolina. The bst Rdvant,.ues Hud Livet tatcs. UcpUb.V locati.ui. Ab'e ml l'I:i iiiie.'d 'i'fitrhi'T; ' 1'n Library Mini A pjiaratits. Spacious llui'mg. : A' jleat (in4tloi'iVf linir'f j H 4Ceitc cipenie. J,r50 per year. Mns'c, $4 3 evtra. Ssiou eif'-nds from firt JiUn lxy in Sopteiaber to Jirst Thursday iu J. Adilrcss. for Catalogue,-. S. II AS.SKLL, A. M , rrincipal. j 1 V 1 t( ; VWiU.:i,N.C. '- --rldH-t Vi :-, J: W. A. Ila'rbroy, . : t w ii.so x , x. c . ' ! '-- - - .-: 8---. . ' ... - ;. .. AnnNx rou Tin: new h0u1e;;sewing machine- This is om of tlo ni r,M( iiiii.'s itflll : iu' thi State and never fails to please. Scud f r circulars and price list. ' It. I'. Hay ley.' A -To., CROCKERY. (JUsi-AnW Lbit's'KTc. 27 II.vxovku Stui:kt, II. M. Laniku. HAIITMOUE ad your JYoungr&lro: - - r . MKAI.KK IN LF1NK H AT011KS. DiamJixBV - Jkwkluv.silvI-uwakk; M'.mufa.-tuivr of all kinds of V :' rilij Jewelry, Uia;s;Bad;es, c r Tlu 's ?10, ca-t.n. and r. .0-) t'x-k . . ? - V- V , aM at the low st Sc., l" ' u rvrr. lour (Wd uciu-u auci w in i m ar s - niiu)tlv kit i i... .1 T Ylll-Vf- i. ... I J fc nuo. l'KTKitsr.ruG, Va. 30ths70t. jTOggAILI ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS id cjiptjjez. & CO. 2G North IIowarl ISt, Diititnore. : Wire miling for ceinetirie. lawns I'-iiSotlict-s and balconies; wijido.w -u,u .. guaiNl, -win doth, gievos, w,ud atul coal sh eens, inui tk,Ka(i i viiailS. sf.it.H.. X ,.i ry " r. ul 1 '111 Lemfburne; The 01d : ReliaMe 1 Barber hiy always be found at bis shop on Tai .".; where b- will be PU"Ud serve his fnends arl !... a ' fchavin and cultiR" luU- ;uj ccBt. ap-ISt.f. v vTfvii-o,,. x. St. Mary Sclioo!,. . blov p.l'l- ;,. 'tH'nUt iWto T1- 77t'! tonu of t! School Ix-gins J ('..stUnice, (ii , j. . caiak.;ii''aiirrr4i!J;rf;w,i , I Marry a Gentleman. IV. - , . . i ii i 1- , -- r'f N Sy AUytU'ilslOM WT3 1 v - - . - . - , . - t 7 IJ(iUSTA FKMALESEMINAUYk STAUNTON, VA. HVi Mary .t. Hallvin, Irincipjil. 'JjiH In'stituti'in tohtfrttu-a to increa! in f jirsi-iitfiKV ; fvuul yvav to 'year. . - j It -.lT-r -;ip: rior9(lvaiit:ii;c5 in location; In..- loiii'inis and njiiuil.-; In its encr- j tcarii.T-; lis uiisf:rpa-scil u'lvaniaes in' iiju-i. niKiIcrii laHi,Hiaire-', line art.-, :iysi- j al -,:!: in., and inl riuvioii in the tlidory ' nn'tpmnite if. cmikiifjf v 'i' ft1 f-iicct-iysful 'cl'- 'j l-ili iiiadv.;tu .j(0Uic lieuttii. C;nori :uidJ liappinc; U opposition to u e.$iv:.A&nw It st.-indard of ilul ?;hilatA!d(." ": Fir full pan iculars.. anply to tin; Princi- pnrfiir ('alatoni' 3 ).- m. Peace Institute IJALEIGIl. N. a. Tin? Sili Animal SvssUin fonnn"nces on Wi ducst.'ay, September 1st, lsn, institution-.in tin; Snitli f-.H'i-rs' siipt'ij i' adviiita'.';-- f-r insO ticttoti in a41 In afu-h- it -ii.ti I i l .nr.f n V"un:r iadii'S. Ail Jirsi l las.s sc!io(.Is 1 lOr liii; departnu-n!.' an- rw r- 1 exj-ftiicod ami aoconiplishe-a ti'iulli'l'S. . 'I'll is :is tlio onlv institution in h. .Swtitli ivhU'U ;::..;-d' (l!irf! film' fchplastiQ y ar a spi iui (ii'pmi HH'in tor .'instruction in tin' theory and practice of cookery, 'i't-niir'r.'a-onalik-.; 1 For'circ'ilar anil catiiHi.'rue, aiidn-ss, ; ' "liKV. It. l'UiiwU.t&, Sox. Tiii icipali. ixi'iun ;j i;:i:iiv .'fe: . ATTENTION BOYS! THING'S J.IoijNTAIN HWii SLUO0L. A -'Classical a n'T Mat hctnat ienl sol u ml h An )j;ic!iiai Military-1 V pa'rtjinoit. - -- Arxt oion op':ji,-f 2 ul Mimil ly in Au- ust. Nuiiibfi- cf Ftu lents ;a-t sessiuji. UO.-frntn two .Stati' I'Tent cpniilifs.' n and ovi-r tiftv dtl- ird,' tuition and i ! i ii n of live mouth-: ,bs;lr;l f.)l- Citali-ir . y. ii Hell, Fr'mcipa!.' I Giceubboro Fomalo Coil0o;c, A7. C. , The -f'):.U ScFsiou wi'd bciii on 2-lith . n. ' Tills wc!l know n lustitiuion otlersj ni pr'Mor faei'ities for mental and moral ct.il tnr(,"'coi:ibiued with the comforts Tof k pieaan'., we'd drilled home. ; Charges prr ression ef 5 months. Hoard '(cxelu.-ive of washing and lights) andiTai iicn in fall Kng.:H e'Mirsc, $75. ' i hxt ra tudis teiodnte. j For paitieulars applv to t ' . i .' : : J M. JO'NES, Fresident. OFFICE OF )f ilson, N. C, ilr.y 21st, 1880. We (k-ire to inform t le people of Wilson and yuiTouinlii.i' counltic-s that webave moved' our ollice frm; i. llockv Mount to IV i lac iU.auiLUnit.Wtt.kcix.,0 iu jUiiutLuit time.- :;a "ie AiUUl 3 STYLES GF THE i Singer- -J-aQlaiiao and "'r invito all w ho desire to purcbase a i'li.--1 v LASS ' ' . ! Sewing1 1 MacMne An favorable terms to-glvc us vcal-1 and cx-auu-.a" ours lff?.rc purcbain. (lur ma 'li!ti is tl;- i('t made for fatnilv use ind for Jiuht and liear wciky lias noeipnal. It is impossible to tell all about -this ex ecUf.it machine ia an aihwrrisemntl and '( invit. ail who read this to call around :n;d exannne-the " . Machine Viade Siiigcr Iiimifacturiug. Co , Et-I.Aiam$troiir, Manager. Cc?"We kiM pou hand at all Onies: needle-, oil and other atfaenments f,ir the Sing er Miu'hinc which wcscll at vcryloW rates. lilV !l-lf g T A ML I N O T1d reat cure for TK U T 11 I.Sl'Kl3i AvltTv 1JEADAOTIE.- -SOCU STOMACH t an 1 tbo l.a.l rlVcets of !nd;sestion is Dr. D'Arinstauts Ati-Dyspeptic Drops. i i 'mlerfu.1 cut? made all oyerjllie cot M'.v as thoussnds of c-rtii:eatcs ' attest - I'mvlj '-;'.-a!le Tike lucent. "-'. - - I'CKCELL, L At)D A CO. ! ' tfciTJ.H . , V. tin, . - iii.(iiitvuu, . . DR. DAVID HUNTERS SYPHILlTICorBLOOD PILLS jt iO W a' us f.rn,. ami ory. Scrofula ami Uiotnl au t-Wm tU-w-s iviily cur.nl - , i JViji'i; rNtfin ennt in two ilajn. Via-Kiifhv A. rW. Rowland, and all Prusrisi lricpI p.T KSx. t inr" Ns 2. S'n l lv inri il . ftX WILSON, :lTHd-Wilson Advance 9 ! " J Marry a-e(Jii uvm, ? ,fi Otrl If 3:o'n Can, ilolded and built ' 1 On the jjcn?i-ous plan, TltouV he may ncKhcr ' ' ' . Have silver or gold, . .; ' Title or fortum;, . To have or to holJ," Thopg;Ii lie may lahor 5 ' ' With spade aiid with ho?, j 1 Though he may naught : - "15'tit h's rnot!ier-tonue know, Though he lives under: , ; Sf.ciety 'a ban, Marry a gentleman, '' Girls, if you. can. , Olarry a sentlnnah. 5 :? ' ' Z ''Girls if you can! Gm- le and tt n lcr : 'iiiou.vjh ih iess a lnan. One vh' i will treasure , - ; llis clijid or hh wife,: :' ' Scl'i-nin to rob-; them Of twceUicss'iii life, ''. ' - r " i '.: Oiie' vIio will never .", 'f? biute's part assume,' . Fdlin. Ida household ':' IKftli ?orrnw 'and glwun. "''' ' 5 If tMv'lovr's altar, " i " Tlie lltiinc you wcu-d fan ; Ihrrj-; it gviitliMnan. . Gii 's, if yoh can . j ; ' i ' ' Yoh will he.bappy, Anf y&u will be j,'la l, , riicii'di he only Re c -tn movdyj clad. ' I'l a-iire is ;'ficc!ii:jj, . And HTe but :v span iljti ry agoiiticman, ' Girls,; if you c:!U.' s-:.(A'rEs I'AtJErss ivEinE:.. captuiie or THE UAXThOyj: CAKOLIXI i '' ' - an tip: r.iauAL taut i and otiieii JiKIDAL ''ACCOM r ANIMICNT lOUli TIJItOUGII' IIniAL: .,r-,, TIJE KOKTJI. The .mar ridge of the United States J Senator Zebulon Bi Vance, of North Carolina, and j Mrs. Florence Steele Martin. . ct;? this city, was celebrated at theold Steele homestead, twelve! raucs: irorn- ini'.cii-y, on ,uie rier s' .- ,.-.!- - . roact ' lst nugltt, , uuder the happieac auspice. 'The wedding was a .qujet affair altbongh there were abbul '150 gnesia present, incljidicg 4.oul3 the f:mii3 and'persoral frienj.lg arr(r9P9 J i utstuHtu9hed'i; nraests irrm febroad,' vfliorcamG especially to" assist on the ioecasion. Ine btcole iforaoGteaa,',a l )voIy old niansion embowered in ii deep grrtvc, is the - reajjj'jpf r that picture drawn jof the? Oidrt.KBtacky1 Home?' There Colonel Steele, a gen tlpraeti, polishctl, cultivated and hos pitable, lircd in fcu lal style, where he was born, and there the!- cultivated bride of last evening p.i33ed her htld- lioo.l, ... .:. . .; " . . : ' - . The grove was brilliantly illumina ted willi Chinese lanters and the grounds looked? charmiDg. A, large number of the quests on the occasion were from the citv, and the beautiful drive to the residence was filled with -1 carriages. The time of the ceremony was set for 1 9 'o'clock, but c owing .to the distnuce ! from the' city, it was postponed until 10 o'clock, at .which time all of the expctetV'guests had arrived- The scene of the ceremony was the- large double parlor da the around floor, which onens uoon the - - old-fashioned cool verand a, ' the - prid; of every country residence. 1 Over the arch between the parlors ws a heavv festoon of mvrtle, and on one end of the lare . room i was another festoonmnd wbichdherrarrpT conple 1 were to siauu. w . . , ... 1 T . JJiring-lUC nei3 E'ehorn's orchestra poritriaed a pro-. I rrammc of choice music. At 10 r ,' o'clock the bridal party was annonnced 1 -.-.. :; and the iiuc-sts were arranged in: the best position to witnes the ceremony. ti'.t m i!o through which the j party moved to the poUn asigneo; j I At ;1Q o'clock promptly the orches- ; tra Struck lip the KCiiaing UiarCU SUO the" doors were thrown open. Pre ceediua the llappv pair were Jlisses I Mad-e Uewaijj of ISirdstoWj aud May N. C, jFBIDijT; - JULY 1880 ;Logan, , ivlp slocd as -.vrknessca upOD pithQf of jLhc.tpjrrile arciu Thbu jamc cenaipr v ance and liis brule, . and invqluutaryjhuai gf siinlratiotiro Senator Vanc ivho has just - eutera Iui hftietiL year," l9oks ten years younger ; iman of ; magfwficent j,re cnc,e, tall, unpressive aad-handsomeT Ilis hair and ,,rnoutche,iboih luxu riant, are iron gnoy the. color, of his face the ,qn'iek ightip his eye, speak of physical -and aoeatal prime. r In hU pcspnal appearance-t,kere k... thia, which proclaims the distinguished mail. ... : :. ( : .. ... S iIrs.-vploreure r Steele, -Martia, tb bride,: is the daughter of the late Colonel Steele, and a lady . possossiiig all the accoajplishiacnts aud graces that adorn any station, -j Petite - and delicate. i iujform a brunette, she was exceedglyj attractive. She, wore, a Marie Antoir.elted ; dre: of : white feathered brocaded saVin,: wi Hi trian gular corsage-..The- train.' 1 was?. very long and the whole wa3 ,: c-labiH-ataly trimnied with lace and pearls. In her dark lytir crashed . rues and white violets were-worn. Ilcr veil did not cover .ho - face, vms xtropped'to the floor behind. The only jewelry worn wore solitaire diamond ear-dropsi It j was a very haudsoise ami a verj yotit!4 ful looking couple, and attracted great admiration. So youthful did they look that the story of the match seem ed perfectly natural. Airs. Martin, who had been 'a willow for ten or taelve years, has not mingled v.-tv.iich iu socity until last "winter, ; when she went to Was'iington to visit friends at the R'ggs House. Wlule there she attenocd fscTcral entertainments and aWor.e of Ihem rnet 'Senator Vanco. The attach went, .-. phich was foniu'd atvoiicp,-(was soon' cemented by an engagement -and the time of slhcf mar riage agreed upon JIVs. 'Martin s!i(rt- ly nllei'.vartls returned to Louisville; which she leaves r in a few days to preside over the household of one of tho most: popular; state men in the Soiltll. -' ' ' .; ; ' : -.- : ; The wedding party f entered the parlor "as descrihed, .followed "' by two sisters of! the bride,' Misses 1 1 attic and CecelPa Steele, 'Teautifiit " briVle n.auK'Rttj Rev.' Bishop McCloskey, in the'.-rcheV of Lis isolv cflice was then' ushered in, and standing before the' expectant throng, addressed to. tlie candidates a- brief b(ut eloquent discotirsa upon the responsibility aud duty of tho life upon which they were entering They were -married with the ring." which was blessed according to the rights of the Catholic Church. At the conclusion of ' the ceremony, which was the apostolic blessing, there was the usual rush of congratulations, which were uttered heartily.' Many of those present' were old' neighbor ami personal friends oT the bride, nncl the deepest interest was taken in the union. Senator Vance, who i possess ed of a hearty' hah6T-Tsnd'"Spatkling wit, soon made this ' portion of the cercmonyarcat relief from the usual sdlemn nterchange of courtesies, il rcc2icveJ all with . frank geniality, and was soon the centre of an admiring group of persons.' ; ' ' ' ' After Use; congratulations the wed ding feast was sprred a sprcadxjf rare compleieness and as rich as it was abundant. The Lealtb of - the bride and groom was drank by ail the quests. - - " - - ' Then the music struck up for the dance.' and the young people, who were present in large 'numbers, sought the (drawing rooms; and tne scene becante enlivened and beauti- i ful. The weddng was rgennihe Iwspita- bb Kentucky .celebration, aud the C-aests lingered untii morning began to creep in Senator and Mrs. Vance will remain in theeitv until Situ rday stopping at tho talt House. Taey will then leave for the -east before settling in tneiri new home irl Charlotte, N. C. Ifcueral Cli-dmer.s will ' also rem.air. until at - urdav General Chalmers arrived Uord-iv morniri?. hot Senator Uan- !- " " ' , eAm and Senator tViUiami were oe- in Cnress- I t llil't 1 - in Lti: v.w - i . . , , .... ,'..! Col. A. Broadhead, 01 iouis, iiau J 11 also writtcnthatlrewtHtld be present, pnd won the purse and Fly no's " UUroy. recently, reqaestcl that his re ; itiht did not anfvc time.-.; ( .. . ..ittl the grefttest ease. Uaips houd be kept iu the house for fu.1 Her .he-J :xs laid affectionately on j I,;, manlv bosom, and as they whirled! in the dizzy Waltz, she sweetly mur- mured I hear your telepaoae mean- i '- j. in-r of course, his heart. Wx w Uin" trio, said the groom,! . - 1 . '"J as h; tuiubkd over the bride's tralU. TliV GOD-s: AXD TRrTl!'S.q A telegram from ShelbyvlUe, Ind. says : 'The villaiic of Moscb-.v. tWelvc county,', is. juft ! lUough tbegajr wwies-of -pleasure. now cvjjing a liue scHsition. Forc bcau ideal -grac nunrs die band three ears past a, youth by itlic narnc , Tinue, that .wiihera , tho' flower of of John .Jiarlow. .ed ninctce'n, son' of .vc.itcruay, has warjSe that figure and the Postmaster and, merchant of the, det,trfyed the, lioble carriage. Oace. towu, has be,en pcyyjng laMentiori to ;"liJour ae .bepossesed tho thoui- Miss Ncttie,Atkins, who. strange to say j 11 thougm.'Uuit pass thr jugU your ys nine years, older than the young inanr"u now wishing lo 4-cccompHh pi qastfop. Slip jsthe onij'datigh'ter j tJepJ worthy,.- of a nook in fame, anou 'of .a ..V' i'doveoAheA',V if iu rather ! iaiagiuiug ii'fo a dream that, the &ooacr good -circumstances. , , . , i j nejwo.Ho.from the better. (.liut he has . In tV:sc,asC; the age of the youngvc ll)c dream very near through, lady prove4ji.oJ4cW3ti pair t TI tiiue to awake 5s very near at hand ; lycj-e lpoj'ubnTA5dsJt -'!cf;J5: cJe ever kiudieg at old deeds ;nj1rers.(I.rYog Uarlow wasis.dypc4 ot pi'.nd tUd tuind takes a finaer as could be (Icilrcd. and it btcame the !"SP 1' the staff.-. How low Uio head, gciveral opinion that the couple were i engaged, llqwcver, a few Invsi auwt ; the courtship w as rudbly biou ht to an I t . i i . ! cndaivl a -. consternation! cheated .by j Iiariow- sudiicnlv . leaving is home - - t - - t - r , . . - - . Then the .town, became .wil l rii - i piors, and there was furuisicd .much . food for gossip. It appears that the parties a day or two before -Barlow's departure had had a stormy interview, occasioned as fol lows: Young Barl larlow, Indian intimate j mau.ame.jiohn 'Ben-1 frieid, young tic,tt ; they had take" a a wfiik and were seated upon a -log in the ) woods en- gaged, m; a conversation. Jarlow, it confidant, seenip, was making Bennett a and was detailing his love affairs. The exact substance of the conj-crsalioa is net known, but in. the midst of it Sliss Atkins burst, upon the 'scene.. She had overheard a portion!-of the interview, and she immediately open ed out on Barlow iu a heated manner, accusing jmn of being uatrt o to her and of telling their secrels. She end- td by informing him that tiuarricd her .within two unless he WCCivS. sue would shoot him on 8wht ZD . his friht- end the youthlud suitor andMvas the cause of. .his disapiiearanc. It was supposed thr.t he had gone to ""the home 'of -a relative in the Southern part of the country. At last Uie young woman, true to her declaration, feud - i started on a search for her'fjalse lover, ami seemed bent on bringing the boy to time. She had armed herself with a revolver, and unless the matter could ' ...... w.ikv.j tl-tlV I Vli:-ijr ' U-3 looked for. The affair has cicated a great sensation.. Xlte Iarl IIom4 . The Cincinnati Enquirer t says the origin of the term dark horse is as fol lows : . ' ' Once upon a time there lived in Ten nessee an old chap named Sam JbTynn, who traded in horses ijind generally contrived to owa a.' speedy nag or two, "which he usctl' for racing: purppses. wlicncver he coold pick uh a 'soft match' dcrbg Jiia travels iThe best c stallion of his flyers was ai coaL black stallion named Dtisky Pete, who was: ; "almost a thoroughbred, and able to fro : in the best of co:npany. FJyan was accus tomed to saddle I'ete when tapproach- ing a town and ride him intuit to give me impression mat tue animal was .Mo.Mf liftCiJ UU33 .iu ui. a iicr. 0.,n . - v"'t- ,,J. M vu; hi 4 iwu ;i country .race meeting . was oe.ng neiu, and he entered Pete among the CQn - tesianrs. . xnc people ot. .tne town, not knowing anything of . h s jantecc- j wii(idrawn that called forth the eino tienls, and not being i.npresjicd by his ( t;ulJf tLe pirpose horn wItb it bemg appearance. backei two or three local j ta These impulse eyropatbUera lu.ontesncarny aga.t lurp. i r .ynn nio,.;.iTueuy union- me c owti, ani loo aame oes ouerei a-ainst. ms nag. Just as the - flyers' wbrej being saddled for the race, old Judge Mc - Miuamee, who was the turf oracle of; 1 j that part of the Slate, arrive I on the .course, and was made oiw of the j - Jtlg - es. As be took bis jilace on he was told: how the betting of the strange folly of the &t - a u e sami ran, and owner Of! j the strange entry in backing his plug' heavily. Kutiing his eyes oter . , "- rccoc- Pete, and said. : putlen.cn. 1 u uU1 i.u.-w . 1 1 . . r . ill; i i "".e soojew y--u- 6meu - " V rip-ht. VV"-w, wa ' I V.I- thn 'A !.;-to In- A.,.U ....!! 3 .v v ""! i li'c three-piartc-r p'olj was reac.:.v, j h a ru.b, ; -1.n I, wnt tr tl frnnt. wi ; - . rie oidar. j j Bow low .the head, boy ; do rever J ance to the old man. Oace like you,. I .1 .1 i:Ca l..-ki me iiuiesuuuw ui in u. v the hair, and changed the round mer ry face to the worn visage bereljou. t 1 t . : i 1. . t 1 :il. i..t u:ce irsat ucau ivai nu ini4uwi I CO liai W . UISJ IWl JUU UJlCjll,W BUH,UIWUair- KTTMBEE 24 ajspiratioas cruslied bylisppoinlBcrit as 5ours are, pcxhapja. lc tireJ to be Oace that form stalked prottdlv boy as yn would iu your old age be reyereuced. i Themgu'Vil bo the iloath of uc.' -r- Wug.- the other , U ay, as be c,ai,ac strcct. IVhy, I thought they were very nice givls,' said a sympathizhi friend. 'So they arc nice enough., but there's tod many on ern, and they're -too al- ,Ta.p,vc saUI the disconsolate : patri arcu- 'Them three daugl tors pf mine wcrp enough in all conscience, but new my ilece is up here from Boston, and it seems as. if the old scratch ; had got Into 'tm. I don't object to young folks bavinf a trood time, and "iris bhvin j . E i O : licaiix and-all that, but wlicu it comes to haviti' sparkin' oing jon all over the p)ace. it's Wo bad,' saijl Mr. Plug, i.ust night Sue had a feller court in' be rat the front gate; and Julia' had her! chap in the 'parlor; and when I got ready to go to- bed, bless me, if I Anuromache (that's my niece from j Boston.) didn't have young S by sptjoning her cn the stairs. She says Hurt's Newport style, Stch nonscnsc ! I couldn't get up stairs to jo to bed without - climbin'- over them, "so,, I thought Bd go out to the barn and sletp on the hay; but durn my pictnr, it I didn't stumble . oyer Milly and some yon ng spooner seltiu' in the barndoor; This iliog's' got to stop before cold wcathcr for I can't afford wood and kerrysene for anr sicli non- j scn,so' "hen it's too cold for sparkin' f5.rrisp;ilJseii' IVomen. Sympathy' says Adam Smith in Ids Theory of Moral' Sentiments.' though its meaning was perhaps originally the same as pity or compassion, is a word that may now, without much impro priety, be made use of to denote our fellow feelings, with any passion, what over. The.definition of a word round which clusters the most precious associ? ations of the human heart applies to much' shifting sentiment that passes for sympathy now-a-days, when the jj!y wrought nervous eystetu is in last the j ascendant.. A vivid f.ncy, and excitable disposition; a quick suscep tibility to immediate, influences, arc essentially constituents of the sympa thetic lemneramentr Women ate'ure- tcmiucntiy gifVl with that Vapid, im- preionability that puts them en ran- i port; Wlth theiri surroundin'M. In it Ii' .' J flics, much of their power and their , t liami. Many thus endowed, however jiackthc sustained force :' that gives ; co,esion to 'character, i The infltieacea , rcJoice ,jlh th(J li&m aml rnourn - ; the ,.8jyi Ue y givc you sluiJe for 1 5iuau lear for tear : but tl.e mo ; mClit Icave u iev for-et voa. i nni ,i.A rA.arv ..r " ... . r.;A; '. n,iiitn-,. (!.;.. 'v. . .i.J. ; tbey arc e.JtireIv. 8UJCcre . j crisy or aifcctation has not.eatered j tato the to'keus of fcthng they Lave . sh0a ; they have simply b?ea iuiptUcd i. lr, r'i. n.:.. j. ia(ij. 0f sympay answers beUer to the s dcfi"iaitijn. of1- the modem philosoper ..:. .. .i.:t' : 1 .1 U(JJ:of thc wiso mzUt rSorroy u uetter l"a,,;thua laughuir, tor by the -aidneas of 1 tie; countenance tlie heart is made t UClltl. . i ;; ; . v A strange old raan, who died near three weeks ; that one of his sons make j Ili5 eorm ; nd that his four sons dig - , j.'h grave and inter tLe body, lowering - it iaU the crave- as the saa should i ' .:' .': . i .1- . 1 . fue 8cting ucLtfitt tne mountains near - . house. . "S. i. :i 1 r ..il .lm-f jjumsa junr ciiinuji a iatu One .Njuare G iIoutl)., .......; One Squ 12 ilouthsi,.:: Transient AdveVUmeiie Ir.WHd it f l H Cent per lin, .- : h. Ak ; jour purse, . not yoor pHdjM wh: you shall tiny. tet to excel joci neighbof In Idt f.1 yon into ht ish eatratiga ntksfT. I is ne future so tf ttractfy efor - ifc af as ettmagance rrpli1rtll It libef'l nlitjr hoblenc of spirit fcndIargctr Ytevt; ther look ta wUb-?iailrati2 as they dor at tt fcriLMawilterilay of fireworks, but the fire ouce sptnt, then comes therencUoifc I J)iss 1 per haps, the greatest, aicdiuiu pf extraTa gance. Shakespeare. Fuller, anil many old and ' standaKl wtil&jr advise display n'die6sU-fattTret fot kfxerf questionable policy" ln! VejUkjjike ours, whereat Is Burcl5provbie envy This is one of the meartr tljtfSc who expend s6' ' ibueh self-lciifa1 and thought-to keep m tliej how of what they hate not, while-one half the same labor expended in restricting tliem- selvCs to t d hrtrdeat realities Would he to much better efiVc"t.! An Cnlque Mtirrinfif CtrilCim?t A clergyman of Gajvcstqiy whoso piety is not abashed bv his want or book lcirningi executed the fdlow-ing unique marriage certificate, which 'has just come to light; through Jegul pro ceedings: ,:Galveston. Texas, 3nf Slay, 187H, A. I); of par Lord. Jndw I all persons by these presence, Uipt Mr , f Jul ious Johnson aud MiM Mackcntiro, applied to me at, and at their rcsl dencc and where l)uly Joined to gether in lioly "Wedlock In the reseneff of witnesses.. According Mo the law of God and tlicse , United . States, , the mutia 1 Bond that God Orda nr d ana was bcautyfied, With the prcWnce of cur Savior, at canan of GalUljCC. and is commanded pfSt.'laul. ' Bt bouor able, among all fneri'tb which I set toy hand and' Seal hs minister in charge of the Methodist Church." IIow People Clcl HUM. i ? Katiug too much and too fast J -swallowing Imperfectly masticated fool ; using too' much fluid at raeala i I; drinking poisonous whiskey and other J. intoxicating drinks; repeaiedjly tralng poison as iicdicl hes ; kecpirig lata hours at night ; and sleeping lata ih the morning; wearing Ihiu ho; peg ) lecting to wash the boAy suffic ently to : keep the porrrs open ; exchanging the warm clothes worn Inn warm rooiu'dor' ing the day, for costume and expos- ! ure Incident to evening parties cam- t -pressing tho sto mach lb gratifV a Tabs 4 and foolish passiou for dress ; keeplo up a constant excitetneot; jfraUIpx the mind .with borrowed tr hies ; . wallowing quack noatruna for arar imaginary ill : s taking meals at Irrego- lar intervals, etc. M r H'omua'i IJfV. There are certain exciting cpochVlri a woman's life that are .ever forgoU ten : The first time she carrleji a par i aol; the first time alie receive taleo v. tine; the firsi time she goea Haan ' Iveuing party; the first time aj 'propO' f V sal is made td berf the first time sht woura a ailk dress: the firat' finie al puts on the wedding ring ;.and little r apat"-''witbarU--- her fu at A gallant dd gentle rna, Ufg UW name of Pagej finding a young lady a gloyfat a watering place. prebntel It o her with the following wordl. -' If from vour love vou take the letter O mi - - Vour glove is thee. lo c w bleb 7 deVoU to - . 1 , the fol j To which the lady rctnrnc! lowing neat answer If from the Page you take the letter P. Your Pucre it age and that oo't da for me ii The toadies to be ' lost fecenlljr ftjoied by a bogus EnHsb Lord aro those of Columbus, Ohio. Ifei called himself Lord Arundel and he W wel corned at once! to fashionable homes. though, he was ptainly; anneducatel cockftey. lie of the Iegis! doted on him. was Invilext to ibo floor ature, and ' the wbroea After borrowing all Uie' monev possible, he absconded. Net ind fxt Woods; Ohio, warned their father U t he took.a second wife they Woht J txtenDK natc her. lie1 . dbobeyt The girls armed) themselves with, revoly era on f the night of the;iDWtiase, brf fthe door of the bfldat cb-;,lbcr hrctl several snots into th. (Iarnes. j i us) ujisjvu uv otepmota I -m n ...H IU . ' . . . . . Jf ,W, and .HSUy wounded their f:4ber. 1 I '. - r i i ! l 4 1 i 1 II i 1 I, if

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